Apparently, the Seattle Times has endorsed Dino Rossi. I haven’t read it yet, but I’m guessing I don’t have to: “Budget deficit, blah, blah, blah… no taxes, blah, blah, blah… fuck Labor, blah, blah, blah… eat the children, blah, blah, blah…”
You know, typical Times ed board stuff.
Times endorses someone that you don’t agree with.
For a liberal that means meanness.
At least goldy isn’t spending anytime writing these words of wisdom.
Goldy, it’s like you have a Vulcan mind meld with Times editors, down to the part where the Times says state employees should pay more for their medical care.
The only thing that could have made that editorial more predictable is having them slip in “oh, and we want the death tax repealed, too”.
Ah yes. The same foul mouthed Goldstein we all know. Bitter, clinging to his hatred to keep him warm in the winter. It’s going to be a long, cold winter Goldstein.
Fuck yeah Goldy
It ain’t meanness – it is the corruption of Rossi that I disagree with. That, and his crap about balancing budgets – he wasn’t the governor. His fiscal plans have been so incompetent that most of his own party laughed at them. He will make Bush look like a competent administrator. Why reward incompetence and corruption? He is not getting my vote.
‘Times endorses meanness’
Once again, lil’ Goldy is jealous of people with real jobs that actually make money and speak real truth. Shocker.
Try being a Hair-Club For Men client (and it’s President) Goldy: You are certainly qualified or that.
Maybe Ditzy-I mean Darcy can be your secretary. But maybe not-she can’t type or stand you chasing her with your lil’ pud in your hand.
The Times has made the correct choice. Rossi clearly appeals to both conservatives and liberals. Dino will do a great job getting state spending under control.
Actually, the Rossi endorsement is a sign from the Times editorial board that they are in grave fear that Ryan Blethen and his generation of the family cannot keep the paper alive without the protection of the multi-millionaire’s protection tax, also known as our estate tax. For those of us who watch the paper and still read it, they are almost certainly right. This generation is pathetic.
So as to Rossi, and his pathetic concepts, items like a 520 bridge to nowhere that strips the general fund of desperately needed money to build 2/3’s a bridge does not seem to matter to them, even though they think its the gravest problem facing our region and state.
Oh, and he would balance out the shortfall without any specifics or any pain.
I have a bridge to sell you Rossi supporters. Let me know.
The Times has endorsed the people who created the economic meltdown for years. Why would I vote for anyone the Times endorsed?
Good post Goldy. As we all know, the Seattle Times will be endorsing anyone and anything that supports removal of the inheritance tax, and anyone and anything that keeps money in the pockets of the haves, and money out of the pockets of the have-nots.
Rossi in ’08 ain’t gonna happen.
There’s no news in the Times endorsement, just faulty logic.
Rossi is campaigning to grow the big gap in the next state budget with all the promises he’s making: voting for Eyman’s 985 and using sales taxes to pay for big road projects instead of schools. There’s no accounting from Rossi.
The Times should demand the same discipline from Rossi that it is using against Gregoire now. Rossi’s promises would require a tax increase. Just like the last Republican governor in this state – who increased taxes by putting a sales tax on food during hard times.
But then the Times wouldn’t have a good reason to hide the fact that the paper endorsed Rossi because Gregoire supports the estate tax.
Oh. And repeal of the estate tax would add how much to the projected budget shortfall Mr. Blethen?
The Times endorsement of Rossi does not add up.
The hard-to-process part is, they endorsed Obama several days ago in a very eloquent editorial. Somehow, all the thoughtfulness and wisdom that went into that piece got chucked out the window, and a completely different value set went into effect to arrive at the Rossi endorsement.
I know, I know, foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of small minds…but in this case, methinks a little consistency would not have been so foolish.