Considering her strength was supposed to be in the suburban and rural areas of King County, it must be at least a bit of blow to Susan Hutchison to lose the endorsements of both the Mercer Island Reporter and the SnoValley Star.
The MI Reporter was more circumspect in their Dow Constantine endorsement… kinda along the lines of what I had actually expected from the Seattle Times, before they totally jumped the shark.
The Reporter also endorses Dow Constantine for the position of King County executive. Mr. Constantine not only votes in every election but brings a great deal of knowledge and experience to the table. As chair of the King County Council and as a member of the Board of Directors of Sound Transit, he knows what is ahead for King County. His experience, we say, is much more complex and multi-faceted than that of his opponent. He is better suited for the job ahead.
But the SnoValley Star was more blunt in their criticism of Hutchison:
Susan Hutchison, Dow’s opponent, has many fresh ideas, but they are ideas not yet grounded in substance. For example, she now thinks State Route 520 should be the cross-lake route for light rail, even though voters approved a crossing over Interstate 90 — which was designed for just that purpose.
She touts her nonpartisan roots without seeming to understand that nonpartisan does not mean she won’t need political savvy.
We question her integrity — as evidenced by the details of her dismissal from her television career — and her commitment to public service — as as evidenced by her dismissing as unimportant the fact thatat she missed voting in eight elections in the past eight years.
Notice how they taunt the Seattle Times by snarkily referring to Hutchison’s “fresh” ideas? Gotta love that.
I’ve never been one to give too much weight to editorial endorsements in top of the ticket races, but this sure doesn’t help Hutchison regain momentum. And with the election heading into its final few days, momentum is certainly not on her side.
According to Publicola, the Issaquah paper also endorsed Dow. Kinda funny, the “leftie” Times endorses Suzie and the righties on the Eastside back Dow.
@1: Was just going to mention/savor the irony. The east side is becoming ever more Democratic.
Based on this week’s polls, I’m looking for a repudiation of motherbeating/cigaret smoke magnitude in this race.
And that would be a good thing. Suzie Cute is as unqualified for public office as she was insubordinate in private broadcast … I hope voters slap her down so hard, she’ll never run for anything again. It’s not enough to defeat her for KC Exec; let’s blow her Senate aspirations out of the water here and now!
About 38% of the people around here will vote for a guy who whacks his mom upside the head. That figure more or less coincides with the local illiteracy rate and the percentage of population living in rundown trailers on overgrown weedpatches. I’ll be satisfied if Suzie gets that group and maybe 1% or 2% more (i.e., the Freemans, Blethens, McCaws, and their kids and relatives). Anything above 40% will suggest we need to increase mental health funding despite budget restraints and hard times.
“We question her integrity”
Damned straight.
Interesting, too, that Mercer Island would lose out if Suzy Palin’s plan to switch light rail to 520 ever sees the light of day. IMO, that proposal of hers, announced so calmly during the debate, was what killed any credibility she might have had as a candidate for anything.
@6 Agree — that convinced a lot of people she’s a loose cannon.
Susan keeps using the line about the Marines when talking about potential flooding in the Green River Valley.
You think after the first time she spouted it off someone from her campaign would have educated her on how disaster response works.
“We question her integrity”
How can you question her integrity if you can’t find it?
Apparently she does not know about the Army Corp of Engineers. Maybe someone should clue her in.
Oh, and if anyone is interested, the Corp has projected Green River flood maps [PDFs] at the bottom of this page.
Or the Washington National Guard for that matter.
Of course she seems to forget that as King County Executive she has no authority over the Marines, US Army Corps of Engineers, or Washington National Guard.
Hey, Goldy: Betcha didn’t know that The Seattle Times owns the SnoValley Star. So much for Frank Blethen’s dictatorial hand, eh?
Just heard Survey USA is coming out with a poll that shows Dow 44, Susan 49!!
@13 HA, that stuff is about as reliable as the Washington Poll!
Too bad the Seattle Times won’t follow up on the restraining order and sexual harassment in the workplace issues surrounding Constantine.