When I’m not guest posting for Goldy I enjoy chronicling the bullshit that comes out of this state. From the blogs to organizations to the media to the Republican Party, and the elected officials, we produce quite a bit. The Mars Hill post is kind of what I do. Lee, blogging as thehim, also does an amazing job of it. And there are plenty of bullshit chroniclers on national issues. So here’s my favorite bullshit from the past week:
The (un)Sound Politics crew have been at it this week. Sharkansky seems to think that buying an espresso machine that will pay for itself in less than two years and then will get money to pay for operations and for school lunches is a dastardly big government plot. And that the school district should just have a coffee machine instead. Because getting money to the general fund and paying for school lunches is bad.
Sound Politics second fiddle and even lesser light Jim Miller is convinced on his own blog that the Bush economy is the best economy EVAR! Because George Will said so.
Outside of (u)SP, local crazy people organization, Faith and Freedom Network are celebrating LGBT Pride Month by overreacting. They want a Christian Pride Month (because nothing says “Christian” quite like one of the deadly sins) or at least a Straight Month.
Nationally, the bullshit artists are horrified that Bush attempted to pass an immigration bill that didn’t completely hate Mexicans and other immigrants. This cartoon is the funniest thing I’ve seen on the subject. Digby’s post here makes much the same point, and has an added bonus of pointing out how far the right wing has gone from its supposed ideological roots.
But lest you think that the righties have suddenly developed a case of Bush Derangement Syndrome, fear not! They still love the way he fights terrorism. And issues press releases about how he fights terrorism. And get upset at the fact that the New York Times doesn’t like how he issues press releases about how he fights terrorism.
And oh by the way, the surge is working. So there!
The best think about (un)SP is the fact that they will delete your comments and ban you if you disagree with their pathetic distortions of reality.
Stefan is trying to build fame for his pathetic ass, by championing the fantasy that Rossi lost in ’04 because people that weren’t supposed to vote voted. He seems to completely forget the tens of thousands of legitimate voters the GOP caged off the rolls nationwide. Sorry Stefan, I know you are going to read this. I also know you are a coward. You won’t let people that want to shine the light of reality on your wingnut knuckledraggers post on your pathetic website.
You have to ban people for telling it like it is because you can’t handle it. You can’t defend yourself, or you positions.
You Lose Stefan.
Why is it that all the right wing blogs have to ban people for telling the truth? Delete comments that prove how wrong they are, and how pathetic their ideology is?
So Stefan. How good of a job is Bush doing? How is the surge working? How are we going to pay back the 5 TRILLION dollars Bush borrowed to make up for the top 1%’s tax cuts? How is the war going? How are the global warming deniers doing? How is our constitution holding up? The gap between rich and poor? The health care system? Our alliances? Our military? Our reserve? FEMA?
If I type any more about the disaster GOP control of our government has been I will puke.
Most of all, what has happen to the USA’s standing in the world, thanks to Bush, and the Republicon lying, fearmongerer traitors that had total control of our government for 6 years?
You keep pretending retarded traitor Republicons are good for America Stefan, and I will be making fun of your blindness, insanity, and pathetic reasoning every step of the way. But you won’t let me. You know that man on man I will slaughter you. With reality.
You, and the rest of the right wing bloggers are pathetic. I think the word sickening may even be better.
Ban me will you.
I tell the truth.
You can’t handle it pussy.
They call me FACTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
STEEPLEJACKING — How Rightwing Operatives Are Hijacking Churches
Believe it or not, there’s an organized campaign to deploy trained operatives into mainstream denominations making them serve rightwing political objectives! This conspiracy is outlined in a new book:
“An unprecedented look inside the battle for religion in America, ‘Steeplejacking: How the Christian Right is Hijacking Mainstream Religion’ exposes how a strident theocratic minority is attacking — or ‘steeplejacking’ —mainstream churches in order to eliminate progressive voices and take control of America’s historic mainline denominations.
“An insider account by two ministers on the front lines of mainstream religion’s longtime shadow war against the religious right, ‘Steeplejacking’ reveals how conservative renewal groups, backed by a right-wing organization called the Institute on Religion and Democracy, … infiltrate mainline churches … with the goal of taking over the leadership of the church, and ultimately, the denomination. The book unmasks the covert methods that renewal groups and the IRD use …. Churches that have been ‘steeplejacked’ are also examined to illustrate why some are able to withstand an attack, while others succumb.”
The IRD is a truly evil group of religious extremists trying to turn churches where people go to pray into Republican activist groups.
“The Institute on Religion and Democracy is a conservative politically oriented religious group which seeks to challenge the public influence of the mainline Protestant Christian churches in the United States and their joint ministry, the National Council of Churches.
“The IRD … describes itself as ‘an ecumenical alliance of U.S. Christians working to reform their churches’ social witness, in accord with biblical and historic Christian teachings, thereby contributing to the renewal of democratic society at home and abroad.’
“Although governed by a board heavily composed of Roman Catholics, the IRD focuses its criticism only on Protestant churches. … Its goals are to influence decision-making in three Mainline Churches … the Presbyterian Church, the United Methodist Church and the Episcopal Church – because the Institute judges the leadership of these churches to be most seriously astray.
