I took the Sounder train for the first time, even though I have lived in the region since before there was a Sound Transit. I suppose it’s different for people on a packed train, but Tacoma to Seattle was rather pleasant in the afternoon, even with a delay. I don’t really know how much of my car tabs went to it over the years, but I am glad that it was there.
Solid four straight hours of bitch Tweeting from the leader of modern klownsurvaturds. With total and complete control over every branch and every budget, when incompetent childish Republicans can’t get it up and get it done they respond by throwing the dishes.
It’s THEIR House and Senate. Who the fuck are they mad at?
Exactly when the fuck did Republicans become such a bunch of pussies?
@2 they’ve always have been a bunch of pussies!
@1 Don’t forget that today’s GOP leaders were the draft dodgers of my generation. As WTF says, they’ve always been pussies.
A very incomplete list of GOP leaders who never served in the military: Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell, Orrin Hatch, Trey Gowdy, Devin Nunes, Dana Rohrabacher, Mitt Romney, both of Trump’s SCOTUS appointees, and of course Cadet Bone Spurs himself. Plus, of course, Rudi Giuliani.
An impressive collection of blowhards, but I wouldn’t want to be stuck in a foxhole with any of these armchair warriors.
S. Carolina GOP announced plans to cancel their party’s 2020 Presidential nominating primary in order to ensure that no Republican may emerge to challenge President Russian StickyPornFinger.
At least nine other state’s Republican party leadership are considering similar moves to guarantee that no potential klownsurvaturd challengers can gain momentum or support.
I admit some amusement to see the monster they’ve created now turning around and consuming them in a lake of burning sex lube. But I should also say that this may not be good news for Real Americans who don’t conspire with our foreign adversaries to weaken our nation.
Going into 2020 teetering on 40% popularity, and likely to dip into the mid 30s once the House investigations begin releasing the dirt, President PornSweat can ill afford to face any kind of challenge from right-of-center. If any sort of national presence were available as an alternative on the November ballot for shy-Trumpers it could cost PornSweat bigly in key states like Florida or Ohio.
Trump is an obvious lock for the nom. and he certainly knows it. I don’t think that’s what this is about. I suspect there will be a sizeable market demand for a “not a Democrat” alternative on the Nov. ballot in 2020. This move by the state parties is probably intended to lock out those types of emergent candidacies from gaining the spotlight early enough to run an independent. Such a candidate could potentially draw hundreds of thousands of votes away from the Republican nominee in 2020.
It’s going to make it very hard for our trolls though. What will they do without Gary Johnson?
C’mon y’all!
Build “it” now!
@6 That’s what Andre Maginot said, too, and the French government bought it. The sequel is history.
A lot of you stupid humans are under the false impression that the Chinese Great Wall was built to keep Mongol invaders out. It wasn’t, couldn’t, and didn’t. That wasn’t its purpose at all. Look at any photo of that wall and you’ll see how easy it was to climb over it.
It kept their horses out. To the Mongols, the Great Wall said, “if you want to invade us, come on in, but you’ll have to fight on foot.” That made the fighting a lot more equal.
Same deal here. If you don’t want Guatemalan immigrants riding across the border on horseback or in Land Rovers, then go ahead and spend $40 billion on building a wall. But please do it with your money, not mine; tax yourselves, not me, for this. Thanks, I appreciate that.
@5 do you think that their is anything to one tiny thought that The Hump tries to move to the middle or a little less to where he is now on the right, to gain more support in 2020?
Most of the Klownsurvaturd media and a substantial number of Child Molester lawmakers have spent the past week pretending that Lt. Gen Flynn is some kind of fucking hero. Central to their whinging has been the claim that in lying to the FBI Flynn wasn’t even committing a crime. Let’s be clear: he was. He’s a felon because he’s a fucking crook.
