Another day, another Seattle head tax proposal. I have supported these probably since the 1990’s. The homelessness crisis is so bad at this point we need to build more, and if this helps, great. We’re woefully behind.
Someday Seattle, already a costly place to live or do business, will tax itself into oblivion. But not to worry, after you’ve driven all the people out, there’ll still be plenty of free burrows and grass for us rabbits.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Carl, my guess would be that the problem of homelessness in Seattle, as in most other West Coast cities, will not be reduced meaningfully without comprehensive regional planning that addresses residential density. I don’t know Seattle’s suburbs very well, but if Seattle is like most West Coast cities the suburban residential density (within growth boundaries) is less than half what it is in Seattle neighborhoods. The pattern that repeats itself again and again is the newer municipalities zone out residential density and give low income people no option but to camp. You’ll have a few suburban cities with concentrations of multi-family close to transpo, then nothing but min. 20,000+ sq ft lots all the way to the horizon. Meanwhile in the major city the neighborhoods built on a backbone of 4000 square foot lots feel beset by intensifying development and encroaching density and turn NIMBY.
Probably overdue to revisit those growth management laws that sprouted up in the 80s and impose some additional requirements on planning jurisdictions within the boundaries. Those laws did a passable job of limiting and turning back the tide of sprawl that threatened rural farmlands, forests, and natural areas. But they never effectively addressed the implicit issues of accommodating increasing density within the growth boundaries.
Ted cruzed in the TX Senate primary.
Where is all the Dem enthusiasm in the Lone Star State?
@ 1
YLB loves herself some free anything.
Goldy Retweeted
Brian Schatz
First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a Socialistwho the fuck wants to end up like Venezuela? Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a Trade Unionistthe Mob has been running that shit for decades. Then they came for the imported steel and I quit figured, “Well, that just means Donald Trump’s future construction projects will cost him more.”
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
He’s the party’s future!
Headline du jour:
Despite improved Dem showing, Texas GOP sets midterm record
@2 You don’t need rezones to increase density on 20,000 square foot lots. Builders are already buying these properties and carving them into smaller lots or building condos on them. This usually involves tearing down an old house, often replacing a relatively cheap rental with McMansions and displacing a renter family. This development reduces, not increases, the supply of affordable housing.
In many of Seattle’s suburbs, a typical lot size is around 7,000 square feet. A lot of this size doesn’t have room for another house. In any case, cramming more people into these areas isn’t as simple as building more dwelling units. You’re also going to need more school classrooms, and may need to expand or add additional infrastructure to accommodate more traffic and higher demand on electrical, water, and sewer utilities.
Trying to downzone always encounters fierce resistance, because existing property owners fear a negative impact on property values and quality of life. Many people live in suburbs because they dislike the crowding of urban life. They want a little elbow room between themselves and their neighbors, even if it’s only a few feet. They don’t want to look out their windows at a wall 10 feet away.
As a practical matter, the easiest and best way to stuff more people into a suburb is by buying up the less desirable SFRs next to transportation corridors and converting that land to high-rise apartments, as is happening in the I-5 corridor near future light rail locations. But this is a costly proposition and you’ll somehow have to relocate the hundreds or thousands of homeowners who will be displaced.
Bottom line, Seattle’s suburbs can gradually absorb some population growth, but generally speaking there’s no quick and easy panacea for the Seattle metro area’s housing crunch to be found in those places.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@3 You’d know if you read the news once in a while.
Thing about Texas is lots and lots of sprawl.
Voter file data will tell the story. But I suspect that what you’ll see will be a significant uptick in minority and women turnout in higher density urban reporting units, along with a normal to perhaps slightly ahead of normal turnout in suburban/rural reporting units. Statewide races clearly tilt hard toward Traitorbillies. That leaves local races determined by boundary maps. Data should be available just in time to inform oral.
So this is where Trumpism has brought you. Your Texas partisans are sweating out and clinging to a SCOTUS decision that is as likely to be oriented around clarifying a swarm of lower court defeats as it is to uphold overtly partisan redistricting.
In Texas.
Yeah, there’s gotta be a pony in there somewhere.
Roger Rabbitspews:
The DJIA is down 285 points this morning, and that’s only a beginning if Trump drags us into a new era of destructive trade protectionism. We’ll see how loyal his affluent suburban Republican fan base is when all their gains from the so-called “Trump rally” have vanished.
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, the “Trump rally” is 7,000 +/- DJIA points.
On a day in which ADP reports 235,000 job gains, you suggest those 7,000 points are going to vanish?
Prostate CA can met to the brain. You should have yours checked out, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@12 “On a day in which ADP reports 235,000 job gains, you suggest those 7,000 points are going to vanish?”
Yes, that’s my take on what could happen if Trump drags us into a destructive trade war.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@12 Question for you, doc: Why is the DJIA down 250 points on a day when ADP reported 235,000 job gains? I’ll award you extra points if you say it’s not the jobs report that’s driving down stocks today.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@12 I disagree that all 7,000 +/- of those points are attributable to the so-called “Trump rally,” but even playing it your way, a 30% drop in the Dow is conceivable if the Orange Moron ignites a major trade war.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Still digging for that pony @12?
This is why I love the new Republican Party.
They cling relentlessly to the Trump white nationalist delusion even as it threatens to drag them into oblivion.
Let’s face it. Without their help Democrats would probably not be in a position to gain so many seats in this midterm. The trailerbillies are giving us a huge break this year. Dems need to recognize it and get their shit together before 2020. And that may mean Pelosi and Lujan mend their ways or get forced aside.
Roger Rabbitspews:
The Stormy Daniels lawsuit is a simple contract case. He didn’t sing the agreement and she’s willing to return the consideration, so there’s no contract. First year law student stuff.
Michael Cohen will be glad to learn he’s not going to be out $130,000 on behalf of his deadbeat client.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@12 Oh yeah, one more thing, brain cancer isn’t possible in organisms that have no brain, so that’s something you will never have to worry about. Of course, being a doctor of sorts, you already know this.
@11 If it makes Bob more miserable I’m all for a Trade War!
No Pot. And Trade Wars. The two best things in life!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@19 Curious that he isn’t bragging about not shorting GE anymore.
Roger Rabbitspews:
It’s amazing how people’s stories change once they’re in court.
“Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach (R) said on Tuesday that a White House proposal for identifying U.S. voter fraud wouldn’t actually be a reliable way to identify noncitizens on the rolls … during his opening statement in a federal lawsuit challenging a restrictive voting law, Kobach said the federal databases could not adequately identify noncitizens on the voting rolls.”
Maybe. Or at least maybe it makes your tax lawyers smart.
But the reason I recall that moment now has to do with the Mueller indictment of 13 Russians under what is essentially what fed prosecutors call a Klein conspiracy. In the defining case the court held that “Neither the conspiracy’s goal nor the means used to achieve it need to be independently illegal.” What that means is that if two or more people cooperate to do something otherwise perfectly legal from a technical/statutory perspective, but in doing so they intentionally employ a “deceitful” means intended to prevent a federal agency from carrying out its duty then that act alone is a criminal conspiracy. For example, you can legally avoid paying taxes. You just can’t lie about it, or intentionally structure your tax filings and other financial records so as to “deceive” the IRS.
So this may tell us how Mueller is building some of his cases. One good example might just be Michael Cohen and the payments to the pornographic performer structured to avoid election law reporting requirements. See how that works? And once you see that, then you begin to see how meetings in the Seychelles might possibly tie in. And that’s just one meeting involving highly suspicious activities and a small handful of relevant parties. There were hundreds of such meetings going back years involving everyone from Jar Jar to Bannon to Wilbur Ross. These guys were playing for billions and taking risks. Minions like Hope Hicks were taking the same criminal risks for a badge and a parking space.
I doubt Robert Mueller is going after the Trump family for tax fraud. But I think it is very telling that he’s using this section of the code to pry open these otherwise opaque transactions, and targeting not the transactions per se, but the overt intentional acts undertaken to keep them either hidden or alter their appearance. It’s very clear now that this is the direction he’s going in. And that means Rod Rosenstein has signed off on it. They may have squandered their opportunity to fire Mueller.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Working for Trump has been a windfall for Mr. Safety School, Esq.
Demorat War On America News–
Illegal Aliens Convicted of Sex Crimes Among Those Who Evaded Capture After Oakland Mayor’s Warning
Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf, a Democrat, warned San Francisco Bay Area residents, including illegal aliens, that ICE would be conducting raids the weekend of February 24. One illegal alien from Mexico had been convicted of having sexual intercourse with a minor and DUI and had been deported from the U.S. once before in 2003, ICE officials said.
Officials say another who had escaped capture had a sodomy conviction dating back to 2012, and a DUI conviction from this year. That same person — a Mexican citizen — had been deported from the U.S. before in 2013.
A third illegal alien from Mexico who evaded ICE officials had been convicted of armed robbery and had been deported from the U.S. back in 2014 before he once again returned to the U.S. illegally, officials said.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: The client every lawyer dreads most is the one he can’t control.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
I have to assume McGahn has washed his hands of any responsibility for Trump’s fate. He gives him the best, clearest advice that he can, one page, bullet points, with illustrations and emojis, checks briefly for comprehension and then rushes back to his office to memorialize every encounter for his own protection. If the rest of them had any brains they’d follow his example.
So far it appears most of them don’t.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Didn’t you Trump dupes say something about a “swamp”?
