Perennial candidate and HA regular Richard Pope received a much needed boost to his campaign for King County District Court, when the Seattle Times today endorsed his opponent, judge pro-tem Frank LaSalata.
Pope’s colleagues at the King County Bar Association rate him as “not qualified,” their lowest category, citing him for a history of unprofessional conduct. The Times suggests a vote for his opponent, judge pro-tem Frank LaSalata, whom the association pegs as “well qualified.”
So congratulations Richard, on the Times editorializing against you. It puts you in great company.
It’s interesting that chickenshit’s who would never, ever have the courage to run for Public Office themselves are the first ones to pound on someone who does.
Frankly, I think it is a combination of envy & lust.
Deep down inside, they all wish they had Richard’s guts.
re 2: I voted for Richard Pope. He may be a nut but he is also fairly honest, amenable to reason, and he’s not in anyone’s back pocket. We’re not the ideologues you portray us as. You’re the ideological hack!
Did Richard Pope speak out against I-920?
Jaybo, WOS, Puddybud:
For instance, there is a practice in some Jewish cultures called “metzitzah b’peh,” in which the mohel (Jewish ritual circumciser) “places his mouth on the freshly circumcised penis to draw blood away from the cut.” Does this practice, or even the discussion of it, make you a bit uncomfortable? A bit grossed out, or more than a bit? Perhaps it does, and perhaps it should. But things like “metzitzah b’peh” – as well as the act portrayed by Jim Webb in “Lost Soldiers” – are what actually happens in this wonderful world of ours. According to the George Allens of the world, however, we should never speak about such practices, never write about them, never report on them, and DEFINITELY never put them in works of fiction, that dreaded and dreadful thing created (no doubt) by – gasp! – liberals.
George “Macaca” Allen and his gang of swiftboaters are scumbags and you guys are proud to be on their team. Run along now and comfort yourselves with some Drudge or FR.
And you wonder why I pulled my $10,000 a year advertising contract with the Times.
I hope it hurts!
Remember, the Republicans time in this world is almost over. Long live the people, freedom, and the constitution.
And while we are busy locking up Republicans by the drove, we will be able to take care of Al Queda too!
Did everyone see the article in the paper where they completely pulled DIckie’s covers?
This freak should be in jail, not on the bench. He lunged at a woman, admitted his mental health was an issue and has generally screwed up everything he’s ever tried to do in his life.
Sounds like typical republican inbreeding problems to me.
But he would be fun and interesting and how much damage could R.Pope really do? If his stuffed-shirt colleagues dun him, then I say he can’t be all bad!
Did Frank Blethen have an epiphany after the Reichert endorsement, and decide to start endorsing qualified people — or is Pope in favor of the estate tax?
You ever look at the Yellow Pages listing for lawyers? It’s huge! There’s more pages than carpet cleaners and escort services COMBINED! Let’s vote R.Pope into an honest occupation and one for which Republicans are uniquely qualified: Judging others!
What’s admirable about being an Insatiable Glutton For Self Punishment?
Reading novels is a voluntary activity.
And while we are busy locking up Republicans by the drove, we will be able to take care of Al Queda too!
Commentby Facts Support My Positions— 10/28/06@ 10:23 am
Is there a difference?
how much damage could R.Pope really do?
Commentby headless lucy— 10/28/06@ 10:48 am
A LOT!!! The average citizen is far more likely to have contact with a district court judge than a superior or appellate court judge — by a multiple of more than 10. Over 2 million cases are handled in district courts in Washington state every year. If the judge fucks up, or is arbitrary, or doesn’t know what he’s doing …
Drunk drivers may be set free to maim or kill innocent people;
Teenage girls may be locked up for over a year for non-driving underage drinking offenses;
Witnesses may be fined or jailed for contempt simply for trying to tell their story;
Small claims court may turn into a lottery of chance;
I admit that I’m not real comfortable with Richard’s opponent, Frank LaSalata, who not only demonstrated an inability to manage his personal finances but THREATENED TO JAIL SMALL CLAIMS COURT LITIGANTS WHO HADN’T DONE ANYTHING. I mean, geez, I wouldn’t want to sue for a $250 damage deposit in THAT guy’s court!!! Might be better to let the landlord steal your money — it’s not worth being rendered to Syria and waterboarded for 250 lousy bucks, know what I mean?!! No matter how this judicial election turns out, the citizens will be the losers. Better watch your speedometer when driving in North Bend from now on.