But it’s is interesting to examine the source of this nonsense. Mostly it’s been Alan Dershowitz. He spent a good portion of the last month, before and after Flynn’s dubious memo in the lead up to his sentencing, proclaiming that it is not a crime to tell a lie to the FBI if the lie is not material to the investigation. He said this in writing. He said it a lot on teevee. He said it in places where people like President Stupid would probably see it or have it read to him.
It seems like a reasonable perspective and perhaps one that ought to be true. But it isn’t. Put simply it is always a crime to lie to the FBI. Even if they already know the truth and really don’t need your statement. Even if the only reason they are inviting you to give a statement is so they can give you an opportunity to commit a felony just for the fun of it. And let’s be clear again, they are inviting you. You can decline. Flynn should have. Or he should have talked to a lawyer. Any lawyer. They would have told him, “Whatever you do, don’t fucking lie”.
Maybe this is not how things should be. Maybe it’s wrong to give FBI agents that kind of arbitrary power (although, it’s really only a power you give them if you choose to lie to them… or talk to them at all. But trust me, this is the way it is. All the way up to the SCOTUS there has never been any dispute: Sec. 1001 makes it a felony to lie to the FBI regardless of materiality.
Now in defense of Dersh, he wasn’t acting as anyone’s legal counsel when he said this bullshit he said. He was being asked to “comment”. He was being asked to “comment” by stupid media people who wanted the answer he gave them. I would suspect that Dersh likes these gigs. He likes the easy money. And he probably really likes the attention and party invitations. So he delivers. But it isn’t as if what I’m saying is any kind of big secret. And most lawyers will tell you that when they read this kind of bullshit from Dersh, they take it as aspirational commentary about what the law ought to be from a Harvard law professor, NOT SOUND LEGAL ADVICE.
He’ll absolutely move to the middle. Everyone will. That’s how it works in national races. Hell, after the shellacking Republicans took last month they’ll move to the middle in community water board races.
Don’t forget how much PornSweat ran to the middle in 2016. He pretended to be interested in all kinds of progressive and bi-partisan solutions and working class concerns. But he dropped all that bullshit the minute he got in office and worked exclusively on the most extreme right wing agenda items – including, I should point out, forcing the House leadership to take up health care repeal ahead of schedule.
The problem for PornSweat, as it is for any incumbent, is that now unlike 2016 he has a record to run away from. And it is one helluva record.
Oh well. He can always run on a Nuclear Free Korean Peninsula!
Someone’s been eating in too many elite eateries.
“Our salad tonight is hand torn leaves of Romaine, painted with a creamy Parmesan and anchovy mélange and garnished with fresh Regiano grate and crostini,”
“So Caesar?”
Two more Kansas Republican women legislators have ditched the party, having had enough of Trump’s GOP.
That’s three women legislators so far in Kansas alone in just this last month.
There’s a certain element of America (Largely conservative) that is never tired of being wrong.
We can build more roads and traffic problems are solved!
Outlawing smoking in bars will send everyone to Bellevue to drink and bars will DIE!
The minimum wage hike is absolutely a JOB KILLER and what will be hit hardest is the Restaurant Industry.
If Marijuana is legalized, ALL THE TEENS WILL DIE when they start smoking in huge numbers.
Nobody in the Pentagon, Joint Chiefs, or Central Command had any warning or had even been invited to comment on President RageBaby’s plans for a total troop withdrawal from Syria. But it had been discussed with Putin at G20.
Weeeeeeeeeeee!… as in Pee Tape.
Russia is in fact in charge now.
Elections have consequences.
This is really who Republicans are from now on.
The GOP has lost 4 legislators in Kansas this month, not as a result of elections, but from party-switching.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Kansas is the poster child of failed Republican economic theories, and is in rehab now under a newly-elected Democratic governor, although even with these defections the legislature is still GOP-controlled and hellbent on self-immolation, which is why their legislators are defecting. Former GOP governor Sam Brownback proved you can’t fund schools with tax cuts, although anybody with any sense could have deduced that without actually trying it, which is what he did, kinda like somebody staring at a hydrogen bomb and saying, “I wonder if this thing actually works?”
