(1) I don’t know why WordPress is giving the more when there’s no content. That makes it a different gimmick than I was going for.
(2) I feel the need to say that the joke is on end of year lists and not the state of music in 2013.
(3) Feel free to use this as an open thread.
(4) There may be more tomorrow, sorry.
Just wonderingspews:
A statistician gave birth to twins, but only had one of them baptized. She kept the other as a control.
There are 10 types of people…
hose who understand binary and those who don’t.
There are 10 types of WordPress hosting companies…
Those which suck and those which don’t.
5 minutes is not long enough to make edit changes if you wait over 4 minutes for your entry to post in the first place.
Any chance of moving HA to one that doesn’t?
Puddybud - Back to the Original!spews:
Why was the Russian ship, Akademic Shokalskiy, was on its way to Antarctica? Well it seems Chris Turney was leading the doomed expedition on “globull warming” and the growing ice trapped them. Weally? Butt, the comedy of commentary is hilarious!
To Chris Turney…
1 – no ice
0 – ice
Looks like Chris came up 0’s
It looks like GOATBOY@5 is wrong again, confusing real science with the REICH WING PSYCHOSIS he loves so much.
No Time for Fascistsspews:
@5. There will be dips but the overall trend is warming and fast. Don’t you wish conservatives would address the trend over decades, not the momentary variations?
It might hint, however, that being religious can enhance the brain’s resilience against depression in a physical way, they wrote.
Previously, the researchers had found that people who said they were religious or spiritual were at lower risk of depression.
They also found that people at higher risk of depression had thinning cortices, compared to those with lower depression risk.
No wonder libtards are always depressed. No religion!
@7, RETHUGS don’t care if the TITANIC is sinking
RETHUGS are much more interested in having the best deck chair.
Did you have a nice Christmas?
Burn down some churches maybe?
GOATBOY@9, It could also mean that KNUCKLE DRAGGING TEAHADISTS like you have fat-bloated cortices caused by lack of use.
No Time for Fascistsspews:
Another Climate Report
Climate change may be far worse than scientists thought, causing global temperatures to rise by at least 4 degrees Celsius by 2100, or about 7.2 degrees Fahrenheit, according to a new study. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/.....23828.html
Look for climate deniers to focus on that he said there was a 5% chance the climate rise was NOT caused by humans.
No Time for Fascistsspews:
At least liberals apologize. Conservatives don’t. Remember Serial Conn’s comments about the looks of African American girls?
Melissa Harris-Perry: ‘I Am Sorry’ For Romney Grandchild Comments
She also issued an apology online later that day, writing that the intent had been to celebrate the diversity of Romney’s family. “Whatever the intent, the segment proceeded in an unexpected way that was offensive,” she wrote. “Without reservation or qualification, I apologize to the Romney family and to all families built on loving transracial adoptions.”
What is that conservatives always say? “It’s a JOKE. I was Joking! I wasn’t serious. Why can’t you take a joke!”
Puddybud - Back to the Original!spews:
At least liberals apologize.
Perry only apologized when the cacophony of negative comments attacks made her look as stupid as she sounds on MSNBC.
Not only did she apologize (for which she didn’t have to since her comment about the child was actually a compliment to Romney), but she did so without the weasel words usually spouted by Republicans when caught saying something they shouldn’t have (“for those who feel offended, blah, blah, blah”).
Contrast that with Harris-Perry’s words:
“Without reservation or qualification, I apologize …”.
Liberal Scientist is the "Most vile leftist on this blog!"spews:
Puddibigot is beating this outrage/victim/vapors horse, but of course counting on all of us to forget the relentlessly vile and corrosive hate and bigotry he spews constantly on these threads.
He started this whining on a different thread, and when called on his MOOSLUM-hate, gay-hate, women-hate, Mexican-hate, worker-hate, immigrant-hate, he squirted a cloud of squid-ink rationalizations for his hatred and then ran away.
He’s a bigot and a coward.
Puddles- the climate denial is just proof of stupidity now. There’s animal evidence (north pacific fish spawning changes, north american pine beetles), plant evidence (northern expansion of mangroves), geologic evidence (north american and european glaciers) ocean chemistry (pH impacts on shellfish) in addition to climate data.
Then there are dumbshit deniers
No Time for Fascistsspews:
Exactly, why are they silent?
As the attacks on my joke were building, I kept waiting for Sarah Palin and Bobby Jindal to defend me like they recently stood up for Duck Dynasty’s Phil Robertson. I thought at least Jindal would call out the “politically correct crowd” as he did for good ol’ Phil. But still not a peep from them about my freedom of expression. I guess to those two, freedom of expression only applies when you are making derogatory comments about gays or saying blacks were happy during segregation. http://www.thedailybeast.com/a.....bully.html
Roger Rabbitspews:
@15 When have you ever apologized for looking as stupid as you sound? Hypocrite.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@18 Anyone who lives in Alaska can see for themselves the glaciers up there are receding. Why do glaciers recede? Because the climate is getting warmer.
Roger Rabbitspews:
I suppose it’s possible the creationists are right. This world may have been created by a God-being who also created people, but after creating them had second thoughts and created a shitload of oil and put it where you humans were certain to find it. In other words, after creating you, he realized his mistake and decided to get rid of you.
Puddybud - Back to the Original!spews:
for which she didn’t have to since her comment about the child was actually a compliment to Romney
In what universe don? Surely not this one!
Puddybud - Back to the Original!spews:
From Fascist Pigsty’s link…
One of the segments featured the panelists trying to come up with funny captions for various photos, including a photo of Mitt Romney’s extended family with their recently adopted African-American baby, “Kieran.” This photo had been tweeted out to the world by Romney on Christmas Eve.
Making comedy on a black baby is beyond that pale.
