This may be a bit of a Hillary Clinton centric post. If you don’t like it get your own spot on HA and have a repetitive shtick. Then it can focus on your favorite presidential candidate. Or whatever, I’ve tried to support all of the Democrats against bullshit, but this week has been mostly directed at Clinton (because she’s winning and because she’s a woman, I suspect).
* Andrew Sullivan really doesn’t like Hillary. I happen to prefer the political environment of the 1990’s to that of the Bush era.
* Anyhoo, she’s probably got girl cooties.
OK, not too Clintonie, that’s it.
* Mitt Romney is push polling himself.
* Fox News Porn banned by digg.
* I’m sure we totally have the resources to invade Pakistan.
* The new media laws seem to still be up in the air.
* Last year when the Republicans didn’t pass a budget, it didn’t have any earmarks. So the Republicans are good fiscal stewards.
* Goldy touched on this, but Rick Ensey’s wife Diane is giving us pseudonymous bloggers a bad name.
* He also touched on this like two posts ago, but Dave Reichert‘s inability to do basic FEC reporting is the gift that keeps on giving.
* You may have missed it, but I guess there was a tax revolt in King County.
* I hope one day we can figure out what the anti-war protesters want.
Isn’t “this week in bullshit” coming out of the “horse’s ass” a fairly mixed metaphor?
Just a comment…..
Yo PLiar, “my word is my bond” (bullshit):
Last time you implied that Faux News runs “filth” over the cable.
I agreed with you but the question is are you as addicted to that “filth” as you are to Murdoch’s publications like The Weekly Standard Bullshit?
Oh and I’m sure when you’re in cheery London, your eyes go straight to page 3 of The Sun, another Murdoch publication.
Speaking of bullshit, I heard a great interview with Lynn Kessler today after Mrs. Gregoire capitulated to Eyman and Rossi to do the 1% lid on prop taxes.
She was on Carlson’s show, and the first thing she said was that Mrs. Gregoire decided to do this because she thinks the court was wrong. Absolutely NOT a political calculation, and SAS not a response to getting boxed in.
Uh huh…
Hillary’s winning? Good to know that votes have been cast. At least the one’s that count….Corporation’s vote with dollars.
If we have to elect a woman president, how about a Democrat, instead of a Goldwater girl.
While campaigns are always hard to predict, one thing we can safely say is that the Republicans won’t campaign on issues. They can’t win on issues, and they know it. They have to depend on name-calling, smears, and vote-rigging.
Talk about Bullshit, Gregoire is calling a special session to reinstate I747
So the pockets are drying up around election time I see!
Ha Ha I can’t wait to see how this special session goes…..
Hell even with the 1% limit, my property tax was up 10% last years because of you F’n Liberal give away voters
She was a little slow to call this session until Tim Eyman decided to multicast their votes all over hell on the subject! Her Promise has been off her web page for days!
Go Tim Go!
Go Gregoire Go!
“* Goldy touched on this, but Rick Ensey’s wife Diane is giving us pseudonymous bloggers a bad name.”
Well gosh, golly, gee whiz, an anonymous blogger falsely accuses a Democratic candidate of multiple DUI arrests during the heat of the campaign, and the blogger turns out to be the Republican candidate’s wife. Who woulda thunk?
Republicans will always smear their opponents, because they can’t win on issues, and they know it.
Hope the Democrat sues the shit out of these people.
We can only hope the voters of Yakima, regardless of their party loyalties, have the good sense to punish this slimebag couple in the next election. I wouldn’t want someone that dishonest on MY city council, no matter what they call themselves.
“* I hope one day we can figure out what the anti-war protesters want.”
Kinda fun to read the comments on this topic by the Sucky Politics posters. You know — the blog where one guy posted this:
“Congratulations Speaker Pelosi, now let the bombs fall where they may. My prediction: terror attack on domestic soil passenger aircraft within the next six months. Casualties in the 2-300 range. And, unfortunately, maybe that’s just what we need. It’s obvious people don’t remember what happened 5 years ago. Posted by FullContactPolitics at November 8, 2006 10:52 AM”
In case you have trouble figuring out what this means, the rightwing denizens of the pathetic little rival blog think like this:
Not OK: Pouring cement on railroad tracks to keep the military from bringing shot-up Humvees back from Iraq for repair.
