Time to MoveOn edition.
* So, yeah, I’m about as pissed off as Brad. The country has gone nuts. Seriously, 22 Democrats, fuck the heck (and thank goodness our Senators weren’t among that group)? Of course, nobody seemed to be mad when Republicans you know, did much worse. But at least the liberal media will stand up to this nonsense. And just because we’re pissed off at some Democrats doesn’t mean that the righties and their pathetic excuses get a pass. Anyway, the best way for MoveOn to get into the good graces of the far right is probably to needlessly insult Muslims.
* And if you want to know who hates the troops, the real answer is the anti-sex right.
* And speaking of the anti-sex right, did you know they were anti-sex?
* So how did you spend your International Day of Peace?
* Ann Coulter needs a better fact checker. Or to stop lying, I guess.
* According to those guardians of the free market, crazy assed Republicans, there’s no difference between price fixing and press releases.
* Dave Reichert still isn’t independent or bi-partisan.
* The people who named the South Lake Union Trolley should have thought a bit harder.
* Dino Rossi’s idea man can’t figure out why some people might find the name of the Washington Redskins offensive.
This is an open thread.
Ride the SLUT! I’m glad they didn’t think harder, but then I don’t like Seattle.
Open question for wingnuts:
Has Larry Craig, convicted sexual deviant, resigned from the senate yet?
Just askin’………
From the Star Tribune is Minneapolis:
MLF’s commentary:
This is Craig’s way of saying: “I want to be a United States senator. I want to suck and touch strange pee pees. Why can’t I have it all? I am not gay, I have never been gay. I just really like cocks that aren’t mine.”
Full text of article can be found here: http://www.startribune.com/587/story/1443028.html
Fair use, blah blah blah….
The Star Tribune is IN Minneapolis. Sorry for typo.
It is all the atheist’s fault. Apparently not believing in God leads to immorality while belief in God leads to Al Qaeda? Ahmadinejad? Bush? Pat Robertson? Isaac Orama? Pope Pious?
Funny, few if any atheists claim that belief in God leads to immorality. Must be that atheists just can’t understand reality.
When did I last hear of atheists causing violence or immortality? Oh yeh ..them damn Buddhist monks in Burma want toi turn over their government! Then there is the kindly Anglican bishop of Nigeria, “Homosexuality and lesbianism are inhuman. Those who practice them are insane, satanic and are not fit to live because they are rebels to God’s purpose for man.” Sadly, in Nigeria, gays actually do face the death penalty.
While I am at it, I just found a really great list of blogs on science (you know the antonym of intelligent design?) and society. SeattleJew
25 Years of Happy Returns – Chronicle.com: “25 Years of Happy Returns If you’ve ever ended an e-mail message or an instant message with an emoticon, now might be a good time to pause and reflect on the work of Scott E. Fahlman. After all, it will be 25 years ago tomorrow that Mr. Fahlman, a professor of computer science at Carnegie Mellon University, invented the digital smiley face.”
Why is it a whack-job like Iran’s Whackminojab gets better treatment at a liberal university than the Minutemen? Their meeting was canceled because the university could not protect the Minutemen from whack-job liberals.
Yes you got it! Thats BULLSHITTIUM!
SeattleJew: Remember in Iran they don’t have no gays!
A8 if you say so, it must be true.
#7 — Grow up, asshole.
Your poor little victim act is wearing thin.
What the Hell good are Minutemen who can’t protect themselves from Liberal college students.
“No!! Don’t ‘tase’ me, bro.!!!”
#7 — Maybe it’s the Liberal college students questions they can’t protect themselves from.
Let me ask you this, PudWax: What useful scientific or medical research has any Evangelical college ever done?
#7 — Besides the laying on of hands at Oral Roberts U.
(Have you heard about his brother, Anal Roberts?)
#7 — Anal can fart the Lord’s Prayer in 3 languages.
It’s time for Piper to chime in with some ‘Side-Show Bob’ sounding comment.
if you say so, it must be true
After extensive research, he can make the claim with confidence. Well, not “research,” per se – more like tapping his toes in men’s rooms across the ME, but it’s as close as he’ll ever get to science.
The Iranian president and the fundi Muslims. Anybody notice how much they sound like the GOP and the religious right?
The Warren Jeffs trial. Anybody notice how much child abusers, spousal abusers and racists gravitate toward religion? Oh, it is not the fault of religion. A truely religious person would have nothing to do with these acts.
