Although it’s odd when it’s media personalities who make their livings saying stuff.
Today, Media Matters for America demanded an apology for columnist and CBS golf analyst David Feherty’s assertion that “if you gave any U.S. soldier a gun with two bullets in it, and he found himself in an elevator with Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and Osama bin Laden, there’s a good chance that Nancy Pelosi would get shot twice, and Harry Reid and bin Laden would be strangled to death.”
The other odd thing is we all know what would have happened if a liberal blogger had expressed a similar thing about Republican leadership in say, 2004. You would have got to know your local FBI agents quite well.
Conservatives are always complaining about hypocrisy and double standards, because they’re always projecting their flaws onto others. They just don’t seem to get that our first response is not “shoot them” but rather “beat the crap out of them at election time.” It’s called democracy.
If the best you can come up with is a fantasy about someone putting bullets into people, maybe you have no business commenting about politics at all.
And yes, Feherty is protected by the First Amendment if he is not directly expressing the desire that violence occur, but is expressing his opinion (however generalized, inaccurate and absurd) about the feelings of US military personnel. But it’s a reckless, asinine thing to say.
The First Amendment also protects the rights of large corporations to use good judgment in whom they place on the air! Call the PR flacks!
Once you set foot in the corporate door, you lose your right to freedom of speech. (Try explaining that you were only kidding about organizing a union.
Anyway, if they do nothing, it shows they agree with the guy.
I think if a soldier had two bullets and only Feherty were in the elevator, he’d just spit in his face — cause he’s not worth the cost of the bullet.
See you guys in 2012!!! Can’t wait.
Given the recent vilification by the pink mafia on 21 year old Miss California because she has the same belief that Barack Obama has on “gay marriage” is a perfect illustration of how uneducated and delusional the left it.
Carrie Prejean at least has the guts to express her opinion unlike our president, who can’t utter a word intelligently without his teleprompter present.
By the way, Happy “cinco de nueve” Mr. Presdident.
He didn’t say that on the air, but if he does, the Supreme Court should uphold a $50,000,000 fine against his network, because this is 100 times as bad as Janet Jackson’s bare nipple.
@2 WTF are you talking about? Prejean is in trouble with pageant officials because (a) she posed for nude photos, and (b) lied to pageant officials about it. Liberals aren’t responsible for that, and it isn’t a political issue, it’s a contractual issue between her and the beauty pageant involving her values, conduct, and character.
If we’re going to fine a network, the only one worth fining is MSNBC for going after Miss California for stating her opinion.
Some little perverted liberal bathhouse munchkin even alluded that she’s a male turned into a female which is definately slander if she were to pursue a case against the little pedo whom appeared on Keith Slobberman’s show. I hope she does and puts MSNBC in the coffin for good, where their ratings are.
The left is so thinskinned these days that they attack 21 year old girls for stating their opinion when asked. Cowards.
I checked out the mediamatters page and they are still claiming that pelosi knew nothing about torture.
I’m sure oswald/headless lucy will appreciate this link from the world socialist website…
A memo released Wednesday by Director of National Intelligence Dennis Blair lists 40 separate briefings beginning in September 2002 in which leading members of Congress were briefed by the CIA on the agency’s use of “enhanced interrogation techniques”—in plain words, torture.
The content of the memo is hardly a revelation. In December 2007, the Washington Post reported that in 2002 briefings Pelosi and three other members of Congress were “given a virtual tour of the CIA’s overseas detention sites and the harsh techniques interrogators had devised to make prisoners talk,” including waterboarding.
If it’s been common knowledge since 2007, why do the left wing-nuts refuse to accept the truth.
Party before country.
@6 I’d like to know what the Bush administration threatened Pelosi with if she talked. But in any case, you’re missing the fucking point; Congress doesn’t run the CIA or Pentagon, the Executive Branch does, and torturing people wasn’t a Democratic policy, it was a Republican policy. What Pelosi knew has nothing to do with that.
GOPLiar attempts to blame torture on Pelosi would be hilarious if they weren’t so pathetic.
Roger agrees that slandering a 21 year old ” on air” for having the same opinion as the President about gay marriage and MSNBC claiming she is a trans-sexual that “shaved down her adams apple” on national TV is worth fining. Video Proof @ 5. I agree with Roger for once.
The only reason this isn’t a bigger story is because no one with a brain cell watches MSNBC.
The left isn’t uneducated and delusional.