“President Donald Trump and his appointees have stocked federal agencies with ex-lobbyists and corporate lawyers who now help regulate the very industries from which they previously collected paychecks, despite promising as a candidate to drain the swamp in Washington.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: These people are like corrupt small town constables who enforce traffic laws when they feel like it, and never against their friends. And you people are the fucking fools who fell for their bullshit campaign promises to bring law and order to the town.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
A review of reports of those attending the trial would indicate to me that Kobach is trying to lose. The team he has in court was selected from within his own office, rather than the state AG’s experienced trial attys, and lack relevant trial experience. Yesterday they were being shut down for failing to properly introduce key evidence to impeach or lay foundation for cross. Sounds like they managed to get through some of it with plenty of coaching from the judge and even the plaintiff. But even though Kobach himself lacks the relevant experience, I assume he’s smart enough to know how badly this hurts his case.
Long con. Lose the case on “technicalities” and “unfair” judge and the narrative plays to the wounded dellusions of aggreived racist white nationalists. More anger equals more money, more support, more influence among the arm-fishing base. Politically Uncorrect probably already has his checkbook out.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Why is this dumbass working for the NY Times? Or in journalism at all?
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Is journalism now a dumping ground for intellectual incompetents? To keep people like her out of teaching? Geez, just give her a job driving a garbage truck and call it a day.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@32 Yeah, I think you’re right. If you don’t have a defense, turn the courtroom into theater. Play to your audience and watch the donations flood in. Just like a holy roller preacher.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Really no worse than David Brooks, who’s been recycling the same idiotic book reports and moralizing lectures about “listening” and “understanding”, all while carefully nurturing the dead corpse of Timothy Leary and dutifully pouring fuel on his party’s white nationalist dumpster fire for two decades. In that time he’s gone from a single two-bedroom townhome in Alexandria to a real estate empire of homes in D.C., Manhattan, Paris, L.I. and Aspen, and even a new trophy wife.
As reliable as Brooks has been for the Sulzberger family he won’t go on forever. Bret Stephens and Bari Weiss are testing the cushions on his comfy chair to see how they fit. And in the era of #MeToo I wouldn’t be surprised if Stephens was secretly forwarding hoax tweets to her. They are both vapid idiots. She just might have a slight edge.
Never underestimate the value of comforting the comfortable and afflicting the afflicted. Why do you think the Times is still feverishly peddling the utterly ridiculous fable that “the forgotten working class” gave Putin his victory? Most of the Times readership would rather not face up to the ugly reality that 63 million Republican voters are an ignorant hooting mob of racists primed for exploitation by pimply Moldovan teenagers.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Q: I do have a question about something you said earlier in response to Jeff’s question. You said that there’s arbitration that’s already been won. By whom and when?
MS. SANDERS: By the President’s personal attorneys. And for details on that, I would refer you to them.
Q: But you’re aware of them, so what more can you share with us?
MS. SANDERS: I can share that the arbitration was won in the President’s favor, and I would refer you to the President’s outside counsel on any details beyond that.
Let’s see. Podium? Check. Flag? Check. Pissidential Seal? Check.
That there is an official statement folks. Made by the White House Press Sec. during an official daily White House press briefing. A statement in which Huck declares for the record that her boss, the Republican Pissident, is a party to the arbitration in question, and that he prevailed in that arbitration.
Not Michael Cohen.
Not David Dennison.
Pissident Fuckface VonClownstick himself.
They are so fucked.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
36 follow up.
It’s a certainty that Ms. Clifford’s attorneys paid close enough attention to Ms. Sanders’ fuckup that this will come back to haunt Cohen and Trump. He’s party to the agreement. But he never signed it. So the agreement is not, nor has it ever been in place. It does not exist.
And that means both she and all her various representatives are perfectly free to disclose any and all details about the negotiations and the proposed agreement itself, including the details of the payment and all the participating parties. So Cohen is guilty of structuring a financial transaction to conceal it from mandatory disclosure under the law. He’s disbarred. He’s going to jail. It was a good ride. But it’s coming to an end soon.
It also means that if the regular media ever wake the fuck up and actually start reporting on this shit instead of giggling and blushing between bouts of fap-surfing Ms. Clifford’s abundant internet catalog, then Huck will be next to go.
Demorat War On America News– Demorat Candidate Forum
Dem Candidate Accused Of Beating Woman And Lying About Serving In Military
An Illinois Democratic congressional candidate has been accused of abusing women and lying about his service in the U.S. military, according to a Wednesday report.
Benjamin Thomas Wolf, who has already had a controversial congressional bid, which has included smoking marijuana on camera and running advertisements on porn sites, has been accused of physically harming his ex-girlfriend and former campaign intern, Katarina Coates. She described six incidents where Wolf physically abused her, Politico reported.
As well as the alleged physical abuse of women, Wolf reportedly has never served in the military, which he has previously claimed when announcing his candidacy. The Democratic congressional candidate has described himself as an “Iraq veteran” and responded to a tweet on Veterans Day calling him out, saying he has “served multiple terms in Africa and Iraq. Wolf for Congress.”
Wolf has said that people are confused as to what he meant by saying he “served” in Iraq, claiming he served in the state department overseas.
“People in the military get upset when I say I served in Iraq. The military doesn’t have a patent on the word ‘served,’” he said.
In a press release, Wolf’s campaign also called him a “former FBI agent,” even though a spokesperson for the FBI told The Chicago Tribune he was “a non-special agent professional support employee,” not an agent.
Remember when the Kenyan Muslim President was found to have attended a Strip Club with Russian business contacts, a club so raunchy that Las Vegas vice had been watching it for months? A club owned by a Democratic mega donor? A club where strippers simulated bestiality on stage as well as…wait for it…golden showers? Remember the evangelical outcry when the Kenyan Muslim was credibly reported to have been at that club?
Yeah me neither. But it is now reported that someone did exactly that.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Dem Candidate Accused Of Beating Woman And Lying About Serving In Military
I think I see the problem. Wrong party affiliation. Within the Democratic Party that sort of thing results in disqualification.
Within the Roypublican Party it results in shouts of encouragement. Within the Roypublican Trump White House it results in rapid promotion.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
If I’m not mistaken, the reason for the months long criminal investigation by the L.V. Vice and the Nevada gaming commission is because the pee pee was not simulated.
Republicans are just Fucking Gross!
They own the fuck out of this shit.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@36 The problem is no one would ever consider a Huck statement to be evidence.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Who cares? Ms. Daniels’ attorneys at least still get to depose her. She works with Mr. Dennison Trump every day. It is not unreasonable to assume that he may have made statements to her or within her hearing in which he acknowledged himself to be a party to the transaction. That is at least one perfectly reasonable explanation for what she declared from that podium. And thanks to the ample precedent established by the Blue Dress Crusade we can know with great confidence that any such statements would not be protected by privilege. The only way Ms. Dennison and her attorneys can find out is if Ms. Sanders is sworn. Even pornographic performers have a right to due process and access to equal protection.
The media may be too titillated or squeamish to stay focused on this. But I’d be shocked if Ms. Daniels’ attorneys aren’t already drafting the discovery subpoena. This represents a potentially huge payday for all of them. If they can break the NDA, and in the process force WH staff to give sworn testimony they’ll be on an all expenses paid vacation for the next three years staying in luxury suites, riding town cars from one television studio to another, and negotiating book deals, broadcast rights, and movie rights over meals at Jean Georges.
I ignore y’all for barely more than 24 hours and y’all run out of shit to talk about.
Or maybe y’all realize that losing 5 Dem US senators is somethin’ best silently considered.
@44 And here I thought you had been arrested for lynching the loon.
Of course Trump will take all the credit for bringing Kim to the table.
I have to wonder if Kim isn’t thinking about taking Trump out. I mean, what does he have to lose? His country is screwed no matter what, starving and freezing to death. Maybe Kim has perfected the “Judas Kiss” with VX and this is his chance to go out in a blaze of glory and be a martyr for his country,
Kim probably finally watched Dr. Stranglelove and decided take the Major Kong approach:
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
in the event that being sexually humiliated before the world community by pimply Moldovan teens who grew up playing in landfills was not to your liking, prepare yourself for further ritual abuse at the hands of dwarfs starving for cabbage and toothpaste.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Of course Trump will take all the credit for bringing Kim to the table.
And well he should.
Kim knows an historic opportunity when he sees it. The weakest, most corrupt, most ignorant, most politically crippled President of the last 100 years whose cabinet, when it isn’t busy warring with itself, is completely preoccupied with negotiating outside deals and severance agreements, whose National Security Advisor is riding the bubble, and whose State Department has mostly quit without replacement is probably desperate enough to take almost any deal. And what do we know about Fuckface’s deal making prowess when he is not facing impeachment and sweeping criminal indictments?
I think we just learned who Putin gave the Pee Pee tape to.
If he survives Fuckface will probably return with Kim’s likeness tattooed onto his chest Ed Hardy style.
Puddybud is just visiting the mayonnaise monster lookin ASS crackers here!spews:
The only lynching is the self lynching of that single brain cell in shitstain stoooooooooooooopid solution steve neanderthal cranium! Puddy is alive as evah. The Deep South is just fine and Puddy is doing just fine! Parts are warm and some parts not so warm.
Till Next Time!
Puddybud is just visiting the mayonnaise monster lookin ASS crackers here!spews:
The Klamath Mountain hillbilly @48 is hilarious as ever. If Trump is sooooooooooooooo weak, why did Kim capitulate to a meeting? Just a few months of total pressure Kim wants to talk. Eight years of Obummer bowing and ASS-kissing did nuthin! You are a member of the appeasement party. DUMMOCRETINS say “Let’s bribe murderous thugs.” Yeah that worked! Seems Trump’s button is really bigger! Little Rocket Man has blinked first. Obummer begged dicktators to be nice. Trump has given up nuthin!
The Art of The Deal strikes again!
You Trump Derangement Syndrome FOOLS have nuthin!
Trust But Verify!