@16 There is a clinical name for the common features of the pople afflicted wiht this disease:
“Alternative Reality Syndrome”
I recently summarized some of this at SJ.
Why is it a whack-job like Iran’s Whackminojab gets better treatment at a liberal university than the Minutemen?
He didn’t get good treatment at all. He was berated by the university president before he got up to speak.
And if you’re wondering why they don’t have forums like this with the Minutemen, it’s because Ahmadinejad is an elected president of a country of 75 million people, while the Minutemen are a bunch of Yahoos trying to build a fence.
I was kinda disappointed at the Columbia president’s lack of hospitality… is he so threatened that he has to vent tastelessly at the outset of an impending confrontation? I remember Jesse Jackson inviting David Duke to speak (on JJ’s TV show)- and how it stayed pretty civil, despite the audience wanting to have Duke for finger food… ^..^
Asking Ann Coulter not to lie is like asking Jerry Lewis not to make faces… ^..^
Stupid Choir _ Read and think from the single celled brain instead of you very large rectum orifice.
So the Congressman teams up with McDermott, Cantwell and Murray yet you still call call him partisan and not an independent? The Governor and he back the same plan, and yet he is still not an independent? How the hell is Marcy Bruner and independent? She is from the far left and even your libs should admit that the 8th isn’t even close to being as liberal as you want.
Stupid Choir here is more liberal openmindedness:
“We celebrate free speech: for that reason we allowed the Minutemen to speak, and for that same reason we peacefully occupied the stage and spoke ourselves.”
Ryan Fukumori, a Columbia junior who took part in the protest, told The New York Sun. “They have no right to be able to speak here.”
Fair use clause courtesy of Pelletmaker.
Stupid Choir: We who think right are so glad you guys don’t own guns with actions like that last year!
More for you Stupid Choir:
BTW YLB – The Clueless one – it’s a replay of a CNN interview I know you liberals missed!!!
Stupid Choir: A book just for you:
Any regular HA commenters missing?
“A U.S. citizen has confessed to using an axe to kill a Dutch student after failing to find a soldier to attack, his lawyer said Tuesday.
The suspect, Carlos Hartmann, 41, of Tecumseh, Mich., has confessed to the Sept. 8 killing on a train platform in the southern city of Roosendaal, defence lawyer Peter Gremmen said.
Gremmen said Hartmann wanted to punish the Netherlands for its support of the war in Iraq…”
IAFF “Fireman”,
“So the Congressman teams up with McDermott, Cantwell and Murray yet you still call call him partisan and not an independent?”
Ummmm…did you bother reading the post? Reichert hasn’t “teamed up” with the Democrats. In fact, he voted against the house legislation. He is claiming he will vote for the Senate version of the legislation. We’ll see. But, if he does, you are seriously proposing that this suddenly makes him “independent”? Right. His “no” vote on the Webb amendment (extending Troop leave following combat) shows that he is just another troop-hating, BushCheney cock-sucking wingnut.
More likely the “independent” vote is because the Republican leadership told him it is a safe vote—after all his vote will not put the tally over the veto-proof threshold.
“How the hell is Marcy Bruner and independent? She is from the far left and even your libs should admit that the 8th isn’t even close to being as liberal as you want.”
Marcy Bruner? The awesome basketball player from Waco, TX? I’m guessing she leans towards the conservative side.
Hey SJ!!!
Did you hear GWB today take up the cause of freedom for Burma in his speech before the UN General Assembly?
I caught a snippet of news footage of demonstrations there, and the paper said the Buddhist monks led 100,000 some odd Burmese demonstrators in a demand for freedome and human rights…
I say, more power to them! And a pox on the junta!
The Piper
Ahmadinahandjob versus The Minutemen…
At least the racist, genocidal, terrorist-loving, very badly tailored and skankily groomed Iranian Prexy was allowed to speak.
Was the same courtesy afforded the leader of the Minutemen?
How about we make a rule? Those who disrupt a speaker are the ones labeled facist or hate-mongering or anti-freedom, while those who speak are simply judged on what they say?
The so-called students who interrupted the Minuteman speech sought to impose a particularly ugly form of censorship, and they should not only be repudiated, but kicked out of an institution that prides itself on being open to all points of view.
The Piper
@30 piper
I heard that B will speak, Unfortunately, no one n the world cares what he says,
Romney, Clinton, and Obama are the leaders who have recognized that #1 job is rebuilding the leadership GWB has pissed away. Giuliani sounds like Bushagain.