Hey Richard — I voted for your OPPONENT! In every election you ever ran in, including this one!! I only mention it to rub your face in it.
Ya gotta give Richard credit for being a world-class glutton for self-inflicted punishment, though.
I sure hope LaSalata doesn’t execute people for speeding. I voted for him, which makes me responsible, ya know? Just impound their vehicles and let it go at that.
1. And while we are busy locking up Republicans by the drove, we will be able to take care of Al Qaeda too!
Comment by Facts Support My Positions— 10/28/06@ 10:23 am
Mr. Facts how will you be able to take care of the Al Qaeda while you finishing your French Revolution. Will you use a guillotine, gallows, or a firing squad to punish those who offended you or challenge your facts?
Will the rest of us have to go to interrogation camps to be reprogram to be Socialist Democrats? Will the killing fields be like those in Cambodia in the 1970’s? Mr. Facts will you all lead us down a dead end road so the Al Qaeda wins this war on Terror? Come on give us all the FACTS.
19 Klake the flake:
Personally, I would be interested in seeing the guillotine used. Would give a nice visual to “Repulican heads will roll”, don’t you think?
And using WingFuck Logic (Dr. JCH, ESQ., anyway) if we off a few WingFuck heads, the others will understand the consequence of lying, cheating and breaking every law they can. Perhaps that is the only way to make “honest” men of the WingNuts.
JCH, what do you think. Instead of blowing up Iran, Iraq, Syria et al….. when things don’t go right at home we just execute a few Republicans to get your attention. Because, after all, waterboarding and torture are for pussies. Right?
Funny how that works.
22 Dammit. Republican heads will roll…… Sorry.
I want to remind everyone that TOBY NIXON has been endorsed by Lori Sotello and Stefan Sharkansky (sic).* You want want to keep that in mind when voting.
* Sharansky, like most wingnuts, can’t even spell his own fucking name!
My Left Foot you might check out the link below and visit the twilight Zone.
And using WingFuck Logic (Dr. JCH, ESQ., anyway) if we off a few WingFuck heads, the others will understand the consequence of lying, cheating and breaking every law they can. Perhaps that is the only way to make “honest” men of the WingNuts
Funny how that works.
Commentby My Left Foot— 10/28/06@ 11:26 am
Note: The fact Norm Soft-On-Crime Maleng refused to prosecute his fellow Republican, Lori Sotello, doesn’t mean Sotello is innocent! It means Maleng is a partisan hack. Too bad he doesn’t have an opponent and voters have to re-anoint him — we can look forward to 4 more years of rampant civil rights crime in our community.
Before I forget … klake is a nazi.
I’ll bet Redneck would lick your pussy if you gave him $5.
Redneck is a rhinestone cowboy. He also claims cutting taxes always increases revenues. Let’s check:
2000 – $1,372,376,000,000 (baseline year)
2001 – $1,297,063,000,000
2002 – $1,152,413,000,000
2003 – $1,069,364,000,000
2004 – $1,146,664,000,000
2005 – $1,279,114,000,000 (estimate)
(data from official sources)
Just as I thought! Redneck is a lying welsher. He’s also an idiot, and a male whore too.
Man I love the creative name-calling on this board!
Commentby klake— 10/28/06@ 11:46 am
It is a sign of just how out of touch some people really are that they think a link to Vernon Robinson improves their position.
Check the link below and see what an Arab-American psychiatrist Wafa Sultan has to say that conflicts with your fans below.
Michael Moore’s “Fahrenheit 9/11” and George Clooney’s “Syriana” (which sympathetically depicts a suicide bomber who blows up an American oil facility) are currently being used as recruiting tools by terrorists. Hezbollah helps to distribute Moore’s film in the Middle East.
Other recently released or forthcoming films from the left include:
• “The Road to Guantanamo” – a ‘docudrama’ about three Muslim men captured on an Al Qaeda battlefield in Afghanistan who say they were innocent and were tortured by U.S. soldiers at Guantanamo; the film recreates alleged scenes of torture by U.S. troops.
• “The Situation” in which American soldiers murder an Iraqi boy and trigger a cycle of violence.
• “Stop Loss” starring Ryan Philippe – about a soldier who refuses to serve in Iraq.
