The last day to register to vote online came and went with record smashing numbers. Congrats to any new voters! But if for some reason, you’re a reader of HA and still need to register in Washington, you can. Do it in person.
Let’s build a Marriott in Port-Au-Prince not build homes for the poor! Big donors to the Clinton Crime Family Foundation made out like bandits here!
Wait a minute… As one reads more why was Cheryl Mills there?
Oh yeah… FOB… If you were a FOB BINGO! Ties into this ABC News report! If not FOB force them to visit the peeps. – ABC News independently authenticated the emails.
“Need you to flag when people are friends of WJC,” wrote Caitlin Klevorick, then a senior State Department official who was juggling incoming offers of assistance being funneled to the State Department by the Clinton Foundation. “Most I can probably ID but not all.”
“Is this a FOB!” Klevorick writes later, when a Clinton Foundation aide forwards a woman’s offer of medical supplies. “If not, she should go to,” she adds, directing the person deemed not to be a Clinton friend to a general government website.
Let’s see… Since this was outsourced per State Department spokesperson John Kirby how can anyone not see any more clearly that the Clinton Crime Family Foundation existed to peddle influence within the US government to Careless Crooked Heilary’s buds? No wonder why those 33,000 emails were DEEEEEEEEEEEEEESTROYED! Remember that Jamie Gorelick wall between the CIA and the FBI in 2004? Well that supposed “wall” between Careless Crooked Heilary’s State Department and the Clinton Crime Family Foundation doesn’t look like it was “erected” very well on purpose!
This is explicit Clinton corruption, not implied anymore! Thanks ABC News Brian Ross! Tie that into the WikiLeaks emails and KAAAAAAAAAAAAAABLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMOOOOOOOOOOOOO! He wasn’t invited to Careless Crooked Heilary’s campaign kickoff cocktail hour!
Hey libtards, look up the name of Garry Mauro. Here’s a hint…”Garry Mauro, Clinton’s authorized agent in Texas, says she needs to control the news cycles the next 100 days”. How did Careless Crooked Heilary do that? Invite them to her campaign cocktail kickoff. That’s how. See yesterday’s open thread for the list!
ThePudMan, identifies the CRAZY everywhere, everydayspews:
Facts do that to senile minds @3!
ThePudMan, identifies the CRAZY everywhere, everydayspews:
Are you referring to Mel Reynolds again Oregon moron @5?
Distant Replayspews:
You nominated a rapist.
ThePudMan, identifies the CRAZY everywhere, everydayspews:
Yes Oregon moron, keep deflecting from Careless Crooked Heilary’s hate and corruption that even ABC News Brian Ross can’t overlook anymore!
Bill Clintonspews:
I was and still am a rapist, but, hell, I got elected back in ’92 and re-elected in ’96. You just know how to treat the ladies!
It’s a comedy act but he doesn’t know it.
On one thread saying the media is covering for Hillary and not covering Wikileaks.
On another thread linking to a MSM ABC news story about Wikileaks.
Too damn funny.
And now we’re to believe that to a rabid republican, creating jobs overseas to sell cheaper products domestically is the WORST THING EVER!
What happened to trickle down. A Hotel does employ people right? People who wouldn’t have worked at a Marriott that never got built right? Hmmmm. Suddenly Piddles realizes Reaganomics is bullshit.
All are welcome. There are no judgements here. We know. Your Heroes lied to you. There’s coffee and cookies. “Hi I’m Piddles and I’m a GOP-a-holic.” “Hi Piddles”
Recovery is a thousand mile journey starting with a single step.
ThePudMan, identifies the CRAZY everywhere, everydayspews:
Did y’all see that fool last Friday on Rachel MadCow’s show claiming that the WikiLeaks email dump was fradulent? “Malcolm Nance, former Navy intelligence officer and counterterrorism expert, talks with Rachel Maddow about Russia’s efforts to interfere in the U.S. election and its manipulation of Donald Trump and his aides.” 4000+ Fools like David Frum retweeted this BULLSHITTIUM ad nauseum!
Yet on Sunday during the debate Careless Crooked Heilary admitted that they were TRUE! Blamed it on Honest Abe Lincoln!
Those WikiLeaks email dumps were well played by Assange. Wednesday of last week libtards wrote Assange off. Well the hammer has dropped thrice so far! Puddy remember when Julian Assange was a hero on HA DUMMOCRETINS. Now libtards hate Assange! Puddy provided the past HA DUMMOCRETIN links. Ask the crazed clueless databaze cretin for a replay!
The one poll that Trump could point to, head to head only, and say, “We’re winning folks. This is going to be the yugest most luxurious victory the polls show we’re wining.” isn’t saying that anymore.
Wikileaks will save us and put the racist rapist in the White House.
It’s marvelous.
What will you do when this clear criminal in your mind is being sworn in while the sexual predator is wondering how he only won a handful of states?
ThePudMan, identifies the CRAZY everywhere, everydayspews:
Dpishittium dr checkmate farts…
On one thread saying the media is covering for Hillary and not covering Wikileaks.
On another thread linking to a MSM ABC news story about Wikileaks.
Get your silly story straight. There are 35 prominent peeps of the libtard MSM covering for Careless Crooked Heilary. Brian Ross was not invited and his expose is @1.
Great try at your flavor du jour BULLSHITTIUM dr checkmate.
A Hotel does employ people right? Where were the homes contracted to be built DIPSHITTIUM dr checkmate? That’s what the Clinton Crime Family Foundation was contracted for by the State Department to do.
Suddenly Piddles realizes Reaganomics is bullshit. Wrong again DIPSHITTIUM dr checkmate. Once again we notice that the DIPSHITTIUM dr checkmate didn’t read the articles! Par for the course!
Yes all are welcome DIPSHITTIUM dr checkmate. We especially welcome your comedic rants in every thread!
Sux to be DIPSHITTIUM dr checkmate spewing its special brand of BULLSHITTIUM here!
Distant Replayspews:
Republicans nominated a rapist.
They know it for a fact because he’s admitted it on tape.
They’re supporting him with what little they’ve got.
And they’re voting for him in November.
This is who the deplorable Republicans are, right now, today.
Today’s Republican Party.
Violent. Abusive. Racist. In Denial.
They nominated an admitted rapist. Their nominee bragged about it. And they are still supporting him.
This is who Republicans are right now, today.
Distant Replayspews:
Today’s Republican Party is participating in a political campaign for President that is engaged in a coordinated espionage and disinformation campaign with our Russian adversaries.
and they nominated a rapist.
That too. Also. Plus.
ThePudMan, identifies the CRAZY everywhere, everydayspews:
Hidden DUMMOCRETIN email “treasures” are being exposed and idiots like the Oregon moron complain about Russian hacking.
Gems of truth regarding how DUMMOCRETINS think about the common man and their heads are exploding!
But the party itself is lost.
Because they nominated a rapist who bragged about it and they are still supporting him.
Distant Replayspews:
I’m not exactly sure, but I think most voters are more concerned about the rape thing than the thing about collaborating with the Russian espionage services.
But both are not good things.
Not good at all.
ThePudMan, identifies the CRAZY everywhere, everydayspews:
And that’s what you’ve got for an October surprise? The Clinton foundation redevelopment projects in Haiti created fewer jobs than hoped but still about 10,000 jobs and donors to the Clinton foundation were involved in the Foundation’s projects.
So you’re now fine that the foundation didn’t give people free homes and instead empowered them to earn a living. Are you sure you’re a Republican?
Yep. You’ve finally found it. She’s toast now.
Distant Replayspews:
Just keep trying to un-ring that bell. The more you struggle, the more people hear it.
ThePudMan, identifies the CRAZY everywhere, everydayspews:
NBC execs had a plan to time the release of the Donald Trump audio to have maximum impact on both the 2nd presidential debate and the general election … sources connected with the network tell TMZ.
Multiple sources connected with NBC tell us … top network execs knew about the video long before they publicly said they did, but wanted to hold it because it was too early in the election. The sources say many NBC execs have open disdain for Trump and their plan was to roll out the tape 48 hours before the debate so it would dominate the news cycle leading up to the face-off.
So this was known back at the Rio Olympics. Part of the Careless Crooked Heilary campaign staff. Wanted to edit the tape and take out Billy Bush.
WOW! Such collusion!
Distant Replayspews:
You misspelled it.
We now spell it RAPEpublican.
ThePudMan, identifies the CRAZY everywhere, everydayspews:
Were is the rape tape Oregon moron? Just talk so far!
We know about real rape from Arkansas and the wife cover up. Trailer trash remember?
ThePudMan, identifies the CRAZY everywhere, everydayspews:
DOJ gave Careless Crooked Heilary campaign a heads up when emails were being released. Share information with targets when you are a DUMMOCRETIN.
Stunning degree of corruption shown to us by WikiLeaks!
Why do DUMMOCRETINS devolve into deception? Why do they have to hide their real activities behind the scenes?
Lawyers generally know when rulings are forthcoming. Mountain meet molehill. It was public information.
This is truly epic October Surprise. Why it’s almost like finding out a candidate likes to grope females without consent.
This! ™ is the most damning revelation ever. The State department lobbed an email to the former SOS about a ruling in a case where she is a named litigant. Self pleasure is a sin Piddles. Both hands back on the keyboard.
I see the loon is back, batshit insane as ever, with his exploding head still spewing unintelligible hate.
“Federal Judge Orders Hearing in Donald Trump Rape Lawsuit”
Huh! Looks like the pussy-grabbing Trump raped a 13 year-old little girl back during the days when he was stalking naked little girls at his teen pageant.
“‘Don’t worry ladies, I’ve seen it all before:’ Teen pageant contestants say Donald Trump walked in on them changing”
“When he started running for president, that is one of the first things I thought about: Oh, gross, this guy walked in on us in the pageant,” Mariah Billado, a the former Miss Vermont Teen USA, told BuzzFeed. “Girls were just scrambling to grab stuff, whatever garments they had. I remember putting on my dress really quick because I was like, ‘Oh my god, there’s a man in here.”
@4 No. But feel free to buy one and advertise your stupidity in public.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@9 Hillary doesn’t hate you, Spudnutz. She feels sorry for pathetic losers like you.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@12 Assange is your new hero? I’ll bet we could have fun looking up some of your old posts about Wikileaks, but I have better things to do with my time.
Roger Rabbitspews:
I can think of at least two things Assange and Trump have in common. One, they grope women. Two, they like Putin.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@19 “Hidden DUMMOCRETIN email ‘treasures’ are being exposed and idiots like the Oregon moron complain about Russian hacking.”
Yep, those are your priorities, all right. Doesn’t matter if Russia tries to influence our election, as long as there are more emails to read.
The Republicans got one thing right. Every lawyer knows to go for the emails, because the shit is always in the emails.
Drumpf is so driven by the next orgasm, it walks in on a dressing room filled with changing teenage girls.
