More bike lanes. This time a 7th Avenue connector. It really looks like Seattle is really moving to a network of bike lanes and paths that connect as opposed to a few lanes in some places and some trails.
“I’ve always seen Russia as the guardian at the gate, as the easternmost outpost of our people,” said Sam Dickson, a white supremacist and former Ku Klux Klan lawyer who frequently speaks at gatherings of the so-called alt-right, a far-right fringe movement that embraces white nationalism and a range of racist and anti-immigrant positions. “They are our barrier to the Oriental invasion of our homeland and the great protector of Christendom. I admire the Russian people. They are the strongest white people on earth.”
North Carolina governor concedes to Democratic challenger.
Take a look at the poor old white guy being beaten up in the Chicago area by some black thugs for voting for Trump. It’s over on YouTube, and might provide some perspective to your comment. Just do a search on “old white man being beat up by black guys,” and it will pop right up.
Lucas Foxxspews:
A-holes getting beaten for being a-holes is no surprise. It is unnerving that this Trumpsters feel licensed to be a-holes to people in public. Chicago, Starbucks, busses,…
Lucas Foxxspews:
A-holes getting beaten for being a-holes is no surprise. It is unnerving that these Trumpsters feel licensed to be a-holes to people in public. Chicago, Starbucks, busses,…
Lying Liars Shouldn't Liespews:
can you source any actual media reports or police reports regarding the incident you allege? That might help.
Many of your fellow Americans have simply had enough of “Fake News” slung around social media with little or no sourcing or credibility. A number of trolls inhabiting these threads post dozens of “Fake News” links every single day. Many of these links have been tied directly to eastern European and Russian “fake news” mills who create them for profit. Intelligent people shouldn’t rely on YouTube for information. I hope you won’t either.
Lying Liars Shouldn't Liespews:
A good example of the kind of thing that happens when people spread around “Fake News”. Thankfully no one was injured. But at least one gullible and highly agitated Republican voter has gone to jail and will lose his voting privileges.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Well, lookee here, a Trumpanzee got what she voted for!
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Who would’ve guessed that if you vote for a pathological liar who has made a career of screwing people, he would turn around and screw you after getting elected? Better get used to this, Trumpanzees, because you’re going to be bending over and taking a lot more of it, starting January 20.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@4 @7 Well, this is easy enough to fact-check. Snopes is already on it.
“The victim, David Wilcox, 49, spoke to the Chicago Tribune in an interview published 11 November 2016. He told the paper he did vote for Trump, but no one in the crowd could have known that. He said the crowd was egging on the beating with taunts, but the incident did start with a car accident.”
Real incident, turned into fake news by rightwing liars.
Ima Duncespews:
I guess you could say McCrory flushed his career down the toilet. Maybe our vaunted new leader can make him federal commode czar.
“More bike lanes”
Fuck that.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@12 Seattle is becoming so car-unfriendly that people and woodland creatures who depend on cars won’t come into Seattle anymore. This partially explains why I haven’t attended Drinking Liberally since it moved from Montlake to Eastlake, although age and health also have something to do with that.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Faux Noise’s solution for Obamacare repeal: “We still have emergency rooms.”
Hillary Clinton now leads Drumpf by over 2.6 million votes.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Hey, I’m NOT saying Drumpf is an illegitimate president. Even though he CLEARLY is not the choice of a majority of the Americans who voted on Nov. 8, he won under archaic rules designed to preserve slavery, and for better or worse, this unqualified racist grifter, liar, and sexual predator will be our next president. I don’t expect recounts to change that. As for the 46% of us who voted for this turkey, when you get what you voted for, and you will, don’t come crying to me for sympathy. You built this, and it’s your problem, so don’t look at me to bail you out of it. I did all I could to prevent it, now it’s YOUR BABY.
Roger Rabbitspews:
If the Electors don’t fulfill their duty to act as a circuit breaker this time, then as far as I’m concerned, the Electoral College system is useless and we should get rid of it.
Those who want to trash the electoral college clearly have no idea how it works, why it works, or the reasoning behind it.
Claims about it being in place RE slavery are comical.
If you want to get rid of the electoral college, then the same logic applies to getting rid of individual states representation, as well as the idea of states themselves.
The bizarre phenomenon in which a candidate who could not come close to obtaining the popular vote majority, but nevertheless wins the Presidency is not specifically an artifact of the Constitutional electoral system, but rather it is the result of the winner-take-all systems adopted in 48 of the 50 states.
The National Popular Vote interstate compact preserves the electoral college and has no implications to the Constitution or the current system for how the electors choose the next President. It simply changes how the states choose the electors, a power that has been reserved exclusively to the state since the founding. The comparison being made @19 is completely false, misleading, and uninformed.
Readers can learn more about NPV by visiting:
Roger Rabbitspews:
@19 Please explain the reasoning of an Alaska resident having 2.9 times the voting power of a California resident in our presidential elections.
@14 Until they start clamoring for the repeal of laws prohibiting ER’s from tossing patients who can’t pay out on the street to die.