• “Charlie Wilson’s War,” starring Tom Hanks and Julia Roberts, written by the “The West Wing’s” Aaron Sorkin, which alleges that the CIA helped ‘create’ the Taliban and Al Qaeda by funding the Afghan mujahedeen in the 1980s – an allegation that has been repeatedly proven false.;search=
Klake the flake @ 25:
OK. You proved your point. Robinson’s head rolls first. Then yours. The man is dangerous and so are you. What posessed you to use this as an argument “against” my stand on the guillotine for Republican WingFucks? This proved my point. He is a black man attempting to use hate and fear to get elected. Somehow the irony of that is making me ill.
34 Klake, you must really be off your meds today. So tell me, who was it who was such a pain in the Russians’ arse in the 80’s–Sly Stallone and Richard Crenna?
27…Roger, that’s a hell of an insult to Nazis.
For those of you who don’t know how to vote, I present:
MTR’s ballot guide:
Initiative 920: Repeal of death tax
Rationale: I vote for all tax cuts and against all tax increases.
Initiative 933: Stop government theft
Rationale: Stop fucking private property owners.
Initiative 937: More windmills
Rationale: The global warming stuff is bullshit of course. But I’m voting yes because the use of natural gas for electricity has driven up the price to the point where the fertilizer plants in the midwest that use natural gas for feedstock have shut down. We now rely on foreign countries to sell us fertilizer. Our food supply is now dependent on whether foreign countries like us or not, and I think that’s a bad idea.
GE has developed wind turbine technology that can produce power for about 7.5 cents per KWH compared to current rates of about 6 cents per KWH. So it’s in the ballpark.
HJR 4223: Increase tax exemption
Rationale: I vote for all tax cuts and against all tax increases.
King County Prop 1: Who the fuck knows what this is about?
Rationale: Ron Sims can’t be trusted.
King County Prop 2: More empty buses.
Rationale: We already have enough empty buses.
Does anybody know what King County Prop 1 is about? I have no fucking idea, but since Ron Sims has a proven track record of greed and lying, I say no unless somebody can explain it to me.
And on 937, I’m guessing you moonbats agree with me. For the wrong fucking reasons… but I guess how you get there is OK as long as you get the right answer.
Hey Rabbit – You’re full of shit as usual:
Federal revenues
2000 – 2,020,000,000,000
2001 – 1,990,000,000,000
2002 – 1,850,000,000,000
2003 – 1,790,000,000,000 – Jobs Act
2004 – 1,875,000,000,000
2005 – 2,160,000,000,000 – Highest level ever.
I see burner picked up liarfuckingcantwell’s thing about min wage at 2.13. With my usual deft and ease, I trashed that allegation long ago.
But my question now is: Why do democrats have to tell fucking lies when they run? Why can’t they be honest? Because they are morally and intellectually bankrupt? What other possible reason could there be?
I can’t wait for the hearings into why liarfuckingcantwell gave taxpayer money to her fuck buddy. This oughta be good…
25 RR
Are those in constant dollars?
Mark the Redneck KENNEDY maybe you can explain why we can trust these candidates to protect the full range of reproductive rights for Washington women. How they can prevent unintended pregnancies, bearing healthy children, and doing that by choosing legal abortion to complete that task? The folks supporting that concept are Maria Cantwell, Rodney Tom, Deb Eddy, Ross Hunter and Susan Owens and they are all voting Pro-Choice. Not many years down the road this nation may not need abortion to solve the many bad choices in life the gene pool will have been flush along with those who support the Act. The biggest joke is that lady who does not believe in legislate from the bench and will represent all those women from that same position. Did the lady not know that there are men in this State also; ooooh! I forgot most stay at home hiding behind mom’s skirt. What anti-choice legislation has been introduced every year in this state by the Republicans? How observed can you be this State has been run by Socialist Democrats for years. You can spit without their blessings. Let’s not forget the Socialist is now claiming all medically accurate scientifically proven sex education has been rejected. What? How can you scientifically proven sex education and who reject they medical accurate facts?
McGavick flip-flopped on privatizing SS. Reagan failed, in the 80’s,to continue the tax breaks for the fledgling solar industry. All those years of development pissed away by an old man who ran around outside in his underwrar if you didn’t keep an eye on him.