Four women who competed in the 1997 Miss Teen USA beauty pageant said Donald Trump walked into the dressing room while contestants — some as young as 15 — were changing.
“I remember putting on my dress really quick because I was like, ‘Oh my god, there’s a man in here,’” said Mariah Billado, the former Miss Vermont Teen USA.
Trump, she recalled, said something like, “Don’t worry, ladies, I’ve seen it all before.”
Most of it went into the Donyld’s pocket. Sue the a-ahole! Good luck getting it back.
Butt, butt, butt why would Republicans do this? We were told by the babbling feckless jackass troll that Republican shit don’t stink.
Distant Replayspews:
We were also told by the babbling feckless jackass that forcible pussy grabbing is not sexual assault.
So there’s that.
It’s so easy turning the jiggling jello of your “analysis” into a reheated pool of nothing.
Billy Bush should be suspended and then probably fired. You have encountered HR at some point in your career? No?
On the one hand you have a journalist who may be advising a campaign. On the other hand you have an employee laughing and agreeing with another employee about the sexual harassment of a third employee specifically and all women generally. These two things are not the same but you like to think so.
You’ve surely sat through a mandatory harassment training or three. You’ve heard the phrase “Hostile work environment.”
But Mr. Hannity is not only Mr. Trump’s biggest media booster; he also veers into the role of adviser. Several people I’ve spoken with over the last couple of weeks said Mr. Hannity had for months peppered Mr. Trump, his family members and advisers with suggestions on strategy and messaging.
Your utter silence on the conflict of interest on Hannity but your outrage at Harwood is duly noted.
Distant Replayspews:
one fairly interesting aspect to that, seldom reported on and not well understood in the media, is that the large bundled donations that go to the campaign super PAC (in this case TrumpVictory) are almost always in the form of a “pledge”. Some degree of follow up is usually required, sometimes accompanied by some personal contact from the candidate. They never get 100%. 95 to 98% is probably typical. But if collected funds fall significantly below those targets the result can create a big financial drag. Even down ballot, since most of the super PAC money goes to the party. The campaign budgets will be set based on pledged money. They will commit to the spending as if they will get it (most of it). But now they might not. And what will follow may be Republican campaigns carrying debt well into next year, and continuing to fund raise to retire the debt. This can have a domino effect going into the 2018 mids.
Let’s hope so. And let’s all do our part to make it happen by humiliating the shit out of anybody willing to attach their name, much less their money, to that party of depraved, evil, clown perverts.
Distant Replayspews:
“…a reheated pool of nothing.”
Well put.
That perfectly describes the alt-Right, MRA, 4chan, subreddit, rage chamber that now serves as the intellectual foundry of the New Republican Party.
Distant Replayspews:
Wow. A 20 point shift in poll response from Trump to Clinton after the release of the Trump sexual assault video. A 33 point shift among women.
Roger Rabbitspews:
An independent driller has found Alaska’s third largest oilfield.
I really find it offensive that NBC is calling what he said “locker room talk”. No, it was more like bragging about assaulting women. I believe NBC is more concerned with syndication than truth. And it’s a pattern with them.
Used to be, when someone used the phrase “locker room talk” it had something to do with a coach, a team, half time, and usually a come-from-behind win.
So that’s one more thing we can thank Republicans for ruining.
ThePudMan, identifies the CRAZY everywhere, everydayspews:
We were also told by the babbling feckless jackass that forcible pussy grabbing is not sexual assault.
Who did Trump forcibly grab?
Put up Oregon moron! Oh you insert Trump wherever the name Clinton appears eh Oregon moron?
Distant Replayspews:
And I’m just curious:
Now that the vast majority of the trunk, stem, and branch elite of the Republican Party, and to a larger extent “American Conservatism” have agreed to stay the course with the Workplace Sexual Assault Nominee, do we still think this is about white working class economic angst?
Distant Replayspews:
So wait.
You’re pimping for the guy who you believe privately lies about all the times he’s engaged in workplace sexual assault?
That’s better?
Right. Go with that one. Sure fire winner.
ThePudMan, identifies the CRAZY everywhere, everydayspews:
There goes DIPSHITTIUM dr checkmate again. Can’t tell the difference between CNBC news reporter and political commentator. A real BULLSHITTIUM artist. On the one hand you have a journalist who may be advising a campaign.
From WikiPedia the leftist site… John Harwood (born November 5, 1956) is an American journalist who is the chief Washington Correspondent for CNBC.
From WikiPedia the leftist site… Sean Patrick Hannity[1] (born December 30, 1961) is an American radio and television host, author, and conservative political commentator.
Another SMACKDOWN of DIPSHITTIUM provider dr checkmate.
So Dr Darryl, you really need to take DIPSHITTIUM provider dr checkmate to the woodshed and slap some sense into that dense head!
ThePudMan, identifies the CRAZY everywhere, everydayspews:
You Oregon moron jock strap a real bimbo eruption cock blocker! Still waiting for the rape evidence Oregon moron!
In Trump’s defense, at least Miss Washington was over the age of consent, unlike the sweet, innocent 13 year-old little girl he viciously and violently raped.
“Lawsuit Charges Donald Trump with Raping a 13-Year-Old Girl”
We’ve all seen the tape, right?
Even the deplorables have seen it, right?
The Rape-publican and “conservative” surrogates are all over the airwaves talking about it, trying to explain it away, right? Repeating the “locker room talk” bullet points and insisting that Trump is only rapey because Beyonce.
And yet, the LIAR denies it even exists.
Is that a thing? Like, is that the mark of the True Believer?
Did you take any time to look up ‘sexual harrassment?’
As long as you’re now playing ‘one of these things is not like the other.’
Distant Replayspews:
I wonder where all the LIAR’s subtlety and nuance were when Rape-publicans were naming one of the LIAR’s favorite media “outsiders” an honorary member of the Republican freshman class of 1994.
These are not outsiders. They are not a black swan.
This is the Rape-publican party today, right now.
Impotent Tic-Tac gobbling, Workplace Sexual Assault Champions for the fortieth straight year!
Meanwhile, in Ohio…
“New Ohio poll puts Hillary Clinton ahead of Donald Trump by 9 points after news of Trump’s vulgar talk”
ThePudMan, identifies the CRAZY everywhere, everydayspews:
Remember everyone… DIPSHITTIUM dr checkmate can’t tell the difference between a journalist and a political commentator.
Homeless Zombies, street urchins, drugged out losers and thieves..the problel is almost solved!
100 million well spent!
Im sure the parks dept has lots of extra cash to repair and clean up the parks once this grand and nobile experiment is complete….just ask Portland!!!!!
You voted for em! Now you get to pay the consequences.
Hey! Somebody stole my Pronto bike!
Distant Replayspews:
Whoops! Looks like Cheeto Jesus is running low on energy! Canceling lots of events!
Needs to rest up and stock up on Tic Tacs.
Distant Replayspews:
“Now you get to pay the consequences.”
I know, right? I mean, like Kansas is so lucky!
And don’t get me started on Alabama! What?
Super jeally. Know what I mean?
Oh, and also – Both Sides! And Beyonce!
There. That oughta do it.
Distant Foreplay,
Its money and business that makes the Seattle area a desirable place to work. It sure as fuck isnt socialists and marxist losers with their mooching hands out all the time. Be thankfull productive people like are paying for the moochers you love much……
But hey…howz that homeless problem going fir ya? Herion? Nah, no problem here!!
Kansas and alabama certainly have their issues…..
Distant Replayspews:
Leave. I did.
You’re welcome.
Gawwdamn, The Schiz has completely lost the plot.
I will leave when I’m done extracting as much money out of this area as I can. I’ve got another place in Scottsdale anyway, so I’m already set up.
Have fun playing in your bum filled parks littered with needles and human shit.
YLBasement comment in 3 2 1
Distant Replayspews:
“As you can”? Expecting to run out of “energy”?
Perhaps you are suffering from “low T”.
With all this Russian hacking being talked about, anyone think that they could hack some of the electronic voting machines in favor of the Furor Drumpf?
Trump can’t even look at a ten year old girl without thinking about fucking her.
Lesson learned. If there’s anything more damning than a two decade old sex scandal involving an intern and a candidate’s husband, it’s a sex scandal that’s unfolding in the here and now, during the final weeks of a campaign, that involves a candidate and little girls.
Imagine that. Glenn Beck sez the babbling feckless jackass and the rest of the trolls are “validating” immorality, lewdness and depravity.
Wow.. Butt…
What are we saying? Immoral, lewd and depraved is practically the definition of a troll.
Distant Replayspews:
It’s not the Republican nominee’s fault that he’s a sick fuck who sees women as utilitarian objects the sole purpose of which is to satisfy his sexual urges because…
Beyonce. And “Gangsta” rap. And “liberal” Hollywood.
And stuff like that. Can’t blame the Workplace Sexual Assault Nominee for workplace sexual assault. He’s just going with the “conservative” flow, baby!
Roger Rabbitspews:
Please, God, don’t let Trump drop out …
Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
I’m going to make America white again…I mean great again.
Where is all the hot young Pusssy hiding? Boob’s house?
40 years of Crooked Hillary. Enough said!
Pass the Pussy please!
Distant Replayspews:
The name Donald Trump will appear on all 50 state’s federal election ballots with an (R) after it on November 8th. They are already printed and more than 500,000 have already been cast. Whatever else may happen, the choice voters are facing is the choice they will face through Nov. 8th. The Republican party had their choice. And they made it. There exists no means by which a substitute candidate can be offered. It’s too late for that.
ThePudMan, identifies the CRAZY everywhere, everydayspews:
“Let me be clear I am firmly against both Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton as potential presidents of the United States of America. I believe that neither candidate has the values, decency or principles to be the leader of the free world.” – Glenn Beck.
Oh salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS, Beck was NEVER a fan of Trump. He was a Cruz man. You typed it yourself ya moron!
24 hour mysterious moronic moonbattic malodorous memory malady microcephaly; another one with the mini microcephaly head!
ThePudMan, identifies the CRAZY everywhere, everydayspews:
The utter disregard and disrespect toward all voters the Republican Party has displayed this year is breathtaking. It will take many years, if not decades, for that party of racist dirty old men to recover, if such a thing is even possible.
Perhaps saddest of all is the sight of evangelical voters collectively hiking up their petticoats and renting their precious “morality” to this nest of arrogance and perversion at soak and poke motel rates. They will never recover from this public humiliation.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Bob Dylan won the 2016 Nobel Prize for Literature. The Swedish Academy called his songs “poetry.” He joins a list of American luminaries who have won the literature prize that includes Hemingway, Faulkner, and Steinbeck.
Distant Replayspews:
Give the Republican Party the most favorable interpretation of these events possible and what are you left with?
