– Well looks like we’ll probably have a transit package with full funding for ST but a stupid carbon thing
– Fox News just fired one of its hosts in the most vicious & humiliating way imaginable
– I wonder if Metro could steal the color scheme idea from SWIFT. If the actual buses are different colors (I couldn’t tell from the post, but I’d bet not), it might be a problem on the C and D lines, but otherwise, it’s doable. Also, holy cow, SWIFT 2 looks like it’ll be pretty great.
– JEB!
Clinton selectively edited other portions of emails she declined to provide to the State Department.
For example, in July 2012, Clinton removed paragraphs from a Blumenthal memo that warned “simply completing the election…and fulfilling a list of proper democratic milestones may not create a true democracy.” Blumenthal also wrote — in sections that Clinton deleted before providing the document to State — that the government would likely be “founded on Sharia,” or Islamic laws.
Well, I think we all remember how private security at Westlake Park worked out the last time an innocent black man happened to be standing near a white troublemaker.
@1 So you’re a Bernie Sanders supporter now?
– Fox News just fired one of its hosts in the most vicious & humiliating way imaginable
I imagine it couldn’t have been any more vicious and humiliating than this:
Farewell, Without a Parachute
Ann Curry’s Tearful Goodbye From ‘Today’
Personally, I’d be afraid to go downtown if I knew it was being patrolled by private cops. Drug dealers and street people I can deal with, but police are another matter, and when the “police” are under-trained wannabes beyond the reach of any semblance of public control or oversight, it’s time to avoid the whole area.
@4 I don’t see where NBC hung Curry’s personal laundry out on a line for all to see, like Fox did to Beckel. Can you help us out with that?
Anyway, as I posted yesterday in the Bible Study thread, nobody should ever trust any employer. Beckel’s and Curry’s problem is they were employees. If they were shareholders they wouldn’t have to show up, do any work, couldn’t be fired, and could sit at home posting on HorsesAss and collecting dividends like I do. America’s storied “work ethic” is a sham. You jump through job application and interview hoops, pass their psychological and drug tests, kiss a boss’s behind and do everything they ask of you, and your “reward” is your ass gets canned without warning by some bean counter you’ve never met. Life is so much easier for us capitalists — no work, low or no taxes, and YOU CAN’T BE FIRED! That’s the difference between owning and being owned. Everyone should be a capitalist, no one should be an employee. Work ethic my ass, under our system being employed is the worst thing that can happen to you, short of being drafted to fight a Republican war.
It was only recently that we were told we would see a Greek “wall of dignity”.
Looks like that wall’s a’crumblin’.
According to Germany’s FAZ, “the Greek Court also estimates that the referendum will cost around 110 million euros, according to a well-informed policy analyst. Money that in view of the strapped Greek Checkout simply will not be there, even if the country saves a EUR 1.6 billion full-scale default to the International Monetary Fund this Tuesday.”
Furthermore, the Athens Chamber of Commerce added there is no paper to print some 20 million required ballots!
Hey, RR, for Greece to drop out of the euro and print her own devalued currency, won’t they need some paper for that?
@ 7
Yeah, but sometimes your boss is a billionaire. That’s gotta make it taste better, amirite?
@8 “Hey, RR, for Greece to drop out of the euro and print her own devalued currency, won’t they need some paper for that?”
This shows how out of touch you are. If you don’t know how to live in the 21st century, at least try catching up to the 20th century. It’s clear you haven’t heard that 99% of money is electronic now.
@9 I suppose if you need a job it helps a little to have a boss who doesn’t have to write rubber checks to keep the doors open.
@ 10
It’s clear you haven’t heard that 99% of money is electronic now.
ATMs – preferred currency source of the top 1%.
@8 “It was only recently that we were told we would see a Greek ‘wall of dignity’.”
I don’t see them groveling to the Germans, do you? Asswipes like you forget what happened the last time Germany bullied Greece. The Greeks’ feisty resistance delayed Operation Barbarossa just long enough to cost the krauts the whole shooting match. I see abused people standing up for their country, sovereignty, and dignity against rapacious foreigners trying to assign them to permanent poverty. Good for them, they may go down, but not without a fight!
