Props to Ryan Chittum at Columbia Journalism Review for quoting from History of the World, Part I in a column about Count de Monet’s Rick Santelli’s “revolutionary” outburst today.
Count de Monet: “The People Are Revolting!”
Louis XVI: “You said it—they stink on ice!”
“Why don’t you put up a website to have people vote on the Internet as a referendum to see if we really want to subsidize the loser’s mortgages or would we like to at least buy cars and buy houses in foreclosure and give them to people that might have a chance to actually prosper down the road and reward people that can carry the water instead of drink the water?” — Rick Santelli quoted by Ryan Chittum in Columbia Journalism Review
This is an interesting comment. Water can carry itself if you have some water to begin with. And if you don’t, well, the interest that $0 earns is zero. You can’t start your own business with zero capital. If your water account is zero you’re pretty much stuck working for some rich guy for whatever he feels like paying you for your talent, skill, and hard work — which invariably is as close to zero as he calculates he can get away with. On the other hand, you can be dumber than stink, but if your daddy left you a whole lake, you can live like a king on the water that your water carries in the door. You don’t have to know a fucking thing to live on interest and dividends except how to endorse the checks that blow in the door on the wind.
As I’ve said before, the best way to get rich in America is having the right parents. It also helps if your parents know the right people. This has a lot to do with whether you get a job on a financial exchange trading floor for $250,000 a year or a job on the highway asphalt crew for $12.50 an hour. You can flunk kindergarten and get a good job if you have the right parents. If you don’t have the right parents you’re going to need a Rhodes Scholarship plus some divine intervention. The rich, you see, are a kind of exclusive club that keeps everybody else out — they don’t really want new members.
So, when guys like Santelli rant about giving the country’s assets to people who “can carry the water,” what he means is that people who already have most of the water should get the rest of the water, because water begets water, and if you weren’t born with water you’re a fucking loser. This is another way of saying the rich aren’t satisfied to be rich; they want it all, including what little the poor have, because they can’t stand the idea of anyone but them having anything. It’s kind of like that scene in “Lawrence Of Arabia” where Omar Sharif shoots the guy from another tribe for drinking brackish water from his well that Sharif wouldn’t feed to his camel. He’d rather pour his water into the sand than let a poor bastard from another tribe on a borrowed horse drink a drop of it. That’s how Santelli thinks, and all he’s doing is reflecting how the rich think. Santelli, you see, is a pragmatist — no one ever got a nifty on-air network job paying a million a year from a poor man.
If only our Congresscritters had read the stimulus bill! You know, 1,100 pages of stuff like:
Yeah, they should all individually read through all 1,100 pages of that, and personally research every reference to every obscure existing statute. Surely THAT is what we want our Congressmen to spend their time doing instead of having their permanent staff summarize the provisions of interest to their state, their constituents, and the country, and going by that.
Business as usual
‘Stimulus’ Saves MICROSOFT Billionaire — Hundreds Of Millions…
I thought NoBamma was going to Tax the F’n Rich
Not in this $$800 Billion dollar payoff
And how about all those nasty Corporate Jets as Pullitoverosi jets off in her private Military plane back and forth to work each day and off to Rome with her gang of friends and famil for a real Tax payers paid vacation..
Change – Yeh this is real change alright,
And who exactly wrote that stuff?
Democrat congresscritters.
And why do you think the democrats wrote it? Maybe so no one would take the time to read it.
Do you read contracts and such before you sign it?
If you didn’t have to pay the bill, would you read contracts and such before signing?
True being from a rich family helps greatly.
Also hard work and having a mother and father helps.
Everyone living in America as of last year had a chance to be whatever they wanted to be. I know most people don’t wake up in the morning asking themselves is this the day I’m going to be rich. Except for most of you guys on this board that’s all you think about. Something in liberalism brings out the dark side of the human race.
I know most people wake up in the morning look in the mirror and say show time then get to work.
Count da money…
We have done exactly nothing to indict and prosecute the banking executives, the housing industry executives and others in the business world who contributed to these lies and frauds, in some cases explicitly.