Column by David Brooks:
The Center Holds – New York Times: “Several weeks ago, I asked John Edwards what the YearlyKos event was like. He couldn’t remember which event I was talking about, and looked over to an aide for help.”
You’ve rightly been critical of the lack of attention paid to Burma and the situation there. Now, the President of the United States, in his annual address to the U.N. General Assembly, not only made specific mention of Burma, but went into detail about the issues and what needs to happen.
That you are pissed at GWB is one thing; he’s not your kind of guy, and you disagree with about everything he’s done. OK…that’s America and politics.
But now he’s not only acknowledged and recognized your issue, but he’s essentially said something to the effect, “SJ and I are one on the issue of Burma…I join with SJ in condemning the junta and calling for freedom for the Burmese people. Thanks, SJ, for trumpeting the issue.”
Can you not give him some degree of credit? On at least the theory that a stopped clock is right twice a day?
Wouldn’t kill you…
The Piper
David Brooks slips under the radar a lot with some very perceptive analysis. His book, “Bobos in Paradise,” has been on my list of “get-to’s” for a long time…
The NY Times column of his you reference will probably be a devestating read to a lot of HA lock-step posters. And the portion you quote about John Edwards and the Kos convention speaks both to his shallowness and Kos’s real irrelevency when it comes to actually influencing events. Uff da!
I’ve said this before…when the time is right, Hillary Clinton will squash her Democratic opponents like so many bugs; that’s politics, a rough and nasty business, and she plays to win…Period!
The Piper
As a Black man in today’s society how do you feel about the homosexual convicted sexual deviant Senator Craig not having resigned? Surely this is an affront to your black, conservative values? We have room in the Democratic party for you if you are disillusioned with the party of closet homosexuals and deviants. Just come on down to Drinking Liberally and get signed up. We take all varieties of folks. Even curmudgeons such as yourself.
@34 Piper
I have no problem giving GWB credit. There are other things I respect that he has done as well. I actually support NCLB.
This has nothing to do with “hate.” The only folks in all tis I hate are people like Colin Powell, Condi Rice, James Baker, who knowingly gave us a mental incompetent and those on either side of the RL dichotomy who arer unable to move on to solutions because they either support this man or hate him. That is unpatriotic!
In the THIS world, the USA has lost huge amounts of power bequeathed to the Bush regime by its predecessors. Our national security is as low as it has been since Lincoln.
So, am I pleased that GWB agrees that the Burmese people should be free. Sure. Do I think his opinion matters? Not a lot.
Carl with Big Left Feet: I already stated my disdain for Larry. Didya miss the memo? He said his resignation is effective Sept 30, didn’t he?
Me a curmudgeon? That’s a status symbol for liberals! Are you trying to salvage your “curmudgeon” image?
What is YOUR OPINION on the Columbia actions? You are surprisingly quiet!
Did Goldy remove the post about the Prosecutor and the Canvassing Board? What happened to that?
David Brooks slips under the radar a lot with some very perceptive analysis.
There’s a reason the above sentence has never been typed before.
Puddy says:
“What is YOUR OPINION on the Columbia actions? You are surprisingly quiet!”
Why not let him speak?
We let you come in here, and you’re just as batshit crazy, intolerant, racist, and intellectually dishonest as he is.
You’re just not smart enough to build nukes.
Pudwhacker @ 38,
My opinion is that the leader of Iran can say whatever he wants. Makes no difference to me, nor should it to you. As far as Columbia inviting him I think they could have made a better choice, but freedom of speech includes choosing who you listen to……not just what you say or write.
If you don’t like what he says, don’t listen. I didn’t. He is out of touch with reality. I believe he stated that there are NO HOMOSEXUALS in Iran. The laughter rippled through the audience tempered only by the fact he was a visting ?head? of state.
As a conservative Black man here in America, where we have tolerance for all sexual orientation, perhaps you should consider relocating to Iran where you would be much more comfortable since there are NO HOMOSEXUALS there.
As for the convicted sexual deviant Larry Craig and his penchant for sucking anonymous cock, he is still a card carrying member of both the Republican party and the United States senate. As a black man, how do you feel having this gay, old, white, convicted sexual deviant representing you and your party? He has not resigned. He is giving his own party the finger.
‘Nuff said.
