Our friends at (u)SP are still in a huff over Huff, disappointed that King County’s newly elected Elections Director does not represent “change” (ie, a partisan Republican), and fantasizing once again about the prospect of overturning an election in court. (How’d that work out for you last time, Stefan?)
But while the “all Dems are crooks” crowd continues to scoff at her mere plurality, it is interesting to note that Huff keeps edging closer toward an actual majority as the ballots trickle in, her 44% election night lead growing to about 46.3% by Thursday afternoon, an impressive 27-point margin over the runner up. In a six-way race, that’s a landslide.
And that Stefan and friends just can’t seem to accept the results as legitimate? Well, I think that tells you everything you need to know about their respect for the intelligence and integrity of King County voters.
Publicans have been using this meme for three decades. They claim “they was robbed” and hope to erode voter confidence. They have little choice. They are completely bankrupt of morals or ideas. They merely operate on hate. And voters in Washington as well as across the country have finally wised up to their shit.
I for one giggle at that lying cunt Steffy and his moaning and groaning. The whole world is laughing at the GOP!
I read Stefan’s blog for much the same reason I tune in to Rush Limbaugh. It’s enormously amusing to hear them weeping, wailing and gnashing their teeth. But it’s also another metric on the general state of affairs. If these two are howling bitterly about the outcome of some recent issue, we must be moving in the right direction.
Oh fucking please. We’ve had 8 years of ‘bush stole the election’ based upon gradiose delusions that range from ‘the police stopped black people from voting’ to elaborat nazi conspiracy theories as to why Bush won the election. Ms. Huff’n Puff by statute did not meet the residency requirements for office. Easily testable, and provable, even by her own recognition.
That’s the difference between some brain dead libtard and someone with the ability to reason
“all Dems are crooks”
Not correct: all Dems are idiots, all Reps are crooks!
{Though sometimes there’s a little crossover, on an individual basis, here and there.}
I don’t think you’ve had enough kool-aid to drink…..
‘bush stole the election’
Maybe, but at least his staff didn’t steal the “O” keys off the keyboards on the White House computers like the Clinton people did back in 2001 with the “W” keys!
That was really, really was a juvenile stunt on the part of the Clinton people! But then, the Dems are the party of personal irresponsibility and the Reps are the party of crooks, so I guess they’re just acting as they were hard-wired to do.
{Must not be any money in stealing the “O” keys off of keyboards. Otherwise the Reps would have taken ’em!}
If the Republicans could put up an actual viable candidate rather than “Mombeater” and “Guns and Roses” maybe people would vote for them rather than laugh at them.
Every year, they put up the same failed candidates with the same failed nonsense over and over and they get beat. It’s almost like they want to fail the election.
David @ 7,
You can vote for parties other than the Dems or Reps, you know.
Ug @3: I seem to recall that Stefan and his dittoheads thought they had a slam dunk case last time too. Especially with a friendly venue like Chelan County. At least that election, and Bush/Gore for that matter were close. This one is a double digit blowout.
I have to agree with the poster above; until the R’s start running better candidates, who advocate more serious policy positions, they will continue to be trounced in this state.
And if you think Sarah Palin is the answer at the national level, you will continue to be humiliated there as well.
I don’t have the most recent figures, but as of yesterday, Huff’s numbers were still significantly greater than those of Irons and Roach together, by more than five points. It’s only if you add ALL the candidates together do you get the result that “more people voted against Huff than voted for her”.
But by the same rationale, about 3/4 of the electorate voted AGAINST both Irons and Roach. So Even if there was a primary and the Republicans had been able to unify behind a single candidate (for a “non-partison post”), it’s pretty clear that Huff would have won anyway.
Stefan who?
The Republicans were outmaneuvered by a more strategic Pelz, who held a backdoor meeting to ensure the Dems had only one candidate on the ballot. Both Republican candidates were weak, especially in the urban areas of the county. The Republicans need a party chairman who is strategic with strong arms and elbows who can recruit more attractive candidates.
I think the entire state has already grown tired of the right wing ass lickers suing every time they looooose an election. The liar Rossi got his hat handed to him this time in part because people saw him as a crybaby last time.
Bring it on Steffy you bitch. This is the best you can do. Hide out under your ugly wife’s dress and sue people. Must be hard to have to face the fact that you’re a cunt!
Steffy & crowd remind me of a mentally retarded dog that refuses to be house broke. They just do not get it no matter how many times their noses are rubbed in it.
Stealing the W keys? Are you still spewing that same lie? The GAO investigated all those claims put out by the Bush liars and found them to be just that – lies.
The fact that they started their administration with a bunch of lies was merely an indication of what was to come.
Are you (a) ignorant of the fact that this was investigated and debunked, or (b) simply another lying right wing sack of shit who doesn’t give a damn about the truth?
With the wingnuts unable to win at the polls or in the courts, I keep wondering when they’ll resort to guns, a la Robert Mugabe.
Liberals must arm!
@6 “That was really, really was a juvenile stunt on the part of the Clinton people!”
It’s more likely a tall tale by wingnut spinmeisters.
