Box Turtle Bulletin notices something interesting about a new anti-71 ad.
The second image you see flashing on the screen, of Adam and Even in the Garden of Eden, is a copyrighted image from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. You can find a copy of that image on their web site as part of their Gospel Art Picture Kit. Another one found on a web page titled, “What Do Mormons Believe About Adam and Eve.” It’s interesting reading, since it hints at a fallible God — or at least a God that gives conflicting instructions and it’s up to us to decide which set of instructions to follow.
Since the image is copyrighted by the LDS, either there is copyright infringement going on or, um, the Mormon Church is up to its usual anti-equality antics.
Yeah, it’s a laughably bad spot, but as I used to point out, so far my marriage and my children are just fine, despite attempts to extend the same civil rights heterosexual couples enjoy to gay couples.
As a casual observation, I would have to argue that adjustable rate mortgages and high credit card rates have done far more to destroy marriages in my community than the existence of scary gay people, so if we want to “protect the children,” maybe we should get serious about financial sector reform. LDS can put that in its pipe and smoke it.
(Props to DKos diarist Clarknt67.)
Pretty funny stuff. My belief has always been whatever the Mormon church is for I’m against. Can you say cult?
Seventh Day Adventists too.
I’ve never understood how a gay marriage in Massachusetts can wreck the straight marriage of total strangers in Montana, unless that rancher is already cheating on his wife out in the goat shed.
I can’t believe they’re running that spot in Washington. I could see running it in Oklahoma, but not here. It’s almost a parody of an ad; it’s evidence of how far from the mainstream these people are.
Joseph Smith:
“Watch me pull a religion out of my hat”.
Equal rights? Hey, they’re not for everyone.
After all, Republicans are against the Civil Rights Act, they’re for DAMN sure against the Voting Rights Act (damn those inconvenient laws!), and against the 19th Amendment.
If only those pesky women didn’t have the vote, then Republicans would win!
Anyway, if the gay-equal-rights thing survives referendum, I guess I’ll have to abandon my wife and take a gay boyfriend or something, given that this is the inevitable result. I’m kinda sad, because I love her and don’t especially fancy men, but when Teh Gay takes over, what am I to do?
How fucking stupid are Republicans, anyway?
I was thinking the same thing. If gays get to marry, you know that 20+ year marriages like mine will be compelled to dissolve. Then, we’ll all be mandated to take same-sex partners. I don’t even have a clue what I would look for in a same-sex partner. Why do those damned gays and progressives have to make life so hard for us traditionalists?
Wait a minute – that first man and woman in the ad were clothed.
I thought Adam and Eve before the fall were naked as jaybirds.
Mormons are born with holy underwear, just like God created them. Genitalia is, like, ugh, really repulsive, even to God.
I try to be open-minded. I am, I believe, most of the time. But, I must admit two deep-seated prejudices–Mormons and Republicans. Sorry, I just had to get that out.