The Congresspeople who got “special deals” from Countrywide Financial (and others) on their mortgages remain in office and are not being charged and tried for what, in my opinion, amounts to public corruption. The amounts involved here are not small – the “savings” in many cases ran into the tens of thousands of dollars.
It has been disclosed that several sitting Congressmen received tens of thousands of dollars in campaign contributions from Stanford Financial (now under investigation on suspicion of not only bilking investors but also money laundering!); the firm also allegedly gave eight hundred thousand dollars to the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee during a year that Congress was debating a bill that would have tightened anti-fraud provisions against the securities industry. The bill was killed in a Senate committee.
We learned that government employees are also profligate tax cheats! Not only the high-profile ones like Geithner and Daschle either – this is an across-the-board problem:
The Internal Revenue Service is trying to collect billions of dollars in unpaid taxes from nearly half a million federal employees. According to IRS records, 171,549 current federal workers did not voluntarily pay their federal income taxes in 2007. The same is true for 37,752 active duty military and nearly 200,000 retired civilian and military personnel.
Documents obtained by WTOP through the Freedom of Information Act show 449,531 federal employees and retirees did not pay their taxes for a total of $3,586,784,725 in taxes owed last year.
What?! Oh, and with the exception of the IRS, you can’t be fired as a government employee for not paying your taxes either. You can’t make stuff like this up folks – nobody would believe you.
Now we know why there is never enough money… government employees are tax cheats.
That does explain why obama is having such problems with his picks being tax cheats or under federal investigation.
Tea Party real F’n soon!
Bring your Lipton tea bags real soon
No Starbucks Instand Coffee please – Mr YUK must now be running Starbucks!
To all the right wingnuts complaining about the stimulus bill and the jobs that it will create, this is an example of your blatant hypocrisy. This is why your whining and BSing is essentially meaningless:
Today in the Huffington Post, there is an extensive article on how the Bush administration is wasting 11.2 billion dollars just to pay off and bribe the Italians who put out the “yellowcake” forgery.
The amount of lies told to the American people to try and sell the unnecesssary war in Iraq are now compounded by the bribes to our “allies” who helped produce the false documents that Condleeza Rice and Dick Cheney used to stir up fear – even though they knew the documents were false.
Now they and others (crooked republican congress members and their deadbeat families) are pushing the helicopter payoff to the Italians. This is the kind of crap that bush pushed – bribes, lies and spending billions for nothing.
Link: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/.....ostComment
The money quote below:
@6: Where is the outrage from the idiot Marvin Stamm…oh, I forgot, that idiot is a freakin’ hypocrite. Bribes and lies by republicans in the name of “national security” can’t be questioned.
11.2 BILLION for….a bribe, for an excuse, for another trillion wasted in the Iraq war. Yet, suddenly when we are talking about jobs for Americans the stimulus package is bad.
Hypocrites. Liars. Enablers.
Just shut your fat hypocritical mouths.
Judging only from your online persona… you are the most bitter hateful jealous person I have ever read.
I’m sorry your parents didn’t do a better job. I’m also sorry no one intervened on your behalf when you were young and gave you love and guidance.
How many jobs will it create? Any idea? Any guesses?
Since these jobs will be paid by tax dollars, who is going to pay the salaries besides taxpayers for years to come. After the road is built, is that worker laid off or does he remain on the government payroll.
Why not read from the communist manifesto, or is that too far right of huffington post?
If the best you have is attacking me, thanks for the compliment.
Do you have a link to where I said they can’t be questioned or are you just making crap up to make yourself feel good?
How many jobs in the private sector are going to be created.
One hell of a lot more than were created by tax cuts for the wealthy, shoveling trillions of dollars to no bid contracts in Iraq, and completely blind money shoveled at financial institutions who just use it to give executive bonuses and hoarding.
Stammer, you like every other troll on this blog have nothing to stand on but hypocritical quicksand.
Save everyone else the trouble. Just make fun of your own ludicrous posts.
Diddly Love@2:
You finally did a public service on HA.
Finally a provision to fire leadless douchy for being an inexperienced, unqualified, or out-of-field teacher.
