I’m going on vacation pretty soon. I plan to keep up the contingent of nonsense Open Threads, and then hopefully when I get back, to start posting more.
Anyway, do you have any recommendations for light summer reading? Beach read or airplane. I have this on hold from the library, but I’m not sure it’s going to arrive in time.
“It means nothing coming from a Democrat to these Republicans”
Where in the high holy fuck do Republicans get the nerve? Particularly the fake “moderate” Republicans like Scarborough?
Who the fuck are they to selectively pick and choose where to take guidance and inspiration from at this point? Has that been working so well for them?
These are the people who created the Cheeto Jesus catastrophe. They built that shit. They own it. It’s their political party and he’s their guy. Stubbornly sitting on their hands inside their bubble and refusing to grapple with any outside ideas or viewpoints is precisely what got them into this mess.
But of course this is precisely how the “intellectual” elite of the Republican Party view themselves. They are the “restrained” and “educated” better angels. From the pious whinging of David Brooks to the searing criticism of Bret Stephens, they “know better”. And they’d rather see their party incinerated than soil themselves by engaging with the dirty hippies.
The Baltimore police department is a cesspool of racism and police brutality, according to a federal report.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Why is it so damned hard to convict cops who behave like criminals? That’s one of many things that needs to change.
@1 If you’re going to be a moron, it’s probably easier to be an oblivious moron.
Speaking of morons, still no sign of the trolls. I’m waiting for doc to post that it’s okay for the cops to shoot Hillary in the back because she’s a fleeing felon.
That is weird. All of your trolls have gotten lost in their “squid ink” and haven’t found their way back, for what, days?. Hope they aren’t planning out their “2nd Amendment remedies.”
And for once I agree with Scarborough. Within the GOP orthodoxy no criticism is valid that comes from Democrats. No matter how common sense or how much pols in the field agree with the criticism it doesn’t matter. To the
Die Hard party above all elseaverage elected Repbulican nothing a Democrat says is worthy of consideration. All Democratic Party ideas must be met with snarling opposition.And that’s why the GOP is going down in flames.
The LAPD admitted that the man they shot after he didn’t move after having flash bangs tossed at him wasn’t the suspect they were looking for.
But like the suspect he was black and so….
@1 a lot of self righteousness going on over there too, they could never admit ior conceal that they are the problem.
Kind of like Boob and Piffy disappearing. Or did Hilary knock them off?
I’d like to predict that as soon as Tepublucans replace Drumpf Boob and Pouffy will return, even if they replaced him with Marcus Bachmann.
And I think Boob will be first then Puffy to follow.
I’ve been hearing more reports that Boob might be a Nazi. I can’t believee Boob would be a Nazi. Boob loves The Gay, Black, Jews, and Mexicans – how could he be a Nazi? One day he will return to tell everyone that he’s really not a Nazi like they are saying. I wonder if Abigal Adams could tell us? Abigail – can you share any of your inspirational wisdom with us?
if Boob hadn’t fled in shame he’d be here telling us all how Mr. Thompson deserved to die because he “chose” to live in Compton.
@5 I’m ready for them if they try to Second Amendment me. I’ll give them some Fourteenth Amendment.
I lived South Central adjacent for about a year. I love the description of the actual suspect.
“a black man 20 to 30 years old, wearing dark pants or shorts and a basketball jersey.”
So basically 80 percent of the black males.
“Suspect is driving in the Bellevue area described as a white female, 30-40 years old driving a Honda Odyssey.”
@6 ” … nothing a Democrat says is worthy of consideration.”
That’s good if it keeps them from noticing when a Democrat sticks his foot in his mouth.
The Republican Party continues to break new ground!
First ever major U.S. political party to be investigated by the Secret Service for assassination threats.
“End of the Dream” by Anne Rule. Really, anything by Anne Rule is good. Good PNW writer.
Why there are fewer Republicans than Democrats.
Yes, the former tough-on-terrorists federal prosecutor lied about the silly little bridge caper.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Reminds me of what George Will said many years ago about Richard Nixon’s lies: “It’s so petty and demeaning you wonder why he stoops to it.”
Yes, Republicans are still as stupid as ever.
“Seventy-two percent of registered Republican voters still doubt President Obama’s citizenship, according to a recent NBC News|SurveyMonkey poll conducted in late June and early July of more than 1,700 registered voters.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: What do we expect from the people who nominated Donald Trump?
Thanks Obama.
@2 Maybe you should ask Serpico.
