thought….there is no fundemental right to health insurance
There is no right to profit from something that causes harm to others. If your actions aren’t causing harm to others, why shouldn’t you be able to profit from them?
Half of all bankruptcies in the US are from medical debit. You can’t keep a job if you’re sick, you can’t learn if you’re sick. The argument could be made (I’m not making it, not sure if I agree with it) that your right to be ‘safe and secure in your person’ includes access to healthcare.
Oh boy how I appreciate Rick Pearlstein. He quips:
Good thing our leaders weren’t so cowardly in 1964, or we would never have passed a civil rights bill — because of complaints over the provisions in it that would enslave whites.
Well, there’s nothing wrong with making a profit if you’re doing so by delivering something of commensurate value.
I just read a posting on another blog whose author went to some length to describe his horror at the prospect of health care being “held hostage to some giant government bureaucracy”. He was, of course, disregarding the fact (and it truly is a fact) that there’s already a giant bureaucracy governing every aspect of medical care in this country–run by the insurance industry. Further, its charter makes its highest priority–in fact, practically its only one–that of “delivering value to the shareholders”. Not healing the sick or fixing the injured, but rather taking in lots of money and paying out as little of it as possible.
If you view this purely as a shareholder, this is fine–in fact, you’d be angry if it was any different. On the other hand, from the point of view of a patient or a ratepayer, it sucks.
Medicaid, Medicare, Tricare & the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program make the federal government the largest provider of heath Ins. in the nation.
The Govmnt.’ as provider of heath Ins. is nothing new or shocking.
There are plenty of reasons to be worried about Obama-care without making shit up out of thin air.
@6: You forgot the VA.
I think Goldy was attempting to counter the insurance companies’ whines that a public option might hinder their competitiveness. What they mean, of course, is that they might get less profits, profits they apparently believe are implicitly guaranteed in the Constitution.
The idea that someone or some organization makes a profit through denying someone health care is obscene. And make no mistake: in America’s healthcare system AS IT IS NOW, if you can’t pay for an operation or a drug through insurance, you don’t get that operation or drug because the costs are impossible to bear unless you are hideously wealthy.
We will get nowhere unless we control costs, which means reining in the profit motive, just as every developed (and most less-developed) countries have done except America. Cutting benefits does not control costs; it just means that more people die.
I’d love to hear from Libertarians and Republicans who thought the current system was great until they lost their job and their health insurance. How’s the system now, guys?
Someone else makes a profit by denying you a place to live which was caused by someone else making a profit by shipping your job overseas and thereby causing you not to be able to pay your mortgage or rent. Unless you are arguing that we should do away with profit in general, I don’t see how you can make the argument that profit is immoral in only certain cases.
Profit-making on necessary commodities (health, food, housing) can be controlled. It needn’t be done away with. It’s worked in other countries.
40 years ago, the difference between a CEO’s pay and the average worker was about 50. Now it’s up in the 500s. We’ve been going the wrong way. Coming back to some regulation of greed would be advisable, and possible, if people weren’t horrified at the idea of regulating greed. I realize that’s a big “if” in America.
Daddy Lovespews:
Actually, in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which the US has ratified, we find that there IS a fundamental right to medical care and treatment:
Article 25.
•(1) Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care and necessary social services, and the right to security in the event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age or other lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond his control.
That doesn’t mean “everyone gets to go to the emergency room.” It implies a mutual and universal social obligation. It looks like now, finally, after 60 years, we’re achieving it. And we won’t let the fearful, the ignorant, and the Republicans stop us.
Goldy – Nice zinger – fucking brilliant! It should be repeated often along side Larsen’s zinger, ” I have the facts on my side… you have Glenn Beck on yours.”
Mike Jonesspews:
So I guess we have no right to privacy since its not explictly stated in the constitution.
The US is a world leader not some third world nation we have a duty to provide basic needs to our citizesn and that includes health care.
There is also no fundamental right to welfare, DSHS housing, food stamps, or other forms of gov’t cheese mooching.
#5, therefore a better question might be why Congress and the various states allow Health Insurance Companies to be for-profit businesses, thus requiring that they care more about profits than people. I own stock in companies, and I expect those companies to make a profit so I can get a return on my investment in the form of dividends. But I also expect the market to keep certain things out of reach of that kind of motivation. I want health insurance companies to be more concerned with the health of their customers than their return to shareholders. Since that’s not the case, I expect my government to take those toys away from those boys.
Here’s another thought. I gladly pay for my father’s health insurance through Medicare. Why won’t Congress allow me to pay for my own health insurance through the same system?
Chris Stefanspews:
I have nothing against profits or return on investment. However if you see very high profit margins or margins rising at a steady pace every year you are probably witnessing some form of rent-seeking.
If health insurance were truly a competitive market intense competition would keep insurance company profits fairly low. Similarly if medical services were a competitive market competition would keep doctor, clinic, hospital, and lab fees down.
because the profiteers from the so called insurance industry have bought congress and fooled the people.
the industry produces nothing except political donations, lies, and scams, to preserve its corrupt profits from its lies and scams in telling people they are “insured”.
As per wiki the decl. of human rights does not create legal rights, only aspirations.
“Even though not formally legally binding, the Declaration has been adopted in or influenced most national constitutions since 1948. It also serves as the foundation for a growing number of international treaties and national laws and international, regional, national and sub-national institutions protecting and promoting human rights.
[edit] Legal effect
While not a treaty itself, the Declaration was explicitly adopted for the purpose of defining the meaning of the words “fundamental freedoms” and “human rights” appearing in the United Nations Charter, which is binding on all member states. For this reason, the Universal Declaration is a fundamental constitutive document of the United Nations. Many[citation needed] international lawyers, in addition, believe that the Declaration forms part of customary international law and is a powerful tool in applying diplomatic and moral pressure to governments that violate any of its articles. ”
Diplomatic and moral pressure = not a legal obligation.
Many believe x = many believe y, too.
If the legal force comes from customary international law you have to look at each legal clause and see if it meets the test for being part of customary international law.
There is no fundamental right to profit from spewing your opinion on the internet.
Yanno…the insurance companies and their sock puppets are against a goverment-run “public option” for health coverage, because they think it would be unfair competition against them…then with hardly a breath they turn around and claim the government can’t do anything efficiently.
Anyone else see anything wrong with this reasoning?
@15 Nor to war profiteering, government-sanctioned monopolies or banks being “too big to fail”.
I hope all of you are writing your Congressional electeds about your feelings, since they’ll be making a decision next month. All of you, that is, except those who are cro-magnon free-marketeers.
So you think that human rights are enumerated by international agreements? You seem to be saying that if international law does not recognize a right that it does not exist. Funny, but I would think that you’d be on the other side of this one. What’s up? Do you think that human rights are granted by governments?
Daddy Lovespews:
What’s the matter, can’t speak for youself? Make your own argument, lame one.
Daddy Lovespews:
20 watcher
Many believe x = many believe y, too.
Does not follow.
There’s a wonderful place called North Korea that believes all the wonderful things you do. Please move there.
For instance, statements like “unless you are hideously wealthy” betray your feeling about those who through hard work and discipline have done well. One like “Profit-making on necessary commodities (health, food, housing) can be controlled” shows your disdain for private property and the rights of those who own it. And your gem, “All of you, that is, except those who are cro-magnon free-marketeers”, who of course have no valid voice in their own country. You really liked that copy of Das Kapital didn’t you?
Marvin Stamnspews:
22. ArtFart spews:
think it would be unfair competition against them…then with hardly a breath they turn around and claim the government can’t do anything efficiently.
Anyone else see anything wrong with this reasoning?
a couple questions.
Are the people using the government health program paying for it or will it be funded, for the most part, by other people.
Will the private insurance companies also be allowed to collect payments from people not even buying their insurance?
The government doesn’t need to be efficient, if they lose money they make up for it with tax money. No talk of the post office going out of business and they lost @1.5 billion dollars in the first 3 months of the year.
Besides, the government has the power to change the rules (laws) at any time they want.
When the government handed out free cheese, did the people get to choose what type of cheese or was it a one type cheese fits all.
As for Daddy Love,
Absolutely you have a right to health care- that you can pay for.
You leftists are the ones who pushed employer based health insurance. Don’t like the results? All you have to do is admit that unions are basically thug extortionists trying to ruin this country and start over. But leave the incompetent boobs in government out of my doctors office, thanks very much.
CC "Bud" Baxterspews:
Leave the incompetent boobs in the insurance companies out of my doctors office, thank you very much.
People that ask the question “how are we going to pay for it” are full of crap. What, do they think we get health care/insurance for free right now?
We pay twice as much for health care as any other civilized nation and we get terrible coverage in return.
CC "Bud" Baxterspews:
Tell the truth, were you born with a silver spoon up your ass like many other well to do people? Or did you marry into your money?
Did GW Bush earn his money “through hard work and discipline have done well.” He is a trust fund baby just like many millionaires.
And why is it that people who actually work for a living are taxed at a way higher rate than people who earn their money from sitting on their butt collecting interest and dividends?
Roger Rabbitspews:
No business has a right to a profit. Under our capitalist system, anyone has the right to set up a business that complies with all applicable laws and regulations and to compete in the market with the hope of making a profit.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Thought: Jetliners are such complex products that government should regulate their design and construction for the physical safety of consumers who fly on them.
Another thought: Health insurance policies are such complex products that government should regulate them for the financial protection of consumers who rely on them.
CC "Bud" Baxterspews:
Do health insurance companies produce even one single thing of intrinsic value? Or are they a leech on society?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@5 As a matter of fact, CEOs and boards of directors owe a legally enforceable fiduciary duty to their shareholders to run private companies for one purpose only: To make as much profit for the shareholders as possible. And they can be sued if they fail to do this.
Roger Rabbitspews:
What anti-government ignoramuses don’t understand is that private enterprise and government have different — and complementary — roles in society. The job of businesses is to advance shareholder interests, and the job of government is to protect the public interest. We need both, and neither can satisfy all of society’s needs without the other.
Roger Rabbitspews:
I wonder how many of our wingnut friends would be willing to risk their lives by flying on an airplane built by an unregulated manufacturer and flown by unlicensed pilots in unregulated airspace?
Roger Rabbitspews:
We could, of course, opt for a system of no government regulation of health insurers and an unrestricted right of policyholders to sue insurance companies for unlimited compensatory and punitive damages when medical claims are denied. That should satisfy those who don’t want in government involvement in health insurance; and, as a lawyer, I kind of like this idea.
Whoever you are, I worked hard for what I have, and continue to do so. My father was a carpenter, thank God not a union one, and my mother a homemaker. I’ve worked hard manual jobs while studying so that I could do better. I worked my way up through my company. Liberals should try this instead of whining.
Regarding health insurance, if I insure my car for regular cleaning, oil changes, recharge of the air conditioning and the like how much do you think my insurance might cost? Pretty steep, I would imagine, as the acutarial certainty of payout is written into the contract.
One solution no-one seems to want to talk about is limiting health insurance to catastrophic care. Above a certain dollar value of care you’re insured, below it would come out of pocket. Some doctors have tried flat fee structures for cash paying customers. They provided routine preventive medical care at a given office rate. This cost the patient much less than insurance premiums, and saved the doctor the high expense of billing insurance providers. The patient could purchase insurance to cover major medical. What happened? Our enlightened state shut them down as providing insurance without a license.
You people don’t want reform. You don’t want to fix the system. You want government to control the system and everything else in your lives. Fine. Go somewhere that this philosophy is desired. This is America, not the Soviet Union, where your stupid policies worked so well!
Demented Bunny, government does have a very limited role envisioned by the framers of our Constitution. These men would have despised your type and started another revolution if they saw the state of things today.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@43 “Demented Bunny, government does have a very limited role envisioned by the framers of our Constitution. These men would have despised your type and started another revolution if they saw the state of things today.”
How do you figure that? All I do is use my persuasive skills to convince a jury that the defendant screwed my client, and my client is entitled to the BIGGEST FUCKING VERDICT I CAN TALK THE JURY INTO GIVING HIM and of course I get 40% of the take.
What’s wrong with that? You don’t want government interference with my client’s freedom to sue, do you? That would be inconsistent with your ideology.
Roger Rabbitspews:
I think I should be allowed to use my God-given gift of gab to get as much money out of deep-pocketed defendants as a jury will go along with. That’s called “freedom” and I’m for it. I don’t think jury verdicts should be regulated. I don’t want Big Government in the courtroom!
I don’t care that you’re an attorney silly rabbit. I’m talking about big tax-big government progressives.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Bar associations used to have mandatory fee schedules that all lawyers had to charge, but the Supreme Court ruled that was illegal price-fixing, so we raised our prices.
Roger Rabbitspews:
I think kids who turn out to be failures should be allowed to sue their parents for parenting malpractice.
Roger Rabbitspews:
I think everyone who voted for Bush should be held personally liable for the economic losses suffered by victims of this recession. We should be able to sue Republican voters for voting misfeasance.
@46 Let me ask you this: If you don’t think government should protect the public interest, then who should? Trial lawyers? Who?
Roger Rabbitspews:
I don’t invest in companies that give all their profits to the executives. The stock of those companies is worthless.
I’m assuming that everyone who considers themselves a red-blooded, patriotic conservative will refuse to use Medicare once they reach 65. I also assume that if they lose their job and lose their health insurance and can’t pay for insurance premiums and are certifiably poor (although they think of poor people as slackers), they will refuse Medicaid. Because both Medicare and Medicaid are government programs and have been for a long, long time.
And they will just sicken and die without medical care, like all good patriots, because they would NOT go to a charity hospital because they HAVEN’T paid for the care and it wouldn’t be RIGHT!
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Once again clueless wondermoron@4: drinks the left wing kook-aid.
Who again passed the CRA fool? Dummocrapts?
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Marvin, excellent question
Will the private insurance companies also be allowed to collect payments from people not even buying their insurance?
Reminds Puddy of the $85 Million of SEIU union collected from people not buying their presidential position. $85 Million of SEIU union collected dues wasted on the 2008 presidential erection and the 74 union peeps were fired due to lack of “money”. How many SEIU union members disagreed with that profligate waste of union dues but had no voice? Still waiting for Mrs clueless wondermoron to explain dat about “her union”. Butt as we all know “mrs” clueless wondermoron isn’t allowed to read or respond. If “she” did, she’d know how utterly moronic her “husband” is.
54 – RP got you nailed fool.
Next time you get health insurance from your favorite right wing company whose execs are getting filthy rich from screwing beneficiaries who get sick – they’re just not going to cover your pre-existing mental illness.
Sorry fool thems the breaks of the free market – your meds have to be paid out of pocket and ouch how those big Pharma meds cost!
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
CC Bud Headless Loocy farts
Did GW Bush earn his money “through hard work and discipline have done well.” He is a trust fund baby just like many millionaires.