Thanks Diddly Love. First thing you’ve done right in two years…
surreal amerikkkan babbling again @13. First you better spank Diddly Love above for finding the Porkulus bill provisions which put your teaching job in jeopardy. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Next you and Dr NotRight have the same mantras over and over and over, except he’s still Dr NotRight and you are a person with 27 sock puppets. Now the rest of the story.
Ever been hired by a poor person surreal amerikkkan? How would a poor person pay you?
Trillions? You keep forgetting the Shaw Group and Richard C. Blum’s (CA Senator Dianne Feinstein’s husband Democratic) Perini Corp and URS Corp
You must mean that poorly written TARP1 Bill by tax cheat Charles Rangel of the House I’ll Use My Tax Cheating Ways to Keep My Rich Means Committee and Chris I Gots My Cheap Loan Dodd of the Senate Finance Committee? The bill so poorly written JP Chase Da Money, Goldman Sucks and Shittybank used it incorrectly with no penalties?
See how simple that was to explain?
Can you say decimation? D.e.c.i.m.a.t.i.o.n
Insights by Goldie
(January 2009)
by Goldie Caughlan
PCC Nutrition Education Manager
Watchdogging organic standards and the devilish details
Each time a revision of a guideline, rule or other regulatory action is proposed by federal agencies — including the Department of Agriculture (USDA) or Food and Drug Administration (FDA) — it’s published in the Federal Register.
The clock immediately begins ticking against whatever deadline is stated for the public to file any comments or raise objections, the public’s only opportunity.
The length of time typically ranges from 30 to 90 days — with shorter timeframes increasingly the norm during the final months of the Bush administration. We (“the public”) have been besieged with regulatory rule changes, proposals and filings.
The apparent goal is to roll back consumer health and safety protections, product regulations, and environmental safeguards. What couldn’t survive open legislative scrutiny is happening rapidly now.
The Washington Post reports that 130 fast-tracked rules were expected to be fully completed before the end of the Bush term — 100 were completed from September to November.
Critics say that the more fully complete the regulation (having cleared all administrative hurdles), the less likely any quick reversals would be in the incoming administration. Reversals require millions of dollars (scarce) and years of staff time to analyze and address even a few “re-dos.”
……. Republicans can’t stand the light of day
Rasmussen Polling says even after the Porkulus approval only 32% of Democratics believe a targeted government approach could work on improving the housing market.
What? Even the non kook-aid Democratics are skeptical?
@11: Typical republican ignores the facts and can’t explain the corruption.
Thanks for confirming you are a fool and a hypocrite Stamm.
As far as how many jobs – Can’t you read? Leading economists (unbiased have predicted that about 3-4 million jobs will be created or saved).
Wow, Stamm is like a third grader with no retention for facts. Really, you need to be examined for a mental disorder asd you bring up the same questions even after they have been answered. Either you can’t read or you can’t understand basic facts. How pathetic.
Rasmussen Reports says 45% of Real Americans oppose the government mortgage subsidizing program for financially troubled homeowners. They have no problem if the homeowner was making the payments and they lost their job.
Of course that’s not what the Wednesday $275 Billion program will do…
Rasmussen Reports says 49% of Real Americans trust their own judgment more than Obama’s on the economy.
67% of Real Americans trust their own economic judgment over the average member of Congress. Since the “adults” are in charge (HA moronic commentary), I see this means the 2/3 of Real Americans reject the “adults” and HA leftist Moonbat! commentary.
@15: Puddywrong
Everyone knows and it has alraedy been published many times that Paulson wrote the TARP bill, that Bush pushed it through congress as an emergency and then that Bush administration and Paulson did not even adhere to the oversight provisions that congress put into the bill. They gave away money to the fat cats and made sure that the the top executives could abscond with obscene golden parachutes as their companies went under. Figures you are supporting the rich freeloaders over the people who actually work for a living.
Why do you get the facts wrong so much? Are your only sources the stupid lies put out by the rightwingnut talk machine?
And did you even look at the link I put up on republican (Bush, Cheney, the CIA) corruption and how they wanted to spend (waste) over 11 billion for Italian helicopters we don’t need just to bribe them for giving us the forgery on the yellowcake (that they used to deliberately lie to the American people about a “mushroom” cloud (to quote the liar Condi Rice)).
