If you’re ever lucky enough to score an invitation to the home of 39th District Dems chair Steve Galea and his wife Carol… go. I first visited the geodesic dome house they built on a hillside somewhere in rural Snohomish County (I’ve been there twice, and I’m still not exactly sure where it is) as a guest of my sister-in-law and brother-in-law, who had won a dinner and wine tasting in a silent auction for the Snohomish County Democrats.
Carol is a superb cook and Steve is a skilled vintner, making wonderful wines from some of the best vineyards in Eastern WA, as well as a few homegrown varieties. They are also both incredibly gracious hosts. So when Steve invited me to a barrel tasting this Sunday, I jumped at the chance.
There were, however, ulterior motives, for in addition to tasting Steve’s wine and Carol’s food, it was also presented as an opportunity meet and talk with Snohomish County Democrat chair Mark Hintz, who is also a candidate for state Democratic chair.
Not being very hip to inside party politics, I suggested bringing a couple of other bloggers with me, and Steve graciously extended the invitation to Brian Moran of WashBlog and Lynn Allen of Evergreen Politics. (I might have invited Jon Stahl too, but I was afraid he’d bring his damn bell.) Joining us was Bill Phillips and Greg Rodriguez, two form state chair candidates who are now backing Hintz.
As I’ve stated before, I’m not going to take a position in this contest, because a) my endorsement would be absolutely meaningless, and b) I don’t feel particularly qualified to choose a new state chair. But I did come away from the evening absolutely comfortable with the prospect of Hintz leading the state Dems into the 21st Century.
I haven’t paid close attention to the race, and perhaps other candidates have staked out a similar position, but Hintz seems intent on running as an agent of change, with a goal of making the party less autocratic, and more responsive and supportive of local party organizations. I’m guessing there are a lot of party regulars who would really like that.
Hintz also talked about the need for new infrastructure… not just the obvious technology advances we need to implement within the party, but also the need to develop local think tanks, and support the growing blogosphere… both issues that are near and dear to my heart.
But what I found most appealing was the simple fact that Hintz reached out to me and my fellow bloggers in the first place. There was no attempt at a hard sell, and the conversation meandered across a number of topics. In fact, Brian, Lynn and I spent more time sharing our thoughts with him than the other way around. (Well… at least I did. What can I say… I’m a better talker than I am a listener.)
A lot has changed in the ten years since Paul Berendt took the reigns of the party, and not all the party leaders seem to realize this. New technology has revolutionized the way the party organizes volunteers, raises money, and directly communicates with voters… at least it would revolutionize these things if the party would adopt it. And of course, the blogosphere has started to change some of the rules about how the party and candidates interact with the media.
What I want from the new party chair, whoever it is, a willingness to embrace new ideas and technologies, and the openness to seek input from both rank and file Democrats, and relative outsiders like me. I don’t want somebody who just wants to run the party. I want somebody who wants to change it.
Just to be clear, this is not anything remotely approaching an endorsement. For the record, I have previously communicated with Dwight Pelz and he has said that as chair, he would look forward to meeting with me and other bloggers to discuss new media and other issues.
I’ve never met the other candidates. But I’d be more than happy to meet with any of them… no barrel tasting required.
It seems kind of disingenuous to say you’re not taking a position in the race while simultaneously telling us what a great time you had schmoozing with one of the candidates. Who are the other candidates again? How does the selection process work? Who would we call if we wanted to support say, Dwight Pelz?
Me, I’m for Mr. Pelz because, well because he’s my neighbor and his sister Ruth used to baby-sit me many many years ago. Plus he’s aggressive and smart, even occasionally bellicose, which I like.
Every time I read a comment by a blogger on the election for State Party chair, it ends up with the bloggers saying nice things about any candidate who says there’s a place for bloggers.
You know, Goldy, that I appreciate your efforts, and that I read your blog and everybody else’s blog around here (certainly including Stefan) more than once a day. But you guys really need to get over yourselves.