A Cadre of wealthy old men and their paid enablers who openly insist that getting away with workplace sexual assault is an admirable accomplishment, worthy of private boasting.
ThePudMan, identifies the CRAZY everywhere, everydayspews:
Yes we are learning the utter disregard for American peeps by the DUMMOCRETIN is for certain. Proven by WikiLeaks…
“I had heard that you were upset that I encouraged a call between WJC and Richardson to bury the hatchet,” Podesta wrote. “I did that at the request of Jose Villarreal who pushed me and made the point that Richardson is still on TV a lot, especially on Univision and Telemundo and not withstanding the fact that he can be a dick. [just like HA’s very own Oregon moron], it was worth getting him in a good place.”
And what happened two days later? Bill Richardson endorsed Careless Crooked Heilary Clinton. Then Bill said “We have patched up our disagreement from the 2008 election.”
Amazing what favors buy you these days!
ThePudMan, identifies the CRAZY everywhere, everydayspews:
Table 2. Economic Impact of Hillary Clinton’s Tax Plan
GDP drops 2.6%
Capital Investment drops by 7.0%
Wage Rate drops 2.1%
Full-time Equivalent Jobs (in thousands) drops 697,000
Tax and spend DUMMOCRETINS at it again!
ThePudMan, identifies the CRAZY everywhere, everydayspews:
Why is Billy Bush suspended? farts DIPSHITTIUM dr checkmate!
Well DIPSHITTIUM dr checkmate, TMZ sez because the WA Post broke the story before NBC News could doctor the tapes to remove Billy Bush’s laughing and verbal agreements from the tape. Dunceman is right. NBC only cares about DUMMOCRETIN politicians and their ratings. And ratings bring in $$$.
When a DUMMOCRETIN gets in the way of advertising $$$ revenue, see ya DUMMOCRETIN. Hence Bush got the boot!
Actually the place in Scottsdale is about to hit the market….Hidden Hills area to be exact. Begin construction on new place in Sedona late next year.
Dont recall seeing any bum tents in my travels to Sedona….
ThePudMan, identifies the CRAZY everywhere, everydayspews:
“Sid is lost in his own web of conspiracies. I pay zero attention to what he says.”
“Blumenthal did not have the slightest idea of what he was talking about in his girlie gossip with the secretary of state about this. Why she places such great stock over so much time in these exchanges with Blumenthal is mystifying to me—and frankly troublesome.”
Man. How bad does it feel to have America reject what you hold dear for such a party?
Too damn funny.
ThePudMan, identifies the CRAZY everywhere, everydayspews:
Libtards and rapes? Naaaaaaaaaaaaah! He was only 13 and wasn’t street hardened. Butt he wanted that pussy! Just read the comments from above!
Gotta love the DUMMOCRETINS in the ACLU American Criminal Liars Union!
ThePudMan, identifies the CRAZY everywhere, everydayspews:
So DIPSHITTIUM dr checkmate…
Figgered out a journalist from a political commentator yet?
Figgered out a sexual assault from sexual harrassment yet?
Two more Mike Rogers moments for the DIPSHITTIUM one!
Donald is sorry he got caught but gleeful about being a creepy perv. More and more women come forward. Suddenly that stunt Trump tried to pull is looking great. You could fill a small arena with the women Trump has assaulted.
And he’s the ACTUAL candidate.
Never mind that. Sexual Harrassment in the workplace is an actual thing. Piddles would have us believe that NBC doesn’t care about that ’cause librul media.
ThePudMan, identifies the CRAZY everywhere, everydayspews:
Careless Crooked Heilary claims she is for all Americans. Unless of course: You are a Christian, or you believe in conservative causes or you are unborn or about to be born. Thanks WikiLeaks for exposing the real Careless Crooked Heilary. Pudy already knew this!
Maybe that’s why there are so many DUMMOCRETINS on the left coast. No brains were found to be sucked out!
Distant Replayspews:
Republicans believe they can excuse their culture that celebrates workplace sexual assault by pointing to distractions.
Men like Donald Trump and Billy Bush never have any need of effective criminal defense because thanks to Republican excuses, protection, and dissembling they never have to face their crimes.
Another day another poll with HRC having a commanding lead in PA. She needs to steal it.
538 saying AZ is blue too. 350 EVs or 380? Utah?
If the polls are right, and they are usually when averaged pretty close, Trump can somehow pull Florida and North Carolina back and still lose.
“Believe me folks I’m winning
yuge…I can’t wrap my arms around how yuge. Are there any thin preteens here I can wrap my arms around. If we get 10-15 teens I can maybe imagine how yuge. I’ll touch them all and you’ll get the idea. Make America gyrate, er great again! Go on the Internet and search teens love rich guys you’ll see what I’m talking about…”
ThePudMan, identifies the CRAZY everywhere, everydayspews:
Puddy would have us believe that NBC doesn’t care about that ’cause librul media.
TMZ reported differently Mike Rogers @107!
See ya! Work beckons!
ThePudMan, identifies the CRAZY everywhere, everydayspews:
Billy Bush is a DUMMOCRETIN. Back then Donald Trump was a DUMMMOCRETIN!
Distant Replayspews:
Will the LIAR heed the call of its beloved Workplace Sexual Assault Nominee and sabotage the feckless RNC by leaving the down ballot blank?
Damned if it does.
Damned if it doesn’t.
Its just Damned.
Jump YLB, JUMP! now go roll over….
Now fetch!
Good little YLB, you have been trained so well.
Now here is a doggy treat….eat up!
Distant Replayspews:
If Trump isn’t a Republican then you won’t vote for him?
That’s one. Two more times and the cock will crow. And the LIAR will be twice damned.
Unless you are a Christian a person who has Christian beliefs that say fuck the poor, kill the gays, grape juice is wine, forgiveness is for other people, my interpretation of New Testament is the only possible one and Leviticus is the only part of the OT that still counts, loves the death penalty and killing non-Christians just because, children are property…
Fixed it for you.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@91 Beck doesn’t get to vote for Cruz. Neither do you. Trump and Clinton are the choices you have. Or, you can A. not vote, or B. waste your vote on a third party candidate who has no chance to win.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Sure looks like the S.S. Trump is taking on water. She’s got a bad list to port. The captain, crew, and half the passengers are still on board. All the lifeboats have left. The only question now is, will the bodies float or sink?
Distant Replayspews:
with TrumpVictory cratering, the RNC pulling the money, RealDonaldTrump withdrawing from dozens of battleground states, and the media space up for grabs, there’s a chance she might collect 400 or more.
I honestly don’t know if that’s a good thing. I’d like to see Chuck Shummer get on board for a change and fight for a majority instead of fighting for his narrow voting bloc. And I’m hoping a closer loss for Cheeto Jesus will invigorate his racist idiot base enough that they’ll finish the job of destroying their party once and for all.
Distant Replayspews:
“Take a look. You take a look. Look at her…I don’t think so. I don’t think so.”
Republicans have standards. They will only sexually assault the really, really HOT, young ones. Yeah, Baby!
Ewwww… little maxwipe butt plugg @ 114 is having fantasies about dogs now? Yawwwn.. ignored..
Big Boyspews:
There’s an email scam concerning Amazon. It looks like a regular email from Amazon, but the email address begins with “Amazon@customer.” Don’t open the email – just kill it because it will attempt to get credit card and other info.
While Boob and the LIAR probably say that, actual real life human beings who have any sense of respect at all for their fellow human beings do not boast (even falsely) about getting away with workplace sexual assault. That’s sick. These people are sick.
Glenn Beck sez YOU and your beloved karsen kookanut VALIDATE that.
A pending lawsuit alleges that your candidate RAPED a 13 year old child..
Glenn Beck sez YOU and your beloved karsen kookanut VALIDATE that.
It WILL go on and on.. I don’t know about that fatuous karsen kookanut but the stuff that Beck talks about, IMMORALITY, LEWDNESS and DEPRAVITY describes PERFECTLY..
the nature of the HA trolls – and YOU are the exemplar..
Fetch YLB fetch!8
Like I said about the time he got the nomination, “assholes gotta asshole.”
He couldn’t pivot. It’s not in his nature in any way. He is the Donald, he likes only the finest things.
“It’s all lies, how can you tell it’s lies? She’s not hot enough for me to bother with. I only schtupp the 10s. All you uggos have no shot with me. I wouldn’t even touch you. Now if you’re 34x24x32 I’d be interested. Heck you can go all the way up to a big booty 40 if you get the top up to a 40DDD. I’ll sacrifice slim for a good motorboat. But if you’re not at least a nine you aren’t deserving of my attention. No fat chicks.
Now please vote for me. I love and respect women. No one has more respect for women than me. And I have a great temperament.”
Seriously. Who the fuck does he hire to represent him.
This fucker doesn’t even know what “per se” means. It’s not like these are magic words or some kind of legal incantation that by its mere utterance conveys power or authority.
It’s just pathetic.
Distant Replayspews:
Ryan: “Help me seize the Presidency for a serial rapist so I can keep the job I like.”
He’s their “intellectual heart and soul”.
Distant Replayspews:
Utah not working out at all the way Boob planned. Might not be worth a campaign swing or an ad buy. But if the polls keep moving in this direction Clinton might conceivably win it without a majority. Putting an unexpected spin on the question: What is Aleppo?
Kablammo NYT sends response to crappy Trump lawyer, in essence, “Bring the suit. We dare you!”
“The essence of a libel claim, of course, is the protection of one’s reputation. Mr. Trump has bragged about his non-consensual sexual touching of women. He has bragged about intruding on beauty contestants in their dressing rooms. He acquiesced to a radio host’s request to discuss Mr. Trump’s own daughter as a “piece of ass.” Multiple women not mentioned in our article have publicly come forward to report on Mr. Trump’s unwanted advances. Nothing in our article has had the slightest effect on the reputation that Mr. Trump, through his own words and actions, has already created for himself.
I have absolutely no sympathy whatsoever with anyone calling themselves “conservatives” anymore. I did try to see some of their point of view (present company notwithstanding), but a lot of the time their reactions to various political and economic stimuli are based on some awful misconceptions about how the world works, either deliberate or out of pure ignorance.
Their positions come out of extremist jingoism, greed, supreme sovereignty of the industrial class, etc, and the presumption that goes along with such things. They freely talk about that, since WW2 the United States has the absolute right and in fact, the duty to rule the world. That our way is the only way, no matter what anyone else might have to say about it.
So they cheer the steel-heels and polished rifles mindset, as though that wasn’t a major part of what we spent more than 3-1/2 years and 450,000 young lives to defeat.
My grandfather was wounded at Tinian, and spent a few weeks in the hospital, then spent the last 8 months or so of the war cleaning his friends out of gun turrets with shop rags and a firehose and reassembling the equipment with bits of them still embedded in the machinery. His war was not pleasant, and he admonished me to stay out of the Military as much as I possibly could. I took his word on that. Even though he was an asshole, even though he was as mean and shitty to people as he could get away with for his whole adult life, I took him at his word. You know what? He really hated black folks, and Japanese, and Philipinos. But when interacting with such folks he always acted kinda decent to them. In private he was a different sort of person.
