I hope this guy isn’t getting paid for posting this crap.
Puddybud, Hey it's the new year...spews:
Turn up the stimulus Jon?
I guess you are for DENYING the right of workers using a secret ballot to vote whether or not they want to join a union. I guess you support attacking fellow human beings when they choose something other than your way. This section in the porkulous bill would enable union organizers to forcibly unionize millions more workers into dues-paying union ranks because of thuggery. I thought we covered this when Puddy displayed on HA the WEA unionizing tactics late last year. Thuggery; slashing tires, baseball bats to the windshield, spitting on those who disagree, sending worthless legal action letters threatening your job if you don’t pay your politicizing dues. You know Jon, standard progressive tactics. This is top of the for Big Labor agenda. Obama has to payback his get out the union vote paymasters.
Puddybud, Hey it's the new year...spews:
Y’all know WA state is a right to work state. Well the porkulous bill will try and overturn this SCOTUS decision. Obama has to payback his get out the union vote paymasters. So the porkulous bill will ATTACK the 22 state governments who passed Right to Work laws. Now Obama is against states rights cuz he has to pay back Big Unions. Why ATTACK these laws? They make union membership and union political dues voluntary.
So leadless douchy and other moronic HA lefties, I guess you support this too.
“Simple, beautiful, classic.”
Yesterday PRESIDENT OBAMA put it right on the traitors in the GOP. When asked if he’d back the GOP tax cut provision they want in the new recovery package he said flat out NO! That doesn’t work (and here’s my favorite part) and on Nov 4 America signaled its agreement with me by voting out the GOP! YEA!
Looking at the Bush tax cuts – yea they worked REALLY well – led to the worst financials in US history. Sorry – GOP lost – Dems won. We’ll do it our way now.
Speaking of traitors – I wonder if Puffybutt is worried that he’ll be found out when Holder starts prosecuting the right wingers who want our country to fail.
Just a few of the names from the above link and their compensation:
Goldman Sachs Lloyd C. Blankfein
Chairman and CEO
$70.3 million
Goldman Sachs Gary D. Cohn
President and Chief Operating Officer
$72.5 million
Goldman Sachs Jon Winkelried
President and Chief Operating Officer
$71.5 million
Goldman Sachs David A. Viniar
Chief Financial Officer
$58.5 million
Goldman Sachs Edward C. Forst
Chief Administrative Officer
$49.1 million
You people are criminals.
Blue Johnspews:
#8. Where in that article, does it list political party?
You made that up, didn’t you?
“you people”
Geez, and all this time I believed you when you told me you were a Democrat.
Puddybud, Hey it's the new year...spews:
Blew John: Usually one goes to the FED site and looks up each name individually. But we know from Goldman Sachs and Citigroup they were BIG TIME Donkey jockstraps. Puddy placed their “contributions” to the messiah on this site numerous times. It so sad when Democratics demonstrate their lack of memory capacity…
Robert Rubin was chairman of Citigroup until he “resigned”. Remember what job he held?
Anyone who ever thought Troll was anything other than a cum-drunk Publican was crazy. He’s a GOP scumbag on the list for re-education once we get the big wigs like Rove rounded up and incarcerated.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@2 Given that employers have a free hand to intimidate, bully, lie to, browbeat, threaten, and force their employees to vote against unions, it seems only fair that unions should have equal thug rights to level the playing field.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@2 (continued) According to pudwhacker and his rightwing idiotology, unions are bad for workers, and workers should trust management to provide them with a fair wage, decent working conditions, a safe workplace, and job security.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@3 “Y’all know WA state is a right to work state.”
