When we get a little closer to the start of the legislative session, I’ll write my regular what do you want post. But for the legislative Republicans, they’ve already decided what they want. From being the worst to leaving and making their own state. They could chose to not be assholes instead of restricting abortion access, destroying the environment, and trying to make their own shitty state East of the Cascades.
Dallas Police and Fire Pension Board ends run on the bank, stops $154M in withdrawals
For years, DROP guaranteed at least 8 percent interest on the money. That hurt the entire fund when the investment returns couldn’t keep up. The problem was made worse when the pension’s current administration revealed that their predecessors had significantly overvalued risky real estate investments.
The city proposal would wipe away the DROP interest over the years wiping it away from existing DROP accounts or adjusting future monthly benefits for those who already took their money out.
Of course the taxpayers will be asked to bail out the pension fund, as will occur in California, Illinois, and elsewhere.
Is it any worse that CA liberals are talking about leaving and making their own country than some in WA are talking about leaving and making their own state?
Of course that would be worse. After all, how would Dems replace those 55 EVs?
(((Goldy))) Retweeted
Markos Moulitsas ✔ @markos
Maybe California should stop subsidizing all of those Trump states then?
Maybe all of those other states should stop subsidizing California.
Healthcare: Few states gave the Affordable Care Act, which Trump and congressional Republicans pledge to repeal, support as full-throated as California. The state has enrolled about 1.4 million people in Obamacare health plans via its statewide individual insurance exchange, Covered California, and added about 3 million low-income residents to Medicaid rolls via the law’s Medicaid expansion, the cost of which has been 100% paid by the federal government.
It’s doubtful that this record could be maintained if Trump and congressional Republicans repeal the ACA. Repeal would eliminate the federal tax credits that reduce premiums on Covered California plans and other costs for about 90% of enrollees. That would drive many of them off coverage. The state would surely be unable to make up those subsidies.
I’ve always liked Markos. After all, he more than anyone else was responsible from unshackling Joe Lieberman from the Democrat party.
Unrelated, but it’s becoming clear that Democrats really don’t want a Jew running the country. First Joementum flamed out, then the DNC actively undermines the BernieBros movement.
(((Goldy))) Retweeted
Invictus @TBPInvictus
As Puzder will move to crush labor, keep in mind that Americans favor a higher minimum wage:
Follow that tweet link and you learn that a Pew poll found that 57% of Americans support a minimum wage increase to $15/hr, and 41% are opposed.
To my knowledge CBO has not yet provided an assessment of economic effects, including job losses, if a national minimum wage were raised to $15/hr.
Memory check:
In 2014 a poll found that 69% supported an increase to $10.10/hr over three years.
Although when informed of the CBO’s finding that the midpoint of a likely range of job losses (500,000 nationwide) should this be enacted, suddenly 57% were opposed.
Sixty-nine percent of Americans, including 45 percent of Republicans, support the president’s call to raise the federal minimum wage to $10.10 over the next three years. Twenty-eight percent of poll respondents oppose such action.
While the wage-increase proposal resonates with most Americans, the poll indicates that Republicans are finding persuasive counter-arguments.
Asked about a Congressional Budget Office finding that raising the minimum wage would lift the incomes of 16.5 million people while eliminating 500,000 jobs, a majority — 57 percent — said that tradeoff is unacceptable.
Looking forward to the CBO’s response to the Schumer/Pelosi request for an assessment that I am sure will be soon forthcoming.
And I’m looking forward even more to what the Fucking Moron will say in response.
Defined benefit plans will eventually disappear because life expectancy has increased so much that defined benefit plans can’t keep up without drastically decreasing the life time payments or making other unfavorable changes. The airlines realized this long ago and were able to freeze or terminate their defined benefit plans and convert to defined contribution plans.
Eventually even the government, including the military, will end defined benefit plans in favor of defined contribution plans. For the individual worker, it’s time to realize this and start an IRA (preferably a Roth IRA) and take personal responsibility for retirement.
Even the government can’t resist what’s coming.
@ 5
Personal responsibility is a dirty term in these parts.