Well at least he didn’t marry into it like John Effin Kerry, the vietnam war veteran. And what is wrong with inheriting wealth? Jealous you were born to the “wrong” parents?
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
they’re just not going to cover your pre-existing mental illness.
Delusional and moronic as always. You fergit who is monomaniacal and chronologically challenged here.
so roger, you were a “shyster” lawyer? that explains a lot of things.
headless: Rat City Runcible Spoonspews:
re 15: The government buys the cheese to subsidize cheesemankers. You seem OK with the welfare for the cheesemakers, but against giving the cheese to the hungry.
@32 Actually, Marv, you’re asking five questions, but here goes…
“Are the people using the government health program paying for it or will it be funded, for the most part, by other people.”
If you get leukemia and have to have a quarter million dollar bone marrow transplant, does the money just come from the premiums you’ve paid? If you never get sick or hurt, are you pissed because you can’t get your premiums back?
Insurance (if it works) is actually a little (horrors!) socialistic. It’s a group of people pooling their resources and sharing risk. The insurance company simply acts as an intelligent arbiter of the process, and derves reasonable renumeration for providing that service.
“Will the private insurance companies also be allowed to collect payments from people not even buying their insurance?”
In a way, yes. Both sides in the real discussion of health care policy agree that it’s essential to break the connection between health insurance and employment, and that the only practical way to do that is likely to entail significant taxpayer subsidies.
Does it matter? The way our present system works, or the way any other one is likely to, anyone who never needs a dime’s worth of non-preventive treatment is considered fortunate, however the money’s handled.
“The government doesn’t need to be efficient”
…and the insurance industry thinks it does. The problem is that it defines “efficiency” as collecting the largest possible amount in premiums, shelling out the least possible part of that for care, paying its “worker bees” as little as they’ll sit still for, and retaining the greatest “value to the shareholders”, which is conservative-think for “profit”. That’s a pretty shitty way to run things, if you’re the poor sap who needs care.
“Besides, the government has the power to change the rules”
So do the insurance companies…and their ability to bribe–er, I mean lobby, our friends on Capitol Hill gives them a lot of influence over the way laws are passed and enforced.
“When the government handed out free cheese, did the people get to choose what type of cheese”
Uhhh…that’s a pretty loose analogy, and there hasn’t been much if any “government cheese” handed out for years, but let’s go with it.
There’s “American cheese” health care services, and if you want aged brie, you’re welcome to it, but you’ll have to pay extra. That’s the way it works in Canada, by the way–you knew that, didn’t you? It was more or less the way it worked here, until the pressure to seek short-term profit above all else spread like cancer through the financial industry–including health insurers. Now, the definition of “American cheese” version of health services has been ground down to something like, “You or your employer give us a bunch of money, and we’ll let a doctor smile at you for 30 seconds, once or twice a year.”
Does that about cover it? It’s late and I’m tired of typing.
headless: Rat City Runcible Spoonspews:
re 57: Passing some money on down is OK. But it’s not a constitutional right to tie up all that money for generations so a monied oligarchy develops.
You end up with a special ed. student as president and his evil, yet incompetent, sidekick as VP.
headless: Rat City Runcible Spoonspews:
You know, none of those screaming healthbaggers votes for or against any bill in congress. The congressman do.
A lot of politicians will use the retardo-protesters as cover for voting in favor of the insurance companies.
If the same screambaggers were suddenly blinded with a relevant thought (like unneccessary wars enrich defense contractors and needlessly kill soldiers), and started screaming against war, the same politicians would serenely dismiss the protesters concerns and vote in favor of the defense contractors.
well, it was aipac that headed us to war with iraq. so blame them
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Maybe some leftwing HA Libtardo whack job can explain this
“The Secretary [Sebelius] shall limit the requirement for explanations under clause (i) to consultations furnished in a State — (I) in which all legal barriers have been addressed for enabling orders for life sustaining treatment to constitute a set of medical orders respected across all care settings” – Dingell Bill – “the messiah” claimed he didn’t know about and was unfamiliar with this section in the Dingell Bill.
Butt it’s the bidding of “the messiah” to “overhaul” health care and he doesn’t know this section is in the bill?
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Or how about this section in the Dingell Bill
A program for orders for life sustaining treatment for a States described in this clause is a program that—‘‘(I) ensures such orders are standardized and uniquely identifiable throughout the State; ‘‘(II) distributes or makes accessible such orders to physicians and other health professionals that (acting within the scope of the professional’s authority under State law) may sign orders for life sustaining treatment; ‘‘(III) provides training for health care professionals across the continuum of care about the goals and use of orders for life sustaining treatment; and ‘‘(IV) is guided by a coalition of stake holders includes representatives from emergency medical services, emergency department physicians or nurses, state long-term care association, state medical association, state surveyors, agency responsible for senior services, state department of health, state hospital association, home health association, state bar association, and state hospice association. PuddyEmphasis.
Holy Cow Batman – there’s a lot of “state” in this bill. Puddy thought one of the big reasons peeps can’t buy affordable medical insurance is due to all the individual state regulations already in place. Oh that’s just another “anecdote”.
And now the Dingell Bill has all those state references…Hmmm…?
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Yet when a person whom thinks right actually reads the bill, provides the evidence from various pages in the bill we’re attacked and ridiculed becuz we’re supposed to accept on face value something repeated by a HA Libtardo from a Dummocraptic talking point from or from “the messiah” who admitted he didn’t know about certain bill provisions people are up in arms about?
Puddy still waiting for the discussion on the small business effects of these three house proposals. BTW Puddy provided the link from Ask clueless wondermoron for that link, he has all the PuddyMissives.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Here is a 2004 report from the CATO Institute. Of course clueless wondermoron will have something pithy to say about the CATO Institute. After all he’s the official monomaniacal mouthpiece of what’s biased here on HA Libtardo ASSes.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Holy Cow Batman another strange section in the Dingell Bill
The level of treatment indicated under subparagraph (A)(ii) may range from an indication for full treatment to an indication to limit some or all or specified interventions. Such indicated levels of treatment may include indications respecting, among other items — ‘‘(i) the intensity of medical intervention if the patient is pulse less, apneic, or has serious cardiac or pulmonary problems; ‘‘(ii) the individual’s desire regarding transfer to a hospital or remaining at the current care setting; ‘‘(iii) the use of antibiotics; and ‘‘(iv) the use of artificially administered nutrition and hydration.’’.
Of course these limitations are only “proposals” right HA Libtardos?
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
To you doctors in the audience here’s one for you…
(d) PHYSICIANS.— (1) STUDY. — The Secretary of Health and Human Services shall conduct a study to determine how the readmissions policy described in the previous subsections could be applied to physicians. (2) CONSIDERATIONS. — In conducting the study, the Secretary shall consider approaches such as — (A) creating a new code (or codes) and payment amount (or amounts) under the fee schedule in section 1848 of the Social Security Act (in a budget neutral manner) for services furnished by an appropriate physician who sees an individual within the first week after discharge from a hospital or critical access hospital; (B) developing measures of rates of readmission for individuals treated by physicians; (C) applying a payment reduction for physicians who treat the patient during the initial admission that results in a readmission; and (D) methods for attributing payments or payment reductions to the appropriate physician or physicians. PuddyEmphasis
Golly you better get it right the first time Doc! Even if there is another condition not seen until the first is identified and treated? Looks like some livelihoods will be “affected” if this Dingell Bill goes into “effect”.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Watch for NutsTooTight, clueless wondermoron, Steve, rudeASS!, or ProudAndAnASS to make a pithy comment from Dingell Bill sections identified by Puddy.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
It’s amazing how the HA Libtardos were up in arms over the “energy” meeting by Dick Cheney. Now we see S I L E N C E over the health care policies being directed by these “groups” SEIU, HCAN, AARP, OFA, AFSCME, and Families USA. We already saw how SEIU laid off 74 peeps with their $85 Million spent on “the messiah” last November. Yet Mrs clueless wondermoron hasn’t voiced an opinion on this layoff. Maybe clueless wondermoron doesn’t allow his “wife” to voice an opinion. Or maybe Mrs clueless wondermoron is as clueless as clueless wondermoron.
The jury has returned their verdict and we all know AARP ignores it’s members for it’s political agenda. We all know SEIU and ACORN share offices. SEIU profligately spends union dues (did they get approval) and the SEIU beats up black people who should be “on their side”. ACORN is actively hiding it’s money trail. We all know about the loudmouths at OFA. What about 1825 K Street clueless wondermoron and HA Libtardos? That’s the progressive wing of K Street.
So who are the real astroturf “Brooks Brothers” brigades? Puddy submits SEIU, HCAN, AARP, OFA, AFSCME, and Families USA In their North Korean high step led by David Axelrod.
North Korean high step? You project too much, Puddy. You need to work on that.
Blue Johnspews:
Hey puddy, do you get paid by your corporate masters by the word? Putting in the overtime to pay for your health care?
Welfare could be held responsible for 11 trillion dollars of our debt and its time for that to come to an end. Quit feeding the lazy and they wont need healthcare. Problem solved.
Whatever the filthy bastards you tards elected
come up with for healthcare reform should have to be on the same program as US, nothing special for them.
I have often wondered why so many people in this country fight against their own self-interest so vehemently. Health insurance reform isn’t just about the other person getting access to medical care. It’s about them getting cured before they can infect you with something.
Marvin Stamnspews:
Okay, who let the paid astroturfers into netroot nations?
The moderator agreed. “This is not a town hall meeting like that,” said Baratunde Thurston, of Jack and Jill Politics and The Onion. The crowd got the reference to the boisterous demonstrators at health care town halls. But they didn’t stop. From the back of the room, someone shouted a question about why the private security contractor, Blackwater, was still being paid for work overseas.
Sounds like an angry mob was at the yearlypus convention.
Marvin Stamnspews:
Like I’ve said before, the left does not care about troop deaths. They only used it to bash bush.
Now with a democrat in office, the outrage has disappeared.
You can tell it by the lack of media attention and the left-wingnut blogs no longer posting about it. No longer is the left protesting the war.
Hell, even a poll by a democrat at nutroots nation prove the concern for the troops has almost completely disappeared.
So the concern for the troops was all fake. The slogan “we support the troops, not their mission” has been changed to “troops? what troops.”
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
You project too much, Puddy.
Spoken by Steve the SIM2 of projection!
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Hey Blue John do you actually read congressional bills or swallow the kook-aid as you do from your “partner”?
BTW no overtime. Just decided to read Dingell’s Bill. Interesting stuff especially the know who owns what sections.
Puddy has to hide on this thread because one of his wingnut friends, Mark, is trashing “jigaboos” on the other thread.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Steve, WTF? Puddy ain’t hiding fool. This is the best thread to place Dingell Bill material. You should read it so you can determine if Puddy actually printed the info from the bill or it’s “from right-wing bullshit sites” (usual clueless wondermoron comment).
Sure, Puddy, we all know that “Mr. 50% + 1” would never run away from confronting a right-wing racist.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Golly Steve, after Marvin busted your sorry ASS now you are running from the health care debate to bring this up again. You know your argument is weak cuz the info is direct from the Dingell Bill.
What thread is it Steve that has your pink lace panties twisted around your scrote?
Yep the 50% + 1 still stands.
The goatfucker busted my ass? I must have missed it. Speaking of the goatfucker, he takes a GBS comment about the misleading wingnut perceptions of blacks on welfare and calls GBS a racist. Odd, the goatfucker’s good with Mr. Klynical’s nigger jokes and Mark talking about “jigaboos”. Indeed, there’s no goatfucker outrage to seen anywhere when real deal wingnut racists are doing the race hatin’. Nada. None. As in zero. We all know why, including your pathetic self.
What thread? The thread where you and the goatfucker are both silent about Mark and his problem with “jigaboos”.
I kid you, Puddy. We already know that you’d never confront wingnut racism. You’d need a spine to do that.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@57 Hey puddy-buddy, I’m all for inheriting wealth! Sure beats working for it! Inheritance exemption: $3.5 million. Wage exemption: $3,500. Yep, Congress punishes work by taxing the shit out of wages! I don’t work — the disincentives are too large. I don’t see why anyone works. Working for money makes no sense when we have all this inheritable wealth laying around. Anyone can become a trust fund baby — if your parents aren’t rich ask them to adopt you out to someone who is! In fact, forcing your children to work by not having a large estate to leave to them should be considered a form of child abuse.
Hey puddlehead, got a question for ya, good buddy. What’s wrong with marrying money? If you’re in favor of being born to money, wouldn’t you also be in favor of marrying money? Not everyone is born rich, so marrying someone who is affords an opportunity to those who weren’t to gain an equal footing in life. Why are you against that?
I think it’s wonderful that we live in a country where a man like John Kerry can succeed in life by marrying a shitload of money! Sure beats working! Nobody ever got rich by working for it. In fact, it’s not possible to get rich by working because the taxes on work are too high. The only rich people in America are those with capital gains, inheritances, or who married into wealth. There aren’t any rich working class people in America.
@66: You are an idiot.
The “state hospital association” isn’t run by the state. It’s a private professional organization that is composed of members who are statewide. Same with the other ones you highlighted.
Have you cloned yourself and gone to all the forums around the country? Because the comments at those forums sound like you.
Ahhh poor Steve. Can’t discuss the health care debate above so he enters into deflection mode. Puddy called it on Post#71!
And as far as marrying wealth, I believe John McCain did. Obama didn’t, nor did he inherit it.
But I don’t imagine conservatives let that stop them from voting for McCain.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
So you agree you and your family’s health will be dictated by “a private professional organization that is composed of members who are statewide”. So you agree you and your family’s health will be dictated by state surveyors, agency responsible for senior services, state department of health”. Read the bill. Read what these “state hospital associations” will have to do in the Dingell Bill.
Been drinking da kook-aid Puddy sees flowing from David Axelrod and the astroturfer Brooks Brother suit types.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@61 I think the essential fact the Idiot Right misses in the whole health care debate is that America’s 50 million uninsured aren’t untreated. Just because they don’t have health insurance doesn’t mean they aren’t getting health care. Most of them are — at our expense. And in the most expensive way possible:
— Costly emergency care instead of planned preventive care;
— Costs of treating the uninsured are passed through to paying patients and insurance purchases by providers through higher fees;
— A whole additional layer of unproductive administrative and collection costs is added to the system;
— What doesn’t get passed through to private payers and insurance carriers is picked up by taxpayers.
The current system of treating the uninsured is so costly it’s likely that covering the uninsured could largely be paid for simply by eliminating the inefficiencies the current patchwork-coverage system creates.
But the Idiot Right is too stupid to understand this.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
McCain admits he married into wealth. Never heard that from John Effin Kerry!