He hate Ronald Reagan with a passion, and thought Nixon was a drunken rotten lying bastard who probably played a direct roll in both Kennedy assassinations. He had no love at all for people who called themselves “Republicans” simply because they were trying to get the United States to support Germany and fight the Russians, not to mention their total refusal to acknowledge their own role in creating the Great Depression that cost the family several large farms and properties in Oklahoma and Texas back in the day. He never forgot that. He knew damn well what that would mean in the long term. He knew what the Nazis were and they were the worst possible case scenario for America.
He’s probably spinning in his grave with The Don being a candidate.
Of course, he is probably also laughing his ass off too.
You Idiots want to build a wall? Go right ahead. Walls work both ways, y’know. Somehow you Gooper fuckheads cannot fathom how that would have any affect on you. You just aren’t intelligent enough. You always act surprised when you find out that the machine guns are also pointed in both directions. Then you whine, and complain, and blame somebody like the Jews or the Communists or the Artists and bleeding heart Liberals.
You know, the people that tried to warn you about how that works, and you had killed off for being so unpatriotic.
Distant Replayspews:
at this point, with three weeks to go, they’ve lost the fuckin’ plot.
These idiots, including their Workplace Sexual Assault Nominee, have bought their own lies so thoroughly they really believe that they will go down defending some principle.
The Republican Party has become a fantasy political suicide pact.
The Workplace Sexual Assault Nominee has already picked up on this one and is dropping it into his rally rage-rant, along with a sprinkling of Rosicrucian/Bilderberg/Masonic Order/Elders of Zion lunacy.
So that’s going well.
ThePudMan, identifies the CRAZY everywhere, everydayspews:
“Hillary has got to get away from Washington speak and begin immediately to find an emotional connection to regular Americans,”
“She needs to have a greater understanding of what people and families are going through every day. And, then she needs to find an emotional connection. This has to turn around now.” – Steve Hildebrand
ThePudMan, identifies the CRAZY everywhere, everydayspews:
Chelsea Clinton regarding this CHAI board member and Long Pine Capital employee requesting a meeting and it would be good for Careless Crooked Heilary’s future campaign!
ThePudMan, identifies the CRAZY everywhere, everydayspews:
ThePudMan, identifies the CRAZY everywhere, everydayspews:
More on how DUMMOCRETINS look at Real Americans…
And as I’ve mentioned, we’ve all been quite content to demean government, drop civics and in general conspire to produce an unaware and compliant citizenry [This means useless libtard fools on the HA DUMMOCRETINS]. The unawareness remains strong but compliance is obviously fading rapidly. This problem demands some serious, serious thinking – and not just poll driven, demographically-inspired messaging. – Bill Ivey, DIPSHIT DUMMOCRETIN FOOL from Center for American Progress!
Yes the stoooooooooooopid is strong in the HA DUMMOCRETIN and is being used to Careless Crooked Heilary’s advantage.
Thanks so much WikiLeaks for pointing out the obvious to Puddy!
ThePudMan, identifies the CRAZY everywhere, everydayspews:
Like the rest of us, the Dirty Hippie Main Stream Jewish Controlled Media Corporations continue to ignore whatever the fuck it is that the idiot is triple posting about.
It’s all a huge Bilderberg global conspiracy to take away White Power.
Meanwhile, Utah is slipping away from them.
Hee, hee.
ThePudMan, identifies the CRAZY everywhere, everydayspews:
Remember, today Michelle Obummer claims she’s never heard anything like Trump!
Jeremiah Wright maybe? “And Bill and Monica Lewinsky was riding dirty. Yeah, chickens have come home to roost, baby.” “Bill was riding dirty.
Kendrick Lamar, Big Sean, Eazy-E, Common, Ludacris, Killer Mike, doug e. fresh, Wale, Jay Z, Diddy; all friends of Obummer at the whitey house really talk about wimens so clear – hos’ and bitches!
So she’s never heard that before per her! Must not be on her iPod!
Oh yes. It’s gone full Rosemary’s Baby. Trump advisor Alex Jones is now revealing to his listeners idiots that according to “very highly placed security folks” Clinton and Obama “smell like sulfur”. And the Workplace Sexual Assault Nominee now travels to his rallies with some pals of the LIAR who preach that Oprah is Satan.
All true.
Trump continued. “We’ve seen this firsthand in the WikiLeaks documents in which Hillary Clinton meets in secret with international banks to plot the destruction of U.S. sovereignty in order to enrich these global financial powers, her special-interest friends, and her donors.”
There are a lot of frightening things about these remarks. For one, Trump’s references to international bankers hell-bent on ending American sovereignty sound, to some ears, like a dog-whistle rendition of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion.
There it is: Drumpf dog whistling anti-semitism!
BOOM! The babbling jackass VALIDATES that!
ThePudMan, identifies the CRAZY everywhere, everydayspews:
Puddy is CORRECT again!
Here you go salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS!
“My dream is a hemispheric common market, with open trade and open borders,” Clinton says in an excerpt from a speech to Unibanco Itau, a Brazilian bank. “We have to resists protectionism [and] other kinds of barriers to market access and to trade.”
Unibanco Itau – International Banksters clueless cretinous biomASS!
So where did we learn about this? WikiLeaks! What are open borders ya moron? No national sovereignty! Sux to be such a dumbASS as you fool! A DAYUM fool!
Puddles sounds almost as insane as Trump, and that’s saying something
ThePudMan, identifies the CRAZY everywhere, everydayspews:
Remember salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS, this was Careless Crooked Heilary’s private bankster position!
Reading that leftist BULLSHITTIUM is really affecting that empty cranial orifice!
One more time ( the babbling jackass trolls is too dense). These are DRUMPF’s words:
Hillary Clinton meets in secret with international banks to plot the destruction of U.S. sovereignty in order to enrich these global financial powers
Could have been lifted straight from the Protocols of the Elders of Zion.
The babbling jackass deflects from Drumpf’s OWN WORDS to audiences of ignorant haterssupporters to inflame their klownspiratorial mentalities and VALIDATES that!
Milton Friedmanspews:
There’s a good video concerning the cause of the depression of the 30s and 40s. Go over to YouTube and do a search on “Milton Friedman and the cause of the depression.” Since Friedman was actually part of FDR’s administration, he has first hand knowledge of the depression and its causes.
The video is only 7 minutes and 21 seconds, and it’s time well spent.
Uncle Ben, identifies the CRAZY everywhere, everydayspews:
DAYUM you really are a FOOL! Thanks for admitting that WikiLeaks did post Careless Crooked Heilary’s comments!
To get into Europe do you need a passport ya moron or do you just pass right into Europe when you land by plane or arrive by ship? So all those stamps Puddy has in multiple passports were unneeded ya idiot?
Uncle Ben, identifies the CRAZY everywhere, everydayspews:
Ooooooooooh, ooooooooooh!
I know a place with closed borders!
North Korea.
Distant Replayspews:
Never forget, the Workplace Sexual Assault Nominee hasn’t paid income taxes in over a decade.
Distant Replayspews:
Wow. That is just so weird that Milton Friedman who died the year after YouTube was founded could put up a video for weeks ago. Spooky. I’m scared a little.
Please hold me.
Uncle Ben, identifies the CRAZY everywhere, everydayspews:
Heading there soon Oregon moron @168?
Need air fare?
Uncle Ben, identifies the CRAZY everywhere, everydayspews:
“I think the bar of acceptable conduct in this campaign is pretty low. To be fired I would have to grab Emma’s ass twice and she would have to complain about it, I would have to sexually harass someone.” – Wylie Mao – Clinton field organizer
Very Interesting…
Distant Replayspews:
Jesus you stupid fuck. Do you never learn?
We’ve been over this before. And you know by now that if you abandon your “Puddy” sock puppet the rest of us are free to take it from you and use it as we see fit.
That what you want, idiot?
Thanks for DENYING that Drumpf dogwhistled anti-semitism to hateful krowds of brainwashed idiots who love Alex Jones and Breitbart..
You’ll even answer a JDL condemnation with
Like a good little tool VALIDATING anti-semitism!
Distant Replayspews:
More weird.
RT posted today’s “WikiLeaks” Podesta hack, along with a link back to WikiLeaks before WikiLeaks posted.
Huh. I wonder how that’s possible…
Uncle Ben, identifies the CRAZY everywhere, everydayspews:
Oh Oregon moron, you were admonished by Dr Darryl that you can’t sock puppet Puddy.
Butt then again you are just the FOOL of Oregon; which everyone here knows!
Uncle Ben, identifies the CRAZY everywhere, everydayspews:
The only anti-semitic screeches are you libtards trying to cry about something not there. Remember Barbara Lee tried that racist crap on Paul Ryan back in March. Oh you forgot that?
Butt then again you are a possessor of 24 hour mysterious microcephaly moronic moonbattic malodorous memory malady being part of Goldy’s NorthWest Division of Mysterious Microcephalic Moronic Moonbattic Malodorous Memory Malady Lunatics!
Uncle Ben, identifies the CRAZY everywhere, everydayspews:
Now isn’t this very interesting… Meanwhile this is interesting…
Let’s build a Marriott in Port-Au-Prince not build homes for the poor! Big donors to the Clinton Crime Family Foundation made out like bandits here!
Wait a minute… As one reads more why was Cheryl Mills there?
Oh yeah… FOB… If you were a FOB BINGO! Ties into this ABC News report! If not FOB force them to visit the peeps. – ABC News independently authenticated the emails.
Let’s see… Since this was outsourced per State Department spokesperson John Kirby how can anyone not see any more clearly that the Clinton Crime Family Foundation existed to peddle influence within the US government to Careless Crooked Heilary’s buds? No wonder why those 33,000 emails were DEEEEEEEEEEEEEESTROYED! Remember that Jamie Gorelick wall between the CIA and the FBI in 2004? Well that supposed “wall” between Careless Crooked Heilary’s State Department and the Clinton Crime Family Foundation doesn’t look like it was “erected” very well on purpose!
This is explicit Clinton corruption, not implied anymore! Thanks ABC News Brian Ross! Tie that into the WikiLeaks emails and KAAAAAAAAAAAAAABLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMOOOOOOOOOOOOO! He wasn’t invited to Careless Crooked Heilary’s campaign kickoff cocktail hour!
Hey libtards, look up the name of Garry Mauro. Here’s a hint…”Garry Mauro, Clinton’s authorized agent in Texas, says she needs to control the news cycles the next 100 days”. How did Careless Crooked Heilary do that? Invite them to her campaign cocktail kickoff. That’s how. See yesterday’s open thread for the list!