Till Next Time
Newt Hoenikkerspews:
Kim probably wants Trump to bring Stormy to the table too. I can see it now, just like the final scene of “A Clockwork Orange”, Kim and Trump doing the “wild thing” with Stormy while The Doors, “Rider on the Storm” is blaring over loudspeakers rather than hearing Beethoven (warning, clip NSFW)
Oh the sacrifices that one has to make for world peace (or is it piece).
If you were to shop at Revolution I recommend Rasputin Music in the next block too. Cheaper than Amoeba but smaller and a pint at Triple Rock which is related to Big Time brewing in the U district. All of them are a few blocks from BART because some places built a rail system decades ago.
Puddybud is just visiting the mayonnaise monster lookin ASS crackers here!spews:
Now watching CNN and their HATE TRUMP News with Gloria “James Comey WILL NOT Say He Exonerated Trump” Borger make an horses ASS out of her self again!
Till Next Time!
Newt Hoenikkerspews:
Channeling your inner Ronald Reagan I see. Good for you. That will serve you well in the Deep South.
Puddybud is just visiting the mayonnaise monster lookin ASS crackers here!spews:
The irony of Trump supporters storming a book store and saying they’ll burn the place down is probably lost on our Trolls.
VS. DUMMOCRETIN Antifa FOOLS actually burning down stores these past few years is lost on HA DUMMOCRETINS?
Sheeeeeeeeesh checkmate-252 you really are a moron!
Till Next Time!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@44 “Or maybe y’all realize that losing 5 Dem US senators is somethin’ best silently considered.”
Last time I checked, we’re gaining on you guys.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
“…why did Kim capitulate to a meeting?”
With nothing more than a short informal note passed between third parties Kim obtained the Man-Baby’s informal commitment and he has global media eagerly anticipating what used to be the most prestigious state visit after the Queen and the Pope. Capitulate? He got a pledge to meet entirely on his own terms. Now it is left to Tillerson and McMaster to figure out how to claw back the tweets without further destabilizing the region.
Kim can’t lose here.
Puddybud is just visiting the mayonnaise monster lookin ASS crackers here!spews:
So VP Mike Pence ignoring the dicktator’s sister at the Olympics is still wrong? Pence ignored the sister of a dicktator! Pence ignored the daughter of a dicktator! Pence ignored the granddaughter of a dicktator!
Remember Bill Clinton’s failed North Korea deal in 1994? Those UN monitors really blocked those nuclear weapons eh?
Till Next Time!
Roger Rabbitspews:
Fuck, the loon has returned.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@52 “some places built a rail system decades ago”
And because we didn’t, we get to pay 20 times as much for ours.
Puddybud is just visiting the mayonnaise monster lookin ASS crackers here!spews:
He got a pledge to meet entirely on his own terms.
His own terms?
The joint military sessions are still on between Korea and America!
His own terms?
Kim is suspending testing of nuclear weapons
His own terms?
He approached Trump!
South Korea didn’t tell anyone of Kim’s decision so Tillerson and Mattis were caught off guard.
The Klamath Mountains hillbilly once again bares its ASS and it’s not pretty!
Till Next Time!
Puddybud is just visiting the mayonnaise monster lookin ASS crackers here!spews:
South Korea didn’t tell anyone of Kim’s decision so Tillerson and Mattis were caught off guard. Read the comments of the South Koreans not the NY Slimes you useless FOOL!
The Klamath Mountains hillbilly once again bares its ASS and it’s not pretty!
Till Next Time!
Roger Rabbitspews:
I see the loon has a new handle. He writes like he’s on crack, too.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@62 “on his own terms”
Really? The U.S. position until now was that we wouldn’t meet N.K. without our other partners. Is Trump cutting South Korea, Japan, and Philippines out of negotiations? If he is, that’s a massive concession that N.K. has been trying to get for years.
Puddybud is just visiting the mayonnaise monster lookin ASS crackers here!spews:
Fuck, the senile idiot has never left.
Puddybud is just visiting the mayonnaise monster lookin ASS crackers here!spews:
Fuck, the senile idiot has never left.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@61 “South Korea didn’t tell anyone of Kim’s decision so Tillerson and Mattis were caught off guard.”
To hell with them, the State Dep’t and Pentagon don’t need to be there, Trump can handle this by himself.
Newt Hoenikkerspews:
As @64 points, out, Kim is really calling the shots on this and you are too fucking stupid to either see it or admit it.
Kim has nothing to lose, Trump has everything to lose.
Kim wants nothing more than to be able to mock and ridicule Trump. Trump can’t control or contain himself and that is demonstrated on a daily basis.
At best, maybe they get a peace treaty signed, but Kim keeps his nukes. This will give Kim the chance to turn Seoul into glass if anyone violates the terms of a peace treaty.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@58 “Remember Bill Clinton’s failed North Korea deal in 1994? Those UN monitors really blocked those nuclear weapons eh?”
Dunno, all I know is NK’s first test was in 2006, about 12 years later when your chimp was in charge, and that one fizzled, so they didn’t pop off one that worked until Shrub had been in there for 8 years and supposedly was containing this.
Puddybud is just visiting the mayonnaise monster lookin ASS crackers here!spews:
You R too fucking stupid flat beer froth AKA checkmate-252!
Kim wants nothing more than to be able to mock and ridicule Trump.
– And Trump will call Little Rocket Man on it. The Bill Clinton Appeasement mode really worked eh flat beer froth? Of couse you r too fucking stupid to realize that worked so well right?
Kim mocked and ridiculed Obummer for the past few years!
At best, maybe they get a peace treaty signed, but Kim keeps his nukes.
– Don’t think so flat beer froth. China even joined in to the Trump sanctions. Keeping his nukes? That’s the DUMMOCRETIN Party line on CNN, and PMSNBC especially that Gloria Borger FOOL! That would be no change. Trump is a game changer!
Till Next Time!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@68 Sure they’ll talk to Trump. They know a mark when they see one.
Newt Hoenikkerspews:
“You R too fucking stupid flat beer froth AKA checkmate-252!”
“Don’t think so flat beer froth.”
You got the wrong guy. I’m not either of those people.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@72 Don’t expect the loon to shoot straight. He’d blow his own dick off if his gun had a trigger. That’s why his mother removed it.
Puddybud is just visiting the mayonnaise monster lookin ASS crackers here!spews:
Once again Roger the senile idiot wabbit proves its lack of reasoning and memory loss is catastrophic.
@74,75 – Can’t even take his elbow off the “send” key. What a fucking idiot.
Newt Hoenikkerspews:
Piddles, despite you being batshit crazy and a believer is the sky-daddy theory and that the earth is only 7000 years old, if I had a choice between you and Trump negotiating with Kim, I would pick you to do it.
However if it came down to between you and Bob, well, the doc seems to have a few more smarts than you do.
Puddybud is just visiting the mayonnaise monster lookin ASS crackers here!spews:
Yeah Newt, you say much the same stoooooooooooopid shit flat beer froth does!
Puddy mistook you for someone just as stoooooooooooooopid. Puddy’s bad!
Till Next Time!
Puddybud is just visiting the mayonnaise monster lookin ASS crackers here!spews:
Poor Newt, Has to revert to old attacks because it has EPIC FAYLED on the Trump/NK attack…
“the earth is only 7000 years old”
And when Jesus comes in His clouds of glory, you will have nuthin to say!
Till Next Time!
Puddybud is just visiting the mayonnaise monster lookin ASS crackers here!spews:
All these DUMMOCRETIN attacks are EPIC FAYLES!
Till Next Time!
Puddybud is just visiting the mayonnaise monster lookin ASS crackers here!spews:
The links delivered how senile your stoooooooooooooopid ASS really is! You are either to lazy to review Bill Clinton’s EPIC FAYLE policies or you have no search skillz. So which is it?
Till Next Time!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@78 “Puddy’s bad!”
I wouldn’t say you’re bad. No, fundamentally, you’re not a bad person. Newt was right, the word you want here is “crazy.”
@81 “You are either to lazy … ”
Also can’t spell “too” correctly.
Newt Hoenikkerspews:
“And when Jesus comes in His clouds of glory, you will have nuthin to say!”
Ha, I will have plenty to say.
First off, I would say, “Hi.”
Next I would say, “You wouldn’t believe what man has done in your name, you will be so ashamed.”
Last, I would say, “Good luck, you gonna need it if you have the likes of Piddles in your crowd.”
And a joke, “What is white and flies through the air? The second coming of Christ.”
Puddybud is just visiting the mayonnaise monster lookin ASS crackers here!spews:
First off, I would say, “Hi.”
You’ll be calling for the rocks to fall upon yourself. You will be killed by His brightness!
You keep joking about Christ’s second coming!
Till Next Time!
Puddybud is just visiting the mayonnaise monster lookin ASS crackers here!spews:
So which is it senile FOOL?
Too lazy or too senile to remember?
How about both?
Till Next Time!
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Let’s face it. In the seven months since the Roypublican party got behind Satan in Charlottesville the Pious Liar has had nothing to distract him from his poor choices.
He’s gonna run with this for a little while.
But sure as the sun rises, the disgraceful sham of a human being he so eagerly supports will come to our rescue like he always does by grabbing pussy, fucking ponographic film stars, cheating on his wife with Playmates, or rage-firing someone in another obscenity filled tirade. And to our relief, the Pious Liar will shrink back into his shame and regret once again.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
It won’t stop getting better!
Cohen filled his complaint with Alternative Dispute Resolution Sevices Inc only on behalf of the Delaware LLC he set up to structure the NDA and make the payment to the pornographic performer. However…
…the arbitration agreement only provides for arbitration services between Trump (using a pseudonym) and Daniels. Neither Cohen, nor Essential Consultants, LLC are named in the arbitration section of the agreement.
Cohen’s complaint is without standing and the order is unenforcible. Under the agreement only Trump himself or an attorney representing him can bring a complaint.
