OK, it’s a legit story, I guess. And now I’m writing about it so it’s meta googlebait? Spokane may have an initiative for a ban on nude coffee. Or topless seems to be the problem.
The brewing debate about how much clothes must be worn by baristas could be decided by voters.
Spokane resident Beth Solscheid this month filed an initiative proposing to create a law making it a misdemeanor crime to expose at least half of a female breast, or any part of female areolas or nipples or any part of male or female genitals or anus at any place the general public has a right to be or see.
Those coffee places with topless women seem gross (I’m not going to judge anyone for taking a job, but it’s not for me as a customer). Still this seems rather prudish to force it. And making the criminal act on the individuals instead of the businesses seems problematic.
Also, I realize that a law like this almost by definition has to have a lot of specifics. But this seems to be a protect-me-from-me type of law. If you want to go to a coffee shop where everyone wears shirts in Spokane, I’m pretty sure you can.
Hey, does Spokane have any public pools? It’s all about one pieces for all you ladies from now on until we the people get all prudish again and go back to bathing knickers. Better not float on an inner tube down the river in anything less than a t-shirt ladies. You float through the downtown park and won’t you PLEASE think of the children.
All this is to say, really? This is the most pressing issue for Spokane?
Sasfety, people, worker safety. There’s live steam, hot surfaces, all kinds of potrudung stuff. A little coverage would go a long way towards preventing burns and cuts.
Sasfety, people, worker safety. There’s live steam, hot surfaces, all kinds of protruding stuff. A little coverage would go a long way towards preventing burns and cuts.
When are you stupid humans going to outgrow your childish prudery and realize that if the Great Mother Rabbit Spirit wanted you to cover up She would have given you fur? Not that humans are anything to look at, clothed or unclothed, but has it ever occurred to you that you’re the ONLY animal species that feels embarrassed to look at yourselves the way nature made you? Of course, if I were you, I’d be embarrassed too …
Two Norwegian legislators have nominated Eric Snowden for the Nobel Peace Prize.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I have a better idea. Why not repo Obama’s NPP and give it to Snowden?
@5, WTF???!!! Doesn’t blowing the shit out of innocent civilians qualify you for a NPP?
Instead of forcing a legitimate business to conform to regulations that will hurt their bottom line, how about subjecting the TEATHUGS to the standards imposed by Pensacola Christian College? (h/t Darryl) 150 demerits in a year and we kick them out of the country. Don’t ask me where, that is not my problem. But I would not object to giving them water wings and dumping them in the Great Pacific garbage patch.
“…at least half of a female breast, or any part of female areolas or nipples or any part of male or female genitals or anus at any place the general public has a right to be or see.”
anus?? I will buy your coffee, but (butt?) please: no anus!
Darrell Issa to investigate ‘scandal’ of government official threatening free press with violence
Here’s what Rep. Issa had to say after being informed that the government official was Republican Congressman Michael Grimm of New York.
Wellll, maybe Issa can investigate the female areola and nipple ‘scandal’ in Spokane.
Just how does one define half a breast?
@6 “Doesn’t blowing the shit out of innocent civilians qualify you for a NPP?”
Apparently it does, because Kissinger got one.
Enforcement will require a measuring tape and a calculator.
of course there could be a disagreement if that is 50% of the circumference or 50% of total surface area.
Hmmm…job creation, hiring folks to do those sorts of measurements.
@12 Will they use a red tape, a white tape, a blue tape, or a red-white-and-blue tape?