Remember the last Congressional redistricting? Washington got an extra seat, and at least from outside, it seemed like the Democrats’ main objective was making sure Denny Heck had a seat.
I saw someone retweet Congressman Heck the other day, and I realized how little I hear about what he’s doing. I know he has been in the minority party in an obstructionist Congress, but you hear about other Democrats from Washington more often. According to his Wikipedia page, his big thing is marijuana banking. I don’t know if that’s his priority, or the priority of Wikipedia editors.
Still, he got a safe seat, and I would have hoped he could use it better than a generic Democrat.
If Denny Heck can keep the marijuana business running in this state, then more power to him! That fossil Jeff Sessions needs to retire to Alabama where he can say, “Those damn kids! All they wanna do is sing, dance and smoke that marry-wanna all day long!” while he’s criticizing everyone’s lifestyles at tent revivals.
In short, it’s time for Jeff Sessions to exit, stage right.
@1 And if he did, the next Jeff Sessions would take his place. The Problem isn’t just Jeff Sessions, it is everything and everything that the Republican Party stands for.
@3 – That’s fine, but I’ll take Jeff Sessions retirement as a positive event no matter who is his replacement. Believe it or not, there are people who are not liberal progressive Democrats who believe the War on Drugs has been more harmful than simply doing nothing about drugs. Those people are not as bone-headed as Jeff Sessions and will take a more realistic view of marijuana.
(Not to mention the potential tax revenue!)
And still you vote for Republicans. Again, and again, and again. Like a broken stupid robot, programmed by AM hate radio con artists.
It doesn’t take a “liberal progressive Democrat” to see that voting for a Republican, any Republican ever consistently and inevitably leads to people like Jefferson Sessions and the ignorant bloated television con man who appointed him. The most perverse, unqualified, reeling shitbeast of a human being puts an (R) after their name and you people become suddenly very philosophical and motivated to seek compromise. But let the most talented, highly regarded, and qualified person put a (D) after their name and you start looking for punctuation errors on the resume on conjuring up impossible litmus tests.
@4 – Um, I didn’t vote for a single Republican in the 2016 election.
They voted in a Cadre of White Senior Citizen Reactionary Republicans and then say, “Oh My stars, I’m shocked, SHOCKED that they enacted kinda racist policies and screened ‘Reefer Madness’ in the Mural Room.”
When the party doesn’t line up with your values, support them anyway for I AM A REPUBLICAN like my father and grandfathers before me!
Excerpts, we got your excerpts…
@6 – No “cadres” involved in my vote, white, black, senior, junior, sophomore or freshman. If you’re a Republican, congratulations on enjoying the freedoms our Constitution provides.
I congratulate you on your brief experiment with celibacy no doubt brought on by uncontrollable fits of regret. But if people like you aren’t going to help the rest of us clean up the fucking mess you’ve made, the least you could do is lift your feet while we sweep.
You people are the Brock Turners of electoral politics. You got drunk on hate/stupid/resentment. And you fucked up bad. Go the fuck away. Study civics. Read a fucking book not ghost penned for Sarah Palin. Then when you think you are ready go volunteer at the community center for a few months before you ever vote again.
@3 well let’s hope those that you refer to that are not Liberal Progressive Democrats don’t find some verse in the Bible about Pot smoking.
Think of the revenue of gay marriages too!
And not sure if any gay marriage ever caused some type of accident that caused any injury to anyone either.
@9 naahhhh – he just wants to smoke pot. Something that many have been doing illegally. Bunch of illegals.
Many individuals (gay) that wanted to marry their loved partner but couldn’t (until now) while the pot smokers were able to smoke (illegally). So if you want to enjoy your freedom of smoking pot (legally), even though nobody is stopping anyone from doing it (illegally), then maybe they can toss their vote of freedom in for gay marriage, and the right to have a cake or any service be rendered without discrimination due to religious absurdity.
Sounds like a little too much freedom – you freedom less fucks that try to profess you stand for freedom. BULLSHIT! And that saying doesn’t even need a link to understand.
I know Roger says that the trolls need to know better spelling and speaking skills. But I think we need better people just to be less fucking stupid, bigots, and carefree of freedom.
Go Jeff, Go!
Ban the Shit – Toss them all into jail, like them Sanctuary city politicians!