Long shot fringe candidate in Illinois 5th is a bad dude.
His primary opponents:
Incumbant Mike Quigley, $972K Cash on hand
Samena Mustaffa, $32K Cash on hand
Benjamin Thomas Wolf, $7k Cash on hand
This will be a story if he gets the nomination. Maybe he can be removed from the bench for violating the establishment clause, twice, and being a creepy dude who cruises the mall for underage chicks and run again in a few decades.
No party would ever elect a guy in the primary for Senator like that.
He’s GoodSpaceGuy, basically. He’s not even Pat Paulsen (RIP)
Damn that was some HATE FRENZY by the babbling, buttsploding butthole troll..
That silly, insane, daffy white nationalist…
Hey loon, you’ve been trolling HA for near 13 years?
When’s jeebus comin’?
He wasn’t even smart enough to stick with the, “I paid her personally and it had nothing to do with the campaign and no one else knew about it.”
That’s totally outstanding. I’ve know toddlers who can keep a bullshit story together longer.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
What I suspect is when Cohen got to the arbitration section he lazily boilerplated it from some standard Trump Org NDA he routinely relies on to silence the employees they fuck over.
Darn! Looks like the loon wasn’t lynched after all. And after I all but accused Doctor Dumbfuck of lynching him. Oh, well. Sorry, Doc.
I reckon now that after last week’s pyrotechnic display of HATE!, it probably took the loon a few days more than usual to put his exploding head back together.
Still, if the loon keeps partying with those white supremacist boys, sooner or later he’s going to find himself being lynched. It’s bound to happen and when it does, I’m sure I’ll be feeling very…SAD!
Newt Hoenikkerspews:
“You will be killed by His brightness!”
ROFLMA, that is hysterical coming from you.
You see Piddles, your density is on par with that of a black hole, his “brightness” would just roll off and be sucked into you endless abyss of dense stupidity, much like the scenario of Cygnus X-1 (you would be the black hole in the middle).
Trust me, I would be fine, you on the other hand would have some ‘splaining to do about you saying that you live a Christian life but your written record here just proves that completely false.
Jesus is full of love, Piddles is full of something else.
Looks to me like the loon has already attained Peak Hate. He’s really bringing it.
Newt Hoenikkerspews:
Yeah, Piddles has really lost it recently, he came back really charged up and just had to let it fly. So sad.
He is so blinded by his hate, he can’t even spew it towards the correct individual, talk about misguided hate. Sky-daddy won’t be happy with that.
My work is done here for the night.
Newt Hoenikkerspews:
The real issue is Trump wants to brag to the world he banged a porn star, his ego wants that more than anything. It is about power and money for him, nothing more. Remember, he is a guy that said he could shoot someone on 5th Avenue and not lose one vote.
So now that he is president, he isn’t worried about being impeached for banging some porn star, heck he wants to gloat about it, “Yeah, I banged a porn star. I paid six-figures for a piece of ass. I was a real stallion.” He isn’t afraid of Congress or the media. I think the only person he fears is his wife. “Hell hath no fury like a women scorned.”
One can only hope she goes “Lorena Bobbitt” on him.
Newt Hoenikkerspews:
@94 “He’s really bringing it.”
He’s got nothin’. Rants about facts all the time yet is not coherent and demonstrates it time and time again.
However he does have a well documented written record of unbridled hate and hypocrisy. I’m sure it wouldn’t be hard to come up with his following of the seven deadly sins in his writings.
That won’t go well at the gates of St. Peter. In fact, I doubt he gets that far but rather he will get to chat with Charon.
Naw, what really happens is we all return to a form of carbon. Piddles is going to be very disappointed.
@16 Right now both parties are in a state of disarray, and Trump may actually be doing things Democrats should be doing. At least he is sticking to campaign rhetoric to help the working stiffs. Thus tariffs, and they are and will be popular in that other America.
It’s premature to count on a blue wave.
Mark Adamsspews:
@29 And the kind of client every lawyer loves is the one who will not be charged. Even if the statement is 100% true the justice department cannot charge the President. Only Congress can do something, and that is impeach the President, thus far predictions of impeachment and removal from office is a big yawn. Just so much noise.
Mark Adamsspews:
@30 Because two things have to happen first, Each house of Congress has to do something, the attorneys may do CYA because of Mueller, and the investigation may take some more people down, until the Presidential pardons show up one day like at a Oprah show filming…you get a pardon, you get a pardon, everyone look under your seats you all get new Drones…go pick on your favorite Democrat and try not to leave too many peanuts around.
Mark Adamsspews:
@33 Read the story, It states she is an opinion writer, therefore not a journalist. Or at least not on this particular writing on which the rules of journalism don’t apply. They call the opinion page because it’s not news, it is opinion, rather like HA, just a more prestigious east coast venue.
Mark Adamsspews:
@38 Interesting cat. Future Congressman, well he is running in Illinois. A few recent Governors are in the Federal Pen or have spent time there. It will be even more fun if this hobbyist gets elected. He might actually be a decent politician. Might represent the folks in his district, just a bit out of the main stream. Or is this where the party eats its own, or tries to deep six him, even try to get the Republican elected, as they know this guy will tell them what a former Senator from Wisconsin should have told the party.
Mark Adamsspews:
@40 I’m sorry if you are only familiar with the Democratic party of the coasts, but what you are inferring is not true, and never has been. The Democratic party has bad boys and girls in public office. Some of them are not as bad as the corrupt boys and girls who are Democrats in public office.
Mark Adamsspews:
@43 You do remember a guy by the name of John Edwards. He set a precedent that frankly means you got nothing here except you can make a little hay, and little of that. Perhaps if you review history you may wish Mr Edwards was sitting in the federal pen, but lawyers for your hero Mr Edwards prevailed which ultimately means you got nothing, your smart attorneys for your guy have screwed you. Does it feel good being screwed? Must as you haven’t realized you have been screwed.
If this thing is really only about the money there will be an out of court settlement in a few days, if not the Kardashian have competition from America’s upcoming newest cable channel. Hopefully RR or some of you all are invested.
Mark Adamsspews:
@46 Most likely Kim assumed that Trump would refuse. It may just be as likely that the young man has realized he is mortal, and he and his regime cannot indefinitely maintain control over North Korea. Not likely but he may actually prefer to see Korea reunited rather than North Korea becoming a vassal of China with him very very dead., So he agrees to a graduated reunification, elections, and he and his fly off somewhere to live comfortable, and able to enjoy cheese, and even visit Disneyworld and shoot the breeze with Dennis Rodman. Hey if we are gong to engage in fantasy why not make it a good and happy one.
Mark Adamsspews:
@49 I don’t know why they go on like this about lynching’s. If there had been a lynching in Washington or Oregon states it would have been the biggest national news for at least a couple of days. It’s vaguely possible since you occassionally are into doing good works in the world you maybe in the wrong place at the wrong time in some place off the beaten track.
Mark Adamsspews:
@51 Well I hope Trump is open to taking her right along and she can be our chief negotiator with Kim, maybe he will happily ride away into the sunset, and if she puts a smile on his face, who are we to complain.
Admiral Perry opened up Japan in part with the cannon on his ship, but if he cold have done it with whores President Fillmore would have been just as happy.
Mark Adamsspews:
@56 Democrats could well loose 5 seats in the Senate. While things look rosy the odds favor the Republican’s in the Senate races. I don’t believe you have a crystal ball so you will just have wait until November. I don’t recommend making predictions until after primaries. Still be my guest. Also Pelosi is a dead parrot. I’m seriously doubting she is the once and future Speaker of the House.
Mark Adamsspews:
@57 And if Trump calls for the meeting to be held at the Hague, Netherlands?
Not very likely. If the North Korean’s have agreed to a denuclearization, an acceptance that S. Korean and American exercises will happen progress has been made, and maybe Kim has smelled the coffee, maybe good things can happen, if not nothing has been lost. My expectations have been exceeded, seems you are calling sour grapes. Could be you need to as your partisan politics and party are hurt?
@64 It is the 6 power talks you are most likely talking about US, North Korea, South Korea, China, Russia, and Japan.
Though the Aussies should get a mention, I don’t see where including or excluding the Philippines is necessary.
Mark Adamsspews:
@68 Kim might just get told to surrender unconditionally. China is not going to give Kim a better deal. Kim presumable can turn Seoul to glass now or use VX so why wait?
Mark Adamsspews:
@69 Reagan style senility coming on RR. Rather selective at first.
Mark Adamsspews:
@83 That is what your gonna say? I can’t even give you style points.
Why not Dude. Man I think some pissed on your rug. What took you so long, your disciples expected you back in their lifetimes and you are about 2000 years late.
We have been to the moon. And you missed the Pioneer flybys.
Why are you here, aren’t supposed to be in Jerusalem? Have some pork. Was Mary Magdalen good in bed? Did you arm wrestle Hillary Clinton.
Mark Adamsspews:
@84 Isn’t that oing to make all ways cross walks a bear unless you walk backwards,
Roger Rabbitspews:
Why Trump is a fool.
“The meeting is a huge political win for Kim,” said analysts at consulting firm Eurasia Group. “It essentially provides him equal status with the U.S. president and strengthens his bid to have North Korea be recognized as a de facto nuclear power.”
@118 Saved me the trouble. How can someone be so clueless?
P.S., HA’s Roger Rabbit has NOTHING to do with any Disney character, living or dead, and that’s NOT where the “Roger Rabbit” handle came from. Completely different inspirations, story lines, and characters. Zero connection. Please get this straight, even if you get nothing else right, Mark.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Explaining, again, why Trump is a fool. In case his followers here don’t get it.
” … there’s a real chance Trump could be walking into a massive trap.”