Paul Ryan’s recipe seems to be to keep several important features of the ACA: Assuring that people with pre-existing conditions can still get coverage (at God knows what premiums), allowing young adults to stay on their parents’ policies and so on. On the other hand, he wants to give people who want to go without insurance the “freedom” to do so, and get in fact get government out of the equation since in the conservative view government is always “the problem”. In this case that’s entirely wrong. The problem is people like Martin Shkreli, Heather Bresch, Leslie Margolin and Mary Tolan.
@21-Quit whining. I know you perverts would love for two or three lefty states to fully control the Presidential election…luckily the founders were much smarter than you retards and did not set up the United States as a pure Democracy.
explain why each state, regardless of size, only gets 2 senators
Selective Invectivespews:
@ 23
“@21-Quit whining. I know you perverts would love for two or three lefty states to fully control the Presidential election…luckily the founders were much smarter than you retards and did not set up the United States as a pure Democracy.”
No, but they did set it up as a Liberal, enlightened Republic that is now directly being threatened by an Oligarch and his fellows. Something that the Founding Fathers specifically warned us about when they wrote about their concerns about the Crown and how it was doing business back before the Revolution. Such an institution as Doughnald is specifically and proudly claiming for himself, out in the open where nobody can escape the message. He is entirely a self-created Cult of Personality.
I’m reasonably sure that, given the opportunity, he’ll be installing giant loudspeakers on every street corner in the country and broadcasting 24-hour prosperity gospel at 140 Db.
it’s probably never safe to trust your life or your liberty to a cartoon. Mr. Ramirez is no cartographer, and it shows.
There are many cartograms available all over the internet prepared by competent qualified technicians and demographers that display the distribution of the popular vote in past elections. They look absolutely nothing like Mr. Ramirez cartoon.
As for low population states, in the past two cycles, the twelve lowest population states (six red and six blue) received not one single general election campaign event. The distorting effect of the winner take all laws in 48 of 50 states is equal opportunity with respect to size. These twelve states have about the same population as the closely divided state of Ohio. Because of the peculiarity of the way the Constitution awards electors these twelve states represent 40 electoral votes as compared to only 18 for Ohio. Yet while these twelve states representing 40 electoral votes did not receive a single general election campaign stop, Ohio with only 18 received over 70 events and of course a massive investment of campaign and media attention by comparison. 22 of the 25 smallest states are “one party” states (they are not closely divided) and thus are effectively ignored by the media and the parties. The current system of winner take all actually shifts political power from small states to a handful of closely divided large battleground states like Ohio, Florida, Virginia, Michigan and Pennsylvania. These are the states and media markets where the campaigns are won and lost.
The winner take all system benefits only one group: large political donors hoping to buy influence over a newly elected administration. Winner take all allows them to focus their spending more efficiently and gain influence over the rest of us and those who will govern us more cheaply.
@31…And you libs freak out that are not enough tranny Navy Seals, there are overly sensistive people (is people a word that’s still allowed or is that offensive to those who identify as another species?) on both sides…so what’s your point?
Puddybud is the Very Much the One and Onlyspews:
DIPSHITTIUM checkmate-252 farted: can you source any actual media reports or police reports regarding the incident you allege?
Puddy gave it to your silly ASS twice. Ask the salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS for a crazed databaze replay!
Puddybud is the Very Much the One and Onlyspews:
Here is more info about NIGGERS QPPS really like killing NIGGERS QPPS @1 doesn’t like…
Puddybud is the Very Much the One and Onlyspews:
“@21-Quit whining. I know you perverts would love for two or three lefty states to fully control the Presidential election…luckily the founders were much smarter than you retards and did not set up the United States as a pure Democracy.”
Don’t need to explain nuthin to you! The Founding Fathers knew there were be dumb idiots masquerading as wabbits questioning their wisdom about not allowing big cities overwhelming the rural areas! Hence the Electoral College system!
“The Clinton camp’s silence follows its cautious approach to another long-shot effort to deny Trump the presidency: the last-minute recount efforts in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Michigan launched by Stein. Stein’s aggressive push has annoyed Clinton aides but has also not drawn their outward condemnation — Clinton’s top campaign lawyer, Marc Elias, said in carefully chosen language Nov. 26 that the campaign will “participate” in the recounts, without expanding on its plans to get involved.”
The snowflakes can’t accept the election results. Remember when Careless Crooked Heilary excoriated Donald Trump for questioning the results? Puddy remembers how HA DUMMOCRETINS made their join the fracas comments. Boy, y’all are the ASSes on that one too. Now the foo shits and we see how DUMMOCRETINS really act!
Merry Fitzmas!
Puddybud is the Very Much the One and Onlyspews:
HA DUMMOCRETINS act like the Church of Scientology!
Puddybud is the Very Much the One and Onlyspews:
Nancy Pelosi is upset Dr Ben Carson will be running HHS.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I don’t believe Trump will get the dumpster when the electors vote, but in this weirdest of political years, anything could happen. You know, if I were Trump, I’d lay low until Dec. 19 and not do the shit he’s doing, but I guess he doesn’t have that much sense.
She wakes up thinking the Trump election was a dream.
@ 17
Even though he CLEARLY is not the choice of a majority of the Americans who voted on Nov. 8…
Neither was #CrookedHillary.
