If a canvasser comes to your door asking you to vote for Stephen Johnson for state Supreme Court, be careful he isn’t carrying a sawed-off shotgun or trying to sell you meth. For at the same time the Building Industry Association of Washington (BIAW) has spent millions of dollars cynically attempting to characterize Johnson’s opponent, Justice Susan Owens as soft on crime… they’ve been staffing their Walking for Washington campaign with violent felons. You know, like state Sen. Pam Roach’s wayward son Stephen.
Stephen Roach was convicted on drug and weapons charges after he sold an undercover informant the powerful narcotic OxyContin. A September 2004 raid (on his mother Pam’s house) found “cash, OxyContin, scales, ‘marijuana packaged for sale,’ a .45-caliber handgun and a pair of shotguns — one of which was loaded and concealed behind the headboard of his bed.”
Stephen Roach was sentenced to 20 months in prison, but was erroneously released more than 100 days early after Corrections administrators, ignoring testimony from two officers, failed to take into account a prior assault that would have classified him at a higher risk of reoffending. Officials claim the decision had nothing to do with his mother’s political clout, although they also failed to properly inspect her home for weapons after an angry phone call from the often angry senator.
On May 1 of this year, Stephen Roach walked out of prison a free man, and almost immediately started walking the streets on behalf of BIAW-backed judicial candidates Stephen Johnson and John Groen. His first paycheck from Walking for Washington is dated May 16.
Yeah, that’s right… the convicted, drug-dealing son of a sitting, Republican state senator is “erroneously” released from prison more than 100 days early, and the BIAW immediately hires him to walk through residential neighborhoods and knock on peoples doors on behalf of a retiring Republican state senator and supreme court candidate.
Tough on crime? Pam Roach, Stephen Johnson and the BIAW may talk the talk, but when it comes to Walking for Washington they certainly don’t walk the walk.
If you don’t go to school and get a good edcuation, you’ll doorbell!
(Botched Joke)
Darcy Burner IS the botched joke.
@2..that is ridiculous.
The GOP is phony through and through. Top to bottom. Stem to stern, Fore to Aft. North to South. Terribly feeble GOP gene pool.
Goldie: Something doesn’t add up. Thinking people can parse through your bullshit and see the facts.
Who runs the state DoC activities?
Is the leader an appointed position?
Who controls Olympia?
Who controls the governor’s house?
Who errorneously allowed Pam Roach’s son out of jail?
Who didn’t check the sentence?
The answer my friend is donks blowing in the wind. The answer my friend is donks blowing in the wind!
So before you pull the wool over the non-thinkers (your buddies) on HorsesAss, maybe you should become more introspective regarding the crap you create.
I expect the non-thinking moonbats to answer with stupid replies and non-sequitors!
As usual, the point passed over your head. But it WAS kind of the BIAW to hire an early-release felon, wasn’t it? Kinda makes you feel all warmin inside. Be sure to invite him in when he comes to your house.
It doesn’t really surpise me, considering the attitudes of most staunch Republicans. Although they rant and rave about being “tough” on drugs and crime, when it comes to their own relatives they are much more understanding.
Under their reasoning, a young Republican is a good kid who’s fallen under the influence of the evil (black) drug pushers who ply their wares on Capital Hill, downtown Seattle parks, or Tacoma’s Hilltop or Parkland areas. According to them, if you are tough on the black gangsters who peddle drugs, then their sons/daughters wouldn’t have “this problem”.
I’ve often found it ironic/humerous (in a morbid way) how the “War on Drugs” changed between the 1960’s and the 1970’s. In its early stages, Republicans ranted and railed against the evils of drugs, and advocated life sentences for possession of even small amounts of illegal drugs. But then their own children started getting arrested, and suddenly the “War on Drugs” quickly changed to a “War on Pushers/Dealers”. Treatment programs combined with deferred prosecutions became viable sentencing options, as long as it wasn’t taxpayer funded, (i.e., only available for the wealthy).
Roughly at the same time, the Republicans who insisted that we “Stay the Course” in Vietnam began changing their tune quickly when the war lasted longer than the college career of their children. Once they graduated and no longer had the protection of the draft deferment, they found that there was lots of competition for the limited other options which would keep their kids from’Nam, Not everybody had the political influence to get their kids pushed to the top of the list for the Texas Air National Guard. Applications for deferment-eligible graduate programs (medical school, etc.) skyrocketed, but the number of available slots didn’t keep pace. Suddenly, there was a measurable change in the polling results showing widespread public desire for a withdrawal from Vietnam. Nixon and Kissinger complied, achieving “Peace with Honor” by agreeing in Dec. ‘72 or Jan. ‘73 which pretty much matched what the North Vietnamese had offered three years previously.