Second Amendment Solutions Dep’t
“The victim added that the suspect told him, ‘I don’t target practice — but if I see something that looks like Bigfoot, I just shoot at it.’ The alleged shooter then reportedly told his victim to wear orange if he didn’t want to be confused for Bigfoot.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: He probably voted for Trump, too.
@8 No. Trump can’t help being what he is. He’s hardwired.
Just like you, rodent.
In 2020 you’ll vote for Trump again.
You won’t have any choice. And as when your wife left, your boss fired you, and the trailer park kicked you out, it won’t be anyone’s fault but your own.
IfWhen you stick a firecracker in your butt this New Year’s Eve, hold out a lighter and invite everyone at the party to stop you from blowing your asshole out, please don’t be too surprised if you wind up spending New Year’s Day in the ER.This is really who Republicans are from now on.
“car tabs”
Just got a bill for the family car.. Sound Transit’s haul from our tabs?
39 bucks..
GASP! Oh noes! This is ’nuff to make me subscribe to the “The Daily Wire”!
just kidding..
Want to know what line item was twice as much as ST?
King County Metro for bus service in Seattle.. Thanks Republicans! Will the Dems fix this? It’d be nice..
Everything Australia does is contrary to Republican economic theory. The net result is they haven’t had a recession for 27 years.
@18 God is hard wired too, dolt. I’m not God, but I’m a lot closer to godlike perfection than Trump is. And unlike you, I didn’t crawl under a log for the 2016 election, I actually made a decision about who should lead our country, and events have vindicated my judgment.
I meant there not thier in post #8. I think that a lot of the mistakes that I make are because of autocorrect and I don’t look at the body of the writing when I “type”, as I type with the iPhone. I should take the time to proof read.
Do you think his decision to pull out of Syria is the beginning of his possible move to the middle, or is he just appeasing Russia and/or Turkey?
Yes, sure. All that may be true.
But have the Aussies ever had to face the degradation of having a black guy in charge?
After all, extreme circumstances call for extreme measures. And if a few people lose their homes and jobs I guess that’s just the price us white guys must be willing to pay.
What’s wrong with Gary Johnson? I voted for him. Fucking Democrats are moonbeam idiots, and fucking Republicans are crooks.
@22 I didn’t vote for Cheato Jesus or Her Fucking Highness either. I voted for another candidate for president, you fucking idiot.
Russia and Turkey (and the House of Saud) own the Republican Party. Donald J. Trump is just one of their employees now.
Elections have consequences. And this is really who Republicans are from now on.
Why not!
Putin is great leader!
But plenty of American Traitors!
Thanks to the undying efforts and steadfast loyalty of lifelong Klownsurvaturds just like you, there will be no Gary Johnsons in 2020. They will be prohibited form appearing in any primary that could grant them access to the kind of support or funding needed to run as an independent.
Faced with the choice between Donald J. PornFinger and what you call a “moonbeam idiot”, you will once again vote for Donald J. PornFinger.
This is really who Republicans are from now on.
I paid $220 in 2017 and $212 in 2018 for the fucking light rail system, and I will never live long enough to see the damn thing completed, much less ever use the fucker. Take that beater car and your $39 RTA fee, and shove it up your ass, you fucking cocksucker!
Nah ya didn’t.
You voted for PornFinger and now you feel ashamed.
Who can blame you? It’s only natural for the victim of an obvious con to deny it. Con artists like your President count on the denial as part of the con.
This is really who Republicans are from now on.
The Libertarian Party will run a candidate in 2020 for president. The person won’t be Gary Johnson, but there will be a Libertarian candidate on the presidential ballot.
Putin leaks the signed trump tower document and the next day, trump pulls out of Syria and to lift sanctions on firms owned by Russian oligarch Deripaska. Weird.
$220? Wow!
I had absolutely no idea that a two stroke powered mobility chair could be valued at over $20,000.
Must be the extra beer holders.