Wow. 2016 is just getting better and better and…
SEIU Texas Declares Bankruptcy After Losing Millions to Company
A jury ordered Service Employees International Union Texas, also known as SEIU District Five, to pay Professional Janitorial Service of Houston $7.8 million in September for making false claims about the company during a campaign to rally support from workers and local activists.
A Texas judge rejected the union’s request for a mistrial on November 15 and ordered it to hand over files associated with the case to the company for discovery.
Does any troll really believe that Drumpf won the popular vote?
Dear Leader still seems to believe that..
Roger Rabbitspews:
@55 True, but she’s 2.6 MILLION votes closer to a majority than your racist pussygrabber.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Frankly, if I voted for Trump, I wouldn’t tell anybody and I’d wear a paper sack over my head (with eye holes, of course) when going out in public. Those of us with long memories recall that by 1974 you couldn’t find anyone in this country willing to admit they voted for Nixon. This is going to be another one of those deals.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@56 Yeah, what this country needs is to stomp out every remaining vestige of organized labor, pay everyone except doctors $7.25 an hour, install permanent Republican rule at all levels of government, and confiscate guns from Democrats. Then Boob won’t have to buy a retirement shack in Honduras.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@57 Most people get a gold watch when they trundle off into retirement, but I think they should give McCrory a brass key to the unisex bathroom. I’ve never understood that watch custom. Who the hell needs a watch when they’re retired? What would a retiree use a watch or clock for?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@58 Geez, you can buy a destroyer or airplane for that kind of money.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@60 Inside the GOP bubble, that’s essentially irrelevant, because they think they’re appointed by God.
Nice loon head explosions.
“Neither was #CrookedHillary.”
I see that the non-Trump supporting Doctor Pro-Trump Tweeter-Bot has struck again. What’s that now, 3,000 times?
You are undoubtedly misinformed about how campaigns are run in popular vote elections in which every vote is equal. And you are probably mistaken in your assessment about just how large “big cities” really are.
Let us start with the size of “big” cities. The ten largest U.S. cities according to the latest census account for less than 8% of the total U.S. population. The 50 largest cities together amount to only 15% of the total population. The biggest 100 cities make up less than 17% of the U.S. population. As you can now see, nationwide the “big” cities aren’t really all that big.
Now, within winner take all, closely divided battleground states we have at least a dozen examples of just how Presidential campaigns would behave in a nationwide popular vote election. In these states, where the winner of the statewide popular vote captures all of that state’s electors, campaigns can be expected to behave almost exactly the way they would under NPV, where the winner of the nationwide popular vote wins the election. Within these states any analysis of the distribution of campaign spending, campaign appearances, and campaign media expenditures reveals that the campaigns distribute resources in almost exact proportion to population. That is, regardless of where a voter lives, be they rural, urban, or suburban, the campaigns devote resources to reach those voters equally. In a state like Ohio, where about half of the population resides in large metropolitan statistical areas, and where about half the population resides outside those MSAs, the spending, events, and appearances are split about 50/50.
It’s always okay to be mistaken about the facts, as you appear to be in this case. But it is never okay to be opposed to facts, especially if they are facts that offer to increase your liberty and self-determination. You can learn more about these facts and many others at
Puddybud is the Very Much the One and Onlyspews:
You are undoubtedly misinformed about how campaigns are run in popular vote elections in which every vote is equal. And you are probably mistaken in your assessment about just how large “big cities” really are.
You are undoubtedly misinformed that Puddy cares what you wrote above. The Founding Fathers created the Electoral College from Alexander Hamilton’s Federalist Paper #68. Take that mystical time machine and take it up with them!
What’s funny about Hamilton The Play are the fools attacked VP elect Pence over Trump. Did you know those morons that night didn’t even man up and vote? DUMMOCRETINS can’t man up!
Mark Adamsspews:
@17 Of course no candidate got a majority of Americans to vote for them. They are glad you are going to get out of their way, and they are going to do things. They like your attitude of acceptance and they look forward to doing great things.
Or that’s not what you mean as in your going to kicking up a dust storm.
Not many vets who were at Pearl left these days.
Mark Adamsspews:
@18 Even if the electoral college does act as a circuit breaker you aren’t going to be a happy camper with the results. A Republican congress isn’t going to put Hilliary in office nor any Democrat. They may play the game and scrap up some power for the Congress and get a lap dog. With the real President behind the curtain aka Paul Ryan the Speaker. Or you just salivating at the chance of being able to bitch the Republican President got no votes during the election. Remember Gerald Ford? How about that 1968 winner of the Democratic party for President? Not like the man ran in the Primaries. Maybe if he had he might have actually competed against tricky Dick.
You know the electoral college is not going to be a circuit breaker as both parties have rigged the game.
Mark Adamsspews:
@19 Following the logic you have to rid of the Senate. Bring back 1 Representative per 40,000 citizens. We could experiment with proportional representation which will kill the two party system. Which would be good.
Only way the electoral college is going away is to have a constitutional convention, and that opens everything up. You toss all the Indian treaties as there will no tribes…that anachronism will be gone along with all the reservations though they maybe federal land.
We can get rid of the post office.
We can put the VP as Commander in Chief.
Governor’s will be appointed by the grand Chief Governor.
All territories must become states, or become independent nations.
President for life.
