There was once a young ginger named Chuck
Who could not tell journalism from muck
But a mysterious poop
Was a hilarious scoop
And a perfect metaphor for this schmuck
This guy has turned into the social media version of the Doughy Pantload.
Willy Vomitspews:
There once was a post that was first
Ruminations spewed forth in a burst
It stood out as lame
Demonstrating his shame
For people to see at his worst
I’m not cool enough to know who you are talking about. I might be cool enough to not care, however.
Willy Vomitspews:
There then was a post that was third
Lamenting the hush of his bird
To see that was wrought
And righteously fraught
With angst that belied his word.
puddybud THE One and Onlyspews:
There is a group from the left
Whom think their posts have some heft
But upon real inspection
And deep genuflection
You’re an ugly victim of time theft
This guy has turned into the social media version of the Doughy Pantload.
There once was a post that was first
Ruminations spewed forth in a burst
It stood out as lame
Demonstrating his shame
For people to see at his worst
I’m not cool enough to know who you are talking about. I might be cool enough to not care, however.
There then was a post that was third
Lamenting the hush of his bird
To see that was wrought
And righteously fraught
With angst that belied his word.
There is a group from the left
Whom think their posts have some heft
But upon real inspection
And deep genuflection
You’re an ugly victim of time theft