You want to be popular? Talk about free shit instead.
“Unrelated, but it’s becoming clear that Democrats really don’t want a Jew running the country.”
Well I sure hope you don’t expect us to take ’em in. Mostly Commies. Can’t be trusted. Good with money, though.
I don’t have time to deep dive but I don’t recall any elected CA officials calling for it. So that’s a big difference.
Meanwhile at least 2 LDs in WA sent people to Olympia who clearly are stupider than rocks. One, the Federal Government won’t let them, see 1861-1865. Two, it will be tremendously expensive and “Liberty” would be a state in default quickly.
The Eastern side doesn’t generate the revenue to pay for roads and schools and highways and hospitals as it is. Are they planning to raise taxes (of course not, their knuckle dragging GOPers) to cover the difference? Their primary source of state GDP will be Agricultural, that and Federal socialized hydro-electric power. But explain to the farmers who are too unsophisticated to think this through why getting those products to market just became much more expensive. Hint, it’s in trucking tabs that they will need to drive in now separate WA, no state maintained port any longer and almost overnight even a low-information rural voter will realized the new state was a spectacularly bad idea.
But still, it’s just a silly time wasting intellectual exercise. GOP doesn’t have a majority to get it through and can’t get sensible Westside GOPers to go along anyway.
And no one really takes it seriously. Just like CA. And TX.
“Personal responsibility is a dirty term in these parts.”
Of course, one broad brush deserves another, which makes you a fucking Nazi, a “Doctor of Death” who wants all of your Jew, black and Latino patients to die, and someone who believes the only good business model is one which leaves employees to live in abject poverty while you seek to take away whatever government assistance there might be that they depend upon to keep food in their children’s mouths and a roof over their heads.
“Unrelated, but it’s becoming clear that Democrats really don’t want a Jew running the country.”
I’m sure the GOP, the party of antisemitism, with a base that still believes Jews, Italians and the Irish aren’t white, will take them in and embrace them before marching them off to death camps.
“Well I sure hope you don’t expect us to take ’em in.”
Heh. I like this troll.
The Republican base – betrayed again!
“Ohio Is About to Outlaw … Bestiality”
But look on the bright side, wingnuts, goatfucking will still be legal in Texas and Kentucky.
Teenagers in backwater European towns are getting rich by manufacturing the fake news used as click bait for gullible Trumpanzees.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: People have a right to be idiots, but a social responsibility not to be, because their stupidity drags us all down. We can’t prosecute them for believing nonsense, but we sure as hell can criticize them for it, and we ought to because truth matters.
Thanks for that link Carl, it’s like a list of pure awesome.
@12, Everyone knows that liberals never fall for fake news….
Perhaps a wiser move would be to combine eastern Wa with Idaho, rather than make eastern wa its own state.
Holy Fuck…..Kirk Douglass is gone too?
This month sux so far.
Who needs a weatherman. Who needs a traffic report. Car making a funny noise? Just turn up the radio louder.
I see nothing. I hear nothing. Kabboom! Bye Bye.
I see PissCan just woke from Mommy’s basement.
10:00am and wide awake for TV now. Jerry Springer show?
@12 hopefully soon one day they will be able to infiltrate the Drumpf Admin. and get Drumpf to press the button.
I believe that Washington state outlawed bestiality earlier than Obama went public with his support for gay marriage.
I’m basing that on my memory of the news item about Enumclaw dude who got caught fucking a horse, and then law enforcement figured out that there was no existing state law he broke in the process.
So legislators outlawed the act.
Sometime after that, brave Obama decided that gay marriage was OK.
I didn’t remember enough of it. The horse was the pitcher, not the catcher, and the end result wasn’t pretty.
Personal responsibility is doing your job and not spending hours on end here on Goldy’s Blog…It’s like you and Drumpf trying to not watch SNL.
But hey, let’s look forward to another tweet around 12:00am Eastern time on Sunday morning about how I can’t watch a stupid fucking boring show. Count me in though!
@20 you would know – you are married to a horse.
