The Tacoma News Tribune now makes the fourth major paper to endorse Democratic Sen. Patty Murray over Republican challenger and foreclosure speculator Dino Rossi:
Murray has made a political career out of defying expectations. She’s grown into a formidable lawmaker who has proven she can both help lead the Democratic Party and work across the aisle when needed. To turn her out now, when she is at the height of her ability to fight for important state, regional and local projects, would be foolish.
Foolish indeed. Which is why none of these endorsements comes as much of a surprise.
your constant posting about rossi, in the words of one of your brethren is “fucking retarded”.
Dude, you’re not even from here.
Just goes to show you how wrong the toking bobble heads and the powers that be can be.
Michael @2,
manofpoop would prefer I cover politicians in Melrose, Massachusetts.
Klynical will soon be posting his garbage from Rasmussen so I’ll beat him to the punch!
Monday, October 11, 2010
Our country would be much better off w/o spineless Democrats like Murray who simply have given us watered down Republican policies on every major issue.
Given a choice between Republican and Republican-lite, people will always go for the real fascists.
I have no sympathy for the Democrats, as they soon enjoy continuous and permanent investigations, led by Michele Bachman .
They will learn that the other side has no problem when it comes to putting THEM on trial for nothing and throwing them in jail for trivial, made up excuses.
The Democrats wouldn’t even call the Republicans on torture!
I wonder if they read there own papera where the hammer Murray on a daily bases?
The Tacoma News Tribune is clear on their message to re-elect Murray. The Seattle Times message seems schizophrenic: re-elect Murray but promote Rossi.
Glenno must be Glenn Beck. The numbness in his hands is causing him to misspell words.
manofpoop would prefer I cover politicians in Melrose, Massachusetts.
now i know why i saw those mossad agents outside my window.
Is it really numbness? I thought that his palms were getting hairy and he wanted to get that fixed before he had O’Donnell on his show.
And yet it is these two papers, the ST and the TNT, that the Rossi ad promotes as calling out Murray. I wonder how long that commercial will last; given that even a Rossi voter might look to see what the paper said and discover the endorsements. Rossi might also consider dumping the anti-incumbent slant, as he too is a multi-decade politician (although he tries hard to get people to forget that).
@10: Actually, those guys were from Hamas. You really have no clue as to how deep the conspiracy is, do you?
@12 spyder on 10/11/2010 at 12:36 pm,
You implying Helmet-Hair-Hamlet can’t run a campaign?
excusereason Helmet-Hair-Hamlet’s attempt to unseat Senator Murray has sucked from its non-beginning is that Helmet-Hair-Hamlet never was interested in the responsibilities of being a US Senator representing Washington state.#6; okay many of the state Dems might fit your description but I have to say nothing about Murray fits that description.
Hell even Soro’s is sitting this one out
Soros: I Can’t Stop a Republican ‘Avalanche’
It’s Dooms day for the Libs…couldn’t happen to a more deserving bunch.
And the woopin is only weeks away…
Senior citizens brace for Social Security freeze
2nd year in a row 58 million seniors are being told no increases, whats been common over the last 2 years….
Why Yes, record spending, record deficits, and no money left for the poorest SSI recipients.
Announcement – Just before election time, what a shame, 58 million voters being told to suck it in while DC wants to suck it out.
As the song parity
“See you, in November, see you, when the tides will surely turn………..
And, you’ll keep whooping when the country goes into the shitter due to Republican incompetency, you unpatriotic bastard.
13.575 trillion today, 1.4 trillion deficit, no budget, who’s unpatriotic, I think November will show that the PEOPLE have had their say.
That’s Democracy. This is Tyranny
LD @19,
So when Republicans win elections, it’s “democracy.” But when Democrats win elections, it’s “tyranny.”
What a comforting world you live in.
@19 LD…you know in my universe LD = Lean Democrat.
LD doesn’t lean, he topples into the festering cauldron of rightwing lunacy.
Not very many in your universe this election, fortunately. You must be dependent on the Government and not the Private sector for your employment, healthcare and benefits.
I’m sorry about that, because they are about to be slashed by the very god like statues you adore.
Ask the social security age dependants how they will vote after two years of no raises, while Guvment all gets fat raises and bennies…
Hmmm. That red patch includes Germany doesn’t it?
Just really really like to see a budget this year, like normal households have to make, that reflects INCOME vs OUTGO. Kind of what I would expect from a Congress and Senate that are being paid to produce such things.
But I guess thats not important, even though leading economists and the majority of Americans believe Spending is absolutely out of control and on an unsustainable path.
Ask the social security age dependants how they will vote after two years of no raises, while Guvment all gets fat raises and bennies…
ld, sadly, i think you’re wrong. my mother in law is 81, and most of her life i did not think she was a stupid person. i think age and brainwashing by the msm have made our seniors idiots. as a life long demorcat, she voted for obama. i said to her, how do you feel now that your medicare will be cut and given to immigrants who never paid a dime into the system. should looked at me with the dumbest look i have ever seen and said, i know, but those poor people need to get something. all cause she believes the disgusting msm.