Why all this pipe dream of the Republicans finding a way to deep six Trump. Unless the man resigns or dies they are stuck with as the Democrats are stuck with Hilliary Clinton as the Libertarians are stuck with Gary and the Greens with Jill Stein. Even if any one of these folks became incapacitated no party has any mechanism to deal with the issue. If any were jailed or imprisoned they would have to run from prison (happened during WWI and a major candidate ran from prison). If found to be a true traitor the party with that candidate is stuck with them. It falls now on the American voters, and the electoral college (ohh perhaps there is hidden wisdom in this non democratic mechanism).
If Hilliary Clinton were to have a stroke and spend the rest of the campaign in a hospital bed drooling from her mouth she would be the Democratic candidate and things would not get sorted out until after votes are cast in November, because at this point the Democratic party has no mechanism to replace the chosen candidate. There would probably be a new proposed Amendment. It’s something that has not happened in our history, there is a very small risk of it happening, still statistics show the possibility and it will happen in the future.
@10 Aren’t you a rabbit? I’ve seen Bugs and RR with firearms so maybe you can make a 2nd amendment claim. I don’t think that 14th applies to rabbis.
@13 There is nothing in the article saying there is any kind of investigation. From a legal point of view there is no immediate credible threat, I’m sure the secret service talks to the Trump campaign about a lot of things every day. Is someone suddenly off the Trump protection team, bet I know who brought up the question to the campaign. They all have taken oaths to uphold the Constitution and that includes the 2nd amendment.
all that giant steaming pile of wrong just so you could suggest that Clinton might have a stroke?
Maybe you missed it, but now that your party’s candidate is calling for the assassination of his opponent you no longer have to beat around the bush like that.
whenever LE have a reasonable articulable suspicion of a crime having been committed then an investigation is said to be underway. The purpose of contacting the campaign following the threat is to investigate the nature and credibility of the threat.
It’s an investigation. Just like when the police pull Republican lawmakers over for driving their AMC pacer with a tail light out and observe the mountain of child porn scattered across the back seat.
Were finally beginning to learn what it takes for a Republican to withdraw their endorsement:
Makes tasteless jokes about his penis, attacks a federal judge for his ethnicity, cruelly mocks a disabled person, ridicules a heroic disabled veteran US Senator for being a POW, routinely calls women “pigs” and “dogs”, invites a hostile foreign power to tamper with the election, viciously ridicules a grieving Gold Star Mother, openly courts white supremacist groups and leaders, leeringly appraises his own daughter’s sexuality, threatens to withdraw from NATO, proposes increasing the deficit by ten trillion dollars, advocates militarized roundup and deportation of ten million people, admits he doesn’t want “the blacks” handling his money, proposes banning immigrants based on their religious convictions, calls upon his supporters to assassinate his election opponent – not really a problem at all.
But put ’em in the cheap seats and NOW you’ve got yourself a problem!
It’s the Great American Myth: The upper class deserve to be rich because they’ve worked hard, started companies, and created jobs. But if that doesn’t work, being born a Duke does. H
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Explain to me again how a 25-year-old worth $12 billion “earned” his money?
The vast majority of cops are well-trained, dedicated, hardworking professionals who do an excellent job. There are a few rough spots in American policing, though. One of the things that needs to change is revolving-door cops who get sacked by one police department and then hired by another police department to save a few bucks on training.
Rogr Rabbit Commentary: We need a national database of police disciplinary actions and laws that will prevent bad cops from working as cops again. It’s like anything else: 90% of the problems are caused by 10% or less of the cops.
White supremacists see Donald Trump as their last great white hope.
@23 Abigail is sideways talking bullshitter – the biggest problem with this Country….only one way…. to make America Great.
“sideways talking” is passe in the newly emerged ethic of the Trump Republican Party.
Republicans no longer refer to a woman as “shrill”. They call her a bitch.
Republicans no longer concern troll about “urban unrest”. They propose gassing all “the blacks”.
Republicans no longer propose “securing the border first”. They propose going to war with Mexico.
Those like Abigail who continue to cling to the old ways of coded language and “political correctness” are cast into the wilderness for being “cuckservative” pansies.
No decoder ring required.
“Texas neo-Confederates erecting monument with 32 Rebel flags — on town’s MLK Blvd”
Something I’ve been noticing lately. Another example of Trump behaving very much like an HA troll with Psych 101 projection issues and a disconnect from reality.
“Trump: Clinton getting nervous about losing the election”
“Donald Trump says that Hillary Clinton is starting to get “nervous” about losing the presidential election, describing a “tightening” race that is at odds with most recent polling data.”
