Or perhaps I should have titled this “(U.S. vs. England) vs. Sunny Day open thread.” I had planned to watch the game, but given the first relentlessly beautiful day in God-knows-when, I’m not sure I can bear to be indoors for that amount of time.
Anyway, at the risk of upsetting all those crybaby Brits whining over President Obama’s criticism of BP, let’s get some payback for what British Petroleum is doing to our Gulf.
‘….all those crybaby Brits whining over President Obama’s criticism of BP….’
Says Goldy Tenderhands. Ironic.
And since this is a thread about the US v. England World Cup soccer match, and it follows on the heals of a generic open thread, let’s try to keep the discussion to things relating to this game, soccer in general, or at the very least US/UK relations.
If we all here, both right and left, truly America, I think we can all come together for a few hours to jointly spew hatred on the Redcoats.
They’re celebrating the Queen’s birthday today.
Let’s rain on that parade.
I’d really want to go out to one of the many places close by where soccer is being broadcast in a bar, but family obligations keep me at home cleaning. I’m hoping (likely in vain) that I’ll find a way to stream the game online.
BP’s largest shareholder is KUWAIT.
BP gave up the name of “British Petroleum” a long time ago!
I think they now claim the B stands for “Beyond”
Of curse since we baled out Kuwait’s ass, maybe we should sue the fuck out of Kuwait and just take ownership of Kuwait in return for the uulf?
That noise! Vuvuzelas…, Aarrghh!
Since the demise of the Sonics, Ms. Wingnut and I have considered going to some soccer games. Please tell me that we don’t have vuvuzelas at Sounders games.
Kyle @4,
Thanks to their lack of a library of Jean Enersen interviews to rebroadcast, KOMO-4 is broadcasting the game locally, free, over-the-air, in full HD.
check out this very cool flash gizmo for all the times and places of all the wc games, linked here
OMG! The Brits have vuvuzelas! I can only hope that our American fans counter this socialist nonsense with good ol’ American Made-in-China inflatable clappers.
Goldy @7
That’s wonderful news. Or it would be if I ever got a converter box. I’ve lived without TV and entirely on the internet since the switch.
I do think I found some slightly less reputable sites that will stream the game for me though. A sample test of one links looks promising: http://www.world-track.org/spo.....aming-new/
Get a converter box, or an HDTV tuner for your PC.
Over-the-air DTV is great and free. Best thing that’s happened to TV in years.
Steve @9,
I didn’t think it was possible, but those damn vuvuzelas are even more annoying than all those media reports incessantly warning us how annoying those damn vuvuzelas would be.
U.S. scores!
(And my daughter could have stopped that shot.)
The Sony Open was way back in January.
Why did god make weeds?
stunning (and somewhat lucky) first half.
I got the scorers wrong (Gerrard and Dempsey instead of Rooney and Buddle), but I got the final score right. And I told you that English keepers are garbage. What’s odds that Green doesn’t see the pitch again in this tournament?
BP has about the same amount of loyalty to Britain as Halliburton does to the US, which is to say exactly none.
A fairly good game there. We (Brits) were lucky to come away with a point, despite your goal coming from our mistake. I can see you getting at least four points from Mexico and Slovenia and maybe beating us to first place in the group stage.
@Broadway Joe
Not all of our keepers are garbage. Our best one is ancient and injured though. The rest are really low on confidence and top class match practice.
Hey Primus, just joking about the Queen there. No hard feelings, eh?
(You don’t mess with the Queen)
Yeah, same goes for the vuvuzelas. What with our inflatable clappers, I really shouldn’t talk. My bad.
Just got back from fishing.
There’s this goofy program on TV where a bunch of guys kick a soccer ball around real slowly. It’s like watching paint dry. Thank God the M’s game is on this evening. Even with the season they’re having it beats this silly kids game.
Just kidding Primus,
Don’t burn any cars in the streets or set football hooligans on us poor yanks on account of my comment, please.
I will always be baffled by anyone who thinks that baseball is even remotely entertaining. It takes 3.5 hours to throw the ball 200 times.
Compared to soccer where it’s 90 minutes of non-stop adrenaline (ok so there’s one stop), baseball might be the most boring thing I can think of.
It does not bother you that the Mariners aree heavily publically subsidized?
Well, it is kinda ironic that all three keepers on the US roster play in the EPL (Howard @ Everton, Guzan backs up Freidel @ Aston Villa and Hahnemann @ Wolves), and several other EPL clubs have foreign keepers. While the EPL is making a lot of people rich, it’s killing English football as English players are passed over in favor of foreigners. Same thing has killed English rugby.
Am I the only one that had to google vuvuzela?
try Craig’s List
“baseball might be the most boring thing I can think of.”
You obviously haven’t watched much golf on TV.
Or a Test Match of cricket.
The English fans do a much better job of hanging flags and stuff from the stands. We need to get our game up.
Hey, don’t knock the cricket! At least that’s one sport without an England hooligan problem.
I thought the US fans I saw were pretty geed up for the occasion. It was hard to hear any singing or chanting over the vuvuzelas though.
“Commentators have described the sound as “annoying” and compared it with “a stampede of noisy elephants,” “a deafening swarm of locusts,” “a goat on the way to slaughter” and “a giant hive full of very angry bees.””
@28 I had a convergence thing going yesterday where I had the Argentina – Nigeria game on wondering WTF? just as I landed on a “Bees” thread at Gearslutz where vuvuzelas were being discussed. Gearslutz is a recording studio forum with membership from around the world. The Brits had some great comments and especially some guys from South Africa. Sadly for them, the vuvuzelas don’t stop at the end of the game. Apparently World Cup fans and their vuvuzelas are partying in the host South Africa cities 24/7 and these noise-sensitive guys just can’t catch a break.
Ban vuvuzelos?
FYI – Many of those inflatable clappers ARE made in the USA.