I got my ballot. I filled out all the easy stuff first. Mayor. City Council. The pointless tax advisory measures. But I can’t care about Port or School Board; I know they’re important, but they seem to be perpetually almost where they might be good, but never seem to get there.
And then there are the positions I don’t think should be elected. The possible rapist versus the racist for Sheriff. Judges who I’ll just support whoever NARAL endorses even though I don’t think that judges should be single issue people.
Voted against every incumbent and against all tax measures. Voted for women.
@ 1
Oh, look! YLB has a new screen name.
On a more positive note, food stamp usage is down a bit.
“When did Hillary Clinton learn about it?” Lemon asked.
“I don’t know,” the campaign spokesman said.
“Do you wish the campaign had been more transparent?” Lemon asked.
“I’m sure there were reasons why the information was controlled until now,” he said.
So am I.
AP reporter:
Zeke MillerVerified account @ZekeJMiller 1h1 hour ago
What the RNC is clipping: @brianefallon saying Clinton may have known about dossier
Hey, remember when it was a scandal that Trump’s kid sat in on a meeting once?
Still ingoring part of the story, eh?
We have a few fake Christians here.
Second Texas judge switches parties.
@ 6
I’m ignoring nothing. I addressed that here:
It’s notable that Steele did not get involved until the DNC – and the Clinton campaign – began infusing cash into Fusion GPS.
With Paul Ryan now pushing action on the subpoena, it’s likely that we’ll know how much cash and who infused it.
#CrookedHillary pays for the Steele dossier. Then uses it to claim in her book that Russian influence is why she lost.
Make sure you don’t ignore that.
You do realize that there is an ongoing investigation of Trump campaign staff actually taking money from Russian interests, right? Manafort ring a bell? Kushner?
You are aware that pretty much every investigative arm of the USA agrees that Russian meddled in the election to benefit 45, right?
Of course you are. You’re just ignoring it. 45s your boy. Come get your boy.
Made you feel good voting against those taxes?
Advisory vote. Doesn’t mean squat. We’ll take that under advisement.
@ 9
I realize that, yes.
Which would be worse: Trump taking money from Russian interests, or #CrookedHillary paying money to Russian interests?
For the past week this Russia thing has not gone the Democrats’ way. Don’t expect that trend to improve much for your ilk.
I dunno. Looked like a pretty real ad to me.
Fake political ad targets Democrat Manka Dhingra
You couldn’t get a clearer example of the GOP’s dry rot.
It’s been a rough several days for y’all HA libbies.
Here’s a bit of a palate-cleanser:
With my compliments.
Sgt. La David Johnson’s family now allege that his CAO refused to allow Mrs. Johnson to see her husband’s remains, in violation of official pentagon policy, raising questions about whether or not Sgt Johnson’s body was even recovered.
AFRICOM’s top commander was by his own admission overwhelmed by the sudden circumstances of the ambush, the poor communication surrounding the rescue response, and the initial failure over the following 48 hrs to account for all members of the recon team. So much so that he had to make a special request to top level commanders in DC to employ national assets to assist in the search and recovery.
The President continues to respond to inquiries about the tragic loss of life by changing the subject to lies about a grieving family and a Florida Congresswoman who is a close personal friend of the family.
@3 That can mean only one of two things. Either Obama succeeded in putting Americans back to work in the aftermath of the Second Republican Great Depression, or his successor is letting them starve.
Really, Former Trump official Mike Flynn is in the crosshairs this week?
Or are you referring to “Democratic Lobbyist” Podesta who was hired by Manafort to work for Trump? (But, but, but. He’s a Democrat sonRussia was working for Hillary…)
Or are you still pimping a Uranium deal when federal law says Uranium can’t be exported?
Come get your boy.
@ 3, 16
Well, it could mean a third thing. It could mean no sitting on your ass when you could be working.
13 Alabama counties saw 85 percent drop in food stamp participation after work requirements restarted
Ending the exemption has dramatically cut the number of SNAP recipients in the counties.
@11 “Which would be worse: Trump taking money from Russian interests, or #CrookedHillary paying money to Russian interests?”
We all know you’re stupid enough to pick the wrong answer to that question, so you don’t need to brag about how stupid you are. Why do you think we call you Doctor Dumbfuck?
@14 Wherein Doctor Dumbfuck celebrates the election win (with Russian help) of a mentally unstable traitor who horrifies his own party’s senators, even though they inexplicably continue to support him.
Still want to know why we call you a dumbfuck?
@ 20
No one helped elect Trump more than #CrookedHillary, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Although this guy was a close second:
Goldy @GoldyHA
I’m a big lefty too, but Jesus Christ, Twitter friends, Hillary is the nominee! Push her on policy, but stop attacking her credibility.
27 May
No one…
… other than the 63 million of you racist traitors who actually voted for him. No matter how hard you try, you will not be permitted to forget that. Evah.
U.S. steel imports are up 24% this year.
In one of his first official acts as President, Fuckface signed an EO exempting Keystone Pipeline from “buy American” laws so one of his Russian pals could supply the steel.
More winning.
“Don’t expect that trend to improve much for your ilk.”
By “your ilk” I take it you mean “loyal, patriotic Americans”. You know, as opposed to you traitors loyal to Putin and his orange moron.
“No one…
… other than the 63 million of you racist traitors who actually voted for him.”
I’d bet there were only a handful of those 63 million who could match the 4,000+ pro-Putin hashtags posted here by Doctor Dumbfuck, known previously for his racism* and now for his treason.
*Sadly, Doctor Dumbfuck hasn’t much time of late to celebrate the senseless murder of 12 year-old black kids by cops. He’s too busy carrying water for the orange moron and posting pro-Putin hashtags.
notable is the fact that along with the rest of the troll shit-lords, he’s given up on denying that he voted for Fuckface while simultaneously letting slip that he thinks the U.S. is the worse for it.
Consider this: it is almost certain that Jeff Flake, John McCain, and Bob Corker all voted for Trump last November (W probably would have if he hadn’t gotten the dates confused).
They fed and nurtured an irrational racist party base for fifty years. And now that it has finally achieved critical mass they just can’t escape the blast wave of humiliation that radiates out from it.
4,5,8, etc,
Doctor Dumbfuck has an update on BREAKING NEWS!
Pro tip, kids: If trolls and the Russian White House suddenly see fit to re-pimp a story that is already a year old there’s a bad news cycle about to break.
Important context for the latest troll smoke screen:
The DNC quit funding Fusion the day before the election. By that time the FBI had the dossier and were impressed enough by it that they agreed to continue funding Steele’s research. So the only way to discredit the research at that point is to begin to launch all kinds of unprecedented attacks on the FBI. And sure enough, that’s exactly what Fuckface and his shit-lord troll armies did. This leads, not surprisingly, directly to Fuckface firing the FBI director. Which in turn leads to the appointment of an independent prosecutor. Who in turn picks up the Fusion dossier where the FBI left off after the director was fired by…
Fuckface – the subject of the dossier.
There’s a pattern here somewhere…
Wow – Boob is really refreshed this morning, after last night’s pony prance with the bare chested one. Looks like he hit that home run. Good for you Boob
Wasn’t it just yesterday that Abigail was sugar coating the goings on with North Korea?
Once again, more sideways talking from Abby.
@21 “No one helped elect Trump more than #CrookedHillary, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.”
Elijah @22 beat me to the obvious response … but … I would argue, vehemently, that the 63 million dumbfucks who voted for Trump are infinitely more responsible than Hillary for the mess we’re in.
Boob says Russia probe won’t get better for us. But it just got worse for “his ilk”. The noose tightens.
So a firm being paid by the Trump campaign was actively attempting to further a felony act regarding stolen emails that were not Wikileaks intellectual property and were obtained illegally.
Should I point you to the many campaign statements that detail that the Trump campaign and Trump himself KNEW that the emails were obtained illegally while campaign operators were trying to receive the illegally obtained material?
