This weekend is the 10th anniversary of one of my favorite sites, TPM. Its format has grown from a simple one-person blog to a full-fledged news site, and they’ve done a good job of changing the perceptions of how news sites can be done. Joshua Green has a fun recounting of the early days of the site.
TPM is one of my favorite national political sites. Washington state needs something like this. It strikes me as doable, particularly if the site drew upon recent journalism grads.
I’d say PubliCola is the closest thing. Something about being named Josh I guess…
Not to be overlooked is the Coffee Party movement, a progressive movement created to counter the Tea Party. It’s having a series of events, sponsored by, over the next three days. I received an e-mail about this one:
“Dear Coffee Party members and supporters,
“I just signed up to host a Other 98% Potluck for Progress run by Political Action.
“The election results have been disappointing, but not surprising. … It’s an important time to discuss how we can most effectively build support for our issues and strengthen the progressive movement overall. …
“So on November 14-16, we’ll gather together in living rooms across the country. We’ll share some home cooking, reflect upon this election, and start planning what progressives can do to forge ahead and win over the next few years.
“Host your own Potluck for Progress or sign up for the one I’m hosting at
“Here are the details of my event:
Potluck for Progress Kenmore
19215 58th Ave. NE
Kenmore, WA 98028
Sunday, 14 Nov 2010, , 6:00 PM
“Hope to see you soon!
There’s a post currently up on TPM regarding the traitorous Cantor:
US opposition leaders don’t usually tell foreign heads of state that they’ll help the foreign leader provide a check on the American president. And they certainly don’t announce it to the press.
Yeah, that is something worthy of an entire post. Could you imagine an Hispanic-American congressman doing the same thing with the President of Mexico?
4, 5 – What’s new about Republicans committing treason? They do it all the time. See, e.g., Valerie Plame …
GOP = Treason Party
Oops, there’s a typographical error. It should look like this:
@5 and 6, Or a Catholic congressman with the Pope?
Rog @ 8, That one had to steep for a minute before it sunk in.
Congrats TPM and all progressive bloggers – the New Real Media – everywhere.
Richard Armitage – Lefty
@ 11
Oh, you mean this Richard Armitage?
Just stop spuddy, just stop.
You’re embarrassing yourself.
Yeah DeadToad from your WikiPedia link
Yep Richard Armitage DeadToad
Yep Richard Armitage DeadToad
Yep Richard Armitage DeadToad
Yep Richard Armitage DeadToad
Yep Richard Armitage DeadToad
Yep Richard Armitage DeadToad
Yep Richard Armitage DeadToad – What’s so funny about this movie Fair Game is Novak and Armitage are NOT depicted in the movie. Now why would Sean Penn do that? Oh yeah Sean liked Saddam, and still likes Fidel & Hugo! He hates anything conservative. Also we now know when Sean brags about helping people in Haiti he lives in a 15 foot high walled compound with the tops of the walls strung with barbed wire and policed with AK-47 packing “guards”.
The FACTS, a continual embarrassment to leftist pinheads like DeadToad!
Now why would DeadToad want Puddy to stop again… Maybe because his little Scooter Libby world would explode?
@ Spuddy et al
Does your mother know what you are doing on her computer?
Noodles almighty, you really are just a fucking nut.
Puddy is the dog turds on an otherwise perfect lawn.
Really slingshit? That’s what you do each time you post.
Notice when presented the facts now DeadToad reverts to ad hominem attacks through Puddy’s mother.
If presenting the facts is nutty then Puddy provides factual nuts to the nutheads of HA. Puddy even used Daily Kooks to slap the DeadToad silly.
Watch now… Pavlov predicts the above sentence will be hijacked out of context.
I would like to know if ad revenue is tpm’s only revenue stream? It seems like they employ around 10 full-time employees with not insignificant overhead.
How do they/Josh do it? That’s just as impressive as the content of their news.
Don’t you HA progressives remember this from Josh Marshall on his James O’Keefe smear?
* O’Keefe was allegedly using his cell phone to film the attempt to bug Landrieu’s office as it happened.
* And let’s say they got something really juicy off of Sen. Landrieu’s tapped phone line. What exactly were they going to do with it?
* But they were never going to protect you from an investigation into bugging the office of a United States senator.
* Now, one might speculate that they were going to use the bug to get leads that they would then report out and surface by other means.
-And filming the bugging as it happened definitely suggests they didn’t plan on keeping the thing a secret.
Oh wait looks like Josh was wrong again…
Dude, what the fuck are you talking about? None of the comments you’ve left in this thread have made any sense whatsoever. I should honestly be marking them as Spam.
Here is another “amazing” TPM critique
Hard work. But that’s okay if you are a leftist president, you have more to “do”.
But what about your words in 2004 Josh?…
But if you are a conservative president your done after the hard work so move along.
Again, this comment makes no sense. Are you going to leave a comment in this thread that makes sense? You can do it, Puddy!
Again Lee can’t read
Ad hominem attack against Puddy and his dead mother. Of course that’s A-OK with Lee.
First from Roger Rabbit…
Puddy’s response
Then Dracula appears…
So Puddy responds with so many leftist paper and blog facts on Ricard Armitage…
Then Dracula’s ad hominem attack against Puddy’s dead mother.
Since you have serious comprehension issues you need to mark all those comments as SPAM.
Oh Lee @21, Josh gives Clinton and Odumba a pass for working hard as presidents and Odumba should keep working hard while dissing Bush working hard as president.