You own a blog. You state your opinions and you provide a venue for others to state their opinions. The blogs are a valuable part of the mix. Certainly I think so, because I’m on them all the time. But the party doesn’t owe you jack shit, and vice versa.
You’re better off independent of the party. You don’t want to be seen as an arm of the party, or worse yet, as anybody’s stooge.
There’s no damn reason the party should listen to you, any more or any less than any other rank-and-file Democrat. It is enough for now that party activists like me and countless others read and participate.
We’re all working to change the party. You and some others appear to want instant access to the Executive Board, or something, because you own blogs.
Show us what you can do first. Being there is only a start.
Show us what he can do? Were you fucking paying attention last year, douchebag? David Irons, when did you stop hitting your mom?
You are yet another party leader who doesn’t get it.
Well… I’ve said nice things about Dwight previously, and I’ve never met the other candidates.
And I don’t think the party owes me anything. But I think the difference between last year’s election contest and this year’s voter registration challenge is a great example of how close cooperation with bloggers can push media coverage. The KC Dems made a point of getting information out and through the blogs, and the result was that we could jump on this story and put the R’s on their heels.
So, I don’t know how much clearer I can make it. I don’t really have much insight into the internal workings of the party, so I don’t feel qualified to weigh in on who should be the new chair. But I certainly feel comfortable offering my opinion about how I’d like to see the party change.
And Ivan… I don’t want or expect instant access. I just want this to be a two way street.
Good post Goldy. I agree that Mark is solid. Despite my reservations, of which I wrote about, he was certainly at the top of my list. I did give my, for whatever it was worth, to Laura Ruderman (and it wasn’t worth much). I based it on my own observations. I wouldn’t be suprised if Mark wins and I would not be unhappy with that at all. Awwwhhh heck… we are just bloggers, what do we know?
Oh, and Ivan, I don’t think you have been paying attention either. But don’t worry. We won’t hold that against you. You are not unlike many in the democratic party who have been slow to realize that blogs can and do make a difference. That is not a slam… not at all.
Perhaps I was a bit overheated. My point is:
Goldy has already proved himself, and thus, blogs have proved themselves. Heck, uSP proves you can bullshit your way onto Robert Mak’s show.
How does the selection process work?
Each Legislative District organization (LD)elects a state committeeman and committeewoman as part of their Executive Board. These are the folks making the decision. Their vote for the state chair may or may not be bound by a vote in the local LD meeting. This vote will take place on, if memory serves, Jan. 28th (in lovely downtown Seatac).
If you wish to lobby, contact your local LD chairperson. You can find this info easily on the web. Better yet, join your local LD Democratic Party organization.
But I certainly feel comfortable offering my opinion about how I’d like to see the party change.
Comment by Goldy— 1/18/06 @ 5:18 pm
Indeed. The Democratic Party is open to and welcomes your opinions. I am sure they do not care if you are a reprobate messhuggah(?) schmeil jew guy with a vocabulary containing way more four letter words than could be statistically expected from a white male of your background and social status. You do appear to drink more than the normal person, and that’s a plus with me. You also do not appear to have much of an opinion regarding republicans. Even better.
I look forward to joining in at drinking liberally sometime in the near future, if only you would have one occasionaly in the south end of King County. We have more stills down here, and our hicks are way more colorful (cf Pam Roach). Blog on, sir.
i sure hope people get tired of saying “disingenuous”. i’m sure tired of reading and hearing it — and i’m not being disingenuous or misspeaking or even, well, fibbing.
Goldenstein, Is it true you are looking for da guvment job?? This could be your first step to getting on the “gubment” dole and getten da guvment pension check!! Hell, lots of Democrats all around, and you can’t be fired!!
With all due respect, I have watched your posts on a number of blogs and have tried to engage in thoughtful debate. What I have noticed most of all is that you seem to be happy with the status quo-which in my view is not “working to change the Party.”