How many times will 45s “great memory of all time” be brought up when he eventually has to say, “I don’t recall” under oath?
For Elizabeth Warren, it’s #MeLie.
WASHINGTON — When Senator Elizabeth Warren on Sunday told a national television audience a personal story of sexual harassment from her days as a young law professor, she described a harrowing incident that left her shaken. She said that she wondered if she’d done something to deserve it and that she told no one but a close friend.
But the tone of her telling, recounted on NBC’S “Meet the Press,” appears to be inconsistent with the reportedly more lighthearted manner in which she described the same incident two decades after it occurred, during the memorial service for the senior University of Houston faculty member she accused of pursuing her around his office.
The contrasting accounts would appear to highlight the evolution of Warren’s approach to dealing with the episode.
Yet another lie out of Fauxchahontas. What is it with white Democrat women and their aversion to the truth? Hillary wasn’t named after Sir Edmund and she didn’t land under sniper fire. Warren wasn’t harassed and she’s not Native American.
2017 might finally be Ed Gillespie’s year.
He’s up 8 points in the VA governor’s race, if Hampton be believed. Almost all of the other recent polls have the Dem in the lead.
Both candidates hold narrow leads over insurgent candidate WhoTheFuckAreThoseGuys.
Re: 33,
Birfer/JadeHelm/DeathPanel/RussianTrollFarm Fuckface traitors are now experts on…
wait for it…
Doctor Dumbfuck really ought to close on that one. You simply can’t get any funnier than that.
@33 My God, you are truly desperate. And lame. Too much treason must have fucked with your head.
It’s not just that he’s desperate. He actually expects any of us to take on anything he posts without at least thoroughly testing the background first. With his track record of pure bullshit, unfounded rumor mongering, slander, and robotic repetition of Drudge/Breitbart/InfoWars idiocy.
The Warren slander is case in point. The Globe reporting is based on recollections from the memoir of a colleague who already admits he may have it all wrong. And, of course, it doesn’t even say what Doctor Dumbfuck (WorldNetDaily) claims it says.
Say, have you heard the one about Seth Rich?
Attention superstitious Hillbilly womb-worshipers!
Jane Doe got her abortion this morning!
Congratulations Hillbillies! Thanks to your bizarre and medieval superstition and creepy fear of lady bits you were highly successful in converting an abortion at nine weeks into an abortion at sixteen weeks.
Well played!
The middle class tax cut Trump promised? Trickle down.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: That’s right, while the rich reap trillions in tax breaks, all you’ll get in exchange for adding trillions to the debt and slashing trillions from Medicaid and Medicare is a vague, unrealistic, and unenforceable assurance that modest economic benefits might trickle down to you several years from now.
Of course, everyone has known for years the GOP has only three guiding principles:
1. No woman should be allowed to get an abortion, under any circumstances, ever, no matter what Roe v. Wade says.
2. No restrictions should be put on guns, under any circumstances, ever, no matter how many innocent people are slaughtered.
3. The rich shouldn’t pay taxes.
That proposed 15% reduction in corp tax rate will have none of the promised trickle down effects if it is forced to sunset within ten years in order to comply with the reconciliation budget resolution. They still haven’t come up with the pay-fors. And if the rate cut is set to sunset the scoring will have to reflect that, resulting in significantly lower out-year receipts, requiring still more pay-fors.
Lather, rinse, repeat.
I don’t see the political will, nor the leadership to make the kinds of cuts needed. Raising park entry fees is hardly going to produce $15 trillion. Which is probably why they are back looking at 401(k). Which Fuckface says he can’t live with.
Lather, rinse, repeat.
On that note, I wonder if we’ll ever get around to really considering tinkering with the mortgage interest deduction? Not with this President, obviously. Aside from the role that TRA86 played in bubble formation, I think it is time to consider how it is affecting housing scarcity in overheated markets. A “second” home in a “desirable” location is damn hard to beat as an investment when you combine the interest deduction with Airbnb and a casual willingness to commit a little tax
fraudimprecision.Before that agreement, Fusion GPS’s research into Trump was funded by an unknown Republican client during the GOP primary.
Old news flat beer froth AKA dr DIPSHITTIUM checkmate-252. Once Trump won DUMMOCRETINS greedily jumped on it to try and bury Trump. Oopsie! Even the crazed clueless databaze cretin told us about this months ago and even ended it with Puddy’s famous HAHAHAHAHA!
Let’s recap: The #CrookedHillary campaign and the DUMMOCRETIN Nutzo Commies attempt to accuse the Trump campaign of colluding with Russia continues to look increasingly more like shitstain steve Psych 101 Projection than any valid election complaints! More like another DUMMOCRETIN smokescreen. Can you say Tony and John Podesta? What is done in the dark will eventually meet the sanitizing light of the sun!
Today the FEC is going to take a look at the dossier payment situation because a complaint has been filed! The @CrookedHillary campaign didn’t tell anyone about the funds diversion because they thought it was in the bag! EPIC FAYLE FOOLishness by dr DIPSHITTIUM checkmate-252 above!
Ohhhh. Butt wait.. there’s more! We all know #CrookedHillary will claim she didn’t know any of this was going on, right? Was it Cheryl Mills? Or Huma Abedin? Carlos Danger? So who will be her scapegoat(s) in the #CrookedHillary blame game, today, October 25, 2017?
Sux to be a DUMMOCRETIN!
Till Next Time!
You do realize that there is an ongoing investigation of Trump campaign staff actually taking money from Russian interests, right? Manafort ring a bell? Kushner?
Yeah and Diane Feinstein said this on Deface The Nation October 8, 2017…
JOHN DICKERSON: Let me switch here to another topic for you, which is the Senate Intelligence Committee work that you’ve been doing. Chairman Burr of that committee said that the question of collusion between the Russians trying to influence the election and the Trump campaign was still an open question. Is that because there’s more disclosures that suggest it’s a possibility, or just because nothing’s been found yet, and it’s an open question because there’s no proof that it’s happened?
DIANNE FEINSTEIN: I think the latter. It’s an open question because there’s no proof yet that it’s happened, and I think that proof will likely come with Mr. Mueller’s investigation. He’s got the ability to use a grand jury. He’s got the ability to use the power of subpoena without question. And he’s got the ability to do a criminal investigation. And that’s what’s going on, and I think that’s where the information will come.
DUMMOCRETINS are hoping for proof while we KNOW about the Uranium One sale!
Sux to be you dr DIPSHITTIUM checkmate-252
Till Next Time!
Let that sink in dr DIPSHITTIUM checkmate-252!
Till Next Time!
Remember this tweet 365 days ago?
Puddy chose this tweeter on purpose just for Lying Liars Shouldn’t Lie AKA Erectile Dysfunction McDotCom!
Till Next Time!
Of course the libtard media will not cover this… http://www.dailymail.co.uk/new.....-call.html
Till Next Time!
Why stop at the mortgage deduction? Why give a deduction for having children? Better yet, get rid of the 501-c(3) charitable contribution deduction. My favorite would be to tax churches, after all they are just another business, Just think what Joel Osteen would have to pay?
No, Trump would rather go after people that work for a living by attacking the 401(k). Why not go after people that grift for a living?
Kenneth Vogel ‘When I tried to report this story, Clinton campaign lawyer @marceelias pushed back vigorously, saying “You (or your sources) are wrong”‘ – NY Times journalist about Trump Dossier!
Now we know why Fusion GPS co-founder Peter Fritsch and partner Thomas Catan took the Fifth last week rather than talking to Congress. Now we know why they are trying to stop Congress from finding out their funding sources!
Elias was totally involved!
Till Next Time!
I’m really beer your skin, eh. FACTS!
Just a reminder.
It has been 74 days since White Supremacists rioted and killed in Charlottesville. Those White Supremacists were given tacit approval by the President saying “both sides” were at fault for the death.
74! days of silence on the matter by our resident lunatic. A Lunatic his party compatriots want dead.
