“Here’s Chris Edwards, an economist with the Cato Institute, quoted in a Bloomberg News story this morning:
These unemployment benefits are emergency benefits, but the economy is no longer in an emergency situation. People can find jobs if they are willing to work cheap moderate their wage demands and live in homeless shelters make compromises.”
Poor Y, it’s truly the Susan Lucci of vowels.
Steve (I read (un)SP so you don't have to)spews:
Jim Miller, no doubt the dumbest GOPer pedo fucktard around, is concerned that the ST is “only interested in some kinds of stories on homosexuality.” You see, he thinks when it comes to homosexuality, “Other kinds of stories do not interest them.” What inspires this line of insipid thought? “For example, I really wonder whether the newspaper, if they were given a tip on a scandal similar to the O.K. Boys Ranch, would investigate it seriously.”
The OK Boys Ranch is an old story from the 80s and early 90s. The OK in OK Boys Ranch stands for the Olympia Kiwanis Club which, as you probably know, is a well known coven of LGBTs and commies. This was a state-licensed, OK-run group home for boys in which OK repeatedly and disgustingly dropped the ball when it came to putting an end to the child abuse taking place there. It also was a black eye for DSHS. What it most definitely was not, was a story on homosexuality. Well, unless Miller’s saying that all of those Republican OK members are gay.
Let’s see. With Miller we’ve got recent posts on his thoughts on man-boobs and an example of his confusing homosexuality with child abuse. Given any GOPer’s prediliction to project their own weird shit on others, I’d say Miller got some weird personal issues concerning his dick he need to work on.
Steve (It's probably not a good idea to leave Jim Miller alone with children)spews:
Jim “Man-boob” Miller sez, “the Seattle Times is obsessed with homosexuality. In particular, for years they have run every story they could find, no matter how old, on any Catholic priest who sinned by pursuing males who were below the age of consent.”
Hey, Dickwad, obsessed yourself much? Confused about the difference between homosexuality and pedophilia much? Yeah, right. Fucktard.
I say the day will come when Jim Miller will be frog-marching his sorry ass to jail for buggering a few kids. Heh. After his latest posts, I’d put money on it.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Why do we care what other people think about evolution? Here’s why: They teach their kids to believe in bullshit, and eventually our country runs out of smart people, and then where will we get doctors, scientists, and engineers from? If you have a brain tumor, do you want to be operated on by a science denying faith healer?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@5 If we let Cato Institute economists run policy in this country, we’d all be living in Hoovervilles.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Texas GOP Runs Out Of Big Donors
“The deaths this year of three major Texas Republican donors, including a billionaire who died over the weekend, could signal a generational change for party kingmakers in the nation’s largest GOP stronghold.
“Harold Simmons, whose business interests ranged from energy to nuclear waste dumps, helped transform Texas … to a Republican stronghold …. Simmons’ death Saturday came after Republicans lost home builder Bob Perry in April and businessman Leo Linbeck Jr. in June.
“For decades, all three helped bankroll political campaigns both in Texas and nationwide.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Simmons and Perry were slimeball businessmen who, along with corporate raider T. Boone Pickens, gave millions to the Swift Boat Liars’ discredited campaign to smear John Kerry.
Simmons is widely considered the “father” of the leveraged buyout (LBO), in which corporate raiders buy companies by borrowing against the target company’s assets while risking no money of their own. Simmons unsuccessfully tried to raid Lockheed to get at its pension funds.
Perry, a billionaire homebuilder, was a major backer of a law that virtually immunizes builders from lawsuits by homebuyers for shoddy construction. After it was passed by Texas’ GOP-controlled legislature, Perry and others promoted it nationwide.
Linbeck was a co-founder of a rightwing group that promotes replacing the federal income tax with a national sales tax.
Roger Rabbitspews:
With Texas billionaires dying off like flies in a nuclear waste repository, Uncle Sam will collect enough estate taxes next year to cut the national debt in half.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@7,8 We’re witnessing the end days of Stefan’s sucky little blog.
