Any grand plans for Labor Day weekend? I don’t know when the switch from being excited about Bumbershoot to wanting to avoid the area happened. But it certainly has happened. I don’t know as many of the bands, but I know plenty. Just getting old.
Also, I will avoid the hell out of PAX.
I own some Avis stock and it’s been climbing this week. I did some checking and found out why: Harvey has destroyed 500,000 cars, twice the number destroyed by Katrina. Carmax and other auto dealer stocks have climbed as well.
Oh, and despite the hits to the oil services industry, the lost GDP due to the hurricane, and the nervousness related to DPRK behavior of late, stock prices also are climbing, with the Dow back above 22,000 this morning.
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit’s portfolio is probably still half-underwater for the year, of course.
(((Goldy))) @GoldyHA
Animal Fart
The Korean
Wham Happened
I plan to bend over and kiss my ass goodbye…..I suggest yawl do the same. September isn’t looking too good.
Oh, DD – kiss your Avis stock goodbye while you are at it.
The Bitches of Eastwick
The Gun Also Rises
The Cunt of Monte Cristo
But no tax cut, no tax holiday, and no repatriation.
Texas Poors need your money more than you do.
And no wall, no ban, and no Brown Roundup.
Somebody has to fill those dumpsters.
And forget about higher interest rates. Whoever Fuckface replaces Yellen with, he’ll have sworn to protect the “reconstruction efforts” by keeping rates low.
But at least we’ll always have Charlottesville.
And birth certificates.
And Sandy Hoaxers.
And Jade Helm.
And Senator Kid Rock.
And Pussy Grabbing.
And The Bitch.
I haven’t been to Bumbershoot since it was free and featured mostly local talent.
A couple of hours north of Santa Barbara, Hwy 1 in Big Sur remains closed at the Monterey and SLO county lines, as it has been since winter storms left a couple of massive unstable slides and removed a bridge along the edge of the Santa Lucia Mtns. While much of the hwy is accessible again after a ton of work this summer, still can’t get in except on bikes or on foot unless you’ve got proof of residency. So I’ll be taking a day and a half along the last stretch of quiet California beach to be seen in my lifetime. Or until the next slide wipes out the road.*
*That may not happen. Caltrans seems to be figuring it out and working up some more (semi)permanent solutions.
A Tale of Two Tities
The Mountainhead
(Steven King round)
The Green Bile
The Dead Bone
The Dark Mower
Paradise List
On the Toad
Animal Firm
Of Dice and Men
I could do this for hours.
“A new poll from Fox News found that many Americans think the 45th president of the United States is an unstable bully. Respondents were asked how well certain words described the president. For ‘bully,’ 39 percent chose ‘extremely,’ 14 percent chose ‘very’ and 20 percent went with ‘somewhat.’ For the word ‘unstable,’ 33 percent selected ‘extremely,’ 11 percent chose ‘very’ and 16 percent agreed with ‘somewhat.'”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: That’s 73% who think he’s a bully and 60% who think he’s unstable. From Fox. Not looking so good for those still sticking with him. Their judgment is questionable.
@1 “I own some Avis stock and it’s been climbing this week. I did some checking and found out why: Harvey has destroyed 500,000 cars …. Carmax and other auto dealer stocks have climbed as well.”
It took you more than 2 seconds to figure this out?
“Oh, and despite [blah blah] stock prices also are climbing, with the Dow back above 22,000 this morning.”
Because the world is awash in capital with nowhere else to go. Republicans want to create even more surplus capital by cutting taxes on corporations and, of course, rich people. This will push my stocks even higher. Won’t do shit for Trump voters, but I can always use another million.
“Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit’s portfolio is probably still half-underwater for the year, of course.”
Will you sign my tax return to that effect?
@2 @3 @5 @6 @7: Looks like Doc has gone around the bend.
Another rat is jumping off the sinking ship.
Sessions is still trying to lock up a woman for laughing at him.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Will he go after all the people who cried when he was confirmed, too?
I think it’s pretty telling that the only three people Fuckface consulted with before deciding to fire Comey were his daughter, his son-in-law, and his speech writer. Now we can all agree that they are all “very fine people” (based on the definition of the term as Fuckface voters understand it), but of the four, only one of them would know a hornbook if it fell on him from a great height. And while Mr. Kushner might make a marginally competent RE Atty, it’s probably fair to say that, aside from watching his father get frog-marched for bribery and corruption during one of his multiple “gap years” before heading to NYU, he’s unlearned in the byzantine world of federal law enforcement and FBI leadersip.
Miller is there cradling his laptop because he’s Fuckface’s anger translator. But why the other two? How exactly in the fuck would either one of them be the best people to advise him on what will probably turn out to be the most important decision he ever made? What would they know that made their input so vital?
@ 11
I was gonna go Tale of Two Tities although:
Titties is a two-letter adjustment
The joke was in the movie Intersection.
@ 13
…I can always use another million.
I see you gave up on your first one.
@19 Go look up the definition of “another.”
Doc is really off his game today. The Seahawks’ loss yesterday must have knocked him for a loop. Or maybe he was loopy to start with.
Global warming? What global warming? Houston is drowning because of sinners.