Don’t give me your crap about “liberal” media sources – you are scared of actaully confronting the fact about republican corruption, lying and wasteful spending (for foreign jobs) that pervades the entire party.
Oh, and Stamm idiot – how is that tax cheat Palin doing? Hypocrite.
Dr NotRight you are
Reading the HuffPo , “Like the rest of us, leading economists agree on nothing — which tells you everything. But we can’t resist predicting the future — nor should we.”
The only way you understand Democratic thought processes is to visit Democratic thought processes. Reading HA thought processes provides no insight into Democratic thought processes.
Dr NotRight@21:
No No No. That breaks the US Constitution on the Legislative process moron! It’s your side who claims the Constitution is a living breathing document.
Charlie Tax Cheat Rangel wrote the House part and Chris Sweetheart Mortgage Dodd wrote the Senate part. If they chose not to modify the original TARP draft pox on their house. All spending bills come from Congress Dr NotRight!
You are constitutionally moronic.
See how simple that was to explain?
Can you say decimation? D.e.c.i.m.a.t.i.o.n
Dr NotRight:
You throw up all these “facts” but you never deliver the links. I bet these “timely” remarks come from the kook-aid sites.
Prove me wrong!
See how simple that was to explain?
Can you say decimation? D.e.c.i.m.a.t.i.o.n
@10 Why on earth would I be bitter, hateful, or jealous? I WON on Nov. 4. You LOST on Nov. 4. I love to rub it in because watching you worms squirm entertains me.
@5 “Everyone living in America as of last year had a chance to be whatever they wanted to be.”
Oh sure, sure, sure … you can be whatever you want to be, provided you enlist and fight the wingpukes’ wars for them, which is the only way a lot of hard working young people will ever get a shot at schooling; and even that wouldn’t be funded if we didn’t have Democrats in Congress.
@20: So what:
Obama approval ratings – read em’ and realize how SMALL a minority the whiny few republicans really are:
1. CNN/Opinion Research Corporation Poll. Feb. 7-8, 2009. N=806 adults nationwide. MoE ± 3.5.
“Do you approve or disapprove of the way Barack Obama is handling his job as president?”
Approve Disapprove Unsure
% % %
70 25 5
2. Ipsos/McClatchy Poll conducted by Ipsos Public Affairs. Feb. 6-9, 2009. N=1,042 adults nationwide. MoE ± 3.
Approve Mixed Disapprove Unsure
% % % %
69 3 26 1
3. AP-GfK Poll conducted by GfK Roper Public Affairs & Media. Feb. 12-17, 2009. N=1,001 adults nationwide. MoE ± 3.1.
Approve Disapprove Neither Unsure
% % % %
67 24 4 5
Gallup Poll. Rolling average. N=approx. 1,600 adults nationwide. MoE ± 3.
Approve Disapprove
% %
62 25
Then there is republicans in Congress:
Here is Boehner:
“Do you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion of John Boehner?”
18 55 27
Yup – your republican heroes are at 18%.
And Mitch (idiot) McConnell:
“Do you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion of Mitch McConnell?”
22 50 28
Yup – 22% approval for McConnell.
How does it feel to be a small meaningless, uninformed minority of ignorant republican rightwingnuts?
I don’t blame you for not answering the question.
I understand that you have to defend whatever a democrat does, at least publicly.
It’s about that time that obama starts taking his teleprompter on the road with him.
OTTAWA, Canada – President Obama and Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper just started their joint news conference, the first such dual podium event for the new president.
The newness is showing – the president began his remarks with, “It’s a great pleasure to be here in Iowa – Ottawa.”
Is ottawa one of the 57 states?
Date – Presidential – Strongly Strongly — Total – Total
—–Approval Index – Approve- Disapprove Approve Disapprove
02/20 +12 – 38% – 26% – 59% – 40%
For Dr NotRight
Democrats love taxes. Anything to take money away from hard working law abiding citizens.
Add a tax, or the less odious wording “fees,” to people that are paying their taxes.
Why not add a “fee” to the tax cheats obama keeps picking for his cabinet?
