In covering a Teabagger party in Asotin, the TV newscaster leads off by saying “They say it’s all about traditional values…” — and what exactly are traditional Teabagger values?
“How many of you have watched the movie Lonesome Dove? What happened to Jake when he ran with the wrong crowd? … He got hung. And that’s what I want to do with Patty Murray.”
To which, of course, the crowd laughs and applauds. Yup, nothin’ riles up the spirit of a patriotic American more than a good ol’ fashioned hangin’ of a U.S. Senator.
Look at that crowd. Uneducated old angry white people. I’m tired of hearing about these jokers. They’re insane.
We pay the LOWEST taxes of all 1st world nations you IDIOTS! Man are these people DUMB! We JUST elected a President that CUT their taxes, and they run out protesting claiming it’s not about race and hating our first black President, but it’s about taxes, even though they’re paying LESS than they did under the last President (a white Republican). Give me a BREAK! These people are morons and beneath contempt.
They ALL want tax cuts (again, they already got that)….but they ALSO want to…
1. Protect social security from cuts
2. Protect Medicare from cuts
3. Increase our military
And they also want their taxes cut (again).
Idiots. Just mindless slogan spewing idiots.
Now the KLOWN will jump in and say these people are “constitutional conservatives”.. Salt of the earth, yadda, yadda…
Again I repeat the 400 richest families in this country has seen their income go way up while their tax rate has DROPPED to under 17 percent!
How f’ing low do these fools want to cut these rich people’s taxes???? They seem like Republican sheep to me..
They’re stupid. They’re anti-fact, anti-reality, anti-evolution, anti-science.
Dude, I’m not making this up. The last Presidential race include a moment where EVERY Republican candidate was asked if they believed in evolution (which 99% of scientists do) and NOT ONE said they do.
These folks are NOT in touch with reality. At all. They get their taxes cut and run out in the street complaining about taxes. Idiots.
And of COURSE they’re capable of murder. Another plane was flown into a building today (in Austin Texas). Muslim? No, like Oklahoma City, an angry white Christian who hated the IRS and didn’t care if he killed the water cooler guy, UPS delivery guy or anyone else that might have been in the building.
I’m TIRED of angry poor middle east Muslims blaming us for all their problems…and I’m TIRED of stupid angry privileged white people complaining (though they have all the power and money). Just BITE ME! Can we get these angry dumb people off our planet?
LOL… Someone should run the numbers on how much cash Asotin County pays out V. how much it takes in. And on how much cash senator Murray has sent their way.
Once again Goldy chooses to isolate an incident and try to brand a whole movement because of the actions of a few.
So Goldy, how about “Progressives” like the Earth Liberation Front”? How about Van Jones…a true Progressive? Amy “The Murderess” Bishop The list goes on & on.
You KLOWNS just don’t get it.
The Democrat “talking points” orchestrated by David “The Devil” Axelrod is calling for this type of attack nonsense to try and drive unaffiliateds away from the Tea Party.
It won’t work because there really isn’t a Party or a Head for you KLOWNS to attack. That will prove to be your ultimate frustration and undoing. The constant attack does nothing to attract folks back to the Progressive Democrat agenda. How does it Goldy? Please explain. When voters evaluate the actions and consequences of Obamunism, Reidism and Pelosiism…they will conclude it is flawed and harmful.
The Tea Party will have no candidates per se.
It is a philosophical movement primarily composed of Constitutional Conservatives and other disgruntled Americans fed up with massive government growth and spending and huge, unsustainable deficits.
What exactly are you attacking Goldy?
To what end?
Are you attacking Constitutional Conservativism?
You KLOWNS are in charge!
You are doing nothing helpful to average Americans.
Name-calling and mocking/ridiculing folks who disagree or want to hold those in power accountable probably won’t work.
You appear mighty desperate Goldy…
Desperation to avoid legitimate discussions about the cost & role of Government in our lives.
Pffftt… Steve – you’re right on the money on this KLOWN..
Don’t sell yourself short.
This freak is out of his gourd…
Yes, “the devil”…Axelrod is a magical demon, or maybe just an angry leprechaun. Anti-reality.
Axelrod is calling for this type of attack nonsense to try and drive unaffiliateds away from the Tea Party? Dude, Sarah PALIN said the Tea Party folks have to “get real” and choose a party, either “R” or “D”. That was Sarah Palin. They paid her $100,000 dollars for 2 hours of our her time (you know, like ‘average Joes’ get paid)…she was their convention speaker, and she just told them they’re not a “real” party and they ahve to join the Democrats or Republicans. It’s not “the devil”, it’s Sarah Palin. Anti-reality.
Sure they’re crazy, but it’s not like they live in a sane world. I don’t focus too much on them. I bet most of them are decent people. They’re just being manipulated, having their buttons pushed. I try to remind myself to look at who is doing this to them. I don’t mean the talking heads. I mean the power behind the talking heads.
Look at how easy it is to manipulate Mr. Klynical and to push his buttons. It’s so easy that it gets boring quick.
6. YLB spews:
Amy Bishop is:
1) A Murderess
2) A big-time Lefty.
Connect the dots dimwit.
Don’t ignore the sign in the background of this photo calling for Obama to be castrated. These people are repulsive; they have no dignity and they are hateful. A decent person, no matter how they were manipulated, would conduct themselves in that manner. Sorry, I will not make excuses for these thugs.
Tea Klux Klan
12. Zotz spews:
Is that the new name of the nanny State Seattle Progressives?
If so, that’s dang funny!
Most of us west of the mountains get fucked on taxes paid vice taxes put to work where we live in favor of insane old white people from east of the mountains.
Screw ’em! I want my fucking money back!
Would be so easy to say that the difference between Patty and Jake is: Jake bought whores but Patty is one. I’ll resist the temptation. Get thee behind me.
Steve: Drop a line to
Jack Horner
Museum of the Rockies
Bozeman, Montana 59717
He can point you to Egg Mountain where he found some nests, and maybe to private land where you can keep fossils you find.
There’s a full-frontal access place about a half hour from Bozeman, on the Gallatin, where you can pluck trilobites from the shale and keep ’em.
Sigh! Time for another HA poll
I like Mr. Klynical best when he
[ ] speaks in tongues
[ ] buys Wells Fargo high and sells it low
[ ] tells us racist jokes
[ ] is nowhere near my children
[ ] are you fucking kidding me?
[ ] other (describe)
These self described independent, did it myself, don’t need the gubmint, fucktard bigots wouldn’t exist without federal water and power and lots of other government resources.
It’s a fucking desert, you fucking idiots!
“I want people to be involved in the PTA.”
That would be the Parents & Teachers Association, which if people weren’t involved in wouldn’t exist…
PS: Might help your appeal to Horner if you resist the temptation to ask him about shicking in his thumbs and pulling out plums.
Lonesome Dove is a contender for Great American Novel. Pity to have it sullied by conservative baggers and neo-Marxist whiners.
Speaking of Bozeman, Lonesome Dove retells the story of Nelson Story who headed ’em north to Bozeman Country in the mid-1860s. McMurtry transposed the story by about a decade, but it’s Nelson’s story. Pun intended.
14. Zotz spews:
Welcome to the Tea Party!!
And when you get it back please take some remedial classes in writing!
17. Zotz spews:
Federal Water?
Federal Power?
Federal Resources?
That’s not true..and even if it was, that is the problem dumbass. Why must government own these things?
marge @ 21–
Zotz is a product of Union Teachers of Washington!
Apparently a call to lynch one of our Senators is not considered news at the Seattle Times or PI. What dumbasses!
Message to “we ylb arschloch”, many of those rich peeps…
Warren Buffet
William Gates
Larry Ellison
Walton Family
Steve Jobs
Steve Ballmer
etc. etc. etc.
ARE DUMMOCRAPTICS ya stupid moron. Even the Walton Family has been giving more to Dummocraptics than Republicans. Puddy proved this through NewsMeat and OpenSecrets. Use that Goldy HA Backup you freely provide on your personal computer and search the HA Archives fool!. More class warfare of divide the country by “we ylb arschloch”. You are at your peak form “we ylb arschloch”.
Delbert delivered the goods on the progressive Odumba loving female killer professor in Alabama a few days ago. The moron “we ylb arschloch” needs to search his Goldy HA Libtardo backup more often.
You asking “we ylb arschloch” to connect the dots is like asking an earthworm to grow legs and walk.
Not gonna happen!
Yes Alki, the next group to leave the Dummocraptics. Keep up the attacks on Americans.
Somehow Hilary Clinton’s words about disagreeing with the government ring louder and louder everyday.
Here is how bad it is from the Dummocraps–
The Democrat Mayor of Las Vegas snubs Obam-Mao!
Too Damn Funny.
They are coming apart.
The root cause is ARROGANCE.
However, this must be part of a secret plan by Obam-Mao to actually help Vegas tourism!
The plan is so secret, Obam-Mao doesn’t even know about it.
Have you been following how Chris Christy is handling the NJ Budget Debacle?
Teachers in NJ pay ZERO on Health Insurance.
That will change.
Lots of Democrat appointee corruption to clean up..YOU’RE FIRED!
We have a juge deficit? STOP SPENDING!
Christy is a Constitutional Conservatives DREAM! The guy is brilliant.
Keep an eye on him and what he says.
He is a wonderful Quote machine,,who unlike Obam-Mao, will back his words with consistent action.
Puddy @26–
Delbert did lay out the facts.
Of course, ylb is as allergic to facts as he is to work!
The farmers around Asotin get subsidized water, power (for pumping the water) and transport for their crops.
Go look at all the exemptions from paying sales taxes in Washington that farmer get.
It not so much that I’m against the subsidies, but I am very much offended by people that get subsidy after subsidy and then turn around and complain about how much they have to pay or how other people have too much control.
I love how the people interviewed couldn’t come up with anything specific.
Nope sorry. Just to start with much of rural America still wouldn’t have electricity or phone service if it wasn’t for the REA (a Federal program). Then we can add all those places people farm now that wouldn’t be viable as farm land without the Federal water projects. Then there are all of the dams that were built by government agencies for power, flood control, or navigation. I somehow suspect private enterprise would have financed many of those projects on their own.
Really rural America would largely be stuck in the 19th century without the government.
