Tim Eyman is a horse’s ass. But he’s also the only one of the Republicans running for governor who I had any idea about. Who else is running? Wasn’t there some guy who wasn’t going to enforce gun laws? Is he doing anything recentlOHGOD.
In a long-running lawsuit, a woman accuses police and deputies in Ferry County of failing to properly investigate when she reported a pattern of rape and molestation spanning 12 years of her childhood.
Among the defendants is Loren Culp, who is now the police chief in the town of Republic and a Republican candidate for Washington governor. The lawsuit alleges Culp and two other law enforcement officers intimidated the victim, threatened to charge her with making false claims and failed to report her allegations to child welfare authorities as required by law.
Of course a lawsuit filed isn’t the same as all of the accusations proven. But yikes.
Anyway, wash your hands right now.
RBG tries the free-stuff gambit:
I therefore dissent from the Court’s judgment, under which, as the Government estimates, between 70,500 and 126,400 women would immediately lose access to no-cost contraceptive services.
Despite the hundred or so IQ points separating RBG from YLB, it doesn’t sound any more convincing when she tries it. I’m pretty sure Planned Parenthood has no trouble coughing up rubbers and The Pill for 126,400 people who want them. Especially since a third of that count is probably nuns.
Somebody named Freed and somebody named Culp (SP?) are also running for the Republican slot for governor. It doesn’t matter because Inslee will win easily in November.
It begins.
Biden Should Not Debate Trump Unless …
Biden can’t even record a 30 second internet ad without stumbling. How’s he gonna do in a 90 minute debate without friendlies to keep him from being exposed?
Trump will end up looking mean if he goes for the kill. As if that would worry him.
Yeah, Joe. Do that. Let Kamala do the heavy lifting for the next four months, the same way you’ve let Jill do it for you the past four months.
Remember when Dave was just a movie?
3, 4,
Jealous much?
Face it. You fucked up. Badly.
You have only yourselves to blame for the fact that this election has become a referendum on Trump’s presidency. You made it that way. Because you’re emotionally crippled and stupid like that. And so is he.
Even with all the soaring incompetence and naked corruption, it is still the presidency. The biggest pulpit on earth. All Trump had to do was be nice. Just a little nice. Express some sympathy for the millions of voters grieving for lost loved ones. Express some urgency for their care. He had every opportunity to become a political rock star in the middle of this crisis and cruise to re-election.
But he simply could not do it. Fatal weakness in a pol. He does not like people. He just needs them to like him. But unlike you, he’s too much of a narcissist and lacks the instinct for self-preservation to hide in the basement reading scans and writing reports. Which he certainly could have done for the last three months and he would have been far better off.
There will be debates. But now Biden can dictate some of the terms. Not just to Trump2020, but to the media groveling for access in the next administration. Didn’t have to be this way. You made it this way.
Racism, invented.
His party isn’t mentioned, but he doesn’t sound like a Republican, does he?
He’s also a lying POS about his background:
Lying about his military service? It’s a shock he’s not a Democrat serving in the US Senate by now.
No, the Senate is where failed attorneys go.
Either way, what it is not is a place where “conservative” Republican women go.
You may lose another four by next year. But hey! Breadcrumbs, right?
“Every shred of evidence points to a likely ass kicking”
Looks like they are planning to burn their own cities as they retreat, too.
As one put it: “There are two options, you can be on this hell ship or you can be in the water drowning.”
Not great news for shy Trumpers. They are making a list and checking it twice. Gonna make things that much harder for vulnerable Rapepublicans in Blue State swing districts.
Question for an attorney other than Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, because Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit is wrong about everything:
Is there a difference between the types of opinions authored by Alito and Kagan? The way they are described makes it seem so. Are they not each simply concurring opinions?
It’s not free, it’s insurance. There are actual medical reasons some people NEED to be on birth control hormones that aren’t just contraception.
But if you work for a Conservative Christian, pay your share of the company insurance premiums you’re shit outta luck because we aren’t covering that anymore.
“Get a new job, losers!” SCOTUS majority.
@ 12
• You’re cherry-picking.
• Tell me PP won’t step up and offer the contraceptives not covered by objecting employers. Of COURSE it will.
The hard part about birth control is getting poor women to actually use it as a method for avoiding a life of poverty.
@ 14
Don’t stop there. Elaborate.
Seems like another of Jeffrey Epstein’s cohorts “suicided“?
Brave cop!
Now that Ghislane is in a libtard controlled city DBJ will occur. The “deep state” isn’t going to allow themselves to be taken down. Too many big “deep state” names are implicated.
The “deep state” took down Epstein and soon Ghislane Maxwell will be taken down. Maxwell will be “silenced” very soon. Like Epstein, the tapes will be turned off and the video will go fuzzy. We all know the “deep state” control the elections, the monetary supply, covid-19 announcements, and lamestream dummocretin controlled media, and that’s all you need to figger out everything you need to know about November 3rd. Trump wasn’t supposed to win and now they will ensure it doesn’t happen again!
I like this, actually.
Durkan, SDOT propose a smaller Transportation Benefit District for this fall’s ballot
Service hours are being cut way back AND are being maintained primarily to serve the lower-income areas south of DT Seattle.
Meaning the higher-income Seattleites will still be paying for something that will become much harder for them to use.
This is good. This is DAMN good. The Seattleites who passed ST-3 will get to feel what it’s like to fund something that they can’t use but others can. Karma’s a bitch, Carl.
China and Black Lives Matter? Who Knew? I guess we’ll see!
Typical dummocretin doing what dummocretins do!