It’s great that Bob’s subject(s) matter is right along National Inquire lines.
One time Bob said wasn’t necessarily against Puerto Rico joining the Union, as the 51st State. I wonder if he feels now.
yeah, Trump will be the greatest jobs creator in the world. The USA will shutter up for 10 years just like Detroit.
@14 Might as well make Greece the 52nd state. Think of all the military bases and olive oil we’ll get.
Ever notice how the Bickles of the world always blame economic failures on the people with the least economic influence? When a whole economy collapses it’s got to be the fault of wage earners, pensioners, and people on welfare, right?
Owner of a lifeless heart.
Yes co-founder Chris Squire dies
Owner of a heartless life.
Yes Dick Cheney is still alive
puerto rico should be a state or we should let it go.
it should have the same bankruptcy process as any other entity.
we make laws for them. this is not right. it violates human rights and the right of people to have democracy.
it’s kind of amazing how so many of us who ardently support rights in other contexts, don’t seem to care about the fact america took this land and now deprives its citizens of voting rights and democracy. and it does not matter if some of them don’t care, if just ONE PERSON does not have that right to vote by LAW as in this case, this is discrimination and denial of voting rights by law, and it’s shocking.
and all the more for DC. we’re talking millions of people in both, subjected to second class status, by law, and we
spend more time chastizing the south (which we should) about that damn rebel flag than we do actually working to ensure we in america are NOT denying rights to others.
You’re fired!
The strange wingnut behaviour we see these days is causing progressive site headlines to resemble the National Inquirer.
“Mike Huckebee: My GOP rivals have ‘surrendered to the false god of judicial supremacy’”
“Ku Klux Klan fliers left on lawns in Los Angeles suburb”
“Christian pastor says his new anti-LGBT movie was inspired after meeting nice lesbian couple”
“Pastors call for stonings and warn of God’s wrathful judgment after marriage equality ruling”
“Angry man complains that local NBC station changed its peacock logo to ‘the colors of gays’ “
@22 Best one I ever saw was: “Donor wants kidney back.” That’s what happens when you get a Republican organ, plus the damned thing doesn’t even work (especially if it’s a heart).
The pastors calling for stoning aren’t representative of all Christians, of course, but they do represent the views of extremist right-wing fundamentalist Christians
“Pastor Steven Anderson, of Faithful Word Baptist Church, called for stoning to death ministers who performed same-sex marriage ceremonies and repeated his call for the execution of all LGBT people.”
Kill them all! It’s about love and grace.
“Where’s the call to repentance?” Anderson said. “Where’s the hope, where’s the love and the grace? It isn’t there.”
I was making fun of the title of the so-called “commander” of our state’s own Union-hating rebels the other day.
“Another pastor, William Tapley – the self-described Third Eagle of the Apocalypse – said the ruling that “legalizing the crime of sodomy” would hasten the end of the world, in accordance with the prophesy.”
Third Eagle of the Apocalypse? I suggest Puddy use that as his screen name.
More of the usual Putin-worship.
“The Soviet Union, today’s Russia, opposes gay marriage,” Tapley said. “God is going to make it clear that he is destroying a country that legalized gay marriage by a country that opposes gay marriage. This is very significant.”
“He praised the Russian president for comparing LGBT to child molesters.”
“Vladimir Putin’s destruction of the United States as the last king of the north is found in Bible prophesy – it fulfills the words of Jesus,” Tapley said. “The Supreme Court decision may make a few people happy, but it will bring the wrath of almighty God on the rest of us.”
Not that I’m saying that the entire GOP is a bunch of seditionists, secessionist traitors, but if the pollsters were to include Putin with the clown car occupants in their polls, he’d probably end up with numbers matching top-tier GOP candidates and qualify for the debates.
“seditionists (sic), secessionist traitors”
Eh, typo. I also left out “batshit fucking insane”. My bad.
For thousands of years the world was flat and the sun circled the earth. Anybody who said different was put to death. And these fucked in the head preachers were saying the same batshit crazy things about rock and roll and Elvis Presley.