“Death Panels” are wingnut bullshit. Happy now, Puddy? And, yeah, I’ve noticed how you wingnut freaks are sticklers for making sure your comments stay within the subject of the original post.
Ahhh, poor Puddy. He can’t deal with the reality of wingnut racism spewed towards his “peeps” so he hides behind the healthcare debate.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Revisionist liar @64: No, it was the screaming rightwing mob that herded us into Iraq and 4,000 American soldiers into body bags.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Pelletizer the number is now 50 million uninsured? You not agreeing with NutsTooTight who claimed 68 million? How about “the messiah” and his 47 million? So many numbers but no real data to prove it.
How many on Medicare Pelletizer?
How many illegal aliens Pelletizer?
How many illegal alien anchor babies Pelletizer?
How many choose not to purchase insurance but can afford it Pelletizer?
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Steve, It’s Darryl who commands the HA Comment Policy Pen.
He allows Pelletizer to pelletize a thread with something out of left field. Then that becomes open season thread for us whom think right.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@72 It appears puddlehead is too stupid to understand the difference between a government official (Cheney) allowing private interests (led by Kenny Lay) to make government policy in secret, and private organizations (SEIU, etc.) holding private meetings to discuss representing their constituents on public issues.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
And one last thing Sarah68, show Puddy all these “forums” and Puddy will show you the Axelrod emails going out of da whitey house.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@97 Ahhh, puddy, none of the uninsured are on Medicare. As far as I know, there aren’t any illegal aliens on Medicare, either, but if there are, they qualified for it by working and paying FICA taxes. And last time I checked, most people without health insurance are either the unemployed who don’t have it because Republicans flushed the economy down the toilet or the working poor who don’t have it because (a) their cheap-labor employers don’t provide it and (b) their wages aren’t high enough for them to afford it and (c) the insurance industry discriminates against individual insurance buyers when setting premium rates.
I’m happy to help, puddlehead, and next time you have questions about health insurance feel free to ask!
Organizing for America? OMG, isn’t that part of Obama for America?
Sure, blame Darryl, Puddy. Better that than you growing a backbone, huh? You know damned well that you’d birth a fucking goat if someone on the left posted a rant about jigaboos. But it’s a wingnut doing so and you haven’t written a single fucking word of condemnation.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@98 So send in a complaint to the webmaster. Are you helpless? Does Steve need to tie your shoelaces for you, too?
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Pelletizer where did Puddy ask about illegals on Medicare? In your oxygen starved mind?
Regarding the uninsured children…
“Medicaid and SCHIP enrollment climbed from 11.2 percent of Americans to 13.0 percent. These increases helped to offset the reductions in employer-based coverage and kept the number of uninsured people from rising faster. Enrollment in these programs did not climb because of eligibility expansions; some states initiated Medicaid or SCHIP eligibility expansions in this period, but others scaled back eligibility. Enrollment in the public programs rose because of the increase since 2001 in the number of people who are poor and the reduction in the number with employer-based health insurance.”
Keep pelletizing in the kook-aid… It’s illegals in the millions and millions numbers bandied about by the Dummocrapts.
Want the link? Contact clueless wondermoron. He has all da PuddyMissives.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Steve, can’t stay on the health care debate?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@105 “Pelletizer where did Puddy ask about illegals on Medicare? In your oxygen starved mind?”
At #97, to wit:
“How many on Medicare Pelletizer?
How many illegal aliens Pelletizer?
I’m always happy to help, puddlehead, and next time you have another “senior moment” feel free to ask for my assistance!
Puddy, can’t confront wingnut racism?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@105 (continued) ““Medicaid and SCHIP enrollment climbed from 11.2 percent of Americans to 13.0 percent. These increases helped to offset the reductions in employer-based coverage …”
Well, well, well … the rising number of uninsured families who depend on gummint health care correlates with employers taking health benefits away from workers — who wudda thunk?!
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Funniest quote of the day from Pelletizer
It appears puddlehead is too stupid to understand the difference between a government official (Cheney) allowing private interests (led by Kenny Lay) to make government policy in secret, and private organizations (SEIU, etc.) holding private meetings to discuss representing their constituents on public issues.
Poor Pelletizer can’t figger out they are basically the same actions. SEIU, HCAN, AARP, OFA, AFSCME, and Families USA are private interests claiming to represent their “constituencies”.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Pootybutt @various et al.: Yes, let’s send the illegals back to Mexico and make you pay full price for your groceries, roof repairs, etc. by paying American wages to American workers! You’ve enjoyed your cheap Mexican labor subsidy long enough.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@110 “Poor Pelletizer can’t figger out they are basically the same actions.”
Poor poodlehead can’t figure out they’re not remotely the same. Poodlehead not only flunked 9th grade civics, they had to create a special grade for him. He’s the only student in the history of his school to get a “G” in a class. Poor poodlehead is dumb as a dog, maybe even dumber!!
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Nice argument deflection Pelletizer, but getting back to your vapid argument of 50 Million, Puddy has shown many of the uninsured children are already covered under Medicare and SCHIP.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Puddy supports paying Americans their fair worth. You are a oxygen starved delusional fool.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@113 Deflection? Uh, no, poodlehead … I was merely responding to your idiotic ravings.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
To show how bad the oxygen deprivation in Pelletizer old mind to wit…
Original question:
Pelletizer the number is now 50 million uninsured?
Follow-up to the original question
– How many on Medicare Pelletizer?
– How many illegal aliens Pelletizer?
Too bad “the wit” and the “to wit” are gone gone gone!
See how simple that was.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@114 Is that why you vote for cheap labor conservatives whose policies are aimed at driving down wages and eliminating benefits to make the rich even richer?
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Yep, the claim of idiotic ravings about Dingell’s bill proves Pelletizer has lost the argument already.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Nope you dope. Cheap labor Dummocrapts aren’t showing anything better.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@116 Maybe an expert psychologist with a Ph.D. from MIT in Repressed Intellect could explain this comment, but I sure as hell can’t figure it out. Poodlehead’s reasoning process is a ball of short threads and loose ends.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Pelletizer Puddy asked four questions about your 50 million number. Maybe asking four questions in a row “to wit” proves you are a moron.
Going to a wedding…
Toodles Pelletizer and HA Libtardos.
Roger Rabbitspews:
It’s time to leave poodlehead to his insanity and go to the next thread.
Marvin Stamnspews:
111. Roger Rabbit spews:
Pootybutt @various et al.: Yes, let’s send the illegals back to Mexico and make you pay full price for your groceries, roof repairs, etc. by paying American wages to American workers! You’ve enjoyed your cheap Mexican labor subsidy long enough.
Yeah, lets send them back.
It looks like your dream of becoming a republican is coming true.
You wanting to send them back is so right-wing.
The rise in the uninsured and those who are needing Medicaid isn’t due to immigrants, illegal or otherwise (and the legal immigrants need health care, also).
It’s due to born-here Americans who have either lost their employer coverage or can’t pay for it.
The number of illegal immigrants has actually gone down due to the decrease of low-wage jobs. The economy has reduced illegal immigration, which I guess conservatives would be happy about, if they admitted it.
And my daughter, being disabled from her birth 45 years ago, is on Medicaid/Medicare, a government combined system. She would not be covered by any of the private insurers under the current system. I’m on Medicare, another government system. They both work quite well. She works part-time and has some of her wages taken out for Medicare. I had money taken out for Medicare for 45 years.
There are only 3 private insurers who sell individual insurance (for individuals who aren’t covered by employers) in my state of Washington. The rates are incredibly high, because they know we’re not a large group and we can’t go anywhere else. The last 10 years I worked, I paid for individual insurance. I paid three times as much as friends who were on employer insurance.
I have a friend who runs an orthopedic practice. There are 9 physicians and 16 office workers. The latter work almost solely on insurance claims because of the multiplicity of insurance companies, each of whom have different forms and different coverage.
And you think government’s inefficient? Ha.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Puddy had to come back and see what a Libtardo wrote.
Ummm Sarah68 you need to read and factcheck again… Puddy asked Pelletizer about his 50 million uninsured number how many are illegals? The US Census admits up to 11 million illegals are part of the 47 million number. DHS estimates 11 million in the 47 million number. So does WikiPedia. To number of illegals going down has been factored in.
Sorry about your daughter. It must be tough on you all these years.
So will you be Sarah69 next year?
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Sarah68 wrote:
The latter work almost solely on insurance claims because of the multiplicity of insurance companies, each of whom have different forms and different coverage.
Did you ask them how much state regulation is involved?
Re: Rabbit v. “poodlehead” (LOLOLOL…I love it)
the poodlehead is soooo out of his league.
he’s getting sliced up so smoothly he doesn’t even know it.
good show Roger…good show. I’d love to see you work against somebody who can actuallt carry an argument.
Poodlehead’s reasoning process is a ball of short threads and loose ends.
Indeed it’s desperate set of tactics to deflect the overwhelming reality that he’s totally full of crap.
With the rate at which our country is devolving, in a few years the problem won’t be Mexicans illegally entering the US to find work. It’ll be the other way around.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Figgered Puddy check the morons while at the wedding and the two dumbest empty suits appeared.
What is rudeASS! reading? Pelletizer proved he can’t read. Puddy wiped his butt all over.
clueless wondermoron continues his stupidity with a different thread.
Two of the dumbest ever. BTW what are they saying?
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Did ya see the public option will be dropped by “the messiah” and his “disciples”
re 131: We wouldn’t need a new Messiah if the old one had done his job. Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition.
Only a moron would ask a stupid question like this:
Pelletizer the number is now 50 million uninsured? You not agreeing with NutsTooTight who claimed 68 million? How about “the messiah” and his 47 million? So many numbers but no real data to prove it.
How many on Medicare Pelletizer?
I already linked to the statistic that 1 out of every three Americans under 65 are uninsured.
That is Americans (as in people how live an work and are citizens of our country), that is under 65 and that included S-chip (that you and the idiot republicans opposed) or there would be even more.
wow – you not only don’t read and don’t learn – you continue to parrot the right wing lies.
Are you deliberately stupid or does someone pay you to ignore the facts?
Puddy does what he likes when he likes.
LOL! Yeah he runs like a frightened little chickenhawk.
Bawk! Bawk! Bawk!
Cowardice, intellectual bankruptcy and compulsion to talk out his ass proved.
Marvin Stamnspews:
125. Puddybud is shocked SHOCKED spews:
So will you be Sarah69 next year?
Parrot right-wing lies? Your candidate “the messiah” used, uses, and continues to use 47 million, moron! Parrot right-wing lies? # illegals? # of children really covered with Medicare? # of peeps who choose not to buy insurance? From where? US Census? DHS? WikiPedia? Hmmm all those places controlled by “the messiah” and his “disciples”. You still can’t refute the truth in numbas!
Puddy opposed SCHIP in it’s high value form of $82,500. Why should Puddy support SCHIP when clueless wondermoron gets a free pass? Otherwise Puddy likes SCHIP. It helps my poor peeps in the inna city. Puddy said the threshold of $82,500 was too high fool! They lower it and more people will support SCHIP. Still creating non-factual pixel postings NutsTooTight!
NutsTooTight, still stupid even on Sunday. Everyone knows your stupidity is not an act, it’s inbred.
Marvin Stamnspews:
Has anybody seen gbs?
I’m worried about him and his anger problem. Is he taking his frustration out on an innocent person.
After he realized he didn’t have “the proof” he disappeared faster than a rabbits foot at a lucky rabbits foot factory.
95. GBS spews:
Marvn Stamn is really just Puddybud everybody.
No need to think otherwise any more. Must admit I had my suspcisons all along, but needed the proof.
Now I have it.
138 – LOL! The coward runs away yet again.
Can’t admit he talked out his ass or swallowed whole bullshit from the Olbermannwatch hate website.
Compulsive right wing idiocy proved.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@130 “Pelletizer proved he can’t read. Puddy wiped his butt all over.”
Wow! The needle on the Wing-O-Matic Stupidity Meter is pointing clear off the scale on this one! I didn’t think it was possible.
Haywood Jablomespews:
Its obvious that the supporters of govt health care do not have a fucking clue of what is actually in any of the bills being proposed – and for that matter, neither does the empty suit sitting in president’s office.
143 – And you do? ZzzzzzzzzzzzzzZZZZZz….
More wingnut b.s….
@139 Hahahah
You are delusional.
You mean the 47 million number that is from the US census and in the site that you cited?
Are you too stupid to look up your own citations?
I also linked to data that showed that since the Bush recession hit and the unemployment has skyrocketed that there are even more people not covered.
Wow, I love it when you go apoplectic with your BS. You stillhave not managed to refute the data that 1 out of every 3 Americans under 65 was lacking health insurance at some time last year.
You sure have the ability to defend unjust policies and greedy insurance companies. But you sure forget about the poor and the uninsured.
Very convenietn to forget about the less fortunate…and claim to have priciples and to be a Christian… I guess you leave your Christian principles at the door when it comes to parroting the right wing line.
Face it…the rest of the “civilized” world guarantees health insurance for their people, we don’t yet we pay more than anybody else….and for what? For overall health that is on par with Slovenia.
That is the current system of haves and have nots that you support. that is the unchristian, backward, for-profit, money grubbing rich insurance executives system that you support.
Not to mention the big Pharma pay more for drugs than anywhere else on the planet system that you also love.
I love it when you go apoplectic with no case….so cute Puddy/Stamn!
Puddy: the excuse maker.
Yeah you supported S-chip…..NOT. There was no 82.5K limit and still isn’t, you are not only uniformed you are gulliblle too.
And you love to call names when you are getting your butt kicked intellectually, as usual.
Try using your brain isntead of parroting the crap you get on the right wing sites…it might help with your “arguments” and get them above the third grade level.
What was your graduate degree by the way…..I don’t remember you mentioning that.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Look at how wondermoron is trying trying trying to claim Puddy running away. Puddy ain’t running away. Puddy chooses who to engage and who to ignore.
Every time this fool is confronted with facts he’s said
“I don’t listen to you”.
“I don’t take orders from you”.
“I don’t take orders from right wing trolls”.
Such is the life of the bottom feeding HA wondermoron. Monomaniacal and chronologically challenged!
I asked you politely to support your bullshit assertion that I point to in 128. I said “Please”.
I even made it easy for you with a link to the transcripts.
You have refused because we both know you can’t support your bullshit. You made shit up. At best you can say you copied the bullshit from another hater.
I win. You lose.
Losing right wing bullshit artist exposed.
Excuse ME! I meant 147…
What was your graduate degree by the way
Pretty obvious. Right wing bullshit.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Stupid Stupid NutsTooTight…
Just because your inherited stupid doesn’t mean you can project it on Puddy. Ask wondermoron, he’s got all the PuddyMissives. Ask wondermoron didn’t Puddy say he supports SCHIP without that high threshold.