They know exactly what they are doing. The democrats use the liberal media to attack anyone that refuses to sell out the country and join the democratic party.
When the gay population goes after obama for his anti-gay marriage stance the democrat party will fall apart.
Here’s a test. Which president said and why did he say it:
“Whatever else it is, homosexuality is not a contagious disease like the measles. Prevailing scientific opinion is that an individual’s sexuality is determined at a very early age and that a child’s teachers do not really influence this.”
I understand why you believe pelosi was scared to speak out, with all that plastic surgery she looks like a deer caught in headlights.
If she was so scared to speak out, what is she afraid to say about the obama?
The whole what Pelosi knew or didn’t know thing is a typical right wing misdirection play. WHO CARES? It’s the torture policy of the Bush regime that is at issue. The Bush regime did the torture and we as a nation need to address that. Not who did or didn’t know about it – but who created the policy and who enforced it and who carried it out. GOP!
I believe the quote about Miss California was that she LOOKED like a transvestite – which she does.
Would you be happy if we used the word accomplice?
As a lawayer, would you agree that accomplice is the correct word. What would be the legal definition of an “accomplice” that lied about her involvement?
And then maybe you can explain why she is such a high ranking democrat official.
Pelosi kept her promise about a culture of corruption if democrat were elected.
Pelosi knew everything about enhanced interrogation techniques and their usage and now is playing stupid…which, like most liberals, she does so very convincingly.
For #6. Your story is debunked, ank you.
Ricky Dumbass @5 Um, don’t beauty pageant contestants have to sign a contract that stipulates, among other things, they won’t appear in porn movies or pose for nude photos? Yes, I believe they do!! It’s not quite correct to say this
is what got Prejean into trouble because that’s not the whole story. Lying about it to pageant officials appears to be the major issue. In addition, there are more photos, and according to sources this one is the least revealing of them.
Frankly, I don’t give a shit what Miss California’s opinions are, nor do I care whether she poses for nekkid photos. That’s between her and the beauty pageant whose contract she signed. I just wanna see the rest of the pictures!!
So Feherty is accusing our troops of murderous, seditious or even worse, treasonous behavior? Wonder how long it will take the right wing to denounce this America hater. Probably never…
@ 17 Roadkill Rabbit.
Porn movies? i think you’re blurring your pathetic reality with hers here, Rog.
Even if your delusional claim was true, it still wouldn’t detract from the defamation of character conducted on MSNBC does it? They should be fined right?
If you disagree you only solidify yourself as a lying leftist tool, which is more of the rule rather than the exception these days.
@15 So? What’s your point? She didn’t order the torture. She didn’t carry it out. The torture bears the “Made In G.O.P.” label. Pelosi was at most a spectator to the Republicans’ appallingly bad judgment and criminal immorality in authorizing torture and lying to the American public about it.
@ 21~ For one, waterboarding isn’t torture since you’ve never complained to the military about its use on our own soldiers in training.
For two, Pelosi is a lying sack of shit for saying she didn’t know about the proposed methods that would be carried out on terrorists. It’s all in the public record that she did, so it’s time for her and her supporters to start dealing with reality
….something I know you’re most likely unfamiliar with.
@17 I didn’t say she was in a porn movie, ignorant little boy. I simply pointed out that people who enter beauty pageants agree to certain conditions. The pageants have an image to maintain and don’t want their businesses associated with porn stars or centerfolds. I would imagine being a convicted bank robber or a member of the KKK woould disqualify a prospective contestant, too. Beauty pageants don’t like controversy. Their business is all about image.
There is precedent for stripping Prejean of her Miss California crown. Vanessa Williams lost her Miss America title because of nude photos. That was back in 1984, before Prejean was born, so Prejean can’t claim she didn’t know that baring her tits for a photograph when she was 17 would disqualify her from competing in beauty pageants in the future.
23. Roger Rabbit spews:
Sure you did, you just altered your original post @ 18 within the 3 minutes you’re granted. Don’t lie.
Are you fucking retarded Roger? honestly, you said in your previous statement that you didn’t say she was in porn, then come with “they don’t want their businesses associated with Porn stars”. If not a liar, you’re dumber than a stump, that, I’m sure of.
Unless he happens to be a ranking leader in the Democrat party. Robert Byrd is not only a blatant racist, but a grand keagle in the KKK. He even filibustered the civil rights act of 1964 for hourse at the ripe old age of 40. He’s in the right party for slave holders at least.