A major reason I chose the Jews is that these folks INVENTED the first vowels and used them to spell my name. Those letters were יֱהֹוִה
Of course this is not the original spelling since the alphabet was changed 2500 years ago. Worse, 4 vowels do not make anything pronounceable since I am that I am.
Letter name
י Yodh [j, ee, eh, eye]
ה He [h, ha, ah, heh]
ו Waw [w, oooh, oh,uh
ה He [[h, ha, ah, heh]] (or often a silent letter at the end of a word)
You can call me any time, the name you use is your choice not Mine.
Ten Years After - Roger Rabbit is just a liberal progressive troll.spews:
See 14,
See, I told ya Jews are God’s chosen people. He verified it himself!
Ten Years After - Roger Rabbit is just a liberal progressive troll.spews:
What’s going to be the end of the US is it’s debt. $17 trillion is some serious liability!
@15 See, I told ya Jews are God’s chosen people. He verified it himself!
True …….. but I did not say chosen for what or that this was an excusive arrangement.
Perhaps I also chose the Kwsan of South Africa for extermination and the Saud family for infinite wealth
Then, of course, there is the mystery of Paul Allen. Do you think I chose him for cancer, great wealth or wastrel spending?
What were you chosen for?
Ten Years After - Roger Rabbit is just a liberal progressive troll.spews:
I wasn’t chosen for anything. I made all the choices that got me in the trouble I’m in now. For better or worse, I take full responsibility for my choices. That’s something most people would never say because it’s always somebody else’s fault what happened to them. They will never take responsibility.
What were you chosen for, Supreme Being?
Steve (It's probably not a good idea to leave Jim Miller alone with children)spews:
י Yodh [j, ee, eh, eye]
ה He [h, ha, ah, heh]
ו Waw [w, oooh, oh,uh
ה He [[h, ha, ah, heh]] (or often a silent letter at the end of a word)”
I thought that the translation was a simpler YHWH, presumed to be pronounced by at least some scholars as ‘Yah-Way’, thought possibly to have been inspired by the Midianite God YHW, picked up by what were then likely far less than 600,000 Canaanites fleeing Egypt, a people not yet identifying themselves as Israelites. I got that from a fascinating NOVA special I’ve seen a number of times about the writing of the Bible. Of course, you’re God, so I reckon you should know what’s what. So what really happened?
I am that I am
not chosen just am.
Your choices, to the extent they were not driven by the exigencies of your world or the causal events you can not perceive or just plain chance are .. of course yours. But then, those exigencies do have god-like powers that limit your free will.
Being chosen, unless I tell you what to do, has little effect on the exigencies .. a good reason not to believe in angels, posthumously active saints, or demons better defined than the one, the only I am that I am.
I don’t know where in hell (or elsewhere) NOVA got those ideas. There is no evidence archaeology or Me that 600,000 Canaani ever fled Egypt whatever they called themselves.
There is evidence that semites (Egyptians are not Semites BTW)wrote these letter while, whlle we say “employed” as miners under Egyptian bosses over 3000 years ago. The characters are the same ones used to write Canaani but the writing is in Hebrew and these character represent vowel sounds.
interestingly, however these early Hebrews pronounced those characters *it is VERY unlikely it sounded anything like the word Christian misuse mas my name), the characters .. the first vowels ..were still used for my name 1000 years later even when the Dead Sea scrolls were written using the modern Aramaic characters still used by Jews. The reasons for this odd refusal to sell the letters in Aramaic are suggested by the fact that pronunciation of the sounds you refer to as My name was considered blasphemy and punished by stoning.
I must admit I don’t care what you call Me, but using a name that has been considered an epithet by the Jews for 3000 r so years is rather insulting, don’t you think? Using that word is, sadly, an example of Christian arrogance although perhaps less so than blaming me for getting Mary pregnant and then killing her son to save all of you.