The progressive blogs can and will play a vital role in this Party. We can not let this slip through our fingers. Goldy is by far one of the best assets we have (David Irons, the voter challenges). Horesesass, Washblog, NPI and Evergreen will play a vital role this year and for many years to come. If we do not realize that now we are in serious trouble.
Goldy, I can’t believe I am posting in your comments, remember I said I didn’t even read them (but they have gotten so much better!)
Show us what he can do? Were you fucking paying attention last year, douchebag? David Irons, when did you stop hitting your mom?
Comment by Belltowner— 1/18/06 @ 5:16 pm
He stopped hitting his mom? When?
As a newbie to the whole Democratic “scene”, I have to say that reading these blogs is really FASCINATING insight into who’s who and what’s what and I know I’m not supposed to BELIEVE anything I read on the Internet, but DAMN is it entertaining. Like the corner in Nascar, I guess. Back to my still….
Proud to be an Ass
Na, you better keep the drink liberally sessions up in the North end, it is a far more friendly venue for their line of thinking. Out here in the Wild West of Rural King County we drink untaxed moomshine and home brew, we all carry AK47’s to protect our property from land thieves, and there are sheets of pictures of Ron Sims on the floor in every out house.
Hmmmm… tough choice. Who is the biggest lying pick pocket. You should have a contest on which candidate can blubber and cry the best. Just have them repeat “let every donk vote count” you know for effect.
Ivan, I suppose there’s a case to be made that the game is won in the clubhouse … but Goldy has been rolling up highlight reel material on the field.
And — seriously — what did he say that got your nose out of joint? I don’t see it.
Ivan said, “the party doesn’t owe you jack shit”
You’re missing the point. This isn’t about owing anything. This is about recognizing that there is something going on and taking advantage of it. Because if they don’t you can bet your horses ass that the other side will.
Gaseous Sh*thead – you’re a complete loser – election contest, I-912, female-abusing liar Irons Jr., loser…
DOOFUS – your beloved Republicans are so corrupt, they’re completely stinking up the body politic. DeLay, Frist, Libby, Rove, Abramoff, Safavian, Cunningham – the list goes on forever. You lay down with dogs, you get fleas. Your stupid little digs ring hollower and hollower with each revelation of the putrid corruption that is Republicanism. You’re stuck with it loser.
To top it all off, the Republican party is the party of SATAN. Deal with it.
Just another worthless self-serving post from Goldy and his MINions. Again, you aare all just a bunch or irrelevant boobs, and the dumacratic leadership, while under-IQ’d themselves are alt least smart enough to keep you rabid moonbats at a 10′-pole length. Unless of course they can co-opt you into shit like Goldy’s ‘bombshell outing’ of Irons. Like he (Irons) even had a chance against Sim’s machine in the Peoples Republic of Seattle.
Keep using up your time and effort in such meaningless efforts and pretty soon even here will we see the (red) light of day.
You remind these donks of where they come from and they come out with the talking points. Come on Clueless, you have got to admit that the whole blubbering thing with Berendt was hilarious just like your party.
By the way —
Gov. Gregoire did a great job on Ch. 9 – live call in last night. Full hour, lucid, friendly, crack shot replies to all callers as in very well informed, and looked kindly and smiling.
Responed to each caller by name. Excellen live session — bodes well. The New Gregoire is on the move.
And, the questions were pointed. Some topics quite obscure. She had it all down.
Any other watchers?
I am with Goldy on this I think. I think the bloggers do respresent a valid voice.
I will even go a step further and say that I think access to the political leaders should be more available, not just for bloggers but for anyone.
just my 2 cents. I do remember trying to call my House representative once in Everett ack in the mid 90’s. I never got past his secretary’s secretary.
Come ‘on DOOFUS. How much have you paid? Have you given to your beloved party in WA to reward them for the excellent winner of a case they put before Bridges? Maybe you’re rich DOOFUS. No problem then. Just go on over to K street DOOFUS. If you pay there, they’ll let you play!