See ya! That libtard noose is tightening!
Trump donors ask for money back.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Reminds me of my all-time favorite supermarket tabloid headline: “Donor wants kidney back.”
@1 Looks like the Puddy Meltdown is beginning. 28 days and counting.
Hey libtards are you in?
Versus an admitted rapist, Tax cheat, con artist.
Tough call.
Facts do that to senile minds @3!
Are you referring to Mel Reynolds again Oregon moron @5?
You nominated a rapist.
Yes Oregon moron, keep deflecting from Careless Crooked Heilary’s hate and corruption that even ABC News Brian Ross can’t overlook anymore!
I was and still am a rapist, but, hell, I got elected back in ’92 and re-elected in ’96. You just know how to treat the ladies!
It’s a comedy act but he doesn’t know it.
On one thread saying the media is covering for Hillary and not covering Wikileaks.
On another thread linking to a MSM ABC news story about Wikileaks.
Too damn funny.
And now we’re to believe that to a rabid republican, creating jobs overseas to sell cheaper products domestically is the WORST THING EVER!
What happened to trickle down. A Hotel does employ people right? People who wouldn’t have worked at a Marriott that never got built right? Hmmmm. Suddenly Piddles realizes Reaganomics is bullshit.
All are welcome. There are no judgements here. We know. Your Heroes lied to you. There’s coffee and cookies. “Hi I’m Piddles and I’m a GOP-a-holic.” “Hi Piddles”
Recovery is a thousand mile journey starting with a single step.
Did y’all see that fool last Friday on Rachel MadCow’s show claiming that the WikiLeaks email dump was fradulent? “Malcolm Nance, former Navy intelligence officer and counterterrorism expert, talks with Rachel Maddow about Russia’s efforts to interfere in the U.S. election and its manipulation of Donald Trump and his aides.” 4000+ Fools like David Frum retweeted this BULLSHITTIUM ad nauseum!
Yet on Sunday during the debate Careless Crooked Heilary admitted that they were TRUE! Blamed it on Honest Abe Lincoln!
Those WikiLeaks email dumps were well played by Assange. Wednesday of last week libtards wrote Assange off. Well the hammer has dropped thrice so far! Puddy remember when Julian Assange was a hero on HA DUMMOCRETINS. Now libtards hate Assange! Puddy provided the past HA DUMMOCRETIN links. Ask the crazed clueless databaze cretin for a replay!
The one poll that Trump could point to, head to head only, and say, “We’re winning folks. This is going to be the yugest most luxurious victory the polls show we’re wining.” isn’t saying that anymore.
Wikileaks will save us and put the racist rapist in the White House.
It’s marvelous.
What will you do when this clear criminal in your mind is being sworn in while the sexual predator is wondering how he only won a handful of states?
Dpishittium dr checkmate farts…
On one thread saying the media is covering for Hillary and not covering Wikileaks.
On another thread linking to a MSM ABC news story about Wikileaks.
Get your silly story straight. There are 35 prominent peeps of the libtard MSM covering for Careless Crooked Heilary. Brian Ross was not invited and his expose is @1.
Great try at your flavor du jour BULLSHITTIUM dr checkmate.
A Hotel does employ people right? Where were the homes contracted to be built DIPSHITTIUM dr checkmate? That’s what the Clinton Crime Family Foundation was contracted for by the State Department to do.
Suddenly Piddles realizes Reaganomics is bullshit. Wrong again DIPSHITTIUM dr checkmate. Once again we notice that the DIPSHITTIUM dr checkmate didn’t read the articles! Par for the course!
Yes all are welcome DIPSHITTIUM dr checkmate. We especially welcome your comedic rants in every thread!
Sux to be DIPSHITTIUM dr checkmate spewing its special brand of BULLSHITTIUM here!
Republicans nominated a rapist.
They know it for a fact because he’s admitted it on tape.
They’re supporting him with what little they’ve got.
And they’re voting for him in November.
This is who the deplorable Republicans are, right now, today.
“Trump is going to win and if you don’t like it I’m going to beat your ass.”
Today’s Republican Party.
Violent. Abusive. Racist. In Denial.
They nominated an admitted rapist. Their nominee bragged about it. And they are still supporting him.
This is who Republicans are right now, today.
Today’s Republican Party is participating in a political campaign for President that is engaged in a coordinated espionage and disinformation campaign with our Russian adversaries.
and they nominated a rapist.
That too. Also. Plus.
Hidden DUMMOCRETIN email “treasures” are being exposed and idiots like the Oregon moron complain about Russian hacking.
Gems of truth regarding how DUMMOCRETINS think about the common man and their heads are exploding!
Some Republican voters have principles.
But the party itself is lost.
Because they nominated a rapist who bragged about it and they are still supporting him.
I’m not exactly sure, but I think most voters are more concerned about the rape thing than the thing about collaborating with the Russian espionage services.
But both are not good things.
Not good at all.
Do you HA DUMMOCRETINS remember this Obummer lie? http://cnnpressroom.blogs.cnn......and-chief/
Well fact check time…
Four Pinocchios!
No Donald Trump fingerprints here!
Billy Bush gets fired while John Harwood stays employed. Wrong political affiliation maybe?
Harwood emails are precious! Blatant Clinton suckup! Brian Williams was demoted for blatant lying.
Amazing… A-OK if you are a DUMMOCRETIN!
They took it down!
And that’s what you’ve got for an October surprise? The Clinton foundation redevelopment projects in Haiti created fewer jobs than hoped but still about 10,000 jobs and donors to the Clinton foundation were involved in the Foundation’s projects.
So you’re now fine that the foundation didn’t give people free homes and instead empowered them to earn a living. Are you sure you’re a Republican?
Yep. You’ve finally found it. She’s toast now.
Just keep trying to un-ring that bell. The more you struggle, the more people hear it.
Amazing FACTS…
So this was known back at the Rio Olympics. Part of the Careless Crooked Heilary campaign staff. Wanted to edit the tape and take out Billy Bush.
WOW! Such collusion!
You misspelled it.
We now spell it RAPEpublican.
Were is the rape tape Oregon moron? Just talk so far!
We know about real rape from Arkansas and the wife cover up. Trailer trash remember?
DOJ gave Careless Crooked Heilary campaign a heads up when emails were being released. Share information with targets when you are a DUMMOCRETIN.
Stunning degree of corruption shown to us by WikiLeaks!
Why do DUMMOCRETINS devolve into deception? Why do they have to hide their real activities behind the scenes?
Lawyers generally know when rulings are forthcoming. Mountain meet molehill. It was public information.
This is truly epic October Surprise. Why it’s almost like finding out a candidate likes to grope females without consent.
This! ™ is the most damning revelation ever. The State department lobbed an email to the former SOS about a ruling in a case where she is a named litigant. Self pleasure is a sin Piddles. Both hands back on the keyboard.
I see the loon is back, batshit insane as ever, with his exploding head still spewing unintelligible hate.
“Federal Judge Orders Hearing in Donald Trump Rape Lawsuit”
Huh! Looks like the pussy-grabbing Trump raped a 13 year-old little girl back during the days when he was stalking naked little girls at his teen pageant.
“‘Don’t worry ladies, I’ve seen it all before:’ Teen pageant contestants say Donald Trump walked in on them changing”
“When he started running for president, that is one of the first things I thought about: Oh, gross, this guy walked in on us in the pageant,” Mariah Billado, a the former Miss Vermont Teen USA, told BuzzFeed. “Girls were just scrambling to grab stuff, whatever garments they had. I remember putting on my dress really quick because I was like, ‘Oh my god, there’s a man in here.”
Oh, gross!
@4 No. But feel free to buy one and advertise your stupidity in public.
@9 Hillary doesn’t hate you, Spudnutz. She feels sorry for pathetic losers like you.
@12 Assange is your new hero? I’ll bet we could have fun looking up some of your old posts about Wikileaks, but I have better things to do with my time.
I can think of at least two things Assange and Trump have in common. One, they grope women. Two, they like Putin.
@19 “Hidden DUMMOCRETIN email ‘treasures’ are being exposed and idiots like the Oregon moron complain about Russian hacking.”
Yep, those are your priorities, all right. Doesn’t matter if Russia tries to influence our election, as long as there are more emails to read.
The Republicans got one thing right. Every lawyer knows to go for the emails, because the shit is always in the emails.
So the Donyld only stays with Melania for her boobies:
Hey, The Sun is a Murdoch publication, right?
Drumpf bidness outfits like Faux Snooze are a den of lewd boys hittin’ on the comely ladies:
The fish rots from the head down.
Drumpf is so driven by the next orgasm, it walks in on a dressing room filled with changing teenage girls.
Reminds one of what that miserable troll little maxwipe butt plugg would do if it could.
And the feckless babbling jackass troll and its beloved karson kookanut would absolutely approve!
If you have at least one enduring principle, you can’t be a Republican anymore:
If you wanna be a Republican, you’ve just got to learn to let go.
Big money Republicans are asking for their money back:
Most of it went into the Donyld’s pocket. Sue the a-ahole! Good luck getting it back.
Butt, butt, butt why would Republicans do this? We were told by the babbling feckless jackass troll that Republican shit don’t stink.
We were also told by the babbling feckless jackass that forcible pussy grabbing is not sexual assault.
So there’s that.
It’s so easy turning the jiggling jello of your “analysis” into a reheated pool of nothing.
Billy Bush should be suspended and then probably fired. You have encountered HR at some point in your career? No?
On the one hand you have a journalist who may be advising a campaign. On the other hand you have an employee laughing and agreeing with another employee about the sexual harassment of a third employee specifically and all women generally. These two things are not the same but you like to think so.
You’ve surely sat through a mandatory harassment training or three. You’ve heard the phrase “Hostile work environment.”
Sean Hannity Turns Adviser in the Service of Donald Trump
Selective outrage is strong with
PiddlesThe LiarYour utter silence on the conflict of interest on Hannity but your outrage at Harwood is duly noted.
one fairly interesting aspect to that, seldom reported on and not well understood in the media, is that the large bundled donations that go to the campaign super PAC (in this case TrumpVictory) are almost always in the form of a “pledge”. Some degree of follow up is usually required, sometimes accompanied by some personal contact from the candidate. They never get 100%. 95 to 98% is probably typical. But if collected funds fall significantly below those targets the result can create a big financial drag. Even down ballot, since most of the super PAC money goes to the party. The campaign budgets will be set based on pledged money. They will commit to the spending as if they will get it (most of it). But now they might not. And what will follow may be Republican campaigns carrying debt well into next year, and continuing to fund raise to retire the debt. This can have a domino effect going into the 2018 mids.
Let’s hope so. And let’s all do our part to make it happen by humiliating the shit out of anybody willing to attach their name, much less their money, to that party of depraved, evil, clown perverts.