35 MTR
We had a $400 billion dollar a year surplus when Bush took office. We now are suffering under a staggering deficit. Comptroller General of the United States David M. Walker says that our ship of state is on a disastrous course, and will founder on the reefs of economic disaster if nothing is done to correct it.
Krep voting for those tax cuts, but don’t expect that the solutions for this problem wil include them.
41 klake
Former head of Bush’s Council of Economic Advisors Greg Mankiw, arguing for a $1/gallon gas tax. Even the odd Republican comes around:
The Republican Party doesn’t care about balancing the budget at all, AND has a large fundamentalist wing implacably opposed to all tax increases that might stabilize our fiscal situation and avoid running big risks of future disasters (think MTR).
Another reason to elect Democrats: The only party that can think clearly about how to stabilize the US financially.
Richard Pope’s staff have left three messages on my phone even though I am on the Do Not Call list. When I am otherwise neutral about a candidate, this lack of respect is a sure way to inflame me against him/her.
David Ross’s staff committed this faux pas in 2004, when I was new to Bellevue and knew little about Ross or Reichert. I subsequently voted for Reichert.
Reichert has since done much worse by leaving me a phone message where he talks proudly about what the 2005 highway bill brings to King County. Alas, Reichert’s message made no mention of funding for bicyclists, pedestrians, Metro, Sound Transit, or Amtrak, even though I had written him to support Amtrak. This year I am voting for his opposition, Darcy Burner.
45 Alas, Reichert’s message made no mention of funding for bicyclists, pedestrians, Metro, Sound Transit, or Amtrak, even though I had written him to support Amtrak.
Why would you expect someone who voted against energy independence amendments to support funding for bicyclists, pedestrians, Metro Transit, Sound Transit, or Amtrak?
What IDEAS does miss marcy have for energy independance?
Oh I know, we pull our troops, raise the SS tax, and live happily ever after.
We might wanna look at alternatives to energy, but hey we don’t wanna DRILL HERE. Lets drill somewhere else.
you have to wait 60-90 days before the Do not call list it takes affect.
47 You of course READ who sponsored the amendment, right? A Mr. Sherwood Boehlert? No, of course not… you didn’t even read the correct spelling of “independence” because you’ve had no exposure to the Declaration of Independence, or Independence Day, or even Independence, MO.
“Our part of the bill deals, of course, with research and development programs. That includes programs that fund the long-term, fundamental research done at the nation’s National Laboratories and universities, like those in upstate New York. It also includes more applied programs that try to develop new technologies for energy efficiency and renewable energy, as well as new technologies to improve our ability to tap fossil fuels and nuclear energy.
“The Science Committee’s provisions deal directly with the issues you’ve discussed today. Our bill would pump more money into research on solar energy, wind energy, biomass and fuel cells, for example.
“But we go further than that, we want to get what’s discovered out into the marketplace. So we also authorize the establishment of a new grant program under which the States would distribute funds to help private entities install solar energy. We authorize the creation of a new test facility to try out wind turbines. We authorize grants to help defray the costs of building biorefineries to test and demonstrate new technologies. And we fund demonstrations of fuel cells in public transit.
“But I think it’s vital that we keep up our efforts to pass a bill. The nation desperately needs an energy policy. Why? Well, there are a lot of reasons; this morning, you’ve focused on the environmental, and perhaps some of the economic reasons why a more enlightened energy policy would advance our national interests.
“But there’s a reason we need an energy policy that trumps all other concerns – and that’s national security. Our dependence on foreign oil is, quite simply, the greatest underlying threat to our national security.
“For starters, it puts the routines of our daily lives at the mercy of unstable foreign regimes. Political upheaval or hostility toward the U.S. in the Middle East, or Africa or Venezuela could utterly disrupt our personal lives.
“But it’s worse than that. Our dependence on foreign oil actually helps terrorists in at least two ways. First, it gives them more targets to attack. Want to cripple the U.S.? You don’t have to fly planes into New York City skyscrapers, you could just take the presumably easier step of blowing up some Middle Eastern oil fields.
“Second, our oil payments also help fund the terrorists as some oil money flows to terrorist groups. As Frank Gaffney, a Reagan Pentagon official has said of the terrorists, “We are paying them to kill us.”
“And our oil dependence also weakens our economy by bloating the trade deficit and by taking dollars that could be spent at domestic enterprises and sending them overseas.
“It’s scary, especially when you realize that we import far more of our oil now than we did during the energy crises of the 1970s. And we’re not going to be able to drill our way out of the problem.”