We will be a true empire and insist on tribute from vassals, and no income tax for citizens.
Citizenship will be by lottery or military service.
Come on some of you bright folk have some great ideas for a constitutional convention. Lets hear em!
Mark Adamsspews:
@20 Your compact would not survive constitutional challenge in Washington state when electors vote for someone other than who won the plurality of votes in Washington state, nor the challenges at the Federal level.
The whole thing is a sham and wishful thinking. Rather like having a constitutional convention which is the more likely of the two possibilities, and would be required to make the compact possible.
Mark Adamsspews:
@21 Due to global warming once all them Californians move to Alaska then Californians will enjoy that 2.9 times voting advantage.
The fact is without the compromise the constitutional convention would have accomplished nothing. The Articles would have remained in place, and the United States would have dissolved, collapsed, and this would be part of Mexico, Russia, or Canada.
Mark Adamsspews:
@30 Of course there is another simpler solution and that is called proportional distribution of electors. This would end the two party system, which is why your solution has support in one (mostly 1) or both major parties. Ending the two party monopoly created by a first past the post system (though Britain has a weak third party). More parties mean more states get visits and politicking from major candidates. More support for campaign finance reform as the field is so much bigger money can’t concentrate in a few states that will decide. Proportional distribution could be done in Washington, California, New York, Texas right now and does not suffer the constitutional challenge of a states electors voting for the candidate a plurality of the voters did not vote for. Americans don’t award losers. Which is why it so much better to be a Seahawk than a decade ago. The Seahawks are hot, they are cool, they win football games and get into the playoffs. Where they used to suck.
Mark Adamsspews:
@53 No it’s an evil (well maybe good) elector from a parallel universe.
If you this elector suddenly get replaced by a more pliant Republican by the party then just maybe there is a possibility of there being 30 plus electors being unfaithful, and being forever divorced from the Republican party, and not welcome in the Democratic party. Of course what happens in the House where each state gets one vote for President. Seems Mr. Trump is pretty close to getting 26 states on the first vote. Are these unfaithful electors also going to be unfaithful in their Vice Presidential vote? Or will Pence definitely be the VP? No voting required in the Senate and the House gets to have all the fun. So I guess you Democrats love Vice President elect Pence. Really? Not a bit uncomfortable he will be a heartbeat away from the Presidency?
Mark Adamsspews:
@56 And will we hear from you when the Union wins the appeal or if the company is stupid enough to go after the Union Headquarters in DC in Federal Court, bet there is 10 union lawyers just waiting for that stupid Texan CEO to come on up.
Mark Adamsspews:
That is 2.6-1 wasted votes in California….maybe a few here in Washington state. And all them Republican votes in Washington, Oregon, and California all wasted, bet that is a big number.
Mark Adamsspews:
@69 I’m waiting for you to explain how you get Washington state Supreme Court justices to go along with your plan should it ever actually happen, and it actually forces the electors of Washington to vote for the loser.
NPV was signed into law in Washington State in 2009 by Governor Gregoire. It is currently the law in that state. The method by which each state legislature designates the selection of electors is assigned to the state legislature as plenary authority under the United States Constitution, Article II, Sec. 1. The Washington State Constitution does not bar the Washington State Legislature from exercising it’s plenary authority under the United States Constitution.
You should take time very soon to bring yourself up to speed on the current laws in your state, as well as the status of the NPV nationwide at:
of course it is an enormous distortion either by deliberate intent, or by deliberate omission, to assert that NPV forces any state, or it’s electors to do anything. Moreover, it is a further distortion to assert that NPV causes any state’s electors to “vote” for any “loser”.
Lists of electors are named to the state by the major parties filed to campaign for the federal election for President in that state. Those listed are pledged to vote for that party’s slate. In “winner-take-all” states the list of electors designated to vote in December is the winner of the statewide popular vote. In states where NPV is in effect, the list of electors designated to vote in December would be the winner of the nationwide popular vote. This process is according to state law as enacted by the state legislature wherein exclusive authority to designate the method of choosing electors rests according to the U.S. Constitution.
Ross Perotspews:
Well, it looks like this time the Electoral College apparatus is going to help us all be rid of Hillary Clinton, hopefully forever.
That also is incorrect.
Like a great many careless citizens disinterested in civics, our nation’s laws, and their own liberty, you confuse the Constitutional electoral process with the state winner-take-all laws. It is those state laws that will assign a majority of the electoral votes to the Republican candidate this year.
Our extremist trolls really love them some Putin.
“I’ve always seen Russia as the guardian at the gate, as the easternmost outpost of our people,” said Sam Dickson, a white supremacist and former Ku Klux Klan lawyer who frequently speaks at gatherings of the so-called alt-right, a far-right fringe movement that embraces white nationalism and a range of racist and anti-immigrant positions. “They are our barrier to the Oriental invasion of our homeland and the great protector of Christendom. I admire the Russian people. They are the strongest white people on earth.”
What’s with Trumpanzees? They think the election has given them a license to abuse strangers.
North Carolina governor concedes to Democratic challenger.
Take a look at the poor old white guy being beaten up in the Chicago area by some black thugs for voting for Trump. It’s over on YouTube, and might provide some perspective to your comment. Just do a search on “old white man being beat up by black guys,” and it will pop right up.