Once again, you’re retarded Roger. The Judge asked her “her opinion” and she gave it. She’s been villified every since by punks like you for stating “her opinion”. At least have the nutsack to say her opinion is the same as that of Barack Obama, whom you worship at the altar to. A little consistency would be nice for a change.
So now, you’re against free speech even when it was her “opinion” that she was asked for? You’d make a hell of a German back in 1930’s Germany Rog.
Who was your grammar teacher, Jon? She/He should be fired immediately.
At least the title of your post is appropriate…
Rick D., you’re a prick, pure and simple. Miss Prejean can state her opinion, but liberal commentators aren’t allowed, in your little prick-world, to criticize her?
Oh, yeah, you’re an idiot too. Criticizing a beauty queen for her opinion is not, in the real world, a moral equivalent to joking about murdering a United States senator.
On top of everything else, Byrd is not a grand keagle in the KKK. He hasn’t been associated with that organization for over 50 years.
For someone who gets all pissy about others’ accuracy, you don’t seem to have much concern over your own.
And finally, Rick D., it’s not a free speech issue. It’s a contractual issue–except, apparently, for thin-skinned conservatives who only want other people to obey the rules.
I always find these kinds of sour grapes a la mode interesting.
Here Obama has written most of his best speeches himself and has written several best-selling books. The closest thing to Bush ever writing his own book was the anthology of his hilarious “Bushisms,” aphasic nonsense and malapropisms plentiful enough to fill a page-a-day calendar every year for several years.
26. doggril spews:
Why? Because I diagree with you?
She stated her opinion at the prompting of a Liberal commentator Perez Hilton you twit. If he didn’t like the answer, he should have never asked the question. So simple that even you can understand that, right doggirl?
They didn’t criticize her, they defamed here. As a woman I would think you’d understand the difference, but then, intelligent women in Seattle are hard to come by these days.
Liberals are the last persons that should be complaining about “moral equivelency”. You detest enhanced interrogation of terrorists while applauding the practice of partial birth abortions on innocents.
You people are sick in the head if you ask me.
‘ “if you gave any U.S. soldier a gun with two bullets in it, and he found himself in an elevator with Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and Osama bin Laden, there’s a good chance that Nancy Pelosi would get shot twice, and Harry Reid and bin Laden would be strangled to death.'”
What a great idea!
Then who’s the dumbass that came up with wishing everyone a happy “cinco de Cuatro”. Almost as stupid as his “57 states” comment and his “my muslim faith” gaffe.
That said, Happy cinco de diez, Mr. President!
Okay, back on topic.
David Feherty has had previous problems with foot-in-mouth syndrome. Here’s what recovering alcoholic and depression sufferer Feherty thinks of Tom Cruise’s Scientology-party-line on dealing with depression:
“Actually, some sort of exercise would have helped me. If I kicked the shit out of Tom Cruise, I’d feel a lot better about myself.”
And he’s not really an American as well. Feherty’s status as a citizen of this country is somewhat unclear. He’s British (Northern Irish, to be exact), but lives in the Dallas Metroplex with his wife and children. I’d presume he’s either a resident alien, or on some path to citizenship. So he’s likely just parroting someone else’s opinion out of ignorance, stupidity, and a possible alcoholic haze. His remarks, however distasteful, are merely par for the course.
{drum roll}
@32: Too bad Obama never had the chance to debate Bush. I would have paid to see that.
@ 34~ Without a teleprompter telling Obama what to say, I agree.
That would have been delightful entertainment.
Even with one, He’s likely to make a gaffe, maybe he’d thank the host of the debate twice or something.
@35: He certainly had no trouble trouncing McCain several times.
Keep grasping at straws, man.
@ 36~ As long as the president is reliant on his teleprompter to think for him, expect more entertainment in the next 3-1/2 years.
I think everyone realizes that he’s not really as smart as he’s been given credit as being.
And we all know he didn’t earn that “honor” by selling the most girl scout cookies.
@22 “waterboarding isn’t torture”
Bullshit. Waterboarding is torture. But that’s not all the Bushevik criminals did. They also subjected innocent prisoners to electric shocks, beatings, dog attacks, and shootings; and over 100 of them died at the hands of their torturers, which makes Bush and those who supported his torture policy into murderers.