Meanwhile, the party that perpetually promises to root out government “waste, fraud, and abuse” is spending $138,670 on a door. Yes, this is Zinke again.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: He may have to sell a national park to pay for this. Don’t even think about what the private bathroom remodel in his office is going to cost. (This guy needs a gigantic shitter to contain all his shit.)
Oh wait, he’s not an American, he’s one of Trump’s “rapists and bad hombres.” But he’s still a hero to the rest of us.
Roger Rabbitspews:
And Republicans wonder why we regard their party’s leader — the racist draft dodger THEY elected president — with disdain and contempt. And them, too, for electing him.
Roger Rabbitspews:
This man was a giant; Trump is a gnat, a bug, an ant.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
“He often thought a woman was too ethnic or too dark-skinned. He had a particular type of woman he thought was a winner. Others were too ethnic. He liked a type.”
Just not Puddy’s type. Sad.
@72 & @PiddlesLiar
Mike Rogers.
Newt Hoenikkerspews:
Don’t know who “Mike Rogers” is, definitely not who I am.
Someday Seattle, already a costly place to live or do business, will tax itself into oblivion. But not to worry, after you’ve driven all the people out, there’ll still be plenty of free burrows and grass for us rabbits.
Carl, my guess would be that the problem of homelessness in Seattle, as in most other West Coast cities, will not be reduced meaningfully without comprehensive regional planning that addresses residential density. I don’t know Seattle’s suburbs very well, but if Seattle is like most West Coast cities the suburban residential density (within growth boundaries) is less than half what it is in Seattle neighborhoods. The pattern that repeats itself again and again is the newer municipalities zone out residential density and give low income people no option but to camp. You’ll have a few suburban cities with concentrations of multi-family close to transpo, then nothing but min. 20,000+ sq ft lots all the way to the horizon. Meanwhile in the major city the neighborhoods built on a backbone of 4000 square foot lots feel beset by intensifying development and encroaching density and turn NIMBY.
Probably overdue to revisit those growth management laws that sprouted up in the 80s and impose some additional requirements on planning jurisdictions within the boundaries. Those laws did a passable job of limiting and turning back the tide of sprawl that threatened rural farmlands, forests, and natural areas. But they never effectively addressed the implicit issues of accommodating increasing density within the growth boundaries.
Ted cruzed in the TX Senate primary.
Where is all the Dem enthusiasm in the Lone Star State?
@ 1
YLB loves herself some free anything.
Goldy Retweeted
Brian Schatz
First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out— Because
I was not a Socialistwho the fuck wants to end up like Venezuela? Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out— BecauseI was not a Trade Unionistthe Mob has been running that shit for decades. Then they came for the imported steel and Iquitfigured, “Well, that just means Donald Trump’s future construction projects will cost him more.”16h
3, 4,
He’s the party’s future!
Headline du jour:
Despite improved Dem showing, Texas GOP sets midterm record
Oil’s doing well, I see.
@2 You don’t need rezones to increase density on 20,000 square foot lots. Builders are already buying these properties and carving them into smaller lots or building condos on them. This usually involves tearing down an old house, often replacing a relatively cheap rental with McMansions and displacing a renter family. This development reduces, not increases, the supply of affordable housing.
In many of Seattle’s suburbs, a typical lot size is around 7,000 square feet. A lot of this size doesn’t have room for another house. In any case, cramming more people into these areas isn’t as simple as building more dwelling units. You’re also going to need more school classrooms, and may need to expand or add additional infrastructure to accommodate more traffic and higher demand on electrical, water, and sewer utilities.
Trying to downzone always encounters fierce resistance, because existing property owners fear a negative impact on property values and quality of life. Many people live in suburbs because they dislike the crowding of urban life. They want a little elbow room between themselves and their neighbors, even if it’s only a few feet. They don’t want to look out their windows at a wall 10 feet away.
As a practical matter, the easiest and best way to stuff more people into a suburb is by buying up the less desirable SFRs next to transportation corridors and converting that land to high-rise apartments, as is happening in the I-5 corridor near future light rail locations. But this is a costly proposition and you’ll somehow have to relocate the hundreds or thousands of homeowners who will be displaced.
Bottom line, Seattle’s suburbs can gradually absorb some population growth, but generally speaking there’s no quick and easy panacea for the Seattle metro area’s housing crunch to be found in those places.
@3 You’d know if you read the news once in a while.
Thing about Texas is lots and lots of sprawl.
Voter file data will tell the story. But I suspect that what you’ll see will be a significant uptick in minority and women turnout in higher density urban reporting units, along with a normal to perhaps slightly ahead of normal turnout in suburban/rural reporting units. Statewide races clearly tilt hard toward Traitorbillies. That leaves local races determined by boundary maps. Data should be available just in time to inform oral.
So this is where Trumpism has brought you. Your Texas partisans are sweating out and clinging to a SCOTUS decision that is as likely to be oriented around clarifying a swarm of lower court defeats as it is to uphold overtly partisan redistricting.
In Texas.
Yeah, there’s gotta be a pony in there somewhere.
The DJIA is down 285 points this morning, and that’s only a beginning if Trump drags us into a new era of destructive trade protectionism. We’ll see how loyal his affluent suburban Republican fan base is when all their gains from the so-called “Trump rally” have vanished.
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, the “Trump rally” is 7,000 +/- DJIA points.
On a day in which ADP reports 235,000 job gains, you suggest those 7,000 points are going to vanish?
Prostate CA can met to the brain. You should have yours checked out, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
@12 “On a day in which ADP reports 235,000 job gains, you suggest those 7,000 points are going to vanish?”
Yes, that’s my take on what could happen if Trump drags us into a destructive trade war.
@12 Question for you, doc: Why is the DJIA down 250 points on a day when ADP reported 235,000 job gains? I’ll award you extra points if you say it’s not the jobs report that’s driving down stocks today.
@12 I disagree that all 7,000 +/- of those points are attributable to the so-called “Trump rally,” but even playing it your way, a 30% drop in the Dow is conceivable if the Orange Moron ignites a major trade war.
Still digging for that pony @12?
This is why I love the new Republican Party.
They cling relentlessly to the Trump white nationalist delusion even as it threatens to drag them into oblivion.
Let’s face it. Without their help Democrats would probably not be in a position to gain so many seats in this midterm. The trailerbillies are giving us a huge break this year. Dems need to recognize it and get their shit together before 2020. And that may mean Pelosi and Lujan mend their ways or get forced aside.
The Stormy Daniels lawsuit is a simple contract case. He didn’t sing the agreement and she’s willing to return the consideration, so there’s no contract. First year law student stuff.
Michael Cohen will be glad to learn he’s not going to be out $130,000 on behalf of his deadbeat client.
@12 Oh yeah, one more thing, brain cancer isn’t possible in organisms that have no brain, so that’s something you will never have to worry about. Of course, being a doctor of sorts, you already know this.
@11 If it makes Bob more miserable I’m all for a Trade War!
No Pot. And Trade Wars. The two best things in life!
@19 Curious that he isn’t bragging about not shorting GE anymore.
It’s amazing how people’s stories change once they’re in court.
“Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach (R) said on Tuesday that a White House proposal for identifying U.S. voter fraud wouldn’t actually be a reliable way to identify noncitizens on the rolls … during his opening statement in a federal lawsuit challenging a restrictive voting law, Kobach said the federal databases could not adequately identify noncitizens on the voting rolls.”
Cohen’s going to need every penny for his own defense.
@22 Most people can’t afford to be a friend of Trump.
Remember this moment?
“That makes me smart.”
Maybe. Or at least maybe it makes your tax lawyers smart.
But the reason I recall that moment now has to do with the Mueller indictment of 13 Russians under what is essentially what fed prosecutors call a Klein conspiracy. In the defining case the court held that “Neither the conspiracy’s goal nor the means used to achieve it need to be independently illegal.” What that means is that if two or more people cooperate to do something otherwise perfectly legal from a technical/statutory perspective, but in doing so they intentionally employ a “deceitful” means intended to prevent a federal agency from carrying out its duty then that act alone is a criminal conspiracy. For example, you can legally avoid paying taxes. You just can’t lie about it, or intentionally structure your tax filings and other financial records so as to “deceive” the IRS.
So this may tell us how Mueller is building some of his cases. One good example might just be Michael Cohen and the payments to the pornographic performer structured to avoid election law reporting requirements. See how that works? And once you see that, then you begin to see how meetings in the Seychelles might possibly tie in. And that’s just one meeting involving highly suspicious activities and a small handful of relevant parties. There were hundreds of such meetings going back years involving everyone from Jar Jar to Bannon to Wilbur Ross. These guys were playing for billions and taking risks. Minions like Hope Hicks were taking the same criminal risks for a badge and a parking space.
I doubt Robert Mueller is going after the Trump family for tax fraud. But I think it is very telling that he’s using this section of the code to pry open these otherwise opaque transactions, and targeting not the transactions per se, but the overt intentional acts undertaken to keep them either hidden or alter their appearance. It’s very clear now that this is the direction he’s going in. And that means Rod Rosenstein has signed off on it. They may have squandered their opportunity to fire Mueller.
Working for Trump has been a windfall for Mr. Safety School, Esq.
Demorat War On America News–
Illegal Aliens Convicted of Sex Crimes Among Those Who Evaded Capture After Oakland Mayor’s Warning
Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf, a Democrat, warned San Francisco Bay Area residents, including illegal aliens, that ICE would be conducting raids the weekend of February 24. One illegal alien from Mexico had been convicted of having sexual intercourse with a minor and DUI and had been deported from the U.S. once before in 2003, ICE officials said.
Officials say another who had escaped capture had a sodomy conviction dating back to 2012, and a DUI conviction from this year. That same person — a Mexican citizen — had been deported from the U.S. before in 2013.