“If you know what your kids are taught, it a lot easier to start passing… it’s easier to start finding things that’s is commin’ in that that we don’t want.”
Did I get that quote about right?
Parents are very involved at my nieces school and I’m sure if the Tea Parties Speaker (I couldn’t catch his name) came to her school he’d find all sorts of stuff that he didn’t like (they’re teaching kids yoga, by God!). But, those things are there because of involved parents want them there.
You notice how ButtPutty and the Klown deflected the thread away from how right wing idiots make jokes about killing people on the left?
Maybe we should make jokes about killing trolls? After all, this is all in good humor, isn’t it?
Yea interesting that. Maybe the teabaggers should be rounded up and detained at Guantanamo as potential terrorists. I mean calling for a US Senator to be hung because you can’t defeat her at the ballot box is advocating a treasonous and terrorist act right?
Really Cyn, you amaze me. If not for FDR’s foresight, a fair-sized chunk of eastern Washington and Oregon would be empty desert and scrub rather than productive farmland. So I guess that’s another thing you morons want to destroy as part of dismantling FDR’s legacy – rural electrification and irrigation, thereby destroying thousands of jobs and billions of dollars of goods and services. Amazing, what good government can do for people, only to be utterly ignored by morons who jump like frog legs in a petri dish when their masters order them to.
I didn’t hear anyone in the crowd objecting to the hanging comment and what I saw looked like a representative sample of Tea Bagger nonsense.
It’s up on the PI’s blog now.
Water boarding. That is Cheney’s favorite interrogation technique. Let’s find out what they know.
32: Study this, and then report back.
Start with John Wesley Powell’s correct and dire warnings about trying to turn the arid lands west of the 100th meridian into an agrarian paradise. Wallace Stegner and Donald Worster have brought Powell’s arguments into the modern era with apt indictments of the West’s ‘hydraulic’ disease.
Read Egan and Worster about the Dust Bowl, a direct consequence of federal paternalism.
Check Richard Wright, formerly(?) UW, and Michael Malone about federal injections of capital and patronage into Western territories and states, injections that greased the skids for much of the West becoming a pludered province of federally-abetted exploitation.
etc etc.
OK. Two cheers for REA. But dams and irrigation in the Great Desert? Are you nuts? Were our politicians? Even Jimmy Carter, the stupidist white man in America, was smart enough to know that Western water projects can’t be justified in any terms other than the terms of political pandering and pay-offs.
I wonder if this guy was a Tea Bagger
There are still large areas of Eastern Washington without irrigation. You get maybe 8 to 10 bushels of wheat per acre if you are lucky with rain. Not much else you can do with it other than using at range land. And that usually gets over grazed.
@36: Nope. That’s what the FEMA camps are for.
To go along with the Teabaggers threatening murder of a sitting United States Senator, some radical, right-wing extremist just launched a terrorist attack on the United States of America in Austin, Texas.
These right-wing extremists share similar values with al Qeada in hating America and running suicide missions involving aircraft and attacking buildings with innocent American civilians just working.
God Bless our First Responders — again — for running into another burning building attacked by terrorists.
I’m certain Cheney, Rush, Puddy, Mr. C. and the usual cast of supporters of right-wing terrorism groups will be quick to condemn the Commander-in-Chief for allowing another terrorist attack on American soil.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, the terrorists are in our midst and they are right-wing radical domestic terrorists with shared causes and values of al Qeada. As such, we must be dealt with in similar fashion. With swift, violent military action. NOW!
Time to monitor these radical groups with FBI, CIA and Special Forces and take out these dirty, no good, son-of-a-bitch home-grown terrorists.
There were studies done looking at what would happen to AG in the Asotin area if the Snake River Dams were torn out. Without irrigation production goes off a cliff and has to switch from high value products to low value ones.
You don’t need the dams to irrigate the land. The Army Corps. has already figured out how to pump water w/o them AND everyone, even us enviro’s, want to see irrigation continue.
I don’t have time to dig up all the links, but the stuff’s easy to find.
I hope you’re not referring to pumping water from wells. They’re already pumping way more water than is sustainable.
Why isn’t that fat tub of lard-ass-ugly-fuck in jail?
She just announced in front of a live audience with video proof that she wants to kill a member of congress.
Didn’t we learn anything from that Clemmons dude?
He talked in recorded conversations about killing police and no one did anything.
Now another ugly fat fuck says pretty much the same thing.
Lock up the bitch.
(Oh, and fercrissakes bitch, try to come up with some newer references. Lonesome Dove? You should go to jail just for that.)
In major good news for our resident goat fuckers, Pudpuller and Klynical:
A Goat with 4 penises for your reach around pleasure (one for each of your hands assuming double penetration) — is available 8 am to 5 pm at the Ministry of A-a-a-a-a-griculture in India!
Only 2 rupee admission!
And the Minister of A-a-a-a-a-griculture wanted to be sure to let you know the goat urinates from all 4 penises! So presumably the other plumbing connected to the penises works too. What a treat for you!
See ya!
No, from the Snake R. (post dam removal) I’m sure there will be fights over how much to pump, but everyone agrees that pumping should take place.
I’m willing to chip in on their travel expenses. What is cheapest? UPS, FeEx or DHL. Or is there something cheaper?
You should start a fund raising driver for Patty based on this.
Fund raising drive, not driver.
@45 “To go along with the Teabaggers threatening murder of a sitting United States Senator, some radical, right-wing extremist just launched a terrorist attack on the United States of America in Austin, Texas.”
Actually, from reading his suicide note (which the New York Post was the first to have the questionable taste to print) it isn’t clear what his political leanings might have been–but it’s evident he was overwhelmed by the problems of his own life and perhaps unable to distinguish them from the general human condition amid myriad crises and a constant din of outrageous political rhetoric.
Maybe he’d spent a lot of time online, reading and blathering on blogs like this and letting it contribute to his level of social isolation and constant elevated levels of “fight-or-flight” hormones.
Whatever, after the crazy fuck not only offed himself, but tried to kill a building full of people after setting his house on fire with his own family inside, I don’t care if he’s turning on a spit in the toastiest part of hell. The world’s a safer place with him gone.
I wonder if these patriots are cheering the homegrown terrorist who flew a plane into an IRS building this morning?
@1 That’s about the size of it.
@3 “Can we get these angry dumb people off our planet?”
Sure. All it takes is one phone call to God. The Rapture is way overdue.
@5 “Once again Goldy chooses to isolate an incident and try to brand a whole movement because of the actions of a few.”
Really, Klown? Was there anyone in that room who didn’t applaud the speaker’s suggestion of lynching a U.S. Senator?
At least these nitwits are quarantined to Asotin County, where they can’t do much harm beyond a little soil erosion and a few secession plots.
Cynny: “The Tea Party will have no candidates per se.
It is a philosophical movement . . .”
And, I thought you had no sense of humor . . . Cyn, unfocused anger, racism, and general cluelessness do not amount to a “philosophy.” The teabaggers will be a dusty memory before they have any real political power. They need to be mocked because they are so inherently mockable.
@5 “It is a philosophical movement primarily composed of Constitutional Conservatives and other disgruntled Americans fed up with massive government growth and spending and huge, unsustainable deficits.”
Most of these people have never read the Constitution and don’t know what it actually says. Or if they do, why didn’t they protest the constitutional violations of every GOP president since Nixon?
I also note there was no Tea Party movement against intrusive government, massive government growth, runaway federal spending, and huge deficits under Bush. They weren’t against a white Republican doing it. They’re only against the black guy doing it.
Cynical looks at this bunch and sees true-blue salt-of-the-earth Middle America. I look at them and see a racist mob.
re 16:
I like Mr. Klynical best when he
[ ] speaks in tongues
[ ] buys Wells Fargo high and sells it low
[ ] tells us racist jokes
[ ] is nowhere near my children
[ ] are you fucking kidding me?
[X] other (describe) Fucking Goats.
Dignifying this crowd as a “philosophical movement” is laughable.
@8 “They’re just being manipulated, having their buttons pushed.”
Of course they are, but this doesn’t excuse them. They’re responsibility for their own choices.
Hey fudgepacker… The incarcerated female professor is a big time LIBTARDO. Let Puddy say it again big time LIBTARDO. She grew up in Boston area, was polluted by DUMMOCRAPTIC Kennedy/Kerry style politics, was let go after killing her brother by a future DUMMOCRAPTIC Congressman (soft on crime) following his DUMMOCRAPTIC guvnur’s attitude, and was a whackamole DUMMOCRAPTIC Odumba jockstrap more left that “we ylb arschloch”.
Too bad fools suffer from the facts. You’re suffering mightily ekim!
@10 I’ll bet you think that guy who flew a plane into the IRS building today was a “lefty,” too.
When I was a young bunny a “lefty” was a left-handed pitcher, also known as a “southpaw.” How things have changed.
@15 Just commercializing billion-year-old fossils will solve all our problems, won’t it?
If an ancient Indian graveyard was found on private land, should the law protect those bones, or should the landowner be allowed to sell them?
Would your answer be different if it was a pioneer cemetery?
@17 Maybe they’re right. Maybe government handouts make people mentally lazy.
To hell with these fucking farmers! Privatize BPA! I want to buy BPA stock and set their electricity and water rates.
Thank you GBS for being the SUCKER OF THE DAY… Puddy was waiting for someone to march to the LIBTARDO drum, but Puddy didn’t think it would be you! Don’t you think Goldy would have “breaking news” on this fool if he was a conservative GBS?
From the fools own manifesto…
You can read the rest yourselves.
Hand ’em all over to Warren Buffett!! He’ll know what to do with ’em!!
@70 Geez. This guy was so crazy he was even to the right of GWB!
Where Dumb Bunny@72? Post facts, not speculation. Most of the crap from you is speculation. Puddy posted part of his manifesto on this blog…
Michael, from his own words, doubt if this guy was a “tea bagger”. Probably more like a libtardo nutcase like the female professor in Alabama.
@73 “Post facts, not speculation.”
You mean like you?
Puddy’s “facts” consist of the word “probably” used in a hortatory sense.
Puddy, if you want to learn about the ideological orientation of tax protesters, you might start here
and here;item=21
Note this movement has a long history of violence.