Not in all 50 states. And not in Washington.
Do you people even understand how the Electoral college works?
Please, don’t answer that.
@31 Wow. Really must have broke the bank. There goes another year with the blue tarp on the roof of the trailer.
I spent $220 on dinner last night.
For $220 – If I were Sound Transit I’d never let you ride the fucker.
Do you have any idea how much Mountain Dew Code Red you can buy with $220?
No. No you don’t. Because you are an elitist!
You, with your fancy “education”, and and your “toothbrush”, and your “literacy”.
This is why Democrats lost the Senate in 2018.
The Hump isn’t the only thing wrong with the Repukilan Party. This is what is wrong the Repukes. This is why contributing to their implosion.
In other news, less babies are being born and the older generation is dying off.
Oh well – The Straights have problems. Focus on the Marriage!
So fucking sad.
Hope they catch the fucker.
Well, Well, What do you know.
@24 “Appeasing” works well in this context, but “selling out” is probably more precise. I wonder what Putin paid him for Syria? Maybe promised him the 2020 election? Syria is a pretty big chunk of prime real estate, so I doubt Trump sold it for a few Facebook hacks.
@26 Besides everything, not much. He thinks the budget can be cut 43%, the free market can make health care affordable for all, supports Citizens United, that a machine gun in every home leads to “more civil government,” etc. etc. Kinda funny to see a Johnson fan call others “moonbeam idiots.”
@27 In other words, you didn’t vote, you’re a fucking copout who runs away from hard decisions.
@28 He’s not even an employee. He’s a contract worker.
@35 Too bad he isn’t a disabled veteran. He should’ve volunteered for one of Shrub’s wars and gotten himself shot in the buttocks. Then he could get free tags like me and my veteran friends. He’d still have to get emissions tests, though, and he might need a pillow to sit on, too.
Lest we forget, let’s all pause for a moment to remember the fallen of the “War On Christmas”. This year the unfortunate casualties were the Gingerbread Men. They walked right into the machine gun fire. It was like July 1, 2016, all over again.
Should the United States even arrest and prosecute secret agents who spy on us for foreign countries? Should we? Should that really even be a crime?
I just don’t know.
Should someone who comes to the United States to engage in cyber warfare against the US even be arrested and prosecuted? Should that sort of thing even be a crime?
I just don’t know.
Tick Tock.
Told ya. Tomorrow Republicans in charge will close down the federal government. Because they can. And because their feet hurt.
This is really who Republicans are from now on.
@50 I wonder what another 400-point drop in the Dow does to their buddies’ stock portfolios? And minus 400 points ain’t nuthin’ compared to what’ll happen if they go through with it.
My Grandparents paid for SEA-TAC expansion and didn’t live to use it. They paid for the rebuild of I-5 and the express lanes though when it was finished they were too old to drive themselves.
WAAAAAAAAAHHHHH, when a city plans for a future decades away, the people who will live there aren’t alive to pay for it!
They’ll go through with it.
They lost 40 seats in the House last month.
They aren’t going to leave the party without first taking a shit in the punch bowl.
This is really who Republicans are from now on.
“A society grows great when old men plant trees in whose shade they know they shall never sit”
I miss the republicans of my youth who seemed to believe that.
Heather Long (@byHeatherLong)
“Trump loved to tout stock market gains as proof he was doing a great job. Now the market is giving him a thumb’s down. Aides say the president is worried and constantly asking for market updates. Nasdaq flirting with a bear market. Dow down 7% YTD”
I don’t want the economy to crash, but everyone who wasn’t a republican screamed to high heaven this was gonna happen if they implemented republican economic policies and they didn’t listen.
Let’s see – $220 for Sound Transit……..or a Vote for The Hump and a recession.
I don’t know – so equal.
@52 Yes, much better to let growth happen without planning or foresight, that way everything costs 10 times as much when you’re finally forced to build it. And who knows, today’s tax refusers just might live long enough to sit in 3-hour commutes to their doctor’s office, not to mention how long it will take for an ambulance to get them to an emergency room when they have their heart attack.