Do you actually read TPM?
No, Richard Armitage is not a lefty, and none of your links or comments show otherwise.
No, that’s not even remotely what any of those links mean.
Man, this is really hard for you. Just one comment that makes sense, that’s all were asking. Can you do it? Are you capable? Do you have it in you?
Just a single comment that makes sense. Just one! That’s the Puddy challenge today.
Can. You. Do. It!?!
And who can forget the TPM criticizing Rush Limbaugh over Barack the Magic Negro without figuring out it was from black LA Times columnist David Ehrenstein!
What?!? How does that make any sense at all? Did Rush Limbaugh not sing that song?
Again, Puddy, just one comment! It’s soooo easy. Anyone can do it. Can you?
Lee Richard Armitage was considered a lefty. He hated Cheney. He hated the Iraq war. And he outed Valerie Plame. And he IS A LEFTY.
Then in hindsight he claims there were meetings with Colin Powell on torture, which Powell outright rejected.
Many indisputable facts.
Lee Richard Armitage was considered a lefty. He hated Cheney. He hated the Iraq war. And he outed Valerie Plame. And he IS A LEFTY.
No, he’s not. Lots of people not on the left hated Cheney and hated the Iraq War.
Again, Puddy, this shit ain’t hard. Just leave one comment in this thread that makes sense. Some combination of words that isn’t incoherent dribble. I believe in you. You can overcome your mental disability.
Conceive. Believe. Achieve! Just leave one comment in this thread that makes sense.
The p’dumbski makes a complete ass tou of himself for the express amusement of the HA community.
Thanks for the comic relief, buddy.
And where did Ehrenstein get “it”?
He may have gotten “it” from a right winger!
Comment #19 easily answers your question!
Comment #19 makes no sense at all, but I believe in you. You can do it, man!!
And if you need some extra help, here’s a page from the Special Olympics that’s used for inspiring people with handicaps to strive to do their best:
Go for it Puddy!
What? You’ve got to be kidding…
Sorry Lee, ain’t gonna continue to play your silly games.
What an arrogant fuck you are p’dumbski.
I’m sure Lee could give a fuck.
Pffft. No one can “smear” a scumbag like that. The idiot JOKIII does a perfectly good job of doing that to himself on his lonesome.
“Richard Armitage was considered a lefty”
Yeah, I’m sure. Probably another member of the Alan Greenspan wing of the Democratic Party.
My, but the strangest shit comes out of Puddy’s head. And it’s all in an failed attempt to convince himself and others here that wingnut shit doesn’t stink. Here’s a clue, Puddy. Wingnut shit stinks to high heaven. Eh, what more proof do you need than your own comments?
@11 “Richard Armitage – Lefty”
Holy shit, putz, would you please fact-check before you go off half-cocked (or with half a cock)? Armitage was in the Defense Department in 2001-2005. If he’s a lefty the Bush surrounded himself with pinkos.
@13 Yeah, putz, we know Armitage is a suspect but he’s also a righty. Sheesh.
@23 “Puddy’s response
Valerie Plame
Richard Armitage – Lefty
Yeah puddy, we all know that’s what you posted, but you see puddy, the thing is, Armitage was one of Bush’s and Rummy’s men … that material fact seems lost on you. sponsored a number of meetings today for progressives to discuss the recent elections. Mrs. Rabbit was under the weather today so we couldn’t attend. Therefore I’ll post my 2 cents here.
I think voters feel the American Dream is slipping away and they don’t believe higher taxes or more government will help bring it back. They want leaner government in lean times. Progressive arguments won’t sway these folks. The time to talk about more government spending is when people have more money, not when they’re struggling on less money.
I think progressives should focus on the things they do well, such as protecting workers and consumers from the predators who stalk unregulated markets. Big spending programs aren’t going to fly in this environment. But keeping our food supply safe resonates.
Locally, there were some bright rays of sunshine in the election results. Voters rejected turning over worker’s compensation to private insurance companies and privatizing state liquor stores. Nationally, I don’t think there’s any groundswell of public opinion to privatize public schools or dismantle Social Security. And this election certainly didn’t replace liberal social democracy with theocracy.
Progressives should continue to be social reformers who crusade against meat packers who sell rat meat as hamburger.
Here’s a good take on Cantor’s transgression:
Washington Monthly
Puddy will put up any kind of links to try and justify his absurd views. Just like the idiot LaRouche “democrats” who put swastikas on Obama and argue that he is like Hitler.
These people have no real contact with reality. They are convinced (like Puddy) that they are right and NO facts will ever get in their way. They dismiss any facts that dispute thier world view and they cite irrelevant facts or think they cite facts that don’t prove what they think or say.
Puddy does not even check his own links – that is not just sloppy but it is dishonest to put up a link that does not say what you claim it does. I truly believe that Puddy is just too dumb to understand that his arguments are crap – but some of the time he must be aware that he is lying….
“None of the comments you’ve left in this thread have made any sense whatsoever. ”
So what’s new about that? Puddy’s never made any sense, except to himself.
TPM has always struck me as rather like the TMZ of politics. This seems perfectly reasonable, since in recent years an increasing number of political figures on the right have proven to be far more bizarre and perverted than Hollywood celebrities.
puddy @ 11
Richard Armitage
Advisor to Republican administrations, member of Project for a New American Century, unrepentant war monger, etc.
Not a lefty.
Not a matter of opinion.
You keep using the word indisputable.
I’m pretty sure that word doesn’t mean what you think it means.