Not too much bullshit this week, or if there was, I was too busy celebrating Thanksgiving to notice.
* Anyway, I hope you enjoyed your Thanksgiving as much as the President.
* And I hope you also enjoyed your make employees get up at 4:00, or earlier day.
* Our Saudi allies sure are, um, what’s the word after shittastic?
* Michael Medved is a crazy man.
* Lou Guzzo has some ideas about race.
* Some say the Tri-City Herald’s editorials are unhelpful.
This is an open thread
Anybody have opinions on the Tukwila school teachers who are facing “disciplinary action” for supporting the National Student Walkout last week.
Personally I think its crap. This wasnt some local adhoc protest by lazy and pissed off people. This was a national statement and those teachers had every right to say what they want. Although, I dont actually know if thats true. Do teachers have to sign something about their personal opinions before joining the unions? If so thats totally ridiculous and an abomination against free speech. I went to this march and know that many of these kids were simply here because they wanted a chance to skip school. At least these teachers were giving them some substantial reasons to actually respect and think about the walkout while they participated.
How about Greg Nichols (or if you saw him at the parade or at the tree lighting) fat man with red nose….he’s santa damn it…tell the crowd that the north pole is melting away and if we don’t use the energy lightbulbs Santa is going to have no where to live ergo die…
At least that’s how my soon to be 5 year old son took it. Greg Nichols has told out kids taht they are killing santa. That was just a hoot. Jolly ole fat man. Give it a rest for a second and light the damn tree.
Hey PStupes “my word is my bond” (crap):
In a comment a long time back you stated that you saw the melting in Greenland and that you believed Global Warming was true. You said the man upstairs was making it happen.
Now you point to right wing bullshit in the “Daily Torygraph”.
I believe your right wing preacher has chastised you for your vain belief that you know what the sky man is doing. Bad PStupes. Just swallow right wing bullshit – it’s easier than thinking.
@ 2 Dengle, Jeepers!
I could just visually picture it, the way you described. Got a laugh out of your story, but Nickels is so seeking of photo ops anymore, he’s pretty much ‘Clueless in Seattle’.
Hope your kid isn’t traumatized for life! Scary little kid fears of maybe Killin’ Santa and all that stuff over a dang lightbulb. Pathetic for (City Govmt) adults needing to slosh a Wet Mop on the Charlie Brown Bashed up (that had to be glued together & restrung with wired in branches) Christmas tree HOLIDAY ADVENTURE!
Maybe they’ve got the holiday confused! Thinking it’s Easter, they’ve got a carrot up their butts.
YLB – The Clueless One (TM) Awww pooooooor YLB – The Clueless One (TM), I have to post other theories. You and your ASSWipe (TM) cohorts don’t accept religious overtones for argumentative discussions remember? Besides this is a free country.
That’s why you are Clueless. Your brain stops processing facts and jumps into attack mode.
FricknFrack – YLB The Clueless One (TM) is officially ‘Clueless in Seattle’. That’s his title.
Now Greg I Don’t Give a Nickels is a close second.
Wow Mike Medved writes a long historical perspective and the MOONBAT! LIBTARDS miss his point!
Typical, typical, typical!
Hey Lefties: Your friends are in financial stress. How about some donations?
Waaaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaa haaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaahaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa
Addictions can destroy lives. Get help.
A liberal program I can finally support… line up asses and drop em:
Gingrich is predicting an Obama win in Iowa!
ATJ If I was addicted I’d blog during working hours like you do!
7 I was going to remark that Medved’s couching his bullshit in the trappings of history wasn’t reinforcing anyone’s delusions but his own. Obviously, I was wrong.
This may come as a surprise to some, but not everyone works the same schedule.
The first step to overcoming an addiction is recognizing it for what it is.