The republicans are for law and order except when they’re not!
By the way, the BIAW assholes better stay off my property. I am one Democrat who believes in gun rights. And I’ll use mine to defend my family if some convicted felon decides to trespass and poses a threat that I consider real. Here that Janet S/aka Pam Roach? Keep your baby boy at home. We don’t need no sinkin’ felons wondering around our streets talking about issues they can’t even vote on.
10 A big nasty dog might suffice, except it seems in the Pammie’s district they’re viewed as objects for sexual exploitation.
What a freak show!
5 Mike WebSucker….agreed something pretty funny must have happened for Stephen to be on the loose, but it’s nothing like what you seem to be wanking about.
Somehow, I don’t expect Rob McKenna to make it a priority to get to the bottom of it, either.
Lotsa news this morning! Leading the list, new polls show strong movement to Democrats; http://www.electoral-vote.com/ now projects a 239-195 House and 50-50 Senate! Jim Webb has moved ahead of Sen. Adolf Allen by more than the margin of error! In Florida, Gov. Jeb Bush may be replaced by a Democrat! EAT SHIT NAZI TRAITORS!!!
Welcome, Pammy!
So glad you could drop by. You’re not packin’ are you?
Of course you’re not. Packin’.
A brain that is.
Since you brought it up. Why not illuminate for all of us what a tremendous job of parenting you seem to have managed over the years?
My, but you sure do have a lot to be proud of, now don’t you.
You’re sort of like the barefoot, hill billy version of Jennifer Dunn, aren’t you? Except that, unlike Reagan Dunn, your little Manchurian Candidate seems to have gone off the farm.
How sad for you.
By the same logic, the GOP is responsible for everything that any federal bureaucrat does anywhere.
I should say “illogic” because MWS isn’t logical. He has his head up his ass counting colon polyps.
“Nixon and Kissinger complied, achieving “Peace with Honor” by agreeing in Dec. ‘72 or Jan. ‘73 which pretty much matched what the North Vietnamese had offered three years previously.” Commentby rhp6033— 11/1/06@ 10:37 am
Can you say “cut and run”?
I notice the current crop of cut-and-run Republicans changed their rhetoric from “stay the course” to “flexibility” just last week — but not without using “flexibility” as an excuse to dump another billion dollars of OUR money into the rathole of the Iraqi “security forces.” And these people bitch about taxes? Why are they bitching about taxes? THEY don’t pay taxes!
In the immortal words of Leona Helmsley — a Republican if there ever was one! … “Only the little people pay taxes.”
Helmsley kept a bed warm in the “federal country club” for all the Republicans following in her footsteps.
Once again you’ve lived up to your label as the best hell-raiser in town! Great job.
I do agree with the gopers on one thing — we gotta STOP coddling criminals and running prisons like resorts!!! Dress ’em all in PINK like that Texas sheriff does, feed ’em on PRISON LOAF, and put ’em to work on the CHAIN GANG!!! We need to treat incarceration as PUNISHMENT and it needs to be HARSH enough to be a DETERRENT to RECIDIVISM!!!
Man this is gonna be fun!!! Only five more days …
Hey if Stephen Johnson has the violent-felon vote sewed up, I guess that leaves Susan Owens with only the lock-em-up-and-throw-the-key-away voters like me.
Can you say “pretty in pink?”
I have a list of off-leash dogs (and their owners) that I want arrested …
Click here for photo of new canine prison fashion. http://tinyurl.com/tgxel
What do you think of the new Dog Pound jumpsuits?
[ ] 1. They’re great! We should dress up Duke Cunningham and Jack Abramoff like that, too.
[ ] 2. You gotta be kidding! Where’d you get THAT … at a GOP orgy?
[ ] 3. Did Mark Foley have sex with this dog?
[ ] 4. Isn’t that Mark the Redneck’s dog? Sure looks like him!
[ ] 5. Did some cheap labor conservative claim this dog as a dependent and take a tax deduction on him?
James Webb is now ahead of George Allen by more than the margin of error in the latest polls. Way to smack ’em down George! Why don’t you beat up a couple old ladies today? Why lose by only 4 points when you can go for complete, utter, total humiliation!!!
“Nixon and Kissinger complied, achieving “Peace with Honor” by agreeing in Dec. ‘72 or Jan. ‘73 which pretty much matched what the North Vietnamese had offered three years previously.” Commentby rhp6033— 11/1/06@ 10:37 am
Can you say “cut and run”?