A-holes getting beaten for being a-holes is no surprise. It is unnerving that this Trumpsters feel licensed to be a-holes to people in public. Chicago, Starbucks, busses,…
A-holes getting beaten for being a-holes is no surprise. It is unnerving that these Trumpsters feel licensed to be a-holes to people in public. Chicago, Starbucks, busses,…
can you source any actual media reports or police reports regarding the incident you allege? That might help.
Many of your fellow Americans have simply had enough of “Fake News” slung around social media with little or no sourcing or credibility. A number of trolls inhabiting these threads post dozens of “Fake News” links every single day. Many of these links have been tied directly to eastern European and Russian “fake news” mills who create them for profit. Intelligent people shouldn’t rely on YouTube for information. I hope you won’t either.
A good example of the kind of thing that happens when people spread around “Fake News”. Thankfully no one was injured. But at least one gullible and highly agitated Republican voter has gone to jail and will lose his voting privileges.
Well, lookee here, a Trumpanzee got what she voted for!
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Who would’ve guessed that if you vote for a pathological liar who has made a career of screwing people, he would turn around and screw you after getting elected? Better get used to this, Trumpanzees, because you’re going to be bending over and taking a lot more of it, starting January 20.
@4 @7 Well, this is easy enough to fact-check. Snopes is already on it.
“The victim, David Wilcox, 49, spoke to the Chicago Tribune in an interview published 11 November 2016. He told the paper he did vote for Trump, but no one in the crowd could have known that. He said the crowd was egging on the beating with taunts, but the incident did start with a car accident.”
Real incident, turned into fake news by rightwing liars.
I guess you could say McCrory flushed his career down the toilet. Maybe our vaunted new leader can make him federal commode czar.
“More bike lanes”
Fuck that.
@12 Seattle is becoming so car-unfriendly that people and woodland creatures who depend on cars won’t come into Seattle anymore. This partially explains why I haven’t attended Drinking Liberally since it moved from Montlake to Eastlake, although age and health also have something to do with that.
Faux Noise’s solution for Obamacare repeal: “We still have emergency rooms.”
What kind of asshole harasses and assaults a 5-year-old boy because he’s Muslim?
A North Carolina classroom teacher, that’s who.
Hillary Clinton now leads Drumpf by over 2.6 million votes.
Hey, I’m NOT saying Drumpf is an illegitimate president. Even though he CLEARLY is not the choice of a majority of the Americans who voted on Nov. 8, he won under archaic rules designed to preserve slavery, and for better or worse, this unqualified racist grifter, liar, and sexual predator will be our next president. I don’t expect recounts to change that. As for the 46% of us who voted for this turkey, when you get what you voted for, and you will, don’t come crying to me for sympathy. You built this, and it’s your problem, so don’t look at me to bail you out of it. I did all I could to prevent it, now it’s YOUR BABY.
If the Electors don’t fulfill their duty to act as a circuit breaker this time, then as far as I’m concerned, the Electoral College system is useless and we should get rid of it.
Those who want to trash the electoral college clearly have no idea how it works, why it works, or the reasoning behind it.
Claims about it being in place RE slavery are comical.
If you want to get rid of the electoral college, then the same logic applies to getting rid of individual states representation, as well as the idea of states themselves.
The bizarre phenomenon in which a candidate who could not come close to obtaining the popular vote majority, but nevertheless wins the Presidency is not specifically an artifact of the Constitutional electoral system, but rather it is the result of the winner-take-all systems adopted in 48 of the 50 states.
The National Popular Vote interstate compact preserves the electoral college and has no implications to the Constitution or the current system for how the electors choose the next President. It simply changes how the states choose the electors, a power that has been reserved exclusively to the state since the founding. The comparison being made @19 is completely false, misleading, and uninformed.
Readers can learn more about NPV by visiting:
@19 Please explain the reasoning of an Alaska resident having 2.9 times the voting power of a California resident in our presidential elections.
@14 Until they start clamoring for the repeal of laws prohibiting ER’s from tossing patients who can’t pay out on the street to die.
Paul Ryan’s recipe seems to be to keep several important features of the ACA: Assuring that people with pre-existing conditions can still get coverage (at God knows what premiums), allowing young adults to stay on their parents’ policies and so on. On the other hand, he wants to give people who want to go without insurance the “freedom” to do so, and get in fact get government out of the equation since in the conservative view government is always “the problem”. In this case that’s entirely wrong. The problem is people like Martin Shkreli, Heather Bresch, Leslie Margolin and Mary Tolan.
@21-Quit whining. I know you perverts would love for two or three lefty states to fully control the Presidential election…luckily the founders were much smarter than you retards and did not set up the United States as a pure Democracy.
explain why each state, regardless of size, only gets 2 senators
@ 23
“@21-Quit whining. I know you perverts would love for two or three lefty states to fully control the Presidential election…luckily the founders were much smarter than you retards and did not set up the United States as a pure Democracy.”
No, but they did set it up as a Liberal, enlightened Republic that is now directly being threatened by an Oligarch and his fellows. Something that the Founding Fathers specifically warned us about when they wrote about their concerns about the Crown and how it was doing business back before the Revolution. Such an institution as Doughnald is specifically and proudly claiming for himself, out in the open where nobody can escape the message. He is entirely a self-created Cult of Personality.