You Poor Dumb Bastard. The fucker hated government. That is a defining trait of a rightwinger. That’s what the Tea Party nonsense is all about–hating government and hating taxes. He is clearly one of yours. He’s also batshit crazy. That’s really why he did what he did.
@77…correction: hate overbearing overcontrolling bloated government, and hate overbearing, economy killing taxes(and spending).
get it yet?
These nuts have been around for many decades. Only the names of their organizations and their tactics change over time:
“The evidence shows that the organized tax protestor group is growing rapidly. … It is their philosophy that the Sixteenth Amendment was improperly passed and therefore invalid, and that anyone attempting to enforce the income tax laws is violating the rights of the taxpayers and should be treated as a criminal.
“The organization meets on a regular basis for the purpose of teaching its members the various and sundry methods of obstructing the Internal Revenue Service. Many of their speakers travel about the country to appear on the programs at these meetings. …
They are … further instructed that upon being requested to appear for an audit they should … make every effort to disrupt such proceedings …. If their actions ultimately result in court proceedings, they are to take whatever action is necessary to delay, obstruct and disrupt all such proceedings.
“Their philosophy involves the subversion, not only of the Internal Revenue Service, but also of the federal judicial system by tying up its courts in fruitless proceedings involving tax protestors.” — Ex parte Tammen, 438 F. Supp. 349 (N.D. Tex. 1977)
@78 What I get is the blatant hypocrisy of people like you who overlook intrusive government, bloated spending, and catastrophic economic policies when a white Republican president does it, but scream bloody murder about everything the black president does.
Yeah, I get it. Conservatives are racists.
If they hang Patty, I say we hang McCain!
@78 Of course, facts have nothing to do with anything where idiots like you are concerned.
When Gov. Gregoire and the Democratic legislature re-enacted the estate tax struck down by the state supreme court on a technicality, they cut the tax rate in half.
When Govs. Locke and Gregoire were faced with falling tax receipts caused by recessions, they slashed spending and programs instead of raising taxes.
When Bush cut taxes for billionaires, he borrowed a trillion dollars from China to do it.
When Obama cut taxes, he did it for people of average means.
No, Max, your rhetoric has nothing to do with reality. This isn’t about taxes or spending or deficits. You’re a slave to a mindless ideology that takes advantage of nitwits like you. It isn’t even a true ideology because it’s so full of internal contradictions, and disconnects between rhetoric and actions, that it can’t be explained in rational terms. You’ve simply handed your mind and soul over to a cabal of wealth hoarders and corporatists who laugh at you all the way to the bank.
@81 Nah. Let them do it. They want to.
The latest GOP poster boy is Bernie Kerik. Forty-eight months for tax evasion. Now watch the wingnuts say he’s being persecuted by the Obama administration.
@80…LMFAO…nice try Goebbels/Himmler Rabbit – but you fail again.
you dont know “people like me”, because you dont have a clue about me.
You go on and on with your nazi partisan rantings claiming people are republicans or whatever – I hate political parties – all of them. YOU are a symbol of the problem with this country: people are more loyal and braindead(like you) to their political party than they are the nation.
you are completely clueless Goebbels Himmler Rabbit, because your addled mind is so washed up in the political party that you cant see anything else.
Teabaggers are “americans” only in the broadest sense iof pure citizenship. As a group, they trend much more male, college educated, wealthy, and rural than the average American. And unlike most of America, the teabagger “movement” runs about 90% Republican. So they’re not “independents,” folks. Just mostly angry white male rural Republicans, which is exactly how they sound, isn’t it?
Because of that lost little statistical tidbit I plan to spend 2010 encouraging third-party teabagger challenges in all elections, so that more Demcorats will win.
@80..LOL @ the race card….oh please, spare me that tired old bullshit. obama is no more “black” than you or I.
Republicans hate taxes on the wealthy, but they don’t hate deficits. Even “I’m not really a Republican” Republicans like Max.
Wars financed by deficits? Fine. Tax cuts that will cause deficits? Great? The Republican Congressional/presidential axis of the last decade never met a spending program that they couldn’t vote for as long as it was paid for by deficit spending.
Yes, it’s because Obama is so white that teabaggers want him castrated.
Puddy @ 80:
Did you read the entire thin? I did. No doubt that dude makes Teabaggers look like Liberals.
We love da guvmint. Remember?
It’s you guys who hate American government.
Fool, indeed.
You really made a public ass out of yourself with your knee-jerk reaction. Just because this right-wing mornon called out “W” it makes him a Liberal?
You couldn’t wait to cut-n-paste that line coudl you.
You’re on another fool’s erand, brother.
Proud Leftist,
Try again. Maybe your birth certificate sez WE THE PEOPLE but Puddy’s has Mrs and Mrs on it fool!
Puddy placed this poor libtardo’s own words on this blog. Sure he hated government but his rants are those we who think right see every day on this blog. Hatred of the Catholic Church, rich people and GW Bush. Check every thread on this blog and you’ll see those rants!
He’s batshit crazy… like the Odumba Joker Poster and the Odumba Hitler poster. They are yours too.
No, I think I got it right the first time. Teabaggers hate government. Their hate is visceral, blind, and unfocused. They are not pretty people.
IRS Attacker Torched Home With Family Inside
CNN now reports that Stack’s “wife and daughter were rescued from their home during the fire.”
Truer words, and all that…
@91 “Maybe your birth certificate sez WE THE PEOPLE but Puddy’s has Mrs and Mrs on it fool!”
The truth finally comes out.
Yes, Dumb Bunny@95… you finally figgered it out on Proud Leftist too. Good for you!
The old dumb bunny rabbit geezer figgered it out!
NY Times Blows Lid Off Paterson Scandal!
Well, sort of. The long-awaited story reveals that one of Gov. Paterson’s aides has a rap sheet.
Roger Rabbit always spews.
What the bloody flux are you yammering about now? Ancient Indian bones? Privatized fossils?
Indian bones are slam-dunk subsumed by NAGPRA. Somebody like you, allegedly familiar with law, should know that. The bones being discussed earlier are those of megafauna from 65+ million years ago. When found on private land with clear mineral rights, those bones are property. When found on the public domain, public rules apply.
Nobody to my knowledge has discerned commercial value to tiny trilobite fossils from the Gallatin. Although invader species of fly fisherpersons from western WA gave probably thought of it.
Plundered province: Phrase comes from Bernard de Voto. Check him out.
Richard Wright: Let’s be fair. He was an unreconstructed ’60’s liberal like most of you, and seemed quite pleased to tell the story of how the west was won by federal domination. It was Wright’s counter-myth to the myth of the west being won by rugged individualism.
But de Voto, Stegner, Worster, Malone, Egan and many others tell us that federal domination was/is pathological. Former ’60’s liberal P.J. O’Rourke put it this way: Only a whimsically inept or malevolent federal government could have persisted for decades in the fantasy that the west would be improved by planting settlers on 160-acre (later expanded to 320) western homesteads. In much of the west, the carrying capacity of 320 acres maxes out at about two useless rabbits.
Then P.J. said this: All you cheerleaders for federal land-use and water-abuse policies in the west ought to tell it to our brothers at Crow Agency, Lame Deer, Browning, Fort Washakie, and Pine Ridge. Thanks a lot, great white godfathers. You gave us an offer we couldn’t refuse.
And about the west being won with a registered gun? That almost happened. Check the Dodge City scene in Costner’s Wyatt Earp.
Here’s what we have, folks. New York’s blind governor has a driver (!) who got arrested for drugs as a teenager (!!) and the governor promoted him to adviser (?) and the guy’s girlfriend called the police on him (ouch).
And that’s what a New York soap opera looks like.
@98 “Roger Rabbit always spews.”
I’m a Democratic party hack and liberal propagandist. Deal with it.
@98 What we have here is a guy who gets his knowledge of history from Costner movies. As for me, I incinerate ancient fossils every day in my car.
You can come up now, Roger. That’s enough blow for one day.
Yes, the shameful secret’s out. I actually watched a Costner flick all the way through, and actually liked it.
Except for Earp, Costner deserves absolutely every Razzie he’s earned for absolutely every stinker he’s “acted” in, ever.
@99: It’s McGreeeeeeeeeevey, the sequel. Watch for it.
Any now the gov will announce that he’s a way gay American.
Any day now. Joan Baez.
laugh among yourselves, all 16 of you.
Uh, Puddy, you kind of missed what Roger caught, didn’t you: “Mrs and Mrs.” It’s okay, Pud, everybody makes a mistake sometimes, even you.
@89..OR maybe its because of the trillions of $$ he just added to the nations debt…ya think?
That’s a hoot. And a long ear tip to RR.
So racist Rabbit thinks teabaggers were thrilled when white Republicans were extravagant and incompetent, but have gone batshit lynch-mob crazy when a black Democrat is extravagantly incompetent.
Racist Rabbit hasn’t been paying attention. As usual. Tell him to dial down the ritalin., your a nazi propagandist student of the real joseph goebbels….the world will be better off after your lung cancer kicks in.
fuck off.
Settle down, Daddy. Your orchids are fine. Nobody’s talking about doing an orchidectomy on you. Addadicktome, yes. Orchidectomy, no.
81. Daddy Love spews:
you’re a real idiot, aren’t you!
81. Daddy Love spews:
you’re a real idiot, aren’t you!
Ever meet a Liberal who hated taxes?
Yeah, well YOUR boy Joseph Stack contributed to the:
“No New Taxes, A Project of the Howard Jarvis Project”
“Committee to Recall Assbly. Anthony Adams, R”
Why recall this Calif. Assbly? Because he’s a Republican who voted to raise TAXES!!
You’re normally not so shabby, Pud.
Obviously, the right-wing blogosphere went into high gear trying to disavow one of their own that led a solo terrorist attack against US government installations.
Just like when you guys let an Army officer rise through the ranks, detected as a terrorist mind you, only to unleash horrible violence and the worst terrorist attack on an American military installation on our home soil.
Just like when you guys were asleep at the helm when 9/11 happened despite Richard Clarke running around with his hair on fire, red lights flashing. And being warned by Clinton’s team that Bin Laden would be the biggest problem you’ll have to deal with.
Well, another right-wing conservative mess we have to clean up.
Way to go, fool. You’ll probably get the Golden Goat award for this outburst.