The Jews avoid this by calling me by other names like Lord (adonia) or Hashem (the name). One of my faves though is Elohim (the gods) .. how cool is that .. I have no name but can be identified as the sum of all the minor exigencies that shape your world!
For you though, I am just what am/
One more bit of help:
It is hard to spell any name, much less Mine ., using vowels. One reasonable pronunciation is Eehooha. Another is Yahoo!
On the other hand, Jesus could have died a bit easier death by stoning since that would have been his punishment if he called out me using the “Y” word.
Steve (It's probably not a good idea to leave Jim Miller alone with children)spews:
“There is no evidence archaeology or Me that 600,000 Canaani ever fled Egypt whatever they called themselves.”
That’s the same point NOVA made. There’s simply no archeological evidence for the Biblical Exodus that’s been discovered to date. It was stated that, if there was an Exodus, it was likely a small group of Canaanites who eventually passed through Midian.
“using a name that has been considered an epithet by the Jews for 3000 r so years is rather insulting”
I’ll have to take your word for it as I wouldn’t know. It didn’t seem that big a deal to the Jewish Biblical archeologists who were featured on the NOVA telecast.
Jews are a lot more tolerant of this sort of thing than other minorities.
Imagine the kerfuffle .. an possible pogroms .. if we called for a boycott of every religion that uses the Y word or blames Jesus death on the Pharisees?
FWIW, if Jesus existed, most of the good things he is said appear to be quotes from the great Pharissee Hillel. The Pharisees have been demonized because they were the rabbis behind the Jewish revolts against Rome. Christians who wanted ot take over Rome couldn’t be seen as following one of them!
16. Ten spews:
What’s going to be the end of the US is it’s debt.
$17 trillion is some serious liability!
I wasn’t chosen for anything. I made all the choices that got me in the trouble I’m in now. For better or worse, I take full responsibility for my choices.
Republican Rehab just might be able help you.
Steve (It's probably not a good idea to leave Jim Miller alone with children)spews:
Speaking of Jews…, Jesus H. Christ!! I have three strikes on me already just trying to spell that goddamned word! Fail. Obviously.
@21 Jesus can’t help you. Try Pope Francis.
If you want o reach me in my special place at the Vatican call OO1 39 06 6981 5523
@ 1
Those aren’t vowels, nitwit.
E = Energy
A = Assets
I = Investments
O = Oil
U = Unemployed
Guess which comes last?
Why are underwater bankers treated so much better than unemployed workers?
Re #4 — I checked your link:
“Here’s Chris Edwards, an economist with the Cato Institute, quoted in a Bloomberg News story this morning:
These unemployment benefits are emergency benefits, but the economy is no longer in an emergency situation. People can find jobs if they are willing to
work cheapmoderate their wage demands andlive in homeless sheltersmake compromises.”Poor Y, it’s truly the Susan Lucci of vowels.
Jim Miller, no doubt the dumbest GOPer pedo fucktard around, is concerned that the ST is “only interested in some kinds of stories on homosexuality.” You see, he thinks when it comes to homosexuality, “Other kinds of stories do not interest them.” What inspires this line of insipid thought? “For example, I really wonder whether the newspaper, if they were given a tip on a scandal similar to the O.K. Boys Ranch, would investigate it seriously.”
The OK Boys Ranch is an old story from the 80s and early 90s. The OK in OK Boys Ranch stands for the Olympia Kiwanis Club which, as you probably know, is a well known coven of LGBTs and commies. This was a state-licensed, OK-run group home for boys in which OK repeatedly and disgustingly dropped the ball when it came to putting an end to the child abuse taking place there. It also was a black eye for DSHS. What it most definitely was not, was a story on homosexuality. Well, unless Miller’s saying that all of those Republican OK members are gay.
Let’s see. With Miller we’ve got recent posts on his thoughts on man-boobs and an example of his confusing homosexuality with child abuse. Given any GOPer’s prediliction to project their own weird shit on others, I’d say Miller got some weird personal issues concerning his dick he need to work on.