Carl With Big Left Feet: Isn’t that the same attitude liberal people had in the 30s with Hitler? When Churchill warned the world about Hitler, the British voted in Neville Chamberlain. Did you forget the people on the SS St Louis. Of course you did… that’s ancient history.
When the Hitler was out of touch with reality Americans acted strange. During the 1930s, too many in the news media failed to report accurately on the violent and racist nature of Adolf Hitler and his followers and Whackedmandinojab is follwowing in his footsteps.
Did you forget how the Newspaper Association of America expressed their regret that their liberal fathers and uncles back in the 1930s and 40s “forgot” to help their Jewish refugee journalist brothers fleeing Nazi Germany? Or how about Hugh Fullerton who was FDR’s Consul General in Marseilles, France, who ordered his staff not to help with visas for British POW pilots or Jewish refugees? Wasn’t it the American and British liberals who ignored him to the peril of 6-20 million Jews. Didn’t the world say “never again”? Puddy remembers what I read in history. I see your single cell organism in your cranial orifice forgot these facts.
Regarding his comment of no homosexuals in Iran, I am glad you cleared that up for everyone. I have no problem with gays. I have stated over and over I don’t like their lifestyle shoved down my throat and paraded in schools to my children.
Or how about Time, Inc which publishes Teen People had a picture of Lynx and Lamb Gaede, 13 year-old twin sisters who wore yellow smiley-face Hitler T-shirts?
These two girls penned a song to Hitler:
“He fought so strong for our race.
We’re finally back in our place.
It took his life, my dear son, and now it’s over the war is won.
Our Race was saved because the lives that were sacrificed: those men that died…
Sacrifice , they gave their lives.
All those men who have died.
Sacrifice, they gave their lives, all those men who have died.
Warrior poet, I sing his songs. Ian Stuart, with his voice so strong.
Remember his words, as we sing along.
Rudolph Hess, man of Peace. He wouldn’t give up and he wouldn’t cease,
to give his loyalty to our Cause. Remember him and give a pause.
Robert Matthews knew the Truth. He knew what he had to do.
He set an example with Courage so bold. We’ll never let that fire grow cold.
Dr Pierce, a man so wise, helped so many of us open our eyes, and see the future for what it could be: a future for our Race’s eternity. ”
I thought Whackedmandinojab was a HorsesASS stand-in chadt or YLB – The Clueless One with many of his statements. But, I see you agree with giving a propaganda forum for scumbags like Whackedmandinojab. Yet when someone calls Whackedmandinojab “Hitler type of person” your liberal pundits come to the rescue: http://www.truthdig.com/report.....eak_devil/
Again, since you can’t seem to process facts – your argument against Larry Craig only holds water after Sept 30th.
“Ummmm…did you bother reading the post? Reichert hasn’t “teamed up” with the Democrats. In fact, he voted against the house legislation. He is claiming he will vote for the Senate version of the legislation.”
How is it that you are wrong so often, yet you still have that liberal know it all attitude?
Name 1 issues that Marcy is independent on.
Hey chadt: I expected a “brilliant” refutation of the facts in #43. I am shocked but not amazed!
Oh no… you can’t refute more truths. Come on and try. You are batting .9935 in stupidity. I know you can work your way to .994 and be at four sigmas of stupidity! (.994 – six out of every 1000 chadt comments are really about a topic and not tearing someone down).
Now I expect some liberal ASSWiper to make some pithy comment!
The drivel you post as “fact” doesn’t merit “refutation”.
The resemblance between you and Pooper Scott is that you a re both convinced that what you say is of stnnng import. Pooper is far more verbose than you, (or perhaps just knows English) but that certainly doesn’t mean either of you has anything to say.
That you find yourself witty, intelligent, and worthy of attention is contrdicted by the reactions of everybody here.
This escapes you, because all you want to do is come here and shit on the floor. You get the reactions you deserve.
Now, back to something interesting….
The problem with chadt is I find facts and post them.
You have no argument so you attack the messenger. .994… congratulations on making four sigma in stupidity!
If my “history facts” are shit to you… it proves you have no argument.
I know you won’t check them out chadt because it would validate my argument.
Oh… BTW, you won’t find these facts on those right wing sites.
Dreck is dreck, loser, and Greek letters won’t make it smell better. Your accusations of stupidity don’t impress me any more than the rest of your juvenile whining.
chadt: It’s not an accusation. There is no whining. You can’t make factual points. Your stupidity is now .99415 and climbing. Statistics moe-ron, statistics!