Sherwood L. Boehlert is the Chair of the Science Committee. He’s a Republican, and Free-thinking Reichert voted against energy independence amendments. Weldon (R) on the committee voted for it. So did (R) Reps Gutknecht, Bartlett, Inglis and Biggert. They’re committee members too.
Gee, it’d be nice to have more House Reps interested in reducing dependence of oil from Saudi Arabia. Okay, let me rephrase that: people who don’t want terrorism but want national security are interested in having more House Reps voting for energy independence bills, amendments and plans.
Cherry Coke
So are you Miss Darcy Marcy???? Is that your idea? Cut and Paste???
what is Darcy’s position, we already obviously know what Reicharts are….
PS I am so glad you are the spelling police!!!
27…Roger, that’s a hell of an insult to Nazis.
Commentby ArtFart— 10/28/06@ 1:24 pm
Fuck ’em!!! If any Nazi has a problem with it — 9 PM at my burrow … and bring a gun.
Does anybody know what King County Prop 1 is about? I have no fucking idea, but since Ron Sims has a proven track record of greed and lying, I say no unless somebody can explain it to me.
Commentby Mark The Redneck KENNEDY— 10/28/06@ 2:35 pm
Try reading a fucking voter’s pamphlet!!! If you’re illiterate and can’t read, like klake, then go to a library and ask the reference librarian to read it to you — tell her you’re blind. Take a white cane with you and tap with it at regular intervals, and knock something over with it now and then. And don’t forget to wear shades.;eid=1215
You’re the one who’s full of shit, Redneck. You said tax cuts (and-I-quote) “always” (end-quote) increase revenues. By your own numbers, revenue was LOWER than 2000 (base year) in 2001, 2002, 2003, and 2004 — and that’s before breaking out Social Security taxes, which weren’t cut. When you subtract those, revenues were lower in 2005, too! To wit:
2000 – $1,372,376,000,000 (baseline year)
2001 – $1,297,063,000,000
2002 – $1,152,413,000,000
2003 – $1,069,364,000,000
2004 – $1,146,664,000,000
2005 – $1,279,114,000,000 (estimate)
(data from official sources)
P.S., pay your gambling debt, you fucking lying freeloading welsher!!!
Reality check:
Washington’s minimum wage is $7.63 (slated to adjust to $7.93 on Jan. 1). If employers are allowed to offset hourly pay with up to $5.50 an hour of tips, the employer is only paying the worker …
7.63 – 5.50 = 2.13
Redneck, explain to me again how the employer isn’t paying only $2.13 an hour when customers are picking up the rest of the worker’s minimum wages? And while you’re at it, maybe you also can explain how a worker making $7.63 an hour plus $5.50 an hour in tips doesn’t take a pay cut when the employer swipes the tip jar?
Fucking cheap labor conservatives.
No, current dollars.
(For you illiterate wingfucks, “constant dollars” means adjusted for inflation, and “current dollars” means actual receipts.)
39 (continued)
Which means, of course, that measured in “buying power” or “actual value” or “constant dollars” or whatever you want to call it, the post-2000 tax receipts are even LESS than these figures.
39 (continued)
Of course, Redneck the Lying Welsher also isn’t taking into account the INFLATION TAX we all pay because of Bush’s deficit spending. There’s no free lunch! The only way to cut taxes, in real terms (i.e., so that people are actually better off), is to cut spending an equivalent or greater amount. But Bush has INCREASED federal spending 3 times as fast as Clinton did!!! So much for the GOP’s reputation as a “fiscally responsible” political party. (raucous bunny laughter in background)
So, what we get with Bush’s tax cuts for the rich and runaway spending is more spendable wealth for the very rich and a lower standard of living for everyone else. My $300 tax rebate disappeared long ago at the grocery store and gas pump.
Everyone — go ahead and read all the economic arguments being posted here by the trolls … then vote your pocketbook. I can hardly wait! Only two weeks left until the trials begin.
No, McGavick is misleading voters about his position on Social Security. He says he’s against “privatizing Social Security.” Technically that’s true, because the government would still run the Social Security Administration. Mike?! only wants to privatize Social Security’s money. By handing your retirement benefits over to the tender mercies of Wall Street sharks!