At least to democrats and government employees that refuse to pay their fair share.
President Obama Job Approval
Poll Date Sample Approve Disapprove Spread
RCP Average 02/12 – 02/18 — 62.3 28.5 +33.8
FOX News 02/17 – 02/18 900 RV 60 26 +34
Gallup 02/16 – 02/18 1500 A 62 25 +37
Rasmussen Reports 02/16 – 02/18 1500 LV 60 39 +21
Associated Press/GfK 02/12 – 02/17 1001 A 67 24 +43
Nothing new here, just the latest example of democrats not believing in paying their bills.
Chicago has yet to recoup the $1.74 million cost of President Obama’s victory celebration in Grant Park — despite a burgeoning $50.5 million budget shortfall that threatens more layoffs and union concessions.
“The Democratic National Committee has not yet paid us,” Peter Scales, a spokesman for the city’s Office of Budget and Management, said Thursday after questions from the Chicago Sun-Times. “We’re reaching out to them this week.”
Overall, how would you rate the quality of the people President Obama has selected to be in his Cabinet?
Excellent Good Fair Poor (Don’t know)
17-18 Feb 09 17% 40 23 16 3
Democrats 30% 53 13 1 2
Republicans 3% 23 35 35 4
Independents 15% 47 23 11 3
Which one of the following best describes the main reason you support the economic stimulus and spending plan?
All Dem Rep Ind
1. Best option and have to do something 37% 39% 34% 36%
2. Infrastructure and stimulus spending 17 14 21 27
3. Belief in Obama and the Democrats 14 19 2 9
4. Believe it will work 11 13 7 7
5. Tax cuts 9 8 20 7
6. (Other) 1 1 2 –
7. (Combination) 9 6 13 12
8. (Don’t know) 2 – 3 3
Would you use obama as an example to prove your point?
A black man from a single parent household, funny sounding name, etc.
He was a multi-millionaire before he became president.
Oops, you better not use obama as your example. How about oprah? Oops, another bad example of your point.
Which one of the following best describes the main reason you oppose the economic stimulus and spending plan?
All Dem Rep Ind
1. Too much pork spending 32% 28% 37% 25%
2. The cost — too much spending 21 31 18 24
3. Don’t think it will work 17 15 14 23
4. Not government’s role 9 4 11 5
5. Not enough tax cuts 3 4 3 3
6. Not enough spending 1 2 1 –
7. (Other) 1 – 1 1
8. (Combination) 14 7 13 17
9. (Don’t know) 2 9 1 1
Do you think the economic recovery legislation that passed last week is better described as a stimulus bill or a spending bill?
Stimulus bill Spending bill (Same thing) (Don’t know)
17-18 Feb 09 31% 52 10 6
Democrats 51% 31 12 5
Republicans 12% 77 6 5
Independents 28% 54 9 9
Do you think the economic stimulus and spending plan is too large, about the right size, or too small?
Too large About right Too small (Don’t know)
17-18 Feb 09 46% 30 14 10
Democrats 26% 46 19 9
Republicans 68% 15 8 9
Independents 51% 25 12 12
Do you think the economic recovery plan will help or hurt your personal financial situation, or will it not make much of a difference?
Help Hurt No difference (Don’t know)
17-18 Feb 09 24% 19 54 2
Democrats 38% 8 53 1
Republicans 12% 32 53 3
Independents 21% 19 58 3
TVA = Economic Prosperity
CCC = Economic Prosperity
Not all people’s skills lie in the trades, so arts will receive $$$$$ — just like in the New Deal.
Artists generate money for cities.
That is a question you should ask yourself.
Your continued attacks against those of wealth is proof of your jealously.
Your attacking of parents that helped their children in life. Of course, only the republican ones, you never mention the largest concentration of trust fund babies is in san francisco/berkley nor have you mentioned the child of the clintons moved straight into a high paying hedge fund job.
Or possibly you simply enjoy writing crap for us trolls and don’t believe what you write.
Only you know the truth. Bitter hateful jealous or just having fun trolling.