82. Roger Rabbit spews:
What an out & out LIE!
Gregoire increased spending massively in the face of the recession.
You KLOWNS are delusional.
Get your oxygen mask back on you old pathetic KLOWN.
@82…goebbels rabbit does nothing but lie…thats why he was asked(to put it kindly) to leave his profession…
There really is no question that racism is an essential element in the Teabagger nonsense. They go ballistic over anything Obama does, and even over things that he hasn’t done, yet were entirely quiet when Bush committed buffoonery on an hourly basis.
Puddy & GBS–
Stack also wrote this–
Draw your own conclusion…but it sounds a lot like what ylb, rujax, headless and all of Goldy’s Northwest Division of Lunatic Moonbats has been spewing.
Sounds like a Leftist to me.
As if. $1.3-2.4 trillion of FY 2009’s (ending September 2009) $1.6 trillion in debt is due to the previous administration. If you don’t understand that, it is no less true.
Here’s someone at the Cato Institute who agrees. He thinks that Obama has “wasted” money, and I disagree with him on a few specifics, but overall he has it exactly right about how the VAST BULK of the FY 2009 spending and deficit was on the Bushies.
118 PL
One of the latest in their long string of douchebaggery was sputtering, fuming, self-righteous outrage over a picture of Obama talking with some of his staff and/or Cabinet with his feet up on the Resolute desk. “It’s THE PEOPLE’s furniture,” choked out one apoplectic teabagger. The poster whom I was reading immediately followed up that picture with one of BUSH talking to Karen Hughes and two others with HIS feet up on the same desk.
Yeah, deficits, “wasteful” spending, PAYGO, civilian trials, Miranda, Predators, arresting terrorist, killing terrorists–it’s only a problem for them when the n—– does it.
@118…”tea party” movement goes back to the days of Ross Perot you dolt…get a fucking clue. like a good little partisan lefty, you always go back to the race card when your arguments fail…..same old same old from the lunatic left…..
strange how all those lefty programs since the 1960’s have done NOTHING but create “the projects” and destroy just about every inner city in this nation….good job – who is the racist now?
Stack also said this in his manifesto–
Wellllll … tell us more, Mr. M. Please tell us more.
Mr. C @ 119:
Yeah, look it up. Joseph Stack has donated to NO NEW TAXES, A HOWARD JARVIS PROJECT.
I know you know who Howard Jarvis is, and what he means to the anti tax movement.
Plus, Stack also contributed to recall Anthony Adams committee. Adams, is A Republican who dared to vote to increase taxes.
“THAT, sounds like a HA Leftist to you????
What’s happened here is a right wing nut job finally realized what Reaganism has done to America and couldn’t take it any more.
One of yours finally realized he’d been getting fucked over by believing the right wing elitist bull shit and went ballistic.
Lucky for Rush this dude wasn’t any where near him. He’d be dead, too.
Every one knows that either of the health care bills will REDUCE the deficit, not increase it, right?
Yeah, I didn’t think so.
Mr. C @ 123:
The Catholic thing, yeaht that confirms it, he’s one of you.
Ask Puddy what he’s posted here on HA about Catholics. Not pretty.
Stack, the American al Qeada operative, is a Reagan Republican Teabagger.
122 MR
Which is why American black have turned against the Democratic Party completely, in favor of those benevolent, tolerant, black-loving Republicans.
I clearly remember them always talking about how George Bush was our “first black president.”
DL @ 126:
I knew that. You know how I knew it?
Republicans said it would increase the deficit!
Oh, absolutely. No question. Debate’s over. When pl speaks (or pronounces from on high) we listen, although God knows we are not worthy to tie his saldalista sandals or to question his inconvenient and revealed truths.
No question. Sort of like NPR/PRI last night. A very white man from the UK went to a bagger convention in Little Rock and told us twice how white is was. Everybody here is white, he said. Everybody here is white.
Keynote speaker? Michelle Malkin. Does the one-drop rule work for her? Is she an honorary white? Or a sort-of white? Or is she just acting white?
Or is this an NPR-Brit twist on the old book, How the Irish Became White. Inquiring minds want to know, pl. Break it down for us.
Our First Black President was Warren G. Harding. Check it out.
The liberal Decocrat manboobs running for president and vp in 1920 didn’t have a snowball’s chance of winning by playing fair, so they played dirty. Like Democrats always do.
sandalista sandals
And the liberal Democrat manboob running for vp in 1920? Why, that was Franklin Roosevelt.
The highest low point of the 1920 campaign, aside from retailing the whisper campaign that Harding was too dark to be president, was FDR in Butte, MT telling the lie that he had written Haiti’s constitution as his contribution to the progressive program of invading, civilizing, and Christianizing a black backward nation.
130: “When pl speaks (or pronounces from on high) we listen, although God knows we are not worthy to tie his saldalista sandals”
Well, at least you got that right.
@128….perhaps you could tell me how all those great programs have helped out the poor and african-americans in particular?
Last I checked, places like inner city detroit, chicago, LA, new york, etc.. look like 3rd world countries…but hey, keeping “the poor” poor and suckled to the govt tit is exactly the leftist plan….
Actually, it’s Sandanista. You almost got it, though.
@136..I think you missed the joke…..
Sandalista. It’s a pun.
Back in the day, St. Ronald Reagan’s day, unreconstructed hippies from the US went to Nicawawa (Bill Casey pronunciation) to aid the struggle. Sandalistas.
Do you think the demise of the auto industry might have something to do with Detroit’s current predicament? With regard to your claim about the “inner city” of Chicago, New York, and Los Angeles, you’re blowing out your ass, Maxie. All 3 cities have cleaned up their inner cities since the 60s. Want another example? How about Seattle? Think Seattle might be a bit more livable now than it was 40+ years ago? And, naturally, your argument, like any wingnut argument, lacks (a) specifics (you know, like which programs failed?); (b) factual context; and (c) comparative data. I know, Maxie, that’s asking a lot from you, but if you want to play with us, you should at least get your game clothes on. Our cities are almost without exception improved since the 60s–less violent crime, more vibrant downtowns, cleaner. You aren’t even close on this one, Maxie.
And righties cheered when Contras shot them…
Got it.
@139..Detroit has been a basket case for 30 fucking years.
cleaned up the cities? are you sure about that? Maybe you should take your ass down to White Center or the Rainier district. Moving the slums from one place to another is hardly solving the problem
nice try, but fail.
@139..LOL @ “play with us”…oh spare me the condescending attitude.
You guys have fucked up the cities for 40 years – now your in debt up to your ears, and have 3 generations of people who are used to suckling up to the mommy govt tit – I know it seemed like a good deal at the time you provide “free” things to the poor folk, and they provide you with a vote – ya, its a nice arrangement while the money lasts – but now its gone…quite a pickle your in now…
….why hell you think the suburbs have exploded during the same time?
The rich fuck the middle class by getting tax breaks and paying off politicians
The poor fuck the middle class by getting tax breaks and getting free shit for making shitty life choices and being lazy.
I will tell you what: I am tired of getting fucked(accept by Mrs. Max).
Hmm… I wonder how many squatters are living in vacant building in down town Seattle these days…
Down town Seattle is so, so, so, so, much nicer than it was in the 80’s. But you know, I kinda miss the old Seattle.
See name above.
So if one person’s comments or actions can define a whole movement, then does Amy Bishop, the liberal/progressive, Obama-supporting professor who killed three people at her university define the Democratic party?
Max @ 143
Please provide me a list of all the “free shit” the poor in this country receive. You might recall what Clinton did to welfare. Given all the goodies the government gives a guy to stay poor, poverty in this country must be a real pleasant ride. Right, Max, is that what you’re claiming? Sorry, man, you’re just not persuading me.
Even when we don’t have George W. Bush to kick around any more, he’s still inciting Islam to anger:
Hitchens, Slate
One person’s comments and actions do not define a whole movement and no one has said that they do.
It is best to just ignore Troll.
I kind of miss it, too. Hell, we had Skid Road and brawling bars on First Avenue and views of water, and all of that. Oh, well, that’s the price of progress.
Thanks for the Treaty of Tripoli. Debate’s over.
Too much atheist-agnostic fundamentalism has been spun from Jefferson’s 1802 Danbury letter, but George Washington’s Tripoli Treaty is blindingly clear.
President Reagan minced no words: the “Christian America Movement” is too empty to make a move. There’s no there there.
The other GBS, George Bernard Shaw, would surely agree.
And you would surely agree with George Washington: “It is impossible to rightly govern the world without God and the Bible.”
“How the Irish Became White”
The Irish. White. Eh, I’ll get used to it someday, I’m sure. Along with the Italians and Jews, they were pretty much once the big-three demographic of Seattle’s Rainier Valley, a place where Seattle has long parked it’s not-quite-white-enough-yet citizens. Back in the day, the never-will-be-whites claimed Beacon Hill and the Central Area. Although there were the odd pockets of color, like the blacks working the coal mines who lived in Renton, and in 1950’s and 60’s, High Point Housing Project, smack dab in the middle of then all-white West Seattle.
Speaking of our housing projects, it’s really a shame they weren’t turned into golf courses. Having missed what we deserved for Discovery Park and Sand Point, you’d think we golfers would have at least gotten a housing project or two. Oh, what about the poor people of color, you say? Hey, I say, for what other reason is there a Federal Way? How about Tacoma? This is just a question of the proper utilization of assets. More golf, less poor people of color. Seattle really missed the boat on that one. I mean, shit, of all things, Tacoma is the city that got the great golf course and is hosting a major championship! People! The universe is in disorder! Hmm, I wonder if we can get our hands on Seward Park? That’s kind of a not-too-white-park. Maybe no one of concern would really mind? A course on the water…, this could be good.
@147 Hmmm, well she’s not much of an advertisement for political extremism, is she? And conservatives are extremists body and soul:
@154 It seems to us rabbits that the world has always been ungovernable with humans in it.
@143 Given that corporate welfare costs taxpayers 5 times as much as helping individuals, can we assume you’re against corporate welfare?
I say privatize BPA and let the government-hating farmers pay market prices for electricity and water.
And instead of farmers getting 90% of the water, since 90% of the population lives in cities, the cities should get 90% of the water.
Re 153
My daily act of kindness to a liberal is to help you with your conundrum.