@54 This generation of Republicans wants to log until there’s nothing left.
@55 The stock market isn’t the economy.
@59 But it was to republicans when the stock market was going up . Now that it’s going down. Not a peep.
@56 Actually, Sound Transit costs far more than that; that’s only the tabs for 1 car. Most families own 2 or more vehicles. There are also sales tax and property tax components. For a typical Seattle family, I figure about $350 for car tabs, another $350 in ST3 sales taxes, and about $150-$200 in ST3 property taxes, for a total of around $800 on top of the roughly $300 they were already paying for the original ST taxes, so it’s more like $1,200 a year for a couple with children living in their own home. That’s just for ST3 and doesn’t count all the other taxes they pay.
It’s really not hard to guesstimate the ST3 tax burden. At least $50 billion of the project is locally financed over 25 years, so that’s $2 billion a year. Washington’s population is around 7 million and I’ll guess, as a very rough estimate, that about 3 million of them live in the ST3 taxing area. This includes kids, of course. If you divided $2 billion by 3 million you get about $667 per nose. This means a family of 3 would have to pony up $2,000 a year just for the principal and I don’t think that includes interest. Even for someone working at Amazon for $180,000 a year that’s a significant expense; for families earning Seattle’s median income (about $83k) it’s crushing.
Yeah, yeah, I know we have a transportation problem. But that doesn’t mean the average person who lives here can afford a moon shot. (In inflation-adjusted dollars, ST3 costs about half what the Apollo program cost, if you don’t count the interest on the bonds, and don’t count ST1 and ST2.)
The ST3 election is over, the people have spoken, and rehashing the issue serves no purpose. It’s probably true the voters didn’t know what they were voting for, as Sound Transit’s promoters consistently lied to them about what ST3 would cost. The $169 figure is, and always has been, fiction. I called out ST’s bullshit in my pre-election posts; but, like I side, the election’s over and the voters are now stuck with the check they signed that day. Sure, you can complain about it all you want — political griping is America’s favorite sport — but the bottom line is you’re gonna pay that hefty tax bill for as long as you choose to live here.
House Republicans emerged from their trip to President RageBaby’s White House Woodshed shaken, bowed, and covered in orange spittle with the delightful news that their beloved President told them between rage fits that he would veto the CR funding bill and close the gubmit because WALL!
This is what they voted for. This is what they get.
And yes. This is really who Republicans are from now on.
Derpaska and Syria.
Two decisions that would be high on Russia’s wish list.
Two decisions that are not well aligned with U.S. interests regarding Aluminum Tarrifs, Iran containment and Assad.
I’ve got $50 Hannity has a segment in Uranium One tonight.
Shame our trolls aren’t here to talk about it.
Looks like “Fox and Friends” are running the country now.
@62 As I posted on Professor Steve’s blog,
“One thing you gotta say for Trump, he keeps his promises. He’s gonna shut down the government right before Christmas. What a gift for Democrats! Not only that, he intends to keep the gifts flowing next year! Says he won’t sign any Democratic legislation until he gets his wall. Imagine what fun the Democrats will have with this — veterans, farm subsidies, disaster aid to red states, etc. It’s going to be a looong new year!”
The idiot in the White House hasn’t a clue about how politics works. You don’t get anything by threatening and bullying. Politics is all about horse-trading. What will Trump give Democrats in return for his wall? That’s the big question.
“Shame our trolls aren’t here to talk about it.”
Mom always seemed to head out to the store for smokes right before Dad came home drunk and went after little Sis. Funny how that works.
The region has needed a workable mass transit system that is not reliant on traffic flow (buses) since at least the mid 80s. Several have been proposed, some got money poured into before cancelled.
And yet there is still no system. But there is the embryo of a system that has seen massive ridership far greater than ST expected.