I’m reasonably sure that, given the opportunity, he’ll be installing giant loudspeakers on every street corner in the country and broadcasting 24-hour prosperity gospel at 140 Db.
And you better leave your windows open, Citizen.
@ YouLost:
Finally, someone who thinks like you.
Are you on this bandwagon, too?
Fuck any Democrats that cooperate with this guy in any way, shape or form. They should be primaryed out of office forthwith.
This from a man who hasn’t paid any Federal or State taxes in over 20 years, and has long been known to chisel his workers paychecks for himself.
it’s probably never safe to trust your life or your liberty to a cartoon. Mr. Ramirez is no cartographer, and it shows.
There are many cartograms available all over the internet prepared by competent qualified technicians and demographers that display the distribution of the popular vote in past elections. They look absolutely nothing like Mr. Ramirez cartoon.
As for low population states, in the past two cycles, the twelve lowest population states (six red and six blue) received not one single general election campaign event. The distorting effect of the winner take all laws in 48 of 50 states is equal opportunity with respect to size. These twelve states have about the same population as the closely divided state of Ohio. Because of the peculiarity of the way the Constitution awards electors these twelve states represent 40 electoral votes as compared to only 18 for Ohio. Yet while these twelve states representing 40 electoral votes did not receive a single general election campaign stop, Ohio with only 18 received over 70 events and of course a massive investment of campaign and media attention by comparison. 22 of the 25 smallest states are “one party” states (they are not closely divided) and thus are effectively ignored by the media and the parties. The current system of winner take all actually shifts political power from small states to a handful of closely divided large battleground states like Ohio, Florida, Virginia, Michigan and Pennsylvania. These are the states and media markets where the campaigns are won and lost.
The winner take all system benefits only one group: large political donors hoping to buy influence over a newly elected administration. Winner take all allows them to focus their spending more efficiently and gain influence over the rest of us and those who will govern us more cheaply.
Remember Conservatives.
These are your people.
@31…And you libs freak out that are not enough tranny Navy Seals, there are overly sensistive people (is people a word that’s still allowed or is that offensive to those who identify as another species?) on both sides…so what’s your point?
DIPSHITTIUM checkmate-252 farted: can you source any actual media reports or police reports regarding the incident you allege?
Puddy gave it to your silly ASS twice. Ask the salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS for a crazed databaze replay!
Remember snowflakes these are “your people”!
Good fucking gawd.
They’re visibly deteriorating.
@35…Indeed the left is crumbling all around.
Fake News? You mean these sites?
NY Times –
You know DIPSHITTIUM checkmate-252… here is another link to the same story. Looks like the ones doing the beatdown are the type of NIGGERS QPPS @1 really likes too!
Here is more info about NIGGERS QPPS really like killing NIGGERS QPPS @1 doesn’t like…
“@21-Quit whining. I know you perverts would love for two or three lefty states to fully control the Presidential election…luckily the founders were much smarter than you retards and did not set up the United States as a pure Democracy.”
Maybe they could work on those 51st through 57th states Obummer told us about!
Meanwhile that Stein generated Wisconsin recount isn’t going to plan so far!
Trump has more NEW votes! Oh noes!
The snowflake heads explode!
senile dumb wabbit @21,
Don’t need to explain nuthin to you! The Founding Fathers knew there were be dumb idiots masquerading as wabbits questioning their wisdom about not allowing big cities overwhelming the rural areas! Hence the Electoral College system!
More snowflakes in action…
“The Clinton camp’s silence follows its cautious approach to another long-shot effort to deny Trump the presidency: the last-minute recount efforts in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Michigan launched by Stein. Stein’s aggressive push has annoyed Clinton aides but has also not drawn their outward condemnation — Clinton’s top campaign lawyer, Marc Elias, said in carefully chosen language Nov. 26 that the campaign will “participate” in the recounts, without expanding on its plans to get involved.”
The snowflakes can’t accept the election results. Remember when Careless Crooked Heilary excoriated Donald Trump for questioning the results? Puddy remembers how HA DUMMOCRETINS made their join the fracas comments. Boy, y’all are the ASSes on that one too. Now the foo shits and we see how DUMMOCRETINS really act!
Merry Fitzmas!
HA DUMMOCRETINS act like the Church of Scientology!
Nancy Pelosi is upset Dr Ben Carson will be running HHS.
Isn’t white Pelosi being racist toward Carson?
From West Vagina to loseriannie.
Not too many blacks in Russia.
And christiandom fag haters.
Me love Russia and bare chested horsieman.
Blue lives matter*
*Unless Muslim
@4 do a search for newspaper article on gay person being beat up. What’s the big deal, if little old white man gets beat up?
And Jill Stein claims true voting hangs in the balance!
How about voter ID libtards?
134 House DUMMOCRETINS collectively lost their minds last week. Can you DUMMOCRETINS figger it out?
@52 And this week, the first Republican elector came to his senses. May there be many more.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I don’t believe Trump will get the dumpster when the electors vote, but in this weirdest of political years, anything could happen. You know, if I were Trump, I’d lay low until Dec. 19 and not do the shit he’s doing, but I guess he doesn’t have that much sense.