More importantly, WA is a right to NOT work state! After all, why would anyone want to work? Think of all the inconveniences of working:
— Commuting expenses and hassles
— Dirty, unpleasant, and dangerous job assignments
— Risks of occupational illnesses and injuries
— Swing, graveyard, weekend, split, and rotating shifts
— Incompetent, abusive, and bullying managers
— Layoffs, outsourcing, downsizing, arbitrary firings
— Pension fund bankruptcies
— Lack of promotion and advancement
— Uncaring and disloyal employers
— Low pay, long hours, off-the-clock work
— Safety regulation and labor law violations
— Dirty break rooms, broken microwaves, flooded lavatories
— Neurotic supervisors and psychotic bosses
— Arbitrary and unfair performance evaluations
— Age and gender discrimination
Yep, working is one giant pain-in-the-ass; and, worst of all, wages get the worst tax treatment. That’s right, the money you work for is the most heavily taxed money under the tax code! Wages are taxed 3 times more than capital gains and dividends, and infinitely more than inheritances!
So why would anyone work? I sure don’t! You couldn’t get me to accept a job if you GAVE it to me! By not working, I get to sleep until noon every day, I never get stuck in traffic jams, and my marginal tax rate is 10% instead of 32% — and I have more money than I ever did when I was working!! So why would I work? I don’t work. There’s no incentive, and plenty of disincentive, to work in this country. And they’re sending all the jobs to China anyway.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@6 The funniest thing about Bush’s tax cuts is what the rich did with them. They tried to steal the money from each other — and then all of them went broke when the markets crashed!
Roger Rabbitspews:
There are more ex-billionaires than baseball free agents.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@11 Hey idiot, did you bother looking up who those CEOs contributed to in 2000 and 2004? No, I didn’t think so. 2008 data are meaningless because Bush made such a bad hash of everything that this time EVERYONE supported the Democrats — including Bush’s top donors. That’s right, all the Bush Pioneers flocked to Hillary and Obama, and left McSame in the dust. The GOP is so bad that even Republicans are donating to Democrats! Sucks to be you.
It may be a new year, but Pudwax and his pals are singing the same tired old song.
Daddy Lovespews:
According to a survey of 400 NLRB election campaigns in 1998 and 1999, 36 percent of workers who vote against union representation explained their vote as a response to employer pressure.
Kate Bronfenbrenner, “Uneasy Terrain: The Impact of Capital Mobility on Workers, Wages, and Union Organizing,” U.S. Trade Deficit Review Commission, 2000.
And of course, labor laws in four Canadian provinces and the federal jurisdiction require union certification upon a showing of authorization forms from a majority of employees, much like the Employee Free Choice Act. Acts of union intimidation that have been charged and/or prosecuted in Canada? 0
Daddy Lovespews:
BTW, the Employee Free Choice Act does not remove the right to secret ballot–it just puts the DECISION of whether to hold a secret ballot election or use majority signup OUT of the hands of the employer and INTO the hands of the workers.
Yeah, you betcha the employers hate THAT.
How much more stupid could this stimulus package be?? None…. None more stupid…..
Daddy Lovespews:
20 RR
Plus, everyone knew the Democrat was going to win this year. They’d be complete fools not to contribute to the winning side–and they’re not COMPLETE fools.
Daddy Lovespews:
24 ds
Wow, trenchant…
We’re all on the edge of our seats waiting for your next detailed, well-supported observation. What will it be?
Puddybud, Hey it's the new year...spews:
So lookie here: Daddy Love excuses the salaries of the above identified Donkey lovers.
Yep when they’re your ‘friends’ it’s okay.
Puddybud, Hey it's the new year...spews:
Pelletizer, you are one of those who said look at the here and now. So we are looking at the here and now. Those identified above are Donkey jockstraps.
Too bad the foo shits on your side of the tracks now.
Puddybud, Hey it's the new year...spews:
Some libtard moronic retired dumb bunny asked what were the political contributions of these same peeps for 2004. But you see Pelletizer is a known fool. People like Darryl, and Daddy Love stick up for him. Since Pelletizer has no facts recollection, here we go for the fifteenth time… Anyone with a brain can find these facts. Donkey are too slovenly.
Goldman Sucks Donkey as always…
Pelletizer this time save these figgers, so you won’t look as stupid as you normally are posting worthless commentary.