A third illegal alien from Mexico who evaded ICE officials had been convicted of armed robbery and had been deported from the U.S. back in 2014 before he once again returned to the U.S. illegally, officials said.
And then there’s minions like 26, who take the criminal risks for “likes” and “followers”.
I feel a little guilty mocking them. But I can’t help it.
@6 what’s wrong – the illegals cock blocking you?
Add witness tampering to the list of impeachable offenses.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: The client every lawyer dreads most is the one he can’t control.
I have to assume McGahn has washed his hands of any responsibility for Trump’s fate. He gives him the best, clearest advice that he can, one page, bullet points, with illustrations and emojis, checks briefly for comprehension and then rushes back to his office to memorialize every encounter for his own protection. If the rest of them had any brains they’d follow his example.
So far it appears most of them don’t.
Didn’t you Trump dupes say something about a “swamp”?
“President Donald Trump and his appointees have stocked federal agencies with ex-lobbyists and corporate lawyers who now help regulate the very industries from which they previously collected paychecks, despite promising as a candidate to drain the swamp in Washington.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: These people are like corrupt small town constables who enforce traffic laws when they feel like it, and never against their friends. And you people are the fucking fools who fell for their bullshit campaign promises to bring law and order to the town.
A review of reports of those attending the trial would indicate to me that Kobach is trying to lose. The team he has in court was selected from within his own office, rather than the state AG’s experienced trial attys, and lack relevant trial experience. Yesterday they were being shut down for failing to properly introduce key evidence to impeach or lay foundation for cross. Sounds like they managed to get through some of it with plenty of coaching from the judge and even the plaintiff. But even though Kobach himself lacks the relevant experience, I assume he’s smart enough to know how badly this hurts his case.
Long con. Lose the case on “technicalities” and “unfair” judge and the narrative plays to the wounded dellusions of aggreived racist white nationalists. More anger equals more money, more support, more influence among the arm-fishing base. Politically Uncorrect probably already has his checkbook out.
Why is this dumbass working for the NY Times? Or in journalism at all?
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Is journalism now a dumping ground for intellectual incompetents? To keep people like her out of teaching? Geez, just give her a job driving a garbage truck and call it a day.
@32 Yeah, I think you’re right. If you don’t have a defense, turn the courtroom into theater. Play to your audience and watch the donations flood in. Just like a holy roller preacher.
Really no worse than David Brooks, who’s been recycling the same idiotic book reports and moralizing lectures about “listening” and “understanding”, all while carefully nurturing the dead corpse of Timothy Leary and dutifully pouring fuel on his party’s white nationalist dumpster fire for two decades. In that time he’s gone from a single two-bedroom townhome in Alexandria to a real estate empire of homes in D.C., Manhattan, Paris, L.I. and Aspen, and even a new trophy wife.
As reliable as Brooks has been for the Sulzberger family he won’t go on forever. Bret Stephens and Bari Weiss are testing the cushions on his comfy chair to see how they fit. And in the era of #MeToo I wouldn’t be surprised if Stephens was secretly forwarding hoax tweets to her. They are both vapid idiots. She just might have a slight edge.
Never underestimate the value of comforting the comfortable and afflicting the afflicted. Why do you think the Times is still feverishly peddling the utterly ridiculous fable that “the forgotten working class” gave Putin his victory? Most of the Times readership would rather not face up to the ugly reality that 63 million Republican voters are an ignorant hooting mob of racists primed for exploitation by pimply Moldovan teenagers.
Let’s see. Podium? Check. Flag? Check. Pissidential Seal? Check.
That there is an official statement folks. Made by the White House Press Sec. during an official daily White House press briefing. A statement in which Huck declares for the record that her boss, the Republican Pissident, is a party to the arbitration in question, and that he prevailed in that arbitration.
Not Michael Cohen.
Not David Dennison.
Pissident Fuckface VonClownstick himself.
They are so fucked.
36 follow up.
It’s a certainty that Ms. Clifford’s attorneys paid close enough attention to Ms. Sanders’ fuckup that this will come back to haunt Cohen and Trump. He’s party to the agreement. But he never signed it. So the agreement is not, nor has it ever been in place. It does not exist.
And that means both she and all her various representatives are perfectly free to disclose any and all details about the negotiations and the proposed agreement itself, including the details of the payment and all the participating parties. So Cohen is guilty of structuring a financial transaction to conceal it from mandatory disclosure under the law. He’s disbarred. He’s going to jail. It was a good ride. But it’s coming to an end soon.
It also means that if the regular media ever wake the fuck up and actually start reporting on this shit instead of giggling and blushing between bouts of fap-surfing Ms. Clifford’s abundant internet catalog, then Huck will be next to go.
Demorat War On America News– Demorat Candidate Forum
Dem Candidate Accused Of Beating Woman And Lying About Serving In Military
An Illinois Democratic congressional candidate has been accused of abusing women and lying about his service in the U.S. military, according to a Wednesday report.
Benjamin Thomas Wolf, who has already had a controversial congressional bid, which has included smoking marijuana on camera and running advertisements on porn sites, has been accused of physically harming his ex-girlfriend and former campaign intern, Katarina Coates. She described six incidents where Wolf physically abused her, Politico reported.
As well as the alleged physical abuse of women, Wolf reportedly has never served in the military, which he has previously claimed when announcing his candidacy. The Democratic congressional candidate has described himself as an “Iraq veteran” and responded to a tweet on Veterans Day calling him out, saying he has “served multiple terms in Africa and Iraq. Wolf for Congress.”
Wolf has said that people are confused as to what he meant by saying he “served” in Iraq, claiming he served in the state department overseas.
“People in the military get upset when I say I served in Iraq. The military doesn’t have a patent on the word ‘served,’” he said.
In a press release, Wolf’s campaign also called him a “former FBI agent,” even though a spokesperson for the FBI told The Chicago Tribune he was “a non-special agent professional support employee,” not an agent.
Remember when the Kenyan Muslim President was found to have attended a Strip Club with Russian business contacts, a club so raunchy that Las Vegas vice had been watching it for months? A club owned by a Democratic mega donor? A club where strippers simulated bestiality on stage as well as…wait for it…golden showers? Remember the evangelical outcry when the Kenyan Muslim was credibly reported to have been at that club?
Yeah me neither. But it is now reported that someone did exactly that.
I think I see the problem. Wrong party affiliation. Within the Democratic Party that sort of thing results in disqualification.
Within the Roypublican Party it results in shouts of encouragement. Within the Roypublican Trump White House it results in rapid promotion.
If I’m not mistaken, the reason for the months long criminal investigation by the L.V. Vice and the Nevada gaming commission is because the pee pee was not simulated.
Republicans are just Fucking Gross!
They own the fuck out of this shit.
@36 The problem is no one would ever consider a Huck statement to be evidence.
Who cares? Ms. Daniels’ attorneys at least still get to depose her. She works with Mr.
DennisonTrump every day. It is not unreasonable to assume that he may have made statements to her or within her hearing in which he acknowledged himself to be a party to the transaction. That is at least one perfectly reasonable explanation for what she declared from that podium. And thanks to the ample precedent established by the Blue Dress Crusade we can know with great confidence that any such statements would not be protected by privilege. The only way Ms. Dennison and her attorneys can find out is if Ms. Sanders is sworn. Even pornographic performers have a right to due process and access to equal protection.The media may be too titillated or squeamish to stay focused on this. But I’d be shocked if Ms. Daniels’ attorneys aren’t already drafting the discovery subpoena. This represents a potentially huge payday for all of them. If they can break the NDA, and in the process force WH staff to give sworn testimony they’ll be on an all expenses paid vacation for the next three years staying in luxury suites, riding town cars from one television studio to another, and negotiating book deals, broadcast rights, and movie rights over meals at Jean Georges.
I ignore y’all for barely more than 24 hours and y’all run out of shit to talk about.
Or maybe y’all realize that losing 5 Dem US senators is somethin’ best silently considered.
@44 And here I thought you had been arrested for lynching the loon.
This is interesting:
Of course Trump will take all the credit for bringing Kim to the table.
I have to wonder if Kim isn’t thinking about taking Trump out. I mean, what does he have to lose? His country is screwed no matter what, starving and freezing to death. Maybe Kim has perfected the “Judas Kiss” with VX and this is his chance to go out in a blaze of glory and be a martyr for his country,
Stranger things have been done….
Maybe Kim is getting inspiration from the Russian after they have apparently taken care of one of their leaks and loose ends:
Kim probably finally watched Dr. Stranglelove and decided take the Major Kong approach:
in the event that being sexually humiliated before the world community by pimply Moldovan teens who grew up playing in landfills was not to your liking, prepare yourself for further ritual abuse at the hands of dwarfs starving for cabbage and toothpaste.
And well he should.
Kim knows an historic opportunity when he sees it. The weakest, most corrupt, most ignorant, most politically crippled President of the last 100 years whose cabinet, when it isn’t busy warring with itself, is completely preoccupied with negotiating outside deals and severance agreements, whose National Security Advisor is riding the bubble, and whose State Department has mostly quit without replacement is probably desperate enough to take almost any deal. And what do we know about Fuckface’s deal making prowess when he is not facing impeachment and sweeping criminal indictments?
I think we just learned who Putin gave the Pee Pee tape to.
If he survives Fuckface will probably return with Kim’s likeness tattooed onto his chest Ed Hardy style.
The only lynching is the self lynching of that single brain cell in shitstain stoooooooooooooopid solution steve neanderthal cranium! Puddy is alive as evah. The Deep South is just fine and Puddy is doing just fine! Parts are warm and some parts not so warm.
Till Next Time!