Nothing you post here matters since you’ve proven you are a coward who still supports openly racist leaders and a party that does not dare lose the racist vote.
But when done pretending to believe in the Lord Jesus on Saturday he’ll be posting all the things that were “Ignored” on Friday Night Multimedia and bearing false witness as if he is without the sin of ignoring things.
Retired British MI-6 agent Christopher Steele got involved in the dossier AFTER #CrookedHillary took over the dossier payments dr DIPSHITTIUM checkmate-252! DUMMOCRETINS lied repeatedly.
NY Times are not happy!
#CrookedHillary paid almost $6,000,000 for this dossier!
Till Next Time!
The federal government will release the JFK files tomorrow that they’ve been sitting on for decades. I suspect we won’t find out anything else about the assassination. The Secret Service, CIA, FBI, DIA and a whole bunch of Deep State people will never release anything that disparages or criticizes a federal government agency in any fashion, even if it has been nearly 54 years since the assassination. The politicians’ descendants will also do their best to avoid besmirching any memory of some of the worthless assholes of the day, even if those politicians were guilty of complicity in JFK’s death.
I am skeptical of anything the government has to say about the subject because, as someone with a lot of experience with rifles, the shot Oswald allegedly made was impossible to replicate with the best marksmen of the day, using the same weapon Oswald used.
It’s possible to win the lottery for three weeks in a row, but very, very unlikely. That’s what I’ve got to say about Oswald and his alleged shooting accomplishment 54 years ago.
It’s going to be a jack-job in a brown paper sack tomorrow when the files are “released.”
dr SIPSHITTIUM checkmate-252 AKA flat beer froth @49 has to change the subject as always. Puddy calls that TRAIN WRECK! Deflect when the kitchen fire gets too hot! When it can’t stop the truth change the subject!
Sux to be flat beer froth AKA dr DIPSHITTIUM checkmate-252!
Richard Spencer – George Soros acolyte – Occupy Wall Street FOOL!
Till Next Time!
So a firm being paid by the Trump campaign was actively attempting to further a felony act regarding stolen emails that were not Wikileaks intellectual property and were obtained illegally.
And your point is dr DIPSHITTIUM checkmate-252? Ohhh… you have no point as always!
Till Next Time!
Podesta emails were stolen or he sent his email password to WikiLeaks?
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww dr DIPSHITTIUM checkmate-252! Ohhh… you have no point as always!
Till Next Time!
Podesta emails were stolen or he sent his email password to WikiLeaks?
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww dr DIPSHITTIUM checkmate-252! Ohhh… you have no point as always!
Till Next Time!
And there dear friends, in that astonishingly retrograde series of loon head explosions, is all Doctor Dumbfuck could possibly need to be permanently reminded that he is now and forever trapped inside the tribe of hate-media programmed, brain dead, meat puppets.
Saved them up all day, it did. Missed all the updates, corrections, debunking, and outright humiliation. Just had to unload that hillbilly-hate tension. Quite a mess.
Scott Pelley was fired at CBS News because of his libtard bias. He didn’t hide it. Now we see the new libtard! http://www.dailymail.co.uk/new.....nchor.html
Your local water board has been smuggling Chinese Communists into Pierce County to take over the school district and sap all the children of their Purity of Essence!
Phishing is illegal under state and federal law. Looks like you’ve been caught lying about being in the computer trade again cause you know fuck all about your ‘profession’.
The logic of the lunatic. A guy who sone sources say was a Democrat advertises a Nazi rally. Hundreds of Nazis show up. Nazis kill NOT NAZIS. It was the Democrat and not the NAZIs causing trouble
Keep clinging to your fantasies. We know you’d rather be killed by 45s supporters than admit they are racists. It’s cool. We know you’re, ahem, good with Jesus. If he is what you believe that while lying and supporting murderers isn’t going to go well for you.
74 days of tacitly supporting Nazis. Keep going. You might set a record.
Hmm. Double posts and quadruple psycho-laughs. A bad sign. We’ve seen this before. The loon’s head about to explode and it’s gonna be YUGE!
Doctor Dumbfuck and the loon want to believe so badly that it’s all about who funded the Steele dossier. No, it isn’t. It’s all about the answer to one question. Is the report collaborated? So far, the answer is yes, and that’s why our treasonous trolls are scared to death and babbling like the dumbfuck idiots they are.
“The Steele Report, Revisited”
“How much of the infamous document ended up being corroborated elsewhere? A whole lot.”
@40 The National Park fee increase ostensibly will go for deferred maintenance, and there’s no question the national parks need the money. (It would raise about $70 million a year.) But it’s not that simple. Trump’s proposed budget cuts 1,242 full-time positions from the Park Service, mostly positions related to natural resource and cultural preservation,* while increasing funding for resource extraction activities on federal lands. So, yeah, gouging visitors does seem to flow, to some extent, from the political craziness in D.C.
* Republicans are so sick in the head I think they would dig an open pit mine in Mount Rainier National Park just to piss off liberals.
@42 “Old news flat beer froth AKA dr DIPSHITTIUM checkmate-252.”
So is “once Trump won DUMMOCRETINS greedily jumped on it to try and bury Trump,” jackass.
@43 If there’s no “proof” out there for Mueller to find then Manafort, Kushner, et al. don’t need the lawyers they’re hiring and paying big bucks to, jackass.
Oh, and did I mention that Mueller’s office has warned Manafort he’s going to be indicted? Did you miss that news?
You’re not only a jackass, you’re a dumb jackass.
@44 Which doesn’t make it untrue. Campaigns routinely dig up dirt on their opponents. In the case of Trump and his family and associates, you need an empty coal train to haul all the dirt, because there’s so much of it. And you, jackass, shill for these crooks and traitors. You’re not only a dumb jackass, you’re an unpatriotic dumb jackass.
@46 Maybe it helps that she’s white, and her soldier son was white.
Remember, Trump’s “fine people” want you dead. See #49 for more details.
@47 “Why not go after people that grift for a living?”
I assume this is a rhetorical question. After all, you can’t expect a grifter to promote the idea of taxing grifters. That chicken might come home to roost.
Yes Mueller “warned: Manafort to try to get him to roll. Puddy posted Mueller’s previous courtroom tactics and how they FAYLED, just last week roger senile idiot wabbit.
Didya miss those facts? Why do you shill for idiots?
You’re not only a senile idiot, you’re a dumb senile fool.
Till Next Time!
@50 “#CrookedHillary paid almost $6,000,000 for this dossier!”
That’s nothing, nor was it public money. Ken Starr spent $70 million of taxpayer money on a stained blue dress. I don’t see you complaining about that.
The DemonRATS are scurrying from the #CrookedHillary ship…
“Tom Perez and the new leadership of the DNC were not involved in any decision-making regarding Fusion GPS, nor were they aware that Perkins Coie was working with the organization.”
“Tom and me, we weren’t even there at the time,” Keith Ellison told The Hill. “I know as much about it as you guys who have reported it.”
A spokesperson for Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (R-Fla.), who was forced out as DNC chairwoman at the party’s national convention in 2016, also denied knowing about the arrangement.
Looks like the chickens are coming home to roost.
DUMMOCRETIN were sure they had Trump by the scrotum and now have #CrookedHillary by the nether lips instead! Instead of letting sleeping dogs lie, DUMMOCRETINS kicked the dog and now that the dog has moved, the uncovered ground is yielding its booty!
Till Next Time!
Roger senile idiot wabbit @68,
Remember your words from yesteryear… “The ends justifies the means”. Ax the crazed clueless databaze deala for the date and time you said it. It’s close to the one of the times you said “I like our crooks better than your crooks.”
See ya sucka!
Till Next Time!