Here’s how the “art of the deal” actually works. Carrier gets $7 million from taxpayers to “save” jobs, then invests the money in automation that will eliminate the jobs. In other words, instead of raising capital the old-fashioned way, i.e. by selling stock to shareholders, under Trump taxpayers will capitalize companies, rich guys like those Trump is putting in his cabinet will get the companies’ profits, taxpayers get stuck with the bill, and the workers end up unemployed anyway. Trump should have called his book, “The Art of the Con,” because this isn’t business, it’s a con game.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I suspect some of those gullible Trump voters will be pissed when they realize they’ve been badly had.
@16 As far as I know, Kirk Douglas, who turns 100 today, will be at his birthday party.
Funny how Boob always whines about other people’s pensions and raising the $7.25 minimum wage, but never about how much doctors make from their Medicare reimbursements.
Have you tried to live on $1,257 a month, Boob? Even in Arkansas?
Would you LIKE to live on that, in exchange for plucking chickens or slaughtering hogs all day?
Trump’s Labor Secretary nominee, a fast food CEO, is a big fan of immigrant labor. Wanna know why you see so many foreigners behind the counter in fast food emporiums like his? Because they’re willing to work hard for $7.25 an hour.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Well, at least there will be one voice in the cabinet defending immigrants as long as his company can keep paying $7.25 an hour, because citizens are lazy and won’t work for that wage.
I vote for a start by cutting off the money from the west side and give then a taste of own medicine.
oh geez, our 20+ year veteran scheduler feels the needs to take a shot at me for no apparent reason…lolz
Teafagged must be taking a 5 minute break from sucking dicks so he can post.
Kirk Douglas was found dead this morning.
Was there a sudden rash of pigfucking in Ohio or do Ohio republicans spend a ton of time imagining bestiality and dreaming about it so outlaw before they give in to their own carnal desires.
I know the amount of time I’ve spent in my life contemplating bestiality is a couple minutes when that Enumclaw story broke, the last couple minutes and the day I read about the theory behind the death of Catherine the Great.
But Ohio republicans seem to have zoophilia in their thoughts and prayers a lot.
Thankfully, I am wrong. I thought I read somewhere this morning that he had died, but instead today is his 100th birthday.
Strangely and ironically, hatemonger Glenn Beck might turn out to be an important ally of liberals if/when Trump begins trashing the Constitution’s limits on presidential power, especially if/when Trump continues assaulting the Bill of Rights.
It’s a hoax. I am Spartacus.
Feeling suckered yet?
trump attacks a union leader who questioned the Carrier extortion deal, but dead silent on GOP scrapping ‘Buy America’ provision. And speaking of the Carrier extortion deal, management plans to use on developing technology that will allow them to replace human workers with robots.
Dang, Rabbit already posted about that.
PissCan watching TV in the basement of mommy’s house.
Yeah, I was taking a lunch break….about all the time I have…And I just finished putting together a draft of a Proposal Schedule for a Client (College) for a building that will be named for a well know Journalist…..and now, another little break (almost time to go home for the day and start the weekend), before I start another proposal for a 58 story Hotel and Residential building on one of the most famous streets in NYC.
Sucks to be living in a Basement.
Fellow HA HEROES! Tonight the sun will set at 4:18 pm.. You know what that means.
Yes, the HA comment threads will be be free of the klownservatic propaganda spam links and other noise from that odious troll.. Fridays after sunset is the troll’s kryptonite as it absolutely must put the skydaddy first before HA.. Except when it can’t. Ahh the flesh is weak.
Join me for cocktails and conversation. We’ll all have a laugh at the troll’s expense.
More fake news.
Some people…
@37 More likely just someone in a hurry who misread something or misunderstood what he read. At least he admitted he was mistaken. That’s more forgivable than people who intentionally disseminate fake news or partisan lies, and won’t back down even when it’s debunked. For example, I suspect Boob fucks goats, and while I don’t know that for certain, he’s never proved he doesn’t.