Jimmy @ 8:
I haven’t been paying attention? Did you or did you not see me say I am on the blogs all day, every day? Sure, Goldy did a number on Irons. That’s one. My points of comparison are Steve Gilliard, Jane Hamsher, Josh Marshall, Glenn Greenwald, John Aravosis, Digby, and (less frequently) David Neiwert, Billmon, and Nathan Newman.
These guys crank it out every day, always high-level, and always something new. It’s no rap on Goldy that he’s not in that league yet. It takes time, and he’s working on it. But he’s not getting out enough, and it shows.
Greg @ 12:
Saying I am content with the status quo in the state party is just plain ridiculous. I’m just not interested in superficialities, is all, and, as we have discussed, I am not interested in what people *say* they can do, but rather in what they *do.*
Belltowner @ 3, 4, 8:
Your ignorance is appalling. Just go away and quit embarrassing yourself.
Look, nobody denies blogs are in the mix. I stated that up front, but local blogs have some way to go. There has to be a lot more engagement with the Dems on the ground on a day-by-day basis than there has been. Smug little twits like Belltowner might dismiss us as hacks because — gasp! we’re OLD — but where, pray tell, is an intrepid blogger to go for background and institutional memory?
Of all the bloggers around here who get that, Ray Minchew is the best, because he does his homework on a day-by-day basis. That might not be apparent on a superficial level, but he doesn’t just throw crap out there, like Andrew Villeneuve, for example.
Ray and Brian are putting together a solid lineup of quality reporters and commentators, like the remarkable Noemie Maxwell, and Washblog, now that it has Scoop, has the potential to be a local Daily Kos. Lynn Allen at Evergreen Politics is another solid blogger ho doesn’t come off like a know-it-all.
Goldy has the blessing, and the curse, of being a one-man show. It’s a tough way to go, and the results might be uneven for a while.
Goldy knows I am largely a fan, even if I get on his case.
Goldy, I suggest you take a trip to WA. DC, meet with Ted Kennedy and learn how to father a bastard child (See Drudge Report) and hide it for decades. Upon your return to Seattle you’ll be elected to any Democratic position you seek!
Thanks, Ivan, for trashing NPI’s Executive Director….and one of my good friends.
Andrew Villeneuve is one of the hardest working people I’ve ever met. All he did was attempt to get some questions answered. He took a lot of flak for no good reason. The questions have for the most part been answered.
You think the Pelz post was crap? Well, you’re entitled to your opinion. There’s one “bad post”. Where’s all the other “crap” Andrew’s put out there!? I bet you don’t have any other examples.
I’m not going to take you seriously any more, Ivan. You have no clue what you are talking about. You judge your fellow Democrats way too quickly and way too harshly. And you clearly don’t forgive and forget. You hold grudges, I can tell.
If someone says or something you disagree with, you remember that instead of the things that person has said or done that you like or respect.
One final thought, Ivan: All of us our humans, and so all of us are prone to making mistakes and errors. Nobody’s perfect. You should be able to accept that and move on.
Case in point – Last comment should read: All of us are humans, and so all of us are prone to making mistakes and errors. Nobody’s perfect. You should be able to accept that and move on.
I stand corrected.
MWS @ 27
I’m sure you can learn a lot from Strom Thurmond as well.
Hiker @ 28:
Andrew and I have already corresponded by e-mail. Maybe he will share it with you.
But you asked for other examples. Here are two right off the top: His inane post about the NY subway strike, and his fearmongering about the WMF patch.
As for whether or not you take me seriously, nobody takes me less seriously than I take myself, so think what you want to think. I am a big boy and I can take it.
Danno, did you actually say something? There’s no content there.
21 (continued)
I think someone farted. I heard a “brrrrruuuuppppp” and now it smells around here.