“…a reheated pool of nothing.”
Well put.
That perfectly describes the alt-Right, MRA, 4chan, subreddit, rage chamber that now serves as the intellectual foundry of the New Republican Party.
A 20 point shift in poll response from Trump to Clinton after the release of the Trump sexual assault video. A 33 point shift among women.
An independent driller has found Alaska’s third largest oilfield.
I really find it offensive that NBC is calling what he said “locker room talk”. No, it was more like bragging about assaulting women. I believe NBC is more concerned with syndication than truth. And it’s a pattern with them.
See, it all comes down to context.
Used to be, when someone used the phrase “locker room talk” it had something to do with a coach, a team, half time, and usually a come-from-behind win.
So that’s one more thing we can thank Republicans for ruining.
We were also told by the babbling feckless jackass that forcible pussy grabbing is not sexual assault.
Who did Trump forcibly grab?
Put up Oregon moron! Oh you insert Trump wherever the name Clinton appears eh Oregon moron?
And I’m just curious:
Now that the vast majority of the trunk, stem, and branch elite of the Republican Party, and to a larger extent “American Conservatism” have agreed to stay the course with the Workplace Sexual Assault Nominee, do we still think this is about white working class economic angst?
So wait.
You’re pimping for the guy who you believe privately lies about all the times he’s engaged in workplace sexual assault?
That’s better?
Right. Go with that one. Sure fire winner.
There goes DIPSHITTIUM dr checkmate again. Can’t tell the difference between CNBC news reporter and political commentator. A real BULLSHITTIUM artist. On the one hand you have a journalist who may be advising a campaign.
From WikiPedia the leftist site… John Harwood (born November 5, 1956) is an American journalist who is the chief Washington Correspondent for CNBC.
From WikiPedia the leftist site… Sean Patrick Hannity[1] (born December 30, 1961) is an American radio and television host, author, and conservative political commentator.
Another SMACKDOWN of DIPSHITTIUM provider dr checkmate.
So Dr Darryl, you really need to take DIPSHITTIUM provider dr checkmate to the woodshed and slap some sense into that dense head!
You Oregon moron jock strap a real bimbo eruption cock blocker! Still waiting for the rape evidence Oregon moron!
Sux to be you!
In Trump’s defense, at least Miss Washington was over the age of consent, unlike the sweet, innocent 13 year-old little girl he viciously and violently raped.
“Lawsuit Charges Donald Trump with Raping a 13-Year-Old Girl”
We’ve all seen the tape, right?
Even the deplorables have seen it, right?
The Rape-publican and “conservative” surrogates are all over the airwaves talking about it, trying to explain it away, right? Repeating the “locker room talk” bullet points and insisting that Trump is only rapey because Beyonce.
And yet, the LIAR denies it even exists.
Is that a thing? Like, is that the mark of the True Believer?
Did you take any time to look up ‘sexual harrassment?’
As long as you’re now playing ‘one of these things is not like the other.’
I wonder where all the LIAR’s subtlety and nuance were when Rape-publicans were naming one of the LIAR’s favorite media “outsiders” an honorary member of the Republican freshman class of 1994.
These are not outsiders. They are not a black swan.
This is the Rape-publican party today, right now.
Impotent Tic-Tac gobbling, Workplace Sexual Assault Champions for the fortieth straight year!
Meanwhile, in Ohio…
“New Ohio poll puts Hillary Clinton ahead of Donald Trump by 9 points after news of Trump’s vulgar talk”
Piling on…
“Two Women Say Donald Trump Touched Them Inappropriately”
DIPSHITTIUM dr checkmate SMACKDOWN number 1.7 Billion+
Where did Puddy discuss ‘sexual harrassment”? The Oregon moron was discussing sexual assault.
Here is the definition for you DIPSHITTIUM dr checkmate http://allhands.coastguard.dod.....ifference/
DIPSHITTIUM dr checkmate SMACKDOWN number 1.7 Billion+
Where did Puddy discuss ‘sexual harrassment”? The Oregon moron was discussing sexual assault.
Here is the definition differentiation for you DIPSHITTIUM dr checkmate http://allhands.coastguard.dod.....ifference/
Double Post… YES! Puddy can do this almost at will! Goldy’s filter system fails again!
Now if this new video is true then…
As though they don’t have enough problems with women…
“Trump Supporters Tweet #RepealThe19th After Poll Shows He’d Win If Only Men Voted”
Remember everyone… DIPSHITTIUM dr checkmate can’t tell the difference between a journalist and a political commentator.
Homeless Zombies, street urchins, drugged out losers and thieves..the problel is almost solved!
100 million well spent!
Im sure the parks dept has lots of extra cash to repair and clean up the parks once this grand and nobile experiment is complete….just ask Portland!!!!!
You voted for em! Now you get to pay the consequences.
Hey! Somebody stole my Pronto bike!
Whoops! Looks like Cheeto Jesus is running low on energy!
Canceling lots of events!
Needs to rest up and stock up on Tic Tacs.
“Now you get to pay the consequences.”
I know, right? I mean, like Kansas is so lucky!
And don’t get me started on Alabama! What?
Super jeally. Know what I mean?
Oh, and also – Both Sides! And Beyonce!
There. That oughta do it.
Distant Foreplay,
Its money and business that makes the Seattle area a desirable place to work. It sure as fuck isnt socialists and marxist losers with their mooching hands out all the time. Be thankfull productive people like are paying for the moochers you love much……
But hey…howz that homeless problem going fir ya? Herion? Nah, no problem here!!
Kansas and alabama certainly have their issues…..
Leave. I did.
You’re welcome.
Gawwdamn, The Schiz has completely lost the plot.
I will leave when I’m done extracting as much money out of this area as I can. I’ve got another place in Scottsdale anyway, so I’m already set up.
Have fun playing in your bum filled parks littered with needles and human shit.
YLBasement comment in 3 2 1
“As you can”? Expecting to run out of “energy”?
Perhaps you are suffering from “low T”.
What a coinkydink! Don’t look now little maxwipe butt plugg (or is it marky mark the “pussified” washout?). AZ is in play for Hillary…
You’ll just trade Seattle-hate for “meskins” hate.
I’m sure you’ll keep your pop-gun loaded and handy.. Hate keeps it warm don’t it?
@77 “AZ is in play for Hillary.”
So is Utah.
@74 Scottsdale, huh? How much will you pay us for our water?
“Son of a union dry-waller”. Heh.
With all this Russian hacking being talked about, anyone think that they could hack some of the electronic voting machines in favor of the Furor Drumpf?
@63 & 64 master of computers
Reading comprehension. Figure it out. I’ll wait.
Hint: Why is Billy Bush suspended? It’s not for his politics.
This was a sexual assault:
Like an octopus. Hands everywhere.
Oh but the babbling jackass’ beloved Karsen kook a nut said it was all locker room boys talking casanova!
Self-delusion runs strong in that kult.
He likes them young.
“‘I want to puke’: Internet recoils in disgust over video of Trump skeezing on a 10-year-old girl”
Trump can’t even look at a ten year old girl without thinking about fucking her.
Lesson learned. If there’s anything more damning than a two decade old sex scandal involving an intern and a candidate’s husband, it’s a sex scandal that’s unfolding in the here and now, during the final weeks of a campaign, that involves a candidate and little girls.
Glenn Beck is right — for once?????
Imagine that. Glenn Beck sez the babbling feckless jackass and the rest of the trolls are “validating” immorality, lewdness and depravity.
Wow.. Butt…
What are we saying? Immoral, lewd and depraved is practically the definition of a troll.
It’s not the Republican nominee’s fault that he’s a sick fuck who sees women as utilitarian objects the sole purpose of which is to satisfy his sexual urges because…
Beyonce. And “Gangsta” rap. And “liberal” Hollywood.
And stuff like that. Can’t blame the Workplace Sexual Assault Nominee for workplace sexual assault. He’s just going with the “conservative” flow, baby!
Please, God, don’t let Trump drop out …
Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
I’m going to make America white again…I mean great again.
Where is all the hot young Pusssy hiding? Boob’s house?
40 years of Crooked Hillary. Enough said!
Pass the Pussy please!
The name Donald Trump will appear on all 50 state’s federal election ballots with an (R) after it on November 8th. They are already printed and more than 500,000 have already been cast. Whatever else may happen, the choice voters are facing is the choice they will face through Nov. 8th. The Republican party had their choice. And they made it. There exists no means by which a substitute candidate can be offered. It’s too late for that.
“Let me be clear I am firmly against both Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton as potential presidents of the United States of America. I believe that neither candidate has the values, decency or principles to be the leader of the free world.” – Glenn Beck.
Oh salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS, Beck was NEVER a fan of Trump. He was a Cruz man. You typed it yourself ya moron!
24 hour mysterious moronic moonbattic malodorous memory malady microcephaly; another one with the mini microcephaly head!
Meanwhile… http://www.theamericanmirror.c.....rotesters/
Remember when Team Careless Crooked Heilary sent those protesters to Trump rallies? Foo shits eh?
Meanwhile WikiLeaks has shown us how DUMMOCRETINS really think about the little people!
Be sure you don’t have a mouth full of coffee when you see this:
The utter disregard and disrespect toward all voters the Republican Party has displayed this year is breathtaking. It will take many years, if not decades, for that party of racist dirty old men to recover, if such a thing is even possible.
Perhaps saddest of all is the sight of evangelical voters collectively hiking up their petticoats and renting their precious “morality” to this nest of arrogance and perversion at soak and poke motel rates. They will never recover from this public humiliation.
Bob Dylan won the 2016 Nobel Prize for Literature. The Swedish Academy called his songs “poetry.” He joins a list of American luminaries who have won the literature prize that includes Hemingway, Faulkner, and Steinbeck.
Give the Republican Party the most favorable interpretation of these events possible and what are you left with?
A Cadre of wealthy old men and their paid enablers who openly insist that getting away with workplace sexual assault is an admirable accomplishment, worthy of private boasting.
Yes we are learning the utter disregard for American peeps by the DUMMOCRETIN is for certain. Proven by WikiLeaks…
“I had heard that you were upset that I encouraged a call between WJC and Richardson to bury the hatchet,” Podesta wrote. “I did that at the request of Jose Villarreal who pushed me and made the point that Richardson is still on TV a lot, especially on Univision and Telemundo and not withstanding the fact that he can be a dick. [just like HA’s very own Oregon moron], it was worth getting him in a good place.”
And what happened two days later? Bill Richardson endorsed Careless Crooked Heilary Clinton. Then Bill said “We have patched up our disagreement from the 2008 election.”
Amazing what favors buy you these days!
Something Puddy just found out… In Missouri, seems the KKK became a corporation approved by the DUMMOCRETIN…
FACTS… Slap silly HA DUMMOCRETIN back to the Birth of a Nation times!
