That doesn’t make sense. If you build a car-centric tunnel with no stops downtown and eliminate the possibility of building future rail transit options, it will force even more people to take the bus for their downtown trips.
I watched that video this morning, and it’s not clear yet if it was a hate crime. If the victim is telling the truth that she did not know the attackers and that she was randomly targeted, those teens should face serious consequences. Although the PI article reported that one of the attackers was claiming that the boyfriend had stolen her cell phone, so the attack may not have been motivated by racism, just garden-variety stupidity.
How dare you cite your own comment number in a comment! Fool.
And btw, you probably noticed that I updated my comment in #2 after re-reading the PI article, which had details not shared in the earlier article I’d read.
Mrs Cynical must be a goatspews:
Publicola-where former SLOG assholes and shoplifters of QFC wine go when they run out of snark.
Um… Shouldn’t the ultimate tunnel debate have happened about 5 years ago?
transit in tunnelspews:
very odd they can’t figure out how to put a bus stop in this tunnel. while it costs money, imagine the utility of a rapid ride bus line from des moine and burien and the south, w seattle, whatev, crusing into the tunnel then pulling over and stopping with egress to downtown and connection to the light rail line. and from the north.
oh wait, that’d be transit centered and that’d be “integrated planning,” two things the State doesn’t do. So instead we’ll build this one for mainly cars, then in about ten years realize we need a tunnel for transit.
BTW the pacific place garage inability to pay the mortgage is a lesson — why are we thinking people will pay a $8 toll daily to use this DBT? Most people won’t want to afford the extra thousand dollars a year. We could build it then see the bonds come close to defaulting thru lack of toll revenue…..
another drain on the general fund.
Moody’s will rate us down to B or C.
Everyone will pay. As to @1 why do you think the average person using a car is going to pay a thousand bucks a year to use this tunnel when the average car centric family commuting from shoreline to downtown will be counting their pennies and avoiding foreclosure for the next 5 if not 10 years? Add in the effects of slashing education etc. and our future economic prospects are not so hot. This DBT is just the “Pacific Place Garage” write large — a huge white elephant benefitting a narrow slice of society, financed and guaranteed by the society as a whole.
Remind you of any bubble scams we’ve suffered lately?
Michael @ #6: Welcome to Seattle. No capital improvement project here is ever “settled”, even after the contracts are awarded.
The only thing which surprises me is that we still aren’t having a debate about whether or not to host the World’s Fair here.
Off Topic: Blake Edwards has died, at age 88. He has a long record of directing in Hollywood, including such hits as “Breakfast at Tiffany’s”; “Days of Wine and Roses”; “The Pink Panther” (and most of it’s sequels); “Victor/Victoria”, etc. He even directed the TV series “Peter Gunn”, which is now known more for it’s distinctive theme song, written by Henry Mancini.
Blake Edwards has been married to Julie Andrews since 1968.
@8 The only thing which surprises me is that we still aren’t having a debate about whether or not to host the World’s Fair here.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Had we retro the existing AWV structure 6 years ago, we would have this done & paid for.
A great example of Progressive Overplanning.
How many hundreds of millions were spent on consultants and staff these past 10 years?
Kudo’s to Goldy. 5 years ago, Goldy was sooooo distraught and concerned that the AWV was on the verge of collapse that Goldy made it his personal mission to live down there and hold the damn thing up with help from his NW Division of Lunatic Moonbats!
Obviously they were successful as it is still standing.
So Goldy–any more big-spending Chicken Little stuff on your future agenda?
Welcome to Seattle. No capital improvement project here is ever “settled”, even after the contracts are awarded.
Yeah I know, I have a lot of fun making fun of Seattle for it.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
At what point does waste and costly indecisiveness become no longer “funny”???
At what point does not having a sense of humor become a cost? There’s fuckall I can do about any of it, so I might as well have a laugh.
Despite how bad righties say Washington and Seattle are, Seattle keeps attracting businesses and attention from all over the world and Washington keeps getting ranked as one of the better states to do business in. So, it’s really not that bad.
As for the tunnel, my hats off to the people who are fighting against it. It’s nice to see that people actually care about the place they live and are willing to fight for it.
Dr. Zaiusspews:
@1 and 2
how come we arent hearing from the NAACP and the “community organizers” about this crime?
oh, its because the victim was an EVUL WHYTEE…
I get it now.
like I said before, some people qualify as white trash crackers, some people qualify as spics, some people qualify as niggers, some people qaulify as slopes, etc…..I think its safe to say these five were of the nig variety.
to bad someone didnt shoot all 5 dead on the spot….would have saved the taxpayers some money supporting umpteen fatherless kids.
just keeping it real…again.
Pick the Hightest Costing Option that can be had, add to it massive cost overruns, and Union Built, and before you know it it never gets finished, at twice the cost!
Mr. Cynicalspews:
You’ve nailed the magic Progressive formula for government projects.
A planners lifetime full-employment.
A consultants dream as he does 1,000 drafts with changes from idiots who want to micromanage the project with zero background….re-drafting at $200+/hr.
What, another change?
Will gladly have it for you in 2 weeks.
That’ll be $20,000 for the umpteenth time.