Mother Jones magazine has a theory about why Trump behaves the way he does, why he’s a man with absolutely no morals or character who defies social norms and acts in socially acceptable ways, and doesn’t give a shit what anybody thinks of him.
It’s pretty simple, really. He believes in living for the moment, and getting as much personal enjoyment out of the moment as possible, whether it’s wealth or sex, because he has a fatalistic worldview. He believes nuclear war is inevitable, and civilization could be annihilated at any moment. So this means (1) you’d better grab any pussy within reach, and (2) do it right now, and (3) there’s no need to concern yourself with societal mores, because (4) we’re all going to be dead in a few minutes anyway, so nobody can do anything about it.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: His presidency may make this dark vision a reality.
One glimmer of good news today: Giuliani is out of the running for SecState.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I’d prefer to see Romney in that position so there’s an adult in the room when the next crisis occurs, especially if Trump is having one of his apocalyptic moods that day.
Huh? Cliven Bundy wasn’t available?
“Trump Expected to Pick Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers to Run Interior”
@38 I’m pretty sure Boob fucks goats. But it seems to be that the goat refuses to put out anymore that’s why he spends everyday and every minute here and on Twitter while milking the taxpayer. And the goats also found out that he married a horse even before Obama made it legal.
but dead silent on GOP scrapping ‘Buy America’ provision.
Maybe that’s why Paul Ryan was called to Trump tower this morning senile dead wabbit. We’ll see!
Ahhh yes, the fetid arschloch is STALKING Puddy again @36.
Sux to be the salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS!
Mother Jones magazine has a theory”
Hey DIPSHITTIUM dr checkmate-252 @37,
You mean this fake news? http://www.nytimes.com/2016/08......html?_r=1
Or how about that Obummer in 2012 originated fake news when Obummer and Careless Crooked Hillary came up with that whack job theory that it was a not heavily watched video responsible for the terrorist attack in Benghazi that killed four American heroes! The libtard msm picked up the fake news story and ran with it when everybody knew it was untrue!
Hillary’s fake news of running a bullet gauntlet with Chelsea while in Bosnia!
How about this fake news checkmate 252? http://www.mediaite.com/tv/msn.....ton-hotel/
Oopsie! No wonder the LIVs of HA DUMMOCRETINS use NBC, MSN and PMSNBC as their news sources!
Well so much for that fake news from the libtard msm!
Yes DIPSHITTIUM dr checkmate-252, keep blaming fake news why Hillary lost!
Not because she called half the country deplorable!
Not because she sucked in the debates while the libtard msm claimed she won; she won!
Not because she called half the country irredeemable!
Not because she was for TPP before she was against it!
Not because she had no idea how to relate to average, ordinary Americans whom gladly voted for Obummer!
Not because she called half the country racists!
Not because she sucked as a candidate!
Not because she disappeared at the Hamptons with rich peeps in August!
Not because she would not interview on Fox News!
People are seeing DUMMOCRETINS for what they are! NUTBAGS!
Senile dumb wabbit reading that Mutha Jones nutbag e-rag again?
Wasn’t Michael Brown hands up don’t shoot fake news DIPSHITTIUM checkmate-252?
How about those hacked voting machines for Hillary’s loss as fake news?
How about the George Zimmerman call to 911 edited by NBC fake news?
How about Zimmerman being a white his panic? Is the fetid arschloch a white his panic? Enquiring minds want to know!
How about Katie Couric’s gun show and her edited in audience silence fake news?
Looks like Trump may tap Rex Tillerson for SecState. Tillerson, as CEO of ExxonMobil, does business in Russia, has friendly relations with Putin, and also has conflicts of interest because his pension and stock options would benefit from deals with Russia. I’m not sure what the logic is behind putting an oilman in charge of America’s foreign policy. Maybe it’s because Exxon has its fingers in the Middle East a lot.
Boob better retire quick.
Good thing Abigail Adams is protecting that constitution.
Speaking of goatfuckers, I see that the loon is back and more batshit insane than ever. Who’d have thought it possible? I take it that “making America great again” doesn’t include giving the loon a brain. Sad!