Now this snowflake is funny
She wakes up thinking the Trump election was a dream.
@ 17
Even though he CLEARLY is not the choice of a majority of the Americans who voted on Nov. 8…
Neither was #CrookedHillary.
Wow. 2016 is just getting better and better and…
SEIU Texas Declares Bankruptcy After Losing Millions to Company
A jury ordered Service Employees International Union Texas, also known as SEIU District Five, to pay Professional Janitorial Service of Houston $7.8 million in September for making false claims about the company during a campaign to rally support from workers and local activists.
A Texas judge rejected the union’s request for a mistrial on November 15 and ordered it to hand over files associated with the case to the company for discovery.
It’s a boot-stomp to the testicles of SEIU, and a major shot across the bow warning other unions what they can expect:
It opens the door for more employers to sue unions over hardball tactics often used in membership drives and contract disputes.
Small wonder not all union members are happy to be paying dues for misuse of funds such as this.
That voter fraud bullshit about heavy democratic counties sure worked out great for McCrory..
Love to see that shit fayle.
Here’s some more “free shit” the trolls can babble about:
125 billion worth.. Snowball’s chance in hell our trolls (esp. boob) give it a second thought…..
It will increase under Drumpf.
Replace “company” with “union” and you’ll never hear a peep about any “boot stomp to the testicles” of a wage thieving sweatshop from silly boob.
It’s in the troll’s DNA.
Does any troll really believe that Drumpf won the popular vote?
Dear Leader still seems to believe that..
@55 True, but she’s 2.6 MILLION votes closer to a majority than your racist pussygrabber.
Frankly, if I voted for Trump, I wouldn’t tell anybody and I’d wear a paper sack over my head (with eye holes, of course) when going out in public. Those of us with long memories recall that by 1974 you couldn’t find anyone in this country willing to admit they voted for Nixon. This is going to be another one of those deals.
@56 Yeah, what this country needs is to stomp out every remaining vestige of organized labor, pay everyone except doctors $7.25 an hour, install permanent Republican rule at all levels of government, and confiscate guns from Democrats. Then Boob won’t have to buy a retirement shack in Honduras.
@57 Most people get a gold watch when they trundle off into retirement, but I think they should give McCrory a brass key to the unisex bathroom. I’ve never understood that watch custom. Who the hell needs a watch when they’re retired? What would a retiree use a watch or clock for?
@58 Geez, you can buy a destroyer or airplane for that kind of money.
@60 Inside the GOP bubble, that’s essentially irrelevant, because they think they’re appointed by God.
Nice loon head explosions.
“Neither was #CrookedHillary.”
I see that the non-Trump supporting Doctor Pro-Trump Tweeter-Bot has struck again. What’s that now, 3,000 times?
You are undoubtedly misinformed about how campaigns are run in popular vote elections in which every vote is equal. And you are probably mistaken in your assessment about just how large “big cities” really are.
Let us start with the size of “big” cities. The ten largest U.S. cities according to the latest census account for less than 8% of the total U.S. population. The 50 largest cities together amount to only 15% of the total population. The biggest 100 cities make up less than 17% of the U.S. population. As you can now see, nationwide the “big” cities aren’t really all that big.
Now, within winner take all, closely divided battleground states we have at least a dozen examples of just how Presidential campaigns would behave in a nationwide popular vote election. In these states, where the winner of the statewide popular vote captures all of that state’s electors, campaigns can be expected to behave almost exactly the way they would under NPV, where the winner of the nationwide popular vote wins the election. Within these states any analysis of the distribution of campaign spending, campaign appearances, and campaign media expenditures reveals that the campaigns distribute resources in almost exact proportion to population. That is, regardless of where a voter lives, be they rural, urban, or suburban, the campaigns devote resources to reach those voters equally. In a state like Ohio, where about half of the population resides in large metropolitan statistical areas, and where about half the population resides outside those MSAs, the spending, events, and appearances are split about 50/50.
It’s always okay to be mistaken about the facts, as you appear to be in this case. But it is never okay to be opposed to facts, especially if they are facts that offer to increase your liberty and self-determination. You can learn more about these facts and many others at
You are undoubtedly misinformed about how campaigns are run in popular vote elections in which every vote is equal. And you are probably mistaken in your assessment about just how large “big cities” really are.
You are undoubtedly misinformed that Puddy cares what you wrote above. The Founding Fathers created the Electoral College from Alexander Hamilton’s Federalist Paper #68. Take that mystical time machine and take it up with them!
What’s funny about Hamilton The Play are the fools attacked VP elect Pence over Trump. Did you know those morons that night didn’t even man up and vote? DUMMOCRETINS can’t man up!
@17 Of course no candidate got a majority of Americans to vote for them. They are glad you are going to get out of their way, and they are going to do things. They like your attitude of acceptance and they look forward to doing great things.
Or that’s not what you mean as in your going to kicking up a dust storm.
Not many vets who were at Pearl left these days.