Recently New York Senator Chuck Schumer said “the American people really don’t care” if the economic recovery bill includes “porky amendments.” Do you care if the economic recovery bill includes earmarks or pork — that is, spending on items that only benefit certain Congressional districts or pet projects in elected official’s home state?
Yes, I care No, I don’t care (Don’t know)
17-18 Feb 09 79% 15 7
Democrats 76% 17 7
Republicans 84% 11 6
Independents 78% 15 7
As said by headless lucy, the 3 chord guitar player.
If the “art” can’t sell on it’s own, why use tax dollars to fund it. Those that can do, those that can’t need the government.
Do you think it is good that President Obama has a Democratic Congress to increase his power, or do you wish there were more Republicans in Congress to provide a check on Obama’s power?
SCALE: 1. Good there is a Democratic Congress to increase Obama’s power 2. Wish there were more Republicans in Congress to provide a check on Obama’s power 3. (Don’t know)
Good Congress Wish for more increases power Republicans (Don’t know)
17-18 Feb 09 48% 46 7
Democrats 80% 14 5
Republicans 12% 84 4
Independents 44% 45 10
Do you think the press is being too easy or too tough on the Obama administration?
Too easy Too tough (Neither/Even handed) (Don’t know)
17-18 Feb 09 42% 20 31 6
Democrats 21% 31 41 6
Republicans 70% 7 15 8
Independents 38% 18 40 4
No matter how tight money gets, which one of the following do you consider to be your top must-have — the one non-essential item that you will continue spending money on during tough times?
All Dem Rep Ind
1. Internet access 21% 18% 26% 22%
2. Entertainment such as cable TV and movies 21 23 21 15
3. Cell phone 17 18 12 23
4. Eating out at restaurants 10 11 11 10
5. Vacations 7 7 6 7
6. Cigarettes 4 6 3 2
7. Alcohol 3 3 3 3
8. Cosmetics 2 2 1 2
9. (Other) 3 3 2 2
10. (None) 10 7 12 11
11. (Don’t know) 2 1 2 4
@18 As far as how many jobs – Can’t you read? Leading economists (unbiased have predicted that about 3-4 million jobs will be created or saved).
Which “leading” economists . . . and did they also correctly predict the mess we’re in now, say, 12 or 18 months ago? Here’s Mark Zandi, one well known economist, last October just after TARP I:
“On the upside, he said that governmental interventions will be successful, citing especially the recent decision to buy commercial paper and coordinated rate cuts by the Fed and other national banks. Zandi believed the $700 billion rescue plan would work, and said the prices that arose through a reverse auction of “toxic” securities would serve as a signal indicating which banks needed additional capital.”
Just after TARP I, C was trading near 20 – it’s now 1/10th that. BAC was trading in the low 30’s, it’s now 1/10 that. TARP I is now generally recognized to have been a mess.
I wouldn’t hang my hat on projections, particularly those of economists, most of whom totally missed the boat on the housing/credit bust.
Do you approve or disapprove of the job Barack Obama is doing as president?
Approve Disapprove (DK)
17-18 Feb 09 60% 26 14
Democrats 90% 5 5
Republicans 29% 53 18
Independents 62% 19 19
All the problems the Federal Government faces at this point in time started with Nixon and his autocratic demolition of the Breton Woods Accords.
You have a chip on your shoulder Roger!
Your posts spew hate, to bad you could contribute more to this site without pounding someone every day.
Your about negative as a liberal can be.
How long have you felt this hate for others than liberals? Did you not go to church and learn true love? Do you hang around downtown Seattle to get your hate orders for the day?
You should stay off the web for week and see if your attitude approves.
Here’s a claim actually backed up by the data:
“A preliminary state revenue forecast Thursday pushed Washington’s state budget shortfall to $8 billion. As a proportion of the state’s general fund, that’s nearly as bad as the mess in California.
“Washington ranks among the top 10 states in the country in terms of the size of its budget shortfall, said Boyd, a senior fellow at the institute who closely monitors state budgets.”
$8 billion shortfall forecast for Washington state budget
Or as obama would say to nevercorrect.
It’s hard to believe there could be a worse cable channel than Fixed News.
But our insane trolls must really feel warm inside that CNBC has stepped up to feed their madness even more.
