Delayed a bit because Goldy was filling in for Frank Shires, edition. Let’s start nationally:
* My favorite bullshit this week comes from Michael Chertoff’s gut. I don’t even understand the point of mentioning his gut feeling that, “OHMYGOD!!!!1!!!!! We;re all goinna diez!” But, I for one hope that future presidents at least consider not hiring crazy people to secure the homeland.
* A little bit away from the homeland, remember Republicans, supporting the war in Iraq is the means to victory at the polls. Especially when your argument for the war is reduced to we don’t want to make a general sad. And of course, it helps to be able to put words into the troops’ mouths.
* But never fear, Mitt Romney is projecting the goodness that can only come of attacking Iran.
Locally, a lot of the good bullshit has already been mentioned here on HA. Including by me. Still, there’s other bullshit:
* Eric Earling is concern trolling Darcy Burner.
* And finally this week, Forbes Magazine calls bullshit on the state Republicans. Apparently, since the Dems took total control of the reigns of government, the state has gone up to 5th best business climate. I would avoid thinking that business climate is the most important measure of the health of the state but still, it kind of puts a kink into the Republican claim that they are the best people for business.
Another Bush bullshitter bites the dust. NEXT?
Bad News For Gregoire Haters
Washington is now one of the top-5 business-friendly states! If the screeching monkeys think our state’s voters will trade the best governor in the state’s history for a greasy little real estate salesman … man, are they in for a surprise.
RR @2
Hey! Don’t insult greasy little real estate salemen by comparing Dino Rossi to them!
@3 Gee, I didn’t think of that. My apologies if I offended any greasy little real estate salesmen! I toyed with calling him a greasy little capo, but figured the Italian Anti-Defamation League would get after me. And if I call him a slug, the garden slugs will get upset. This is a real problem. What do you call someone who is lower than all other known life forms? I’m speechless, at a loss for words, unable to grasp the right turn of a phrase … help!
This is off topic (if there is one), but is it just me, or has the Rove organism virtually disappeared lately?
Considering that this post was about bullshit, Karl Rove is certainly on-topic.
And yes, the Rove organism is about 90% through it’s slow-motion self-destruction. No worries, some dweeb at a Young Republican convention has the blueprint for the next great bamboozlement, I’m sure.
I think if I were John Barelli (Although he’s clearly not greasy and I have no idea of his physical dimension) I’d come to your burrow and offer to slap the shit out of you….
Because lawyers are frequently compared to repulsive forms of life, I would think you’d show a little sensitivity.
Gawd, maybe they’ve cloned him…..
…Speaking, that is, of repulsive forms of life….There ARE young republicans????
Can’t we develop a vaccine?
“Bullshit” is an appropriate title for everyone of the previous posts.
“There ARE young republicans???? Can’t we develop a vaccine?”
Chadt @ 9
Actually, vaccines seem ineffective. We need to put a bounty on them.
Aw, Benny, take the stick out of your ass.
Benjamin Franklin could tear an opponent to shreds, but he did it with style and wit. What you do only rhymes with “witty.”
Roger Rabbit @ 4 wrote: “What do you call someone who is lower than all other known life forms? I’m speechless, at a loss for words, unable to grasp the right turn of a phrase … help!”
The answer to your quandary is: Republican or Conservative.
Take your pick, they’re a tie for the most immoral, unpatriotic, anti-American, troop hating, War on Terror losing, fiscally irresonsible, constitution hating, dictator loving, sexually repressed hypocrites on planet earth.
What do you think I could get for some quality pelts?
10 & 12
Go fuck yourselves.
@ 13:
“Beer is living proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy.”
From Ben and Thomas’ “Excellent Revolutionary Adventure.” ~ 1776
DL @ 15: “What do you think I could get for some quality pelts?”
Sadly, Republican pelts are worthless. The process required to remove the slime layer is so involved and prolonged that curing such pelts is not cost-effective given the rather low fetching price in the market.
New AP/IPSOS poll has “None of the Above” (specifically, “Other/Undecided” with 25%) coming in FIRST among the Republican candidates for President. “None of these asshats” was apparently not on the list. Oh, and Giuliani came in second at 21%.;id=3578
Hey look everybody!! BF just said to go “fuck himself” @ 16 referring to his post at 10!!
Wow! Now there’s a dickhead conservative using a screen name of another great American founding father who was a Liberal.
Benjamin Franklin: long hair, round rim glasses way before the Beatles made them popular, liked to party, chase women, supported the Constitution, believed in civil liberties, telling the truth, paying a higher share of taxes because he earned more, was the genesis for the public library system, police and fire departments and liked traveling in Europe and didn’t attend church. Oh, and he paid his gambling debts unlike conservatives.