Geez Ivan, with myself being one of the “Editorial Board” members of Washblog I am saddened you left me off that list. I will go cry in my coffee and get over it :(
You seem to be defending Pelz and infering that we support other candidates (which Goldy has not), because they have an implied support for bloggers. I did put my support out there for Laura but I had absolutely no discussion with her about there being a place for blogs or getting access. It seems like you are reading too much into that.
I agree with the Hiker… It does appear you are attacking too easily and it appears to be related to your support for Pelz.
For the record, Dwight had alot of good things to say at the Unity forum. I might have supported him had he shown up in Pasco. Mark Hintz is great! So is Jean! I think Laura was better. I may not have a vote, but to the LD folks that do, I have a voice and they do take those voices into consideration. Afterall, they represent us!
re 22: rufus: where can i go to get my liberal talking points? apparently , i’m the only liberal whose been wasting time reading books, newspapers, and articles. see! a donk can learn from rufus ( without chaka khan ).
“tell me somethin’ good”, rufus.
Jimmy @ 34:
I support Pelz because he is the best candidate available. My first choice was Phil Talmadge, but that is moot now.
As for Dwight not showing up in Pasco, can we put that to rest finally? The fact is that he had previous commitments in Mount Vernon and Shelton that day. Was he to stiff Skagit and Mason Counties?
Moreover, and I am guessing you know this quite well, Dwight had been in Pasco earlier that week. He had met with the very people who later announced their support for Laura. Maybe they didn’t see fit to invite you. Well, they don’t invite me, either.
So it might be the truth, and nothing but the truth, that Dwight was not in Pasco on the day of that conference — but it is hardly the whole truth. And spinning it to say Dight stiffed the people in Pasco is just a touch disingenuous.
As for whether state committee members represent the rank and file members in their Districts or not, The extent to which that is true varies from District to District, just as in any representative system. That’s why state committee members are elected every two years.
It is great to have these forums and I love seeing rank and file Democrats turn out for them. But they are a dog and pony show compared to the real work, which is at the District and precinct level.
I am just another growing old democrat and I do have a vote in the chair race. I think it is a bit funny that Greg now likes the site and the posts much more when Hintz who he is supporting is given so much cyber ink.
I have met all of the candidates and know that all of them intend to bring about change and understand that the party must continuously evolve. To say that any one of the contenders for this job are planning on leaving things on autopilot is just tactical campaigning. Like most democrats I have known here (post 83), I have never been content with the direction of the state party.
Living in the suburbs as I have, the state party has often been content at being irrelevant. This must change and many of the candidates have been clear of their intent in taking the fight to swing areas of the state. And I thing they get the fact that Blogs have a growing role in the political arena. Does that mean that the omnipotent few who run the leading Blogs are going to rival the influence of the WEA or BIAW? No, but Goldy should get his calls answered and have access and he should also answer the phone and give access. It is a two way street and as more people travel here, the importance will continue to grow.
Oh, and I am supporting Dwight Pelz who I feel has the experience, the skills and will be a great mouth peace for the democrats of this state.
Ivan, I haven’t spun anything. That fact is he was not there with the other candidates. I could comment on the dinner he had with the local folks but that would be spreading rumors. I like Pelz and won’t do that. I took his explanation at face value, but he was still not there when others took the time to be there… with the public. You are still attacking… stop already.
On Talmadge, that is too bad he didn’t run.
I think what we are experiencing here is a failure to communicate. I suggest everyone go read some wingnut, spit spewing right wing blog, and come back here to the comments. It is so hard to put “tone” into text sometimes.
Jimmy @ 38:
When you say “he was still not there when others took the time to be there . . . with the public,” you are spinning, and saying you are not will not make it different.
I repeat: Dwight was “meeting the public” in two other areas of the state, because he had made A PRIOR COMMITMENT to meet with them. If any other candidates had made A PRIOR COMMITMENT, I like to think they would have honored it.