In the Darryl thread Herr Doktor calls drumpf “awful”..
LOL! Fleeing the sinking ship… Repukelican one-termer “insurance”..
Too damn funny!
I’ll cherry pick some more. SCOTUS just gave you a death panel but it’s the CEO and the board.
SCOTUS just gave you a world where before you accept a job you need to actually read the HMO policy completely. A very likely scenario. You get a job at a mid to large multi state company. You pay your premiums out of your paycheck, go to the doctor sometimes, get married and decide to have a family. Then you have an ectopic pregnancy. There is currently no medical procedure to cure an ectopic pregnancy and letting it go is very, very, very, likely to kill the mother. So you have an emergency surgical abortion, which again is literally the only option available to you unless you want to roll the dice on being the fraction of a percent that survive an ectopic without surgery. Most OB/GYNs won’t even hesitate once ectopic is discovered. The pregnancy is not viable. End of story.
Weeks later you discover that your employer health plan has left you with 100% liability for the surgery because your company has a religious objection and there is a clause burried deep in the policy that any form of abortion is not covered. And don’t think any insurance company is going to do the right thing and pay the claim….it’s right there in the policy.
Death panel. Bankruptcy or live.
Now there may be in some future world a method to remove an ectopic fetus and bring it to term outside a womb but trying to put one back (yes the GOP has written laws to mandate that) is further putting the health of a patient at risk of death. There is no way to ethically research “putting it back.” As of current medical science there is only one treatment for ectopic. None and death or abortion.
Side note, ectopic is what the Radical Right refers to as ‘late term abortion’ being performed. There is no concern for life in this radical point of view.
Did herr diktor “earn” its white privilege? Did it hedge against black swans and reject ‘free stuff’ from drumpf and moscow mitch?
Comes down to precedent.
When a full majority joins in a decis then the analysis that is described in that opinion and any specific ruling becomes the binding precedent. If an opinion fails to receive a majority of support from the panel then it cannot be cited as binding precedent.
Not sure what opinion you are citing or whether/if there are any implications for future cases/precedent. A concurring opinion that arrives at the same conclusion but utilizes a different analysis can be cited but only so long as it does not conflict with an already binding precedent and only as persuasive argument.
So for example, in a suppression motion a lawyer might cite a concurring opinion from the SCOTUS analyzing 4th amendment protections. But the trial judge would not be obligated to abide by it. On the other hand, so long as the concurring opinion does not conflict with any existing precedent, the trial judge would be entitled to grant the motion to suppress and cite the concurring opinion as persuasive.
Another bit of Cherry Picking.
Say you hit 40s, you’ve got a good job. So does the Mrs. You’ve had one, two, three…twelve kids and that’s enough. So you decide to get a Vasectomy so you can keep gettin’ busy without having another child.
Oh, your employer never told you that sex is only for procreation so nope, not insured. You’ll have to cover it. (See what I did there?)
Did it take him a Friedman unit to pen that?
It’s really pathetic.
And the worst part is, they really are not fucking around. The GOPers really mean to drive shy-Trumpers out into the wilderness forever and poison their wells. I can’t really picture what The Q Clearance Pussy is looking for in a Mystery Date. But I’m pretty sure at this point he’ll never see the like of it in his lifetime.
If you check out the growing list of Sovereign Citizen Cosplaytriots and Q Clearance Cat Ladies who are winning GOP primaries this year, it’s shaping up to be a full on Trumpalo year and they are only just getting started. Isn’t that Culp guy Carl mentions caught up in the violent separatism/terrorism movement Matt Shea was organizing? That’s who they run for Governor?
At least Puddy is willing to go all-in. Even if it winds up getting him killed.
Maybe during a debate Donald’s boyfriend in Korea will come up?
32% of American Households missed rent/mortgage payments in June.
So? Dr. Fauci told everyone to shelter in place. Now you gonna get upset with Dr. Fauci?
Wonders never cease.
Not all vehicle-pedestrian collisions are terrorist attacks, but some of them are, and Doctor Dumbfuck defends the terrorists, not because he’s evil, but because he’s a dumbfuck.
@2 “… Inslee will win easily in November,” as he obviously should because (a) he’s done a good job, and (b) all the GOP candidates are nutjobs. But you can’t say “it doesn’t matter,” because obviously it does matter whether our state is run by a responsible adult or a freak.
P.S., I’m issuing a tourist alert for Ferry County; anyone planning to visit or drive through that area is advised that law enforcement is dodgy there, so if you must travel, leave your wives and daughters at home for their protection.
Yeah, it’s not as if Thomas Friedman speaks with any moral authority for anyone but himself. I’m not sure he can speak with any practical authority either. Is there anything of any great import in the last twenty years that he hasn’t been completely wrong about? I doubt he can get a lunch order right. Nor is the company he works for any better.
Biden should hold out for a Lincoln Project Never Trumper on the debate panel. I vote Steve Schmidt, but I’d settle for Rick Wilson.
Sarah Cooper would not do badly either.
@7 That’s all the “proof” Doctor Dumbfuck needs that there’s no racism in America, it’s all made up, because he’s a dumbfuck.
Don’t get me wrong. I don’t think he’s a racist. Nothing is intentional on his part. It’s that he’s too stupid to be racist. He can’t figure out how to be racist. That explains why his race-baiting comments are so lame.
@8 The Senate is where Republicans swing from trees, beat their cheats, and utter Tarzan yells.
Talk about making a smart market move:
Well more like cross your fingers and hope this works.. The guy lost like a billion on a previous bet. Who wouldn’t want to bet against a scam outfit like Herbalife?