@48 Not in the same class of stupidity as the moron who shot up a pizza parlor because he swallowed a tale circulated by rightwing “alternative news” that Hillary Clinton is running a child sex ring in the back room. Hey Trump, you built this! You contribute to the disinformation drowning our society, too, Puffybutt, with your inane rants.
The United States of Russia. Has a nice ring to it.
@51 Yeah, the loon is complaining about misinformed people.
@53 Not really.
@51 I was think more like Return of the Planet of the Ape.
Ya know, I’m all for Russians living in Russia. I mean, they need a Russia to live in, know what I mean? I don’t want them road raging here. Russia is a good place for Russian road rage and all the other shit Russians do. There needs to be a Russia so we have some place to stash Russians in. Otherwise, they’ll come here.
Does anyone here think that part of why Drumpf likes Putin so much is because of Putin’s stance on gay people. Sadly, I think it has a lot to do with it.
Phoney non-career at 35:
You dont do proposals fool….you build schedules based on info that other people give you. But hey, keep blabbing on, and tell how you putting together proposals fir high rises..lol….i guess your AE, or PX, or PE has the week off…..hahahahah
More BS…..funmy how you talk smack, as you would be working for me if we were at the same company.
Ok now, you can go back to your bathouse…
@55 let’s hope the trolls think so.
@58 I think he’s more attracted by Putin’s autocratic tendencies. Drumpf likes autocrats. He wants to be one, too.
Roger is right…..no fake news, just misread it while running out the door.
@44 Once again the babbling jackass fool demonstrate to “the world” what it truly is: a babbling jackass fool..
Thanks for playing…
FREEDOM in 5 minutes…
10.. 9.. 8.. 7.. 6..
Savor it fellow heroes.. Isn’t it nice???
No babbling jackass around.. None of its hate. Its noise.. Its idiocy…
None of its batshit insanity.. Peace reigns in the HA comment threads.. For a while anyway.
“just misread it while running out the door.”
I experienced pretty much the same thing. I glanced at the headline just before it changed to something else and only caught where it read “his life in pictures”, and thought Kirk was gone at 100.
The zeroes will drop by of course. Boob always seems to make it. Maybe doofus and little maxwipe will stink up the place..
But for now it’s smooth sailing.. Calm waters..
Shorter Goldy: There were women Nazis, too.
David MartoskoVerified account
Picking “CMR” to run Interior would give Trump’s initial cabinet the most women in history http://dailym.ai/2htZ7Nf via @MailOnline
Time for a cocktail.. Last week yours truly presented the Balancing Act – a balanced two-dimensional cocktail of light and dark rum, gin, vodka and cognac.
But a notable cocktail requires a controlled departure from balance. So:
40 ml Dark Rum
25 ml Light Rum
20 ml Gin
1.5 t Grand Marnier
20 ml Lemon juice, fresh
30 ml Pineapple juice
10 ml Natural Brown Sugar Syrup
4-5 drops Angostura Bitters
Natural Brown Sugar Syrup recipe is here.
Combine all ingredients and shake with ice. Add a cherry if you like. Serve on the rocks with a straw.
So the departure here is added dark rum in place of vodka and Grand Marnier replacing the cognac. The Grand Marnier also is balanced by less syrup.
Balance is maintained in terms of sweetness and alcohol while the flavor is richer and deeper.
Enjoy fellow heroes! No sip for me.. I have to drive. I’ll drop back in later for toasting.
IOW #CrookedHillary lost the other 49 states by a cumulative total of about 1,600,000 votes.
David Martosko @dmartosko Dec 8
Final numbers: Hillary Clinton won California by about 4.2 million votes. That’s more than her entire national margin. Just. In. California.
Good luck with that NPV thing, libbies.
@ 69
Two of those and I bet you could skip your Midol for the day, YLB.
@LyingLiar Fake News Jedi 46-48,
Waiting (not waiting) for you to give us multiple examples of President Obama and his senior Cabinet Level Secretaries tweeting links to whatever fake news you seem to be crying about – that is specifically not low level staff and/or paid partisans.