If you check the website “Truthorfiction.com,” you’ll find the allegation of missing “W” keys depends entirely on the word of Bush staffers, absolutely no verification of it exists, and a GAO investigation of alleged vandalism by departing Clinton staffers found they left the White House in a condition “typical of office space vacated by tenants.”
This one belongs in the urban legends category along with UFO kidnappings and 9/11 conspiracies. Of course, it’s not at all surprising to see a troll perpetuate it without fact-checking. That’s their style.
@8 Or, you can elect a non-partisan professional whose goal is to run a competent and transparent elections department as opposed to someone intent on gaming the process for the benefit of one party. Which is exactly what King County voters just did.
@12 “The Republicans need a party chairman who is strategic with strong arms and elbows who can recruit more attractive candidates.”
What Republicans need is to just go away.
My mother in law, who is in her mid eighties and has had several strokes, is able to tell you the name of the newspaper that she reads right off the bat.
Palin can’t even do that.
Probably not even the people briefing her thought to tell her what newspaper she reads.
Only an idiot couldn’t answer that question. It’s not a ‘gotcha’ question.
‘pubs need to run better candidates.
Indeed it is.
In fact, Ms. Huff’s lead is greater than the winner’s percentage of the vote in the 2006 Democratic primary for what had been Ed Murray’s House seat. Jamie Pedersen won that race with 23.2% of the Democratic vote.
Of course, in that race, we had six well-qualified, highly-regarded candidates. Not at all similar to the nuts, crooks, abusers, and nobodies running against Sherril Huff.
Bill Anderson and Julie Kempf are also Democrats, and the 6th guy is a Libertarian.
The bottom line here (and everywhere else, for that matter) is that Republicans will never be satisfied with who’s running an election unless they’re willing to help them steal it.
I, for one, actually take this as an encouraging sign. It’s indicative that the GOPers are at least conscious that they’re no longer able to compete in the marketplace of ideas.
She crushed every other opposition candidate. That’s as legitimate as it gets.
Only Huff and Anderson are sane and only Huff is qualified, end of story.
Martha Koester @22:
Not exactly.
Anderson did fill out a King County Dems questionnaire, but his reply to “Are you a Democrat? Are you known as a Democrat?” was one word — No.
At least he submitted the questionnaire. Kempf, who is indeed a Democratic PCO in the 46th, couldn’t be bothered to do that, nor to appear at the candidate forum run by the KC Dems.
Yes, and if the other party candidate is worth anything, I’ll vote for them.
@20 “Probably not even the people briefing her thought to tell her what newspaper she reads.”
Just as likely – it was only bat-shit crazy Bircher rags that came to mind and even she knew she was toast if she answered.
Both Republican candidates were weak
A startling admission.
To most of us looking from the outside, candidates like these are in the mainstream of this State’s Republican Party.
In the spirit of the King County Republican Party moving towards a more reality-based orientation, I nominate Doug Parris as a future leader of the King County Dems. He’s from the “Reagan Wing”. I understand he had lunch with Mark Griswold recently, another vigorous future thought leader.
I’d nominate Eyman but you’d have to keep a 24 hour watch on the local party lockbox.
29 – Ooops I meant King County Reps!
11 – LOL! Exactly..
(un)SP is the “Cheers” of right wing hangouts. A place where everyone knows your name and your particular style of mental illness.
The “barkeeps”, Stefan, Earling, pudge, Jim Miller serve up libations that feed the inchoate rage of the regulars in the comment threads: Rags, JeffB, pbj, michelle and many others. A motley crew of right wing addicts.
Pale Rider,
No, I’m not aligned with either major party. I believe both are corrupt and do not deserve to be in any position of authority. The Dems are just as fucking corrupt as the Reps, but they’ve got the edge on stupidity whereas the Reps have got the edge on being hereditary crooks.
Hey roger, speaking of checking facts:
Libertarian said:
“Roger Rabbit, does it feel good to be a lying ideologue? What does it feel like to be an blind and arrogant liar?”
I just love that quote! That guy made you look like a fucking fool.
But then, that’s exactly what you are!
Wanna meet in person some time, rog, to discuss it?
Fuck you!!
That’s it Incorrect, sputter and attack. It’s so much easier than having a leg to stand on.
Spreading an lie disproven eight years ago, that’s right up your alley.
All nonpartisan elections in this state should have a runoff requirement if the winner hasn’t won by more than 50%. Instant runoff voting (IRV) would be better.
Of course the Republicans thought they could win this one by dividing the Dem vote; so they really can’t complain (though they will).
@29, YLB said:
And then @30, said:
Actually, it would be quite fascinating to have Doug show up at a King County Dems meeting, and see if he got any better reception than he did from the Republicans. At this year’s Republican reorg meeting, my recollection is that he got exactly two (2) votes in his race for county chair. With that kind of a following, it’s really tough to claim that Doug represents any meaningful portion of the KCGOP. Hardly measureable, in fact.
P.S. Can you believe that somebody on the Times editorial comment thread actually suggested me as caretaker county executive? Who in the world would want that job?! Y’all need to go and give that idea a lot more “thumbs down” than it already has…