BTYW (W-Webtard) Daddy Love, you should stop agreeing with Pelletizer. He makes you look stupid too. I see you stopped agreeing with HAs clueless idiot rerun(ylb). You’re learning.
Why else did Goldman Sucks Donkey had their hands out for?
Now do you really want to see Citibank too?
Puddybud, Hey it's the new year...spews:
Daddy Love fondled some… and said:
some ________
1) of himself
2) thing
3) one
4) body
You choose…
We’re all on the edge of our seats waiting for your next detailed, well-supported observation. What will it be?
Well Daddy Love I went Democratic just for you. Right from the Democracy Now Web site for da 2004 Donkey convention:
Raytheon, Citibank, Chase Manhattan and Fleet Boston Help Finance the Most Expensive Convention in History
“The Democratic convention in Boston this week has cost 95 million dollars to produce, making it the most expensive political party convention in history.”
“Some of the companies that have provided major funding for the convention include Time Warner, arms manufacturer Raytheon, Citibank, Chase Manhattan and Fleet Boston, now part of Bank of America.”
Puddybud, Hey it's the new year...spews:
Arms manufacturer Raytheon…
Oh no… leadless douchy is gonna have a coronary…
Puddybud, Hey it's the new year...spews:
Ya know I had a pithy comment for FartyArt. But it’s bad beating up on elders.
Daddy Lovespews:
27 Pud
Up to your usualy habit of putting words in other people’s mouths again, I see.
Puddybud, Hey it's the new year...spews:
Daddy Love fondled some… and said:
some ________
1) of himself
2) thing
3) one
4) body
You choose…
You wrote above:
Plus, everyone knew the Democrat was going to win this year. They’d be complete fools not to contribute to the winning side–and they’re not COMPLETE fools.
Where is the additional commentary, “But their salaries… blah blah blah” is totally missing…
Nuff SAID!
Every single Democrat should buy and read this book. http://www.amazon.com/Tear-Dow.....141659762X It shows how the tax cut bullshit that the right wing nutjobs spew never worked. It provides facts – something the right never has – it will utterly destroy their bullshit and any Dem who knows this info will be able to utterly and instantly cause the right wing turds to blubber and cry like babies. It’s CRUSHING info we all should have.
I hope this guy isn’t getting paid for posting this crap.
Turn up the stimulus Jon?
I guess you are for DENYING the right of workers using a secret ballot to vote whether or not they want to join a union. I guess you support attacking fellow human beings when they choose something other than your way. This section in the porkulous bill would enable union organizers to forcibly unionize millions more workers into dues-paying union ranks because of thuggery. I thought we covered this when Puddy displayed on HA the WEA unionizing tactics late last year. Thuggery; slashing tires, baseball bats to the windshield, spitting on those who disagree, sending worthless legal action letters threatening your job if you don’t pay your politicizing dues. You know Jon, standard progressive tactics. This is top of the for Big Labor agenda. Obama has to payback his get out the union vote paymasters.
Y’all know WA state is a right to work state. Well the porkulous bill will try and overturn this SCOTUS decision. Obama has to payback his get out the union vote paymasters. So the porkulous bill will ATTACK the 22 state governments who passed Right to Work laws. Now Obama is against states rights cuz he has to pay back Big Unions. Why ATTACK these laws? They make union membership and union political dues voluntary.
So leadless douchy and other moronic HA lefties, I guess you support this too.
“Simple, beautiful, classic.”
Yesterday PRESIDENT OBAMA put it right on the traitors in the GOP. When asked if he’d back the GOP tax cut provision they want in the new recovery package he said flat out NO! That doesn’t work (and here’s my favorite part) and on Nov 4 America signaled its agreement with me by voting out the GOP! YEA!
Looking at the Bush tax cuts – yea they worked REALLY well – led to the worst financials in US history. Sorry – GOP lost – Dems won. We’ll do it our way now.
Speaking of traitors – I wonder if Puffybutt is worried that he’ll be found out when Holder starts prosecuting the right wingers who want our country to fail.