So we’ve decided, at least a majority of voters have decided to spend the money to do that. Now yes, a bunch of people are claiming sticker shock but if you thought your vehicle was ‘average’ when the measure said ‘average’ was a value around $8000 and your $45,000 SUV was quite a bit more than you thought….well you didn’t read.
But it’s going to be built for the future.
If a previous generation, you know the ones who will be dead before completion had asked in 1980 “If not us who, if not now when?” it would be done by now and you could take it. And it would have cost much less.
I may get 10 years by the time the spike to my neighborhood is done if I’m lucky. Happy to pay it. My kids will use it.
Looks like Bob is missing in action again. I can’t say I blame him – it can’t be easy going 1 against 20, like he’s said. I mean we, one of the 19, generraly agee with each other, support each other, and collectively point out the failings of the Conservatives in this Country. I suppose I’d feel the same way on some Consevative blog.
But wait a minute, I wonder what Bob thinks about how living as a gay person in a straight persons’ world must be like. Surely he must think that gay people should have more support.
Not looking for sympathy here. The point is that it looks as though Bob has given up or surrendered in defeat.
I don’t have any kids. I’ve been a homeowner, paying property taxes for 25-30 years; the majority of which goes towards education. I’ve been doing this the last 25 years and will be doing it for the next 30-40 years, hopefully and God willing.
Aside from educating other peoples’s kids, I guess I can ask what did I get out of it; if anyone wants to equate it to paying for transportation. No kids, means no kids or grand children will benefit for the taxes I’ve paid for education. Don’t get me wrong, I understand how it has made a better world for me too, but hey the people who will not use the Sound Transit really should ask are other people paying for shit the want to pay for or benefitting from or not benefiting from.
@67 The car tab tax, at least, is progressive. It soaks the people who buy new cars and own fancy cars. That’s not me, my ride is 15 years old, but as a disabled veteran I get free car tabs no matter what I’m driving. However, I still pay the ST3 property and sales taxes.
Only head-up-ass Republicans (yes, we have a few) would argue that Seattle doesn’t need mass transit and/or would argue the “solution” is more freeway lanes (we’re probably going to need both). The problem is (a) there seems to be no end to this city’s free-spending ways, and (b) everything built here is super-expensive for some reason I can’t fathom (corruption immediately comes to mind).
A few years ago, after getting hit up for two stadiums costing a billion dollars each (one of which was voted down at the ballot box), 90% of Seattle voters vowed they would not pay for a billion-dollar basketball palace. So what happened? Now we’re getting an $800 million hockey palace.
The second Tacoma Narrows suspension bridge cost about $850 million. Can anyone explain why a floating bridge across Lake Washington costs $5 billion?
The Alaska Way Viaduct is being replaced by, you guessed it, the most expensive possible option, a $2 billion tunnel.
ST3 is, in significant part, a subway system whose underground portions cost, on a per mile basis, approximately 10 times as much as the next most expensive subway system ever built anywhere in the world.
Who’s paying for all this stuff? Us. What makes Seattle’s poobahs think we can afford it? Answer: They don’t even think about that, they only think about how to foist it off on us.
Meanwhile, we’re being asked to pay higher property taxes to implement McCreary in the other 38 counties, the majority of whose residents will repay our kindness by despising “those Seattle freeloaders.” For some strange reason, they believe they’re paying for our schools and roads.
Not only are more taxes continually being piled on, but because of this state’s affection for regressive taxation, they’re hitting those least able to pay the hardest. For all of Doctor Dumbfuck’s mindless ranting about the $15 minimum wage, you can’t live here on that income. It doesn’t cover much more than the taxes.
Of course, I don’t have to live on $30k a year. My income is many times that. When I post here, I’m defending people who don’t have what I have. I’m a capitalist sticking up for the poor working stiffs and, no, I don’t get paid for doing it. I do it out of charity toward those less greedy and acquisitive than me.*
* The dumbfucks on the other side call me a “communist” or “socialist,” can you believe that shit? I’m one of them, except with a conscience.