I don’t think she or you are stupid people, and I have not said that.
What we need in this country is JOBS, JOBS, JOBS.
That is something I suspect we both can agree on.
Otherwise none of what you or your mother or I for that matter believe in can be sustained.
There is not a solution on the table by this administration on how we get there, and time is a tickin.
It’s not government jobs, they are all diminishing, its how to promote private business growth and expansion.
I1098 for example, and Obamacare, for another, directly attack business interests and their bottom lines in this state and country. Both will attribute to higher unemployment because of their demand for higher taxes on businesses.
Their goals may be nobel, but their outcomes only lead to more unemployment and a bigger bigger government.
Both put businesses holding the bag and hence NO HIRING. Businesses are afraid and are borrowing at record lows and buying back their stock instead of hiring, because they know their taxes will be raised.
Many Many people in America have quit spending, even if they are employed, because they fear the grim fact that unemployment and Jobs are their new reality. Beans and Franks will be served at your local BBQ.
These are the things being promoted.
My mother was also not a stupid person, but she died of cancer when I was 6. I will soon get Canadian citizenship by decent, as a result of her heritage and will then be a dual US / Canadian citizen.
I can’t bring her back, but as you I can honor her existance.
And we both do, but in a separate way.
27 – What irony – a troll who doesn’t have to worry about paying his deceased mother’s medical bills.
What color is Canada painted in the map I linked to in 24!
Canada has minimal Debt, compared to this god forsaken country, probably something you folks should consider, because considering all the unfunded obligations and the Debt Obamaman and the libs are running up, You now as a citizen owe over 1 million per citizen to cover.
Its 50, 50 right now in the senate, and the house and governors are now R all the way.
Obamanomics is done.
And New Hope is on the way
27 – What irony – a troll who doesn’t have to worry about paying his deceased mother’s medical bills.
ylb, i never doubted that you didnt have any class
My Mother died when I was 6, in 1958, I was born in 1952, i’m so so damn sorry that at that tender young age I was not jumping up and demanding that Goverment take care of her medical bills.
So Damn Sorry YLB
Canada has minimal Debt,
And socialized health insurance unlike this godforsaken country.
You don’t have to worry about settling your mom’s medical debt do you? BECAUSE SHE PROBABLY INCURRED NEXT TO NOTHING!
And NO Canada’s debt IS NOT MINIMAL! IT IS HIGHER in relation to GDP than the USA you brainwashed dipshit!
And you’re what everyone thinks of when it comes to class.
“I1098 for example, and Obamacare, for another, directly attack business interests and their bottom lines in this state and country. Both will attribute to higher unemployment because of their demand for higher taxes on businesses.”
Pure ignorance.
i-1098 would levy a tax on personal income. Personal income is, by definition, NOT reinvested in business.
(Demand for goods by the wealthy argument countdown in 5-4-3)
Do wealthy people REALLY consume more that the middle class or do they tend to similar amounts of higher end goods? Are there more jobs created selling $5 meals to a half million people or $100 meals to a thousand?
YLB, I hope your mother and you somehow survive what you are all hoping hoping hoping for occurs.
You are ignorant to the demise of America as we have known it.
So buy some gold or buy some Silver, because when this idiot Obama and his tribe of spenders get through with their ponzi scheme, it all will come tumbling down, and I hope you will have an ounce to spend. I will
43 other states have an income tax including some in the South that bastion of the rump regional Republican party.
Wow what a job killer is that income tax.
what you are all hoping hoping hoping for occurs.
NO it’s what you’re hoping for. At least if the Republicans get back in charge and try to do Bush over you have the option to go to Canada where you don’t have to worry as much about medical bills, the national debt is higher in relation to its GDP (like Germany) and it’s economy is weathering the economic storms much better – like that “socialist” Germany.
What an IDIOT!
You are ignorant to the demise of America as we have known it.
he might be, but not everyone is. for example, the ceo of aig, robert ben-moshe has a 12 million dollar villa in cracia. so, when this country crashes, he’ll just live over there, and, the best part for him, he wont be subject to laws of the type that elliot spitzer got caught in, so its no holds barred. (of course, ellior is now employed by cnn. he’s replacing rick sanchez, so apparently name calling is worse than engaging in prostitution).
Croatia is joining the EU, not exactly a great place for Benmosche to hide in.
Seriously, where the hell did you learn how to spell?
i just type, i dont spell check
and how many of those states have 10% sales tax, high property tax rates, and just about every tax known to man?
stupid shit ylb….stay in your basement.
YLB doesnt care about passing down crushing debt to his children or grand children because he doesnt give a shit about them and he never has.
yet another example of piss poor parenting from YLB.
you should have hooked up with gman and kept your fucked up dna out of the gene pool you lazy useless fucktard.