16 BF
Wow, Ben. That’s juvenile even for you. Glad you stopped by, though. Don’t let me keep you from your other very important activities. Wait, did I hear your mom?
@ 18:
Who the fuck would want a road-kill, skunk pelt any ways?
18 PL
I just dip them in a strong solution of TRUTH.
That is truly a sad, sad, sad state of affairs for Republicans. You know your side has no ideas and no plans when you start hiring dumb shit conservative trolls to visit liberal blog sites and use great liberal founding fathers as screen names.
The weird thing about that is that the company involved lists the Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts among their clients. I guess if you start exposing ’em to Astroturf when they’re young, they’re less likely to recognize real grass roots when they see ’em.
My mistake.
Daddy Love (pedofile?), Yos Lib Bro (caps stuck on), GSB (fucking idiot) – All: go fuck yourselves!!
Fwankwin @26:
What is “pedofile”? A JPEG of young boys?
You’re obviously much intellectually inferior to your eponym.
chadt –
What ever blows your skirt up, pal. If it’s jpeg pictures of young boys, then knock yourself out.
I think your scintillating intellect missed the point. You can’t fucking spell.
Nothing gets a Publican more excited than pics of young boys. Ask the Florida Congressman named Tommy!
carl your dribble is always the bullshit of the week.
gbs the piss ant who got booted from the navy the FELON
26 BJ
You mean….YOU’RE Dick Cheney?
Awwww….they don’t like us. They’re in here expressing their disapproval. I’m cut to the quick, I tell you! Devastated by their brilliant commentaries, utterly discouraged from living by their incisive observations.
And entertained by their fecklessness at thinking that we give a shit.
As a descendant of Mr. Jefferson, I protest this misappropriation of the name of my good friend Ben.
I remember gran gran arriving in France as Ben’s successor. The awe at the chubby one’s intellect was a challenge even to the person fated to be, if I may say modesatly, the brightest person ever to be POTUS.
I can tell you one thing, I knew the real Benny and, Mr. Franklin you are not he.
While we are at excrement, I am mystified by you 21st century Whigs. In my time we avoided excrement of bulls. It smells and burns poorly even in a Franlin Stove.
After talking with the real Ben, I wonder if Carl might not consider a weekly post devoted to something a little more tasteful … say guano or horseshit? Both are very useful for the industrious! Moreover, if we were to refer to turkey guano, as opposed to eagle shit, we would be truly honoring a noble bird.
In that context, today’s news brought several items that definitely qualify as guano.
The Bush White House has informed el Quaeda of Iraq that to is now officially a branch of the organization in Pakistan. A burkha clad spokesperson has expressed the thanks of the Iraqui organization for this unexpected recognition by the Bush government.
National polls show that “someone else” is now the favored candidate of the Republican race for the President. It sounds as if they want to keep Bush in offcie, he surely is someone else.
Ms. Gregoire, gubernatrix for two years, now wnats to take credit for the current success of the Washington Stare economy. Of course all good publicans realize the real credit goes to GWB and sharif Reichert. Boeing is very grateful for all the star wars dollars. How many other US governments would be so willing to give Boeing money with no expectation of a useful product? Then too, Die Guv may want to be careful about taking credit for the unlimited growth of MicroSoft .. aren;t most liberal Macists? Hmm but Apple s doing well too …must be GWB again! Where is Gary Locke on all this?
“This week in bullshit” is already a classic.
Where’s the Pulitzer committee?
Wow the “real Thomas Jefferson” is on ASSWipes!
What chemicals are keeping you “alive” this long?
Without looking it up when did Ben Franklin do his lightning experiment?
When did he start the first fire insurance company?
Please do tell us Thomas.
Did you finally cut that long white hair so you are not looking like a hippie anymore?
You see Thomas, being a Philly boy you learn about our patron persons!
Hey Assie Voice, did you learn about Ben Franklin living in the Bala Cynwyd burbs?
Just checking!
Not sure how to help you. As you understand gran gran died a long time ago, my only claims are those of descent.
As for Ben, even gran gran had some trouble with Ben. Ben’s efforts to get the King to support an effort to subdivide Ohio was … well a bit tacky.
The too, I have always wondered if in some alternative Universe Ben’s son, William, ended up as the first Governor General of HRH George’s North American colonies. I wonder what William would have done with his irritating dad?
Back at Ben, how much do you know about his dropping our of high school? Did he ever get a GED?
Oh yeh .. gran gran’s seedy old hair! I like the younger image with the bright red hair!
Best regards to Rocky Balboa. I really love seeing his statue in fornt of your art museum!