I think the fact that Fuckface may actually be incapable of reading might explain the willingness of some to serve in his cabinet. Imagine the possibilities presented by working for someone who on a daily basis is expected to sign their legal authorization to documents they are unable to read and understand.
While Roypublicans and EEEN-DEEE-PEN-DUNCE stare awake at night clutching their firearms worried about #BLM protesters and dirty hippies at Evergreen, some Very Fine People® are trying to derail passenger trains in the real world.
Remember Roy Moore’s Jewish lawyer?
“‘My background is 100% Jewish,” he told … ‘It was just an ethnic characteristic.’ … ‘I’m a Messianic Jew … the term they use for a Jewish person who has accepted Christ.’ He … became a Mormon first, then later became an evangelical Protestant Christian.”
Well, sorta.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I have Jewish friends, too, and even a black friend although those are harder to find in Seattle. Puddy, will you be my friend?
@1 No, Mr. Recusal should stay right where he is, at least for now.
@3 Yes, we realize many ex-hippies turned Republican but never got over being potheads. In fact, Republican politics and muddled thinking go hand-in-hand.
@5 Oh, one of those.
@8 Yeah, including the “freedom” to be investigated because somebody doesn’t like what you wrote about them.
C’mon, where’ve you been? This has gone on since the GOP redbaiting of the 1940s and 1950s. Nixon had an “enemies” list. Trump’s goons are prosecuting protesters. Republicans respect your freedom no more than they respect your property. Voting Republican is voting for censorship and suppression of dissent.
@13 Oh yeah, I forgot they want to jail opposition pols, too. Jail Hillary! Jail the mayor of San Francisco! And Seattle!
Republican senators finally find someone they want to have charged with crimes – Christopher Steele.
“Republican Senators Raise Possible Charges Against Author of Trump Dossier”
“More than a year after Republican leaders promised to investigate Russian interference in the presidential election, two influential Republicans on Friday made the first known congressional criminal referral in connection with the meddling — against one of the people who sought to expose it.”
@20 Looks like you were posting as I was typing.
merely part of the ongoing effort to soften the ground ahead of Fuckface closing the Roypublican Campaign Treason investigation.
Provenance of the Steele dossier is questioned (dossier turns out not have been relied upon to initiate investigation). Mueller team attacked (attacks are unfounded or not germane). FBI is smeared (smears are political bullshit). Manafort files bullshit vanity suit claiming investigation is unlawful (lawsuit will be tossed). Grassley refers charges (DOJ will only bring charges if Rosenstein and Sesh are removed). Sesh is ordered to reverse Obama pot order (moronic dude-bros rise up to out Sesh). Pruitt announces he’d like Sesh’s job (Pruitt has agreed to remove Rosenstein and end the investigation). If Pruitt is confirmed he’ll take up Grassley’s charges. etc. etc. etc. It’s not as if these things are just coincidences.
In a previous thread the vomit producer axed Puddy about the Intel CEO selling his stock on what The Register speculates as insider trading. Of course being unemployed prolly means the vomit producer don’t have a clue about when a corporate officer sells stock prematurely.
So to ASSist the silly vomit boy Puddy created this simple search “how insider trading affects the stock market”. Puddy will allow the vomit producer to inspect various links on how the common man is adversely affected and the effect it has much later.
Of course dr DIPSHITTIUM checkmate-252 AKA flat beer frothy is as clueless as evah! DId anyone actually understand that froth left in the “dead thread” as shitstain steve claims previous threads?
Bueller? Bueller?
Till Next Time!
dossier turns out not have been relied upon to initiate investigation
Sez whom Oregon hillbilly moron? The NY Slimes? The Australians think it’s due to the WikiLeaks email release conversation George P had with their foreign minister.
Till Next Time!
@24 If you’re a person and were “axed” you wouldn’t be posting here. You’d either be in an ICU or a morgue. If you’re a tree, you wouldn’t be here, either. You’d be lumber or firewood. A third alternative is that you can’t speak normal English and think it’s cute to write the way you talk. I trust you see the irony. Your fellow Republicans think if you can’t “speak English” you should go back to your own country.*
* Whether you were born in the USA or not, your citizenship status, and your veteran status are all irrelevant to these folks.
@25 “The Australians think it’s due to the WikiLeaks email release conversation George P had with their foreign minister.”
