Long time political observers will notice a curious twist to the No on I-1033 campaign; for the first time ever, a campaign is overtly branding a Tim Eyman initiative as an actual “Tim Eyman initiative.”
Why? Well, I talked to folks from the campaign and they say that their research is absolutely conclusive. Voters don’t like him, voters don’t trust him, and they’re much less likely to vote for an initiative if they know it is sponsored by Tim Eyman.
Understandably, I take some pleasure in that, for while Tim deserves most of the credit for his negative rebranding, it is fair for me to claim to have played a not insubstantial part. At the time of my horse’s ass initiative, Tim was still widely referred to in the press as “initiative guru” or “initiative kingpin” Tim Eyman… adjectives I worked hard to undermine. Nowadays he’s almost always identified as a “professional initiative sponsor,” reinforcing the truthful perception that he’s mostly in this for the money.
So now that the voting public no longer takes Tim seriously, it’s time for the press to follow suit. Yeah, I know he gives good quote, and a horse’s ass always makes for good headlines. But as a writer of public policy the man is entirely unserious, and let’s be honest, without the financial support of one man, Michael Dunmire, Tim would have ceased qualifying initiatives for the ballot years ago.
Why don’t they run ads of Tim Eyman goofing off in his stupid ape costume. I’ve got to believe if people saw the goof behind the initiative they’d vote “No” in droves.
“Would You Put Your Future In The Hands Of This Man?”
But, Goldy, calling Tim a HA is an insult to Horses Asses.
Seems to me it would be better to call him puddybud or anal sphincter or asshole, all terms that connote the spewing of shit.
So, might I suggest that from now on, Tim’s referred to as “Professional Initiative Sponsor Tim Eyman, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Michael Dunmires” ?? Clarity’s great for cleaning up horseshit…
@2 How appropriate — Timmeh showing off his ape costume in front of a campaign banner for Motherbeater Irons.
We really should sponsor an initiative to deport Timmy to Oklahoma. He’d be happier there, we’d be free of him, and Oklahomans love wingnuts. It would be a win-win-win situation.
Famous Michael Dunmire quotes:
“I’m 60 years old and have been very successful in business and wanted to do something to give back to the community,”
“Tim’s more into tax cuts, but I said performance audits (are) the ultimate tax cut, to make sure our money is spent wisely. In business, you’d be hard-pressed to find an organization that didn’t have a good internal audit department.”
That was 2006. Those internal audits his hedge fund firm believed so strongly in sure did work out well…didn’t they?
My guess is Tim Eyman will wear your sophomoric castigation like a BADGE OF HONOR.
I mean, having an unabashed Socialist, Pinko calling you a HorsesAss??!!!
Doesn’t get any better than that.
Way to go Tim.
The ONLY way to reform government is to take away the money. Starve the beast.
I’d rather live in a world with much less Big Government and Taxes…unlike these limpdicks like most of these LEFTIST PINHEADED KLOWNS who would probably die without Government Handouts.
The less of OUR MONEY Big Government has, the more they squeal non-sensical BS like if you don’t support higher taxes you HATE children, old people, cripples, minorities, gays, lesbians, transgender, QUESTIONING kommunity…the list of folks anti-tax increase folks HATE knows no bounds!!
When criminals run rampant killing our Moms & kids…we’ll be sorry. When folks are dying in the streets of starvation, it’s only because we rejected higher taxes.
An idiot (Klynical) says:
You mean like how Reagan created the largest budget deficits in history at the time? Or Bush who did the same?
BS – republicans spend more on worthless defense and ignore the health and well-being of our country.
Iraq: Over 1 trillion wasted and counting.
Star Wars: Useless waste of money for corporate hacks.
Bank bailout: Friends of GS get money for nothin’, with no strings, curtesy of Bush.
Where were you on these huge government boondoggles? Silent.
Supporting Reagan and Bush while they bankrupted our country and we got nothing from it.
@7 “In business, you’d be hard-pressed to find an organization that didn’t have a good internal audit department.”
Er, banks? Hedge funds? Investment banks? Wall Street firms? Bond insurers? And just about every other pillar of capitalism?