Obama must be doing something right.
John Dr NotRight is like most libtards. They post crap expect us not to fact check it then run away.
Still waiting for Jon DeVore to discuss Stanford and his love of the Democratic. He thought if he’s from Texas he must be Republican.
Wrong Wrong Wrong. But this isn’t the first time he’s been wrong this month…
Then moron@54: Bend over an gladly pay more taxes HAs clueless village idiot fool. You voted for him so pay more taxes. It’s the patriotic thing to do…
re 55: Your mind is damaged goods.
Nixon and the Bretton Woods Accords. Learn something new for a change, wingtard.
My prediction is you will be waiting a loooooong time. John doesn’t possess the skills necessary to admit his errors.
Which is worse?
John writing shit without doing any research or the mindless idiots on HA lapping it up off the floor?
Bush “saved” 100 million jobs. Can you prove otherwise?
How can you prove obama “saved” 3-4 million jobs?
It’s easy to prove “created” new jobs.
Of course you are under no obligation to answer my questions.
Yet your refusal to answer questions although you continue to reply does prove that either you don’t believe what you write or you don’t know the answers.
Want to try to answer the question?
I can explain corruption, I can’t explain why people voted for it.
Pelosi ran on a “culture of corruption” and damn if she didn’t keep her campaign promise. Cold cash jefferson, rangel, blago, Dianne “cash bra” Wilkerson, Kwame “Text Me” Kilpatrick, and all those tax cheats…
Why did you vote for the culture of corruption?
Okay, back to the spew..
You really can’t believe what you’re saying roger.
I grew up middle class had one rich person in school.
All of my old school chums living today are not rich, didn’t win the lotto.
We are maybe upper middle class we all worked hard and reap the rewards.
The problem we have today far too many rely on the government to help them.
Not realizing the Government in this case is their enemy. Oh sure we can have sort term help like unemployment and food stamps however, long term is a destroyer of the will to become a better person in attitude and in wealth..
@55: As usual Puddy – you can’t dispute the facts I posted and have not bothered to check on the article I cited.
I am beginning to think that the 7 polls I cited somehow are not up to the one pathetic poll you cited that was somehow different. All the others you cited were the same – about 25% dissarove of the President and about 60-70 agree. About 20% like the republicans. Thanks for proving my point.
You are able to find polls – but you sure can’t analyze your own data – you would get an F in statistics.
Still haven’t heard your excuses for the WASTE of over 11 billion dollars to bribe the Italians for the forgeries they made to excuse the Iraq war…
Crickets are chirping…..for all the words you waste, you still haven’t found a way to excuse Abramoff, forced abortions, corruption and all the other crap that Bush did….but you sure keep calling the stumulus package pork without anything to back that up.
And Stamm – the “culture of corruption” phrase was coined to describe Abramoff and the republican policy of getting all the lobbyists behind the republicans.
Your pathetic little examples of individual malfeasance pale before the organized republican efforts that have already put many behind bars. I guess you can’t tell the difference – so that must mean you support the republican culture of corrutpion – thanks for clarifying that.
Sure Stamm, I will answeer your other stupid question, since you clearly know nothing about economics.
Since the economy is in a tailspin (thanks to the Bush tax policies and lack of oversight of the banks), most private companies are not hiring and are laying off workers. Even companies making a large profit are laying off workers (like Microsoft). Since private industry is making things worse, we need the government to step up (even temporarily) to stimulate the economy by creating jobs. This will help build the infrastructure and the educational needs that are currently lagging and will help put money in peoples pocket to buy things to help of the struggling private companies.
This is called a stimulus – it is menat to jump start the economy and help get over the hump until private industry can pick up again.
What don’t you understand about that?
Dr NotRight: I see the link, but how are they my excuses fool?
Your “polls” are showing Obama’s approval rating dropping… Thanks for agreeing with me fool.
If you paid attention I placed the Real Clear Politics polls on this blog. They are all around 60-62% approval down from the 70+ you are trying to foist here.
definition for HAs clueless village idiot – foist: “To pass off as genuine, valuable, or worthy” what Dr NotRight loves to place here.