Jim “Man-boob” Miller sez, “the Seattle Times is obsessed with homosexuality. In particular, for years they have run every story they could find, no matter how old, on any Catholic priest who sinned by pursuing males who were below the age of consent.”
Hey, Dickwad, obsessed yourself much? Confused about the difference between homosexuality and pedophilia much? Yeah, right. Fucktard.
I say the day will come when Jim Miller will be frog-marching his sorry ass to jail for buggering a few kids. Heh. After his latest posts, I’d put money on it.
Meanwhile, Republicans are getting stupider.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Why do we care what other people think about evolution? Here’s why: They teach their kids to believe in bullshit, and eventually our country runs out of smart people, and then where will we get doctors, scientists, and engineers from? If you have a brain tumor, do you want to be operated on by a science denying faith healer?
@5 If we let Cato Institute economists run policy in this country, we’d all be living in Hoovervilles.
Texas GOP Runs Out Of Big Donors
“The deaths this year of three major Texas Republican donors, including a billionaire who died over the weekend, could signal a generational change for party kingmakers in the nation’s largest GOP stronghold.
“Harold Simmons, whose business interests ranged from energy to nuclear waste dumps, helped transform Texas … to a Republican stronghold …. Simmons’ death Saturday came after Republicans lost home builder Bob Perry in April and businessman Leo Linbeck Jr. in June.
“For decades, all three helped bankroll political campaigns both in Texas and nationwide.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Simmons and Perry were slimeball businessmen who, along with corporate raider T. Boone Pickens, gave millions to the Swift Boat Liars’ discredited campaign to smear John Kerry.
Simmons is widely considered the “father” of the leveraged buyout (LBO), in which corporate raiders buy companies by borrowing against the target company’s assets while risking no money of their own. Simmons unsuccessfully tried to raid Lockheed to get at its pension funds.
Perry, a billionaire homebuilder, was a major backer of a law that virtually immunizes builders from lawsuits by homebuyers for shoddy construction. After it was passed by Texas’ GOP-controlled legislature, Perry and others promoted it nationwide.
Linbeck was a co-founder of a rightwing group that promotes replacing the federal income tax with a national sales tax.
With Texas billionaires dying off like flies in a nuclear waste repository, Uncle Sam will collect enough estate taxes next year to cut the national debt in half.
@7,8 We’re witnessing the end days of Stefan’s sucky little blog.
A major reason I chose the Jews is that these folks INVENTED the first vowels and used them to spell my name. Those letters were יֱהֹוִה
Of course this is not the original spelling since the alphabet was changed 2500 years ago. Worse, 4 vowels do not make anything pronounceable since I am that I am.
Letter name
י Yodh [j, ee, eh, eye]
ה He [h, ha, ah, heh]
ו Waw [w, oooh, oh,uh
ה He [[h, ha, ah, heh]] (or often a silent letter at the end of a word)
You can call me any time, the name you use is your choice not Mine.
See 14,
See, I told ya Jews are God’s chosen people. He verified it himself!
What’s going to be the end of the US is it’s debt. $17 trillion is some serious liability!
@15 See, I told ya Jews are God’s chosen people. He verified it himself!
True …….. but I did not say chosen for what or that this was an excusive arrangement.
Perhaps I also chose the Kwsan of South Africa for extermination and the Saud family for infinite wealth
Then, of course, there is the mystery of Paul Allen. Do you think I chose him for cancer, great wealth or wastrel spending?
What were you chosen for?
I wasn’t chosen for anything. I made all the choices that got me in the trouble I’m in now. For better or worse, I take full responsibility for my choices. That’s something most people would never say because it’s always somebody else’s fault what happened to them. They will never take responsibility.
What were you chosen for, Supreme Being?