52 out of 56 of the people on this overpaid Wall Street Executives are Democrats.
Just a few of the names from the above link and their compensation:
Goldman Sachs Lloyd C. Blankfein
Chairman and CEO
$70.3 million
Goldman Sachs Gary D. Cohn
President and Chief Operating Officer
$72.5 million
Goldman Sachs Jon Winkelried
President and Chief Operating Officer
$71.5 million
Goldman Sachs David A. Viniar
Chief Financial Officer
$58.5 million
Goldman Sachs Edward C. Forst
Chief Administrative Officer
$49.1 million
You people are criminals.
#8. Where in that article, does it list political party?
You made that up, didn’t you?
“you people”
Geez, and all this time I believed you when you told me you were a Democrat.
Blew John: Usually one goes to the FED site and looks up each name individually. But we know from Goldman Sachs and Citigroup they were BIG TIME Donkey jockstraps. Puddy placed their “contributions” to the messiah on this site numerous times. It so sad when Democratics demonstrate their lack of memory capacity…
Robert Rubin was chairman of Citigroup until he “resigned”. Remember what job he held?
I didn’t make up the compensation. The party affiliation was an educated guess on my part.
Yet another bad move for Palin, taking on Ashley Judd.
Anyone who ever thought Troll was anything other than a cum-drunk Publican was crazy. He’s a GOP scumbag on the list for re-education once we get the big wigs like Rove rounded up and incarcerated.
@2 Given that employers have a free hand to intimidate, bully, lie to, browbeat, threaten, and force their employees to vote against unions, it seems only fair that unions should have equal thug rights to level the playing field.
@2 (continued) According to pudwhacker and his rightwing idiotology, unions are bad for workers, and workers should trust management to provide them with a fair wage, decent working conditions, a safe workplace, and job security.
@3 “Y’all know WA state is a right to work state.”
More importantly, WA is a right to NOT work state! After all, why would anyone want to work? Think of all the inconveniences of working:
— Commuting expenses and hassles
— Dirty, unpleasant, and dangerous job assignments
— Risks of occupational illnesses and injuries
— Swing, graveyard, weekend, split, and rotating shifts
— Incompetent, abusive, and bullying managers
— Layoffs, outsourcing, downsizing, arbitrary firings
— Pension fund bankruptcies
— Lack of promotion and advancement
— Uncaring and disloyal employers
— Low pay, long hours, off-the-clock work
— Safety regulation and labor law violations
— Dirty break rooms, broken microwaves, flooded lavatories
— Neurotic supervisors and psychotic bosses
— Arbitrary and unfair performance evaluations
— Age and gender discrimination
Yep, working is one giant pain-in-the-ass; and, worst of all, wages get the worst tax treatment. That’s right, the money you work for is the most heavily taxed money under the tax code! Wages are taxed 3 times more than capital gains and dividends, and infinitely more than inheritances!
So why would anyone work? I sure don’t! You couldn’t get me to accept a job if you GAVE it to me! By not working, I get to sleep until noon every day, I never get stuck in traffic jams, and my marginal tax rate is 10% instead of 32% — and I have more money than I ever did when I was working!! So why would I work? I don’t work. There’s no incentive, and plenty of disincentive, to work in this country. And they’re sending all the jobs to China anyway.
@6 The funniest thing about Bush’s tax cuts is what the rich did with them. They tried to steal the money from each other — and then all of them went broke when the markets crashed!
There are more ex-billionaires than baseball free agents.
@11 Hey idiot, did you bother looking up who those CEOs contributed to in 2000 and 2004? No, I didn’t think so. 2008 data are meaningless because Bush made such a bad hash of everything that this time EVERYONE supported the Democrats — including Bush’s top donors. That’s right, all the Bush Pioneers flocked to Hillary and Obama, and left McSame in the dust. The GOP is so bad that even Republicans are donating to Democrats! Sucks to be you.