“Mike?! He’s the problem, not the solution”
I hate to break it to ya, but political campaigns are exempt from the Do Not Call law. (You didn’t really think the politicians in Congress would make it illegal for their RE-ELECTION CAMPAIGNS to call you, did you?)
Oil facts:
1) The world consumes 22 billion bbl of oil a year
2) The U.S. consumes 7 billion+ bbl of oil a year
3) ANWR holds 6 – 10 billion bbl of oil
4) It would take at least 10 years for ANWR production to reach the market
5) The U.S. imports over 60% of its oil
6) ANWR would supply less than 5% of U.S. consumption during the life of the field
7) ANWR oil would supply the world or only 3 months or the US for slightly over 1 year
8) Drilling ANWR will not make the U.S. energy-independent
9) In fact, by the time ANWR oil reaches the market, it would only replace declining production from Prudhoe Bay, adding nothing to net domestic supplies
10) At current consumption rates, the world’s known oil reserves will be exhausted in less than 30 years
11) Drilling ANWR will do nothing to solve mankind’s long-term energy needs
12) The solution to our energy problems is to develop the energy technologies that will replace oil, not continue our dependence on finding, drilling, and consuming oil
Any questions?
Maybe the death tax isn’t such a bad thing after all … And I never was a supporter of animal cruelty ever …
“Oh I know, we pull our troops, raise the SS tax, and live happily ever after.”
Won’t fix everything, but it’s a start.
58 The problem with the “economic arguments” from the trolls is that they aren’t quoting any economists. No Nouriel Roubini, no Laurence Kotlikoff, Stuart Varney — there’s easy pickings for them, from a Fox Nes Website no less, Joseph Stiglitz or Paul Krugman.
It’s been said that if you ask a question of ten economists in a room you get fifteen opinions. Is it so hard for them to come up with economists who can support their claims?
Only a handful of them are cognitively strong enough to find URLs from balanced sources that support their arguments, but those aren’t economic arguments they’re trying to make.
One’d almost think that they just parrot stuff from ignorant legislators or from yappy talking heads. As if reading and understanding economics were somehow bad.
from the website of Richard Pope, former dem candidate against Norm Malaeng (R):
· Frank LaSalata has not enforced our drunk driving laws. He did not admit alcohol breath tests into evidence. He lists his decisions as a substitute judge to reject alcohol breath tests as the most important accomplishments of his legal career.
· Frank LaSalata is highly popular with drunk driving and criminal defense lawyers. These same lawyers have also provided the majority of his campaign contributions.
· Frank LaSalata recently moved here from Friday Harbor. He defaulted his mortgage and his home there was sold at foreclosure on August 12, 2005. LaSalata borrowed an additional $405,000 out of his home’s “equity” through refinancings, then stopped making payments and let it go into foreclosure. In April 2005, LaSalata pocketed another $12,000 by “selling” an apparently worthless utility easement to his neighbors – without mortgage company approval.
· Here are the facts regarding LaSalata’s real estate scheme:
· Frank LaSalata purchased his Friday Harbor home for $120,000 on May 1, 1997. LaSalata took out a $90,000 mortgage on May 1, 1997 to finance his home purchase.
· On December 4, 1998, Frank LaSalata refinanced his mortgage with “Seattle Funding Group” for $243,000.00 – an increase of $153,000.00 from the original mortgage debt.
· On April 23, 2001, Frank LaSalata refinanced his mortgage with “Subprime Funders” for $445,000.00 – an increase of $202,000.00 from the previous mortgage debt, and $355,000.00 from the original mortgage debt.
· On March 20, 2003, Frank LaSalata refinanced his mortgage with “Subprime Funders” for $495,000.00 – an increase of $50,000.00 from the previous mortgage debt, and $405,000.00 from the original mortgage debt.
· Frank LaSalata made his last mortgage payment in November 2004, and let his home go into foreclosure. A Notice of Trustee’s Sale was recorded on May 4, 2005. Six payments were missed between December 2004 and May 2005, with LaSalata being in default for a total of $23,120.64.
· On April 19, 2005, Frank LaSalata pocketed $12,000 by “selling” an apparently worthless utility easement to his neighbors. LaSalata used a “bargain and sale deed”, in which he falsely represented that his property did not have any mortgages or other encumbrances. Since his mortgage company did not sign off on the utility easement, it was wiped out when the March 2003 mortgage was later foreclosed.