Prior to birth, prenatal care and parental training are paid for by taxpayers for the poor.
After birth the food they eat, home in which they live, electricity for the home, health care, and the education they recieve are paid for or subsidized.
After high school the college they attend, room and board for the college, food they eat and health care are subsidized or paid for by taxpayers.
After graduation the cycle begins again as they have children they can’t afford and ask their fellow citizens to chip in and help.
After retirement Social Security and Medicare/Medicaid make sure they have money and health care, while their food, shelter and utilities are still paid for by others.
Does this mean we shouldn’t help the less fortunate? Absolutely not, but don’t try to say the poor don’t get given a great deal in our society.
You’re welcome.
159. Roger Rabbit spews:
How would that impact the price of goods?
I’m not saying it’s a bad idea.
But obviously costs will be passed on.
lost @ 161
However connecting the dots for these KLOWNS is virtually impossible. Their dogma gets in the way of reality dontchaknow!
Where in the world is algore..the Nobel Farce Prize winner!
I love reading this article over & over & over again. Jones is the Chief Climate Record Keeper and admitted LIAR.
Algore relied on info from this KLOWN.
Will they take away Algore’s Farcical Prize?
Read it again and enjoy!
Progressives are LIARS.
Big time.
The potential waste to society of pursuing this was vast.
Progressivism is DEAD!
Most “poor” folks aren’t poor enough to qualify for anything other than WIC (which is awesome) prenatal wise.
Most poor aren’t poor enough to get help with housing.
Right at the moment we have a hell of a lot more than just the traditionally poor getting food help.* But, most of the time most of the poor get little to nothing.
Most of the time most of the poor aren’t poor enough for their kids to qualify for free school lunches. Most school lunches are a nutritional nightmare. Right now a hell of a lot more than just the traditionally poor are getting school lunch help*
After high school most people that go on to a 4 year school are from middle to upper class families.* Working class kids and the poor are notably absent from America’s college campus’s. Most of those middle class families need help, loans, grants, to get their kids through school. Most of the poor take low wage jobs and continue on being poor.
You get out of SS what you put in. Most folks who spent their lives in poverty before qualifying for SS don’t get enough to live on from their SS check. The working class, the middle class, upper middle class* all rely on their social security income (income that they worked for!) for part of their retirement.
No one receives anything that isn’t available in the rest of the industrial world. Please show me a successful first world nation that follows the model that you and Cyn are proposing.
*What Lost is calling “the poor” is really about 70% of Americans.
Re 165
You seem to have missed the qualifier “Does this mean we shouldn’t help the less fortunate? Absolutely not, but don’t try to say the poor don’t get given a great deal in our society.”
I’m not proposing any specific model, and can’t say I see one that Cyn is either.
I take issue with the conclusion you make about 70% of Americans. But what the left is pushing for is the tipping point. That is, the point at which a majority of the voting population recieve more from the government than they pay in taxes. And we’re not far off of it. At this point whichever party offers the giveaways in perpetuaty is the one who will win every election, that is to say Democrats. At least that’s the strategy. In the real world Americans are far too proud and self reliant to suck at the government teat forever.
Yecchhh. The stench of batshit insanity was quite rank in this thread…
Who said she wasn’t? Was her murder rampage politically motivated as in Dems vs. Repubs or Lefty vs. Righty???
NO. Had nothing to do with that. Of course you idiots have to twist it that way…
I guess because Amy Bishop had a liberal leaning past it’s time to go back to the bad old days:
Yeah that’s the ticket.
“You’re welcome.”
The poor have it made, huh? And last night it was all about, “it’s their problem”. It’s all about you, isn’t it, Lost? It’s all about you and your guiding principles – selfishness and greed.
Wow Delbert, Stupes and the idiot KLOWN were sure scared to death of Amy Bishop..
Her act of premeditated murder and revenge had them freaking quaking in their nighty slippers..
“My daily act of kindness”
Just to give you a clue, like so many unintelligent, uneducated wingnuts, teabaggers, faux-libertarians or whatever the fuck you all call yourselves today, you have an unwarranted smugness about you. I thought you should know.
What is “we ylb arschloch” yammering about again? The truth of Amy Bishop scares everyone fool. The issue was the Dumb Bunny asserted she was conservative like he does with anything bad. Usually he’s so wrong so often. Delbert blew that pellet turd outta here with the truth from the Boston Globe nonetheless stupid arschloch. Too bad you hijack the wrong parts.
Well being all arschloch you aren’t moved.
@169 I wonder if Lost can’t sleep at night for fear that some poor person might actually get a hand on one of his tax dollars. Poverty? “It’s their problem.” There’s no enclave in which he can hide and no country he can escape to when the poor have had enough and come to slit his throat in the dark of the night. It’d serve the selfish twit right for shredding our social contracts.
A prof shooting profs on campus. Sheesh, you’d think wingnuts would be happy for once in their miserable lives.
Puddy read the whole diatribe. In fact Puddy saved it locally. The guy was a total nut job. It was you who said he was
You went there GBS. Puddy placed his comments where you just posted hot air; something you’ve learned well from the Dumb Bunny.
Yes Steve, the prof was a libtardo wingnut!
Good call! But she killed peeps. Why would we who think right be happy with that?
Cyn and you have proposed all sorts of stuff. But, what you can’t do is find a workable model for what you are proposing in the developed world. You can’t find one because what you’re talking about is undoing everything that makes us part of the developed world.
Sorry, I’d rather live in a first world country and have all the benefits that come with it.
Ann Coulter seems to always be prattling on about killing liberals, but I don’t remember you carrying on in that manner.
Because right wingers can’t stand people with a brain. People with a brain call bullshit on right wing propaganda.
Here’s George Will who seems to hate everybody:
See Will can’t stand academics AND the batshit insane tea baggers. He’d rather have an idiot savant like Ronald Reagan who soothingly spouts right wing bullshit and gets people all teary-eyed watching the old man on the boob tube.
That all substitutes for making tough choices for the long term.
Will not liking academics sounds like he’s got some self loathing issues going on.
lost @ 161
Crap, when we see self-delusion, lies, and nonsense of the nature you just posted, I’m starting to think that we need to think about when another Golden Goat needs be awarded. Are any members of the Academy out there with nominations? Damn, there have been some competitors.
Puddy proclaims: “The truth of Amy Bishop scares everyone fool.”
She’s nuts, Pud. It isn’t about ideology. You are projecting, plainly. You think about killing liberals, because you hate us so much. In reality, she pulled the trigger because she is fucking nuts. Puddy, did I ever tell you that I think you are kind of going nuts?
Re Micheal et al
I can respect the sincere convictions of someone who’s thought out their position and defends it rationally. Your rejoinders are usually in that category and mostly make me think about why I believe what I do. Thanks for the stimulating arguments.
Blah blah blah goatfucker blah blah blah batshit insane blah blah. I think I got your style down pat. Have a nice evening.
Proud Leftist
Sometimes I get you confused with Proud to be an Ass. Then I remember that he or she actually makes cogent arguments on occasion.
Is this all the left has? Taking a comment out of context and implying she meant an actual lynching of a mental midget like Patty Murray? Boy, Gold and his little hand puppets are might nervous these days…as well they should be. November will not be kind to the dolts currently steering this country into the rocks and soon, the electorate, realizing their mistake of putting an inexperienced asshat like Oba-mao in charge, will be changing course yet again.
Lets hope the incoming Republican surge in the congress abide by their Conservative ideals and quit acting like asshole tax and spend Democrats like the last group that was in there. With the voluntary departure of Centrist Evan Bayh of Indiana, the Democrat party is officially in the political wilderness in the eyes of the voting electorate.
re 183: Substitute the name of Mitsh McConnell for Patty Murray and you’d be calling the FBI to stir up a hornets’ nest.
You are so full of crap, you wipe yourself with a Q-tip™.
Sorry if I never make any cogent arguments. I would fully engage in that endeavor if you fellows on the right happened to be here for cogent arguments. You aren’t about that, however. Look at the post above, 183. That would be Little Ricky Dumbass, now calling himself ESO. He has won the Golden Goat twice; he did it two weeks in a row, primarily because he changed his name midweek. Little Ricky is a very hateful human being. He eats a bowl of bile for breakfast, then he spits up all day.
I can make a cogent argument, lost. In fact, that’s what I do for a living. On this blog, however, I see little reason to argue policy with those of you who compare abortion to murder, who think that George Bush is smarter than Barack Obama, who think that the stimulus bill did not work. Sorry, friend, if you feel like coming into the light, I’ll make a cogent argument. Otherwise, I’m just going to bash you guys.
Little Ricky @ 183
You said the same thing just before the 2006 and 2008 elections. Some people never learn.
Nothing like admitting what is obvious to the rest of us…
Proof that projecting onto others never advances your argument…
…? refer back to the admission in the first self admission in bold font above….?
Liberalism is a mental disorder….
NYT with an in-depth, must-read account of the current state of militia/tea-bagger nutcakes.
And you thought those 9/11 conspiracy theory kooks were bad.
And what’s the deal with all these activists blaming the guv’mint for their own financial failures? The Spokanistan leader of the 9/12 freaks got in over his head with home equity loans and credit cards…yet he wants to string up Obama for personal financial stupidity?
The far right feigns threats and violence ‘cuz it’s all their tiny brains and broken intellect can come up with. Glenn Beck must be having a bunch of laughs over the ease at which he can manipulate the mental midgets.
Yeah, fly your planes into IRS buildings, Talibangelist KKKlowns! That’ll solve all your problems (and ours, too).
Hayden Lake is ripe for a right wing Renaissance.
Puddy is not a hater, nor is Cynical. They’re just nuts. manoftruth is a hater. You’re in manoftruth’s category. Arguing with you makes about as much sense as screaming at a tree.
Conservatism merely causes hallucinations of certain liberals calling Anne Coulter names.
Maybe Conservatism is a strange kind of magic mushroom..
Liberalism is a mental disorder, Empty Brain?
All yer Tea Bagger buds are Western State worthy – but you remain proud of their Black Helicopter antics.
Please explain how that works again?
PS – I don’t work for the Bilderberg Group or Illuminati. So don’t think I’m baiting your pathetic ass.