Oh wait. No, of course you won’t. Because you are a Lying Liar who habitually links to Fake News stories originating from profit seeking hackers in former soviet block ghettos.
Boo hoo. Cry. Lie. It’s all the same. You’ll fuck yourself in the ass with a wire brush, and you’ll die defending your right to do so. That’s fine. I’m fine with that. I wouldn’t dream of depriving your ignorant ass of bizarre conspiracy theories that confirm your dismal world-view. Depend on zit-faced 17 yr old Moldovan script kids for all your important information. Nothing could make me happier. I’m just here to warn everyone else away from your blazing dumpster fire of stoopid.
Let’s be clear: there is no child sex slavery ring hidden underneath a pizza parlor in New York being run by Sec. Clinton or John Podesta, despite whatever Donald J. Trump and his senior appointees might say to the contrary. But just to be safe, be a good little fool and comb through the email dump one more time, genius.
@59 only a sucker like you would listen to someone like you. Guys like you don’t know your ass from your elbow. I’m so good people trust me more than themselves. Today a PX calls me around 2pm. Says, “How busy are You”. Knowing that I’ve got +11 Projects to monitor, 3 or 4 of which he oversees. I say, “at the moment, or in the next couple of days”. He says, “well I have to give a schedule to a client by Wednesday for a 59 story bldg. I would do it myself, but you can do a quicker than me.” I say ok, ” I can do it.” He says I’ll send you the ino on the Project.” He hangs up. I go back to what I was working on. About a 1/2 hour later I get the info. I finish what I’m worker on about 1/2 hour later. And I then start working oni it. And by 5:00 pm I finish and I send it back to him.
I look forward to my promotion and hopefully 10-15% raise for promotion and annual increase.
When you leave mom’s basement maybe one day you’ll be a PM. Or you can call yourself a builder.
@71 LOL! Watch the coffee and headache remedies boob. Someone might take you for a GUUUUURRRRRLLLL….
@62 you mean leaving the basement.
@74 Boob is probably transgender.
Why should Russia hesitate for one second to manipulate a U.S. election?
The CIA has done that to dozens of countries around the world since its founding.
@59 the information provided me were A few dates.
When design would be completed. When existing bldg. demo would start and finish (by the Owner) and when Anticipated start of new work would be.
And very schematic level drawings. An section thru the bldg showing the levels and the typical floor plan. No basement because the location of the property is in a flood zone that experienced major flood in super storm Sandy. First floor – 2 lobbies for hotel and residence and retail. 2-12 hotel, 13 mechanical level, 14-58 residences with another mechanical level somewhere in the middle. Another mechanical at 59 and the elevator machine room penthouse atop that (in NYC they refer to them as bulkheads). Cast-in-place concrete flat plate, curtain walls/metal panel skin.
That’s it. 2 hours later I have a high level schedule. Pretty easy, if you know what your doing.
And believe the PX would have done it by himself if he didn’t trust that I could put together something meaningful and buildable.
He said, keep it high level, and don’t spend more than a couple of hours on it but good enough to hook the fish on the line.
More like Stupid mother fuckers who live in a basement like PissCan.
@76 definitely gender confused.
Isn’t nice around here without the babbling jackass? Too bad it’s a Friday night when folks are usually out and about.
It’s a little too quiet in the comment threads on Fri nights. Enjoy yourselves this evening fellow heroes..
The blue collars who elected Trump apparently didn’t realize they were voting to gut Social Security and Medicare, sell off public lands, have the government control women’s bodies, and turn public highways into toll roads managed by private corporations. Hey Trumpanzees, you built this!
Not everyone agrees the GOP should repeal Obamacare. In fact, almost no one does.
Welcome to politics, sweetie.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Hey, I’m not endorsing this, all I’m saying is it was a problem when your side was doing it, too.
Crony capitalism is fascism-lite.
Progressivism is socialism-lite.
@84 PI is lite-weight – in the grey matter..
Don-ill-d Drumpf – thin skinned and vindictive prick…
This is who they are. This is what they do.
Arrogant slut is more like it!