Yeah, that’s the story being reported by the media and believed by millions of folks who don’t give a shit what your opinion is.
“The Australians think it’s due to the WikiLeaks email release conversation George P had with their foreign minister.”
Wherein a drooling, batshit cuck mirthfully celebrates the depressing truth that while the Roypublican Party was busy selling our nation’s democratic processes to a shirtless communist dictator behind our backs, half the intelligence agencies in the free world were watching it happen on real time sig int.
Hey Liar! Tell Sam Clovis his wonder boy Pap was set up. Get it? This is precisely what happens when you traitors nominate a candidate so utterly unprepared for the primary campaign that he has no choice but to outsource his foreign policy shop to propeller heads.
Yet another #owngoal.
Yeah and in a previous thread Bob was giving out blow jobs.
I kid Bob. What’s the weather like in Seattle today. Is it nice? Did Bob finally wake up and decide to enjoy the day in his car or boat today?
Satire is what happens when the car isn’t moving.
The irony that you noticed it was incoherent is not lost on me.
@24 If you’re a person and were “axed” you wouldn’t be posting here.
That’s Jesse Jackson pronunciation of ask Roger senile idiot wabbit. Puddy has explained that many times here!
Stay senile!
Till Next Time!
A Roy Moore accuser and her family have lost their home to suspected arson.
@34 Typical Republican, always blaming someone else.
Ah, the sun sets, but nice of the loon to drop by and lay some HATE on us. I wonder if he and his SDA doomsday death cult have a fresh goat lined up for their unspeakable wrong-day-Sabbath rituals.
“The right is claiming the reporter who wrote the book about Trump is a closet case”
Some one should tell Gav that he could easily pass as gay too, just vision him with a little leather on.
@35 Terrorist Hillbilly
But careful Rog – you don’t want little Bobby to get upset if you should suggest arming against terrorists.
“Pew poll: 61 percent back legalization of pot”
Who gives a shit! Go Jeff, Go! I don’t like the smell of pot when I walk down the sidewalk – it infringes upon my freedom to walk on the sidewalk – I call it Atheist Liberty.
“64% of Americans say same-sex marriage should be legal
For the first time, majority of Protestants support gay marriage
Support for same-sex relations has also climbed, now at 72%”
Gay bashing is SO 2005. They can even get married now and the sun still rises. Kind of like a cake rises.
@41 unfortunately demonizing someone, something, gay or not gay, is very popular with the GOP and very much still alive. It’s all they got.
I wonder what kind of black mail dirt the republicans and trump and the russians have on Lindsey. He was such an anti trumper and now he’s trump’s biggest fan. Those documents the russians got from the RNC servers probably had embarrassing pics of Lindsey’s boyfriend.
Good call from Dem viewpoint, the old man is a liability.
@9 – You are truly an ignoramus. You clearly have no understanding of anything.
45 continued:
You are ascribing shit to me that is not true an any sense. I certainly hope you do not work with other people and live entirely alone in some remote part of the world. That’s the only way I can make sense of your rantings.
There’s no budget problem. Republicans are prepared to spend billions on things they want.
” … Trump’s Department of Homeland Security has requested $18 billion … to complete a wall … to stop illegal immigration … ”
Money is tight only for what Republicans don’t want. These include: Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, CHIP, EPA, CDC, science, etc.
Why do you people even bother? Honestly, nobody is ever going to believe you Teabaggers ever again. The shame you’re feeling is entirely fitting. And those of us who have not abetted in your treason have no intention of letting you people off the hook ever.
Speaking of traitors, the loon will soon be back and he’s gonna be full of HATE for all things good and decent! SAD!
In response to Carl
Clearly the gerrymandering in Washington state was successful as the man was elected to Congress and remains there.
He is the Junior member and he appears to play well with others. He is a bit of a corporatist. Is a business guy, but also an educator. Does not look and does not come across on his site as particularly charismatic. Something that might go against someone in that district.
I’m not sure if Carl is suggesting voters in his district should replace him, if so that is because the guy is being a good junior house member. A potential leader, but you don’t get to leadership if you rock the boat, or actually say things to the voters. So I don’t expect the opaqueness to clear, and yes his website looks a like Dick Larson’s with many of the same interest areas and same communities stressed, in fact there is a lot of resemblance to the same issues ect that are on both US Senators sites for Washington state. Good team players these Democrats who are in Congress here.