@24 I don’t want to say I told you so, but I kind of called it. It is not just the gay people that need to wory about these people, the straight people should be very concerned too. Anyone who expresses their freedom to believe in the right that two gay people should be allowed to be married are in jeopardy of losing out on a job position and now as well to be stoned to death….in reality it doesn’t even mater if you are Republican or Democrat (but fuck the Republican ones – they still will keep their mouths shout because they are bigots). This is how wingnuts (I mean Nazis) like to express peoples free rights.
They are in competition with ISIS to see who could be the most radical conservatives on the earth.
Wake up People.
Where has Puffy been since the Supreme Court rulings on Obamacare and Same-sex Marriage? He’s pretty much been absent. Or is he just down because Fuckabee believes there is nothing wrong with the Confederate Flag?
Long Live Irealand – Leading in Freedom and Bravery!
By the way – the Mormon Church had about 30 members marching in NYC’s Pride Parade, with signs saying that they are ok with homosexuality…..ohhhhhh my. A parade that lasted 7 hours long – I’m quite sure close to a million or more marched in the parade….who knows, I could be short by a couple of million.
And really this is not out of the ordinary, but if any of you aren’t familiar with the NYC Pride parade, but many corporations had marchers in the Parade….everything from Goodgle, to Microsoft……ohhhhh boy, is Puffy going to stop using Google? I don’t know, maybe he never has or stopped many years ago.
“I don’t want to say I told you so, but I kind of called it.”
I’ve been talking about this for years. They’re fucking nuts and they give good and decent Christians who are gently trying to follow the teachings of Jesus a bad name.
“A North Carolina-based Ku Klux Klan group announced plans to hold a rally in front of the South Carolina Statehouse on July 18, the Charleston Post and Courier reported on Monday.”
“While Roof faces nine counts of murder in connection with the attack, the group’s leader, Robert Jones, expressed support for him.”
“He was heading in the right direction; wrong target,” Jones told the Post and Courier. “He should have actually aimed at the African-American gang-bangers, the ones who are selling the drugs to white youth, the ones who are robbing and raping every chance they get.”
“This is our state, and they are not welcome,” Gov. Nikki Haley said in a statement.
“Yes, and how many years can a mountain exist
Before it is washed to the sea?
Yes, and how many years can some people exist
Before they’re allowed to be free?
Yes, and how many times can a man turn his head
And pretend that he just doesn’t see?
The answer, my friend, is blowin’ in the wind
The answer is blowin’ in the wind.”
Meanwhile those rainbow colored people are demonstrating their
toleranceummm… FASCISM! http://theconservativetreehous.....-in-texas/Puddy made the claim this would happen many months ago because we have worser and the teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla as examples here on HA DUMMOCRETINS. PuddyPrescient as always!
The kicker…
Gotta keep those LIVs stooooooooooooooopid and ignorant as ever!
@32 A southern minister against gay marriage? You don’t say! How unusual is that?
@24 These loudmouths have congregations of about 30 people between them. Yawn. Why does the media pay attention to them? That’s exactly what they want.
@32 it does not matter that Pinckney was opposed to marriage.
He was killed for being black by a racist who hates blacks. that’s the issue at hand.
If he were still alive today, we could debate with him on the merits of marriage.
But, that opportunity has been lost.
@29 this is more than just giving good Christians a bad name, this is about suppressing freedom of speech by virtue of threatening to stone people for being ok with it. This about a liberal or a moderate who is ok with it to possibly not be hired because of they are ok with it. This is about reversing freedom.
If some people don’t want to issue marriages, fine, but they need to employ someone who is willing in addition.
@32 it does not matter that Pinckney was opposed to marriage.
Maybe to you. Butt, Pinckney was one of those 3,742 black ministers against it!
Donta Allen, it wasn’t a rough ride.
Donta Allen video taped in the beginning?
so let’s have a discussion with any and all of them that are willing.
or we can just go your route and put two in the back of their head for being black.
Interesting… The response is just plain moronic!
The fiend is doomed to a lifetime of “great disappointment”..
Way over 2k years fiend.. When’s he gonna pull the trigger, you babbling jackass?
Oh! What will YOU do????? HAHAHAHAHAHA!
Oh? Was this one of them babbling jackass?
SOUTHERN KLOWNSERVATICS set this fire, babbling jackass..
1) Puddy lives free in the head of the monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch!