A teenaged Forever 21 clerk whose parents co-signed her convertible Beetle lease should maybe actually accomplish some small thing before she appoints herself judge of all creation.
Our Leader is a great American who has built hundreds of tremendous companies, built fantastic skyscrapers, luxury resort hotels, and insanely popular television that employ thousands of people. He is a titan of global business, entertainment, and popular culture. Unaccomplished bimbos who try to make a name for themselves at The Don’s expense are naturally in for an uncomfortable lesson. Low energy Jeb! losers need to learn humility from their defeat.
PiddlesThe proven Liar is pretty obsessed with me still. Even calls me out for shit I didn’t write.BENGHAAAAAAZI! ™
The proposed state of Liberty (seems there should have been a referendum) will have to get in line behind Puerto Rico, State of District of Columbia, State of Guam. All have gotten the big yawn from Congress. So we get to keep eastern Washington ohhh yea!
Maybe the new state founders should call Trump and the Governor can put out a snarky letter about the one Washington policy of the United States. The President should be speaking to that Republican whippersnapper. Hurrah for Puerto Rico becoming the 51st state.
@1 As this is about cops and firemen just maybe Texas will go to where the money is. Rich people and corporations.
@2 It’s all talk and hot air as Congress is giving the big yawn to any new states. Get rid of the house members being artificially frozen that could change..
@5 Only life expectancy has not been increasing since 2008. It has decreased. Business could do what Congress has required the post office to do. Congress could require it of business and/or government at all levels.
Nothing wrong with individuals saving, but such saving comes with no guarantees it will be enough. Life expectancy, inflation, deflation, ect makes much an unknown. Relying on the market is also an unknown as forced saving in the market creates speculation and bubbles and puts cash in marketers pockets and some capitalist, but there are no guarantees to the investor no matter how conservative, so in the end business and government will have to shell out for retirees directly.
Or are you in the it’s ok for grandpa and grandma to eat dog food, live in an unheated hut after a lifetime of labor? Or is the family supposed to support them. Very anti American idea. Very European solution though the NAZI’s would add in a stipend for taking care of aged parents.
@8 I agree with that as a practical matter it’s not going to happen. Still considering the size of western states and current populations I don’t consider breaking up many western states a crazy or kooky idea. Eastern Washington would do just fine as a separate state. California and Texas could both be broken onto 5 states. Overall I think it would be a good thing and more people would get a chance to be in government that would be more local and responsive at the state level. Sure there would be some negatives, as Washington state would loose Representatives in the house (unless you add more Representatives), and Liberty might become the apple capital of the world, and Spokane would achieve its dream of being a cultural center of a state (a liberal island in a sea of red).
@12 But think of the backwater youth of Europe. Think of all the happiness their fake news brought eager Americans wanting another dose of the Enquirer.
Perhaps eager enterprising American youth can now do fake news for Europe, Africa, China, and Russia. Fake news can be the gift that keeps on giving. Or hmmmm want to go into the fake news business RR? This could be a solid retirement plan for both of us. We could start with unicorns being seen on the lawns of Buckingham palace and at Windsor.
@23 Of course once upon a time back when Truman and Roosevelt were President a simple phone call from somewhere in the federal bureaucracy would have gone out to Carrier and its parent company saying if you like your government contracts you will stay in the US. If not been nice doing business with you and best of luck.
@30 Never spent much time down on the farm?
Or herding cows?
@53 There is one, but they don’t call it that.
@57 Su change Russian to Mexican. How do you feel now? Conservative? A little racist?
Incidentally there are a lot of Russians in Washington state, and more than a few Russian claims to Washington…stronger than the Mexican ones,
@69 I’ll try one. Gotta check this out, could be fake news. Don’t you real journalists get ahead of me, My story!!!
@77 SHHH It’s not election manipulation when we do it.
@81 Hey that would mean paying attention to your Senate and House votes or even state. Lot of work for hard working people or low information voters.
@84 It’s fun and profitable if you are one of the cronies.
@87 Perhaps you think yourself Voltair and are working on your play “Candide”?