Yet NutsTooTight forgets this…
The SCHIP removed the American citizenship requirement that any participant in the SCHIP program provide official documents verifying they are US citizens. Of course NutTooTight wants to pay for this.
Mitch McConnell, Senate minority leader, offered an SCHIP admendment, called the “Kids First Act,” which would have restored the mandatory five-year waiting period for legal immigrants to become eligible to receive SCHIP benefits. The Dummocrapts killed the admendment by a vote of 32 to 65. Of course NutsTooTight loves anchor babies.
Orrin Hatch offered an SCHIP Amendment to give personhood status and SCHIP coverage to all unborn children. The Dummocrapts killed the admendment by a vote of 39 to 59. Of course NutsTooTight loves the unborn.
Does NutsTooTight remember the Graeme Frost Family in 2007? Remember his “radio address”? Here are the vehicles his father and mother drive etc… and they would qualify? It’s for poor peeps NutsTooTight. The Frost family live in a 3,000 sq ft over $250K house, they have three vehicles, Graeme and his siblings attend private schools, parents get rental income from commercial property; and they can afford private insurance. And, NutsTooTight the Frost children qualified for SCHIP back in 2007. This is what Puddy screams fowl to butt you suck the kook-aid tit. What a fool NutsTooTight is!
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
wondermoron, That was your nauseating BULLSHITTIUM you placed here to deflect the conversation on health care. Puddy don’t do your bidding. You can call it what you want yet, when you are caught in the same “dilemma” you STFU and “pout”.
BTW wondermoron, why aren’t you allowing Mrs wondermoron to answer to the SEIU firing of 74 of her fellow union members? Scared what “she” might say wondermoron? You haven’t answered Puddy’s question in #72 yet you continue to whine like a stuck pig over #128? Such is the life of a monomaniacal one.
Your argument was devoid of any facts so you needed to change the topic for another wondermoron “Look at me” moment.
Puddy don’t do dat fool!
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
NutsTooTight, you asked for Puddy’s graduate degree? Puddy mentioned it long ago. Get it from the wondermoron. He has all the PuddyMissives.
NutsTooTight farted
wow, you are not only uniformed you are gulliblle too
You don’t remember facts do you NutsTooTight?
Cowardly moron @ 151
You have some nerve posting Malkin’s ugly lies. Here’s the facts on the Frost Family:
It turns out, however, that not everything about the Frosts’ life pops up on a Google search. While Graeme does attend a private school, he does so on scholarship. Halsey Frost is a self-employed woodworker; he and his wife say they earn between $45,000 and $50,000 a year to provide for their family of six. Their 1936 rowhouse was purchased in 1990 for $55,000. It was vacant and in a run-down neighborhood that has improved since then, in part because of people like themselves who took a chance. It is now assessed at $263,140, though under state law the value of that asset is not taken into account in determining their eligibility for SCHIP. And while they are still uninsured, they claim it is most certainly not by choice. Bonnie Frost says the last time she priced health coverage, she learned it would cost them $1,200 a month.
the SEIU firing of 74 of her fellow union members?
Unions have to cut back like everyone else in these tough times fool. Especially unions – they’re shit on all the time by the rich crowd that yanks your crank.
And the local my wife belongs to allows members to opt out of political giving.
And what is this garbage about SEIU and ACORN? YOU LYING AGAIN?
Everyone can see now what a scared little chickenhawk you are.
You’re making shit up left and right with new paranoid theories that you can’t back up. Lest you be exposed – again – guzzling right wing sewage.
You are evil. You are a FIEND!
LOL! This FIEND loves to attack my wife.
I couldn’t care less. It’s a little odd that I barely mention his wife yet he’s so fixated on mine.
Heh. It’s too weird. That’s why it’s so easy to ignore.
If my wife cared about this website she’d chime in but she just rolls her eyes at the right wing loons here. She’s got other priorities.
So keep up your stupid, impotent, feckless attacks Stupes. You’ll fail at calling her out like you fail at everything else here.
Such a pathetic loon..
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Ahhhh, do they own those three cars wondermoron? They have better cars than Puddy. Do they get money from a commercial property wondermoron? Who’s fault their house is valued the way it is and is counted on SCHIP? Puddy’s? Or how the libtardos in Maryland assess property?
You are still a wondermoron.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Ahhh wondermoron…
Where is the wife in the SEIU argument? You speak for her? Why is that? Chauvinistic pig? They cut the 74 peeps AFTER they spent $85 million of dues for the campaign. Now wasn’t that special for those 74 people. And you excuse it as being on hard times?
And what about the SEIU thugs who beat that black man? What did “mrs” wondermoron think of that or does she get all her info from the SEIU website?
You are still a wondermoron.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Feckless attack on your wife? You bragged she is a card carrying SEIU member. How else did Puddy know wondermoron? You bragged on how you hated your medical insurance. How else did Puddy know wondermoron? Puddy remembers dem facts fool!
Remember this is you…
“I don’t listen to you”.
“I don’t take orders from you”.
“I don’t take orders from right wing trolls”.
You are still a wondermoron.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
BTW wondermoron you threw this up
he and his wife say they earn between $45,000 and $50,000 a year to provide for their family of six.
Who validated their income claim? What happened to the commercial property income? When the Baltimore Sun originally ran the story they asked the Frosts for income verification. The Frosts declined to provide income proof fool. The NY Times called to verify some of the story but left out facts like always. Also wondermoron, the Frosts declined to tell the Baltimore Sun when they started receiving tuition breaks, before or after the accident. No one knows how much they pay for tuition wondermoron due to privacy laws.
One more thing wondermoron. Insurance plans for the Frost family started at $455 a month for a family of six not $1200 per the Baltimore Sun.
But those facts are lost on the wondermoron.
@153: Sure I remember facts…and the facts are that you cite references that contradict what you osay, that you forget to read your own references, that you use references you claim are “liberal” and that you get caught with your pants down in arguments and then try to weasel your way out….
The bottom line is your “facts” come dirrectly from right wing sites (as I have previously shown) and that they are simpley false, wrong or misinterpreted. So your BS has no credibility.
As far as whether you are Stamn…., the jury is still out as I have not seen any definitive evidence either way except for a remarkable similarity in phrasing and time periods posting.
Although, you have been caught using sock puppets before….also a fact that limits your already weak credibility.
As far as your “graduate” degree…..I have not seen evidence of it…but that does not mean it does not exist. However, I seriously question how you could get through a degree of higher learning with the limited ability to learn, recognize facts and make cogent arguments that you possses.
That said, all kinds of people can get some kind of graduate degree these days…. but all graduate degrees are not equal.
Rarely do I find someone with a real graduate degree who argues like a third grader, calls names and can’t even look up his/her own references. In fact, I have never seen it so far.
From fact check:
You and Bush are liars. Period.
Keep lying….it helps to document what a fool you are.
President Bush gave a false description of proposed legislation to expand the 10-year-old federal program to provide health insurance for children in low-income working families.
He said it “would result” in covering children in families with incomes up to $83,000 per year, which isn’t true. The Urban Institute estimated that 70 percent of children who would gain coverage are in families earning half that amount, and the bill contains no requirement for setting income eligibility caps any higher than what’s in the current law. (The compromise bill that was released a few days after Bush’s press conference does rescind an administration effort to block New York state from increasing its eligibility cap to that level.)
He also said the program was “meant to help poor children,” when in fact Congress stated that it was meant to expand insurance coverage beyond the poor and to cover millions of “low-income” children who were well above the poverty line. Under current law most states cover children at twice or even three times the official poverty level.
Let’s see:
If a supposed Christian opposes health care for poor children and health care for the over 47 million uninsured and spreads lies about health care….will that suppposed Christian go to heaven?
I suppose in their warped viewpoint Christ did not care for the poor or the sick but was most concerned about rich insurance executives getting their big bonuses. Yup, that must be it.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Facts and NutsTooTight are diametrically opposed particles.
you use references you claim are “liberal” and that you get caught with your pants down in arguments and then try to weasel your way out….
The bottom line is your “facts” come dirrectly from right wing sites (as I have previously shown) and that they are simpley false, wrong or misinterpreted. So your BS has no credibility.
These are all right wing sites NutsTooTight?
DHS – 11 million aliens – controlled by “the messiah” and his “disciples”
Census – 10.7 million aliens – controlled by “the messiah” and his “disciples”
WikiPedia – 11 million aliens – controlled by left-wing peeps. Puddy uses this to see who edits articles.
Yet used Kaiser instead of Census or DHS. When Puddy pointed this out to NutsTooTight he claimed Census was 2007 and he claimed another site. Butt, “the messiah” still uses 47 million.
And this fool when shown by Lee over a week ago Marvin and Puddy are two different people NutsTooTight continues with
As far as whether you are Stamn…., the jury is still out as I have not seen any definitive evidence either way except for a remarkable similarity in phrasing and time periods posting.
That’s why Puddy calls him NutsTooTight. Some days he tastes his Cowpers Glands. Other days his Prostate. Today it’s both. They are really wound tight.
Regarding my advanced degree, well you could cum to the PuddyDomicile. Butt first you’d need a thorough de-lousing.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Well NutsTooTight looks like the limit is $72,275 not $82,500
Thanks NutsTooTight.
Butt you still haven’t broke down the 47 million into who are who. You run away from that. Puddy opposes the 47 million number NutsTooTight. You know that number is disingenuous yet you and your ilk still use it. So how can a Christian support a lie NutsTooTight?
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Notice NutsTooTight is so caught up on names. And this is from NutsTooTight who calls Cynical – Klynical?
It was your peeps who first started the name calling of Puddy you idiot. Puddy even dug up the names used on Puddy when Puddy first started posting.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Hey NutsTooTight thanks for the article as here is the final word from FactCheck Link: – “So, New York could increase its income eligibility cap to $82,600 for a family of four for at least two years, until late 2010, as long as the state’s plan is approved by HHS. After that, to continue getting funds for children above the 300 percent level, the state would have to meet the federal government’s new guidelines. The president has a point in that the bill allows New York to increase its eligibility cap beyond what his administration was willing to permit.“
So what do we got now from the master idiot of the right wing?
158 – What three cars? Where’d you get that idiocy? Malkin? Steyn? Credible sources. What kind of cars? I’ve seen people with half the income of the Frosts have three cars. One’s on blocks to supply parts for the other two that are barely running. Nice try idiot.
What property? Again what’s the source? Malkin? Gimme a fuckin’ break!
You have nothing on those poor people. Their kid severely injured in an accident and helped by SCHIP. The father and mother works at their own business barely scraping by. They’re not the villains – YOU RIGHT WING FUCKS ARE!!!
You’re still an ugly FIEND!
159 –
Show me the proof that SEIU condoned any kind of attack on anybody! Where’s the link asshole?
I don’t bring up your ugly shit with my wife. She doesn’t know your ugly ass exists and if I can help it she never will.
She tells me what’s going on with the Union and her local and once in a while I bring some of that here – mainly to push back against ugly RIGHT WING BULLSHIT!
Now and always a feckless right wing FIEND!
Shit yes you attack my wife. Keep on fool. I couldn’t care less. Shows you for the fixated insane asswipe you are! Thanks for playing.
You think I care about your wife? When was the last time I said anything about her? I don’t say anything about her because I don’t care about her.
Still and always a moronic, feckless tool and FIEND!
Moron @ 161
You’re still a coward who can’t back up his bullshit lest it expose you as the empty headed tool you are.
You’re still an evil fool who takes cheap shots at another’s wife.
You are and always will be a feckless FIEND!
So Michelle Malkin and that ugly Steyn asshole are more credible than Time and the NY Times. That Steyn moron is Canadian. He doesn’t have to worry about his kid’s health care if the kid gets into an accident. He’s covered. Ungrateful asshole. You’re made for each other.
As far as the Frosts go – they’re entitled to their privacy. They’re entitled to tell you right wing MORONS to GO TO HELL!!
SCHIP is passed and they’re hopefully breathing a little easier.
And FUCK YOU and your $455 a month for a family of six. THAT’S BULLSHIT!
Now and always a pathetic FIEND swallowing lies!
Oh, sure there are private health plans available for $455. They just don’t pay for anything.
Marvin Stamnspews:
163. correctnotright spews:
As far as whether you are Stamn…., the jury is still out as I have not seen any definitive evidence either way
gbs knows I am Puddy. Jump on his truther bandwagon.
95. GBS spews:
Marvn Stamn is really just Puddybud everybody.
No need to think otherwise any more. Must admit I had my suspcisons all along, but needed the proof.
Now I have it.
Ask gbs for his proof. He said he has it. Unless you are afraid to question gbs because of his anger problem.
Oh I almost forgot. This FIEND was so twisted and f’ed up by right wing paranoia and bullshit at one point he asked if my daughter was “turning tricks yet”.
Where the F did that come from? Ooops I answered my own question in the first paragraph: right wing insanity.
This is a fairly serious website; I appreciate Goldy’s take on things (certainly more interesting than Crosscut). However, comments on this blog are disgusting. Yes, freedom of speech is one of the hallmarks of our democractic society, yadayadayada. But you guys (and you definitely sound like guys, especially since you often talk about each others’ wives and accuse each other of making “impotent” comments) are really over the top. It takes you about 2 comments each to start insulting each other like you were on a grammar school playground. Whatever issue Goldy posted about is out the window and its Rabbit vs. Puddy vs. about 7 other guys, a round robin of childish blathering.
Do any of you have anything else to do? I’m 69 and don’t work but I manage to do other things. Are you all my age and this is ALL you do? Somehow I don’t think so; you’re younger and just blowing off work and lying in wait for new comment opportunities. What a life.
Sarah, I apologize.
Yes, it’s truly “guy talk” here, but believe it or not these comment threads truly reflect the hideous state that the right wing has driven this country.
Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Glen Beck, Michael Savage nee Weiner – these are truly insane individuals and if you think those guys are bad you should see their listeners. They come here to and other places like it to project their insanity.
We on the other side just push back and have some fun at their expense.
It’s a distorted mirror of our politics in our country but it’s not too far off the mark in my view.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
All Sarah has to do is google your name and HorsesAss to see you are the absolute worst potty-mouth!
Say, Mr. Klynical, how about you elevating the HA discourse again with one of your racist jokes?
5. Mr. Cynical spews:
Barack Obama got out of the shower and was drying off
when he looked in the mirror and noticed he was white from the neck up to
the top of his head.
In sheer panic and fearing he was turning white and might have to start
working for a living, he called his doctor and told him of his problem.
The doctor advised him to come to his office immediately. After an
examination, the doctor mixed a concoction of brown liquid, gave it to
Barack, and told him to drink it all.
Barack drank the concoction and replied, ‘That tasted like bullshit!’