See herr dickishtor? No need for “free stuff”..
You have a constitutional right to be a jerk, but not to be employed.
@19 If Doctor Dumbfuck can’t make Seattle’s poor POCs sit in the back of the bus, then by golly he’ll make ’em walk. And he damn sure won’t pay them enough wages to afford a car.
Finally some justice on the wrong side of politics!
Of course you dummocretins didn’t read her wonderful terminology!
If anyone is surprised by this news then you don’t just have to wash your hands, you have to wash your mouth, and ass and brains, which are one of the same.
How about that stock market!
Soon good buying days will be ahead!!!
Now why is Thomas Friedman at the NY Slimes in a panicked tizzy? Oh wait, your candidate’s mental state scares him. Friedman has some really strange preconditions there buckos. Of course Joe BiteME! uses tax loopholes and it’s A-OK!!!! Friedman wants fact checking by various organizations? HAHAHAHAHAHA! They are almost totally funded by left wrong or “deep state” institutions employing left wrong libtard dummocretins who used to work at lamestream dummocretin networks.
What about BiteME! January 2018 Ukraine brag at the press club? foreign dealings? What could BiteME! be hiding about his and his son’s China dealings? Why not have all their records or transcripts while in office, all disclosed for the public to see before the debates? What other strong-arm tactics did Obummer-BiteME! used on other countries?
Lastly, we viewed last week claim he would put up his cognitive skillset against Trump. Well what were the results BiteME?
Ooooh, you got me there. Great comeback. Another month of blaming Fauci and 1/3 of all US Households will start getting pre-foreclosure notices and evictions at the beginning of August or September.
Which is awfully close to November.
But Donald assured us it was a hoax. Florida kept the beaches open. Texas brought the bowling back. The MegaChurches had worship AND got PPP funds in the billions of dollars.
15 < 59000 (new cases just today)
15 < 850 (New Deaths just today)
15 < 135000
@29. What the fuck is North Korea?
But to be honest they just want to fire the gay people. That’s what this is all about.
No gay sports players. No gay teachers.
9 & 37,
I don’t live in the US, so I don’t vote in your elections.
Part of the solution. Don’t ever work for a religious organization or minded company. And don’t ever donate to one. Nor should you ever donate to any organization that is affiliated with a church or religious institution, while specifically telling them that you don’t donate to places that discriminate and if they want your donation then tell them they have to publicly state that they are against religious organizations that are discriminatory.
Tarzan wasn’t the smartest apple in the basket. Dumb brute.
Given your posts here, you’re not exactly a Rhodes Scholar yourself.
Hey, speaking of scholars, they’re gonna need to start doin’ some group think right quick.
This was in response to some silly Princeton faculty letter goin’ ’round. Silly as in unserious as in YLB-approved.
There you go again BeerPong misquoting the “hoax” comment even the WA Po called Pinocchios on it! If BeerPong only had a brain!
@ 30
Meh. Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit misses the porcelain more frequently than that.
Once again you read WTF and you go W-T-F? We know you are a Bible hater WTF. What makes you lord and master of everyone? Oh it’s because you post on assesHorse? This is a free country and people are free to make decisions based on their conscience. Just because you don’t have a conscience doesn’t mean you can attack and denigrate someone whom has one! Many people BELIEVE in God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit and the inspired word of God AKA The Bible. Their beliefs are just as important as your jackASSed ones per the US Constitution. Not everyone believes in donkoinfanticide. You should ask the crazed databaze purveyor for a replay on the PuddyCalculation on how the 1973 abortion decision cost Al Gorebasm the 2000 erection! Just in Florida alone he would have won in a landslide with all those
extra votersdead baby fetuses .Hence that’s the US Constitution is now under attack! That’s why Twatter is changing their policy of removing the use of him and her because that’s Biblical and we can’t have him or her because human has to be humxn, right WTF?
Some place your kind hold dearly!
Well BeerPong, your kind told the world that Trump wasn’t listening to science. Then when Birx and Fauci told everyone they told Trump to shut it down he did. Then when Trump disagreed with Fauci ABC News whitey house woman accused Fauci of being cowed by Trump. Fauci slapped her back big time. Fauci lately to the NFL they should not restart. Dr. Paul asked Fauci how was he an expert there? Fauci replied he wasn’t a football expert.
So people listened to Fauci and they lost their income. Now you actually think people with brains will blame their foreclosures on Trump? If they do then they really are brainless bcause you can’t fault Trump for not listening to the scientists. He did and Fauci was the ring leader BeerPong! Hence you prove once again you are brainless. Butt, then again, we all knew this when you predicted Trump would only get 252 electoral votes! You were only off by 54. That’s a really big percentage even being a dummocretin!
@53 – Does he still have to use a catheter?
“To say that the Black vote is Democratic is a form of racism and white supremacy.” – Kanye West. Now what would Al NotSoSharpton, Jesse HiJackson, Don Lemon and James Loves Me The Old White Guy BiteME! Clyburn have to say?
Head exploded.
Donald is still advocating getting more people killed. Actually hosting virus parties…sign here, not our fault.
Hoax, overblown, just go away, open up now…all words used by Donald re: Covid-19.
Piddles thinks Donald farts Chanel #5 and can’t wait for another whiff of that intoxicating sexy smell. Everyone else wonders, ‘why didn’t the warm weather kill it? Why didn’t it just go away in April and May? Why are Texas and Florida leading new cases daily? How did it magically get to the states that didn’t really do anything like Tennessee and Alabama? How did we go from fifteen to three million? Why doesn’t the president wear a mask?”