His latest, The House didn’t write the TARP1 bill. If they didn’t then they broke the US Constitution and it isn’t a real law. What a fooltard.
Extreme left wing website finally admits john gibson didn’t compare eric holder to a monkey.
The Huffington Post has learned that the below video has been doctored. We regret the error and apologize to Mr. Gibson. John Gibson never compared Eric Holder to a monkey with a bright blue scrotum.
No big surprise that a left-wingnut would doctor a video to attack someone he doesn’t agree with.
It’s a saul alinsky trick.
Even dan rather tried to peddle forged documents as proof.
If what lefites believe is true, why do they have to doctor videos and forge documents?
Marvin, when I use HuffPo, I also verify it on other legit sites. I use HuffPo to attack the Donkey here. They take everything Adriana has on her blog as gospel.
And the democrats changed it to their culture of corruption. And damn if they aren’t doing it better.
Remember, when bush picked people the left complained they were too right wing. When obama picks people for his cabinet they turn out to be tax cheats, under federal investigations, etc.
I know the difference. Reps go to jail, dems don’t.
That Allen Stanford guy makes Abramoff look like a saint, why don’t you complain about him… is it simply because he donated to the democrats that you don’t care?
So are private companies being given money to hire more employees? If so, what % is allocated to small business, those business that make up the bulk of employment.
Of course, why would someone as rich as bill gates want to lose money when he could make mo money.
So after the economy gets rolling the government is going to fire employees? I own a bridge in san fran, painted a nice gold color. Are you interested in buying it? You get my point, anyone stupid enough to believe government will fire employees is the same kind of person that would buy a bridge from me. Hell, it’s hard enough to fire government employees when they deserve to be fired.
Educational needs won’t help the economy for a decades. Of course the largest funded educational system in the world is failing children. Mo money is not the answer. Just like corporate welfare, giving failures more money is rewarding failure.
Infrastructure needs repairing, both parties have been more inclined to build new projects and plaster their names all over them. And then what, fire those government employees? Hardly.
How? More $600 checks?
The ignorant hate when you use the words of other liberals to debate them.
Like when steve got so upset with me for quoting bill maher and his views of religion before he learned it was his fellow obama supporter. And back before it was public knowledge that it was biden that finally found a smart/clean african american, the left wingnuts called me a racist. Strange, as soon as the video link appeared they decided it wasn’t racist.
It’s much how john used that allen stanford guy to prove that republicans were corrupt, once you educated him he decided that allen wasn’t such a bad guy after all.
Kinda like how bush was attacked 24/7 for not doing enough despite giving 51.8 billion for katrina relief while the victims of katrina were forgotten about in the stimulus bill.
64 – CNR: Stamn and Stupes are bouncing around in this thread like they’re inmates of Western States’ rubber room.
It’s no use trying to point out the truth of things to the insane.
Until of course Goldy applies the registration medicine.
HAs clueless village idiot@71:
There is a line in a movie: “You can’t handle the truth!”
It applies to you HAs clueless village idiot!
@70 “Like when steve got so upset with me”
The only time I get upset with you, Marvin, is when you say something so hilariously stupid that I end up spitting coffee on my screen.
Rick Santelli? Thought that was screamin’ Julio from Florida.
Meanwhile …
Huffpo Red in the Face Over Fox News Hoax
This is, without a doubt, the best correction of the week. Okay, the month. Aw, hell, I’ll say it: Best. Correction. Ever. From the Huffington Post …
Huffpo had posted what appeared to be a video of Fox News’s John Gibson jokingly referring to Attorney General Eric Holder as a monkey with a “bright blue scrotum.” That last bit is a reference to an unrelated news story about a Debrazza monkey that escaped from a zoo in Seattle.
This country is already a massive redistribution of wealth system…. From the USA to the Middle East, From large wage earners to low wage earners, and now from those who live below their means, responsible with their money, to those who have been living a pipedream they can’t afford…
This is a terrible spot our country is in. And for as much as we like to shoot darts at “preditory lenders” etc, the bottom line is that every house “closes” when an individual signs on the line accepting the terms… Those individuals are the ones that make me sick to think are going to come out of this whole…
let fly