The doctor replied, ‘It was, you were a quart low.’
07/08/2009 at 9:11 pm
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Kommodore & Kountry Klubber steve..
Obama is full of sh@t…even his fellow Democrats believe it now!
And Obama never had a real job in his life.
He is now T-O-A-S-T!!
One term wonder….blew all his capital in 7 months.
Poor steve–never posts anything of substance.
Cuz he is ADD…also a fantasizer.
Steve makes up a black friend..then for sympathy has his imaginary black friend die.
Sick steve-o, sick.
Is that all you’ve got left? Making up weak shit? Pathetic. Even for a goatfucker like yourself.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Show me the proof that SEIU condoned any kind of attack on anybody! Where’s the link asshole?
Irrelevant to the discussion. Who claimed condoned? Your femtometer mind!
Shit yes you attack my wife.
Irrelevant to SEIU discussion. Puddy only axks where is Mrs wondermoron on the SEIU issues. Puddy could care less about her for anything else fool. Another deflection.
You’re still an evil fool who takes cheap shots at another’s wife.
Irrelevant to post #161. You are the biggest whiner here. Cynical NAILED you as the worst of the potty mouths.
They’re entitled to tell you right wing MORONS to GO TO HELL!!
It was the Baltimore Sun moron. Now who did they endorse in 2008?
What a moron
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
When Puddybud first arrived here, Puddy was really civil. GBS said Puddy was civil. You can ask him. YLB who Puddy calls clueless wondermoron and others started calling Puddybud buttputty, buttpuddy pudpacker, buttwipe, pudpuller, etc. So Puddydub returned the favor. Puddy has unique names for many of the leftist libtardos here.
So Sarah68, once again Puddy wishes the best for your daughter and hopes someday something can be done to remedy her situation. Butt, did you notice Sarah68? Did the wondermoron show compassion for your daughter? Did the wondermoron remember your daughter’s situation? How come only Puddy remembers? Well Sarah68, HA libtardos have 24 memory disease. After 24 hours they forget almost all they recently read.
thought….there is no fundemental right to health insurance
There is no right to profit from something that causes harm to others. If your actions aren’t causing harm to others, why shouldn’t you be able to profit from them?
Half of all bankruptcies in the US are from medical debit. You can’t keep a job if you’re sick, you can’t learn if you’re sick. The argument could be made (I’m not making it, not sure if I agree with it) that your right to be ‘safe and secure in your person’ includes access to healthcare.
Oh boy how I appreciate Rick Pearlstein. He quips:
“In America, Crazy is a pre-existing condition.”
Well, there’s nothing wrong with making a profit if you’re doing so by delivering something of commensurate value.
I just read a posting on another blog whose author went to some length to describe his horror at the prospect of health care being “held hostage to some giant government bureaucracy”. He was, of course, disregarding the fact (and it truly is a fact) that there’s already a giant bureaucracy governing every aspect of medical care in this country–run by the insurance industry. Further, its charter makes its highest priority–in fact, practically its only one–that of “delivering value to the shareholders”. Not healing the sick or fixing the injured, but rather taking in lots of money and paying out as little of it as possible.
If you view this purely as a shareholder, this is fine–in fact, you’d be angry if it was any different. On the other hand, from the point of view of a patient or a ratepayer, it sucks.
Medicaid, Medicare, Tricare & the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program make the federal government the largest provider of heath Ins. in the nation.
The Govmnt.’ as provider of heath Ins. is nothing new or shocking.
There are plenty of reasons to be worried about Obama-care without making shit up out of thin air.
@6: You forgot the VA.
I think Goldy was attempting to counter the insurance companies’ whines that a public option might hinder their competitiveness. What they mean, of course, is that they might get less profits, profits they apparently believe are implicitly guaranteed in the Constitution.
The idea that someone or some organization makes a profit through denying someone health care is obscene. And make no mistake: in America’s healthcare system AS IT IS NOW, if you can’t pay for an operation or a drug through insurance, you don’t get that operation or drug because the costs are impossible to bear unless you are hideously wealthy.
We will get nowhere unless we control costs, which means reining in the profit motive, just as every developed (and most less-developed) countries have done except America. Cutting benefits does not control costs; it just means that more people die.
I’d love to hear from Libertarians and Republicans who thought the current system was great until they lost their job and their health insurance. How’s the system now, guys?
Someone else makes a profit by denying you a place to live which was caused by someone else making a profit by shipping your job overseas and thereby causing you not to be able to pay your mortgage or rent. Unless you are arguing that we should do away with profit in general, I don’t see how you can make the argument that profit is immoral in only certain cases.
Profit-making on necessary commodities (health, food, housing) can be controlled. It needn’t be done away with. It’s worked in other countries.
40 years ago, the difference between a CEO’s pay and the average worker was about 50. Now it’s up in the 500s. We’ve been going the wrong way. Coming back to some regulation of greed would be advisable, and possible, if people weren’t horrified at the idea of regulating greed. I realize that’s a big “if” in America.
Actually, in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which the US has ratified, we find that there IS a fundamental right to medical care and treatment:
That doesn’t mean “everyone gets to go to the emergency room.” It implies a mutual and universal social obligation. It looks like now, finally, after 60 years, we’re achieving it. And we won’t let the fearful, the ignorant, and the Republicans stop us.
Goldy – Nice zinger – fucking brilliant! It should be repeated often along side Larsen’s zinger, ” I have the facts on my side… you have Glenn Beck on yours.”
So I guess we have no right to privacy since its not explictly stated in the constitution.
The US is a world leader not some third world nation we have a duty to provide basic needs to our citizesn and that includes health care.
There is also no fundamental right to welfare, DSHS housing, food stamps, or other forms of gov’t cheese mooching.
#5, therefore a better question might be why Congress and the various states allow Health Insurance Companies to be for-profit businesses, thus requiring that they care more about profits than people. I own stock in companies, and I expect those companies to make a profit so I can get a return on my investment in the form of dividends. But I also expect the market to keep certain things out of reach of that kind of motivation. I want health insurance companies to be more concerned with the health of their customers than their return to shareholders. Since that’s not the case, I expect my government to take those toys away from those boys.
Here’s another thought. I gladly pay for my father’s health insurance through Medicare. Why won’t Congress allow me to pay for my own health insurance through the same system?
I have nothing against profits or return on investment. However if you see very high profit margins or margins rising at a steady pace every year you are probably witnessing some form of rent-seeking.
If health insurance were truly a competitive market intense competition would keep insurance company profits fairly low. Similarly if medical services were a competitive market competition would keep doctor, clinic, hospital, and lab fees down.
because the profiteers from the so called insurance industry have bought congress and fooled the people.
the industry produces nothing except political donations, lies, and scams, to preserve its corrupt profits from its lies and scams in telling people they are “insured”.
As per wiki the decl. of human rights does not create legal rights, only aspirations.
“Even though not formally legally binding, the Declaration has been adopted in or influenced most national constitutions since 1948. It also serves as the foundation for a growing number of international treaties and national laws and international, regional, national and sub-national institutions protecting and promoting human rights.
[edit] Legal effect
While not a treaty itself, the Declaration was explicitly adopted for the purpose of defining the meaning of the words “fundamental freedoms” and “human rights” appearing in the United Nations Charter, which is binding on all member states. For this reason, the Universal Declaration is a fundamental constitutive document of the United Nations. Many[citation needed] international lawyers, in addition, believe that the Declaration forms part of customary international law and is a powerful tool in applying diplomatic and moral pressure to governments that violate any of its articles. ”
Diplomatic and moral pressure = not a legal obligation.
Many believe x = many believe y, too.
If the legal force comes from customary international law you have to look at each legal clause and see if it meets the test for being part of customary international law.
There is no fundamental right to profit from spewing your opinion on the internet.
Yanno…the insurance companies and their sock puppets are against a goverment-run “public option” for health coverage, because they think it would be unfair competition against them…then with hardly a breath they turn around and claim the government can’t do anything efficiently.
Anyone else see anything wrong with this reasoning?
@15 Nor to war profiteering, government-sanctioned monopolies or banks being “too big to fail”.
I hope all of you are writing your Congressional electeds about your feelings, since they’ll be making a decision next month. All of you, that is, except those who are cro-magnon free-marketeers.
Isn’t America great!
Ah, Marvin Stamn,
You’re sure to be first on the Obama Enema List.
20 watcher
So you think that human rights are enumerated by international agreements? You seem to be saying that if international law does not recognize a right that it does not exist. Funny, but I would think that you’d be on the other side of this one. What’s up? Do you think that human rights are granted by governments?
What’s the matter, can’t speak for youself? Make your own argument, lame one.
20 watcher
Does not follow.
There’s a wonderful place called North Korea that believes all the wonderful things you do. Please move there.
For instance, statements like “unless you are hideously wealthy” betray your feeling about those who through hard work and discipline have done well. One like “Profit-making on necessary commodities (health, food, housing) can be controlled” shows your disdain for private property and the rights of those who own it. And your gem, “All of you, that is, except those who are cro-magnon free-marketeers”, who of course have no valid voice in their own country. You really liked that copy of Das Kapital didn’t you?
a couple questions.
Are the people using the government health program paying for it or will it be funded, for the most part, by other people.
Will the private insurance companies also be allowed to collect payments from people not even buying their insurance?
The government doesn’t need to be efficient, if they lose money they make up for it with tax money. No talk of the post office going out of business and they lost @1.5 billion dollars in the first 3 months of the year.
Besides, the government has the power to change the rules (laws) at any time they want.
When the government handed out free cheese, did the people get to choose what type of cheese or was it a one type cheese fits all.
As for Daddy Love,
Absolutely you have a right to health care- that you can pay for.
You leftists are the ones who pushed employer based health insurance. Don’t like the results? All you have to do is admit that unions are basically thug extortionists trying to ruin this country and start over. But leave the incompetent boobs in government out of my doctors office, thanks very much.
Leave the incompetent boobs in the insurance companies out of my doctors office, thank you very much.
People that ask the question “how are we going to pay for it” are full of crap. What, do they think we get health care/insurance for free right now?
We pay twice as much for health care as any other civilized nation and we get terrible coverage in return.
Tell the truth, were you born with a silver spoon up your ass like many other well to do people? Or did you marry into your money?
Did GW Bush earn his money “through hard work and discipline have done well.” He is a trust fund baby just like many millionaires.
And why is it that people who actually work for a living are taxed at a way higher rate than people who earn their money from sitting on their butt collecting interest and dividends?
No business has a right to a profit. Under our capitalist system, anyone has the right to set up a business that complies with all applicable laws and regulations and to compete in the market with the hope of making a profit.
Thought: Jetliners are such complex products that government should regulate their design and construction for the physical safety of consumers who fly on them.
Another thought: Health insurance policies are such complex products that government should regulate them for the financial protection of consumers who rely on them.
Do health insurance companies produce even one single thing of intrinsic value? Or are they a leech on society?
@5 As a matter of fact, CEOs and boards of directors owe a legally enforceable fiduciary duty to their shareholders to run private companies for one purpose only: To make as much profit for the shareholders as possible. And they can be sued if they fail to do this.
What anti-government ignoramuses don’t understand is that private enterprise and government have different — and complementary — roles in society. The job of businesses is to advance shareholder interests, and the job of government is to protect the public interest. We need both, and neither can satisfy all of society’s needs without the other.
I wonder how many of our wingnut friends would be willing to risk their lives by flying on an airplane built by an unregulated manufacturer and flown by unlicensed pilots in unregulated airspace?
We could, of course, opt for a system of no government regulation of health insurers and an unrestricted right of policyholders to sue insurance companies for unlimited compensatory and punitive damages when medical claims are denied. That should satisfy those who don’t want in government involvement in health insurance; and, as a lawyer, I kind of like this idea.
Whoever you are, I worked hard for what I have, and continue to do so. My father was a carpenter, thank God not a union one, and my mother a homemaker. I’ve worked hard manual jobs while studying so that I could do better. I worked my way up through my company. Liberals should try this instead of whining.
Regarding health insurance, if I insure my car for regular cleaning, oil changes, recharge of the air conditioning and the like how much do you think my insurance might cost? Pretty steep, I would imagine, as the acutarial certainty of payout is written into the contract.
One solution no-one seems to want to talk about is limiting health insurance to catastrophic care. Above a certain dollar value of care you’re insured, below it would come out of pocket. Some doctors have tried flat fee structures for cash paying customers. They provided routine preventive medical care at a given office rate. This cost the patient much less than insurance premiums, and saved the doctor the high expense of billing insurance providers. The patient could purchase insurance to cover major medical. What happened? Our enlightened state shut them down as providing insurance without a license.
You people don’t want reform. You don’t want to fix the system. You want government to control the system and everything else in your lives. Fine. Go somewhere that this philosophy is desired. This is America, not the Soviet Union, where your stupid policies worked so well!
Demented Bunny, government does have a very limited role envisioned by the framers of our Constitution. These men would have despised your type and started another revolution if they saw the state of things today.
@43 “Demented Bunny, government does have a very limited role envisioned by the framers of our Constitution. These men would have despised your type and started another revolution if they saw the state of things today.”
How do you figure that? All I do is use my persuasive skills to convince a jury that the defendant screwed my client, and my client is entitled to the BIGGEST FUCKING VERDICT I CAN TALK THE JURY INTO GIVING HIM and of course I get 40% of the take.
What’s wrong with that? You don’t want government interference with my client’s freedom to sue, do you? That would be inconsistent with your ideology.
I think I should be allowed to use my God-given gift of gab to get as much money out of deep-pocketed defendants as a jury will go along with. That’s called “freedom” and I’m for it. I don’t think jury verdicts should be regulated. I don’t want Big Government in the courtroom!
I don’t care that you’re an attorney silly rabbit. I’m talking about big tax-big government progressives.
Bar associations used to have mandatory fee schedules that all lawyers had to charge, but the Supreme Court ruled that was illegal price-fixing, so we raised our prices.
I think kids who turn out to be failures should be allowed to sue their parents for parenting malpractice.
I think everyone who voted for Bush should be held personally liable for the economic losses suffered by victims of this recession. We should be able to sue Republican voters for voting misfeasance.
Remember that next time you vote!
@46 Let me ask you this: If you don’t think government should protect the public interest, then who should? Trial lawyers? Who?
I don’t invest in companies that give all their profits to the executives. The stock of those companies is worthless.
I’m assuming that everyone who considers themselves a red-blooded, patriotic conservative will refuse to use Medicare once they reach 65. I also assume that if they lose their job and lose their health insurance and can’t pay for insurance premiums and are certifiably poor (although they think of poor people as slackers), they will refuse Medicaid. Because both Medicare and Medicaid are government programs and have been for a long, long time.