@18 Even if the electoral college does act as a circuit breaker you aren’t going to be a happy camper with the results. A Republican congress isn’t going to put Hilliary in office nor any Democrat. They may play the game and scrap up some power for the Congress and get a lap dog. With the real President behind the curtain aka Paul Ryan the Speaker. Or you just salivating at the chance of being able to bitch the Republican President got no votes during the election. Remember Gerald Ford? How about that 1968 winner of the Democratic party for President? Not like the man ran in the Primaries. Maybe if he had he might have actually competed against tricky Dick.
You know the electoral college is not going to be a circuit breaker as both parties have rigged the game.
@19 Following the logic you have to rid of the Senate. Bring back 1 Representative per 40,000 citizens. We could experiment with proportional representation which will kill the two party system. Which would be good.
Only way the electoral college is going away is to have a constitutional convention, and that opens everything up. You toss all the Indian treaties as there will no tribes…that anachronism will be gone along with all the reservations though they maybe federal land.
We can get rid of the post office.
We can put the VP as Commander in Chief.
Governor’s will be appointed by the grand Chief Governor.
All territories must become states, or become independent nations.
President for life.
We will be a true empire and insist on tribute from vassals, and no income tax for citizens.
Citizenship will be by lottery or military service.
Come on some of you bright folk have some great ideas for a constitutional convention. Lets hear em!
@20 Your compact would not survive constitutional challenge in Washington state when electors vote for someone other than who won the plurality of votes in Washington state, nor the challenges at the Federal level.
The whole thing is a sham and wishful thinking. Rather like having a constitutional convention which is the more likely of the two possibilities, and would be required to make the compact possible.
@21 Due to global warming once all them Californians move to Alaska then Californians will enjoy that 2.9 times voting advantage.
The fact is without the compromise the constitutional convention would have accomplished nothing. The Articles would have remained in place, and the United States would have dissolved, collapsed, and this would be part of Mexico, Russia, or Canada.
@30 Of course there is another simpler solution and that is called proportional distribution of electors. This would end the two party system, which is why your solution has support in one (mostly 1) or both major parties. Ending the two party monopoly created by a first past the post system (though Britain has a weak third party). More parties mean more states get visits and politicking from major candidates. More support for campaign finance reform as the field is so much bigger money can’t concentrate in a few states that will decide. Proportional distribution could be done in Washington, California, New York, Texas right now and does not suffer the constitutional challenge of a states electors voting for the candidate a plurality of the voters did not vote for. Americans don’t award losers. Which is why it so much better to be a Seahawk than a decade ago. The Seahawks are hot, they are cool, they win football games and get into the playoffs. Where they used to suck.
@53 No it’s an evil (well maybe good) elector from a parallel universe.
If you this elector suddenly get replaced by a more pliant Republican by the party then just maybe there is a possibility of there being 30 plus electors being unfaithful, and being forever divorced from the Republican party, and not welcome in the Democratic party. Of course what happens in the House where each state gets one vote for President. Seems Mr. Trump is pretty close to getting 26 states on the first vote. Are these unfaithful electors also going to be unfaithful in their Vice Presidential vote? Or will Pence definitely be the VP? No voting required in the Senate and the House gets to have all the fun. So I guess you Democrats love Vice President elect Pence. Really? Not a bit uncomfortable he will be a heartbeat away from the Presidency?
@56 And will we hear from you when the Union wins the appeal or if the company is stupid enough to go after the Union Headquarters in DC in Federal Court, bet there is 10 union lawyers just waiting for that stupid Texan CEO to come on up.
That is 2.6-1 wasted votes in California….maybe a few here in Washington state. And all them Republican votes in Washington, Oregon, and California all wasted, bet that is a big number.
@69 I’m waiting for you to explain how you get Washington state Supreme Court justices to go along with your plan should it ever actually happen, and it actually forces the electors of Washington to vote for the loser.
NPV was signed into law in Washington State in 2009 by Governor Gregoire. It is currently the law in that state. The method by which each state legislature designates the selection of electors is assigned to the state legislature as plenary authority under the United States Constitution, Article II, Sec. 1. The Washington State Constitution does not bar the Washington State Legislature from exercising it’s plenary authority under the United States Constitution.
You should take time very soon to bring yourself up to speed on the current laws in your state, as well as the status of the NPV nationwide at:
of course it is an enormous distortion either by deliberate intent, or by deliberate omission, to assert that NPV forces any state, or it’s electors to do anything. Moreover, it is a further distortion to assert that NPV causes any state’s electors to “vote” for any “loser”.
Lists of electors are named to the state by the major parties filed to campaign for the federal election for President in that state. Those listed are pledged to vote for that party’s slate. In “winner-take-all” states the list of electors designated to vote in December is the winner of the statewide popular vote. In states where NPV is in effect, the list of electors designated to vote in December would be the winner of the nationwide popular vote. This process is according to state law as enacted by the state legislature wherein exclusive authority to designate the method of choosing electors rests according to the U.S. Constitution.
Well, it looks like this time the Electoral College apparatus is going to help us all be rid of Hillary Clinton, hopefully forever.
(Not that Donald Trump is any better, of course.)
That also is incorrect.
Like a great many careless citizens disinterested in civics, our nation’s laws, and their own liberty, you confuse the Constitutional electoral process with the state winner-take-all laws. It is those state laws that will assign a majority of the electoral votes to the Republican candidate this year.