Oh and being back the Confederate flag, Donnie.
“Trump is great. Handled it beautifully. Wine is just Grape Juice. Voters Trust Donald the way I do. He’s dreamy and knows about Corinthians Part 2.” -Piddles, taking a swig of juice to wash away the taste.
What happened to Don Lemon from 2013 to 2020.
Hey Steve, it’s from Raw Story so it has to be true!
Of course BeenPong will blame this on Trump too.
And, of course, BeerPong will skip over this footnote in history!
Puddy reads way more than the silly BeerPong! That’s why Puddy can remember where to look!
See ya!
In what context BeerPong?
Now Fauci thinks schools and universities should reopen in the fall!
That was Dr. Deborah Birx, Dr. William Bryan and Dr Anthony Fauci. So now you discount the scientists BeerPong?
Sheeeeeeeeeeeeesh, always playing both sides!
So BeerPong, why don’t you call for the removal the name of the Ku Klux Klan’s Exalted Cyclops Robert Three Sheets Byrd? You jockstap the cancel culture! Remember he’s the former Senate Majority Leader for years, a lifelong dommocretin, who retired from the Senate only ten years ago from all federal buildings, roads, bridges, Marshall University buildings and other programs PERIOD? Joe BiteME! loved him some Robert Byrd, like he loved The Lion of the Senate Ted LEt’s Make a Female Sandwich Kennedy!
You want the confederate flag gone so why not cancel Byrd too!
Just found the oxy-dummocretin-moron: https://www.byrdcenter.org/ – Calling for BLM support!
One month ago BiteME! op-ed don’t defund the police.
Today BiteME! op-ed defund the police.
Who got to him? Bernie and AOC of course!
So Joe will do what?
Does that mean Obmmer failed?
Byrd lived long enough to call it the biggest mistake of his life. But go for it. Take his name off everything. I’m fine with it.
I’ll get the actual slave owners first and then see what’s left to do.
There are shitty takes and then there’s every time Piddles thinks he’s got something.
So what? You can’t retire now?
You go De Blasio! Only certain black lives matter!
Go for it BeerPong. Another feudal mindless action from the BeerPong! You gonna fund the change to the $1 Bill? $2 Bill? $5 Bill? $20 Bill? $50 Bill? out of your pocket?
Yes, you are brainless!
Gotta cancel him now! Them’s your rules!
Demorat-China Party Of Hate America, Foment Race War & Make Riots Great Again Bombshell News – Panic Grows Among Demorats As They Contemplate Trump/ Biden-Einstein Debates, Scramble For Excuses To Cancel. Thanks Demorats For Nominating A Candidate Too Stupid To Debate, Then Underscoring With Nitwit Excuses.
As the Trump campaign has requested the addition of another presidential debate, members of the media are urging former Vice President Joe Biden and his campaign to limit them.
Washington Post columnist Karen Tumulty suggests “rethinking” the debates, urging organizers to limit their audiences “or even do away with them entirely.”
Thomas Friedman of the New York Times has also called for Biden to skip the debates unless Trump releases his tax returns and agrees to a fact-checking team at the debates. “I worry about Joe Biden debating Donald Trump,” Friedman says, quickly clarifying that he fears Trump would have “unfair advantages” if he doesn’t meet these demands.
Byron York of the Washington Examiner called Friedman’s article “an early public statement of fear Biden will not do well in debate,” and a “suggestion of excuse for Biden to cancel while still blaming Trump.”
@53 Roger Rabbit doesn’t have a house payment to miss. If I get kicked out of my burrow, I can always dig another one in about 10 minute.s
@57 Need one? I’ve got a used one I’ll give you free. I’ll bet doc has a whole box of used ones, but he’d probably charge you for them.
Tarzan, maybe you could teach PI on how to invest in the stock market. Bob was of no help.
Winston Churchill Society Of Orators Special Announcement – Stickyfingers Joe Biden-Einstein (D-China) Awarded Order Of Clinton’s Monica Cigar For Outstanding Teleprompter Reading.
77-year-old Joe Biden on Wednesday made no sense and forgot his own proposal while reading from a teleprompter when he made remarks at IBEW’s 2020 virtual political conference.
As soon as Biden realized he was making no sense, he insisted he was “taking too much time.”
Did you actually mean to say that you are not a US citizen?
Because plenty of people who do not live in the US vote in US elections, dumbshit. But perhaps never having traveled farther than the nearest pulltab dispenser you might now know that.
Or maybe it’s because you are underage?
Go away now and play games. The grownups are busy.
Here’s the thing the right doesn’t get. It’s not about me. It’s about listening to others and having, dare I say Christian, empathy.
Robert Byrd does not offend me personally. I think he did enough to make amends. But if the Black Community feels he needs to go I won’t stand in the way. And I’m with them in the fight.
People who took up arms and tried to kill their fellow U.S. Army offends me but maybe not in the same alway it does the black community. I’m with them in the fight.
What I don’t give a rip about is a poseur conservative who argues that the Redskins is fine, as you have done, that people who want the confederate flag removed are just a left wing mob, as you have done, put forth a ‘proud history’ argument for venerating men like Junipero Sera and not talking honestly about slavery building the United States into a power uncompensated, the slave owning founding fathers and dismissing the idea of reparations as ‘ridiculous’ suddenly whatabouting Robert Byrd.