@51 Yes, we would expect a dipshit like you to bearhug every JFK conspiracy theory around, or at least a fair number of them. The two shots that hit Kennedy were fired at ranges of 60 and 98 yards. That’s nothing for a Marine sharpshooter. Yes, the target was moving (for a Marine in combat, what target isn’t?), but Kennedy’s car was moving away, not laterally, so all Oswald had to do was raise the rifle barrel slightly to adjust for the increasing range. Wanna argue a Marine with a Sharpshooter Badge doesn’t know how to compensate for bullet drop? And he was effectively shooting with a bench rest.
Remember the HA DUMMOCRETIN attacks when Trump said the FBI was involved with the Trump dossier payments? No? Well then you better contact the crazed clueless database deala for that replay!
According to the Washington Post, the FBI agreed to pay the British Spy who compiled the garbage dossier after the election to continue to dig up dirt on Trump and Russia.
So it seems Trump was right again!
Till Next Time!
Donald Trump Jr meets with Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya in June 2016. — Treason
#CrookedHillary campaign PAYS foreigners for Trump Dossier — That’s standard opposition research, not treason!
Sux to be snake tongued DUMMOCRETINS
Till Next Time!
@57 “Scott Pelley was fired at CBS News because of his libtard bias.”
Hardly. Pelley still works for CBS over at “60 Minutes.” YOUR source says, “Pelley was fired from CBS Evening News at the end of May due to low ratings amid alleged friction with producers.” His ratings lagged NBC and ABC, and this undoubtedly was a factor, but his new boss at CBS Evening News also was irritated because he asked for a big pay raise.
Another Puddy Epic Fayle! Better luck next time, unpatriotic dumb jackass. C Ya!
@58 That’s at least as true as anything Puddyfuck and PI have posted tonite.
Didya see shitstain steve explode with the Trump Dossier news pickle? It has no one to blame now so make spurious claims against Puddy and Dr Bickle!
Till Next Time!
@76 Didn’t notice.
@67 Awww, does my calling you an unpatriotic dumb jackass annoy you? Good! I’m fulfilling my patriotic duty to God and Country by calling you out.
@70 Sure sounds like you can’t prove I said it. Maybe the crazed clueless databaze deala’s cousin’s dog has that info … why don’t you ask him and hear what he barks, jackass?
@66 To some degree it was a rhetorical question. Trump, he will just pardon himself.
The problem is there will never be meaningful tax reform in this country, there is no leadership or nobody that has the stones to actually do what is needed. Why do it when it is easier to pay lip service to it and go after the easy stuff like 401-(k) money?
This country needs some radical changes to make it functional again but our elected leaders are more interested in saving the status quo for themselves. No, I’m not talking term limits, we have that, but we also have an ignorant electorate.
@73 “Donald Trump Jr meets with Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya in June 2016. — Treason”
Depends on what they talked about. Mueller’s report … or indictments … may say something about that.
@80 They’re going after the 401(k) money to get around their self-imposed ceiling of $1.5 trillion in additional deficits to pay for their latest tax-cuts-for-the-rich (after spending decades bitching about deficits). They can’t actually pay for these tax-cuts-for-the-rich with only $1.5 trillion, they need more like $2.4 trillion and some of their House members are on board for only $1.5 trillion of deficit spending on tax-cuts-for-the-rich, so they have to make these deficits look smaller than they are.
Here’s how it works. By taxing 401(k) contributions now, instead of upon withdrawal after workers retire, you move the tax collections forward. More cash flow now, less cash flow later. This portion of the deficits incurred to pay for Trump’s tax-cuts-for-the-rich are deferred but not avoided. These tax collections poached from the future will reduce revenues and increase deficits later. It’s a gimmick to move these deficits several decades into the future, but they’re still creating these deficits.
That, my friend, is why they’re trying to tax 401(k)s. This gimmick is (theoretically) revenue neutral and only affects the timing of when taxes are paid. It doesn’t work that way if you tinker with deductions or the Child Care Credit because then you’re raising taxes, which makes you look like a “tax-and-spend Democrat”* to your Republican voter base.
* Republicans tax and spend just as much, they merely tax different people (wage slaves) and spend it on different stuff (guns and corporate welfare instead of food stamps and health care for the middle class and working poor**).
** The working poor, of course, are created by Republicans’ cheap labor policies. For more information about this topic see:
In short, increase deficits now, or increase deficits later, and they’re opting for later so they can lie about not adding more than $1.5 trillion to the debt.
Oh look @ 2! Boob is sock puppeting!
Just like this freak did back in the day:
MWS, my relatives are Western African. Well hung, quick footed and good looking!
Yeah it messaged that to its own sock puppet. Boob is clearly on its way there.
How sad the babbling butthole. Boob hasn’t called itself bickle for a long time..
Especially after its favorite company Uber was found to be loaded to the gills with sex predators..
A place where boob is happiest. Oh well the babbling butthole must know one when it sees one.
HA HEROES look forward to the “next time” the babbing butthole fool puts HA FIRST.. This is SO FUNNY!
First before the weekly duty in the salt mines with its salt mining buddy..
And first before the weekly insurance premium payment to the almighty favorites player who created “the world”, what when?
4, 5 or 6 thousand years ago?
For what does the babbling butthole freak put HA first? For hate?
@86 What’s not sad is the butt-kicking he took from a 30-lb. rabbit tonight. He has it coming.
RR Disney wants their toon back.
Carl voted Yeah. Though just what would your alternative be to electing judges and Sheriffs? Some states agree with you and Governors get to nominate these public servants. In the state of Alaska there is only one Sheriff and only one county.
@15 I’m stumped what is a CAO? This guys a ground pounder so it can’t be his combat aircraft officer. Also I think is a misstatement of the DOD official policy. I doubt the DOD wants the remains of service members being returned from Korea or Vietnam to be examined by family members, as often it’s not much that is returned. And there are definitely circumstances that the DOD is going to discourage viewing. Also if your service member died in a nuclear accident and the remains are in a lead sealed casket you are not seeing them for safety reasons, and they don’t want the widow glowing in the dark at the funeral, and hope no one notices all the extra concrete and liners that are put in place for the lead sealed casket.
And a lot of families who got their boy back during Vietnam did not want to hear from either President Johnson or President Nixon, and would have told both of them off. So leave the widow be, and the congresswoman at some should told that is enough by her Democratic colleagues. There is nothing politically to gain from this, and it looks bad and unseemly to carry on like this.
At worst its a Trump SNAFU. Politicians of both parties do this kind of shit all the time on the military. They mean well and it just becomes a pile of shit, and no one is helped. No one is healed, and it just looks all the way around This is also a case of there are few political points to be won here, and the cost of winning those points are just terrible high. If you can’t bring the widows husband back from the dead, or the mothers son back from the dead, she is absolutely in the right to slash out and not go quietly into the night.
@25 So the Democratic party fed racist stuff for at least 175 years and it seemed to work very well. And you have plenty who would be racist in a heart beat if it gave them power. Some would very much like the shining example of China’s very Democratic appearing Party Congress. Very homogenous that Congress.
Yes WW II concentration camps happen again right here, and the Democratic party will do it or go along willingly.
@23 Steel imports are up because of basic economics. A very strong dollar. Imports have been high for over 2 years with or without the pipeline they would still be high. They would be high if Hilliay had been elected and Republicans would be grooving to impeach her over the high imports of steel.
Incidentally does your Russian oligarch have a name? Or your just trying to score a cheap point in front of the choir? Your supposed Russian friend has done well for the past 2 years without the pipeline, and more likely he is Chinese.
@27 So if Hilliay Clinton had been elected and then found out that the FBI was paying a former British spy for intel after accepting a dossier paid for by Republican operatives she would not have a reason to fire the FBI director? A guy she might well have fired her first day in office?
@58 Tacoma could use some purity of essence, ot Fubreeze.
@71 And how many Marine sharp shooters would pick that particular rifle without a scope? A single shot cheap rifle? Have you asked any Marine sharpshooters of the rifles available what would be their choice. Doubt many or any would choose what was used.