The Klamath Mountain hillbilly @48 is hilarious as ever. If Trump is sooooooooooooooo weak, why did Kim capitulate to a meeting? Just a few months of total pressure Kim wants to talk. Eight years of Obummer bowing and ASS-kissing did nuthin! You are a member of the appeasement party. DUMMOCRETINS say “Let’s bribe murderous thugs.” Yeah that worked! Seems Trump’s button is really bigger! Little Rocket Man has blinked first. Obummer begged dicktators to be nice. Trump has given up nuthin!
The Art of The Deal strikes again!
You Trump Derangement Syndrome FOOLS have nuthin!
Trust But Verify!
Till Next Time
Kim probably wants Trump to bring Stormy to the table too. I can see it now, just like the final scene of “A Clockwork Orange”, Kim and Trump doing the “wild thing” with Stormy while The Doors, “Rider on the Storm” is blaring over loudspeakers rather than hearing Beethoven (warning, clip NSFW)
Oh the sacrifices that one has to make for world peace (or is it piece).
Yeah, I like Kubrick films….
The irony of Trump supporters storming a book store and saying they’ll burn the place down is probably lost on our Trolls.
Something, something, free enterprise, something market forces, something bake a cake.
If you were to shop at Revolution I recommend Rasputin Music in the next block too. Cheaper than Amoeba but smaller and a pint at Triple Rock which is related to Big Time brewing in the U district. All of them are a few blocks from BART because some places built a rail system decades ago.
Now watching CNN and their HATE TRUMP News with Gloria “James Comey WILL NOT Say He Exonerated Trump” Borger make an horses ASS out of her self again!
Till Next Time!
Channeling your inner Ronald Reagan I see. Good for you. That will serve you well in the Deep South.
The irony of Trump supporters storming a book store and saying they’ll burn the place down is probably lost on our Trolls.
VS. DUMMOCRETIN Antifa FOOLS actually burning down stores these past few years is lost on HA DUMMOCRETINS?
Sheeeeeeeeesh checkmate-252 you really are a moron!
Till Next Time!
@44 “Or maybe y’all realize that losing 5 Dem US senators is somethin’ best silently considered.”
Last time I checked, we’re gaining on you guys.
“…why did Kim capitulate to a meeting?”
With nothing more than a short informal note passed between third parties Kim obtained the Man-Baby’s informal commitment and he has global media eagerly anticipating what used to be the most prestigious state visit after the Queen and the Pope. Capitulate? He got a pledge to meet entirely on his own terms. Now it is left to Tillerson and McMaster to figure out how to claw back the tweets without further destabilizing the region.
Kim can’t lose here.
So VP Mike Pence ignoring the dicktator’s sister at the Olympics is still wrong? Pence ignored the sister of a dicktator! Pence ignored the daughter of a dicktator! Pence ignored the granddaughter of a dicktator!
Remember Bill Clinton’s failed North Korea deal in 1994? Those UN monitors really blocked those nuclear weapons eh?
Till Next Time!
Fuck, the loon has returned.
@52 “some places built a rail system decades ago”
And because we didn’t, we get to pay 20 times as much for ours.
He got a pledge to meet entirely on his own terms.
His own terms?
The joint military sessions are still on between Korea and America!
His own terms?
Kim is suspending testing of nuclear weapons
His own terms?
He approached Trump!
South Korea didn’t tell anyone of Kim’s decision so Tillerson and Mattis were caught off guard.
The Klamath Mountains hillbilly once again bares its ASS and it’s not pretty!
Till Next Time!
South Korea didn’t tell anyone of Kim’s decision so Tillerson and Mattis were caught off guard. Read the comments of the South Koreans not the NY Slimes you useless FOOL!
The Klamath Mountains hillbilly once again bares its ASS and it’s not pretty!
Till Next Time!
I see the loon has a new handle. He writes like he’s on crack, too.
@62 “on his own terms”
Really? The U.S. position until now was that we wouldn’t meet N.K. without our other partners. Is Trump cutting South Korea, Japan, and Philippines out of negotiations? If he is, that’s a massive concession that N.K. has been trying to get for years.
Fuck, the senile idiot has never left.
Fuck, the senile idiot has never left.
@61 “South Korea didn’t tell anyone of Kim’s decision so Tillerson and Mattis were caught off guard.”
To hell with them, the State Dep’t and Pentagon don’t need to be there, Trump can handle this by himself.
As @64 points, out, Kim is really calling the shots on this and you are too fucking stupid to either see it or admit it.
Kim has nothing to lose, Trump has everything to lose.
Kim wants nothing more than to be able to mock and ridicule Trump. Trump can’t control or contain himself and that is demonstrated on a daily basis.
At best, maybe they get a peace treaty signed, but Kim keeps his nukes. This will give Kim the chance to turn Seoul into glass if anyone violates the terms of a peace treaty.
@58 “Remember Bill Clinton’s failed North Korea deal in 1994? Those UN monitors really blocked those nuclear weapons eh?”
Dunno, all I know is NK’s first test was in 2006, about 12 years later when your chimp was in charge, and that one fizzled, so they didn’t pop off one that worked until Shrub had been in there for 8 years and supposedly was containing this.
You R too fucking stupid flat beer froth AKA checkmate-252!
Kim wants nothing more than to be able to mock and ridicule Trump.
– And Trump will call Little Rocket Man on it. The Bill Clinton Appeasement mode really worked eh flat beer froth? Of couse you r too fucking stupid to realize that worked so well right?
Kim mocked and ridiculed Obummer for the past few years!
At best, maybe they get a peace treaty signed, but Kim keeps his nukes.
– Don’t think so flat beer froth. China even joined in to the Trump sanctions. Keeping his nukes? That’s the DUMMOCRETIN Party line on CNN, and PMSNBC especially that Gloria Borger FOOL! That would be no change. Trump is a game changer!
Till Next Time!
@68 Sure they’ll talk to Trump. They know a mark when they see one.
“You R too fucking stupid flat beer froth AKA checkmate-252!”
“Don’t think so flat beer froth.”
You got the wrong guy. I’m not either of those people.
@72 Don’t expect the loon to shoot straight. He’d blow his own dick off if his gun had a trigger. That’s why his mother removed it.
Once again Roger the senile idiot wabbit proves its lack of reasoning and memory loss is catastrophic.
Dunno? Here you go senile moron!
Once again Roger the senile idiot wabbit proves its lack of reasoning and memory loss is catastrophic.
Dunno? Here you go senile moron!
And 12 years later KAAAAAABLAAAAAAAAAAAMMMMOOOOO! Thanks Bill Clinton! Just like Cigar Man gave missile technology to China…
Till Next Time!
@74,75 – Can’t even take his elbow off the “send” key. What a fucking idiot.
Piddles, despite you being batshit crazy and a believer is the sky-daddy theory and that the earth is only 7000 years old, if I had a choice between you and Trump negotiating with Kim, I would pick you to do it.
However if it came down to between you and Bob, well, the doc seems to have a few more smarts than you do.
Yeah Newt, you say much the same stoooooooooooopid shit flat beer froth does!
Puddy mistook you for someone just as stoooooooooooooopid. Puddy’s bad!
Till Next Time!
Poor Newt, Has to revert to old attacks because it has EPIC FAYLED on the Trump/NK attack…
“the earth is only 7000 years old”
And when Jesus comes in His clouds of glory, you will have nuthin to say!
Till Next Time!
All these DUMMOCRETIN attacks are EPIC FAYLES!
Till Next Time!
What’s wrong Roger senile idiot@76?
The links delivered how senile your stoooooooooooooopid ASS really is! You are either to lazy to review Bill Clinton’s EPIC FAYLE policies or you have no search skillz. So which is it?
Till Next Time!
@78 “Puddy’s bad!”
I wouldn’t say you’re bad. No, fundamentally, you’re not a bad person. Newt was right, the word you want here is “crazy.”
@81 “You are either to lazy … ”
Also can’t spell “too” correctly.
“And when Jesus comes in His clouds of glory, you will have nuthin to say!”
Ha, I will have plenty to say.
First off, I would say, “Hi.”
Next I would say, “You wouldn’t believe what man has done in your name, you will be so ashamed.”
Last, I would say, “Good luck, you gonna need it if you have the likes of Piddles in your crowd.”
And a joke, “What is white and flies through the air? The second coming of Christ.”
First off, I would say, “Hi.”
You’ll be calling for the rocks to fall upon yourself. You will be killed by His brightness!
You keep joking about Christ’s second coming!
Till Next Time!
So which is it senile FOOL?
Too lazy or too senile to remember?
How about both?
Till Next Time!
Let’s face it. In the seven months since the Roypublican party got behind Satan in Charlottesville the Pious Liar has had nothing to distract him from his poor choices.
He’s gonna run with this for a little while.
But sure as the sun rises, the disgraceful sham of a human being he so eagerly supports will come to our rescue like he always does by grabbing pussy, fucking ponographic film stars, cheating on his wife with Playmates, or rage-firing someone in another obscenity filled tirade. And to our relief, the Pious Liar will shrink back into his shame and regret once again.
It won’t stop getting better!
Cohen filled his complaint with Alternative Dispute Resolution Sevices Inc only on behalf of the Delaware LLC he set up to structure the NDA and make the payment to the pornographic performer. However…
…the arbitration agreement only provides for arbitration services between Trump (using a pseudonym) and Daniels. Neither Cohen, nor Essential Consultants, LLC are named in the arbitration section of the agreement.
Cohen’s complaint is without standing and the order is unenforcible. Under the agreement only Trump himself or an attorney representing him can bring a complaint.
Long shot fringe candidate in Illinois 5th is a bad dude.
His primary opponents:
Incumbant Mike Quigley, $972K Cash on hand
Samena Mustaffa, $32K Cash on hand
Benjamin Thomas Wolf, $7k Cash on hand
This will be a story if he gets the nomination. Maybe he can be removed from the bench for violating the establishment clause, twice, and being a creepy dude who cruises the mall for underage chicks and run again in a few decades.