Kicking your ass in an intellectual argument isn’t grounds for calling me a “hater”, plowed lefist, though I may be eligible for being called a masochist for enjoying doing so. If you care to dredge up some evidence to back up your ignorant assertions, then by all means do so. Of course, given your lowly track record of backing up your bullshit, the odds aren’t in your favor of providing this evidence. Put up or shut up little man.
I’m up at 5am so if you’re not too incapicated at that hours, perhaps you’ll reingage. Given your history of challenges though, I have my doubts.
I don’t compare abortion to murder. It is murder, not something like it.
I don’t think Bush smarter than Obama. I had serious issues with many of the things he did as president. I have more serious ones with those our current president does.
So far as I can tell the only way to demonstrate the stimulus bill worked is by the Orwellian ‘saved or created jobs’ measure. Sorry, I’m not fluent in doublespeak and don’t think the effectiveness of federal action can be demonstrated by the attempt to prove a negative.
If I came accross as rude I apologize, but the substitution of abuse for argument so many on the left engage in just proves the points of their opponents.
Little Ricky,
Like I said, engaging with you is like screaming at a tree. I try to avoid pointlessness.
Keep in mind, the last time the “Patriot” movement started to cross the line with piles of steaming veiled threats, some of us warned of the consequences.
The right wing idiots of the Gingrich era told us we were just being a bunch of wimps, and they could toss out all the American Taliban rhetoric they wanted.
Then Oklahoma City happened. And they shut up for 15 years.
I think there’s a good chance it might happen again, given this large group of Palin/talk radio fueled morons “taking the law into their own hands”.
Miscarriages are referenced several times in the Old Testament, maybe 7 or 8 times. Not once, though, is there a reference to a funeral or to gnashing of teeth. The miscarriage is just referenced as something that happened. Nothing is said in either book of the Bible about abortion. Not a word. When life begins is a question upon which reasonable people can differ. That’s why I believe the woman carrying a fetus gets to choose, not me. I don’t know when life begins, though I really don’t believe it begins when the sperm hits the egg. I do, however, believe that someone who is breathing and eating is living. I am , accordingly, against capital punishment and unnecessary war. Both of those activities result in killing. I presume you are for capital punishment, correct?
Empty Suit, you always manage to make a complete fool out of yourself when you defend the indefensible.
Explain to us – in simple English – how that kook’s quote was taken out of context:
“What happened to Jake when he ran with the wrong crowd? He got hung. And that’s what I’d like to do with Patty Murray,” said the woman, who identified the “wrong crowd” as President Obama.
“That’s what I’d like to do”. Seems like yer right wing kook friend is speaking plainly to the trailer trash audience.
You’re like sleezy defense lawyer who jumps in front of his guilty perp client and says “my client really didn’t mean that, your honor.”
it’s fun to watch Empty Suit continually dig his mental ditch deeper and deeper.
You can’t hang Jello on the wall, and you can’t argue with Little Ricky. He’s a hater, just a hater. Not much else.
Re 196
I didn’t reference the Bible at all in support of my position on abortion. To me it’s just common sense that where a question exists that life is present terminating that life is wrong. If determining when life began were that easy the tortured trimester reasoning of abortion case law wouldn’t have happened.
However, in referencing miscarraige you conflate issues. It’s hardly the mothers fault if the baby dies naturally. What I’m talking about is choice to end someone elses life.
I oppose the death penalty. It’s poorly and unjustly administered, it’s expensive and it has no deterrent value. Most importantly it’s ethically and morally wrong.
Unnecessary wars? All wars are. At some point events or people got beyond control and thousands or millions lost their lives for nothing. Some wars must be fought, as in WW2. Some never should have been, as in Vietnam and Iraq. But all are a sickening waste of life.
Now, I have appointments in the morning, so will wish you a good night.
More Empty Suit hilarity. Sarah Palin and her Bridges to Nowhere – Richard Shelby and his pathetic filibuster pork barreling.
The Republican Military Industrial Invasion Complex will always guarantee Empty Suit Obama eats his own “let’s hope” words.
Our state is littered with the same history of Empty GOP Promises: George Nethercutt removed Tom Foley with the promises of “no more pork barreling” and term limits.
His first act once elected by dim-witted Eastern WA suckers? He worked his ass off to save a pointless US Mining office in Spokanistan after “socialist” Clinton made an attempt to consolidate this bureaucracy for the purpose of efficiency. None of Empty Suit’s “conservative” friends even blinked. All they cared about was that a Repub held the seat. And when it came time to honor that term limits pledge? Once again, Empty Suit Obama’s “hope” for revolution came up…errr…a little short.
I could go about Rep. Dunn’s support for the ridiculou$ super-collider project – along with countless other examples “conservatives” excused time after time…. but let’s not pop Empty Brain Idiot’s fantasy bubble.
Face it, guy – with your right wing paranoid Iraq invasions, and un-needed weapons systems, you guys can waste just as many coutless trillions as the most experienced tax and spend commie socialist lib out there. At least the libs are honest with themselves. You live in a world of myopic fiscal delusion.
“I was disappointed with Bush.”. What a frigging joke. W was the right wing Evangelist Dream Team superstar! And he delivered exactly what you wanted him to deliver. It’s just that the magical mystery funding source tooth fairy never appeared to pay for your paranoid imperial dreams.
@158…I am against ALL welfare. corporate or individual.
@160……………then let the cities feed themselves…..can you say “mass starvation?”
lost @ 199
I may have made some presumptions about you that were wrong. You’ve got capital punishment right. I disagree with you about abortion, but will say that abortion is a more nuanced issue about taking life than is capital punishment, or war, for that matter. You did not say when life begins. Nonetheless, you engaged in an argument, unlike Puddy, Cynical, or ESO. Kudos, man. I stayed up to watch the end of the Olympics coverage. Another Gold medal for us. Later.
Traditional Liberal values are on display at this waste treatment center 24/7. Full days work of hate and discontent from the lazy, deranged and mentally ill like YLB, Goldy, Plowed Leftist, et al.
It would be funny if it weren’t so batshit crazy pathetic. The tea party movement is here to stay. Liberalism in its current form has been exiled to the political wilderness. This will become painfully obvious in November and again in 2012 when Obama is bitch slapped out of office and sent packing back to the south side shit-hole of Chicago with his angry wife in tow.
Indiana’s going Republican!
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Tea Partiers are alive & well in Indiana.
They are being stregthened by the “establishment” Democrats and the wrong-headed strategy of mock & attack by David “The Devil” Axelrod and Rahm “F—ing Retards” Emmanuel.
Keep mocking and ridiculing the Tea Party.
It worked in Va., NJ and Mass.—
173. Steve spews:
Point of Clarification Steverino–
A LEFTIST PROGRESSIVE prof shooting profs on campus. Sheesh, you’d think wingnuts would be happy for once in their miserable lives.
Empty Suit Obama @204: I shoulda guessed you would duck out when it came time to defend a couple of your statements.
The only thing you ever seem to do here is flip the usual “libs suck – but I’m not gonna tell you why” bird.
Real adult of you. But maybe that’s the problem. Are you still in high school, or something, C’mon, I’m trying to find an excuse for your lazy tirades.
And why is your nickname “Ricky?”
The Tea Party movement is here to stay the same way Ross Perot and Newt Gingrich were here to stay. The same way the John Birch Society and Militia Movement is here to stay.
While Mr Cynical and Empty Suit like to ignore the ideology, statements and actions of the ultra right – and will rarely defend them. All these GOP suck-ups care about is getting their Don Bentons elected. Tea Partiers are probably too stupid to figure out that GOP, Inc is trying to co-opt their loony toons movement.
Little ricky dumbass says:
hahaha…an intellectual lightweight like Ricky who is unable to make a single cogent argument “thinks” he is brilliant….
I love the petty narcissism of an ignorant fool like little ricky….
Thanks for the amusing moment of the day little ricky…you are a legend in your own mind.
Proud leftist is soooo correct…you are an ignorant “hater”…..whast constructive things have you ever written?
Can’t recall one…..
Poor Klynical…once again is that all you have…..leftist progrssive prof?
Hahahah- is that all you have you pathetic little person…..have you read that the professor is a paranoid schizophrenic?
Of course not, you don’t really read – you just listen to Fox and the rightwingnuts and come back here with that lame crap and try to “bash” liberals with your narrowminded little BS.
Get a life Klynical….try reading and thinking for a change instaed of spewing other people ignorance and hate. Spewing ignorqance and hate is mighty irreligious, methinks.
I have actually talked to a “tea bagger”…when you ask them why they are angry or what they want to do to “take their country back” …they have trite platitudes but little actual arguments to make.
Hell, they don’t even know that Obama cut their taxes (unless they make over 250K a year). They also have no clue about how nasty this recession was (worst since the great depression) and they completely forgot the over 1 billion Bush wasted on an unnecessary war in Iraq.
Hell, these are people with so little clue about real life and so little ability to think that they deserve the totalitarian state they advocate.
Puddy @175 “Why would we who think right be happy with that?”
I’m just pulling your leg. I’m sure nobody here wants people to die. Well, except for maybe manoftruth.
Lost @182 “Steve Blah blah blah goatfucker blah blah blah batshit insane blah blah. I think I got your style down pat. Have a nice evening.”
Sigh! Looks like Lost has lost it again. I don’t even mention goats to him and the sorry fuck starts babbling about them anyway. Hmm, somebody’s got issues.
Say, Puddy, I’m gonna drop that whole thing, but when folks on your side start babbling about goats without my starting it or participating, well, like Lost says about the poor and disadvantaged, “that’s their problem”.
@209 “an intellectual lightweight like Ricky who is unable to make a single cogent argument “thinks” he is brilliant”
Some of these people have an awfully high opinion of themselves. Pudge, Piper, Lost, RickyD. An unwarranted smugness, someone once called it. Indeed. Each one of them comes off as being dumber than a box of rocks.
Brilliant… brilliant… Proud Goatist exudes hate here and he calls someone else on it?
Puddy asks…
ylb clueless arschloch answers
Sooooooooooo, per your feckless definition ylb clueless arschloch, we revel when someone dies. What a stupid moron! It’s you who revels in death. Go back and view the comments when Jerry Falwell died. See your own comments fool! It’s you who revels in any abortion, except your own right?