“Bank bailout: Friends of GS get money for nothin’, with no strings, curtesy of Bush.”
Actually, the Dems are pretty solid with the Goldman Sachs crowd, too. Goldman Sachs buys Republicans and Democrats like I buy Americanos at the local coffee shop. The financial interests of the Northeastern corridor own the politicians in Washington, DC.
@8 Timmeh’s big mistake was not renting a goat costume so you could fulfill your unrequited lust for him.
@11 Yeah, but when our crooks run the country, at least we have jobs.
“Er, banks? Hedge funds? Investment banks? Wall Street firms? Bond insurers? And just about every other pillar of capitalism?”
Add the Federal Reserve to that list, rodent. It could use a good light-of-day audit, too!
“@11 Yeah, but when our crooks run the country, at least we have jobs.”
Thank you for admitting your guys are just as fucking crooked as the other side.
@14 “Add the Federal Reserve to that list, rodent. It could use a good light-of-day audit, too!”
The Federal Reserve had no problems that a different president from a different political party with a different economic policy couldn’t fix.
@15 “Thank you for admitting your guys are just as fucking crooked as the other side.”
That’s a rather large exaggeration of what I said. Our politicians are corporate lackeys and bootlickers, alright, but when it comes to wholesale stealing they’re not even in the same league as Republicans.
By the way, what’s this “other side” crap? You’re the “other side” … so why didn’t you say “our” side? Or are you also one of those newly-minted “Libertarians”?
@14 “Add the Federal Reserve to that list, rodent. It could use a good light-of-day audit, too!”
But it won’t, sweetie…as long as it keeps printing all those nice pretty pictures of dead presidents for your pals on Wall Street to play with.
Republicans and their robotic foot-soldier “birthers” and “teabaggers” chant about “shrinking government”–and then once in power they make it ever larger, as a conveyor of wealth to the oligarchs.
Clinton balanced the Budget by GUTTING the military and with Pie in the Sky High Tech mumbo-jumbo.
Jimmy Carter===High Interest Rate and Foreign Policy Dunce.
Obama===worse than Clinton & Carter combined.
Hell, the day is still young, and you’re already well into your second pitcher of Kool-Aid. You must have had erotic dreams of Reagan last night, so you woke up all hot, sweaty, and thirsty.
Well, you’ll never get HA’s biggest hypocrite through the eye of a needle, but he’s certainly entered the Kingdom of Eyeman.
It’s a witness to his TRUE faith…..steal from the poor. What THEY will inherit, however, cynical might have a little trouble with, despite his expectations that he’s entitled by virtue of sounding (his) trumpets and clanging (his ) cymbals.
But since he’s clueless about whited sepulchres, I am sure the previous post will go right over his head.
X’ad vomits:
Ummmmmmmm, over half the people in this Country receive services and pay ZERO Income Taxes. They receive way more services than they pay for on a state and local basis.
Sounds pretty charitable to me.
Losers like X’ad take great pride in giving away OTHER PEOPLES MONEY.
X’ad is an OPM addict headed to the Phillipines to minister to young children.
Why is it LEFTIST PINHEADED KLOWN-types get all swollen up with pride when BIG GOVERNMENT gives handouts….and they pay no taxes themselves???
These KLOWNS are delusional.
Somehow they make themselves feel like THEY are actually contributing something to those in need.
No one exists in the category you describe. It is a product solely of your delusions.
Cynical @ 19: Nope, wrong again.
George W. Bush was the one who cut the military, in what was rather a common-sense approach to the collapse of communism. No need to continue to maintain several divisions of armored troops in a united Germany, no need to keep bombers in the air 24-hours a day to respond to a potential nuclear attack from the Soviets. The bulk of that cutback was in 1991-92.
Those cutbacks didn’t really impact our military preparedness, but that didn’t mean that they weren’t somewhat painful to the people being cut back. My brother-in-law, who entered the military at the tail end of the Vietnam war and became special forces with a proficiency in five S.E. Asian languages, was told his skills were no longer required. They had to make significant cuts in their force levels, and special-forces officers in their late 30’s with language skills for which there was no immediate forseable requirement were considered expendable. I know quite a few others who were “retired” in a similar fashion.