· On August 12, 2005, Frank LaSalata’s Friday Harbor home was sold at foreclosure. His mortgage company was the only bidder at the auction. The mortgage company still has not been able to sell the home to recover the money they lent.
· Frank LaSalata tried to conceal the foreclosure of his Friday Harbor home. He filed as a candidate for judge on July 24, 2006. State law required him to disclose all real estate that he owned at any time during the previous 12 months. LaSalata conveniently omitted the August 12, 2005 foreclosure of his Friday Harbor home from his financial disclosure statement. This form was completed “under penalty of perjury” and filed with the PDC on August 1, 2006.
· “I have appeared in front of Frank LaSalata as he has pro-temmed in our court numerous times. I found him to be rude and arrogant, not only to defendants and witnesses but to colleagues. When I lodged complaints with the courthouse staff about his lack of judicial demeanor, I was told that my complaint was among numerous complaints they had received. Very sensitive matters are handled in District Court daily. It is imperative that those cases be handled by a judge who not only knows the law but also knows how to keep from re-victimizing people from the bench.” Kara Murphy, Domestic Violence Legal Advocate, cities of Issaquah, Sammamish, Snoqualmie, and Kenmore
· “I am a former court clerk at King County District Court, Redmond. I worked with Frank LaSalata many many times in Redmond and the Seattle division of the court. I would be deeply saddened if he won this election. His temper is an entity to be reckoned with and he is not intelligent when it comes to criminal matters in the court, or protection orders, or traffic laws, which district court deals extensively with. He is insecure on the bench when challenged by intelligent attorneys and gets angry.” Brooke Van Peski, Former King County District Court Clerk
from the website of Richard Pope, former dem candidate against republican norma rang:
· Experienced Attorney
· Dedicated Father
· U of W Law Graduate
· Responsible Home Owner
· Active Civic Leader
· Is the only candidate for this position who is responsible and stable enough to own a home in King County.
· Lives in Bellevue with his daughter, who attends Bellevue public schools.
· Is actively involved in his church and his daughter’s school, as well as in civic and charitable activities.
· Has a law practice in Bellevue serving the needs of ordinary citizens in the King County area.
· Received his Juris Doctor degree in Law from the University of Washington, which was awarded “with Highest Honors” for his distinguished academic achievement.
· Was elected to the Order of the Coif at the University of Washington School of Law, to recognize his outstanding academic performance and leadership.
· Received his Bachelor of Arts degree in Economics and Political Science from the University of the State of New York (Albany).
· Pursued graduate studies in Economics and International Trade at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, where he was elected by the entire graduate student body to serve as President of the UT Graduate Student Association.
· Taught Economics classes to several hundred undergraduate students at the University of Tennessee. Richard also worked as an academic researcher in Economics for the University of Tennessee.
· While attending the University of Washington, Richard served on the Board of Control of the Associated Students of the University of Washington (ASUW) and the Graduate and Professional Student Senate (GPSS).
· Was Chairman of the ASUW Experimental College, a student-run non-profit organization at the University of Washington which provides adult education to tens of thousands of King County residents annually.
· Successfully fought to guarantee the minimum wage to all student employees, end racial discrimination in student salaries, and stop improper social security deductions from ineligible employees at the University of Washington.
· Richard served for three years on the University of Washington Student Financial Aid Committee, assisting thousands of low and middle-income students to afford their college educations.
· Has extensive experience in real estate, taxation, criminal justice, civil litigation, business practice, and family law.
· Has handled cases before the District Court, Superior Court, Court of Appeals, and Washington Supreme Court, as well as before federal trial and appellate courts.
· Has devoted his entire legal career to personally representing ordinary citizens and assisting them with their legal issues.
· Is a member of the Phi Alpha Delta legal service organization, and the Washington State Bar Association.
· Volunteered to serve his country for seven years in the United States Army Reserve — including active duty service during the Persian Gulf War. Richard received an honorable discharge in 1993 and was awarded the Army Achievement Medal for his distinguished service. Richard also served an internship with the U.S. Army Judge Advocate General’s Corps during the time that he was attending law school.
from the website of richard pope, former democratic candidate against noda main, republican king co. prosecutor, the following testimonials:
It’s Time to Improve Honesty and Integrity in Our District Court System
Elect Richard Pope For Judge
King County District Court
Northeast District, Position # 2
“Richard Pope goes up against Frank LaSalata.