Steve see the captured comments of “we ylb clueless arschloch”. Such an useless brick asshole. And Don Joe wondered why Puddy called him an arschloch!
It must be a lawyer thing. You and Herr Goebbels Himmler Dumb Bunny try that every day here with your comments.
Where is correctnotright the gramma policeman?
Steve – these right wingers couldn’t care less about all the misery and death caused by the disastrous decisions of the chimpanzee idiot they voted for twice.
They cheered for the death and destruction watching Faux News.
@193 “I don’t compare abortion to murder. It is murder, not something like it.”
I wonder to what lengths Lost would go to back up his beliefs. Can he walk the walk? To what extent will our faux-libertarian intervene and take control of a woman’s body and life to save a blastocyst? To Lost, a murder is happening every day. He knows where it’s happening. Does he have the courage, will and conviction to stop a murder that’s going down today, or will he go to work as usual, doing nothing, allowing yet another human being to die? Will he show up here again tonight, assuaging his guilt, attempting to conceal from us his cowardice, to tell us again that abortion isn’t to be compared with murder, but that it is murder?
Hmmm correctnotright… whast constructive things have you written. Your global warming/climate change commentary has fallen apart with Phil Jones now admitting “new findings”. Your other hate comments stand out like Proud Goatist’s.
Too many people like Lost show up here spewing lip service to values they either don’t really believe in or are too weak and short of will to actually live.
Puddy @ 221
Ah, gee, Pud, I’m not a hater. I love you guys on the right. Maybe I express tough love, like a parent to a child, but it’s love nonetheless.
I guess I love right wingers too in a way – they’re great entertainment. Stupes’ and little Ricky Dumbass’ hateful, feckless fantasies of lefty-leaning folks – you gotta laugh at that.
However I DO NOT feel anything close to love for what the right wing has done to this country.
Right wing domestic terrorist groups such as the teabag woman who stood up and threatened Senator Murray should be investigated by the Secret Service and charges filed.
Exactly. We get endless free entertainment from these freaks. Of course, watching the havoc they cause with regard to public policy is not very amusing.
Seattle needs a Jane Jacobs to tell us how we got here from there, and Steve’s it. No gender reassignment issues implied.
Local writer Jonathan Raban’s book Bad Land is part of the story. James J. Hill was lured by corporate welfare into building the Great Northern, then had to tell wicked lies to lure poor dumb sons-of-bitches into eastern Montana. Many of those Scandatanans managed to bail out of MT before they starved, and ended up in Ballard.
(Another way Michelle Malkin might have ended up at the “all white” bagger convention in Little Rock: She got on greasy Jack Bailey’s daytime tv show, and won … Do YOU want to BE WHITE!!! For A DAY??!!
Yesterday’s Papers: The kinder gentler Obama administration isn’t doing ICE raids on undocumented illegals. Raids were so Bush-Cheney. Obama’s ICE is doing audits.
Blethen reports that ICE audited more than 500 workers out of their work at Gebbers place in Brewster. One displaced worker:
That’s the man we need for doing the jobs we won’t do. Someone with initiative, get-up-and-go who won’t go when the going gets tough.
Yesterday’s papers told us that our splintered partisan fractured nation has come together. Almost everybody hates the Supreme Court decision that allows more corporate speech ($) in political campaigns. Big headlines told us that 80% of Americans disapprove, and that Dems can ride that near-unanimity to the bank.
But yesterday Blethen buried a story and a stat that were even more overwhelming in their implications for national unity. The story was about Obama’s stimulus package (no, it’s not Mrs. Obama), and the story was far from the front page. The story’s punchline was pushed to the very bottom of the story and the page in a teeny tiny paragraph that almost ran off the bottom margin.
And those misfits, the 6 percent, were calling in from phantom Congressional districts, the kind of places where Obama’s “White” House said all those Obama jobs are being “saved” and created.
Friedman, yesterday, via Blethen & NYT.
Love the snark, Tom. Love the storm scorn. But where was your snarkasm when, for two or three decades since the end of the Coming Ice Age hysteria, Warming fanatics have told us that everything, absolutely everything we used to call weather, proves Global Warming.
Where was Friedman in 2005 when all the best minds of our generation assured us that Katrina’s our once-and-future future? Remember? Katrina wasn’t just a one-off. It was us from now on. Every year after 2005 would be a Katrina year, only worse.
Every snow-storm year was Global Warming. And every no-snow year was Global Warming. And every sparrow that fell “too early” in the spring was Global Warming. And every warm day was Global Warming. Every cold day Global Warming.
Festivals of nonsense and silly arguments?
Then there’s this from Friedman:
NASA. Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Bring it.
A secret admirer. I don’t know if I should be faltered, creeped out, or both.
I’ll address your post in the following sections below:
Too much, REALLY?!?!?!?!?
C’mon, man, THAT letter is extremely significant to American Jurisprudence.
It’s passages, phrases, meaning, and intent has been at the heart of several Supreme Court rulings regarding the Establishment Clause.
Starting in earnest with Everson v. Board of Education, 1947.
Significant to note about that case, it is noteworthy for its extensive discussion of the purposes of the Establishment Clause, and for the fact that all nine justices agree that the clause was intended to do far more than merely prohibit the establishment of a state religion.
The significance of that letter cannot be understated. It is a rare glimpse into the thinking, wisdom, and intent behind the philosophy of governing the Framers of the Constitution created for America.
The only people who think “too much” has been made of the letter are the ones who don’t want to accept the fact that our Framers, while many being Christians, did NOT want government and religion intermingling. Pretty noble and lofty ideals to give unprecedented rights and protections to ALL citizens.
Look if you don’t want for America what our Founding Fathers gave us, then, by all means, the Framers gave you/us the tools to change the Constitution. We are not bound by it for all eternity.
All you have to do is hold a Constitutional Convention and get 2/3 to adopt your measure and 3/4 of the states to ratify it. Although, that’s only one of four pathways to change the Constitution.
Then, you can have all the Christianity in governing you want. You won’t because a super majority of the citizens, may of them Christians, don’t agree with your new value sets for America. We like the Traditional American Values given to us by our Founding Fathers.
Now for the nit-picky parts;
I’m glad you like the Treaty of Tripoli and how it “cleared the air” and ended debate.
Although, George Washington did NOT sign that treaty into law. It was, in fact, signed by John Adams. A well known socially conservative and Christian president.
As far as agreeing with George Washington’s quote: “It is impossible to rightly govern the world without God and the Bible.”
IF HE HAD ACTUALLY SAID THAT, I would naturally disagree.
However, this is a result of right-wing extremists trying to rewrite history in their own vision. This kind of propaganda is a cottage industry of the zealots on the right who don’t agree with Traditional American Values.
You CANNOT find that passage in any documents in the national archives from George Washington. It simply does not exist except on religously radical, right-wing revisionist websites promulgating falsehoods.
History is GREAT when you’re on the correct side of it, and a BITCH when you’re on the wrong side of history and the wrong side of Traditional American Values.
I LOVE being correct. I LOVE to win. I HATE to lose. Knowing American history and Traditional American Values ensures that I’ll always be on the correct and Liberal side of history and Traditional American Values.
That bit about calling in from phantom Congressional districts? That was a feeble attempt at humor. At twisting your little pink tails.
But the 6 percent did call in from phantom tollbooths.
Baaa haaa haaa haaa
You still want to believe that an ANTI BIG-GOVERNMENT, ANTI TAX, zealot is RECALL ANY REBUBLICAN who votes for a tax increase is a Liberal?????
Baaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa
That sound’s like any TEABAGGER rally.
You were so quick to paint this terroirst as a Liberal because he finally saw through the crimes of Reaganism and George W. Bush???
Baaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa
Dude, as soon as he realized he’d been on the wrong side of history and the wrong side of Traditional American Values, he had no where else to turn but to Timothy McVieghs’ handbook!!
Looks like Janet Napolitano and the Dept of Homeland Security were right to issue a report warning America about radical, right wing, Reagan Republican domestic terrorists!!!!
It’s time to water the Tree of Liberty with the blood of the terrorists that continue to attack the United States of America.
May the Tree of Liberty grow well after its watering of terrorists blood!!
I think you should be ‘faltered.’
Yes, I know. Adams signed it. But the treaty was built in 1796 before Adams moved on up.
The treaty was intended to mollify the unmollifiable. In ’96 and ’97 we had more France and Britain than we could contend with, and we didn’t need to needlessly pissoff the Moslem pirates of the Med.
Sucking up and knuckling under to Barbary barbarism obviously didn’t work. That’s why Jefferson eventually sent us to the shores of Tripoli.
Still, a treaty is a treaty. Unlike the supposedly sacrosanct Geneva Conventions, the Washington-Adams Tripoli Treaty is explicit. No wiggle room about a Christian nation. And the treaty has the force of law, unlike a private letter to an isolated congregation of malcontent Baptists.
You know, of course, that the Danbury letter was apparently framed as a political text, not as a supplement to the Constitution. That it was cited in a decision almost 150 years later proves nothing in particular.
It (the letter and later references to it) certainly don’t prove that a wall of separation is imbedded in the Establishment Clause in the way you secular fundamentalists want to pretend. You imply that the alleged wall is there to wall off nearly everything from religious taint. The Establishment Clause seems, in fact, to erect a protective wall around religion, to protect it from leviathan government.
Quotes: Agreed. I cannot prove George W or John A actually said what I said they said. The dumbshits really should have saved it on tape or on YouTube.
You can’t finally prove they didn’t say what I said they said. When you get back to the day before yesterday, it’s difficult to finally prove anything about anything. Note earlier discussions here about the historical Jesus.
Speaking of, Puddy will pray for you. Have a nice day.
I’m il tigre today because it’s a Tiger kind of day.
(That link to Ed Sanders is sort of apropos. Deep in his Iliad tune is the Johnny Pissoff Credo: I, Jonathan Abner Tobias Pissoff, in the presence of the Universal God of Salvation …)
Somehow I imagine you shrieking and drooling as you typed that. It’s sort of like that Morrison riff on Soft Parade: You CANNOT petition the Lord with prayer!!!!!!!!!!
@227 I knew that history but never connected it to a family I once knew until reading your comment. I ended up at a couple of their family reunions. They came here from Montana, although part of the family had stayed behind. The reunions would bring together both state branches of the family tree.