RR @ 17: “Our politicians are corporate lackeys and bootlickers, alright, but when it comes to wholesale stealing they’re not even in the same league as Republicans.”
Got that right.
Democratic Congressman Jefferson in L.A. is caught with a few thousand hidden in his refrigerator, and he’s immediatly removed from his commmittee posts by the Democrats, loses his job in an election, and is ultimately convicted of bribary.
But former V.P. Cheney’s firm, Haliburton, and it’s subsidiary KKR take the lion’s share of billions of off-budget dollars spent in Iraq through no-bid contracts (as well as the lesser amount spent in New Orleans post-Katrina), with a terrible record of performance and accounting for the funds. To my knowledge, so far he’s avoided even answering any questions about it. Anybody want to guess how much he personally benefited in his “blind trust fund” which contained those stocks while he was in office?
Dunmire, who has degrees in engineering and business, is principal of the Tacoma-based Benchmark Plus Partners, which manages investments, including “super-enhanced” index funds, for institutional and individual wealthy investors.
Oh, wonderful. Hedge funds and offshore feeder acounts. Dunmire is some patriot, alright….
I wonder what the status of this bill is?
The Stop Tax Haven Abuse Act
And I wonder how much of sugardaddy Dunmire’s Eyman bailout bucks are tied up in offshore accounts?
Not totally true rhp6033…
During the Clinton years the Army dropped to 480,801 from 572,423, 16% decline. The DoD readiness dropped to 1,385,116 from 1,705,103, an 18.8% decline.
The Navy had 454 ships in 1993 and only 341 by 2000.
During GHWB, the Congress “mandated” a decline after the Gulf War.
This was the NY Times headline, “Clinton Seeking $14 Billion Cut By the Military”
So Marky,
Tim Eyman’s supporter is at fault for
Yet the master of hedge funds George Soros the preznit’s supporter is fine with you?
During GHWB, the Congress “mandated” a decline after the Gulf War.
Oh, right, Puddy. As if GHWB was powerless to stop the US Congress…which was influenced (slightly) by the end of the Cold War.
The horrors – Clinton cut forces after the Soviet Union ceased to exist, and large numbers of active duty soldiers returned from Europe.
The number of U.S. military personnel stationed in Europe declined dramatically after the fall of the Berlin Wall and the collapse of the Soviet Union–from about 320,000 in 1989 to about 110,000 in 1995. Nevertheless, Europe continues to host the largest population of U.S. military personnel based on shore in foreign countries.
29. Puddybud is shocked SHOCKED spews:
Way to go…HOME RUN!
rhp just makes stuff up…again.
Better luck next time, Pudster:
MB: I know you saw the story about some hedge funds saying, look, we’re going to leave London; the tax situation is not favourable, we don’t like the business conditions here. What do you think about that?
GS: Where are they going to go? Another planet? I mean, you know, there is no alternative. Now with the tax havens being brought under control, I think hedge funds will have to get used to being regulated.</em>
Oops, I said the cuts were under George W. Bush. I meant his father, George H.W. Bush.
Puddy @ 29:
But no, I stand by my original statement. I don’t have the numbers at my fingertips, but I lived through those times and remember them well. Cutbacks usually take some time to show up in military expenditures, so even if I accept your numbers, that doesn’t mean that the initial policies weren’t in place before Clinton took office in Jan. 1993.
Besides, it doesn’t even matter if George H.W. Bush or Clinton cut the military more in the 1990’s. The mission had changed. There was no need for divisions of armored forces to defend a line on a map in W. Germany which no longer existed. We and the Soviets were dismantling a large portion of our nuclear forces by mutual agreement.
I’m kind of chuckling over the prospect of thousands of American G.I.s guarding “West Germany”, with civilians, policemen, etc. freely passing by them in both directions (some of them in the occasional Trabant).
Hey, I’m giving G.H.W.B. some credit for being reasonable here! I suspect that he paid for it in 1992, when the knee-jerk John Birchers refused to go to the polls to vote for him, and the military contractors had mixed feelings about financing his re-election campaigns.