Obama, you’re better than this:
Speaking at a Bay Area fundraiser for the Democratic National Committee, the president said Harris is “brilliant,” “dedicated” and “tough.” Then he added, “She also happens to be, by far, the best-looking attorney general.”
According to reports from the fundraiser, the crowd laughed and Obama said, “It’s true! C’mon.”
Some cringed at the remarks, given the historic hurdles women have faced to be recognized for their accomplishments rather than their looks.
Ugh. No. I mean, I get it: you were trying to pay her a compliment, and it didn’t work. It ended up saying we should judge her on her looks on top of her brilliance, toughness and dedication. It happens, and now is the time to apologize.
Hoc ridiculum est.
Nothing new here move along!
Yeah, looks are irrelevant, I married Mrs. Rabbit for her brains! And if you believe that …
@2 I’ve been saying all along, Obama is a closet Republican …
Is there really any difference between the two major parties?
You try sitting through a few cabinet meetings across from Eric Holder. Obama just isn’t used to the idea that an AG can not be weird looking.
in a word, yes.
Maybe in a few years she’ll replace Gillibrand as Harry Reid’s ‘Hottest Senator’.
@ 3
RR, what we’re at a loss to explain is why the hell she married you.
Since YLB is still looking for his kneepads this morning, I’ll save him some trouble. Here’s a ‘full-throated’ defense of The One:
“The president and California’s Attorney General Kamala Harris are good friends, as he articulated after commenting on her brilliance, dedication, toughness and beauty,” Angela Rye, a Democratic political consultant and former executive director of the Congressional Black Caucus, said in an e-mail.
“The fact that this has in some way become a story about his overall respect of women (or lack thereof) is a slap in the face to the first lady, the first daughters, and every other woman who appreciates a compliment that extends far beyond appearance from the president or any other man,” she said.
Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/.....z2PawntKyj
And then there’s the possibility that Obama said it purposely.
This morning at least some people are looking on the ‘net for nude picks of Obama’s eye candy chick, rather than paying attention to some news items of the day, such as,
Oh, I don’t know,
Maybe this:
Needless to say, this is quite a stinker. The jobs added fall far short of the 125K-150K needed just to keep up with population growth. The exodus from the workforce is even worse. The new civilian workforce participation rate of 63.3% is the lowest seen in almost 35 years, since the fall of 1978 — an era not exactly known for a robust American economy.
Of course, some people didn’t miss this morning’s @ 11 news.
April 5, 2013, 9:35 a.m. EDT
Stocks open sharply lower; jobs count disappoints
No one gives a shit what the Money Honey looks like after the opening bell.
@12 The jobs count seems to have provided a pretty nice cover for all the inevitable profit-taking (or at least that’s what they used to call it–now there’s probably some other fancy euphemism) following the Dow’s all-time high a couple of weeks ago.
Or maybe it doesn’t really mean a Goddamn thing. The press is flooded with missives from various government bodies, financial services, pundits and other entities pronouncing that the jobs market, securities, corporate profits, inflation, marketplace trends (or predictions about any of the above) are up, down sideways or whatever, contradicting each other on a daily or even hourly basis. How much of this is actually useful to some ordinary working schmuck trying to stay sheltered, clothed and fed over the span of a lifetime?
@ 13
It probably was/is profit-taking, Art. I’d actually feel a little bit better if we had a nice 600-1000 point correction, and sat there for a few months before another advance.
While I agree that data here and there make little sense to some ordinary working schmuck, over time data probably matter when decision-making is necessary.
Such as:
If we have so little to show for it after all that stimulus money was spent and we’re so heavily burdened with long-term Federal debt, does it make sense to go out and do the same thing once more?
Well ArtFart… Puddy would tell you but you don’t “read” Puddy’s material. So your loss dude!
BTW did you meet the mayor when he came to talk about the streets in your neighborhood? Oh wait… you don’t “read” Puddy’s material.
Much ado about nothing, it sounds like the remarks were taken out of context.
No loss not reading the PUTZ’s PUTRID SHIT.
The PUTZ’s noise to information ratio approaches unity.
Much more interesting watching paint dry.
And BUTTPUTTY, you are still a PUTZ.
I took a look over at RT-TV, and the streaming ticker tape at the bottom of the screen had something about some Sunni cleric in Syria issuing a fatwah telling the “warriors of jihad” to rape non-Sunni women.
The West has no business getting into these countries or their cultures. We westerners simply cannot understand or get along with this way of thinking. What are we thinking, getting involved in this Mideastern quagmire? There’s nothing to be gained.
@9 My good looks, of course. http://tinyurl.com/bsjc4kp
What are we thinking, getting involved in this Mideastern quagmire? There’s nothing to be gained.
Oh you are soooo wrong. As
Dick CheneyDarth Vader said, Iraq sits on the world’s second largest oil reserve.From 20,
Iraq may be sitting on a lot of oil, but it surely hasn’t benefitted us here in the US!! If we didn’t get anything out of it, why did we get all those troops killed and maimed?
I say we should withdraw all our troops from all foreign lands and mind our own business.
Wow some goat appendage stirred the hornets nest in your rectum ekim. So many stings your picoscopic mind went nutz. It’s great to see Puddy PWNs you too! Of course next to you Puddy has a big PUTZ.
Thanks for playing!
@18 Somehow I have a feeling their women will figure how ways to get even with them.
From 23,
I certainly hope so!