Of course when you are an idiot like schmucko-lunatic, anything attacking conservatives is fair game even making fun of black babies!
He started this whining on a different thread, and when called on his MOOSLUM-hate, gay-hate, women-hate, Mexican-hate, worker-hate, immigrant-hate, he squirted a cloud of squid-ink rationalizations for his hatred and then ran away.
Ran away? What a dickhead schmucko-lunatic is. Puddy has God first Family second and fifteenth or so on the list is HA DUMMOCRETINS.
Now you know where you stand schmuko-lunatic… You don’t live in Puddy’s head as Puddy has free residence in yours!
See ya DUMMOCRETIN. BTW Puddy sent that description to Rush Limbaugh. Goldy’s Northwest Division of Lunatic DUMMOCRETINS!
No Time for Fascistsspews:
>> I kept waiting for Sarah Palin and Bobby Jindal to defend me like they recently stood up for Duck Dynasty’s Phil Robertson.
I forget, can you post the link to your condemnation of Serial Conn when he made fun of the looks of the president’s daughters, or was that ok, because it was done to black democrats?
(1) I don’t know why WordPress is giving the more when there’s no content. That makes it a different gimmick than I was going for.
(2) I feel the need to say that the joke is on end of year lists and not the state of music in 2013.
(3) Feel free to use this as an open thread.
(4) There may be more tomorrow, sorry.
A statistician gave birth to twins, but only had one of them baptized. She kept the other as a control.
There are 10 types of people…
hose who understand binary and those who don’t.
There are 10 types of WordPress hosting companies…
Those which suck and those which don’t.
5 minutes is not long enough to make edit changes if you wait over 4 minutes for your entry to post in the first place.
Any chance of moving HA to one that doesn’t?
Why was the Russian ship, Akademic Shokalskiy, was on its way to Antarctica? Well it seems Chris Turney was leading the doomed expedition on “globull warming” and the growing ice trapped them. Weally? Butt, the comedy of commentary is hilarious!
To Chris Turney…
1 – no ice
0 – ice
Looks like Chris came up 0’s
It looks like GOATBOY@5 is wrong again, confusing real science with the REICH WING PSYCHOSIS he loves so much.
@5. There will be dips but the overall trend is warming and fast. Don’t you wish conservatives would address the trend over decades, not the momentary variations?
ekimgoatsucka strikes out again… Chris Turney’s own words sucka!
Sux to be you ekimgoatsucka!
Oh no…
No wonder libtards are always depressed. No religion!
@7, RETHUGS don’t care if the TITANIC is sinking
RETHUGS are much more interested in having the best deck chair.
Did you have a nice Christmas?
Burn down some churches maybe?
GOATBOY@9, It could also mean that KNUCKLE DRAGGING TEAHADISTS like you have fat-bloated cortices caused by lack of use.
Another Climate Report
Look for climate deniers to focus on that he said there was a 5% chance the climate rise was NOT caused by humans.
At least liberals apologize. Conservatives don’t. Remember Serial Conn’s comments about the looks of African American girls?
What is that conservatives always say? “It’s a JOKE. I was Joking! I wasn’t serious. Why can’t you take a joke!”
Perry only apologized when the cacophony of negative comments attacks made her look as stupid as she sounds on MSNBC.
Not only did she apologize (for which she didn’t have to since her comment about the child was actually a compliment to Romney), but she did so without the weasel words usually spouted by Republicans when caught saying something they shouldn’t have (“for those who feel offended, blah, blah, blah”).
Contrast that with Harris-Perry’s words:
“Without reservation or qualification, I apologize …”.
Puddibigot is beating this outrage/victim/vapors horse, but of course counting on all of us to forget the relentlessly vile and corrosive hate and bigotry he spews constantly on these threads.
He started this whining on a different thread, and when called on his MOOSLUM-hate, gay-hate, women-hate, Mexican-hate, worker-hate, immigrant-hate, he squirted a cloud of squid-ink rationalizations for his hatred and then ran away.
He’s a bigot and a coward.
Puddles- the climate denial is just proof of stupidity now. There’s animal evidence (north pacific fish spawning changes, north american pine beetles), plant evidence (northern expansion of mangroves), geologic evidence (north american and european glaciers) ocean chemistry (pH impacts on shellfish) in addition to climate data.
Then there are dumbshit deniers
Exactly, why are they silent?
@15 When have you ever apologized for looking as stupid as you sound? Hypocrite.
@18 Anyone who lives in Alaska can see for themselves the glaciers up there are receding. Why do glaciers recede? Because the climate is getting warmer.
I suppose it’s possible the creationists are right. This world may have been created by a God-being who also created people, but after creating them had second thoughts and created a shitload of oil and put it where you humans were certain to find it. In other words, after creating you, he realized his mistake and decided to get rid of you.
In what universe don? Surely not this one!
From Fascist Pigsty’s link…
Making comedy on a black baby is beyond that pale.
Of course when you are an idiot like schmucko-lunatic, anything attacking conservatives is fair game even making fun of black babies!
Ran away? What a dickhead schmucko-lunatic is. Puddy has God first Family second and fifteenth or so on the list is HA DUMMOCRETINS.
Now you know where you stand schmuko-lunatic… You don’t live in Puddy’s head as Puddy has free residence in yours!
See ya DUMMOCRETIN. BTW Puddy sent that description to Rush Limbaugh. Goldy’s Northwest Division of Lunatic DUMMOCRETINS!
>> I kept waiting for Sarah Palin and Bobby Jindal to defend me like they recently stood up for Duck Dynasty’s Phil Robertson.
I forget, can you post the link to your condemnation of Serial Conn when he made fun of the looks of the president’s daughters, or was that ok, because it was done to black democrats?
I don’t see a comment from puddy.