So, how crazy is Susan Hutchison’s letter to supporters, hinting that a U.S. Senate run might lay in her future? Not so crazy that I hadn’t predicted exactly that just a couple weeks back.
by Goldy — ,
So, how crazy is Susan Hutchison’s letter to supporters, hinting that a U.S. Senate run might lay in her future? Not so crazy that I hadn’t predicted exactly that just a couple weeks back.
Yeah, a failed campaign as a stealth GOP candidate whose unpopular views resulted in a 57-43 blowout loss is a great start for a statewide candidacy.
There’s a reason that they chose never-held-office Mike! McGavick for their senatorial candidate last time. He hadn’t yet been outed in the way Susie already has been. And Dino had sucessfully hid his views in his single WA Senate term, and had his supposed “achievement” of coming up with Gary Locke’s budget, to run on.
Susie’s got bupkis.
Well, this ought to be a good one. She can’t run as the “woman” in the race, because the incumbent is a woman. She can’t run on experience, because she has even less experience than Dino Rossi or Mike McGavick. She can’t dismiss her conservative views as “irrelevant” to the position, because they certainly are relevant to a U.S. Senate seat.
Her only hope is to campaign as a Republican Conservative, and hope that Democrats in Western Washington have a lousy voter turnout, and those in Eastern Washington vote in record numbers. I can’t see that happening, since vote-by-mail avoids even weather from having such a disparate impact.
What state? Surely not WA… she’d just be another Mike!
Either Sen. Murray or Sen. Cantwell would eat Suzie for lunch.
Barring some scandal I don’t think the GOP could defeat either of them. Even Rob McKenna would get his ass handed to him.
goldy’s troll cogz issued him a red ball for the hutch.
Oh please, oh please, Suzie Q, please run.
Folks here fail to understand politics as a game.
A Hutchinsn candidacy need not “win” to achieve a lot.
Susan is smooth, polished, .. all things that Dino was not. Unlike Mike, she is a true co9nservative and would not need to suck up to the radicals to secure the nomination.
She would be able to make issues out of Boeing, the effects of Obamacare on the unborn, and the I-hate Seattle crowd. Folks here ought to look at the R71 map .. red from cascades to Columbia!
Susan would flip her loss herfe by balming it in the Seattle radicals.
There is another critical issue … the Gregoire/Inslee conflict. If Gregoire runs again, the dems will have a bloody race and McKenna may make it. It si not hard to see the Radical Repubs running this as a poor Christie event as they tried to do (with some success) against BHO!
In the end SH would lose BUT this would cost Patty and the DNC $$$ and effort better spent elsewhere. It wold also shore up the Red Radical Remnant.
LOL. The polls looked different when the prediction was made. Unlikely at that time to predict that Hutchison would want to settle for US Senator because King County Executive wasn’t going to work out.
Maybe the Palin comparisons were apt after all.
Hutchison supported R-71.
Irrelevant. Patty’s seat comes up in 2010. No state offices will be on the ballot.
He won’t do it, because he’s smart and because he wants to be Governor on his way to the presidency, but the only Republican who’d have a prayer against Patty is Rob McKenna. Hopefully, we’ll be able to make his true wingnut roots adhere to his teflon image before it’s too late.
Senator of the dog pound in Duvall maybe.
It’s political fantasy for a righty to believe they could win a congressional or senate seat in W. Washington. However, that doesn’t mean the incumbents shouldn’t be challenged by more progressive lefty candidates.
Eh? They don’t get much more progressive than Murray and Cantwell. I really can’t think of anyone I’d like to replace either with.
Given that the wingnut world is constructed entirely of fantasies, I’m sure there are plenty of righties out there who think they can win here. More power to them–they draw donations from fellow wingnuts that might actually be useful to their cause if spent elsewhere.
Yes … but running against Murry she would have the default support of those folks on the VERY divisive issue of gay marriage.
Again, you seem to think this is football, politics is more like chess. If SH runs, she will try to necklace Patty with Gregoire, putting Inslee in a hard place for 2012.
I doubt that Inslee is ready to think about the Presidency.
McKenna is WAY to smart to run against Patty. Why should he if he has Gregoire as his opponent for governor?
You are correct about the albatross effect of being tied to the wingnuts but McKenna is a lot smarter than Rossi and unlikely to let that happen. Moreover he will be Hutchinson like .. describe himself as an Evans-Repub.
Her campaign in 10 would help his in 12.
Remember though, Susie has demonstrated she can touch up the old white millionaires for lots of cash. Simonyi, Freeman, Stanton, McCaw all love that Susie.
Is she gonna run for Senator as a “nonpartisan”? Just askin’ …
@2 “Her only hope is to campaign as a Republican Conservative, and hope that Democrats in Western Washington have a lousy voter turnout, and those in Eastern Washington vote in record numbers.”
There’s no way such a strategy could possibly work. Eastern Washington has only 22% of the state’s population and a third of them vote Democratic. King, Pierce, and Snohomish counties together have over half of the state’s population.
@8 “Maybe the Palin comparisons were apt after all.”
Visualize this headline and you get the picture:
Small Town Mayor Runs For President After Getting Caught Cheating On Travel Vouchers
@15 Republicans are welcome to spend as much money as they like proving they can’t buy elections here.
Really smart comments. Enjoyed this thread.
Some facts:
*Turn-“in” is down overall by about half.
*The teabaggers (“the Radical Red Remnant” h/t)had the energy and they were organized because I monitor them.
*They lost both ballot measures — generated by their side.
Ergo: We’re dealing with a few bitter dead enders. Mostly backwash as Colbert puts it.
I hope we all nag our Ds about this because they have NOTHING TO FEAR by ACTING LIKE Ds when they get back to work at the leg with the super majorities we worked our asses off to get them.
Susan Hutchison lost King County by a slightly smaller margin than Dino Rossi lost King County in the 2004 election for Governor.
Since Rossi only lost by 129 or so votes statewide, project out the numbers, and there is some glimmer of hope for Hutchison.
@ 7, @ 14:
If you weren’t utterly ignorant of the players, you’d know that there’s no chance in hell of Inslee and Gregoire running against each other. She’s two and out. She won’t run again. But go ahead and spin your idiot fantasies.
@19 You’re right. That honor belongs to SEIU and the other public sector unions.
Could Hutchison takedown Murray? It is unlikely, but not impossible. Given what’s happening to Reid right now in NV, there’s a case to be made that the Party is under fire in the West.
And: Murray has a major weak spot. She’s potentially vulnerable on the number one concern of voters today: federal spending. Remember, Murray is an appropriator. Bringing home the bacon can cut both ways…
Would Hutchison deliver a fiscally conservative message effectively? Or would her socially conservative views get in the way?
She sure left Dow tongue-tied in a few debates. And he’s a far better communicator than Murray (public speaking has never been her forte). For all the lazy “she’s PALIN!” rhetoric, Hutchison does present herself as well-spoken.