OK: Hoping terrorists kill 200 to 300 airline passengers so Republicans can win more elections.
Makes you wonder about their priorities, doesn’t it?
I wonder what they have against peace? Especially when they’re losing? Of course, blaming the deaths their war is causing on liberals probably makes it easier for them to sleep at nights. Accepting responsibility for their actions has never been a wingnut forte.
Let’s review:
The rightwing warmongers started a useless war against a country that had no WMDS, was not involved in 9/11, and posed no threat to the U.S.
The rightwing have gotten 3,800 Americans and 10s of 1000s of innocent Iraqis killed in their useless war.
The rightwing warmongers have dragged America’s reputation through the gutter.
The rightwing warmongers have spent $1.5 trillion of our money on this misadventure, while numerous domestic needs go unfunded (such as fighting crime).
The rightwing warmongers have diverted troops, resources, and attention from fighting al Qaeda in Afghanistan.
The rightwing warmongers have made a total botch job of their military adventure in Iraq.
And they don’t even have the decency to apologize …
@6 “Hell even with the 1% limit, my property tax was up 10% last years because of you F’n Liberal give away voters”
You don’t know what you’re talking about. If your property taxes increased 10%, it’s a result of the market’s revaluation of your property, you ignorant ass. That happens when the assessed value of your property value increases more than average. The 1% lid applies to overall revenue, not individual properties. Assessed values change annually, and don’t change uniformly, which results in redistribution of the tax burden among property owners: Those whose property value went up more than average pay more taxes, those whose property value went up less than average get a tax cut. This process is automatic, and has nothing to do with “liberals” or “Democrats” or “Republicans.”
I have an entry:
Markos Moulitsas’s recently wrote first column for Newsweek. He still has Bush Derangement Symdrome, BDS. Now that’s BS.
After seeing him on CNN I have to admit, he’s uglier than Goldy!
YLB – The Clueless One (TM) – Page 3 of The Sun? One of the most LIBERAL fish rags in England owned by conservative Murdoch?
Surely you are mixing metaphors here!
#2 YLB – The Clueless One ™ – Page 3 of The Sun? Lusting after those young womens again? Not getting enough at home? Reads like BS to me.
#2 YLB – The Clueless One ™ – You made those implications about Fox News. You brought to our attention the YouTube video. You seem to drag your knuckles in the gutter all the time. Now that’s BS.
So I have to ask you YLB – The Clueless One ™, why are you so prurient? Are you a voyeur too? Do you lurk on Facebook or MySpace looking for those special pictures? Now that’s BS.
Did you all download your “Why don’t you shut up” Chavez ring tone? Maybe some enterprising entrepreneur can modify it to say Why don’t you shut up Roger Rabbit. Now that’s no BS there!
Do you lurk on Facebook or MySpace looking for those special pictures?
Hmmmm. Those “special pictures” are news to me. How do YOU know about that?
Full of BS as always like “my word is my bond”.
Where is the dirt to “swift boat” Obama from the Clinton camp.
Now that’s big BS!
You seem to drag your knuckles in the gutter all the time.
Shit! You’ve done nothing but since you started vomiting your crapola here.
YLB – The Clueless One ™ – I was speculating based on your previous posts. Like how you beat your wife and kick the pet!
Speaking of pets, I recently read you really enjoy the smell of cat shit too!
You are one sick puppy!
I’ll ask again before I start work.
YLB – The Clueless One ™, why are you so prurient?
OH BTW YLb, are you at work? If so why are you wasting the man’s time on ASSWipes (TM)?
YLB – The Clueless One ™ someone recently told me you got a haircut. I mentioned it’s not a haircut, it’s a cry for help.
I recently read you really enjoy the smell of cat shit too!
No that’s your bro DOOFUS who now disguises himself as a mangy right-wing cur. There’s not a pile of cat shit around he doesn’t make a beeline for like the ravenous mutt he is.