@68 “The point is that it looks as though Bob has given up or surrendered in defeat.”
Or got thrown off a roof by domestic ISIS followers after being outed. Y’know, I’ve always wondered if his wife was just for appearances.
@69 The theory is that public schools and universities make us all richer. Also, you can make a pretty good argument that the advent of universal free public education in the 19th century was the single most important factor in the United States becoming a superpower. It’s pretty hard to imagine our military technology or the array of products and services our corporations produce without educated citizens to design, build, and operate that stuff.
Trump’s defense secretary just quit, apparently in reaction to the Syria pullout. Looks like Trump will announce a pullout from Afghanistan, too, which will lead to a Taliban takeover there. Trump seems to be going full-isolationist mode. I guess we’ll get a chance to see how that works in today’s interconnected world.
“The point is that it looks as though Bob has given up or surrendered in defeat.”
That’s how most trolls leave HA, with their tail between their legs. Although that beats being lynched by one’s own white supremacist friends like what happened to the loon (RIP).
Well investing in the Iraqi Dinar was a pet thing in American Christian Taliban circles a few years back.
Their savior President just killed that off. But they may still get an ROI before the Rapture.
A T shot, a little blue pill and a binge of “The Daily Wire” will bring the misogynist freak back, stat..
It should stay way from the stable though – that sick shit is dissipating. Ooops. There’s the reason for the absence.
Oh that feckless tax scam and the stock market meltdown plays its part. Sorry trolls – you can’t fight the Fed.
Too f’in funny @ 31….
snowflake – triggered! little whiny man-baby! We bought our car brand new in 2003. It doesn’t even have 65,000 miles on it.
And yours truly lives within walking distance of a big ass ST light rail station.
Mission accomplished.
The loon disappearance is indeed curious. Both houses of the kongress kontrolled by klownservatics.. a birther troll farting up the white house.. More klownservatic rapey boys in the scotus.
Yeah, musta been lynched by the kreepos who don’t bother to wear hoods anymore now that their fave klowns run the show.
@78 They’re more into driving cars into crowds and shooting up churches and synagogues lately.
In case Doctor Dumbfuck can receive some comfort in knowing that he isn’t the America’s dumbest right-wing dumbfuck.
“Trump surrogate Katrina Pierson demands John McCain answer her questions — and gets buried in ridicule”
I’ve observed a close correlation between Teh Dumbfuck’s extended absences and extended down turns in the markets.
I’ve always assumed he was to busy working off all his naked puts at the nearest truck stop bathroom.
Give her a break.
Like most Republicans, she was only doing what the Russian bot-nets were telling her to do. It’s not her fault if pimply Moldovan script kids working for beets are not up to date on US current affairs.
@70 I don’t know what exactly is going on in Seattle. The cost of those projects seem very high to me too. But with all the water in the Seattle are that could be a component of why things cost so much more relative to other ares. The more tunneling and provisions to build in condition with water increas the cost of work.
Things aren’t cheap. Labor is also a big component of it.
@72 and the same could be said for infrastructure. Without good infrastructure it doesn’t matter how educated people are if they can’t be productive by getting to work or the goods they produce can’t be transported. My parents paid for my education. I have no kids, I should at least get some type of tax credit for not having kids. And do we need to spend as much as we do to educate kids, such as sports programs and “grand” facilities that drive up the cost of an education beyond kids being well educated?
The single most important aspect of a thriving economy is good infrastructure to support businesses. Business is built around highway corridors or shipping for trade with other Countries.
That guy on Wall Street would be nothing if he couldn’t take a train to the Stock Exchange, so that he can pork hard working people from their hard earned money (in masses)
@84 No, the single most important necessity for a thriving economy is education, then infrastructure, and America is going downhill in both. But … #maga. White supremacy, hating science, and tax breaks for billionaires will make it all better.