There maybe information that will reveal more about Oswald’s movements, and trip to Mexico city. Who was a government informant. Was there more to his defection to Russia.
Assuming it is not so heavily redacted there maybe something, or even a stronger case he did it. Probably with the blessing of the Cuban government, with or without assistance.
It’s been 53 years and time for everything to come into the sunlight. Maybe the Warren Commission got it right, but that seemed to be the foregone conclusion, and the fix may have been on. It was more political stunt and show than a true investigation.
The official story of Oswald as the lone shooter, a piss poor marksman just getting lucky has holes. Either Oswald isn’t who we were told or there is more to what happened. Did the policeman he killed just be an unlucky sap in the wrong place at the wrong time. Or was he supposed to take out the assassin? Was it an accident that screwed up Oswald’s escape plan which was to use Cuban’s loyal to Castro to hide him and get him out. It goes wrong and he hides in the theatre. Where he is captured. And later the Dallas police are revealed to be total incompetents.
Correction Rog @39. 4 guiding principles.
#4. – be bigots and racists. Don’t let “the Gays” live freely.
Someone stick the dossier up the apes ass.
Either South Korea and Japan become nuclear powers(Japan it’s rumored could have a working bomb in 48-72 hours). North Korea gives up it’s nuclear weapon program or war will occur.
It is possible North Korea could collapse.
Extremely unlikely the North Koreans putting the great leader in front of an anti aircraft gun, and asking for reunification with and help from South Korea.
Or the North Korean’s believe their own propaganda such as Squirrel and Hedgehog and do something during Trump’s visit.
Military conflict is very likely, since jaw jaw jaw is not happening so war war war is pretty likely. War Asian style is to strike first and to kill your opponent or incapacitate them,
Let me know if you find any sugar coating or talking sideways. Time to load uo and eliminate NK air force, and navy. Do that and NK might come around to talking.
@80 including you and every Drumpf supporter. You are to blame. Stop blaming others.
Theses are people that hate other people – don’t expect much then, you too are a dumbfuck.
“At worst its a Trump SNAFU. Politicians of both parties do this kind of shit all the time on the military. They mean well and it just becomes a pile of shit, and no one is helped. No one is healed, and it just looks all the way around This is also a case of there are few political points to be won here, and the cost of winning those points are just terrible high. If you can’t bring the widows husband back from the dead, or the mothers son back from the dead, she is absolutely in the right to slash out and not go quietly into the night.”
At worst its a Clinton SNAFU. Politicians of both parties do this kind of shit all the time on their opponents. They mean well and it just becomes a pile of shit, and no one is helped. No one is healed, and it just looks all the way around This is also a case of there are few political points to be won here, and the cost of winning those points are just terrible high. If everything is on the up and up she is absolutely in the right to pay for that dossier and not go quietly into the night.
This is what you wrote the other day…”It’s October and things are jumpy in Korea, but not hot, and you got nothing to prove that the situation would be different with Hilliary in the White House, or we would actually be at War in Korea.”
Are you going to tell me that that isn’t a little sideways from what you wrote in @98? What happens in November? Is little Drumpfy’s ass going to itch?
Your bullshit is all opinionated crap the blows with the wind.
But not hot….. I’d say a possible nuclear war as written in @98 qualifies as hot. But yesterday not hot, today hot. In a couple of days later we will go from October to November. Oh my how the seasons change with you to bolster your bullshit.
You are definately a Repuke!
You didn’t run off like little red ridding hood or better known today as the bare chested pony man who is getting his dock sucked by a dumbfuck doctor and the rest of the ilk.
90 ,
Casualty Assistance Officer.
So you are lucky enough never to have been notified. Nor to have been close to anyone who has.
In the opinion of the White House Chief of Staff that disqualifies you from asking questions of your government.
“Also if your service member died in a nuclear accident…“
Oh. I see. One of our idiot trolls got this country all confused with Russia again.
Very understandable.
@70 Sure sounds like you can’t prove I said it.
Don’t have to! Your senility causes you to forget you you posted an hour before! Proven many times!
Till Next Time!
Oh monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless malodorous ABSOLUTELY clueless crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot absolutely neurotic low IQ arschloch with the moist pink lace panty gusset…
Puddy made a rhyme. It seems in your narrow mindedness of pure PuddyHate you seems to miss that point. Well you are the gutter dwelling FOOL of HA DUMMOCRETINS!
Till Next Time!
It seems when Puddy brought proof of a HollyWeird exec chasing and abusing young boys the hanging human teabag icker @103 was MIA!
Remember, it claimed this was all hetero action. Now proven wrong it disappeared! Now it came back with no real commentary as always!
Till Next Time!
Depends on what they talked about.
Glad to see roger senile idiot wabbit admitting that an American citizen was wiretapped after all by the Obummer sadministration!
Till Next Time!
I quests you did run off like little red ridding hood or better know today as the bare chested pony man who is getting his dick sucked by a dumbfuck doctor and the rest of the ilk.
@98 and to boot, the article I posted talks about how talks have broken down between Amurica and the beloved North Koreans is due to Humpty Dumpty El Whapo Traitor. So yeah, maybe things would be different with Clinton.
So yeah keep spewing your sideways talking bullshit.
@108 – how is Mark Helprin doing? Tell The Straight I said hello.
His name is Roman Abramovich, his company is Evraz PLC supplying about 40% of the KXL steel from its plants in Canada.
Fuckface and son-in-law Jared are into Abramovich for large RE loans and financial backing on numerous projects going back a decede or so. Abramovich’s most recent child bride and Ivanka vacation and shop for rare and collectable artwork together. Abramovich, a protege and close financial associate of Yeltsin, brokered the deal that brought Putin into power, and hand picked Putin’s first cabinet.
Now stop wasting so much time reading old Time/Life histories of WWII, and practicing your Nazi salute in front of the mirror. And start learning the basic facts about the people you vote for before you vote for them.
That way you might not have to spend so much time apologizing for them and searching for distractions after.
Better to remain silent and be widely derided as a group of hypocritical fucking liars than to speak and remove any lingering doubt.
(WaPo) Hillary Clinton and top officials of her presidential campaign were largely silent Wednesday in response to the revelation that the campaign and the Democratic National Committee had paid for research that resulted in a dossier alleging Russian interference on behalf of Donald Trump in the 2016 election.
Neither Clinton nor her campaign manager, Robby Mook, responded to requests for comment Wednesday. Campaign chair John Podesta declined to comment beyond referring reporters to a statement issued the previous day by the campaign’s law firm…
It was all reported out a year ago.
You knew it all then.
I’m surprised they didn’t refer reporters to statements from last year. The ones trolls missed because they were too busy burning torches in the street and ringing the doorbells of all their non-white neighbors to yell “fuck you” in their faces.
You also missed that the FBI helped pay for the work as well.
Nothing new was revealed in this reporting.
The research still exists. We’ve known about it for a year. And much of what the research reports has been corroborated independently by other investgators. No peepee tape yet.
But Christmas is still months away.
That’s totally how it works.
Your local chief of police is given information that if true could show a very high likelihood the mayor committed sexual assault of a minor.
But wait. That info was provided by the guy who bikes to work and lost the election for mayor through a private investigator he hired during the campaign.
In your world the chief of police should refuse to investigate.
And if she does investigate, the mayor should fire her.
And the scandal would be….right…the info came from a Democrat.
Too damn funny.
The flaming liberals at the Wall Street Journal are reporting the Trump campaign vendor attempting to collide with Assange. So that’s not going away any time soon.
Fucking liberal fake news media.
And the problem with screeching about the source of the dossier will keep runnning into…
“U.S. Intellegence have corroborated some aspects of the dossier as true.”
Which parts?
Doesn’t matter if Satan funded it. There’s things there that are of interest to Federal Law enforcement but apparently they should drop it because reasons.
The smart play for 45 is too stop talking about it because when he does we get to say, “U.S. Intelligence have corroborated that some aspects of the dossier are true.” 45 is keep big the story alive.