To your credit P(BS), you just restrict yourself to bullshit, right wing bullshit from Murdoch, Moon, Scaife and the rest.
YLB – The Clueless One ™: If I restrict myself to right wing stuff, how do I find things like Kos’ call of James Carville? I pull Media Morons stuff along with Stinky Progressives all the time. The Clinton News Network provides me fodder everyday.
But that small pea-brained idiot savant mind can’t get you past your daily dose of moonbat crap you drink every morning. Not only are you really stupid but you blog on the man’s dime.
You continually live up to the dull knife moniker I gave you long ago.
YLB – The Clueless One ™: I have to go. The phone is a ringing. Keep using the man’s resources to NOT make sense here!
You’re doing a great job!
Ta ta!
how do I find things like Kos’ call of James Carville?
You know exactly how you find it out. From right wing bullshit publications and website – lookee here the leftie Kos is cappin’ on Carville, chortle, chortle.
Full of BS again.
someone recently told me you got a haircut.
Yawn. Haven’t had one in a couple of months. Keep putting it off.
Is this some play on Edwards? Which r/w bs publication did you get that from?
Like how you beat your wife and kick the pet!
Naaah. You’re confusing me again with a right wing male who does that because he think “he the wears the pants” in the family.
You’re so confused PWhacks. I feel so sorry for your right win g addled mind.
Yes she’s winning. She hasn’t won yet, and there’s still a couple weeks before Iowa, of course, but the notion that she isn’t the front runner is just embarrassing. The notion that she’s just a “Goldwater girl” at this late date when she was the last person to make a serious push for universal healthcare in this country, and more than anyone else pushed through S-CHIP. She and Patty Murray stood up to the Bush administration on the morning after pill, actually getting things accomplished in hostile territory. She was opposed Bush nominees before it was hip. She was a leader on the minimum wage. She She has been standing up for liberal ideals for the last several decades as a lawyer, a first lady, and a Senator. But none of that matters because she supported the wrong person in 1964.
She certainly has more positive liberal accomplishments in the Senate than any of the other frontrunners: Edwards’ first 4 years were spent kissing the rings of the Lieberman/Miller wing of the party and the last two running for President. Obama’s only accomplishment so far is that he’d like ethics reform. I’ll take Clinton over that, thankyouverymuch. You could make the case that Obama’s voting record is a bit more liberal than Clinton’s but not that much. You could make a case for some of the other candidates, but seriously, Dennis is a non-starter for me because I don’t trust him on choice. Who is pure enough for you?
The political environment of the 1990’s … That would be the environment in which Kathleen Willey, Juanita Broaddrick, Gennifer, Paula, ad infinitum, were swiftboated before swiftboating was cool. Hate crimes? Blaming the victim? Harassment &/or rape? All part of the Clinton M-O against women who got in the way of Bill’s bent little pink willy.
And the smash-mouth trashing of Bill’s babes continues. Kathleen Willey, like Juanita Broaddrock, was a Democrat activist. Roger Maggot denies it, but they were. Roger is a process geek who wouldn’t impute treason to Alger Hiss without a formal conviction, but he indicts and convicts Willey on the basis of a Clintonian hit in the always reliable Wiki.
Roger accepts the Clinton/Wiki assertion that Willey, somewhere, at some time, made a false statement about being pregnant. Did she, at some point in her life, lie? Was she misunderstood? Or was she a swiftboated victim of Hillary’s slimy War Room that brought out their long knives to Bobbit Bill’s victimized women when they wouldn’t shut up? Or when 100-dollar bills from Bill were dragged thru their trailer parks? Or when their pets were killed and their kids were threatened?
Hey Maggot, Wiki “Jack Paladino.”
Clinton, after the 1995 Republican Congress tamed him, was a rather good Republican president. I said it at the time. Then in 1998 he reverted to being Bill, a sick slick liar. George Snuffleupagus said it at the time, or soon after, in a book about his sick years with Sick Willy. (And the malady lingers on: Roger Maggot wants you to read The Atlantic homage to Obama. Obama wants you to start asking about how Sick Willy’s little pink bent willy is spending all its free time.)