@24 More bullshit from an ignorant little boy. Nothing in #17, or any of my other comments, says Prejean was in a porn movie. All #17 says is that beauty pageants don’t allow contestants to appear in porn movies or nude photos.
He worked as hard as he could to fillerbuster the civil rights act in 1964. Add 50 years to that and that would be 2014.
Your math doesn’t add up.
Did you attend a government school?
Then where is your letter to congress decrying the use of it within our armed services? Can I see a copy of your protest letter to congress on the use of this “training technique”, Rog? Time to man up for once.
…and if you didn’t write one, then why are you whining now? Are you more sympathetic to international terrorists than you are the American servicemen and servicewomen?
@26 He isn’t smart enough to be a prick, and his weenie isn’t big enough, either.
It’s about the hypocrisy.
Why aren’t the same people calling her a hater for her views on gay marriage calling obama a hater?
Can you explain why the double standard?
Ricky Dumbass @30 “She stated her opinion at the prompting of a Liberal commentator Perez Hilton you twit”
Wrong again, Dumbo. She was asked a question in a beauty contest by one of the beauty contest judges.
@31 No problem, dude. We feel the same way about you asswipe traitors. Hope to see you in an elevator soon.*
* Hey, just kidding! This is only a dumb conservative joke like the ones Ann Coulter loves to tell her brain-dead wingnut audiences. I don’t actually want to be in an elevator, or any other enclosed space, with you — the stench would make me puke!
Exactly, everyone.
Some of us will admit it.
Others, well…
Because this is a partisan blog that takes on Republicans. He would be disgusted by the Democrat and what he did, but he wouldn’t write about it here.
The very same people that said “dissent was patriotic” and “truth to power” have gone mute.
@37 “I think everyone realizes that he’s not really as smart as he’s been given credit as being.”
That’s right, he’s even smarter than that.
With that said, do you agree that she was slandered on MSNBC, Roadkill?
Hey rabbit, if you were asked, would you judge a gay male beauty contest? Vote your conscious about which guy has the cutest ass?
I think even the silly rabbit knows that what is being done to Ms. PreJean for giving “her opinion” that was asked for by an ignorant leftist judge is slander, but he can’t seem to take his head out of his furry ass long enough to admit it.
Telling the truth is not an innate quality amongst the left, while hate is.
’46. Roger Rodent spews:
@31….’Hope to see you in an elevator soon.*’
Oh, I’d love that Rodent. I promise you, you’d lose. Better watch yourself old-timer. I’m heading back out into the sun now, you should check with the nurse; perhaps they’d let you out of the home for a little yard exercise on this beautiful day.
It seems like just months ago when the left wing-nuts got their panties in a bunch over mcsame allegedly calling his wife a “cunt.”
Now, the same people laugh when perez hilton called miss kalifornia a “cunt.”
Nevermind Brian Sonntag, Susan Sontag, and the Blethen Bugle. Rad Dyke Rabbit told me to read a fucking newspaper, so I read a fucking newspaper, Dan Savage’s Stranger. Then I read another fucking newspaper, the Seattle Weakly. Here’s fucking newspaper news:
* Dream Specials, 24/7;
* Savanna, Lucious Sin;
* Milena: Sensual, Erotic, and Playful (actual photo)
* Nikki, Sexy and Classy
* Angel, In & Out (heh heh) Calls;
* Sara, In/Out (credit cards now welcome)
* Asian Sensation, Get One or Two, It’s All Up (heh heh) to You;
* XXX Sincere XXX, 100% Me and Independent;
* Krissy, A.M. Special (your every wish is my command);
* Samantha’s, Older but Better;
* Spa Dolls, Credit Cards Accepted;
* Lonna: Erotic, Sexy, Sweet Girl Waiting to Make Your Day (just a phone call away);
* Lake City Brandy, In/Out 24/7 (actual photo);
* Transexual Dana;
* TS Kassandra, 8″ FF Guaranteed
* TS Camila;
* TS AleXXXa, 5’10, 9FF …
News? Maybe. Paper? lots and lots of paper. Whole dead rainforests and dead planets of paper. All for a capitalist stimulus package of horizontal entrepreneurs.
Then there’s this from the Weekly’s news about craigslist killers:
And this breaking news from the Fucking Savage Stranger, page 11: “Nothing good can come from the mass industrialization of food.” Nothing, that is, except food and the ends of sub-subsistence and mass starvation.
I like the part where “poor little miss carrie” got her fake tits paid for my the pageant…a gacious gesture doncha think?