“News of Mattis’ resignation broke as Trump faced an imminent government shutdown, the Dow had plunged more than 1,200 points since Monday and the President was being blasted for foreign policy decisions. … ‘The wheels may be coming off,’ said a conservative House Republican who supports Trump.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Yes, all the top Republicans are wringing their hands and tut-tuting about a madman dragging America down the tubes. But not one will do anything about it. Trump defenders all, and will continue to be. Ideology and party above country. That’s not who they are now; that’s who they’ve always been.
Repukes are the problem. With them Thr Hump is nothing., except a guy with his little finger on a button.
GOP members of House and Senate dont dare override President PornLube’s veto if they know what’s good for them.
The real test of just how much RapeFinger owns the GOP comes when the leadership lets him flee to FLA to party with his rich pals while they stay behind in DC to work on re-opening the gov.
There’s a 50/50 chance they say screw it and fuck off home until next year. Remember 40 of these worthless pieces of shit lost their job last month and need every spare minute to line up a K street partnership.
This is really who Republicans are from now on.
Corker stood in the hall outside his offices this morning and told reporters he was heading out to pack up his car and drive home for good.
That is the GOP plan. Shit got hard. So they are going home.
Now imagine you are a TSA agent, FBI agent, or CBP agent scheduled to work through Christmas, New Years, and the busy holiday travel season knowing you wont see another paycheck until Feb.
There’s your War on Christmas.
“Shaken, disappointed, saddened and scared — those were just some of the reactions in a bipartisan outpouring of shock and concern as lawmakers reacted Thursday to the news that Defense Secretary James Mattis had resigned over President Donald Trump’s policy decisions.”
Good morning, Trump fans! Is your day shitty enough yet? If not, maybe this will help. Listen carefully to what she says will happen if Trump “loses his base”:
Of course, you do have an alternative to Trump; it’s called “loving your country.”
Gonna be interesting to see if Mattis’ resignation is the straw that breaks the camel’s back.
@90 “Now imagine you are a TSA agent, FBI agent, or CBP agent scheduled to work through Christmas, New Years, and the busy holiday travel season knowing you wont see another paycheck until Feb.”
C’mon, no one who works for Trump can have any reasonable expectation of being paid for their labor.
A retired New Jersey police chief is the first cop in 10 years to be prosecuted for federal hate crimes. He doesn’t like black people. He doesn’t like people who criticize cops who kill black people. He doesn’t like Hillary because she would let black people vote. He describes Donald Trump as “white people’s last hope,” but says he didn’t vote for him because Trump “is a nut.” He’s being prosecuted for beating up a handcuffed black kid while calling him the “n” word. The feds have the goods on him because his own officers had been secretly recording his hatred of black people for months.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Yes, America has racist cops, and I suspect this one isn’t unique. At least he can look forward to free room and board in his “retirement home.”
“Acting Attorney General Matt Whitaker disregarded the advice of a Justice Department ethics official to step aside from overseeing special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation, according to a senior department official close to the process.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Nonpartisan government ethics officials expect a Trump appointee to be ethical? Are they serious?
It some ways he’s perfect.
He knows he can’t recuse. That word alone now sends Republican in Chief RageBaby into fits. But he also knows he can’t directly interfere with the independent offices without setting off alarms. And he also knows that at this point any direct conveyance of GJ testimony, CE product, or evidence under seal to the White House earns him orange coveralls.
CBP is one of the agencies whose employees are deemed “essential” and thus are compelled by statute to remain at work without pay. Once the clean CR is eventually passed they will end up being paid back for the hours they are compelled to work according to their CBAs.
But in the mean time, three days before Christmas, with Republicans heading home for the holidays to party with lobbyists, snort coke off porn stars asses, and suck Russian dick, and beloved President RageBaby flying his Cheeseburger Cabinet to Florida to lay around laughing and playing golf, all these CBP agents have to head down to the holiday food bank if they want their kids to eat for the next month.
CBP were famously supportive of President Fuckface all throughout the 2016 campaign and thereafter. It will be very interesting to see how much that support changes when they go two pay cycles without a check.