– Glenn Greenwald catches the Washington Post’s Steven Pearlstein unloading some grade A bullshit on Treasury Secretary Paulson’s role in the economic crisis. It’s amazing that there are still journalists who don’t comprehend out how easy it is to compare something you said a month ago to something you’re saying today and then compare both of those things to facts. Or they just don’t care.
– Latin America’s revolt against the drug war continues with Mexican President Felipe Calderon and Honduran President Manuel Zelaya talking about various forms of decriminalization and legalization and Bolivian President Evo Morales blocking U.S. anti-drug flights.
– Someone snarkily emailed me this link about how pot farms are destroying national parks, apparently as evidence that marijuana is dangerous. The danger is not from marijuana, though, which can be grown safely all over the world. The danger is from marijuana prohibition, which forces this crop (the #1 cash crop in the United States) to be grown in hidden and secret locations; and also ensures that criminals who could give a fuck about the environment will be the only people overseeing it’s production. You want to fix this problem? Legalize it. Regulate it’s production and sale. And tax it. Hell, that might even raise enough public revenue to clean up the messes being made in those parks.
– Sarah Silverman wants young Jews to go on a Great Schlep to Florida to convince their grandparents to vote for Obama. After watching this Daily Show video, all I can say is, good luck with that…
– Finally, How awesome is Dino Rossi’s old Idea Bank Committee? While Mathew Manweller (known to us at Effin Unsound as the Nutty Professor) was going off on a protestor who dared challenge his middle school-level understanding of liberty and free markets today, a post at the top of their WhackyNation blog from fellow Idea Banker Lou Guzzo was advocating that tobacco be banned nationwide. I don’t know how Dino Rossi stays so serene and smiley being surrounded by such crazy people.
Go, Evo!
Alaska Personnel Board Expands Palin Inquiry
“ANCHORAGE, Alaska — The Alaska state Personnel Board investigation of Gov. Sarah Palin’s firing of Walt Monegan as public safety commissioner has broadened to include other ethics complaints against the governor …, according to the independent counsel handling the case. …
“Two other ethics complaints involving Palin are known. One … alleges that state hiring practices were circumvented for a Palin supporter. … The other … alleges that trooper Mike Wooten’s personnel file was illegally breached by state officials. …
“The Personnel Board … has meetings scheduled for Oct. 20 and Nov. 3. Agendas for those meetings mention confidential ethics matters to be handled in executive session.”
(Quoted from Seattle Times under fair use.)
So who’s this Manweller guy? CWU’s reverse discrimination hire?
Let’s see….
Stock market DOWN 340.
My only current market holding is Wells Fargo which is UP on higher than estimated 3rd Quarter earnings.
I told you KLOWNS yesterday NOT to get in yesterday and to watch this AM.
My guru told me in May, 2007 that the market would become extremely volatile with a downward trend. This is why I cashed out 100%.
My guru also told me there would be tremendous Short-Term opportunities (1-5 day trades) if I was disciplined to buy on extreme dips and sell into rallies. This is what I have done.
You KLOWNS have no sack! You just bitch & moan and seem to love it when the market tanks.
I don’t mind it when the market tanks because it creates buying opportunities like today. With retail sales DOWN, it is important to be very cautious in your choices. Do not buy stocks that are directly dependent on retail sales like JNJ.
Rog. NOV is DOWN over 5 points today. I don’t know why you continue to ride the roller-coaster downward instead of changing your strategy to short-term trading…selling on rallies.
I am looking at NOV as a buying opporrtunity again today. Suggest you buy more and then look to sell on a rally.
Stubborn old F@cks like you seem to believe since some strategy worked in the past, then By God it will work again today. False..obviously. You need to adapt your strategy to fit long-term trends. I think the market will still be incredibly volatile. We have had only 1-day in October (yesterday DOWN 76) where the market had less than a triple-digit swing. That’s volatility!!
Profit from volatility…don’t bitch.
Just on-line from AP about your disgraceful Rep. Tom Mahoney (DEMOCRAT–Florida):
“WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. – Hours after a married congressman addressed a report that he had an affair with a former aide and paid her to keep quiet about it, details of a purported tryst with a second woman surfaced.
Though Democratic U.S. Rep. Tim Mahoney did not directly mention allegations first reported by ABC News that he had been involved with the former aide, he issued a statement apologizing to his family but denying he’d done anything illegal.
Later Tuesday, a person close to his campaign told The Associated Press that Mahoney also was having an affair with a second woman around the same time.
Mahoney, 52, won his seat in 2006 while promising to return morals and family values to Washington in the aftermath of the resignation of former Republican U.S. Rep. Mark Foley.”
Makes you wonder when this piece of crap had time to govern!!
Mahoney is going to lose…and his disgrace will hurt O-blah-blah is his District. Look for strong Republican showing.
@4 You are certifiably insane. You’re also a certified liar, as GBS and I showed, calling you out for your faux trading bullshit. But keep posting this shit as it’s good for a laugh at your expense.
@5 After 12 years of Republican pedophiles, goatfuckers, toe-tappers, diaper wearers and public toilet room blowjobs, nobody’s much interested in Mahoney having an affair with a woman. But keep posting the story. It serves to show how blind you are to you and your Party’s own perversions.
You continue to have jealousy oozing out of your pores!
GBS called me out all right. What a KLOWN. No one would post trade confirmations idiot.
I could care less if you believe me steve.
Continue to bitch & moan and live your life of anger & jealousy. It’s your choice whether to take risks and make your own way…or vote for a KLOWN like O-blah-blah who is promising folks lots of free stuff and will pay for it by taxing rich people.
That’s all O-blah-blah is…class warfare advocate.
McCain has the answer.
Cut Capital Gains Taxes in half and get the economy moving again!
Of course steve, you have nothing to invest…hence jealousy.
GBS at least tries…although he doesn’t even post his transactions (buys & sells) anymore…which tells me he is failing.
Failures like you & GBS tend to want to feel better by attacking folks who are successful.
It’s called jealousy.
It’s the devil’s trap steve.
Angry/Envious people waste away their lives being ANGRY & JEALOUS.
You are a pitiful fool steve.
GBS has become one too because success has eluded him.