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 11/1/06@ 11:19 am
Yea, Roger. I don’t know if anyone else heard about a book that came out last month. I heard the tail end of an interview with the author on NPR, but I didn’t catch the name of the author or the book. But this author was saying that Kissinger admitted to him that he (Kissinger) and Nixon knew that the war was unwinnable by 1970, and that the S. Vietnamese government would never be able to survive without direct U.S. military force continuing to back up the government. So they tried to find a formula where the S. Vietnamese government would last at least three years, then they could blame their collapse on somebody else (such as the Democratic congress?).
If those statements are true, they would be rather prophetic, except that the S. Vietnamese government collapsed a bit earlier – two and a half years after the peace agreement was signed. And the Republicans blamed the collapse on the Democratic congress, saying they hadn’t fully complied with the Administration’s funding request for Vietnam.
Maybe Bush should use this as an example of how Republicans are “putting people back to work”.
Please call on John Kerry to appologize..
Join other democraps..
Join the troops..
John Kerry did apparently apologize, per Hillary.
Is this true?
More lefties on your side John….
Classic, and expected.
Talk about piling on the spit…
26 James Webb is now ahead of George Allen
Th.n.s f.r yo.r s.upp.rt, er, thanks for your support. Sorry, I had my boys penis in my mouth.
The funniest thing about Kerry’s “joke” is that Bush had higher grades than Kerry in college.
Likes-to-suck-Mike-Webb at 32:
Yeah, it is amazing that people like John McCain endorsed Jim Webb’s book, and the Marine Corps considers it required reading. Much better if they would just encourage the Marines to read a good lesbian story like Lynne Cheney’s Sisters.
The funniest thing about Bush is that he got us stuck in Iraq and has created even more terrorist.
Oh wait, that’s not funny.
Why is it that Republican’s are unable to just have normal sex:
RENO, Nev. (AP) – Nevada’s race for governor was barely a contest at all until it took a scandalous turn a few weeks ago, when a cocktail waitress accused Rep. Jim Gibbons of trying to sexually assault her in a parking garage after a night of drinking just off the Las Vegas Strip.
The lurid allegations in the closing weeks of the campaign have put the race back in play and put the one-time Republican front-runner on the defensive. Policy issues have taken a back seat to dueling news conferences, a burgeoning criminal investigation and a mystery over what exactly is on the parking garage’s surveillance video.
Gibbons, a conservative five-term congressman from Reno and the only member in the House to have served in both the Vietnam and Persian Gulf wars, had held a nine-point lead in September over liberal Democrat Dina Titus, a state lawmaker and political science professor at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas.
In a possible measure of how much damage the scandal has done, President Bush is headed to Nevada for the second time in a month, with a speech scheduled Thursday in Gibbons’ solidly Republican congressional district.
“Certainly the race must be tighter than they anticipated because it should have been a cakewalk … for Gibbons and now we have the president coming to Elko,” said Fred Lokken, a Republican and political science professor at Truckee Meadows Community College in Reno.
It was three weeks before Election Day when 32-year-old Chrissy Mazzeo made three 911 calls after leaving a Las Vegas restaurant where she had been drinking with a friend, the married congressman, his top adviser and others. Alternately breathless and laughing, the single mother who recently left the Wynn Las Vegas hotel-casino to work at the Bellagio hotel-casino told police that Gibbons grabbed her arms and tried to force himself on her.
Vote for Burner on Kerry’s web site to get a last-minute fundraising email sent out — http://www.johnkerry.com/action/youdecide/
In a televised address to the nation Monday, President Bush announced that the U.S. is in “desperate need of thousands of registered Democrats” to conduct what he called an “extremely important mission” to begin immediately and continue at least until the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November.
Bush lauded the “progressive American heroes” who he says will be vital in carrying out the mission.
“This mission is absolutely vital, for the next week to 10 days will determine the future of our country,” said Bush, who would not reveal what the operation entailed, only to say that it was “highly classified.”
“We are calling on the most stalwart Democrats in the land,” Bush said. “In fact, they are the only ones capable of making it a success.”
Although details were limited, an unnamed administration official revealed that, on Wednesday, November 1, registered Democrats will be asked to report to designated government rendezvous points such as post offices and military recruiting centers. Once there, they will be registered, fingerprinted, and issued one-piece jumpsuits, bedding, and canteens of drinking water, then directed to board brown school buses bound for an undisclosed location or locations.
“Certainly it will mean sacrifice, and possibly a prolonged absence from your families,” Bush said. “We need at least 40,000 Democrats, but more are always welcome.”
It’s the Republican’s only hope?
Please tell our troops in Iraq that Bush thinks they shouldn’t have sex. Clearly they can’t handle the responsibility.