Pope is knowledgeable and the best candidate.”
Geov Parrish, Reporter and Political Columnist for Seattle Weekly
“University of Washington law school graduate Richard Pope has
proved to be extremely sharp and productive in his chosen
profession. Pope graduated from the UW law school near
the top of his class in the spring of 1991.”
Jane Hadley, Reporter for Seattle Post-Intelligencer
“I have appeared in front of Frank LaSalata as he has pro-temmed in our court numerous times. I found him to be rude and arrogant, not only to defendants and witnesses but to colleagues. When I lodged complaints with the courthouse staff about his lack of judicial demeanor, I was told that my complaint was among numerous complaints they had received. Very sensitive matters are handled in District Court daily. It is imperative that those cases be handled by a judge who not only knows the law but also knows how to keep from re-victimizing people from the bench.”
Kara Murphy, Domestic Violence Legal Advocate, cities of Issaquah, Sammamish, Snoqualmie, and Kenmore
“Richard Pope wrote a beautifully crafted detailed legal brief.”
Gerard Sheehan, Legislative Director
“Richard Pope was an extraordinarily bright student. He did exceptionally
well on his written examinations.”
Roland L. Hjorth, Dean Emeritus and Garvey Schubert Barer
Professor of Law, University of Washington Law School
“Richard Pope was one of the smartest students I’ve seen in 32
years at the law school.”
Professor Richard Kummert, University of Washington
School of Law
“I am a former court clerk at King County District Court, Redmond. I worked with Frank LaSalata many many times in Redmond and the Seattle division of the court. I would be deeply saddened if he won this election. His temper is an entity to be reckoned with and he is not intelligent when it comes to criminal matters in the court, or protection orders, or traffic laws, which district court deals extensively with. He is insecure on the bench when challenged by intelligent attorneys and gets angry.”
Brooke Van Peski, Former King County District Court Clerk
“Richard Pope is a rare breed among attorneys. He has handled many of my cases during the past several years and during these times I’ve had an opportunity to witness him in action. Compared with any other attorney or judge I’ve met during my last 16 years in business, his grasp of the law is unparalleled. He possesses the ability to absorb huge volumes of data within a very short period of time. But not only does he possess an above average knowledge of the law, he has a golden character to match. He is ethical, honest nearly to a fault and is in this game for something far more than the money. I believe he would be an excellent asset to the judicial community here on the Eastside.
I’ve also had an opportunity to learn something of his opponent in this race. I normally don’t go out of my way to highlight negative points in other peoples lives, however the facts in this race are far too important not to mention. The incumbent in my opinion is ethically challenged, having been censured twice and suspended from office for misconduct while on the bench – not someone anyone would want to re-elect.
Also, I believe it’s important for our elected officials to have strong ties to the communities they serve. Richard has lived in King County for 19 years, and owns his own home in Bellevue. We expect our judges to be responsible, stable people and local homeowners – but Richard is the only candidate in this race who fits this bill. Richard’s opponent recently moved here from Friday Harbor, where his home was sold at foreclosure on August 12, 2005.
The choice is clear in my mind: Richard Pope for Judge, King County District Court, Northeast Electoral District, Position # 2.”
Marvin Brecht, President OAS Corporation, Bellevue, Washington
“I hired Richard Pope to represent me on a case, and watched in awe as he skillfully articulated the law in my matter. He is absolutely amazing to watch in work – a real genius.”
Michael Lee, Commercial Realtor, Seattle
“Richard Pope recently represented my interests in a legal matter. What I discovered during this time was an attorney that was genuinely interested in me and my problems, not just how much money he could get out of me like so many other attorneys I’ve worked with in the past. If I were President, I’d appoint him to the Supreme Court. However since I’m just an average citizen interested in having a great judicial mind serve us here, I recommend everyone vote for him for King County District Court.”
Roda Mutongwizo, President, FAS Inc. Seattle
Commentby Mark The Redneck KENNEDY— 10/28/06@ 2:38 pm
2000 – 2,020,000,000,000
2001 – 1,990,000,000,000
2002 – 1,850,000,000,000
2003 – 1,790,000,000,000 – Jobs Act
2004 – 1,875,000,000,000
2005 – 2,160,000,000,000
2006 – 2,400,000,000,000 – Highest level ever.
Yes Furball you are a shithead!