@ 115
No peepee tape yet.
I hear the LA Times has it. It’s in the same vault as the Khalidi tape.
Geraldo’s negotiating to be the one to open the vault.
The House passed a tax reform bill.
For a guy who isn’t getting anything done, Trump seems to be getting some stuff done.
If we have a flatter tax, it isn’t fair for the people on the bottom. They depend on taxpayers, and taxing taxpayers less is bad for those who have the least.
They should move on it in time for the 2018 elections.
The rubes are going to wake up from their hangover and realize that their taxes didn’t go down, their health care got more expensive, coal is still dead and…
@ 121
…for those who have the least.
Written by the guy with three houses. You’ve done quite well as a socialist, Bernie.
You mean like with a kleenex?
A computer server crucial to a lawsuit against Georgia election officials was quietly wiped clean by its custodians just after the suit was filed, The Associated Press has learned.
@123 – Yes, government has been kind to me.
A Republican congressman accused George Soros of funding the Charlottesville neo-Nazis. The congressman’s seven brothers and sisters immediately called him a liar.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: We see these kinds of once-unthinkable antics every day. There is no gutter too low for Republican politicians to slither in. The reason, of course, is there’s a ready market for their lies, slanders, and racist dogwhistles — the GOP voter base, which can be compared to Satan in the sense they’re the ultimate source of all the evil besetting the GOP today.
@114 I’d remain silent too or I’d maybe shoot someone on 5th Avenue of New York, as a distraction of course. Then I’d check to see if the reporters were on any drugs or had mental problems in their past or current life.
@125 well Bernie, not only has government been kind to you you have also decided to do something with your life, not like you’re other white brothers and sisters who decided to live their lives out as toothless trailer trash hillbillies. We can all give credit to government for something, some more than others, but the hillbillies they only know how to be barefoot and stupid.
Took last Friday off in addition to this week. Got a call today out of the blue from the boss. He said he was giving me a bonus (small one but I’ll take it) effective immediately. I think they were afraid that I was quitting. I need to take a vacation more often!
The extra salary (I said bonus – but it’s an increase in pay) is good because in April I get another raise! Yipeeeeee peeepeee tapes
The Fascists are coming for your drugs!!!!
I wonder if I post often enough with this handle that it would increase the chances of showing up in a search engine search. Maybe I can get a bunch of the hillbillies scared into thinking that “a fag” is running for the job.
@120 Republicans are going to saddle our children and grandchildren with more debt, raise middle class taxes, and take health care away from the poor and elderly to pay for more trickle-down nonsense. Same swamp, same alligators, nothing’s changed. And Doctor Dumbfuck calls this “reform.”
That’s why we call you a dumbfuck, Doc.
@122 Of course they want to pile on more debt. It’s the best tactic they’ve got to kill Social Security in 20 or 30 years.*
* They’d prefer to do it now, but that didn’t work for them. See, e.g., 2010 midterm elections.
They passed a budget res, dumbshit. The tax code still hasn’t changed. They basically agreed to the Senate version of the budget that still leaves them trying to figure out how to produce a 2 trillion cut to corporate taxes while staying under a 1.5 trillion limit to additional deficits.
The budget they approved, those existing spending levels for all those departments, all those dirty filthy bastard federal employees, and all that spending of Obamacare?
That is two-term, popularly elected, African American President Obama’s budget. The only differences are the additional 1.5 trillion in additional pre-approved borrowing over ten years, and a foot-in-the-door for oil and gas drilling in the ANWR. All of the House spending reforms are scrapped. You made it all the way to October without any major changes to the federal budget due in large part to a remarkable preoccupation with repealing popular health insurance protections, paralyzing hearings into Russian treason, early am rage-Tweets doing battle with b-list comediennes nobody has heard of, and press podium torment of grieving Gold-Star families.
You win!
So, does this mean ProudBoy/Alt-Wrong/βeta-male unemployed pizza delivery drivers can no longer collect SSDI?
At least there will always be coal jobs.
Lots and lots of coal jobs.
@123 “Written by the guy with three houses. You’ve done quite well as a socialist, Bernie.”
“Bernie Sanders … now owns his very own summer home. Vermont magazine Seven Days reported Tuesday that the 74-year-old senator and his wife, Jane Sanders, have purchased a four-bedroom house on the shore of Lake Champlain for roughly $600,000. Jane told Seven Days that they had recently sold a house in Maine that had belonged to her family since the 1900s, and used the proceeds to purchase the new property … With this purchase, Sanders now owns at least three houses, the others being in Burlington, VT, and Capitol Hill in D.C. …
“Sanders … remains one of the poorer members of Congress, and his net worth is among the lowest in the Senate. His 2014 tax returns revealed that he and Jane made $205,617 that year, the bulk of which came from Sanders’s $174,000 Senate salary.”
“Sanders’ financial disclosure shows several holdings in mutual funds and retirement accounts that add up to six figures, but no individual holdings of stocks or outside income. Opensecrets.org tabbed his net worth at about $436,000 in 2014. Virtually all of the couple’s assets are in Jane’s name, and they own a condo in D.C. and a rental property in Vermont.”
Worth only $436,000? And most of that belongs to his wife? By Doctor Dumbfuck’s standards, Sanders is a miserable failure. Instead of public service, he should have opted for a Wall Street career, or at least gone to law school (he’s smart enough) and worked to become a partner in a corporate law firm. What a loser.
So, why did Sanders throw his life away on politics? Wikipedia explains, “Sanders became interested in politics at an early age: ‘A guy named Adolf Hitler won an election in 1932. He won an election, and 50 million people died as a result of that election in World War II, including 6 million Jews. So what I learned as a little kid is that politics is, in fact, very important.’ In the 1940s, many of Sanders’ relatives in German-occupied Poland were killed in the Holocaust, including his father’s half-brother, Bernie’s uncle Abraham Schnützer, who was killed in 1942.”
Yeah, maybe Sanders understands a Hitler-like demagogue could win in our country, too. You know, someone who likes the authoritarian governing model, thinks racists and neo-Nazis are “fine people,” makes hate speeches against minorities and disabled people, etc. etc. Could that happen in America? Well …
Doctor Dumbfuck is one of those of whom Pastor Neimoller, “they didn’t speak up.” One of those Edmund Burke and others were speaking about when they said those who don’t learn from history are doomed to repeat it, or words to that effect.
It’s why we call him a dumbfuck.
Are you saying the hillbillies put themselves into the situations in which they live by making poor decisions that put them there, barefoot and toothless?
@125 Not nearly as kind as the stock market has been to me. I’m worth at least three times as much as you are, if Fortune magazine is to be believed. You should’ve eschewed politics (saving millions of people from another racism-fueled Holocaust just doesn’t pay, so why do it?) and become a failed attorney like me. Doctor Dumbfuck probably thinks you should raise pet horses instead. Horses are fun (wink wink).
@137 If they began life as trust fund babies and ended up living under a bridge by dint of their own efforts, then yes, I’d say that.
So what bigly thing did the moron do today?
“Trump Officially Declares Opioid Crisis An Emergency 2 Months After Saying He Would”
“A public health emergency is less expansive than a full-on national emergency, which Trump had previously suggested he would declare in this case, even though they are typically rare outside the scope of natural disasters. Declaring a national emergency would free up billions of dollars in federal disaster relief funds. The public health emergency fund currently only holds around $57,000, according to the Department of Health and Human Services. It was not immediately clear what additional resources, if any, Trump plans to direct to the opioid crisis.”
Yeah, $57,000 ought to be enough.
You’d think this creep is too old for ass-grabbing. Guess not.
Memo to Barbara: Perverts need to be kept locked up for life. Why do you let him out of the house?
This one ought to warm Doctor Dumbfuck’s heart.