No party would ever elect a guy in the primary for Senator like that.
He’s GoodSpaceGuy, basically. He’s not even Pat Paulsen (RIP)
Damn that was some HATE FRENZY by the babbling, buttsploding butthole troll..
That silly, insane, daffy white nationalist…
Hey loon, you’ve been trolling HA for near 13 years?
When’s jeebus comin’?
He wasn’t even smart enough to stick with the, “I paid her personally and it had nothing to do with the campaign and no one else knew about it.”
That’s totally outstanding. I’ve know toddlers who can keep a bullshit story together longer.
What I suspect is when Cohen got to the arbitration section he lazily boilerplated it from some standard Trump Org NDA he routinely relies on to silence the employees they fuck over.
Darn! Looks like the loon wasn’t lynched after all. And after I all but accused Doctor Dumbfuck of lynching him. Oh, well. Sorry, Doc.
I reckon now that after last week’s pyrotechnic display of HATE!, it probably took the loon a few days more than usual to put his exploding head back together.
Still, if the loon keeps partying with those white supremacist boys, sooner or later he’s going to find himself being lynched. It’s bound to happen and when it does, I’m sure I’ll be feeling very…SAD!
“You will be killed by His brightness!”
ROFLMA, that is hysterical coming from you.
You see Piddles, your density is on par with that of a black hole, his “brightness” would just roll off and be sucked into you endless abyss of dense stupidity, much like the scenario of Cygnus X-1 (you would be the black hole in the middle).
Trust me, I would be fine, you on the other hand would have some ‘splaining to do about you saying that you live a Christian life but your written record here just proves that completely false.
Jesus is full of love, Piddles is full of something else.
Looks to me like the loon has already attained Peak Hate. He’s really bringing it.
Yeah, Piddles has really lost it recently, he came back really charged up and just had to let it fly. So sad.
He is so blinded by his hate, he can’t even spew it towards the correct individual, talk about misguided hate. Sky-daddy won’t be happy with that.
My work is done here for the night.
The real issue is Trump wants to brag to the world he banged a porn star, his ego wants that more than anything. It is about power and money for him, nothing more. Remember, he is a guy that said he could shoot someone on 5th Avenue and not lose one vote.
So now that he is president, he isn’t worried about being impeached for banging some porn star, heck he wants to gloat about it, “Yeah, I banged a porn star. I paid six-figures for a piece of ass. I was a real stallion.” He isn’t afraid of Congress or the media. I think the only person he fears is his wife. “Hell hath no fury like a women scorned.”
One can only hope she goes “Lorena Bobbitt” on him.
@94 “He’s really bringing it.”
He’s got nothin’. Rants about facts all the time yet is not coherent and demonstrates it time and time again.
However he does have a well documented written record of unbridled hate and hypocrisy. I’m sure it wouldn’t be hard to come up with his following of the seven deadly sins in his writings.
That won’t go well at the gates of St. Peter. In fact, I doubt he gets that far but rather he will get to chat with Charon.
Naw, what really happens is we all return to a form of carbon. Piddles is going to be very disappointed.
The dirt on RR.
@16 Right now both parties are in a state of disarray, and Trump may actually be doing things Democrats should be doing. At least he is sticking to campaign rhetoric to help the working stiffs. Thus tariffs, and they are and will be popular in that other America.
It’s premature to count on a blue wave.
@29 And the kind of client every lawyer loves is the one who will not be charged. Even if the statement is 100% true the justice department cannot charge the President. Only Congress can do something, and that is impeach the President, thus far predictions of impeachment and removal from office is a big yawn. Just so much noise.
@30 Because two things have to happen first, Each house of Congress has to do something, the attorneys may do CYA because of Mueller, and the investigation may take some more people down, until the Presidential pardons show up one day like at a Oprah show filming…you get a pardon, you get a pardon, everyone look under your seats you all get new Drones…go pick on your favorite Democrat and try not to leave too many peanuts around.
@33 Read the story, It states she is an opinion writer, therefore not a journalist. Or at least not on this particular writing on which the rules of journalism don’t apply. They call the opinion page because it’s not news, it is opinion, rather like HA, just a more prestigious east coast venue.
@38 Interesting cat. Future Congressman, well he is running in Illinois. A few recent Governors are in the Federal Pen or have spent time there. It will be even more fun if this hobbyist gets elected. He might actually be a decent politician. Might represent the folks in his district, just a bit out of the main stream. Or is this where the party eats its own, or tries to deep six him, even try to get the Republican elected, as they know this guy will tell them what a former Senator from Wisconsin should have told the party.
@40 I’m sorry if you are only familiar with the Democratic party of the coasts, but what you are inferring is not true, and never has been. The Democratic party has bad boys and girls in public office. Some of them are not as bad as the corrupt boys and girls who are Democrats in public office.
@43 You do remember a guy by the name of John Edwards. He set a precedent that frankly means you got nothing here except you can make a little hay, and little of that. Perhaps if you review history you may wish Mr Edwards was sitting in the federal pen, but lawyers for your hero Mr Edwards prevailed which ultimately means you got nothing, your smart attorneys for your guy have screwed you. Does it feel good being screwed? Must as you haven’t realized you have been screwed.
If this thing is really only about the money there will be an out of court settlement in a few days, if not the Kardashian have competition from America’s upcoming newest cable channel. Hopefully RR or some of you all are invested.
@46 Most likely Kim assumed that Trump would refuse. It may just be as likely that the young man has realized he is mortal, and he and his regime cannot indefinitely maintain control over North Korea. Not likely but he may actually prefer to see Korea reunited rather than North Korea becoming a vassal of China with him very very dead., So he agrees to a graduated reunification, elections, and he and his fly off somewhere to live comfortable, and able to enjoy cheese, and even visit Disneyworld and shoot the breeze with Dennis Rodman. Hey if we are gong to engage in fantasy why not make it a good and happy one.
@49 I don’t know why they go on like this about lynching’s. If there had been a lynching in Washington or Oregon states it would have been the biggest national news for at least a couple of days. It’s vaguely possible since you occassionally are into doing good works in the world you maybe in the wrong place at the wrong time in some place off the beaten track.
@51 Well I hope Trump is open to taking her right along and she can be our chief negotiator with Kim, maybe he will happily ride away into the sunset, and if she puts a smile on his face, who are we to complain.
Admiral Perry opened up Japan in part with the cannon on his ship, but if he cold have done it with whores President Fillmore would have been just as happy.
@56 Democrats could well loose 5 seats in the Senate. While things look rosy the odds favor the Republican’s in the Senate races. I don’t believe you have a crystal ball so you will just have wait until November. I don’t recommend making predictions until after primaries. Still be my guest. Also Pelosi is a dead parrot. I’m seriously doubting she is the once and future Speaker of the House.
@57 And if Trump calls for the meeting to be held at the Hague, Netherlands?
Not very likely. If the North Korean’s have agreed to a denuclearization, an acceptance that S. Korean and American exercises will happen progress has been made, and maybe Kim has smelled the coffee, maybe good things can happen, if not nothing has been lost. My expectations have been exceeded, seems you are calling sour grapes. Could be you need to as your partisan politics and party are hurt?
@60 Decades ago Seattle had the Black Ball Line.
@64 It is the 6 power talks you are most likely talking about US, North Korea, South Korea, China, Russia, and Japan.
Though the Aussies should get a mention, I don’t see where including or excluding the Philippines is necessary.
@68 Kim might just get told to surrender unconditionally. China is not going to give Kim a better deal. Kim presumable can turn Seoul to glass now or use VX so why wait?
@69 Reagan style senility coming on RR. Rather selective at first.
@83 That is what your gonna say? I can’t even give you style points.
Why not Dude. Man I think some pissed on your rug. What took you so long, your disciples expected you back in their lifetimes and you are about 2000 years late.
We have been to the moon. And you missed the Pioneer flybys.
Why are you here, aren’t supposed to be in Jerusalem? Have some pork. Was Mary Magdalen good in bed? Did you arm wrestle Hillary Clinton.
@84 Isn’t that oing to make all ways cross walks a bear unless you walk backwards,
Why Trump is a fool.
“The meeting is a huge political win for Kim,” said analysts at consulting firm Eurasia Group. “It essentially provides him equal status with the U.S. president and strengthens his bid to have North Korea be recognized as a de facto nuclear power.”
98 – 116,
The baby looked at you?
That’s nice.
@118 Saved me the trouble. How can someone be so clueless?
P.S., HA’s Roger Rabbit has NOTHING to do with any Disney character, living or dead, and that’s NOT where the “Roger Rabbit” handle came from. Completely different inspirations, story lines, and characters. Zero connection. Please get this straight, even if you get nothing else right, Mark.
Explaining, again, why Trump is a fool. In case his followers here don’t get it.
” … there’s a real chance Trump could be walking into a massive trap.”
Why Trump is fucked. By a woman, yet. Really and truly fucked.
Meanwhile, the party that perpetually promises to root out government “waste, fraud, and abuse” is spending $138,670 on a door. Yes, this is Zinke again.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: He may have to sell a national park to pay for this. Don’t even think about what the private bathroom remodel in his office is going to cost. (This guy needs a gigantic shitter to contain all his shit.)
An American war hero is laid to rest.
Oh wait, he’s not an American, he’s one of Trump’s “rapists and bad hombres.” But he’s still a hero to the rest of us.
And Republicans wonder why we regard their party’s leader — the racist draft dodger THEY elected president — with disdain and contempt. And them, too, for electing him.
This man was a giant; Trump is a gnat, a bug, an ant.
Just not Puddy’s type. Sad.
@72 & @
PiddlesLiarMike Rogers.
Don’t know who “Mike Rogers” is, definitely not who I am.
However, you are correct about Piddles.