The Air Force is seeking a huge “emergency” budget increase – $50 billion.
Why? Because the Bush administration has no idea what it’s doing in Iraq and Afghanistan. The budget process is out of control. They’re going to ram through a huge “emergency” military budget during the lame duck session of Congress in November – before the democrats take over – in order to avoid oversight and scrutiny.
Your tax dollars at work.
“I’m Dave Reichert, and I approved these ‘emergency’ military appropriations just before I lost my seat.”
I’ll keep a can of Raid handy.
I expect the non-thinking
You mean the same people who bought the Gorelick wall bullshit.
Q- Why do Republicans make bad lovers?
A- They lie to get in there and have no plan once they’re there.
Go Yvonne Ward! Put that pistol-packing criminal-enabling Grandma out of business!
Goldy — FACT CHECK. You state:
“Stephen Roach was convicted on drug and weapons charges after he sold an undercover informant the powerful narcotic OxyContin. A September 2004 raid (on his mother Pam’s house) found “cash, OxyContin, scales, ‘marijuana packaged for sale,’ a .45-caliber handgun and a pair of shotguns – one of which was loaded and concealed behind the headboard of his bed.”
The Seattle Post-Intelligencer article says basically the same thing, but refers to “Stephen Roach’s home”, without any reference one way or the other as to whether he was living with his mother at the time of his residence being raided by police.
Do you have further documentation, one way or the other, as to who was living in the home that the police raided?
Too bad Stephen Roach didn’t live in Florida. One customer alone could have made him filthy rich.
Attention all 25 million illegal aliens: YOU MAY NOT VOTE!! Border Patrol and the Minutemen will be all EVERY poll to ship you ass back to Mexico!!!
Attention all FELONS!!! You may not vote!! Parole Officers will be at EVERY poll to “run you” and take away your weapons!!! Sorry, Democrats!!!!
Rush will rally an extra 10 million Republican votes!!! Voter ID will kill the Democrats!!!!
John Craig:
You need to get your syphalis looked into. Even an average delusional wingnut doesn’t believe the crap you are spewing.
Richard Pope @46
Try the Seattle Times, Feb 16, 2005
Sumner home owned by Pam and her husband. However the Senator was not home at the time.
Goldy was correct!
Attention John Craig Herman: You cannot vote. Your pimp will be at your poll site, and he expects you to be out cruising sailors to give them blow jobs. Caddy’s do not pay for themselves.
I love how moonbats miss irony.
Moonbats let Stephen out 100 days early by mistake and the BIAW hire Stephen 100 days earlier.
Moonbats are against hiring felons if they work for conservative causes.
Moonbats to the core.
ROGER RABBIT, GOP FIND COMMON GROUND!!! I do agree with the gopers on one thing – we gotta STOP coddling criminals and running prisons like resorts!!! Dress ‘em all in PINK like that Texas sheriff does, feed ‘em on PRISON LOAF, and put ‘em to work on the CHAIN GANG!!! We need to treat incarceration as PUNISHMENT and it needs to be HARSH enough to be a DETERRENT to RECIDIVISM!!!
Furball: The sheriff is in Arizona! As usual you are factless! And…….. the criminals are predominately moonbat supporters, hence the pink costumes!
Very appropriate!
So Law-and-order Pammie had her kid actually DEALING drugs out of her HOUSE? Cheese whiz…what happened to all that crap about the head of household being responsible in dealing busts? Why didn’t the authorities sieze the Roach’s house, their car, etc like they do with people who aren’t “somebody”?
The Prince of Darkness has finished his meal of puppy blood with Dick Cheney and issued his final call on the house:
House 2006
Even as House Republicans pull some of their most endangered members out of the fire, new casualties keep cropping up. The effect of Sen. John Kerry’s remarks remains unknown.
If the election were held today, Democrats would seize control of the House of Representatives, perhaps by a substantial margin. In addition to the ones where they trail, Republicans now have several races teetering on the brink of disaster. Democrats +20, Republicans -20.
Speaking of the BIAW, where’s Ms Chickenhawk, aka, Mr. Cynical?
Tick, tock, tick, tock, your days are numbered here on HA blog.
You wouldn’t know this since you never served, but in the Navy we’d say you have “5 days and a wake up” until you’re gone!!
6 Daddy Love
Apparently, you reflect the views of all Democrats towards minorities. You want them to vote Democrat but don’t ask them to improve their lives.
Factchecker @ 51
Thanks for the update. But doesn’t Pam Roach own several homes?
Nice article in USA Today about minorities breaking out.
Hey Pam – FUCK YOU you greasy cunt!