“‘As if it never happened’: Judge wipes fatal shooting of Terence Crutcher from white cop’s record”
A GOP congresswoman worth at least $75 million is confused about what “rich” is.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I’m pretty sure she falls in that category.
@142 Acquittal isn’t the same thing as exoneration. From your link: “Following the acquittal, twelve jurors wrote a letter to Tulsa Police Chief Chuck Jordan saying Shelby is unfit to be a patrol officer.” Unfortunately, that’s exactly what she is today. Another example of why police agencies are losing credibility and hard-working officers on the street are having their legitimacy questioned. The bad apples drag down the entire profession when the hiring authorities fail to get rid of them.
I think we do have a problem when it comes to individual responsibility, but so much is inflicted on people by greedy corporate interests and others. It’s tough making it in life, and making unwise choices doesn’t help. Lots of people out there are there to “help you” make those unwise choices because making a bad decision can benefit those people who “help.”
@137 the barefoot and toothless are too stupid to even know what a decision is. Kooter lets others decide for him, ultimately thinking that Jesus will take the wheel.
@140 I tend to think Melania cried begging him for those two months to let her be the face of this hillbilly crisis as her pet project. This was his compromise otherwise he wouldn’t get any pussy for some time.
“Instead of public service, he should have opted for a Wall Street career, or at least gone to law school (he’s smart enough) and worked to become a partner in a corporate law firm. What a loser.”
Which begs a fairly obvious question about Doctor Dumbfuck:
If he’s so damn smart, and if earnings are the most important signifier of accomplishment, why the fuck did he throw away the first dozen years of his adult life on schooling and training for a career that pays no better than middling lawyers and started him out earning less than minimum wage touching other dudes’ junk and fending off Oxy addicts?
President Moron plummets to record low in Fox News poll.
It’s getting down to just the traitors like our Doctor Dumbfuck and the loon.
“Doctor Dumbfuck is one of those of whom Pastor Neimoller, “they didn’t speak up.””
Didn’t speak up? Doctor Dumbfuck spoke up alright. He spoke up loud and clear with his 4,000+ pro-Putin hashtags. And in doing so, he dumbfucked his way to becoming a fucking traitor.
Brave heroes of ICE, facing unspeakable peril and at absolutely enormous risk to their own safety, motivated solely by their unwavering commitment to our national security, bravely apprehended a 10-year-old little girl with cerebral palsy as she was attempting to subvert our nation’s immigration laws by sneaking into recovery on a stretcher following emergency gall bladder surgery in Corpus Christi Texas.
Courageous and noble ICE Super Heroes first encountered the dangerous illegal alien at an “internal border security checkpoint” as she was being driven to Corpus for the surgery by her cousin. At that time, using their incomparable skills and cunning they determined that the super criminal child was brought to the U.S. at the age of three by her mother, also by asking her*. ICE ultra heroes thereupon flew into action, assigning a team of nearly a dozen ICE agents to accompany the evil schemer to her destination and hovering over her without pause or interruption through pre-op tests, labs, and examinations, until she finally emerged from her surgery stealthily disguised as a “patient”. Upon the successful capture of the dangerous super-criminal alien she was removed to a federal detention facility in San Antonio to be processed for deportation. Or to die. Either or.
More winning.
*FYI the 5th Amendment never sleeps. You do not have to answer questions. Ever. If you are detained by LE within the United States for any reason you may not be compelled to answer questions as a condition of release – this includes routine traffic stops. Your detention may be “prolonged” for a “reasonable” period to allow LE to ascertain basic facts without your cooperation. But any arrest must be supported by legal cause. And exercising your constitutional right to remain silent is never a legal cause for an arrest. Nor is refusing to consent to a search of your person or property.
Well, the release of the JFK assassination info turned into another jack job in a brown paper sack. Once again, the Deep State is protecting its turf by covering up its misdeeds of over half a century ago. This time it must have something to do with the Bush Family. That’s my guess.
Nothing whatsoever should be kept from common knowledge for more that a couple of years, much less over half a century. Our government is filled with corrupt liars and fraudsters.
“Nor is refusing to consent to a search of your person or property.”
ABSOLUTELY! The government is the servant, not the master. The Constitution was written to remind government of that.
I’m afraid yet again I can’t agree with you. Not 100%.
Not a question of “servant” or “master”, though I’m not surprised that you would cling to such models for understanding.
We are the government. Of course we make government to serve our needs. But there is no “us” vs. “them”. It’s all us. Just us. No daddies. No invisible sky buddies. No “divine right”. Just what we want or dont want.
It’s just that some of our employees refuse to follow the employee manual. And far too many of our fellow citizens who agree to serve on juries refuse to accept that a uniformed employee’s credibility as a fact witness is no greater than anyone else.
Does anybody really believe that cutting corp tax rate from 35% to 20% will create jobs?
@148 Horses. Thinking about horses kept him going. He’s wanted a pony since he was a toddler.*
* Problem is, he’s STILL a toddler.
@152 “it must have something to do with the Bush Family”
No, no, no! The CRUZ family! Remember what Trump said: Ted Cruz’s daddy conspired to kill Kennedy.
@155 Sure. Lots of Republicans believe that. Generally speaking, the same people who believe climate change and the moon landings are hoaxes.
@27 So if Hilliay Clinton had been elected and then found out that the FBI was paying a former British spy for intel after accepting a dossier paid for by Republican operatives she would not have a reason to fire the FBI director? A guy she might well have fired her first day in office?
Wrong info Mark Adams.
#CrookedHillary accepted a dossier by a Republican operative. The former British spy was paid for by the #CrookedHillary campaign and the FBI not the Republican operative.
The BULLSHITTIUM offered by the Oregon moron FOOL Lying Liars Shouldn’t Lie AKA Erectile Dysfunction McDotCom is H I L A R I O U S!
When Trump said the FBI paid for the dossier, libtards attacked him, including HA DUMMOCRETINS! In fact HA DUMMOCRETINS regurgitated the national libtard DUMMOCRETIN narrative which was Trump was deflecting what really happened.
Dr. Dumbfuck and his horses reminds me of the pony joke:
The joke concerns twin boys of five or six. Worried that the boys had developed extreme personalities – one was a total pessimist, the other a total optimist – their parents took them to a psychiatrist.”
“First the psychiatrist treated the pessimist. Trying to brighten his outlook, the psychiatrist took him to a room piled to the ceiling with brand-new toys. But instead of yelping with delight, the little boy burst into tears. ‘What’s the matter?’ the psychiatrist asked, baffled. ‘Don’t you want to play with any of the toys?’ ‘Yes,’ the little boy bawled, ‘but if I did I’d only break them.’”
“Next the psychiatrist treated the optimist. Trying to dampen his out look, the psychiatrist took him to a room piled to the ceiling with horse manure. But instead of wrinkling his nose in disgust, the optimist emitted just the yelp of delight the psychiatrist had been hoping to hear from his brother, the pessimist. Then he clambered to the top of the pile, dropped to his knees, and began gleefully digging out scoop after scoop with his bare hands. ‘What do you think you’re doing?’ the psychiatrist asked, just as baffled by the optimist as he had been by the pessimist. ‘With all this manure,’ the little boy replied, beaming, ‘there must be a pony in here somewhere!’”
@160 The pessimist was right: When Doctor Dumbfuck dug to the bottom of the manure pile all he found there was Puddy.
It’s a big club and you ain’t in it:
@104 Oh Casualty Assistance Officer. That person is not in her husband chain of command. That person does not work for any service member. That person job is to work for the deceased members beneficiary’s and family. That person works for the spouse of the dead service member. And when someone uses a acronym they really should use the full term when first use it. Now we can go look at the Casualty Assistance Officer (Army) guide book and see what it says about the spouse viewing the body and all that. Bet it’s a bit different than what was alluded to.
@163 There are three separate status of remains. Viewable, Viewable for identification, and non-viewable. so the original statement in the article is not true. Some effort on the reporters part would have revealed this to them. The information is available.
