Well… um… yeah… this is my idea of flirting.
I’ve always had a thing for potty-mouthed Irish women, so I gotta confess to a kinda schoolboy crush on the BIAW’s profanatory, trash-talking PR maven, Erin Shannon. (Really. So give me a call Erin, and lets hook up sometime for a drink or five. Don’t worry; I’ll drive.)
But when it comes to her politics, Shannon is just plain awful. You know, in that batshit-crazy Hitler-was-the-first-environmentalist/DOE’s-storm-water-regulations-are-worse-than-the-Holocaust sorta way that defines the ideological crack-house that is the BIAW.
The rest of my daily Slog post actually makes a point, but I just so enjoyed dipping Erin’s ponytail in the inkwell, that I just had to repost it over here.
irish women???? potty mouth?? i thought we were a colorblind, gender neutral, racially tolerant society? and all this time i’ve been concealing my desire for whiny voiced, inbred crooked eyes, frigid jewish american princess’.
“irish women???? potty mouth?? i thought we were a colorblind, gender neutral, racially tolerant society?”
What the fuck does Goldy’s weakness for Irish women with a potty mouth have to do with a “colorblind, gender neutral, racially tolerant society?”
They are entirely different concepts. Clearly, you are living in some kind of wingnut mind-warp-alternate-talking-head-infested universe.
” and all this time i’ve been concealing my desire for whiny voiced, inbred crooked eyes, frigid jewish american princess’.”
Not really concealed, there Squirt. It fits right in with your self-loathing.
You know what they say about them crazy Irish dames, man…and this one is per-itt-ty crazy.
And she’s probably got that whole screwed-up Catholic Girl thing goin on too. Good times!
Profane ranting raving lunatic. Paranoid.
Boy, I don’t know that you want to meet her for drinks, Goldy. Sounds like she knows you too well already.
Another fine example of Goldy’s shortcomings involving the fairer sex. Failed once again….I know I’m oh-so shocked. :)
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Mark @5, jealous again but of what?
Finally Goldy professes an actual crush, and it’s a crush on a crazy right-winger.
The last thing Goldy needs is to get involved with a winger. Let’s take up a collection to send him to the Moonlite Bunny Ranch.
Goldy, have you talked to Mr. Dan Savage about your crush? He might be able to make sense of it.
daryl, you think i’m one of your retarded, affirmative action students?
stick to brainwashing public school “graduates”.
manoflunacy @ 10,
“daryl, you think i’m one of your retarded, affirmative action students?”
No. I just think you are retarded.
And self-loathing.
Goldy obviously hasn’t had a decent woman since his wife divorced his sorry ass.
Shannon is married with a child.
Goldy is divorced with an obvious anger toward women with opinions.
Seems like Goldy & friends hate women who disagree with them.
Goldy should be part of NPR. He’d fit right in with the dimwitted broad who fired Juan Williams because George Soros gave her a check for $1.8 million.
The NPR debacle shows how crazy progressives are. And Goldy confirms it with this post.
Goldy creeps decent women out.
He literally stalked Darcy Burner for years.\
Now this.
Goldy is not a real man. He’s a pig.
That’s why his wife divorced him and he abandoned his daughter.
She probably puked everytime Goldy touched her.
@12: Juan Williams is not such a terrible loss. NPR (which “stands for nothing”) has finally reached the point where they have to suppress both right and left voices in order to avoid offending any of their network of underwriters, like any other corporate (non-cable) news network.
BTW, Koch brothers. Koch Industries, and the Chamber of Commerce. Kochs funding the tea party…
NPR obviously did Juan Williams a big favor. He was having difficulty trying to be both a serious news analysis and a shock-jock-lite entertainer.
Now Juan can fully devote his efforts to his career in entertainment.
And self-loathing.
why do you say i’m self loathing?
manofselfloathing @ 15,
…and you have a very short memory.
Are you sure you weren’t conked on the head with a tree branch?
“Are you sure you weren’t conked on the head with a tree branch?”
Oh, I like that. Can I use it with Lost?
Both networks did the right thing, really. NPR canned him for not being an impartial analyst and Fox News gave him a big fat bonus for saying something over the top and ginning up their ratings. Ratings being all that Fox really cares about at the end of the day.
Notice that he only asked about the self loathing comment…
No prob…go for it.
@14: Probably right. Juan Williams must be pleased to be out of NPR and to be joining Fox, lionized by all the freaks on the right against the so-called “liberal media” he is presumably leaving. I like Blathering Michael’s analysis.
daryl, please tell me that its just an ha running joke that you’re a proffessor. i dont have much faith left in this country, but if i really thought you were teaching our young people this garbage you write here, god help us.
political correctness…its whats for dinner.
the nutball progressives and their political correctness(read: think like we do and talk like we do or we will punish you) have finally reaped what they have been sowing.
the nutball progressives and their political correctness(read: think like we do and talk like we do or we will punish you) have finally reaped what they have been sowing.
well, it was sweet to see rick sanchez get bitten by his own dog, he was a jerk from his first show, but juan williams seems like a really nice guy.
NPR takes public money dumbasses.
$90 MILLION per year.
It needs to be yanked and that stupid CEO fired.
Did you here the so called apology?
She was really sorry this incident happened DURING FUND_RAISING MONTH!!
What a lunatic.
She never called Juan and apologized.
She will be fired…as she should be.
They will offer Juan his job back and he will tell them to get screwed.
Progressivism is dead.
Juan just saw the ugly underbelly.
@22: Woman of falsehood
Look who is questioning Darryl about teaching – the Jew-hating bigot with an IQ below that of a banana slug.
Hey woman of falsehood, go back under that rock you crawled out from. You have limited intelligence but plenty of misplaced hate.
Repressed and self-loathing? You don’t even recognize your own psychopathic symptoms – you are too dumb to realize how screwed up you are – and your schizophrenia is evident to all who have read your lunatic tripe.
Juan Williams has been a Faux News shill for a while now and has lost all credibility – I am glad they got rid of him for his outrageous comments. He was just trying to fit in with the regular bigots at Faux News and look where it got him.
NPR has not been the unbiased public radio ever since Bush put in the CEO that wanted to make it more “right wing”.
With the wingnut trolls here we’ve got an entire DSM IV full of mental illnesses.
But We already knew republicans were a disease.
@25: Klynical
Oh, so outraged….by the way idiot – the proper word is “hear” NOT “here” for listening – but then again a fool with a limited IQ like you does not actually listen anyways.
Why is it so much fun to ridicule an idiot like Klynical?
Is Klynical real – or just a satire of a republican fool?
@28: Chris Stefan
Nice one! It is just too easy to diagnose crazy in the rightwingnut troll comments.
Seems awfully sexist. Kind of made me uncomfortable reading this. Maybe I’m too p.c. Maybe I’m too quick with the “objectifying women” card.
Nah, you’re a dick.
@22: Woman of falsehood
Look who is questioning Darryl about teaching – the Jew-hating bigot with an IQ below that of a banana slug.
ok, first, you should’nt call me womanoffalsehood. that implies woman are the opposite of men. but we all know they’re equal. so you’re not even following your own
speech requirements.
second , i’m not a jew hater, i just hate their culture, just like goldbeergstein has so many times ridiculed the southern culture.
and yes, it should be illegal for someone like dumbass daryl to teach kids. and just as i typed this the rangers went ahead 5 to 1. must just burn all you shysters that george bushs’ state is kicking the crap out of tel aviv east.