And they will just sicken and die without medical care, like all good patriots, because they would NOT go to a charity hospital because they HAVEN’T paid for the care and it wouldn’t be RIGHT!
Once again clueless wondermoron@4: drinks the left wing kook-aid.
Who again passed the CRA fool? Dummocrapts?
Marvin, excellent question
Reminds Puddy of the $85 Million of SEIU union collected from people not buying their presidential position. $85 Million of SEIU union collected dues wasted on the 2008 presidential erection and the 74 union peeps were fired due to lack of “money”. How many SEIU union members disagreed with that profligate waste of union dues but had no voice? Still waiting for Mrs clueless wondermoron to explain dat about “her union”. Butt as we all know “mrs” clueless wondermoron isn’t allowed to read or respond. If “she” did, she’d know how utterly moronic her “husband” is.
54 – RP got you nailed fool.
Next time you get health insurance from your favorite right wing company whose execs are getting filthy rich from screwing beneficiaries who get sick – they’re just not going to cover your pre-existing mental illness.
Sorry fool thems the breaks of the free market – your meds have to be paid out of pocket and ouch how those big Pharma meds cost!
CC Bud Headless Loocy farts
Well at least he didn’t marry into it like John Effin Kerry, the vietnam war veteran. And what is wrong with inheriting wealth? Jealous you were born to the “wrong” parents?
Delusional and moronic as always. You fergit who is monomaniacal and chronologically challenged here.
so roger, you were a “shyster” lawyer? that explains a lot of things.
re 15: The government buys the cheese to subsidize cheesemankers. You seem OK with the welfare for the cheesemakers, but against giving the cheese to the hungry.
@32 Actually, Marv, you’re asking five questions, but here goes…
“Are the people using the government health program paying for it or will it be funded, for the most part, by other people.”
If you get leukemia and have to have a quarter million dollar bone marrow transplant, does the money just come from the premiums you’ve paid? If you never get sick or hurt, are you pissed because you can’t get your premiums back?
Insurance (if it works) is actually a little (horrors!) socialistic. It’s a group of people pooling their resources and sharing risk. The insurance company simply acts as an intelligent arbiter of the process, and derves reasonable renumeration for providing that service.
“Will the private insurance companies also be allowed to collect payments from people not even buying their insurance?”
In a way, yes. Both sides in the real discussion of health care policy agree that it’s essential to break the connection between health insurance and employment, and that the only practical way to do that is likely to entail significant taxpayer subsidies.
Does it matter? The way our present system works, or the way any other one is likely to, anyone who never needs a dime’s worth of non-preventive treatment is considered fortunate, however the money’s handled.
“The government doesn’t need to be efficient”
…and the insurance industry thinks it does. The problem is that it defines “efficiency” as collecting the largest possible amount in premiums, shelling out the least possible part of that for care, paying its “worker bees” as little as they’ll sit still for, and retaining the greatest “value to the shareholders”, which is conservative-think for “profit”. That’s a pretty shitty way to run things, if you’re the poor sap who needs care.
“Besides, the government has the power to change the rules”
So do the insurance companies…and their ability to bribe–er, I mean lobby, our friends on Capitol Hill gives them a lot of influence over the way laws are passed and enforced.
“When the government handed out free cheese, did the people get to choose what type of cheese”
Uhhh…that’s a pretty loose analogy, and there hasn’t been much if any “government cheese” handed out for years, but let’s go with it.
There’s “American cheese” health care services, and if you want aged brie, you’re welcome to it, but you’ll have to pay extra. That’s the way it works in Canada, by the way–you knew that, didn’t you? It was more or less the way it worked here, until the pressure to seek short-term profit above all else spread like cancer through the financial industry–including health insurers. Now, the definition of “American cheese” version of health services has been ground down to something like, “You or your employer give us a bunch of money, and we’ll let a doctor smile at you for 30 seconds, once or twice a year.”
Does that about cover it? It’s late and I’m tired of typing.
re 57: Passing some money on down is OK. But it’s not a constitutional right to tie up all that money for generations so a monied oligarchy develops.
You end up with a special ed. student as president and his evil, yet incompetent, sidekick as VP.
You know, none of those screaming healthbaggers votes for or against any bill in congress. The congressman do.
A lot of politicians will use the retardo-protesters as cover for voting in favor of the insurance companies.
If the same screambaggers were suddenly blinded with a relevant thought (like unneccessary wars enrich defense contractors and needlessly kill soldiers), and started screaming against war, the same politicians would serenely dismiss the protesters concerns and vote in favor of the defense contractors.
well, it was aipac that headed us to war with iraq. so blame them
Maybe some leftwing HA Libtardo whack job can explain this
“The Secretary [Sebelius] shall limit the requirement for explanations under clause (i) to consultations furnished in a State — (I) in which all legal barriers have been addressed for enabling orders for life sustaining treatment to constitute a set of medical orders respected across all care settings” – Dingell Bill – “the messiah” claimed he didn’t know about and was unfamiliar with this section in the Dingell Bill.
Butt it’s the bidding of “the messiah” to “overhaul” health care and he doesn’t know this section is in the bill?
Or how about this section in the Dingell Bill
A program for orders for life sustaining treatment for a States described in this clause is a program that—‘‘(I) ensures such orders are standardized and uniquely identifiable throughout the State; ‘‘(II) distributes or makes accessible such orders to physicians and other health professionals that (acting within the scope of the professional’s authority under State law) may sign orders for life sustaining treatment; ‘‘(III) provides training for health care professionals across the continuum of care about the goals and use of orders for life sustaining treatment; and ‘‘(IV) is guided by a coalition of stake holders includes representatives from emergency medical services, emergency department physicians or nurses, state long-term care association, state medical association, state surveyors, agency responsible for senior services, state department of health, state hospital association, home health association, state bar association, and state hospice association. PuddyEmphasis.
Holy Cow Batman – there’s a lot of “state” in this bill. Puddy thought one of the big reasons peeps can’t buy affordable medical insurance is due to all the individual state regulations already in place. Oh that’s just another “anecdote”.
Often overlooked, however, is the fact that government policy, particularly excessive regulatory intervention, may price many Americans out of coverage and thus contribute to the high numbers of uninsured.
And now the Dingell Bill has all those state references…Hmmm…?
Yet when a person whom thinks right actually reads the bill, provides the evidence from various pages in the bill we’re attacked and ridiculed becuz we’re supposed to accept on face value something repeated by a HA Libtardo from a Dummocraptic talking point from or from “the messiah” who admitted he didn’t know about certain bill provisions people are up in arms about?
Puddy still waiting for the discussion on the small business effects of these three house proposals. BTW Puddy provided the link from Ask clueless wondermoron for that link, he has all the PuddyMissives.
Here is a 2004 report from the CATO Institute. Of course clueless wondermoron will have something pithy to say about the CATO Institute. After all he’s the official monomaniacal mouthpiece of what’s biased here on HA Libtardo ASSes.
Holy Cow Batman another strange section in the Dingell Bill
The level of treatment indicated under subparagraph (A)(ii) may range from an indication for full treatment to an indication to limit some or all or specified interventions. Such indicated levels of treatment may include indications respecting, among other items — ‘‘(i) the intensity of medical intervention if the patient is pulse less, apneic, or has serious cardiac or pulmonary problems; ‘‘(ii) the individual’s desire regarding transfer to a hospital or remaining at the current care setting; ‘‘(iii) the use of antibiotics; and ‘‘(iv) the use of artificially administered nutrition and hydration.’’.
Of course these limitations are only “proposals” right HA Libtardos?
To you doctors in the audience here’s one for you…
(d) PHYSICIANS.— (1) STUDY. — The Secretary of Health and Human Services shall conduct a study to determine how the readmissions policy described in the previous subsections could be applied to physicians. (2) CONSIDERATIONS. — In conducting the study, the Secretary shall consider approaches such as — (A) creating a new code (or codes) and payment amount (or amounts) under the fee schedule in section 1848 of the Social Security Act (in a budget neutral manner) for services furnished by an appropriate physician who sees an individual within the first week after discharge from a hospital or critical access hospital; (B) developing measures of rates of readmission for individuals treated by physicians; (C) applying a payment reduction for physicians who treat the patient during the initial admission that results in a readmission; and (D) methods for attributing payments or payment reductions to the appropriate physician or physicians. PuddyEmphasis
Golly you better get it right the first time Doc! Even if there is another condition not seen until the first is identified and treated? Looks like some livelihoods will be “affected” if this Dingell Bill goes into “effect”.
Watch for NutsTooTight, clueless wondermoron, Steve, rudeASS!, or ProudAndAnASS to make a pithy comment from Dingell Bill sections identified by Puddy.
It’s amazing how the HA Libtardos were up in arms over the “energy” meeting by Dick Cheney. Now we see S I L E N C E over the health care policies being directed by these “groups” SEIU, HCAN, AARP, OFA, AFSCME, and Families USA. We already saw how SEIU laid off 74 peeps with their $85 Million spent on “the messiah” last November. Yet Mrs clueless wondermoron hasn’t voiced an opinion on this layoff. Maybe clueless wondermoron doesn’t allow his “wife” to voice an opinion. Or maybe Mrs clueless wondermoron is as clueless as clueless wondermoron.
The jury has returned their verdict and we all know AARP ignores it’s members for it’s political agenda. We all know SEIU and ACORN share offices. SEIU profligately spends union dues (did they get approval) and the SEIU beats up black people who should be “on their side”. ACORN is actively hiding it’s money trail. We all know about the loudmouths at OFA. What about 1825 K Street clueless wondermoron and HA Libtardos? That’s the progressive wing of K Street.
So who are the real astroturf “Brooks Brothers” brigades? Puddy submits SEIU, HCAN, AARP, OFA, AFSCME, and Families USA In their North Korean high step led by David Axelrod.
North Korean high step? You project too much, Puddy. You need to work on that.
Hey puddy, do you get paid by your corporate masters by the word? Putting in the overtime to pay for your health care?
Welfare could be held responsible for 11 trillion dollars of our debt and its time for that to come to an end. Quit feeding the lazy and they wont need healthcare. Problem solved.
Whatever the filthy bastards you tards elected
come up with for healthcare reform should have to be on the same program as US, nothing special for them.
I have often wondered why so many people in this country fight against their own self-interest so vehemently. Health insurance reform isn’t just about the other person getting access to medical care. It’s about them getting cured before they can infect you with something.
Okay, who let the paid astroturfers into netroot nations?
Valarie Jarrett Heckled And Hissed At Netroots Nation
More shouts and protests followed. “I can’t hear you,” Jarrett said. “You know what you’ve got to do? You’ve got to figure out a way to get your question on here [pointing to the computer on stage that was receiving emails from questioners]. We are not going to have shout outs from the audience.”
The moderator agreed. “This is not a town hall meeting like that,” said Baratunde Thurston, of Jack and Jill Politics and The Onion. The crowd got the reference to the boisterous demonstrators at health care town halls. But they didn’t stop. From the back of the room, someone shouted a question about why the private security contractor, Blackwater, was still being paid for work overseas.
Sounds like an angry mob was at the yearlypus convention.
Like I’ve said before, the left does not care about troop deaths. They only used it to bash bush.
Now with a democrat in office, the outrage has disappeared.
You can tell it by the lack of media attention and the left-wingnut blogs no longer posting about it. No longer is the left protesting the war.
Hell, even a poll by a democrat at nutroots nation prove the concern for the troops has almost completely disappeared.
The netroots agenda: War? What war?
Tied for eighth place, named by just eight percent of respondents, was “working to end our military involvement in Iraq and Afghanistan.”
Then Greenberg asked which one of those issues “do you, personally, spend the most time advancing currently?”… In 11th place — at the very bottom of the list — was “working to end our military involvement in Iraq and Afghanistan.”
So the concern for the troops was all fake. The slogan “we support the troops, not their mission” has been changed to “troops? what troops.”
Spoken by Steve the SIM2 of projection!
Hey Blue John do you actually read congressional bills or swallow the kook-aid as you do from your “partner”?
BTW no overtime. Just decided to read Dingell’s Bill. Interesting stuff especially the know who owns what sections.
Puddy has to hide on this thread because one of his wingnut friends, Mark, is trashing “jigaboos” on the other thread.
Steve, WTF? Puddy ain’t hiding fool. This is the best thread to place Dingell Bill material. You should read it so you can determine if Puddy actually printed the info from the bill or it’s “from right-wing bullshit sites” (usual clueless wondermoron comment).
Sure, Puddy, we all know that “Mr. 50% + 1” would never run away from confronting a right-wing racist.
Golly Steve, after Marvin busted your sorry ASS now you are running from the health care debate to bring this up again. You know your argument is weak cuz the info is direct from the Dingell Bill.
What thread is it Steve that has your pink lace panties twisted around your scrote?
Yep the 50% + 1 still stands.
The goatfucker busted my ass? I must have missed it. Speaking of the goatfucker, he takes a GBS comment about the misleading wingnut perceptions of blacks on welfare and calls GBS a racist. Odd, the goatfucker’s good with Mr. Klynical’s nigger jokes and Mark talking about “jigaboos”. Indeed, there’s no goatfucker outrage to seen anywhere when real deal wingnut racists are doing the race hatin’. Nada. None. As in zero. We all know why, including your pathetic self.
What thread? The thread where you and the goatfucker are both silent about Mark and his problem with “jigaboos”.
I kid you, Puddy. We already know that you’d never confront wingnut racism. You’d need a spine to do that.
@57 Hey puddy-buddy, I’m all for inheriting wealth! Sure beats working for it! Inheritance exemption: $3.5 million. Wage exemption: $3,500. Yep, Congress punishes work by taxing the shit out of wages! I don’t work — the disincentives are too large. I don’t see why anyone works. Working for money makes no sense when we have all this inheritable wealth laying around. Anyone can become a trust fund baby — if your parents aren’t rich ask them to adopt you out to someone who is! In fact, forcing your children to work by not having a large estate to leave to them should be considered a form of child abuse.
Hey puddlehead, got a question for ya, good buddy. What’s wrong with marrying money? If you’re in favor of being born to money, wouldn’t you also be in favor of marrying money? Not everyone is born rich, so marrying someone who is affords an opportunity to those who weren’t to gain an equal footing in life. Why are you against that?
I think it’s wonderful that we live in a country where a man like John Kerry can succeed in life by marrying a shitload of money! Sure beats working! Nobody ever got rich by working for it. In fact, it’s not possible to get rich by working because the taxes on work are too high. The only rich people in America are those with capital gains, inheritances, or who married into wealth. There aren’t any rich working class people in America.
@66: You are an idiot.
The “state hospital association” isn’t run by the state. It’s a private professional organization that is composed of members who are statewide. Same with the other ones you highlighted.
Have you cloned yourself and gone to all the forums around the country? Because the comments at those forums sound like you.