You’re not a good faith actor with this complaint. If the call for Byrd rises up among people who’ve been fighting the battle for generations I’m there for them. People like who who reject the movement entirely but call for Robert Byrd coming down…don’t give a fuck. You aren’t saying it to heal you’re saying it to score a cheap and obviously weak point.
Your motive is not pure and you know it. Sleep tight.L, Sugar. If you’re right God is watching and knows you’re lying about this concern for Byrd.
No wonder he started shorting Trump today.
The first Rona Rally surge of Trump Clap infections is now landing in Tulsa.
Remember to stay the fuck away from Rapepublicans. They are all filthy, dirty, wretched, infectious cockroaches.
For up to the minute reports on the spread of the Trump Clap and avoiding the infectious cockroach hordes tune in to Radio Télévision Libre des Mille Collines daily.
@78 “They are all filthy, dirty, wretched, infectious cockroaches.”
Makes you wonder what other diseases they’re spreading, too.
Just curious. About how many times have Trolls4Trump linked and quoted OANN and Posobiec?
No reason.
Best shouted question at today’s White House press briefing:
“Kayleigh, if it’s safe to send people back to schools, is it safe to send Manafort back to prison?”
dot bombed,
You just don’t get it AND you NEVER will get it. The cancel culture SELECTIVELY chooses to whom it victimizes and attacks and to whom it allows to skate away. Just because you, full of baloney here each day, don’t care about Robert Byrd; you are not the cancel culture voice. Hence, you really don’t count! I am not part of the cancel culture. NEVER were and NEVER will be. This is why you will NEVER comprehend how we look at fools such as yourself and your cancel culture because being a libtard is really a mental disorder.
Puddy identifies the hypocrisy of libtards and you can’t deal with it so you claim Puddy has hypocrisy by your puny examples. There is no conflict with Puddy. Puddy been very consistent over the many years here. All Puddy has done was to show how your side is consistently wrong almost all the time! Here is another example to help your mental acuity! See if you figger it out!
Remember you are the one who told the WORLD Ghislane can’t be tried on a conspiracy charge because Congress willingly removed the SoL for child sex crimes. Puddy asked where and when did that happen in the US Code example Puddy furnished? You think you are the du jour expert when many times you are the du jour moron!
@82 the new “PC culture” meme, eh butthole? did kook karsen hook you on this tiresome meme?
Wait for it! the S O R O S funding plot to be exposed… in 5.. 4.. 3.. 2..
Guess we’ll all have to scroll over it until drumpf’s defeat in Nov.
“Scientists warned on Wednesday of a potential wave of coronavirus-related brain damage as new evidence suggested Covid-19 can lead to severe neurological complications, including inflammation, psychosis and delirium.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I don’t see how this can do anything to Republicans they haven’t already done to themselves.
Biden is what Trump isn’t: A decent man.
On May 11th Donald rolls out the ‘Transition to Greatness’ slogan calling on Governors to reopen State offices and businesses and let the economy get right back to normal. 78,000 American had died of Covid-19
Two days later at a press briefing Donald says, “We have met the moment.” And declares success in stopping the pandemic.
Two months later 135,000 people have died and deaths appear to be on an upswing.
Some people think voters won’t blame Donald but will find some other person who could have done more to be angry at.
That’s why there are all those videos of him fondling little children and other men’s wives! Yeah!
Wow, the cretinous yellowishleakingbuttspigot really got Puddy there…
FTFY again! No idioto cabron. The letter penned by 150 libtards did. It demonstrates the hypocrisy of the libtard mentality demonstrated here every day!
Tucker Carlson is correct again. Leftist dummocretin always accuse you of what you do BIG TIME!
Notice they, the supporters of snowflakeness, give no examples of censoriousness from we whom think right. We whom think right love the 1st Amendment. We whom think right love the 2nd Amendment. We even stand up for it when you libtards yell fire in a theater. Not when you take guns and kill people in theaters.
It’s the libtard dummocretin who perpetuate snowflakeness, safe spaces, reverse segregation, etc. and try to claim the right invented them. HAHAHAHAHA! Your radical wokeness is now bothering the lamestream dummocretin. Your kind attacked one of your heroes on assesHorse, Noam Chomsky, another Rules For Radicals guy. He’s been quoted many times on this blog! But now at 92 he’s old and used up because he has stood up to the cancel culture! And you wonder why we LOL y’all for the positions put forth from your hands on assesHorse. Search the crazed databaze! Oh wait, that’s only to attack right minded people! Puddy don’t need a mental crutch to remember all the Noam Chomsky threads!
Young girls across America wonder how the dummocretin support “girls” in men’s bodies, competing in women’s sports. When someone questions it y’all go nutzo and wanna cancel them. Free speech interferes with “safe zones” LA LALA LALA LALA your kind say!
So yellowishleakingbuttspigot, as you love to say “You SUCK!”
Posobiec is a straight anti-Semite.
OANN supports him in that.
And now I guess one of our Trolls4Trump supports that too.
Pretty fucking sad.
But Posobiec has now been outed as the alt-right media engage is a futile and dishonest effort to rehabilitate him through a massive shit storm of whaddaboutism.
Don’t know much about Posobiec except that he was the author of the Pizzagate conspiracy fable that ultimately fed into the Qanon conspiracy, and that he started out as a Shitlord during Gamergate posting LOL memes mocking rape and sexual mutilation. He seems to have attempted some kind of giant pivot toward respectability in order to land better paying regular employment. But as far as I can see all he’s managed to do is largely discredit all the klownsurvaturd dupes who believed it.