Scandinavians. Hmm, white-but-not-right?
Even when I’m right I’m wrong, huh? OK, you’re right, it was George Wasington to signed the trety into law not Adams as I said. Why not? You revise everything anyway.
A) Are you saying George Washington tucked his tail between his legs and lied to the Muslims that were not founded on Christian principles because we had bigger problems?? I don’t even like where you’re going with putting that kind of shame of Pres. Washington.
Sucking up and knuckling under to Barbary barbarism obviously didn’t work. That’s why Jefferson eventually sent us to the shores of Tripoli.
The great irony? Jefferson sent Willam Bainbridge to attack the pirates. Eventually Bainbridge and his crew were held in captivity by the priates for some time. Fast forward to 2009 and President Obama orders US Navy SEALs to shoot and kill 3 Somali Pirates from the fantail of a naval frigate . . . The name of that ship? USS Bainbridge.
True the Jefferson letter did not have the force of law behind it. However, Surpreme Court justices opted to place the force of law behind his words in their rulings. That, is significant for a private letter, don’t you agree?
Yeah, sure, proves NOTHING! Silly SCOTUS using that letter to prove the rule of law in the highest court in the land. The court of no appeals. Yeah, it proved absolutely nothing.
Do you even know why Jefferson was so intent on protecting religion from government????
Their speeches and many of their other written correspondences are archived in the Library of Congress. Those are the documents, the historical, provable documents I refer to. You use some propagandists web site as fact. Done.
It appears I’m not the one trying to prove a negative. You are. Thus, the difficulty of your argument.
Don’t worry. I don’t need your mysticism
Not the Lord, but you can petition the government.
Which is the factual side of the debate we’re having. You want to debate the Great Man in the Clouds.
I win.
You can petition the Lord through a corporate person’s voice — one imaginary person to Another.
211. correctnotright spews:
Wow, I’m sure that was an open-minded, scientific study!
FOlks from the big government left don’t want to listen. It’s about stopping deficit spending, reining in excessive government programs and getting back to the basics of defense and infrastructure…and not defending France and other Socialist Countries y’all seem to want to see us be like.
Do I know why Jefferson … ? I know he wrote to Danbury’s Baptists because they didn’t want to be pushed around by Danbury’s Congregationalists. A mundane but important principle, which is why SCOTUS alluded to the principle and the 1802 letter.
The letter itself proves nothing because it seems to have been written for political effect. But it was used by (part of) the Court to add another brick in the wall of original intent. What does all that maddeningly vague language of the First Amendment mean? What do the commas mean? The 1802 letter seemed to offer clues.
But riddle me this: Last week, when some HAs cited scripture to establish the historicity of Jesus, other HAs were shrill in denunciation: Scripture, they shouted, is unreliable and proves nothing because it was apparently compiled long after Jesus went away. Why is the Danbury letter, written one and one-half decades after the First Amendment, a slam-dunk reliable commentary about the First Amendment?
Quotes and proof: Lack of evidence proves nothing. Sometimes evidence proves nothing because evidence can be tweaked. Archives may or may not be reliable, but they’re never complete. And Karl Popper seemed to prove that at some level proof is not possible.
But for the girls we go with, most of your recent argument is good enough. The Tripoli Treaty can’t be talked away. The quote industry probably made stuff up. But I did not imply that George lied; only that a profession of non-faith seemed expedient in 1796/7.
Debate the Great Man in the Clouds? Thought I was debating insignificant little you.
Actually, letting you know that you marshalled a strong argument, for a change. You’re quite passionate about putting Christians and Christianists in their place. You’ve done the homework and you set some deucedly clever traps.
Give yourself a pat on the back.
Get yourself a beer.
And petition the government with praryer, petitions, or whatever you prefer. It’s a free country, as long as somebody else is paying for it.
Still, there’s a paradox: Some of our leftist brothers insist at high volume that our Constitution is living and breathing, as elastic as silly putty. That assertion can be defended because even the Constitution’s commas drive scholars insane.
But when leftist equivocators get their mitts on a piece of old paper they like, they become absolutists. They see no ambiguity in an 1802 letter that seems to stick it to people leftists don’t like. They see no room for doubt or interpretation in Geneva Conventions on torture and “torture.”
Those old pieces of paper are so self-evident that they’re beyond challenge, but the old Constitution is a rubber sheet.
@242: This crazy thread has gone almost full circle, from Jake Spoon to Harry Poon.
(Lot of Doors today … does Harry Poon do the Poontang Blues?)
The reason Jefferson and the Founding Fathers didn’t want government interfering with religion is because religion is, in fact, an article of faith and an OPINION. Deep at the core of all religious debates is the opinion of validity. Is it even real? Whose religion is correct? Christians? Muslims? Jews? Are they all correct? Are all of them wrong?
Answer: It doesn’t matter.
There is no factual, concrete evidence to support any of their existence. Only conjecture.
Which, is fine. That’s totally OK and good. There is nothing wrong with living the virtues of your religion, whatever they may be. In fact, if everyone lived by them, the world would most likely be a much better place.
The problem is not all religious people have lived by them and all throughout history there are examples of religion being used as a means to control others. Often times at the hands of human suffering in one form or the other.
America has not been immune to this suffering. Biblical reasons have been used to support; slavery, banning women’s rights, preventing interracial couples to marry, civil rights, even preventing two legal, consenting, loving adults from entering in to the government contract of marriage just because they happen to be of the same gender.
If we are to give meaning to the words “LIBERTY and justice for all” then the issue of religion in politics must be banned. Because the Bible says homosexuality is a sin. Therefore, people use that as a basis to prevent homosexuals from marrying.
The problem is, gary people may or may not subscribe to scripture. And who are we/you as a society to withhold those Liberties to our fellow citizens based on our European Christian social moirés? Hypocrites if we prevent legal, consenting adults from their pursuit of Life, Liberty and Happiness.
Jefferson and the Founding Fathers did not want government involved in controlling such a deeply held opinion as religion because doing so would threaten democracy itself; the expression of free thought.
The Founding Fathers sought protection of religions, all of them, from the government so that government could not use religion to control the citizens. Like the 14th Amendment banning religious litmus test to hold public office.
Get it? There’s no War on Christmas. Not now, not then. Just the continuing struggle to preserve our Traditional American Values as they were given to us by our Founding Fathers.
In America you are free to choose your religion and practice it. What you are not free to do is impose your religious beliefs on someone else; like having prayer in a public school where everyone obviously is not of that particular faith.
Why can’t followers of Christianity practice their faith without trying to interject it into public law?
Because, parts of the Constitution are vague for a very specific reason. Other parts are not. This is where the “Original Intent” crowd proves their ignorance of Traditional American Values and the Constitution is a “Living Breathing Document Crowd” get it.
The Founding Fathers knew they couldn’t foresee every single situation that would arise. In those cases they wrote the passages of the Constitution to enlighten us with a principle that could be applied to various situations.
Like “unreasonable” searches. What precisely is “unreasonable?”
It depends.
But, “Congress SHALL make no law respecting an establishment of a religion . . .” is not ambiguous for obvious and specific reasons.
What the Founding Fathers really gave to us is not “WHAT” to think, as Original Intent followers would suggest, but rather “HOW” to think as the Living Breathing followers know.
That is also the reason they gave us such a detailed set of rules for debate (in congress) and a set of rules, laws, and boundaries as checks on power. The culmination of these “thinking tools” allows us, and our posterity to tackle the unforeseen, and unknowable future problems.
It is, up to each generation to decide how to govern themselves, to solve their political and legal issues of the day through means other than violence. That’s why some of the language in the Constitution is vague.
Don’t let it frustrate you because you didn’t get the quick and easy answer. Hold in its Glory the Age of Enlightenment. For it is THE truth, and it will set all of us free — eventually.
The rest of your post is not germane to the topic at hand so you’ll have to find someone else to answer your enigma.
Schools out!
@243 “It’s about stopping deficit spending (two unfinanced wars, soaring deficits under Bush), reining in excessive government programs (Department of Homeland Security, senior drug program under Bush)and getting back to the basics of defense (invading the wrong country under Bush, while ignoring the Taliban)and infrastructure (America’s bridges collapsing under Bush)”
Just so much horseshit spewed by our resident faux-libertarian “I didn’t support Bush!” KLOWN.
Follow the bounding ball. I was debating you.
It’s not about putting Christians in their place it’s about preserving Tradition American Values for the next generation. It’s NOT all about you.
Clever traps?? It would seem that way only if you don’t have a thurough understanding of the issue of religon and American politics.
Thanks, I will.
If I have a grievenance I’ll be sure to petition the government as one of the five inalienable rights granted to me in the 1st Amendment.
02/19/2010 at 3:23 pm
No paradox when you understand the reasoning. In fact, it’s quite clear to the enlightened.
There is no ambiguity in Jefferson’s letter; that’s the point of it and why the SCOTUS use it.
Because Americans aren’t like brutal dictators. We know right from wrong and torture is simply wrong. It’s very unAmerican.
Addressed it already for you at 248.
Look here’s a great life lesson for you I learned it in the military:
“Effort requires no talent.”
Put some effort into learning authentic American history from genuine sources. You’ll never be a conservative again.
Have a good weekend,
Back to school with you. Here’s your problem: Jefferson was not one of the draftsmen who put the Frist Amendment together. Although some researchers place its origins in Jefferson’s earlier work in Virginia, he was out of sight when the Constitution and Bill of Rights were built.
His later opinions about the First Amendment were written from a distance, both in time and space. The Federalist Papers, written by direct participants in Constitutional negotiation, are more germaine than Jefferson’s political opion from 1802.
Re 252
Really, don’t waste your time. GBS has one letter and a clause from one treaty with which to vent his hatred of Christianity, and he will do so at any provocation.
It’s sad really, this type of atheist. They can’t be satisfied with believing a minority opinion and letting it go at that. They have to evangelize their atheism and aren’t content until they wipe all traces of religion or faith from this country. I suppose it’s a variant of OCD, but encouraging this disease really doesn’t help him.
@253 There goes Lost again, sharing his delusions about what others here believe. Or maybe he’s knowingly making shit up again. Lying. Either way, he’s just another faux-libertarian asswipe.