Some good bullshit while the bullshitin’s good.
* Alan Greenspan wrote a book, and if it had been a few years ago or so, it would be very insightful. But since he forgot to speak out until Bush has been mired in the 30% range for over a year, and he had been out of office for sometime, it’s too late.
* And speaking of the 30% range, Glenn Reynolds is thrilled that Bush is all the way up to 33%, and hopes that the upcoming bombing of Iran will boost him even more.
* Any notion of attacking Iran is bullshit in and of itself, and it’ll be important that we call bullshit on the enablers of that horrible idea, even if they’re Democrats, and even if we agree with them on most other issues.
* Unfortunately, we know the kind of people who have the president’s ear. Sad pathetic people. People who get all hot and bothered to see the President of the United States act like an ass, especially when talking about Iraq.
* And the President certainly won’t acknowledge the maybe 1,000,000 dead in Iraq.
* The Columbian comes out against paid family leave in the state. You see, they didn’t need no family planning in the dark ages, so we don’t need any now.
* Seriously, drinking water? What the fuck conservatives?
* And finally, it may have been mentioned on this blog once or twice before, but Jane Hague is a liar.
This is an open thread
Actually I have begun to fear what is happening at 1600 PA Ave is worse than before. I think lil Bush is now alone and is only allowed to per when he gets permission form a keeper appointed by a member of the Bush I crime family. These guys are smart and ruthless. They gave AA Clarence Thomas and then gave us al lil Bush even though they knew both were less intelligent than the usual bear. same guys worked for the decerebrate Reagan to plot Iran Contra.
What does this mean now? Beware of Bush I and Iraq. These mafiosa are lookng forward to 2012! It is in their interest to pass a failure onto the desk of Hillary or Barack. The scary thing is that the dems may fall into the trap. Precipitous withdrawal Prolonged occupation .. both are bad choices.
The only alternative I see is for the Dem leading candiates to preempt Bush by gi9ving a speech noting for all the the Emperor is nekkid and then propsing a strategy, any strategy, for getting us out of the fry pan w.o falling into the coals.
Here is some BS overlooked by Carl
Oscar Wyatt, librul, purveyor of $$$ to Moonbat! candidates, big oil tycoon, IN TROUBLE!
Wait a cotton pickin’ minute… Moonbat!s on ASSWipes said all big oil robber barons from Texas are Bush kool-aid drinkers… Another donk theory deeeeeestroyed by Puddy!
Using Pelletheads fair use clause: “Wyatt is also asking to have portions of a diary of a former Iraqi state oil agency employee, Mubdir Al-Khudhair, omitted. It suggests Wyatt provided the Iraq government with information about when the United States would invade and bomb Iraq and how many soldiers would be sent, according to the motion.
“Such actions would likely be considered repugnant by most Americans and could potentially bias,” said the papers, arguing the diary was irrelevant to Wyatt’s case.
One diary entry also states that “Wyatt allegedly convinced Senator Edward Kennedy to deliver a speech against the war with Iraq,” according to the motion. A spokesperson for Senator Kennedy did not immediately return a call seeking comment.”
Used Pelletmaker’s fair use clause!
If not true why does Wyatt care so I wonder… But, if diary entries are true, amazing.
Chadt, YLB/Clueless and other Wiper Hemorrhoids… look up his political contributions!
Waaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa
Wait a minute.. there’s more to the Wyatt story.
Using Pelletmaker’s fair use clause: “The motion also sought to edit out racial remarks Wyatt allegedly made, twice calling an African-American female attorney a derogatory racial term.”
Used Pelletmaker’s fair use clause!
I wonder what that derogatory racial term is…? I bet headlice knows… 24/7 too.
I always said when a Moonbat! is forced into a corner like a rat, their true colors appear for all to see.
Or how about Dick Turbin Durbin bringing on the Dream Act. Just think Moonbat!s, you are struggling to pay for college. Now your illegal alien friends children could be in competition for those same scholarships and your child, an American citizen loses. How you gonna pay da billz?
Try , try, try again right lefties?
Or how about Hilarycare? Does it cover illegals?
Wow the press actually asked a real question for a change!
5 Pud
What’s an “illegal?” Undocumented immigrants break no criminal laws.
@6 what a silly argument. It si illegal to be here w/o documentation. This is not a “crime” but it does mean yu are suposed to be deported.
Illegals are here because they are hired by Americans — illegally.
So, who’s the real illegal?
‘Oh lordy here we go again.
Federal prosecutor is arrested in sex sting
Police say he solicited sex with Michigan 5-year-old
September 18, 2007
A federal prosecutor flew to metro Detroit with a Dora the Explorer doll, hoop earrings and petroleum jelly for a 5-year-old he planned to have sex with, police say.
John David Roy Atchison — who prosecutes civil and criminal matters as an assistant U.S. attorney in the Northern Florida District — appeared on the other side of the law Monday in Detroit federal court. Atchison, 53, of Gulf Breeze, Fla., was charged with enticement of a minor using the Internet and knowingly traveling interstate to engage in illicit sex.
According to court documents, during an Internet chat with an undercover officer, Atchison described himself as “very much a family man.” He initiated the online chat Aug. 29 with the officer posing as a mother interested in letting men have sex with her children.
During continuous conversations, he expressed a desire to engage in oral, vaginal and anal sex with her fictitious daughter. Money was not part of the discussion.
In the chats, he also suggested he previously had sex with minors.