All these weeks of mixed-metaphorical bullshit from the horses ass, and still not a word about the planted questions at Hillary rallies or the likelihood that Spitzer and Blitzer got the red-faced Bill smackdown from Bill.
@4 … Ah yes, the Goldwater Girl. News from the mooks at 1090 AM is that there’s a new, improved Goldwater-Miller ticket in 2008. Stephanie Miller, daughter of 1964’s Bill Miller, is unreliable about those distant days, mostly because she was about four in 1964, was ugly, and had a unibrow.
Stephanie says the 1964 version of AUH2O/Miller would recoil at today’s theocratic despotic GOP. Nonsense. The recoiling that was done back then was by voters against Miller’s father. Letters to Time and Newsweek leading up to the 1964 election, show that voters recoiled from Goldwater because he teamed with the repellent or ridiculous Bill Miller.
still not a word about the planted questions
You can find that easily at any right wing bullshit and hatred outlet. No need to repeat that here. In other word – go fuck yourself!
And no, Hillary’s not my first choice even though I know she can do the job.
36 – another wingnut threatened by a woman. Such insecurities breeds a desire to keep women in shackles, restrict their options, their choices.
So freaking sad.
Sick Willy’s little pink bent willy
That’s a REAL BIG obsession with you wingnuts. You can’t get it out of your heads.
Bill’s presidency despite its warts was successful. Gas was cheaper, we were prosperous, the budget was balanced – we could hope for the future.
Now? A bleak landscape of debt and despair, a shit sandwich served up by the oil patch boys and their puppet, GWB.
We could have got that obsession out of our heads if The Big He had retired to his massage parlor in Little Rock. He’s back, alas, and it’s in Obama’s head that somebody’s giving head to Blue Dress Bill. Obama’s not pleased that Bill is again getting a free … ride.
Once Bill stuffed his ridiculous wife back in her tube in 1994, he gave us a few years of pretty good government, aside from refusing to accept the extradition of Osama bin Laden from Sudan and aside from letting Kenny Boy Lay do sleepovers in the White House. Or so they say.
As for sick Bill’s sickness, don’t take it from us right-on right guys. Go to the book by Bill’s lefty little geek, Georgie the Greek. It’s all there, all the ugly slimy pathology. Kathleen Willey is only reaffirming what we already knew about the Clintons, and should not have forgotten.
As for sick Bill’s sickness, don’t take it from us right-on right guys.
Georgie was hawking a book and you a “right-on right guy” with a hard-on in the brain for Bill’s private part –
bought it.
Lucky you!
1. You aren’t a Democrat
2. but you are dumb
3. Ken Lay bought Bush not clinton – he was the biggest contributor to bush and he is in the oil business like Bush and cheney
4. bin Laden was supported/nurtured by Reagan in Afghanistan as anti-soviet – Clinton was the one president who actually went after bin Laden (and the republicnas were so focused on Monica they claimed it was a deliberate distraction).
6. the rest is right wing propoganda – I bet you believe someone was killed too (instead of committing suicide, Foster) – you dittoheads are so gullible you still beleive there were wmd’s in Iraq.
YLB – The Clueless One (TM), the budget wasn’t balanced. The SS hole was and is still there.
YLB – The Clueless One ™ – Planted questions was on the KOS site. Try again simpleton!
YLB – The Clueless One ™, If I only stayed on RWWS that means I wouldn’t find Kos or other LWWS material.
Another silly theory killed.
The SS hole was and is still there.
I recall we had a surplus for a while and what happened to it?
Oh yeah those “wise stewards” in your party squandered it.
If I only stayed on RWWS that means I wouldn’t find Kos or other LWWS material.
Nope. You’re lying. RWBS sites always point to MSM or lefty sites to do their spinning. You just follow along like the sheep you are.
Sorry “my word is my bond” bullshit man – nothing you can say will convince me that you are not controlled and directed by right wing bullshit.
You’ve copied and pasted so much of it. It’s plain for anyone who wants to look.
In fact your mind is so addled by that RWBS that you can’t keep track of all the lies you told.
That’s why ATJ so easily wrapped you up in a web of your own lies.