This too is one of the problems with Teh Orange Event Horizon. By seeking common cause with this radical, violent, racist alt-right element as Bannon and Lewandoski recommended, Trump has brought them into the Rapepublican fold. These fringe characters, many of whom began their online careers while still in their teens, are freighted with a ton of racist, sexist, authoritarian white supremacist baggage. It doesn’t do to simply “dabble” in “a little” Nazism. It’s like a very sticky smelly residue that can’t be washed off and spreads all over whatever it touches.
Now that it is part of the Rapepublican brand, Trolls4Trump will have no other choice but to defend it somehow.
In this case, apparently by arguing that there is something “unfair” about pointing it out when someone calls for the extermination of Jews.
Yeah. Probably not helping.
And now we are offered that antisemitism and genocide are nothing more than “opposing views”.
Keep going. This is going to work out just great.
It’s like Trolls4Trump believe there is no past, and no future.
Who can forget this classic from a couple of years ago?
Keep that one in mind as his defenders line up to tell you about what a devout Catholic and wonderful family man he is.
Speaking of long running lawsuits….
Ruling: President is NOT immune from state criminal GJ subpoena. But… a balancing test is prescribed.
So back to the lower courts for perhaps years (months!) of litigating the pleading with respect to this new test sprinkled with lots of discretion. And keep in mind that as GJ product there was never any clear path toward publication of Mazars’ records in the first place.
For people hoping SCOTUS would expose Trump Org financial impropriety to public scrutiny in time for the election, a battle that was never going to be won in the first place.
peopleauthoritarians hoping SCOTUS was going to grant the office sweeping immunity from state criminal investigation a clear loss.For people hoping to see some rebuilding of accountability and normal checks on power surrounding the office a small win.
Where is the comment for the anti- Semite claim dot bombed?
BLM Philadelphia does not care about the black or brown community. No police after five years. So where is all this money to help people coming from? You really think white libtards are gonna get off their fat wallets and dump funds to your causes? Where is the history of them doing that now?
Yes, the cancel culture really has it together now! Cancel the lives of law abiding black and brown people in their neighborhoods, then coming to whitey soon!
When a legislative body truly believes that enough is enough.
Olympia City Council amends rule against chemical munitions to combat property damage
If applied to the Seattle protests, the freeway closures would have become illegal when “Fuck the po-lice!” chants stopped and dancing the Cupid Shuffle commenced.
@ 85
Biden is what Trump isn’t:
A decent manSenile as fuck.ftfy
I’m beginning to see pieces alleging Jill Biden’s desire to become the reincarnation of Edith Wilson. Why else would she let her husband make such a fool of himself, goes the argument.
Where do you see the difference in the two rulings headed? One appears settled, the Grand jury in SDNY gets the records they’ve subpoenaed and Donald’s legal team is out of options there.
In the other, send back to lower court to reconsider separation of powers. They are not necessarily connected.
It’s two rulings so in one it appears an active criminal investigation is getting the records while the other punts on deciding if Congress has unlimited power of subpoenas.
From a layman’s standpoint it would seem that nothing is stopping SDNY now from examining the records, presenting to Grand Jury and issuing indictments if warranted.
The first ruling is inline with Jones v. Clinton that a sitting president does not receive blanket protection from crimes or investigations of matters prior to election to the office.
Your kind attacked one of your heroes on assesHorse, Noam Chomsky, another Rules For Radicals guy. He’s been quoted many times on this blog! But now at 92 he’s old and used up because he has stood up to the cancel culture!
Many years ago Chomsky signed a letter supporting a holocaust denier, not because Chomsky agreed with the freak but because Chomsky believed in the freak’s right to express its repellent views. This distinction didn’t stop pro-Israel trolls like you from attacking him.
Yours truly has no problem with Chomsky..
Snowflake troll.. triggered.. Thanks for playing fool… Now we’ll scroll over your silly “cancel culture” memes from now till drumpf is defeated in Nov and after…
By the way did you know Posobiec is an anti-semitic philanderer? The fiend promotes the white genocide theory which is anti-semitic to the core.
You know you’re voting for an ADMITTED serial sex assaulter, con man, and pathological narcissist and liar in November? Birds of a feather? Like attracts like?
You know the Epoch Times is a publication of the Falun Gong kult?
Yep.. Keep it up dumbass all the way to November. oh and
Are you sure BeerPong?
Notice how the yellowishleakingbuttspigot didn’t answer anything?
Tweets from Max Boot or Laura Ingraham aren’t ‘pieces’.
@ 99
Yawn. So is Jesse Jackson. He took 18% of the 1984 Democrat primary vote.
And he begat a son who is a POS. Philanderer, felon. Though not an anti-Semite, so much as we know so far.
Yawwwnnn. Oh look a “shy” trollfordrumpf @103 is trying to “cancel” Jesse Jackson..
Oh and POS? That’s rich considering the source.
The majority of American gun deaths are by suicide.
And 74% of those are WHITE MEN!
When will YOU turn your concern toward the plight of all the suffering white men?
Why don’t you care about their suffering?
When will the ALL LIVES MATTER movement fulfill it’s promise and cease this hypocrisy?
Yours truly fondly remembers the days when teh babblin’ butthole desperately tried to “cancel” the ACLU over defending repellent clients like the Nazis and NAMBLA.
And then much later babblin’ butthole said it on occasion “applauded” them..
pos rapey mcdimfuk almost had a stroke when mary kay wrote a check to ACLU.
Predictable and formulaic whaddaboutism defense by one Troll4Trump of another Troll4Trump “Jock-strapping” antisemitism.
Does not actually help him here.