This is so unreal. The last 48 hours have seen Trump appeal for a 2nd Amendment remedy to a Clinton presidency and tar our nation’s current president and our former Secretary of State as the co-founders of ISIS. This is getting to be too fucking ugly for words.
he really isn’t cracking up. That’s just who he is.
Read the interviews. Go back over his history. It’s remarkably abnormal, even by the standards of politicians and/or business moguls. This is a guy who masqueraded as a PR flak to call up reporters and tell them about the models he was dating. He did this in his forties. This is a deeeeeeply insecure man for whom wealth and success have never satisfied his need for constant affirmation. A man whose insecurities long ago drove him to manifest an artificial personae so total in its sweep that the man himself simply no longer exists. Donald Trump is a creation of Donald Trump. The madness, the narcissism, the casual disregard and total lack of empathy are all that’s left after any trace of a genuine human being were drowned in the tub decades ago.
This shit is getting real.
“‘This sh*t’s not funny’: Strategist explains that Trump is causing an ‘extinction event’ for the GOP”
“We believe that Donald Trump’s divisiveness, recklessness, incompetence, and record-breaking unpopularity risk turning this election into a Democratic landslide,” reads the letter, which was signed by big names such as former Sen. Gordon Humphrey and former Rep. Chris Shays. “Only the immediate shift of all available RNC resources to vulnerable Senate and House races will prevent the GOP from drowning with a Trump-emblazoned anchor around its neck.”
“It’s remarkably abnormal, even by the standards of politicians and/or business moguls.”
But normal by the standards of a batshit crazy troll.
“The madness, the narcissism, the casual disregard and total lack of empathy are all that’s left after any trace of a genuine human being were drowned in the tub decades ago.”
That’s pretty much what happened to the loon who used to post here.
You go Girl! No, Abigail, I’m not talking about you.
“You go Girl!”
I checked out the link. She really took it to Cavuto, that punk. Give her another minute or two and she would have had turned me into a socialist.
@23 Sorry I’m an Independent. What I said applies to the Republican and Democratic (and major and major minor parties).
The Republican’s are stuck with Trump as the Democrats are stuck with Hilliary. So could like actually say where I’m wrong. Neither party has anything in their playbooks about a candidate dropping dead for any reason, or worse becoming incapacitated. What would happen? Answer that simple question in a competent manner using facts and the law as it’s. I think you find the situation would be entirely novel, with purely hypothetical solutions. And the situation gets worse the closer you get to election day as Secretary of States have closed the process of putting people on the ballot for their state and heaven for bid printed ballots.
But hey Seattle then again some people don’t want to think about the 7 or 8 or 9 earthquake that will hit Seattle one day. That is something that is guaranteed to happen, statistically what I’ve suggested will happen during some Presidential election.
@24 For those of us able to read between the lines that little tidbit put out by the Secret Service is just the bureaucracy crossing a t or dotting an i. There is no investigation. It’s already been determined there is no credible threat. Nor would the Secret Service get involved in this as the statements are pure politics and strongly covered by the First Amendment. So they put out a little statement to pacify the several thousand e-mails and calls the Secret Service making allegations placed mainly by Clinton supporters.
@26 Well in 1776 Americans gave the finger to all them British Dukes and we should continue the tradition.
In the unlikely event of another War of the Roses due to some succession issues though the Duke could lose his head. Still the Brits are much more civilized now. Unless those commoners decide to oust the blue bloods.
@27 There is something called employment law which works counter to your suggestion. Even in cases where a department fires for cause the city or department attorney is going to advise the department to say little and not open the city/department to a law suit from the departed officer.
Is the national gun database particularly effective in preventing good people being killed by someone who should not have a gun?
Or keeping real terrorists or spies out of the United States?
The only thing that is effective is the hiring department do a real back ground check of all hires. Actually pick up the phone and talk to people and use the grape vine. This can still fail, but it’s often not used as that takes time and money better spent on getting cast off military gear, and goody two shoes may object to seizing citizens money that was obviously used in some kind of illegal drug deal. Forfeiture is big in Florida.
@34 Blowouts happen. They don’t always represent the popular vote. Still these folks are doing as much damage in their panic as Trump is. We could all be surprised if the voters are just fed up. Won’t they be surprised if Trump wins and they lose the House and Senate which seems to fit the logic of America’s voters who want government to operate, but seem to love divided Government.
I once mentioned on this site a wonderfully funny book that may be good summer reading,it’s “A Confederacy of Dunces” by J.K. Toole.It was fun to laugh out loud while reading it.