You know what Ivan. Fuck off. If Dwight had bothered to send someone, let someone know that this was the case, or offered any explanation AT THE FUCKING MEETING, all of what you are saying would be mute because I would have never written the post the way I did. I tried being nice to you about this but if you wan’t to say it is spin you are flat wrong. It is the facts. And none of us heard jack shit about it until you and P-man brought it out. And as I have said, I am fine with that but you are not going to get a retraction out of me because he was NOT there and NOBODY showed in his stead. Everyone there was clueless as to why!
I am done with you.
Jimmy @ 41:
Politics is not beanbag. When some of you become adults you might realize that this is not personal. I am sure that someday we will have a good laugh about this. Until such time.
Kids, kids…relax. Ivan, your union card-carrying Chicago politics side is showing. Jimmy, check the comments at Washblog, I mentioned something about the Pasco event.
Guys, you’re all talking over each other. Dwight absolutely should have sent a surrogate, or at least a note, to the forum in Pasco. But he was absolutely in the right to keep his commitments in Mount Vernon and Mason County. Let’s agree that both statements are true and move on; a lot of energy is being wasted on this goofiness. And seriously, you two are way more in synch personality-wise than you know. It’s like East-West versions of the same guy (although Jimmy’s way younger, sorry, Ivan). You should be getting along; you’d both gain a lot from it.
I’d be amazed if there are five eligible voters for this race that actually read the blogs, so all this campaignery is just taking up people’s time with little reward. Goldy’s right to just stay out of it. There, I’m done preaching.
It’s not that simple. Pelz’ other occasions did not include forums. Just more dinners with a few locals where the environment can be controlled better. Not that there was dung flinging at the forum or anything, but there were legitimate questions to be asked of him and his “schedule” looks more like an evasion. I would think a forum would be more important than a dinner party. Are any of the other forums in smallsville Wa? Not really. So to me his absence is something to consider.
What dipshit here doesn’t get is that I actually LIKE Pelz. I actually wanted to hear what he had to say and ask some questions about his background in a public forum. It looks like I am going to have to drive to King County to do that. And if I do, what are the chances a little loudmouth blogger from Eastern Washington is going to get a question in anyway? Simple fact is, he needed to show up.
So sorry Switz. This guy is a nutbag. But you are right, outside of a forum, and around 4 voting members that I think are reading this, it doesn’t matter. With the exception of having to take shit from a nutbag.
Disclaimer: Sorry for calling you a dipshit Ivan (and a nutbag too). I am really a reasonable person. You can call me a dipshit (easy on the nutbag) if you want, and I won’t be hurt. But I gotta case here and I ain’t spinning jack.
Particle Man or (Steve),
I have watched and posted to the blogs long before they mentioned Mark Hintz’ name-and you know that. Nice campaign tactic.
Switz, I did forget one thing you said that will probably make my rude comments come off very poorly to Ivan unless he is say… my age… 41. If he is older he will probably take real offense and not realize I jest heartily. But I felt like I was getting needled by a little kid. So out came the cannons.
My apologies. Really!
Peace, love, I am done with this subject. May the best person win!
(FYI, this isn’t aimed at any one person in particular.)
I really wouldn’t mind knowing what people realistically and specifically think needs to be done by the state party to “engage bloggers”.
Sure, it’s easy to blast the state party’s blog outreach almost a year ago during the court case when:
1. We had no communications director.
2. The tech team was working 60-80 hours a week on the court case itself.
3. Washington blogs were only just coming into their own.
But what about now?
Link to NW Portal on frontpage? Check.
Staff that regularly chats with bloggers et al at Drinking Liberally? Check.
State party blog? Check. (Yes, the frontpage is powered by WordPress.)
Bloggers on press list? Check. (If you’re not, let us know and we’ll add you.)
And as Goldy has mentioned before, we’ve even brainstormed with him for ideas on what to do in the future so that we don’t just waste our time doing something that’s already being done better by someone else.
Seriously, what more do you want? Washington blogs have really only taken off in the past year or so. It’s not as if you’re some long-neglected segment of the party only now receiving attention.
