Alaska Sen. Ted Stevens recently gave an extended interview to public radio station KDLG in Dillingham Alaska, and I thought you might enjoy his unique take on the subject of net neutrality:
[audio:]See, that’s what happens when you have an 85-year-old man attempting to dictate the future of the Internet. You can listen to the whole interview, unedited and in context, here.
Oh, to be a fly on the wall when he meets with the telecom execs and they try to explain to him why they want to be able to prioritize traffic and he just sits there with a blank stare. God bless that old corrupt bastard.
The Internet Must Die
by Warren Pease, January 15, 2008
“I hear there’s rumors on the Internets that we’re going to have a draft.” – George W. Bush, contemplating his next cold Lone Star, October 8, 2004, St. Louis, Mo.
“You know that you’ve reached desperate times when you find yourself fondly remembering Tass and Pravda as beacons of journalistic integrity.
But when considering US corporate media’s seven-year love affair with the Bush administration and its willingness to deliver blatant propaganda and outright lies to manufacture Bush-approved political orthodoxy, those former USSR institutions compare favorably with the shameless house organs now masquerading as an American free press.”
“Wikileaks is a website that publishes anonymous submissions and leaks of sensitive corporate and government documents, while taking measures to preserve the anonymity and traceability of its contributors. Within one year of its December 2006 launch, its database had grown to more than 1.2 million documents.”
I remain yours, as ever:
2 Blank stare, my ass. He’ll have a happy grin and be holding open a very large canvas bag.
Dang. I wish our computers at work could do sound. I’ll have to wait until I get home to hear that one.
Arguing with Mr 24/7 is so easy:
headless lucy wrote/copied: “I hear there’s rumors on the Internets that we’re going to have a draft.” – George W. Bush reacting to Charles Rangel’s call for a draft.
Results 1 – 10 of about 33,900 for Charles Rangel Draft 2004.
rhp6033@6: Maybe there is a reason people like you are not given sound carded systems…
Has McCain taken a position on Net Neutrality? Let’s get him on the record on that issue.
I’m betting he doesn’t understand it at all. He’ll probably ask the Telcom’s for advise, and they will explain to him that it’s important that the government not regulate private entrprise, and that they not be required to carry traffic from other companies. He will then say he is in favor of Net Neutrality, because it’s important that the government not regulate private enterprise in it’s operation of the internet!
How about the wingnuts out there – what’s your position? Are you willing to let Ted Turner decide which of your e-mails and blog postings get priority, and which ones have to wait for days, weeks, months, or never before they get delivered?
Puddy @ 8;
I knew I could count on you to chime in!
Actually, everybody in the company is missing a sound card. They actually paid more money to have the sound cards removed from the computers before they were issued, rather than to keep them in. Somebody in charge of the headquartes (in L.A.) decided that there was no business reason for us to have a sound card, so he didn’t want anyone to be using the computer to listen to music when they should be working! Pretty sad, actually. Fortunately, that guy is gone now, but the computers remain.
A few years back they also issued computers with no CD drives, for the same reason. Somebody was afraid we might use the computers to play games. I called the L.A. office and asked how we were supposed to install software without the CD drives. They replied that they would ship the computers to us with software already installed, so we wouldn’t need them. I then asked how we were supposed to re-install software when we had a problem. They said they would fix it from L.A. through the network. I then asked them how we would re-install the software if the problem we were trying to resolve prevented us from connecting to the network. They decided to enter into a maintenanc contract with a local company who would bring in an external CD drive and install it so we could re-install software, as needed, then they would take the external CD drive with them as they left.
And you guys complain about inefficiency with government bureaucracy! I can show you just as many examples in the private sector!
@10 – Sounds like you work for a ‘nanny’ company! Man they got your people so restricted! Sorry to hear that! Do you bring an iPod to work? I would! :)
11: Well, it’s better than the Tokyo office. They have a traditional Japanese office there.
No partitions, each desk touching the other in a row, newest employees at desks by the door, the most senior ones at desks closest to the window. At the window is a desk for the senior manager, who often spends his time standing with arms crossed so he can see the entire office. All paperwork has to be completed and filed right away or stored in one desk drawer – there simply isn’t room for anything else.
I would post a picture here, if I could figure out how to do it.
re 7: “The Draft” is not the problem that my comment addresses. Good try at misdirection.
Funny Mr_24/7@12: It was right under your link. So why was it there unless you were trying to make a worthless statement.
That’s why Puddy provides the facts to validate these statements.
re 14:
“You know that you’ve reached desperate times when you find yourself fondly remembering Tass and Pravda as beacons of journalistic integrity.
But when considering US corporate media’s seven-year love affair with the Bush administration and its willingness to deliver blatant propaganda and outright lies to manufacture Bush-approved political orthodoxy, those former USSR institutions compare favorably with the shameless house organs now masquerading as an American free press.”
When are you going to denounce the Republican governor of S. Carolina for flying the confederate stars and bars over the statehouse? When will you denounce racist Ronald Reagan for beginning his racist run for president in Philidelphia, Miss.?
Read the article, DildoBreath™
Ahhh headless lucy 24/7 @15: Go back and read this blog since you missed or forgotten many PuddyComments. Hint: I was a democrat in the 80s – ASSHOLE!
That’s all for now MORON and Racist 24/7.