@102 Hey 60,000 in the shade. Ain’t as hot as the interior of the sun, but after 10,000 does it really matter. The North Koreans can choose to save face and we have a war, or they can get rid of their nukes and we should be grown up enough to realize we should mean what we say, and back it up. That is what the North Korean’s respect. They think we are soft and decadent and believe their own propaganda…well if that is true we are going to war. I’m not at all convinced that the North Korean’s got the memo that no one wants war on the peninsula. I don’t think they agree.
I’m an independent and I did not vote for Trump or Clinton. I might actually vote democrat if you all tell your corporate dems to take a hike. Actually support working people.
@105 Nope just spent 20 years in the military, and what was stated did not pass the bull shit meter. If a military member dies from a high exposure of radiation his or her body is non viewable. In fact in the case of the sailors of the Scorpion the bodies were not recoverable. And if they were they would not be recovered due to radiation exposure.
@111 Tell me how it would be different? Well the North Koreans would call her an American whore, and a cunt, and flat out tell her no American whore is going to tell the great leader what to do, and we will complete our nuclear. What would she be doing? Based on her track record we would be in a shooting war. She got us into Libya, into Syria.
@113 That does not change the basic economics, and it’s not saying all that much when a firm with steel mills in Canada supply steel for a Canadian pipeline. Most of the rest of the paragraph may or may not be true. And China is the biggest steel exporter to the US so they have a much bigger piece of the global steel trade than the Russians.
And you really need to drop this call anyone who is a Republikan or you disagree with a NAZI. If you drive a VW or have ever owned a VW especially a VW bug you are a NAZI driving the Fuhrers volk wagon.
Now I’m being absurd (history aside) of people driving VW’s are NAZI’s, but so is you all calling Republicans NAZI’s and others. In fact your just giving NAZIs more power. How about some Hitler on Ice and Springtime for Hitler that is how you take their power away. Thank you Mel Brooks. Or is he a NAZI too in your book? Or them Jewish Republicans they are NAZI’s?!?
@123 Which just shows Bernie Sanders did not write that, and someone else has stolen his name and person to make that post, and that is wrong, perhaps even illegal under state law. Yet it’s tolerated. Easy fix post under your own name or as anonymous. Easy to enforce, but I know I’m just whistling in the wind.
It’s still wrong, and I’ve spoken up.
@144 A jury decides guilt or innocence of an accused. That does not give jurors any say in the hiring practices of any Sheriffs department. A guilty verdict may have effectively ended the officers law enforcement career.
@151 Write your congressperson. She was stopped as if she was entering at the border…it was a border stop, therefore no 5th Amendment protection. Ice has a case that arrest was proper, and actions within the law.
@159 Could be. A lot of effort is being made to hide who paid for the dossier. Still I think Clintin would have fired Comey asap.
“Rape is a beautiful thing.”
So sayeth the Republican Party.
No wonder they love Fat Donny so much. He’s one of the rapists who has repeatedly succeeded in avoiding prosecution for it. What a wonderful thing having money can be.
Lie down with dogs, motherfucker.
Dont like being called a Nazi? Stop marching with them. Stop defending them. Stop voting for them. Stop installing them in offices in your White House and calling them “very fine people”. Its not hard for the rest of us. Only you Republicans suffer from this affliction.
You knew what you were signing up for.
Not true.
Case law supports LE authority to operate all kinds of non-voluntary brief detention of both motorists and non-motorists. In the case of roving inland border checkpoints USSC has held that moving a motorist briefly off the roadway “to secondary” inspection doesnt even have to meet the requirements of “reasonable suspicion” set forth in Terry v. Ohio. But all these exceptions are specifically limited to 4th amendment protections. No matter where a detention takes place there are no exceptions to the 5th amendment right to remain silent.
But all you Fuckface voters should definitely answer all questions, no matter how intrusive. And you should definitely volunteer to be searched. I recommend you flag down passing police and request that they search you… often and regularly.
“Non-viewable” reflects the Army’s recommendation only. The regulations call for Mrs. Johnson to be given multiple options for receiving and handling of Sgt. Johnson’s remains.
You can learn more by referring to AR 638-2 and AR 638-8 rather than cherry picking a bullet point out of a pamphlet prepared for enlisted personnel to read on the toilet.
According to Army regulations the grieving spouse in this case should have been offered multiple options for both the receiving and handling of her husband’s remains. Among those options would be the option to have the Army release Sgt Johnson’s remains into her custody for handling and disposition as she and her family see fit. She is saying that did not take place. You are saying that her statements are “bullshit”. You are basing that on an incomplete statement taken out of context from an Army training comic book. Nice. Well played, troll.
It is worth understanding if the CAO fucked up, or was following some directive from a higher authority. It is worth knowing, if what the grieving widow reports is true, how and why this contravention of Army regulations came about. Caring for the needs of a grieving family should be the first priority here. Providing a protective political smoke screen for a monumentally unsuited Commander in Chief is only a priority for worthless fucking Hillbilly/Traitor trolls. Like you.
@164 “There are three separate status of remains. Viewable, Viewable for identification, and non-viewable.”
Viewable: GSW through and through. The usual small entry wound in the front of the torso. The exit wound is something else, but you can’t see it with the body lying on its back.
Viewable for identification: Fragmentation wounds. The mortician was able to patch up the face sufficiently to make it presentable, and to shape the wax filler to make it look approximately like the original.
Nonviewable: The casket contains sandbags.
In short, weapons of war do a job on the human body, and military organizations can’t guarantee your loved one will come home to you in one piece, or even as a bunch of little pieces. If you have military-age children, this is something to think about before you vote for Republican warmongers.
in the event that remains are “unrecoverable” the regs address that. This is not the case with Sgt. Johnson, if the official reports are to be trusted. Obviously in some cases remains are in such a state that medical personnel assigned to make a certification of death must do so with DNA or other forensic methods. Again, the regs address this in very excruciating detail. Whatever the state of the recovered remains, where cosmetic preparation is impractical, a class A uniform with all appropriate insignia is laid out within the casket over the remains which are bagged and wrapped. That work is typically accomplished at the Port Mortuary.
But the point really, is that all this is a hugely grotesque and irrelevant diversion deliberately intended by hooting internet trolls to distract from the fact that the pig/boy they elected to be Commander in Chief doesn’t give one single tiny shit about grieving widows and orphans that he is responsible for. All that really matters is that a grieving widow of an Army casualty believes she was treated badly. First by the President, but perhaps also by the CAC responsible for her assistance. It’s entirely possible that Sgt Johnson’s widow in her grief, is all wrong about what was said to her. It is absolutely true that remains may not be viewed during Dignified Transfer at the stateside Port Mortuary. The mere fact that there is something called Dignified Transfer set forth in the regs describing in detail the handling of remains at stateside Port Mortuaries should tell us something. At one time the Army fucked this up pretty badly for quite a while and left a great many families and surviving next of kin deeply hurt and ashamed. This was all supposed to have been fixed a long time ago. Any hint that the DOD is falling back into old ways should be alarming to us all.
@169 lots of stuff that is wrong – of all things to speak up against that’s one of the things you choose?
@ RR @ 177:
“In short, weapons of war do a job on the human body, and military organizations can’t guarantee your loved one will come home to you in one piece, or even as a bunch of little pieces.”
My grandfather fought in the second world war, in the Pacific theater. Well, he fought for a week or so, got nicked on Saipan and ended up working in the hospital there for a couple of months. Then someone discovered that he’d worked for a couple of years in the Kaiser plant in San Diego. So they shipped his Okie ass over to Tinian and put him to work repairing the tail and ball turrets on the B-17s and later the B-29s flying over to Japan.
By “repair”, I mean that a large part of the job, aside from replacing all the broken shot-up shit from the Japanese Zeros, was to gather up the little chunks of his drinking buddies out of the insides of them with a firehose and shop rags, and putting them in a burlap sack.
He didn’t come out of that War a sane man.