It may be a new year, but Pudwax and his pals are singing the same tired old song.
Kate Bronfenbrenner, “Uneasy Terrain: The Impact of Capital Mobility on Workers, Wages, and Union Organizing,” U.S. Trade Deficit Review Commission, 2000.
And of course, labor laws in four Canadian provinces and the federal jurisdiction require union certification upon a showing of authorization forms from a majority of employees, much like the Employee Free Choice Act. Acts of union intimidation that have been charged and/or prosecuted in Canada? 0
BTW, the Employee Free Choice Act does not remove the right to secret ballot–it just puts the DECISION of whether to hold a secret ballot election or use majority signup OUT of the hands of the employer and INTO the hands of the workers.
Yeah, you betcha the employers hate THAT.
How much more stupid could this stimulus package be?? None…. None more stupid…..
20 RR
Plus, everyone knew the Democrat was going to win this year. They’d be complete fools not to contribute to the winning side–and they’re not COMPLETE fools.
24 ds
Wow, trenchant…
We’re all on the edge of our seats waiting for your next detailed, well-supported observation. What will it be?
So lookie here: Daddy Love excuses the salaries of the above identified Donkey lovers.
Yep when they’re your ‘friends’ it’s okay.
Pelletizer, you are one of those who said look at the here and now. So we are looking at the here and now. Those identified above are Donkey jockstraps.
Too bad the foo shits on your side of the tracks now.
Some libtard moronic retired dumb bunny asked what were the political contributions of these same peeps for 2004. But you see Pelletizer is a known fool. People like Darryl, and Daddy Love stick up for him. Since Pelletizer has no facts recollection, here we go for the fifteenth time… Anyone with a brain can find these facts. Donkey are too slovenly.
Goldman Sucks Donkey as always…
2008 $2,238,124 D-$1,083,899 R-$320,895
2006 $1,723,896 D-$590,301 R-$198,498
2004 $2,170,903 D-$807,850 R-$558,110
2002 $2,933,415 D-$230,750 R-$39,300
2000 $2,369,147 D-$326,600 R-$198,150
Pelletizer this time save these figgers, so you won’t look as stupid as you normally are posting worthless commentary.
BTYW (W-Webtard) Daddy Love, you should stop agreeing with Pelletizer. He makes you look stupid too. I see you stopped agreeing with HAs clueless idiot rerun(ylb). You’re learning.
Why else did Goldman Sucks Donkey had their hands out for?
Now do you really want to see Citibank too?
Daddy Love fondled some… and said:
some ________
1) of himself
2) thing
3) one
4) body
You choose…
Well Daddy Love I went Democratic just for you. Right from the Democracy Now Web site for da 2004 Donkey convention:
Raytheon, Citibank, Chase Manhattan and Fleet Boston Help Finance the Most Expensive Convention in History
“The Democratic convention in Boston this week has cost 95 million dollars to produce, making it the most expensive political party convention in history.”
“Some of the companies that have provided major funding for the convention include Time Warner, arms manufacturer Raytheon, Citibank, Chase Manhattan and Fleet Boston, now part of Bank of America.”
Arms manufacturer Raytheon…
Oh no… leadless douchy is gonna have a coronary…
Ya know I had a pithy comment for FartyArt. But it’s bad beating up on elders.
27 Pud
Up to your usualy habit of putting words in other people’s mouths again, I see.
Daddy Love fondled some… and said:
some ________
1) of himself
2) thing
3) one
4) body
You choose…
You wrote above:
Where is the additional commentary, “But their salaries… blah blah blah” is totally missing…
Nuff SAID!
Every single Democrat should buy and read this book. http://www.amazon.com/Tear-Dow.....141659762X It shows how the tax cut bullshit that the right wing nutjobs spew never worked. It provides facts – something the right never has – it will utterly destroy their bullshit and any Dem who knows this info will be able to utterly and instantly cause the right wing turds to blubber and cry like babies. It’s CRUSHING info we all should have.
@ everbody: this is making my head hurt.