Gotta go to Careless Crooked Heilary’s web site to fact check… Oh no Puddy doesn’t…
Table 2. Economic Impact of Hillary Clinton’s Tax Plan
GDP drops 2.6%
Capital Investment drops by 7.0%
Wage Rate drops 2.1%
Full-time Equivalent Jobs (in thousands) drops 697,000
Tax and spend DUMMOCRETINS at it again!
Why is Billy Bush suspended? farts DIPSHITTIUM dr checkmate!
Well DIPSHITTIUM dr checkmate, TMZ sez because the WA Post broke the story before NBC News could doctor the tapes to remove Billy Bush’s laughing and verbal agreements from the tape. Dunceman is right. NBC only cares about DUMMOCRETIN politicians and their ratings. And ratings bring in $$$.
When a DUMMOCRETIN gets in the way of advertising $$$ revenue, see ya DUMMOCRETIN. Hence Bush got the boot!
Actually the place in Scottsdale is about to hit the market….Hidden Hills area to be exact. Begin construction on new place in Sedona late next year.
Dont recall seeing any bum tents in my travels to Sedona….
“Sid is lost in his own web of conspiracies. I pay zero attention to what he says.”
“Blumenthal did not have the slightest idea of what he was talking about in his girlie gossip with the secretary of state about this. Why she places such great stock over so much time in these exchanges with Blumenthal is mystifying to me—and frankly troublesome.”
Butt as we all know HA’s senile fool Roger senile eats at the toilet of Sid Blumenthal bobbing for those brown apples of “delight”!
Man. How bad does it feel to have America reject what you hold dear for such a party?
Too damn funny.
Libtards and rapes? Naaaaaaaaaaaaah! He was only 13 and wasn’t street hardened. Butt he wanted that pussy! Just read the comments from above!
Gotta love the DUMMOCRETINS in the ACLU American Criminal Liars Union!
So DIPSHITTIUM dr checkmate…
Figgered out a journalist from a political commentator yet?
Figgered out a sexual assault from sexual harrassment yet?
Two more Mike Rogers moments for the DIPSHITTIUM one!
Billy is sorry he got caught.
Donald is sorry he got caught but gleeful about being a creepy perv. More and more women come forward. Suddenly that stunt Trump tried to pull is looking great. You could fill a small arena with the women Trump has assaulted.
And he’s the ACTUAL candidate.
Never mind that. Sexual Harrassment in the workplace is an actual thing. Piddles would have us believe that NBC doesn’t care about that ’cause librul media.
Careless Crooked Heilary claims she is for all Americans. Unless of course: You are a Christian, or you believe in conservative causes or you are unborn or about to be born. Thanks WikiLeaks for exposing the real Careless Crooked Heilary. Pudy already knew this!
Then it’s stab you in the back of the head and suck out your brains!
Maybe that’s why there are so many DUMMOCRETINS on the left coast. No brains were found to be sucked out!
Republicans believe they can excuse their culture that celebrates workplace sexual assault by pointing to distractions.
Men like Donald Trump and Billy Bush never have any need of effective criminal defense because thanks to Republican excuses, protection, and dissembling they never have to face their crimes.
Another day another poll with HRC having a commanding lead in PA. She needs to steal it.
538 saying AZ is blue too. 350 EVs or 380? Utah?
If the polls are right, and they are usually when averaged pretty close, Trump can somehow pull Florida and North Carolina back and still lose.
“Believe me folks I’m winning
yuge…I can’t wrap my arms around how yuge. Are there any thin preteens here I can wrap my arms around. If we get 10-15 teens I can maybe imagine how yuge. I’ll touch them all and you’ll get the idea. Make America gyrate, er great again! Go on the Internet and search teens love rich guys you’ll see what I’m talking about…”
Puddy would have us believe that NBC doesn’t care about that ’cause librul media.
TMZ reported differently Mike Rogers @107!
See ya! Work beckons!
Billy Bush is a DUMMOCRETIN. Back then Donald Trump was a DUMMMOCRETIN!
Will the LIAR heed the call of its beloved Workplace Sexual Assault Nominee and sabotage the feckless RNC by leaving the down ballot blank?
Damned if it does.
Damned if it doesn’t.
Its just Damned.
Jump YLB, JUMP! now go roll over….
Now fetch!
Good little YLB, you have been trained so well.
Now here is a doggy treat….eat up!
If Trump isn’t a Republican then you won’t vote for him?
That’s one. Two more times and the cock will crow. And the LIAR will be twice damned.
Lying is a sin.
Unless you are a
Christiana person who has Christian beliefs that say fuck the poor, kill the gays, grape juice is wine, forgiveness is for other people, my interpretation of New Testament is the only possible one and Leviticus is the only part of the OT that still counts, loves the death penalty and killing non-Christians just because, children are property…Fixed it for you.
@91 Beck doesn’t get to vote for Cruz. Neither do you. Trump and Clinton are the choices you have. Or, you can A. not vote, or B. waste your vote on a third party candidate who has no chance to win.
Sure looks like the S.S. Trump is taking on water. She’s got a bad list to port. The captain, crew, and half the passengers are still on board. All the lifeboats have left. The only question now is, will the bodies float or sink?
with TrumpVictory cratering, the RNC pulling the money, RealDonaldTrump withdrawing from dozens of battleground states, and the media space up for grabs, there’s a chance she might collect 400 or more.
I honestly don’t know if that’s a good thing. I’d like to see Chuck Shummer get on board for a change and fight for a majority instead of fighting for his narrow voting bloc. And I’m hoping a closer loss for Cheeto Jesus will invigorate his racist idiot base enough that they’ll finish the job of destroying their party once and for all.
“Take a look. You take a look. Look at her…I don’t think so. I don’t think so.”
Republicans have standards. They will only sexually assault the really, really HOT, young ones. Yeah, Baby!
Ewwww… little maxwipe butt plugg @ 114 is having fantasies about dogs now? Yawwwn.. ignored..
There’s an email scam concerning Amazon. It looks like a regular email from Amazon, but the email address begins with “Amazon@customer.” Don’t open the email – just kill it because it will attempt to get credit card and other info.
“I think most American people just say, you know what, I’ve probably said those kind of things myself.”
The apple doesn’t fall far from the poison tree.
While Boob and the LIAR probably say that, actual real life human beings who have any sense of respect at all for their fellow human beings do not boast (even falsely) about getting away with workplace sexual assault. That’s sick. These people are sick.
now for the idiot @ 91
Nice try jackass butt FAYLE! Here’s the FACTS:
Your candidate forced itself on Natasha Stoynoff
Glenn Beck sez YOU and your beloved karsen kookanut VALIDATE that..
Like an octopus, your candidate was “all over” Jessica Leeds..
Glenn Beck sez YOU and your beloved karsen kookanut VALIDATE that..
In an elevator, your candidate forced itself on Rachel Crooks – same NY Times article.
Glen Beck sez YOU and your beloved karsen kookanut VALIDATE that…
At Mar-a-Lago your candidate grabbed Mindy McGillivray’s ASS.
Glen Beck sez YOU and your beloved karsen kookanut VALIDATE that.
@91 continued
CNN’s Erin Burnett reported that your candidate shared tic tacs with a female friend of Burnett’s and your candidate tried to force itself on her.
Glenn Beck sez YOU and your beloved best-it-can-be karsen kookanut VALIDATE that.
Cassandra Searles sez that as Miss Washington USA your candidate grabbed her ASS and tried to lure her to its hotel room..
Glenn Beck sez YOU and your beloved karsen kookanut VALIDATE that.
Again the NY Times reports that your candidate forced itself on Temple Taggart..
Glenn Beck sez YOU and your beloved karsen kookanut VALIDATE that.
@91 continued..
Your candidate put its filthy paws all over and tried to go up the skirt of Jill Harth.
Glenn Beck sez YOU and your beloved karsen kookanut VALIDATE that.
Your candidate RAPED his own wife Ivana.
Glenn Beck sez YOU and your beloved karsen kookanut VALIDATE that.
A pending lawsuit alleges that your candidate RAPED a 13 year old child..
Glenn Beck sez YOU and your beloved karsen kookanut VALIDATE that.
It WILL go on and on.. I don’t know about that fatuous karsen kookanut but the stuff that Beck talks about, IMMORALITY, LEWDNESS and DEPRAVITY describes PERFECTLY..
the nature of the HA trolls – and YOU are the exemplar..
Fetch YLB fetch!8
Like I said about the time he got the nomination, “assholes gotta asshole.”
He couldn’t pivot. It’s not in his nature in any way. He is the Donald, he likes only the finest things.
“It’s all lies, how can you tell it’s lies? She’s not hot enough for me to bother with. I only schtupp the 10s. All you uggos have no shot with me. I wouldn’t even touch you. Now if you’re 34x24x32 I’d be interested. Heck you can go all the way up to a big booty 40 if you get the top up to a 40DDD. I’ll sacrifice slim for a good motorboat. But if you’re not at least a nine you aren’t deserving of my attention. No fat chicks.
Now please vote for me. I love and respect women. No one has more respect for women than me. And I have a great temperament.”
In a letter to the Times demanding a retraction, Trump’s attorney wrote that the article is “reckless, defamatory and constitutes libel per se.”
Seriously. Who the fuck does he hire to represent him.
This fucker doesn’t even know what “per se” means. It’s not like these are magic words or some kind of legal incantation that by its mere utterance conveys power or authority.
It’s just pathetic.
Ryan: “Help me seize the Presidency for a serial rapist so I can keep the job I like.”
He’s their “intellectual heart and soul”.
Utah not working out at all the way Boob planned. Might not be worth a campaign swing or an ad buy. But if the polls keep moving in this direction Clinton might conceivably win it without a majority. Putting an unexpected spin on the question: What is Aleppo?
Kablammo NYT sends response to crappy Trump lawyer, in essence, “Bring the suit. We dare you!”
“The essence of a libel claim, of course, is the protection of one’s reputation. Mr. Trump has bragged about his non-consensual sexual touching of women. He has bragged about intruding on beauty contestants in their dressing rooms. He acquiesced to a radio host’s request to discuss Mr. Trump’s own daughter as a “piece of ass.” Multiple women not mentioned in our article have publicly come forward to report on Mr. Trump’s unwanted advances. Nothing in our article has had the slightest effect on the reputation that Mr. Trump, through his own words and actions, has already created for himself.
I have absolutely no sympathy whatsoever with anyone calling themselves “conservatives” anymore. I did try to see some of their point of view (present company notwithstanding), but a lot of the time their reactions to various political and economic stimuli are based on some awful misconceptions about how the world works, either deliberate or out of pure ignorance.
Their positions come out of extremist jingoism, greed, supreme sovereignty of the industrial class, etc, and the presumption that goes along with such things. They freely talk about that, since WW2 the United States has the absolute right and in fact, the duty to rule the world. That our way is the only way, no matter what anyone else might have to say about it.