So yes, we’re listening. We read the blogs. We post comments. We talk with bloggers in person. No matter who becomes the next state chair, I don’t think any of that is going to stop.
But if your definition of “listening” is “the state party doing exactly what I tell them to NOW” (which seems to be a pretty common one), then I’m afraid you’re always going to be disappointed, irregardless of who’s running the show.
As a staff person for the Washiongton State Democrats, maybe you should concentrate on updating the website with current meetings ( the election of state chair for one).
It’s also not a matter of telling you to do do “whats now” but listening to constructive criticism( for over three years now) and valid suggestions and implementing them instead of ignoring them. I know you have tried to do what is right, but you also are so new you don’t understand the history and are obviuolsy swayed by the current spin to argue instead of perform.
Ya know, Gregg’s right. The meeting (moved from Ellensburg to Kent) isn’t on the party’s web page, at least not in ant obvious form.
What follows is an email update from Dwight Pelz regarding the status of his campaign for chair and his vision for the party:
January 20, 2006
Dear State Central Committee Member,
First let me thank all of you for the time and attention you have given this
contest. I know that you have busy lives, which makes me even more
appreciative of the many considerations you have shown me. It has a
wonderful pleasure to meet so many of you in your own communities and to put
our Party and its work into the local context.
On the same day our Democratic Party will be electing our State Chair the
Republicans will be electing their chair too. Chris Vance has lost all
credibility. He’s used up and has to be replaced. But whoever they elect
will not run their party. Professional operatives from Slade Gorton’s
machine will move into Republican Headquarters. Their party will take the
high road and Gorton’s hatchet men will take the low road to conduct a
determined and vicious campaign to capture Maria Cantwell’s seat in the U.S.
Our Party must be at maximum strength to meet their 2006 challenge. Our
Democratic Chair must be the best organizer in the state. Our Democratic
Chair must have the closest working relationship with our elected officials
and the powerhouse allies of our party. And he must be able to stand up –
toe to toe – to every maneuver and ploy the Republicans will throw at us.
I intend to be that Chair. I see the job ahead and I am ready for it by
talent, experience and temperament. I want you to join me in meeting this
With more that a month of campaigning behind us and only a week to go before
the vote that will end this campaign I want to give you an update on our
progress toward that goal.
This campaign has been a great pleasure and a great learning experience for
me as I met Democrats and their Party leaders across the state to discuss
their political issues and to give them a flavor of what a Pelz
administration would mean for our Party. I did a four-day tour of Eastern
Washington, visiting Spokane, Newport, Colville, Davenport, Othello, Pasco,
Walla Walla, Clarkston and Pullman. I have met with Democrats in Aberdeen,
Shelton, Mt. Vernon, Chehalis, Longview and Vancouver. I have been to
Kitsap County and will be going to Ferndale, Olympia, Port Angeles and
Renton. Throughout my travels I found our Party committed to making our
state and our nation better places to live, work and raise our families.
In each of these places our Party faces unique challenges. But everywhere
our local parties are as one in their need for help, not direction, from the
State Party. I have learned that the greatest service I can give as Chair
is to help in organizing so they can bring more grassroots Democrats into
their local Parties. They want training in recruiting candidates for all
their partisan offices and for non-partisan offices as well. Across the
board they need help in raising money so they too can play a part in funding
All of these needs play to my strengths as a grassroots political organizer
that I learned here in our state over the past 30 years. But I know that
the Party Chair cannot accomplish these things alone. As Chair I will build
the training component of the Party so we can depend on local Democrats to
do much of the important work that lies ahead.
I will continue to support our regional office and staff in Eastern
Washington. If circumstances permit I want to expand that effort so that
both the 4th and 5th CDs can have their own Party office and full time
staff. To attract more grassroots Democrats into our local Party
Organizations I want to continue meetings patterned on the successful
Eastern Washington Conference held in Moses Lake last year.