@100 thanks for catching the error that doesn’t materially alter the question.
But Barr can’t fire a Manhattan DA.
So in Vance SCOTUS affirms that the state GJ can subpoena the Mazars tax records. But that doesn’t make them public. That just give the GJ access to them in considering a criminal indictment in state court. Something Vance may be eager to do before November. But even that may not make the records public right away.
This at least is helpful in that it provide the binding precedent that was needed on a couple of counts. 9-0 on the question of absolute immunity. Now all lower trial courts may waive off such Executive branch claims once and for all. Set along side Jones it restores the principle of federalism to the person of the President. So maybe next time, GOP works a little harder to avoid nominating a bloviating con artist.
And in the combined cases, a decision that will probably stretch out to when Trump leaves office. Again, an at least useful, if perhaps cumbersome precedent from a 7-2 vote, that the “demonstrably critical” standard argued by the Executive branch is idiotic bullshit. And a “legislative purpose” test is created to guide the lower courts.
Keep in mind that at this point nothing stops either DB or Mazars from simply complying with the subpoena.
And I’d offer low odds that Vance is ready to proceed with a criminal indictment before November.
One of the claims in Mary Trump’s book is that someone took the SAT for him. Math/Reading comp? Checks out.
“MSNBC weekend host Joy Reid is joining the channel’s weekday lineup, making her the first Black woman to anchor an evening cable news program.”
We hope our viewer likes the change!
“Libertarianism for me. Authoritarianism for thee.”
It is not for me to say what the BLM movement is about. Nor what this moment in society triggered by the sport-murder of George Floyd is all about either. But I suspect that a big part of it is personified in this morning rage-tweet from Trump.
For as far back as the beginnings of the modern civil rights movement in the post WWII neo-liberal prosperity, America has found itself on two entirely separate legal and social tracks defined by wealth, class, often gender, and always race.
Perhaps if you can imagine Breonna Taylor’s family pleading “prosecutorial misconduct” at the same time you imagine an erroneous no-knock felony drug warrant being served at gunpoint on any member of the Trump family then I suppose BLM would just seem to be all about statues.
But otherwise you are probably lying, at least to yourself.
The rest of us would be grateful to be treated about as well as any member of the Trump family when dealing with the authorities.
@111 I see Shep Smith is joining CNBC. I guess he found Fox too ethically challenged to continue working there, and its audience disinterested in truthful journalism.
@97 Have fun trying to make a case that Biden is “senile.” He’s vastly more rational than you are.
Almost as dumb as our Trolls4Trump:
Mr. Safety School
Esq.heading back inside.But about average for a modern Rapepublican.
Also demonstrates the axiom that lawyers almost never listen to their own lawyers.
I’ll admit, I’ve spent embarrassing sums on a few restaurant meals. And “Le Bilbo” is one of those places I’d probably consider if I knew anyone who could get me on the list.
But I don’t think I’d risk going to prison for it.
I hope the service and atmosphere was worth it. Because they are offering take out.
@116 How does he afford it on prison industries wages? Maybe the ladies are paying … ?
Once they realized who he was, they probably comped him on the condition that he take his meal and leave.
Sullivan just asked the DC Circuit to rehear the Flynn mandamus petition en banc. If I am not mistaken, he needs a majority of the active judges to vote to grant, which means he would need six of eleven if I’m counting correctly.
@118 Makes sense. Naturally they didn’t want U.S. Marshals making a scene in front of other patrons. Any sensible maitre d’ would prefer the arrest occur outside.
I honestly think the McGirt decision is the most interesting one today and perhaps this whole season. It’s the one I’ll try and catch up on over the weekend if I need help falling asleep. Sounds “radical” in a way I suspect it may not be. Undoubtedly very technical. Probably way beyond my pay grade.
@121 Well, of course, the “interesting” question is whether the McGirt ruling has ramifications for tribal authority beyond who can prosecute Native Americans for crimes committed within SCOTUS’ expanded map of Oklahoma’s “Indian country.”
The decision, in essence, enlarges the boundaries of what had previously been recognized by Oklahoma state authorities as “Indian country.” The reason for this is SCOTUS says the treaties mean what they say.
For readers unfamiliar with how criminal jurisdiction works in “Indian country,” this is federal land, and the federal government — not the state — prosecutes crimes committed there, except Congress in many cases has delegated jurisdiction over minor offenses by tribal members to tribal authorities.
There may be some relatively minor exceptions to this, created by treaties, federal statutes, and/or intergovernmental agreements. For example, a white person living on tribal land with sufficient ties to the tribe might be subject to tribal court jurisdiction for domestic abuse, depending on the tribe and reservation.
And while tribal police can’t write tribal court summonses to non-tribal drivers, if they’re cross-deputized by local sheriffs, as is often the case, they can enforce state traffic laws under state authority against white assholes who think they can drive however they like on the rez. So, just because a tribal cop pulls you over, don’t think he can’t cite you or arrest your sassy white, black, brown, or Asian ass, because chances are he’s also a county deputy sheriff.
Doctor Dumbfuck commented the other day about grieving about losing high school girlfriends. He doesn’t have one to grieve. The mare died years ago. Horses only live for 20 years or so.
Thanks for that.
I’m particularly interested in how negotiations between these tribal governments and the state may now be playing out if they agree to move forward toward a statutory resolution. Seems this would give the tribal governments the stronger hand in negotiating concessions from the state in exchange for waiving jurisdiction. As recently as last fall I believe the state was seeking to increase its take of tribal gaming proceeds.