Maybe people want a car-centric mega-tunnel because people want to stay in their cars and off of buses because of incidents like this:
Story and video of 5 black girls beating and robbing a white pregnant woman aboard a Metro bus last month.
Yoohoo, James Bible, where are you? Why no accusations this is a hate crime?
That doesn’t make sense. If you build a car-centric tunnel with no stops downtown and eliminate the possibility of building future rail transit options, it will force even more people to take the bus for their downtown trips.
I watched that video this morning, and it’s not clear yet if it was a hate crime. If the victim is telling the truth that she did not know the attackers and that she was randomly targeted, those teens should face serious consequences. Although the PI article reported that one of the attackers was claiming that the boyfriend had stolen her cell phone, so the attack may not have been motivated by racism, just garden-variety stupidity.
How dare you respond to my race-baiting trolling with logic and reason!
How dare you cite your own comment number in a comment! Fool.
And btw, you probably noticed that I updated my comment in #2 after re-reading the PI article, which had details not shared in the earlier article I’d read.
Publicola-where former SLOG assholes and shoplifters of QFC wine go when they run out of snark.
Um… Shouldn’t the ultimate tunnel debate have happened about 5 years ago?
very odd they can’t figure out how to put a bus stop in this tunnel. while it costs money, imagine the utility of a rapid ride bus line from des moine and burien and the south, w seattle, whatev, crusing into the tunnel then pulling over and stopping with egress to downtown and connection to the light rail line. and from the north.
oh wait, that’d be transit centered and that’d be “integrated planning,” two things the State doesn’t do. So instead we’ll build this one for mainly cars, then in about ten years realize we need a tunnel for transit.
BTW the pacific place garage inability to pay the mortgage is a lesson — why are we thinking people will pay a $8 toll daily to use this DBT? Most people won’t want to afford the extra thousand dollars a year. We could build it then see the bonds come close to defaulting thru lack of toll revenue…..
another drain on the general fund.
Moody’s will rate us down to B or C.
Everyone will pay. As to @1 why do you think the average person using a car is going to pay a thousand bucks a year to use this tunnel when the average car centric family commuting from shoreline to downtown will be counting their pennies and avoiding foreclosure for the next 5 if not 10 years? Add in the effects of slashing education etc. and our future economic prospects are not so hot. This DBT is just the “Pacific Place Garage” write large — a huge white elephant benefitting a narrow slice of society, financed and guaranteed by the society as a whole.
Remind you of any bubble scams we’ve suffered lately?
Michael @ #6: Welcome to Seattle. No capital improvement project here is ever “settled”, even after the contracts are awarded.
The only thing which surprises me is that we still aren’t having a debate about whether or not to host the World’s Fair here.
Off Topic: Blake Edwards has died, at age 88. He has a long record of directing in Hollywood, including such hits as “Breakfast at Tiffany’s”; “Days of Wine and Roses”; “The Pink Panther” (and most of it’s sequels); “Victor/Victoria”, etc. He even directed the TV series “Peter Gunn”, which is now known more for it’s distinctive theme song, written by Henry Mancini.
Blake Edwards has been married to Julie Andrews since 1968.
The only thing which surprises me is that we still aren’t having a debate about whether or not to host the World’s Fair here.
Had we retro the existing AWV structure 6 years ago, we would have this done & paid for.
A great example of Progressive Overplanning.
How many hundreds of millions were spent on consultants and staff these past 10 years?
Kudo’s to Goldy. 5 years ago, Goldy was sooooo distraught and concerned that the AWV was on the verge of collapse that Goldy made it his personal mission to live down there and hold the damn thing up with help from his NW Division of Lunatic Moonbats!
Obviously they were successful as it is still standing.
So Goldy–any more big-spending Chicken Little stuff on your future agenda?
Yeah I know, I have a lot of fun making fun of Seattle for it.
At what point does waste and costly indecisiveness become no longer “funny”???
At what point does not having a sense of humor become a cost? There’s fuckall I can do about any of it, so I might as well have a laugh.
Despite how bad righties say Washington and Seattle are, Seattle keeps attracting businesses and attention from all over the world and Washington keeps getting ranked as one of the better states to do business in. So, it’s really not that bad.
As for the tunnel, my hats off to the people who are fighting against it. It’s nice to see that people actually care about the place they live and are willing to fight for it.
@1 and 2
how come we arent hearing from the NAACP and the “community organizers” about this crime?
oh, its because the victim was an EVUL WHYTEE…
I get it now.
like I said before, some people qualify as white trash crackers, some people qualify as spics, some people qualify as niggers, some people qaulify as slopes, etc…..I think its safe to say these five were of the nig variety.
to bad someone didnt shoot all 5 dead on the spot….would have saved the taxpayers some money supporting umpteen fatherless kids.
just keeping it real…again.
Pick the Hightest Costing Option that can be had, add to it massive cost overruns, and Union Built, and before you know it it never gets finished, at twice the cost!
You’ve nailed the magic Progressive formula for government projects.
A planners lifetime full-employment.
A consultants dream as he does 1,000 drafts with changes from idiots who want to micromanage the project with zero background….re-drafting at $200+/hr.
What, another change?
Will gladly have it for you in 2 weeks.
That’ll be $20,000 for the umpteenth time.