…then she goes and violates the terms of her services contract…oooooops…
…maybe she can get a job in david vitters office….
I’ll sign up for the live feed…
(sounds of “slurping” in the background…bwaaa ha ha!)
hey guys…
…let’s just say “the marvin” is a cunt and call it good!
where did the silly rabbit scurry off to? Ask his furry little ass a question and he scampers away like the coward we all know he is.
@ 54~ Yes, we all know getting those fake tits is worse than drowning your date (ted kennedy), being the grand Keagle in the KKK (robert byrd) and running a male-prostitution ring out of your house (Congressman bawney Fwank).
Wow, liberals can’t even see through their own hypocrisy. Luckily, the sane amongst us can.
devoreberg? are u whining about media double standards? excuse me while i laugh my butt off
It seems typical that the right wing-nuts got their panties in a bunch over perez hilton calling miss kalifornia a “cunt.”
But the GOP didn’t seem to mind when mcsame called his wife a “cunt.”
Thanks for the props.
Nothing like taking my words and changing a word or two.
No problem Marvin the Pervert – you probably just had Puffybutt’s dildo up your ass and got your meaning backwards so I fixed it for you. It’s a full time job trying to correct the mistakes of a pedophile, right wing coward and traitor like you – but someone has to do it.
By the way I got the answer to your other question—
Yes – if your parents get divorced, they will in fact still legally be brother and sister so relax, the family is intact.
Nothing quite like projecting is there?
Actually I think the joke is pretty funny. I’ve heard it a number of times, over the years, and it seems to work pretty well on just about any three public figures you wish to ridicule.
For example, substitute Newt Gingrich, Rush Limbaugh and Michael Savage for Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and Obama and you’ve still got a funny joke.
@59: Typical stuff from a mentally-challenged fool. You have to go back to when… find democrats to try and pick on?
You fool.
Your party and your racist, corporation-based philosophy has been discredited.
You supported liars, torturers and incompetents in the Bush adminsitration. Live with it…and quit trying to amnufacture stupid crap from the 1950’s that has been rejected long ago.
You got nothin’ and your words are worth nothin’.
Looks like you and about 30 other people are the only True Defenders of the Country left.
Um, if you didn’t know, nancy pelosi is a democrat.
Who even heard about this? I guess is was Media matters pushing their agenda. Thanks for trying to make a big deal out of nothing. It is funny how little free speach means so little when we disagree.
now , speaking of the media culture in our wonderful country, here’s a homework assignment for you. tnt has a new series called raising the bar. now, who wants to keep track of how many times the judge in the court scenes is either, black, female, or the twofer, a black female. now, if the judge is a white male but has a jewish name, that doesnt count as white male. i say it will be 90 percent minority. anybody want to bet against me?
Now that even Joe the Fake Plumber is bailing on the GOP, how long can the 38 right wing freaks who hang out here on HA last?
Little Ricky Dumbass
Glad to see you back here posting your drivel. After you won the Golden Goat a week back, you seemed to disappear. I was hoping there was no connection. I am so pleased that you are back; you amuse us so much.
Excuse me all to hell if the following duplicates someone else’s comment. I simply don’t have the patience to read through all the drivel.
If there any soldiers who have a quarrel with Pelosi and Reid it would be for playing all nicey-nicey with their Dipshit-In-Chief and his cadre of goons while they stayed in Iraq with bulls-eyes on their butts. The same applies to Obama as he continues to strategize an “orderly withdrawal”.
That fucking war didn’t make an iota of sense to begin with, it makes even less sense now, and we have far, far more inportant fish to fry.
David Feherty can express himself in any way in which he chooses to do so. That is his right; I had never heard of him before this story. I am not one to watch PGA tournaments on television, perhaps because such events have the entertainment value, from my perspective, of watching an elderly couple have sex. Still, when a commentator is as far off the mark as Feherty is with regard to political reality, one must wonder how he even could get golf right. Idiots are born every day. Too bad some of them get regular jobs on television.
So, I guess Bush and Cheney are innocent because they told Pelosi what they were doing.
Being a person with intelligence,unlike Bush and Cheney, she is responsible for what they did.
I’ve never heard of Feherty before this, but I like his style.
@76 Pelosi got called out by the CIA, publicly. That’s gotta hurt. Either they’ve got more on her that they’re not revealing or they just don’t think she has the stones to fight.