Ahhh poor Steve. Can’t discuss the health care debate above so he enters into deflection mode. Puddy called it on Post#71!
And as far as marrying wealth, I believe John McCain did. Obama didn’t, nor did he inherit it.
But I don’t imagine conservatives let that stop them from voting for McCain.
So you agree you and your family’s health will be dictated by “a private professional organization that is composed of members who are statewide”. So you agree you and your family’s health will be dictated by state surveyors, agency responsible for senior services, state department of health”. Read the bill. Read what these “state hospital associations” will have to do in the Dingell Bill.
Been drinking da kook-aid Puddy sees flowing from David Axelrod and the astroturfer Brooks Brother suit types.
@61 I think the essential fact the Idiot Right misses in the whole health care debate is that America’s 50 million uninsured aren’t untreated. Just because they don’t have health insurance doesn’t mean they aren’t getting health care. Most of them are — at our expense. And in the most expensive way possible:
— Costly emergency care instead of planned preventive care;
— Costs of treating the uninsured are passed through to paying patients and insurance purchases by providers through higher fees;
— A whole additional layer of unproductive administrative and collection costs is added to the system;
— What doesn’t get passed through to private payers and insurance carriers is picked up by taxpayers.
The current system of treating the uninsured is so costly it’s likely that covering the uninsured could largely be paid for simply by eliminating the inefficiencies the current patchwork-coverage system creates.
But the Idiot Right is too stupid to understand this.
McCain admits he married into wealth. Never heard that from John Effin Kerry!
“Death Panels” are wingnut bullshit. Happy now, Puddy? And, yeah, I’ve noticed how you wingnut freaks are sticklers for making sure your comments stay within the subject of the original post.
Ahhh, poor Puddy. He can’t deal with the reality of wingnut racism spewed towards his “peeps” so he hides behind the healthcare debate.
Revisionist liar @64: No, it was the screaming rightwing mob that herded us into Iraq and 4,000 American soldiers into body bags.
Pelletizer the number is now 50 million uninsured? You not agreeing with NutsTooTight who claimed 68 million? How about “the messiah” and his 47 million? So many numbers but no real data to prove it.
How many on Medicare Pelletizer?
How many illegal aliens Pelletizer?
How many illegal alien anchor babies Pelletizer?
How many choose not to purchase insurance but can afford it Pelletizer?
Steve, It’s Darryl who commands the HA Comment Policy Pen.
He allows Pelletizer to pelletize a thread with something out of left field. Then that becomes open season thread for us whom think right.
@72 It appears puddlehead is too stupid to understand the difference between a government official (Cheney) allowing private interests (led by Kenny Lay) to make government policy in secret, and private organizations (SEIU, etc.) holding private meetings to discuss representing their constituents on public issues.
And one last thing Sarah68, show Puddy all these “forums” and Puddy will show you the Axelrod emails going out of da whitey house.
@97 Ahhh, puddy, none of the uninsured are on Medicare. As far as I know, there aren’t any illegal aliens on Medicare, either, but if there are, they qualified for it by working and paying FICA taxes. And last time I checked, most people without health insurance are either the unemployed who don’t have it because Republicans flushed the economy down the toilet or the working poor who don’t have it because (a) their cheap-labor employers don’t provide it and (b) their wages aren’t high enough for them to afford it and (c) the insurance industry discriminates against individual insurance buyers when setting premium rates.
I’m happy to help, puddlehead, and next time you have questions about health insurance feel free to ask!
From the NY Times:
“Mr. Obama engendered such passion last year that his allies believed they were on the verge of creating a movement that could be mobilized again. But if a week’s worth of events are any measure here in Iowa, it may not be so easy to reignite the machine that overwhelmed Republicans a year ago.
More than a dozen campaign volunteers, precinct captains and team leaders from all corners of Iowa, who dedicated a large share of their time in 2007 and 2008 to Mr. Obama, said in interviews this week that they supported the president completely but were taking a break from politics and were not active members of Organizing for America.”
Organizing for America? OMG, isn’t that part of Obama for America?
Sure, blame Darryl, Puddy. Better that than you growing a backbone, huh? You know damned well that you’d birth a fucking goat if someone on the left posted a rant about jigaboos. But it’s a wingnut doing so and you haven’t written a single fucking word of condemnation.
@98 So send in a complaint to the webmaster. Are you helpless? Does Steve need to tie your shoelaces for you, too?
Pelletizer where did Puddy ask about illegals on Medicare? In your oxygen starved mind?
Regarding the uninsured children…
“Medicaid and SCHIP enrollment climbed from 11.2 percent of Americans to 13.0 percent. These increases helped to offset the reductions in employer-based coverage and kept the number of uninsured people from rising faster. Enrollment in these programs did not climb because of eligibility expansions; some states initiated Medicaid or SCHIP eligibility expansions in this period, but others scaled back eligibility. Enrollment in the public programs rose because of the increase since 2001 in the number of people who are poor and the reduction in the number with employer-based health insurance.”
Keep pelletizing in the kook-aid… It’s illegals in the millions and millions numbers bandied about by the Dummocrapts.
Want the link? Contact clueless wondermoron. He has all da PuddyMissives.
Steve, can’t stay on the health care debate?
@105 “Pelletizer where did Puddy ask about illegals on Medicare? In your oxygen starved mind?”
At #97, to wit:
“How many on Medicare Pelletizer?
How many illegal aliens Pelletizer?
I’m always happy to help, puddlehead, and next time you have another “senior moment” feel free to ask for my assistance!
Puddy, can’t confront wingnut racism?
@105 (continued) ““Medicaid and SCHIP enrollment climbed from 11.2 percent of Americans to 13.0 percent. These increases helped to offset the reductions in employer-based coverage …”
Well, well, well … the rising number of uninsured families who depend on gummint health care correlates with employers taking health benefits away from workers — who wudda thunk?!
Funniest quote of the day from Pelletizer
Poor Pelletizer can’t figger out they are basically the same actions. SEIU, HCAN, AARP, OFA, AFSCME, and Families USA are private interests claiming to represent their “constituencies”.
Pootybutt @various et al.: Yes, let’s send the illegals back to Mexico and make you pay full price for your groceries, roof repairs, etc. by paying American wages to American workers! You’ve enjoyed your cheap Mexican labor subsidy long enough.
@110 “Poor Pelletizer can’t figger out they are basically the same actions.”
Poor poodlehead can’t figure out they’re not remotely the same. Poodlehead not only flunked 9th grade civics, they had to create a special grade for him. He’s the only student in the history of his school to get a “G” in a class. Poor poodlehead is dumb as a dog, maybe even dumber!!
Nice argument deflection Pelletizer, but getting back to your vapid argument of 50 Million, Puddy has shown many of the uninsured children are already covered under Medicare and SCHIP.
Puddy supports paying Americans their fair worth. You are a oxygen starved delusional fool.
@113 Deflection? Uh, no, poodlehead … I was merely responding to your idiotic ravings.
To show how bad the oxygen deprivation in Pelletizer old mind to wit…
Original question:
Pelletizer the number is now 50 million uninsured?
Follow-up to the original question
– How many on Medicare Pelletizer?
– How many illegal aliens Pelletizer?
Too bad “the wit” and the “to wit” are gone gone gone!
See how simple that was.
@114 Is that why you vote for cheap labor conservatives whose policies are aimed at driving down wages and eliminating benefits to make the rich even richer?
Yep, the claim of idiotic ravings about Dingell’s bill proves Pelletizer has lost the argument already.
Nope you dope. Cheap labor Dummocrapts aren’t showing anything better.
@116 Maybe an expert psychologist with a Ph.D. from MIT in Repressed Intellect could explain this comment, but I sure as hell can’t figure it out. Poodlehead’s reasoning process is a ball of short threads and loose ends.
Pelletizer Puddy asked four questions about your 50 million number. Maybe asking four questions in a row “to wit” proves you are a moron.
Going to a wedding…
Toodles Pelletizer and HA Libtardos.
It’s time to leave poodlehead to his insanity and go to the next thread.
Yeah, lets send them back.
It looks like your dream of becoming a republican is coming true.
You wanting to send them back is so right-wing.
The rise in the uninsured and those who are needing Medicaid isn’t due to immigrants, illegal or otherwise (and the legal immigrants need health care, also).
It’s due to born-here Americans who have either lost their employer coverage or can’t pay for it.
The number of illegal immigrants has actually gone down due to the decrease of low-wage jobs. The economy has reduced illegal immigration, which I guess conservatives would be happy about, if they admitted it.
And my daughter, being disabled from her birth 45 years ago, is on Medicaid/Medicare, a government combined system. She would not be covered by any of the private insurers under the current system. I’m on Medicare, another government system. They both work quite well. She works part-time and has some of her wages taken out for Medicare. I had money taken out for Medicare for 45 years.
There are only 3 private insurers who sell individual insurance (for individuals who aren’t covered by employers) in my state of Washington. The rates are incredibly high, because they know we’re not a large group and we can’t go anywhere else. The last 10 years I worked, I paid for individual insurance. I paid three times as much as friends who were on employer insurance.
I have a friend who runs an orthopedic practice. There are 9 physicians and 16 office workers. The latter work almost solely on insurance claims because of the multiplicity of insurance companies, each of whom have different forms and different coverage.
And you think government’s inefficient? Ha.
Puddy had to come back and see what a Libtardo wrote.
Ummm Sarah68 you need to read and factcheck again… Puddy asked Pelletizer about his 50 million uninsured number how many are illegals? The US Census admits up to 11 million illegals are part of the 47 million number. DHS estimates 11 million in the 47 million number. So does WikiPedia. To number of illegals going down has been factored in.
Sorry about your daughter. It must be tough on you all these years.
So will you be Sarah69 next year?
Sarah68 wrote:
Did you ask them how much state regulation is involved?
Re: Rabbit v. “poodlehead” (LOLOLOL…I love it)
the poodlehead is soooo out of his league.
he’s getting sliced up so smoothly he doesn’t even know it.
good show Roger…good show. I’d love to see you work against somebody who can actuallt carry an argument.
Indeed it’s desperate set of tactics to deflect the overwhelming reality that he’s totally full of crap.
Watch him run:
With the rate at which our country is devolving, in a few years the problem won’t be Mexicans illegally entering the US to find work. It’ll be the other way around.
Figgered Puddy check the morons while at the wedding and the two dumbest empty suits appeared.
What is rudeASS! reading? Pelletizer proved he can’t read. Puddy wiped his butt all over.
clueless wondermoron continues his stupidity with a different thread.
Two of the dumbest ever. BTW what are they saying?
Did ya see the public option will be dropped by “the messiah” and his “disciples”
130 – Yep, see the coward run.
I’ll make it easy for the fiend again:
There’s the transcripts. Please show us the proof for the right wing bullshit from your k/b:
link to this bullshit supplied in 128.
wondermoron, Puddy does what he likes when he likes.
BTW here is one of wondermoron’s finest hours…
Be sure to read the next posts.
re 131: We wouldn’t need a new Messiah if the old one had done his job. Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition.
Only a moron would ask a stupid question like this:
I already linked to the statistic that 1 out of every three Americans under 65 are uninsured.
That is Americans (as in people how live an work and are citizens of our country), that is under 65 and that included S-chip (that you and the idiot republicans opposed) or there would be even more.
wow – you not only don’t read and don’t learn – you continue to parrot the right wing lies.
Are you deliberately stupid or does someone pay you to ignore the facts?
LOL! Yeah he runs like a frightened little chickenhawk.
Bawk! Bawk! Bawk!
Cowardice, intellectual bankruptcy and compulsion to talk out his ass proved.
I’m guessing she will turn 28 next year.
here is the answer to wondermoron
Parrot right-wing lies? Your candidate “the messiah” used, uses, and continues to use 47 million, moron! Parrot right-wing lies? # illegals? # of children really covered with Medicare? # of peeps who choose not to buy insurance? From where? US Census? DHS? WikiPedia? Hmmm all those places controlled by “the messiah” and his “disciples”. You still can’t refute the truth in numbas!
Puddy opposed SCHIP in it’s high value form of $82,500. Why should Puddy support SCHIP when clueless wondermoron gets a free pass? Otherwise Puddy likes SCHIP. It helps my poor peeps in the inna city. Puddy said the threshold of $82,500 was too high fool! They lower it and more people will support SCHIP. Still creating non-factual pixel postings NutsTooTight!
NutsTooTight, still stupid even on Sunday. Everyone knows your stupidity is not an act, it’s inbred.
Has anybody seen gbs?
I’m worried about him and his anger problem. Is he taking his frustration out on an innocent person.
After he realized he didn’t have “the proof” he disappeared faster than a rabbits foot at a lucky rabbits foot factory.
138 – LOL! The coward runs away yet again.
Can’t admit he talked out his ass or swallowed whole bullshit from the Olbermannwatch hate website.
Compulsive right wing idiocy proved.
@130 “Pelletizer proved he can’t read. Puddy wiped his butt all over.”
Wow! The needle on the Wing-O-Matic Stupidity Meter is pointing clear off the scale on this one! I didn’t think it was possible.
Its obvious that the supporters of govt health care do not have a fucking clue of what is actually in any of the bills being proposed – and for that matter, neither does the empty suit sitting in president’s office.
143 – And you do? ZzzzzzzzzzzzzzZZZZZz….
More wingnut b.s….
@139 Hahahah
You are delusional.
You mean the 47 million number that is from the US census and in the site that you cited?
Are you too stupid to look up your own citations?
I also linked to data that showed that since the Bush recession hit and the unemployment has skyrocketed that there are even more people not covered.
Wow, I love it when you go apoplectic with your BS. You stillhave not managed to refute the data that 1 out of every 3 Americans under 65 was lacking health insurance at some time last year.
You sure have the ability to defend unjust policies and greedy insurance companies. But you sure forget about the poor and the uninsured.
Very convenietn to forget about the less fortunate…and claim to have priciples and to be a Christian… I guess you leave your Christian principles at the door when it comes to parroting the right wing line.
Face it…the rest of the “civilized” world guarantees health insurance for their people, we don’t yet we pay more than anybody else….and for what? For overall health that is on par with Slovenia.
That is the current system of haves and have nots that you support. that is the unchristian, backward, for-profit, money grubbing rich insurance executives system that you support.
Not to mention the big Pharma pay more for drugs than anywhere else on the planet system that you also love.
I love it when you go apoplectic with no case….so cute Puddy/Stamn!
Puddy: the excuse maker.
Yeah you supported S-chip…..NOT. There was no 82.5K limit and still isn’t, you are not only uniformed you are gulliblle too.
And you love to call names when you are getting your butt kicked intellectually, as usual.
Try using your brain isntead of parroting the crap you get on the right wing sites…it might help with your “arguments” and get them above the third grade level.