2) The monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch didn’t read the article closely!
So much for that ASSinine theory monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch!
Rebel Flag Parade Video
(NSFW or kids due to foul language — but don’t turn the audio off, or you won’t hear the BOOM!)
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
Puffy how’s that confederate flag parade, pretty nice! Was in it in the DEMMUCRETIN Country?
I heard Fuckabee organized it.
5 churches vandalized. Hmmmm you don’t say.
Idiot Wabbit @6…
All you had to do was Google “ann curry conflict with matt lauer”, butt you being the early onset senility ASS you are forgot how to Google.
Ann Curry’s ‘Today’ ouster dubbed ‘Operation Bambi’ by execs
or we can just go your route and put two in the back of their head for being black.
Is this the new vomit producer name – youdontneedit? Where has Puddy ever suggested that?
And the world will get darker and darker… http://www.theblaze.com/storie.....ly-darker/
early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit @33,
You didn’t know that so you make up some BULLSHITTIUM post!
@46 I heard 6 churches
So back in 1996 Obummer was for gay marriage then to get elected in 2008 he lied and said he was for hetero marriage only! Then in 2012 back to gay marriage. No wonder everyone claims Obummer is a lying libtard DUMMOCRETIN… http://www.politifact.com/trut.....-marriage/
Thanks for delivering such DUMMOCRETIN hatred @19 early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit!
So Walmart won’t make a confederate cake but will make an ISIS cake! http://www.theblaze.com/storie.....-pans-out/
Puddy bets the cake maker was a LIV DUMMOCRETIN. Republicans and conservatives know all about ISIS while DUMMOCRETINS are ignorant and stooooopid! Man on the street interviews prove that!
Good for her. Union leaders are THUGS! http://www.theblaze.com/storie.....ts-groups/
And now presenting John Effin Kerry http://www.theblaze.com/storie.....ey-player/
Hey monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch, who set this fire?
Remember this? This is the justice rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears cheers! Paternity Fraud! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tZKmftwonU0
The update… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iK35SaJUyqI
Oh yeah rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears doesn’t live free in Puddy.
rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears is Puddy’s punching bag because rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears is a standard DUMMOCRETIN loooonatic!
@48 your rhetoric and your reveling in the death of innocent black americans has been well documented by your posts here, so i have to figure one more (even if he was a preacher) must have deserved it. . .
Ohhhhhhh my, the Puffy head is about to go KABLOOMEY.
Puffy you have a mental condition, I would suggest you talk to a medical professional and work things out, maybe Boob can help you?
Mike Fuckabee loves the Confederate flag.
And Mormons marching in a gay parade.
Puffy’ world is headed to hell, but only because of the Mormons.
But my hero, fuckabee, how can he love that flag?
The Donald sure has got his balls between a rock and a hard place!
A cnn reporter couldn’t tell an ISIS flag from a dildo flag (nor could I), but puffy expects that little old lady behind the counter at Walmart know what it looks like.
Hey dumb fuck grow up. They’re are people, young kids, parading in cars with the confederate flag, but you haven’t said one thing regarding that, but pick on that Walmart worker. Since when did you turn your back on Walmart? You turn your back like you turned it from the black man.
And mind you those guys parading the confederate flag are young kids, what’s your brain tell you? Racism is on the growth in the south. Keep up hating Obama you fool and supporting bigots, you fucked yourself.
Ax the monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch to replay what Puddy has said about slavery, flags, and the DUMMOCRETIN South teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla!
Go on and grow some marbuls and ax the monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla! Puddy dares you!
Since you NEVER pay attention Puddy realizes you wont ax!
Ima axin you. How you like Fuckabee standing up for the confederate flag? I’m axin you, what do you think of the confederate flag parade by racists that are most likely republican conservatives that share a lot of your values?
Thems the questions You afraid to answer.
Ohhhh Iza payin attention.
Puddy doesn’t regurgitate on your whim. Puddy replays PuddyCommentary when Puddy wants. Go back and research like Puddy did on your AirBnb when you forgot teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla!
Apparently the teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla has no marbuls!
Puffy you have a mental condition,
Funny how libtards love to project themselves on others! Libtardoism is a mental disease!