So they cheer the steel-heels and polished rifles mindset, as though that wasn’t a major part of what we spent more than 3-1/2 years and 450,000 young lives to defeat.
My grandfather was wounded at Tinian, and spent a few weeks in the hospital, then spent the last 8 months or so of the war cleaning his friends out of gun turrets with shop rags and a firehose and reassembling the equipment with bits of them still embedded in the machinery. His war was not pleasant, and he admonished me to stay out of the Military as much as I possibly could. I took his word on that. Even though he was an asshole, even though he was as mean and shitty to people as he could get away with for his whole adult life, I took him at his word. You know what? He really hated black folks, and Japanese, and Philipinos. But when interacting with such folks he always acted kinda decent to them. In private he was a different sort of person.
He hate Ronald Reagan with a passion, and thought Nixon was a drunken rotten lying bastard who probably played a direct roll in both Kennedy assassinations. He had no love at all for people who called themselves “Republicans” simply because they were trying to get the United States to support Germany and fight the Russians, not to mention their total refusal to acknowledge their own role in creating the Great Depression that cost the family several large farms and properties in Oklahoma and Texas back in the day. He never forgot that. He knew damn well what that would mean in the long term. He knew what the Nazis were and they were the worst possible case scenario for America.
He’s probably spinning in his grave with The Don being a candidate.
Of course, he is probably also laughing his ass off too.
You Idiots want to build a wall? Go right ahead. Walls work both ways, y’know. Somehow you Gooper fuckheads cannot fathom how that would have any affect on you. You just aren’t intelligent enough. You always act surprised when you find out that the machine guns are also pointed in both directions. Then you whine, and complain, and blame somebody like the Jews or the Communists or the Artists and bleeding heart Liberals.
You know, the people that tried to warn you about how that works, and you had killed off for being so unpatriotic.
at this point, with three weeks to go, they’ve lost the fuckin’ plot.
These idiots, including their Workplace Sexual Assault Nominee, have bought their own lies so thoroughly they really believe that they will go down defending some principle.
The Republican Party has become a fantasy political suicide pact.
Well, huh. Turns out Paul Ryan is Jewish. I wonder if his mom knows.
The Workplace Sexual Assault Nominee has already picked up on this one and is dropping it into his rally rage-rant, along with a sprinkling of Rosicrucian/Bilderberg/Masonic Order/Elders of Zion lunacy.
So that’s going well.
“Hillary has got to get away from Washington speak and begin immediately to find an emotional connection to regular Americans,”
“She needs to have a greater understanding of what people and families are going through every day. And, then she needs to find an emotional connection. This has to turn around now.” – Steve Hildebrand
Meanwhile we have real law breaking ignored by the fools above…
Chelsea Clinton regarding this CHAI board member and Long Pine Capital employee requesting a meeting and it would be good for Careless Crooked Heilary’s future campaign!
More amazing revelations ignored by the dipshit class above…
More amazing revelations ignored by the dipshit class above…
More on how DUMMOCRETINS look at Real Americans…
And as I’ve mentioned, we’ve all been quite content to demean government, drop civics and in general conspire to produce an unaware and compliant citizenry [This means useless libtard fools on the HA DUMMOCRETINS]. The unawareness remains strong but compliance is obviously fading rapidly. This problem demands some serious, serious thinking – and not just poll driven, demographically-inspired messaging. – Bill Ivey, DIPSHIT DUMMOCRETIN FOOL from Center for American Progress!
Yes the stoooooooooooopid is strong in the HA DUMMOCRETIN and is being used to Careless Crooked Heilary’s advantage.
Thanks so much WikiLeaks for pointing out the obvious to Puddy!
Some real treasures so far…¬itle=&date_from=&date_to=&nofrom=¬o=&count=50&sort=6#searchresult
The planning before the big server erasure…
Gotta love it.
And more WikiLeak hits…
This is great stuff!
Like the rest of us, the Dirty Hippie Main Stream Jewish Controlled Media Corporations continue to ignore whatever the fuck it is that the idiot is triple posting about.
It’s all a huge Bilderberg global conspiracy to take away White Power.
Meanwhile, Utah is slipping away from them.
Hee, hee.
Remember, today Michelle Obummer claims she’s never heard anything like Trump!
Jeremiah Wright maybe? “And Bill and Monica Lewinsky was riding dirty. Yeah, chickens have come home to roost, baby.” “Bill was riding dirty.
Kendrick Lamar, Big Sean, Eazy-E, Common, Ludacris, Killer Mike, doug e. fresh, Wale, Jay Z, Diddy; all friends of Obummer at the whitey house really talk about wimens so clear – hos’ and bitches!
So she’s never heard that before per her! Must not be on her iPod!
Did Drumpf really say Hillary is bestofbuds with “the International Bankers”
aka JEWS?????
Wow. Do that many people eat up that Alex Jones / Breitbart shit???
No, not that many of course but there’s definitely enough of those lunatics to take over the asylum called the Republican Party.
It’s working! It’s working!
Oh yes. It’s gone full Rosemary’s Baby. Trump advisor Alex Jones is now revealing to his
listenersidiots that according to “very highly placed security folks” Clinton and Obama “smell like sulfur”. And the Workplace Sexual Assault Nominee now travels to his rallies with some pals of the LIAR who preach that Oprah is Satan.All true.
Coming to a Republican Party Presidential rally near you!
Did Drumpf really say Hillary is bestofbuds with “the International Bankers”
No WikiLeaks did! Provided Careless Crooked Heilary transcript snippets salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS fool!
“smell like sulfur”.
That comment was three days ago Oregon moron. Did it forget to visit Media Morons Monday?
DAYUM it has slow amoeba turtle like femtometer single cell!
No WikiLeaks did!
The babbling jackass is wrong again!
The article continues:
There it is: Drumpf dog whistling anti-semitism!
BOOM! The babbling jackass VALIDATES that!
Puddy is CORRECT again!
Here you go salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS!
“My dream is a hemispheric common market, with open trade and open borders,” Clinton says in an excerpt from a speech to Unibanco Itau, a Brazilian bank. “We have to resists protectionism [and] other kinds of barriers to market access and to trade.”
Unibanco Itau – International Banksters clueless cretinous biomASS!
So where did we learn about this? WikiLeaks! What are open borders ya moron? No national sovereignty! Sux to be such a dumbASS as you fool! A DAYUM fool!
Puddles sounds almost as insane as Trump, and that’s saying something
Remember salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS, this was Careless Crooked Heilary’s private bankster position!
Reading that leftist BULLSHITTIUM is really affecting that empty cranial orifice!
One more time ( the babbling jackass trolls is too dense). These are DRUMPF’s words:
Could have been lifted straight from the Protocols of the Elders of Zion.
The babbling jackass deflects from Drumpf’s OWN WORDS to audiences of ignorant
haterssupporters to inflame their klownspiratorial mentalities and VALIDATES that!There’s a good video concerning the cause of the depression of the 30s and 40s. Go over to YouTube and do a search on “Milton Friedman and the cause of the depression.” Since Friedman was actually part of FDR’s administration, he has first hand knowledge of the depression and its causes.
The video is only 7 minutes and 21 seconds, and it’s time well spent.
I’m calling the Fuckwad “Brother Silas” from now on.
Puddy prefers Uncle Ben Oregon moron
salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS still screaming about Trump parroting Careless Crooked Heilary’s words!
@160 if and when the JDL condemns DRUMPF’s words???
What are open borders salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS?
Are open borders sovereign salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS?
Sux to be sooooooooooooooo stoooooooooooooopid!
@162 Ever hear of the European Union ya dumbass?
In other news, George Dumbya Bush could NEVER DREAM of tax cuts for the rich like DRUMPF..
Greater than Dumbya’s BY A FACTOR OF 2!
The babbling jackass VALIDATES that!
DAYUM you really are a FOOL! Thanks for admitting that WikiLeaks did post Careless Crooked Heilary’s comments!
To get into Europe do you need a passport ya moron or do you just pass right into Europe when you land by plane or arrive by ship? So all those stamps Puddy has in multiple passports were unneeded ya idiot?
Meanwhile, this has to pizz off the HA DUMMOCRETINS…
La Raza in da house!
Hmmm…? What?
Ooooooooooh, ooooooooooh!
I know a place with closed borders!
North Korea.
Never forget, the Workplace Sexual Assault Nominee hasn’t paid income taxes in over a decade.
Wow. That is just so weird that Milton Friedman who died the year after YouTube was founded could put up a video for weeks ago. Spooky. I’m scared a little.
Please hold me.
Heading there soon Oregon moron @168?
Need air fare?
Must be a memory issue too…
Not fit for president!
Some truth here…
Trump says polls which show Hillary winning are “crooked”.
“Fox News Poll: Clinton leads Trump by 7 points”
Fox News. In the tank for Hillary.
Meanwhile on the Clinton Campaign…
“I think the bar of acceptable conduct in this campaign is pretty low. To be fired I would have to grab Emma’s ass twice and she would have to complain about it, I would have to sexually harass someone.” – Wylie Mao – Clinton field organizer
Very Interesting…
Jesus you stupid fuck. Do you never learn?
We’ve been over this before. And you know by now that if you abandon your “Puddy” sock puppet the rest of us are free to take it from you and use it as we see fit.
That what you want, idiot?
Thanks for DENYING that Drumpf dogwhistled anti-semitism to hateful krowds of brainwashed idiots who love Alex Jones and Breitbart..
You’ll even answer a JDL condemnation with
Like a good little tool VALIDATING anti-semitism!
More weird.
RT posted today’s “WikiLeaks” Podesta hack, along with a link back to WikiLeaks before WikiLeaks posted.
Huh. I wonder how that’s possible…
Oh Oregon moron, you were admonished by Dr Darryl that you can’t sock puppet Puddy.
Butt then again you are just the FOOL of Oregon; which everyone here knows!
The only anti-semitic screeches are you libtards trying to cry about something not there. Remember Barbara Lee tried that racist crap on Paul Ryan back in March. Oh you forgot that?
Butt then again you are a possessor of 24 hour mysterious microcephaly moronic moonbattic malodorous memory malady being part of Goldy’s NorthWest Division of Mysterious Microcephalic Moronic Moonbattic Malodorous Memory Malady Lunatics!
Wow you DUMMOCRETINS are real scumbags…
Knowingly violating the law as always! The end always justifies the means!
Even more DUMMOCRETIN shenanigans…
Knowingly violating the law as always! The end always justifies the means!
“memory malady”
Hahaha haha! The anvil is so going to drop on that shit November 9.
The babbling jackass pinhead will squish!
Oh Dr Darryl,
Please invoke Sock Puppet Rules on #184!
Sorry, Brother Silas.
Dindu nuffin.