@122 Tribes don’t have to negotiate shit with states. Historically, state governments have tended to be hostile to tribal interests, and the federal government has acted as the tribes’ protectors, although it didn’t feel very much like protection to the Native Americans when the federal government was trying to assimilate them by terminating their reservations, kidnapping their children and shipping them to boarding schools where they were whipped for speaking their own language, etc. Despite that sordid history, it’s useful to look at tribes as federal protectorates, for both legal and practical purposes, and for the most part they can tell state authorities to go fuck themselves on things like water rights (i.e., the Winters doctrine), fishing rights (the Boldt decision), and so on. They don’t have to negotiate any of that with the states; they simply ask federal courts to enforce their tribal rights. In some cases, tribes may find it convenient to negotiate cooperative agreements with state and local authorities and participate in joint projects like fish restoration efforts, etc., but that’s at the tribes’ discretion. If they don’t like what a state offers them, they can tell the state authorities to go suck eggs, and the federal courts will back them up. That’s exactly what we saw happen today in the McGirt case.
Just for fun.
On April 29th Jared Kushner publicly described Daddy Trump’s response to Covid-19, “A great success story.”
People brought up that success meant 60,000 dead people so far.
41 days later the number of Americans dead has more than doubled to 136,000
Qu’ils mangent de la brioche
This brings up the even more fascinating topic of what “sovereignty” is. It’s exerting control and having the means — usually an army — to make it stick.
The reason self-declared “sovereign citizens” aren’t sovereign states is because they’re outgunned by the cops. The reason Native American tribes aren’t truly sovereign states (they can’t, for example, enter into treaties with Russia or China to allow those countries to build military bases on their reservations) is the federal government can assert its authority over “Indian country” any time, and any way, it likes. What the tribes have is appearances and attributes of sovereignty given to them by Congress, but it’s less than actual sovereignty.
The Bundy ranch didn’t become a sovereignty entity just because the feds chose forbearance over blowing the shit out of their little makeshift militia.
China claims Tibet as its sovereign territory, and it is, because nobody is prepared to take it away from them. China also claims sovereignty over the South China Sea, but it isn’t, because the rest of the world isn’t willing to give it to them, although it may become Chinese sovereign territory someday (like Lake Michigan is) if we lose a war over navigation rights or some coward like Trump cedes it to them.
In the United States, the federal government is the sovereign and nobody else is, and certainly not county sheriffs as some alt-right nuts claim. They’d see how long that lasted if the U.S. military showed up to enforce a federal court order.
So, strictly speaking, sovereignty is what you can take and defend possession of, and autonomy is what you can give to people and entities under your sovereign control. Autonomy can be taken away by the sovereign (see, e.g., Hong Kong); sovereignty generally has to be displaced or destroyed by greater force (see, e.g., the Russian seizure of Crimea). In sum, sovereignty generally comes down to ability to exert control through threat or use of force.
The Chinese Communist Party wants to be the Big Dick in Asia. They want to annex Indochina, the Korean Peninsula and the Phillipines for starters. They will seize to oil producing regions of Indonesia after that.
It will be a while, but eventually the Chinese Communists will go after India and Pakistan as they cruise into overtaking the Persian Gulf’s oil producing areas.
Far, far out on the horizon will be their quest to conquer Russia for whatever minerals and commodities they can get. The Chinese Communist Party in not a very nice group of people.
@8 failed doctors, but at least they actually can use the term doctor than other failures around here
I was listening to Fox news while my other show was on commercial, and Laura Ingram and the gorka guy were breathlessly lying to the viewers that IF Democrats and Biden got elected they were going rid of the police so (black) thug mobs from the cities could come and steal, rape and kill (white) people. just lying.
@130 – I think it would be a good idea to demilitarize police departments. The (failed) War on Drugs has led police forces arming themselves like our military forces. Now a policeman walks around looking like an infantryman, armed to the teeth with all kinds of nasty weapons. Also, the,police themselves have started acting as if they were the conquering army in some remote country, suspicious of the locals and not really being policemen but an occupying force.
If all this defund-the-police business leads to simply demilitarizing the police, then something good will come from it.
Now that you wrote it down and can look at it, probably feels kinda weird, doesn’t it?
Give yourself some time to sit with it. You may even come around. A good way to make a start on that would be to decide not to vote for Trump again. Lots of other people in your situation have made the same decision for very similar reasons. They are good, solid reasons.
@128 And after they’ve done all that, they’re coming for your New York City condo.
@130 Unless the white thugs get there first.
@131 The bigger problem is when they kick in people’s doors, No knock, no uniform, no badge, no announcement that they’re police. When that happens, you’re entitled to defend yourself.
Just finished reading the McGirt decision. Here: https://supreme.justia.com/cases/federal/us/591/18-9526/
Doesn’t really go into much detail about the long sordid history of screwing over the Creek tribe, only alludes to it. What makes this case especially interesting is that both the state and the solicitor general (i.e., the Trump administration) opposed recognizing that most of eastern Oklahoma is still an Indian reservation, and Gorsuch methodically shot down each and every one of their arguments in a clearly written and well reasoned opinion.
I’m guessing that most of the arguments offered by the state were along the lines of “Because… tradition” and perhaps a smattering of “Oh… THAT treaty. Um, we broke it?”.
@137 Yep, and it’s fun reading as Gorsuch disassembles each and every one of the state’s arguments as if they were tissue paper. He’s not gentle with them. Makes you wonder if he’s got some red man blood, but I didn’t find any. He did grow up in Colorado. Maybe his law clerk?