He’s a Republican, btw.
PudWax quote: “Wait a cotton pickin’ minute… Moonbat!s….”
The term ‘cotton pickin’ was deemed racist by the Seattle School District, and a white teacher was fired for asking two Black students to take their ‘cotton pickin’ feet off their desks.
So, I’ll thank you, PudWax, to stop applying your double=standards here on the comment thread. If the term is racist for one, it’s racist for all.
Wax: You may use Tennessee Ernie Ford’s term, ‘pea pickin’.
Only Puddybud can think that we’re somehow embarrassed for ourselves because of what a racist Texas oilman did. Sir, you’ve achieved another world record in stupidity.
Pussbut the Pretend Christian:
Who gives a shit? Who? This board’s most Hypocrital Asshole, that’s Who. Churchbat! Puddy, who sits on his sapphire throne, jerking off with his keyboard, posting inane tidbits from the Right Wing, where his true religion resides.
Do you see anybody here giving a crap about any of your crazy ramblings?
Thought not.
Have a wonderful day.
A million Iraqis dead in Iraq? Who is crazy enough to think they might turn against us now? That would be as crazy as asking why the information presented by that honorable soldier General Petraeus contradicted the NIE and every other independent appraisal.
Pay no attention to the 100% opposition to the US presence of the citizens of al-Anbar province behind the curtain…
Students getting tasered by campus police in our favorite state shows that the Bush Family operational policies are continuing on:
This, IMHO, qualifies as bullshit.
For all wingnuts and others that are still convinced that the add was wrong.
From Glenn Greenwald at Salon:
Basically, despite pundits, the Republican Attack Machine and a quite a few worriers in the Democratic Party, the country, by and large, agreed with the’s basic premise. Support for the Occupation of Iraq (since in truth the war was won after the first couple of months) has gone down, not up, despite the Bush Administrations machinations.
And on the local scene, police misconduct…yet, still, whatever….
I’ll just take a minute to note something.
Marvin Stamn, who is now aparently departed, made a direct connection between sports and his political views:
I’m a laker fan. I support the Los Angeles Lakers, I want them to win every game.
Very few of our trolls have been so blunt, but they’re the same. The GOP is their team. They should have jerseys made. Is a policy good, bad, harmful, helpful? No fucking clue a’tall! Go Team!!!! GOP roolz! Dems suck!
We can imagine them in the cheap seats with beer hats on.
Basketball season is over. Football season is upon us.
Send the trash talk here this week boys:
Here’s the latest CREW report on congressional corruption:
You’ll NEVER GUESS which party wins…..
“Wyatt provided the Iraq government with information about when the United States would invade and bomb Iraq”
Uhhh…like what information that BushCo wasn’t proudly proclaiming to everbody and his sister Kate for a year and a half prior to the invasion?
Here’s one of the Republican, Racist US attorneys that Rove didn’t fire, one of Puddy the Pretend Christian’s heroes:
Of course, in the Christian Arena, one of Puddy’s mentors exemplifies the ideals of domestic life:
Although the spouse was less than enthusiastic about this example of Christian Love:
Of course, not all of Pussybutt’s heroes seem to be “sensitive” to him; in fact, they’d rather be elsewhere:
Well, somebody’s gotta do Roger’s work while he’s way…..
By the way Pussass, isn’t Ronald Reagan one of your heroes?
The guy that tried to establish tax exemption for racist institutions, like the, Oh, Christian, Bob Jones University?,00.html
I thought so.
Puddy has vanished again?
My, what a surprise.
He’s getting a butt wax.
Why??? He glows in the dark as it is.
Chadt: I work for a living. I don’t continuously blog ad nauseum. I have off times and I have on times.
Simpleton Choir: I can use “cotton-pickin” all I want. My ancestors used to do that. I am proud of my ancestors. They endured a lot from your kind. Just ask Headlice Loocie 24/7.
I don’t set the PC rules for the Seattle School District. Not my problem.
BTW my ancestors didn’t pick peas!
Look Moonbat! Kooks: I have said it many times on ‘Wipes, any adult who messes with Children like that needs castration. Blog it on ‘Wipes. I don’t condone what that US Attorney did 1 iota. He is scum just like RightStillStupid.
Regarding illegal aliens, the law says they didn’t come here legally then they are illegal. Daddy Love and his compatriots love to reclassify them with other names Undocumented, invited past their visa, forgot to go back, etc.
For the tool who said they were hired illegally, take a trip to CA and drive around certain areas and tell me these are hired.
It was your side who said big texas oil men supported Bush.
It was your side who said big texas oil men were friends of Bush.
Just like I proved Mattel Toys & Shaw Group are cheap labor liberals to debunk Pellethead’s cheap labor conservatives
Just like I proved Perini Corp is the reason WRAMC was not fixed
Just like I proved Democrats in Congress got $BM of pork earmarks before they passed the earmark law
I am proving there are big oil texans who are librul Moonbat!s who are what they are by their own words, deeds, and actions! Another theory smashed by Puddy.
Oh, my!
The Puddycrite flees the scene!
Another chickenshit chickenhawk!
Why, who would have thought.
Puddysteer: All horns, no balls.
chadt: I come home say hello to the family, ask how was their day, make small talk. Watch O’Reilly and H&C.
very good, s-choir @ 9. and lets stop and drop the prattle about “undocumented” “immigrants” who have the best documentation money can buy.