י Yodh [j, ee, eh, eye]
ה He [h, ha, ah, heh]
ו Waw [w, oooh, oh,uh
ה He [[h, ha, ah, heh]] (or often a silent letter at the end of a word)”
I thought that the translation was a simpler YHWH, presumed to be pronounced by at least some scholars as ‘Yah-Way’, thought possibly to have been inspired by the Midianite God YHW, picked up by what were then likely far less than 600,000 Canaanites fleeing Egypt, a people not yet identifying themselves as Israelites. I got that from a fascinating NOVA special I’ve seen a number of times about the writing of the Bible. Of course, you’re God, so I reckon you should know what’s what. So what really happened?
I am that I am
not chosen just am.
Your choices, to the extent they were not driven by the exigencies of your world or the causal events you can not perceive or just plain chance are .. of course yours. But then, those exigencies do have god-like powers that limit your free will.
Being chosen, unless I tell you what to do, has little effect on the exigencies .. a good reason not to believe in angels, posthumously active saints, or demons better defined than the one, the only I am that I am.
@19 Steve.
To help you out, I have inscribed the original over at THE Ave on a piece of the web. Sadly, HA lacks that font!
I don’t know where in hell (or elsewhere) NOVA got those ideas. There is no evidence archaeology or Me that 600,000 Canaani ever fled Egypt whatever they called themselves.
There is evidence that semites (Egyptians are not Semites BTW)wrote these letter while, whlle we say “employed” as miners under Egyptian bosses over 3000 years ago. The characters are the same ones used to write Canaani but the writing is in Hebrew and these character represent vowel sounds.
interestingly, however these early Hebrews pronounced those characters *it is VERY unlikely it sounded anything like the word Christian misuse mas my name), the characters .. the first vowels ..were still used for my name 1000 years later even when the Dead Sea scrolls were written using the modern Aramaic characters still used by Jews. The reasons for this odd refusal to sell the letters in Aramaic are suggested by the fact that pronunciation of the sounds you refer to as My name was considered blasphemy and punished by stoning.
I must admit I don’t care what you call Me, but using a name that has been considered an epithet by the Jews for 3000 r so years is rather insulting, don’t you think? Using that word is, sadly, an example of Christian arrogance although perhaps less so than blaming me for getting Mary pregnant and then killing her son to save all of you.
The Jews avoid this by calling me by other names like Lord (adonia) or Hashem (the name). One of my faves though is Elohim (the gods) .. how cool is that .. I have no name but can be identified as the sum of all the minor exigencies that shape your world!
For you though, I am just what am/
One more bit of help:
It is hard to spell any name, much less Mine ., using vowels. One reasonable pronunciation is Eehooha. Another is Yahoo!
On the other hand, Jesus could have died a bit easier death by stoning since that would have been his punishment if he called out me using the “Y” word.
“There is no evidence archaeology or Me that 600,000 Canaani ever fled Egypt whatever they called themselves.”
That’s the same point NOVA made. There’s simply no archeological evidence for the Biblical Exodus that’s been discovered to date. It was stated that, if there was an Exodus, it was likely a small group of Canaanites who eventually passed through Midian.
“using a name that has been considered an epithet by the Jews for 3000 r so years is rather insulting”
I’ll have to take your word for it as I wouldn’t know. It didn’t seem that big a deal to the Jewish Biblical archeologists who were featured on the NOVA telecast.
Jews are a lot more tolerant of this sort of thing than other minorities.
Imagine the kerfuffle .. an possible pogroms .. if we called for a boycott of every religion that uses the Y word or blames Jesus death on the Pharisees?
FWIW, if Jesus existed, most of the good things he is said appear to be quotes from the great Pharissee Hillel. The Pharisees have been demonized because they were the rabbis behind the Jewish revolts against Rome. Christians who wanted ot take over Rome couldn’t be seen as following one of them!
Thank you Reagan, Bush and Bush for that debt.
We could not have done it without you.
Republican Rehab just might be able help you.
Speaking of Jews…, Jesus H. Christ!! I have three strikes on me already just trying to spell that goddamned word! Fail. Obviously.
@21 Jesus can’t help you. Try Pope Francis.
If you want o reach me in my special place at the Vatican call OO1 39 06 6981 5523