“Cheney experiences abnormal heart rhythm.”
You mean, Dick Cheney has a heart…? Maybe the “abnormality” was that his heart was actually beating…? (Add your own punchline in the comment thread.)
Sarah Palin’s Alaska fringe alliance
Seattle’s own Dave Neiwert, an author and expert on the formation of the Northwest militia movement, appeared on CNN yesterday to outline Sarah Palin’s connections to the Alaska Independence Party, a far-right secessionist organization who’s founder dabbled in domestic terrorism. Must see TV.
“Sorry Dad, I’m voting for Obama.”
Conservative columnist Chris Buckley is no longer welcome at the National Review, the magazine founded by his iconic father, William F. Buckley Jr. Why? Because of a blog post in which he announced his intention to vote for Barack Obama.
Is FL-16 cursed?
If freshman Democratic Rep. Tim Mahoney’s reelection prospects are sunk by his arrogance and hypocrisy, there won’t be many tears shed in the progressive netroots, who have long berated him as a bad vote and an even worse team player. But I take issue with those who say he’s as bad as the Republicans, for if he was indeed a Republican, Mahoney’s sex scandal most likely would have been with a boy.
In case the good people of FL-16 are considering replacing Mahoney with a Republican instead of writing in a better progressive Dem:
What kind of asswipe campaigns about cleaning up after a sex scandal while starting an affair with a staffer? And what kind of woman sleeps with him?
No wonder most sane people hate politicians.
Bought JRCC @ 14.90 today.
This one is a flyer.
Mr. “I can’t produce a trade slip” Cynical.
Dicey move.
$14.50 is the last level of support for this security. If it breaks this support the next suport level is $10.
That’s a 30%+ drop.
What’s your exit points on this play?
@3 Stupid troll, you know the rules. Post your trade confirmation or shut up. Of course, you won’t post it because you’re a lying piece of shit.
@4 Cynical wouldn’t know a stop loss order if it bit him in the ass.
Why not just ask him to help make you rich?
Trying to hide behind some lame “prove it” meme when you’ll just say he photoshopped it, what’s the point of playing your childish game.
You say I fuck goats, where’s your proof?
Cyniclown knows what a stop loss order is. That is when his wife tells him to zip upon his return from the potty at the restaurant.
@7 “Why not just ask him to help make you rich?”
That was perhaps your dumbest post yet.
“You say I fuck goats”
Of course. You’re such a dufus, Marvin. It’s plainly obvious to everybody here that you fuck goats.
I am wondering if Titans quarterback (currently benched) Vince Young is taking PR lessons from the McCain campaign.
To wit, Mr. Young had this to say today:
Blames the media, tells us how great and humble he is…. never mind, the debate is about to begin and I need chips and some iced tea.