@1 Why should Sessions retire over the marijuana issue. Any US Attorney General appointed by a law and order President of either party should tell the states that have legalized marijuana. Fuck you! It’s illegal under Federal law and you will comply and my folks are going after the industry. You don’t like it tale to Congress to change the law, but mean while this office is goin got enforce the law.
@3 So you want Jeff Sessions to run for Congress in 2018? Or 2020? If not maybe you should want him exactly where he is, though the President does from time to time deliver one thing the American voters wanted to hear: “YOUR’E FIRED!!!”
Something Mr, Jefferson you had no problem saying during your two administrations, and you clearly demonstrated leadership with the Barbary Coast pirates and later France that any President would do well to emulate. In fact you would have told Kim the first week in office you have a bigger button on your desk than him. And told the USS Constitution to go to a port in North Korea and make demands and use it’s guns if rebuffed.
And that whole Louisiana Purchase does any American real estate agent proud.
And as long a Jeff Sessions could stay up you would happily have Sherry with him in the White House study. You knew to keep your friends close and your enemies closer when you were in the White House.
@12 Of course there are some who believe marriage is an old fashioned custom that should be deep sixed in todays modern world. That it is too poisoned by a paternalistic society to ever be fit for a modern society. That marriage is slavery for one or both persons in the relationship like the guard at the prison is a much a prisoner as those he imprisons, That there are other more inclusive social forms that should replace marriage. Or just the individual is supreme. There are also other ways to handle children than the family centered realm of today. That the government should do it all until the age of majority. Or they take a number out of a film canister. Or all children are adopted. Shoes are set up or they are for dinner per one Jonathan Swift, if they are Irish.
@18 So why no mention of the aroma of pot in the Journalistic marvel “Fire and Fury”.? Or at least the favorite bar the young and hipster White House Republicans go to? Perhaps Mr Wolfe participated too much with the crowd and wanted to keep his sources (suppliers) secret?
@27 Well he could mean uses Axe deodorant or other Axe products and the advertisements are not entirely accurate or just a little over the top, or the women he is attracting find it sexy he can use a lap top.
On NPR it was mentioned the other day that people are making their own deodorant. Is this a thing here in the Pacific Northwest? I can see someone having to live in moms basement doing his out of self preservation.
@23 Of course after a year of investigating not much has been released to the public, Like just what the facts are. Just how did the Russian’s and Trump insiders collude (not a crime) to influence 50 elections in 50 states. No FBI investigator is able to go visit the NSA and get the low down as to whether this whole garbage pit fire has any substance. Just what do we pay the NSA to do these days that we have to waste another 23 million yet no facts have been released, just a FBI using the tactics used to bring down mob bosses, sometimes those tactics succeed, but more often the mobsters walk.
I want to know how did the Russians affect the election in one state, and then how many states and how. Who are these Russians and why are they not at this time sitting in Federal prison with espionage charges and other charges? Was this beyond the usual bullshit that is normal between nation states? As yes our friends the Brits and the French and the Germans ect also tried to influence t election before, during and after, just as the US engages in such activities. Only if we fail we don’t just go well better luck next season, no we topple democratically elected governments, and it does not matter if it’s a Republican or Democrat in office.
And we like war and again it does no matter if it’s a Democrat or Republican President.
And to be fair on Hilliary Clinton on those e-mails that originated in the State Department if she wanted them to be sent over public systems all she had to do as States classification authority is declassify them. And yes it is possible to send messages of any classification in the clear under emergency conditions to government authorities hat need the information at that time, and could not preform their tasks without the information. Afterwards there is supposed to be a decision made to keep the information classified and at what level or to declassify it.
@16 If the rules for lawyers were like he ones for Kosher Foods this attorney might not be able to claim being Kosher.
Since this is all about consumer protection I don’t think there is an issue of separation of church and state, or he state picking a religion after all New York does the same to make sure foods are proper for Muslims or other sects. As a consumer when I buy Kosher I expect the food to be Kosher.
@47 Well that is how the who, what, when and where theory works. And you are supplying the why which political scientists find fascinating. Conclusion the system appears to be working according to he predictions made. If the American Communist Party were in charge then that parties view on how money should be spent on bread and butter would dominate. And Democrats would be less unhappy than Republicans for at last two long years.