I am especially aware that great potential for our Party lies untapped in
our communities of color and in ethnic communities across the state. I want
to build the diversity of our current membership and use it to make the
Democratic Party more relevant in the communities where they live. We will
work together to increase our organizing and to find leaders who will run
for office throughout the state and I believe the State Party can and should
provide it.
So far our campaign has been very successful in bring members of the Central
Committee into our effort. As of this writing more than a majority of the
members of the Central Committee have indicated their support for my
As State Democratic Chair my first priority will be to use the full
resources of the State Party to make every County Democratic Party and
Legislative District Organization as effective and successful as possible.
My second priority will be to make our local elections as victorious as
possible. At the same time I will bring the entire State Party together as
one to solidify our hold on Maria Cantwell’s U.S. Senate seat and to expand
our representation in the U.S. House of Representative.
These are goals we can and will meet. Our Party has done great over the
years and together I know we can do even better.
Dwight Pelz
I’d like you to know the names of some of the people and groups who have
endorsed my efforts to be State Party Chair. I consider all of these
endorsements important because they each represent parts of the Party or the
Party’s allies that the new chair will be working with in the years ahead.
You have already seen that Senator Patty Murray and Governor Christine
Gregoire have put their confidence in me. They and their staff believe I am
the strongest candidate running to build the Party in our state.
King County Executive Ron Sims and Council member Larry Gossett also
demonstrate that they know and trust that I will work with them in their
offices. Velma Veloria and Kip Tokuda, former members of the Legislature
from the largely minority 11th and 37th Districts endorse me and know that I
will work to develop the Democratic Party across the State.
Former State Party Chairs Karen Marchioro and Charles Rolland, who know the
job better than anyone besides Paul Berendt, both support my election
because they say that I represent our Party’s best chance of meeting the
challenges that lie ahead in the 2006 elections. The same evaluation has
brought other Party leaders to support my candidacy, including D.N.C.
members Ed Cote and Pat Notter, LD Chairs Peter House and Scott White, and
Party activists like Greg Mowat, Betty Means and Jeanne Legult.
Dean Nielson the Washington Director of the Progressive Majority is a strong
Pelz supporter because he knows that our Party’s success in Washington State
depends on a strong progressive State Chair.
The President of the Washington Education Association, addressed to WEA members who serve on the State Democratic Central Committee, saying that the WEA does not endorse in Party races such as this, but states clearly that they consider me a friend of
I have received the endorsement of the Thurston, Lewis and Mason Counties
Central Labor Council. I am proud of their support because the bulk of the
union members this Council represents serve all of us as the people who make
government work in Olympia.
The State Association of Electrical Workers, the labor organization that
includes the IBEW, one of the most active unions working on the behalf of
Democratic candidates, says that it wants to work with me as the leader of
the Democratic Party as we go into battle with the Republicans this year.
The State Council of the Service Employees International Union has given me
their endorsement. I am particularly pleased by this show of support
because no other union is doing more to bring the advantages of collective
action to some of the hardest working and lowest paid members of the State’s
workforce. The SEIU has more members from communities of color than any
other union. Their endorsement is a reflection of their trust that as Chair
of the Party I will work just as hard to bring greater political
participation to these same communities. SEIU is one of the three largest
contributors to the Washington State Democratic Party.
I check this blog when I can and was frightened to see a post discussing Mark Hintz as a good candidate for party chair. I don’t think Goldy is lying when he says he is impressed with Hintz after one night. That’s about as long as he is able to keep up a front.
He is a good man, but politics is not suited for him. He lacks personal skills, follow-through and the ability to put together an inspiring quote, let alone speech.
I haven’t made a pick for who should be party chair, but for anyone reading this blog, I’d strongly recommend against speaking or voting for Mark Hintz.
Again, he can be a great guy, but he isn’t somebody the party faithful can get behind and keep Washington going for Democrats.
I’d love to see that IP.