What was your graduate degree by the way…..I don’t remember you mentioning that.
Look at how wondermoron is trying trying trying to claim Puddy running away. Puddy ain’t running away. Puddy chooses who to engage and who to ignore.
Every time this fool is confronted with facts he’s said
“I don’t listen to you”.
“I don’t take orders from you”.
“I don’t take orders from right wing trolls”.
Such is the life of the bottom feeding HA wondermoron. Monomaniacal and chronologically challenged!
I asked you politely to support your bullshit assertion that I point to in 128. I said “Please”.
I even made it easy for you with a link to the transcripts.
You have refused because we both know you can’t support your bullshit. You made shit up. At best you can say you copied the bullshit from another hater.
I win. You lose.
Losing right wing bullshit artist exposed.
Excuse ME! I meant 147…
Pretty obvious. Right wing bullshit.
Stupid Stupid NutsTooTight…
Just because your inherited stupid doesn’t mean you can project it on Puddy. Ask wondermoron, he’s got all the PuddyMissives. Ask wondermoron didn’t Puddy say he supports SCHIP without that high threshold.
Yet NutsTooTight forgets this…
The SCHIP removed the American citizenship requirement that any participant in the SCHIP program provide official documents verifying they are US citizens. Of course NutTooTight wants to pay for this.
Mitch McConnell, Senate minority leader, offered an SCHIP admendment, called the “Kids First Act,” which would have restored the mandatory five-year waiting period for legal immigrants to become eligible to receive SCHIP benefits. The Dummocrapts killed the admendment by a vote of 32 to 65. Of course NutsTooTight loves anchor babies.
Orrin Hatch offered an SCHIP Amendment to give personhood status and SCHIP coverage to all unborn children. The Dummocrapts killed the admendment by a vote of 39 to 59. Of course NutsTooTight loves the unborn.
Does NutsTooTight remember the Graeme Frost Family in 2007? Remember his “radio address”? Here are the vehicles his father and mother drive etc… and they would qualify? It’s for poor peeps NutsTooTight. The Frost family live in a 3,000 sq ft over $250K house, they have three vehicles, Graeme and his siblings attend private schools, parents get rental income from commercial property; and they can afford private insurance. And, NutsTooTight the Frost children qualified for SCHIP back in 2007. This is what Puddy screams fowl to butt you suck the kook-aid tit. What a fool NutsTooTight is!
wondermoron, That was your nauseating BULLSHITTIUM you placed here to deflect the conversation on health care. Puddy don’t do your bidding. You can call it what you want yet, when you are caught in the same “dilemma” you STFU and “pout”.
BTW wondermoron, why aren’t you allowing Mrs wondermoron to answer to the SEIU firing of 74 of her fellow union members? Scared what “she” might say wondermoron? You haven’t answered Puddy’s question in #72 yet you continue to whine like a stuck pig over #128? Such is the life of a monomaniacal one.
Your argument was devoid of any facts so you needed to change the topic for another wondermoron “Look at me” moment.
Puddy don’t do dat fool!
NutsTooTight, you asked for Puddy’s graduate degree? Puddy mentioned it long ago. Get it from the wondermoron. He has all the PuddyMissives.
NutsTooTight farted
You don’t remember facts do you NutsTooTight?
Cowardly moron @ 151
You have some nerve posting Malkin’s ugly lies. Here’s the facts on the Frost Family:,00.html
Unions have to cut back like everyone else in these tough times fool. Especially unions – they’re shit on all the time by the rich crowd that yanks your crank.
And the local my wife belongs to allows members to opt out of political giving.
And what is this garbage about SEIU and ACORN? YOU LYING AGAIN?
Everyone can see now what a scared little chickenhawk you are.
You’re making shit up left and right with new paranoid theories that you can’t back up. Lest you be exposed – again – guzzling right wing sewage.
You are evil. You are a FIEND!
LOL! This FIEND loves to attack my wife.
I couldn’t care less. It’s a little odd that I barely mention his wife yet he’s so fixated on mine.
Heh. It’s too weird. That’s why it’s so easy to ignore.
If my wife cared about this website she’d chime in but she just rolls her eyes at the right wing loons here. She’s got other priorities.
So keep up your stupid, impotent, feckless attacks Stupes. You’ll fail at calling her out like you fail at everything else here.
Such a pathetic loon..
Ahhhh, do they own those three cars wondermoron? They have better cars than Puddy. Do they get money from a commercial property wondermoron? Who’s fault their house is valued the way it is and is counted on SCHIP? Puddy’s? Or how the libtardos in Maryland assess property?
You are still a wondermoron.
Ahhh wondermoron…
Where is the wife in the SEIU argument? You speak for her? Why is that? Chauvinistic pig? They cut the 74 peeps AFTER they spent $85 million of dues for the campaign. Now wasn’t that special for those 74 people. And you excuse it as being on hard times?
And what about the SEIU thugs who beat that black man? What did “mrs” wondermoron think of that or does she get all her info from the SEIU website?
You are still a wondermoron.
Feckless attack on your wife? You bragged she is a card carrying SEIU member. How else did Puddy know wondermoron? You bragged on how you hated your medical insurance. How else did Puddy know wondermoron? Puddy remembers dem facts fool!
You are still a wondermoron.
Keep whining like a stuck pig.
Keep whining like a stuck pig.
Keep whining like a stuck pig.
Remember this is you…
“I don’t listen to you”.
“I don’t take orders from you”.
“I don’t take orders from right wing trolls”.
You are still a wondermoron.
BTW wondermoron you threw this up
Who validated their income claim? What happened to the commercial property income? When the Baltimore Sun originally ran the story they asked the Frosts for income verification. The Frosts declined to provide income proof fool. The NY Times called to verify some of the story but left out facts like always. Also wondermoron, the Frosts declined to tell the Baltimore Sun when they started receiving tuition breaks, before or after the accident. No one knows how much they pay for tuition wondermoron due to privacy laws.
One more thing wondermoron. Insurance plans for the Frost family started at $455 a month for a family of six not $1200 per the Baltimore Sun.
But those facts are lost on the wondermoron.
@153: Sure I remember facts…and the facts are that you cite references that contradict what you osay, that you forget to read your own references, that you use references you claim are “liberal” and that you get caught with your pants down in arguments and then try to weasel your way out….
The bottom line is your “facts” come dirrectly from right wing sites (as I have previously shown) and that they are simpley false, wrong or misinterpreted. So your BS has no credibility.
As far as whether you are Stamn…., the jury is still out as I have not seen any definitive evidence either way except for a remarkable similarity in phrasing and time periods posting.
Although, you have been caught using sock puppets before….also a fact that limits your already weak credibility.
As far as your “graduate” degree…..I have not seen evidence of it…but that does not mean it does not exist. However, I seriously question how you could get through a degree of higher learning with the limited ability to learn, recognize facts and make cogent arguments that you possses.
That said, all kinds of people can get some kind of graduate degree these days…. but all graduate degrees are not equal.
Rarely do I find someone with a real graduate degree who argues like a third grader, calls names and can’t even look up his/her own references. In fact, I have never seen it so far.
From fact check:
You and Bush are liars. Period.
Keep lying….it helps to document what a fool you are.
Let’s see:
If a supposed Christian opposes health care for poor children and health care for the over 47 million uninsured and spreads lies about health care….will that suppposed Christian go to heaven?
I suppose in their warped viewpoint Christ did not care for the poor or the sick but was most concerned about rich insurance executives getting their big bonuses. Yup, that must be it.
Facts and NutsTooTight are diametrically opposed particles.
These are all right wing sites NutsTooTight?
DHS – 11 million aliens – controlled by “the messiah” and his “disciples”
Census – 10.7 million aliens – controlled by “the messiah” and his “disciples”
WikiPedia – 11 million aliens – controlled by left-wing peeps. Puddy uses this to see who edits articles.
Yet used Kaiser instead of Census or DHS. When Puddy pointed this out to NutsTooTight he claimed Census was 2007 and he claimed another site. Butt, “the messiah” still uses 47 million.
And this fool when shown by Lee over a week ago Marvin and Puddy are two different people NutsTooTight continues with
That’s why Puddy calls him NutsTooTight. Some days he tastes his Cowpers Glands. Other days his Prostate. Today it’s both. They are really wound tight.
Regarding my advanced degree, well you could cum to the PuddyDomicile. Butt first you’d need a thorough de-lousing.
Well NutsTooTight looks like the limit is $72,275 not $82,500
Thanks NutsTooTight.
Butt you still haven’t broke down the 47 million into who are who. You run away from that. Puddy opposes the 47 million number NutsTooTight. You know that number is disingenuous yet you and your ilk still use it. So how can a Christian support a lie NutsTooTight?
Notice NutsTooTight is so caught up on names. And this is from NutsTooTight who calls Cynical – Klynical?
It was your peeps who first started the name calling of Puddy you idiot. Puddy even dug up the names used on Puddy when Puddy first started posting.
Hey NutsTooTight thanks for the article as here is the final word from FactCheck Link: – “So, New York could increase its income eligibility cap to $82,600 for a family of four for at least two years, until late 2010, as long as the state’s plan is approved by HHS. After that, to continue getting funds for children above the 300 percent level, the state would have to meet the federal government’s new guidelines. The president has a point in that the bill allows New York to increase its eligibility cap beyond what his administration was willing to permit.“
So what do we got now from the master idiot of the right wing?
158 – What three cars? Where’d you get that idiocy? Malkin? Steyn? Credible sources. What kind of cars? I’ve seen people with half the income of the Frosts have three cars. One’s on blocks to supply parts for the other two that are barely running. Nice try idiot.
What property? Again what’s the source? Malkin? Gimme a fuckin’ break!
You have nothing on those poor people. Their kid severely injured in an accident and helped by SCHIP. The father and mother works at their own business barely scraping by. They’re not the villains – YOU RIGHT WING FUCKS ARE!!!
You’re still an ugly FIEND!
159 –
Show me the proof that SEIU condoned any kind of attack on anybody! Where’s the link asshole?
I don’t bring up your ugly shit with my wife. She doesn’t know your ugly ass exists and if I can help it she never will.
She tells me what’s going on with the Union and her local and once in a while I bring some of that here – mainly to push back against ugly RIGHT WING BULLSHIT!
Now and always a feckless right wing FIEND!
Shit yes you attack my wife. Keep on fool. I couldn’t care less. Shows you for the fixated insane asswipe you are! Thanks for playing.
You think I care about your wife? When was the last time I said anything about her? I don’t say anything about her because I don’t care about her.
Still and always a moronic, feckless tool and FIEND!
Moron @ 161
You’re still a coward who can’t back up his bullshit lest it expose you as the empty headed tool you are.
You’re still an evil fool who takes cheap shots at another’s wife.
You are and always will be a feckless FIEND!
So Michelle Malkin and that ugly Steyn asshole are more credible than Time and the NY Times. That Steyn moron is Canadian. He doesn’t have to worry about his kid’s health care if the kid gets into an accident. He’s covered. Ungrateful asshole. You’re made for each other.
As far as the Frosts go – they’re entitled to their privacy. They’re entitled to tell you right wing MORONS to GO TO HELL!!
SCHIP is passed and they’re hopefully breathing a little easier.
And FUCK YOU and your $455 a month for a family of six. THAT’S BULLSHIT!
Now and always a pathetic FIEND swallowing lies!
Oh, sure there are private health plans available for $455. They just don’t pay for anything.
gbs knows I am Puddy. Jump on his truther bandwagon.
Ask gbs for his proof. He said he has it. Unless you are afraid to question gbs because of his anger problem.
Oh I almost forgot. This FIEND was so twisted and f’ed up by right wing paranoia and bullshit at one point he asked if my daughter was “turning tricks yet”.
Where the F did that come from? Ooops I answered my own question in the first paragraph: right wing insanity.
This is a fairly serious website; I appreciate Goldy’s take on things (certainly more interesting than Crosscut). However, comments on this blog are disgusting. Yes, freedom of speech is one of the hallmarks of our democractic society, yadayadayada. But you guys (and you definitely sound like guys, especially since you often talk about each others’ wives and accuse each other of making “impotent” comments) are really over the top. It takes you about 2 comments each to start insulting each other like you were on a grammar school playground. Whatever issue Goldy posted about is out the window and its Rabbit vs. Puddy vs. about 7 other guys, a round robin of childish blathering.
Do any of you have anything else to do? I’m 69 and don’t work but I manage to do other things. Are you all my age and this is ALL you do? Somehow I don’t think so; you’re younger and just blowing off work and lying in wait for new comment opportunities. What a life.
Sarah, I apologize.
Yes, it’s truly “guy talk” here, but believe it or not these comment threads truly reflect the hideous state that the right wing has driven this country.
Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Glen Beck, Michael Savage nee Weiner – these are truly insane individuals and if you think those guys are bad you should see their listeners. They come here to and other places like it to project their insanity.
We on the other side just push back and have some fun at their expense.
It’s a distorted mirror of our politics in our country but it’s not too far off the mark in my view.
All Sarah has to do is google your name and HorsesAss to see you are the absolute worst potty-mouth!
Say, Mr. Klynical, how about you elevating the HA discourse again with one of your racist jokes?
Kommodore & Kountry Klubber steve..
Obama is full of sh@t…even his fellow Democrats believe it now!
And Obama never had a real job in his life.
He is now T-O-A-S-T!!
One term wonder….blew all his capital in 7 months.
Poor steve–never posts anything of substance.
Cuz he is ADD…also a fantasizer.
Steve makes up a black friend..then for sympathy has his imaginary black friend die.
Sick steve-o, sick.
Is that all you’ve got left? Making up weak shit? Pathetic. Even for a goatfucker like yourself.
Irrelevant to the discussion. Who claimed condoned? Your femtometer mind!
Irrelevant to SEIU discussion. Puddy only axks where is Mrs wondermoron on the SEIU issues. Puddy could care less about her for anything else fool. Another deflection.
Irrelevant to post #161. You are the biggest whiner here. Cynical NAILED you as the worst of the potty mouths.
It was the Baltimore Sun moron. Now who did they endorse in 2008?
What a moron
When Puddybud first arrived here, Puddy was really civil. GBS said Puddy was civil. You can ask him. YLB who Puddy calls clueless wondermoron and others started calling Puddybud buttputty, buttpuddy pudpacker, buttwipe, pudpuller, etc. So Puddydub returned the favor. Puddy has unique names for many of the leftist libtardos here.
So Sarah68, once again Puddy wishes the best for your daughter and hopes someday something can be done to remedy her situation. Butt, did you notice Sarah68? Did the wondermoron show compassion for your daughter? Did the wondermoron remember your daughter’s situation? How come only Puddy remembers? Well Sarah68, HA libtardos have 24 memory disease. After 24 hours they forget almost all they recently read.