“The problems they attribute to these church leaderships include ‘the pursuit of radical political agendas’, which they feel are not justified by ‘Scripture or Christian tradition’, but instead are ‘left-wing crusades’: ‘feminism, environmentalism, multiculturalism, revolutionary socialism, sexual liberation, etc.'”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: What we have here is nothing less than a group of rightwing Catholics targeting Protestant churches whose congregations have liberal political views for forced conversion into rightwing fundie churches by means of subversion. It reads like something out of a cold war spy novel — only Stalinists could dream up such a plot. Unfortunately, these guys are real. They’ve got to be stopped.
Yee-HAW! I just wanted to share this little article which does a purty jig around that cartoon of yours:
@1 “You won’t let people that want to shine the light of reality on your wingnut knuckledraggers post on your pathetic website.”
Stefan does, however, let deranged GOP legislative candidates who hope terrorists kill Americans so they’ll get more votes post on his web site:
“Congratulations Speaker Pelosi, now let the bombs fall where they may. My prediction: terror attack on domestic soil passenger aircraft within the next six months. Casualties in the 2-300 range. And, unfortunately, maybe that’s just what we need. It’s obvious people don’t remember what happened 5 years ago. Posted by FullContactPolitics at November 8, 2006 10:52 AM”
Note, HA sleuth and Democratic commentator Richard Pope fingered “FullContactPolitics” as Mark Griswold, who got an 85% to 15% ass-thumpin’ from Rep. Frank Chopp.
I can see why a guy who gets only 15% of the vote feels he needs to get something going in his favor, but frankly I don’t think publicly wishing terrorists would kill some Americans is going to do it for him.
Now that Richard Pope is a Democrat, we’re gonna have to be nicer to him. This means I can’t make snide remarks about menacing witnesses in depositions anymore.
Normally, I really like your comments, but really, is this the worst bullshit you could find for the week?
How about:
1) Senator Lieberman calls for war against Iran.
Everyone here knows that I’m in favor of a “big tent” approach, and finding ways to get our liberal and moderate wings to cooperate.
But there are limits, and Senator Lieberman has managed to cross them.
Bad enough that he’s still acting as a cheerleader for the Bush administration’s failed policies in Iraq, which have killed over 3,500 of our Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Marines (not to mention God only knows how many Iraqis), while straining our military to the breaking point.
Now he wants to go to war against the other major military power in the area.
At what point do we simply tell the Senator that his views are not compatible with that of the Democratic party? Yes, it is very important that we have the leadership positions, so that we can set the agenda and try to hold the administration accountable. Yes, if we don’t control the Senate, then the Republicans can continue to protect the corrupt members of the administration.
But how does that differ from the current situation? “And what do you benefit if you gain the whole world but lose your own soul?”
2) “U.S. arming Sunnis in Iraq to battle old Qaeda allies”
Ok, so we have armed Sunni militias that are killing our troops and disrupting elections. They promise to be good, faithful allies if we’ll just give them a bunch more weapons.
Riiiiight. That policy worked so well with the Taliban and Al Qaeda.
“The (un)Sound Politics crew have been at it this week. Sharkansky seems to think that buying an espresso machine that will pay for itself in less than two years and then will get money to pay for operations and for school lunches is a dastardly big government plot. And that the school district should just have a coffee machine instead. Because getting money to the general fund and paying for school lunches is bad.”
You are right, The City should buy every fire station a New Coffee Maker AND espresso machine. We will charge a minimal amount and pay it back to the City over time. We would also like new 50 inch Plasma screen T.V’s since we are required to watch training videos (You libs have slashed our training budget and my brother and sister firefighters in Seattle can’t even flow water on the new Muti-Million dollar training facility. Great job, building a Firefighter Training Facility where you can’t use water. Makes for a great pretend day at work.). While we are at it, since we are required to be at the Station for 24 hours a day, we would like all of our food paid for (Hint: We love Steak). Since I have to drive into work, the City should pay for my gas. Anyone else think of anything that the Local, State or Federal Government should pay for? Maybe a sex change operation for a welfare recipient? Or Breast implants? How about for a kidney transplant, because the person was diagnosed while in Jail, but the actual illness is from actions that took place outside of jail?
Food Safety Attorney Calls Ground Beef Recall A “National Emergency”
It’s no accident that marketing dangerous food and drugs has become commonplace since Bush became dictator. The people he appoints to regulatory jobs work for Big Bidness! Oh and by the way, Republicans want to take away your right to sue companies who kill, sicken, or injure you and/or your loved ones with dangerous products. You’re supposed to pay the medical bills out of your own pocket.
Damn, you libs are really really really good.
Saw a poll today that Harry Reid’s approval rating is just 19%. Holy shit, that’s lower than Bush.
You guys got nofuckingwhere trying to take out Gonzales. Fucking racists…
Sure looks to me like this is a “do nothing” Congress. What the fuck happened to the “mandate”?
Pinche @ 4
That is funny, but I still like the cartoon.
John @ 7,
It wasn’t meant to be a comprehensive list of the week in bullshit. It was in fact supposed to lean a bit local. But yes, those are both bullshit too.
Union @ 8,
If your espresso machine is paying for part of the cost of operations, then it sounds like a plan. I’m not sure how your plan to have the city buy you a TV (doesn’t the union pay for that in most cases?) and your gas will ever actually make the city money. As for having your food paid for, that’s pretty much the exact opposite of the situation in Edmonds. Try reading first, and then getting into a huff.
Try reading first, and then getting into a huff.
The latter is easier, so they just skip the first part. That’s why it’s so easy for us to make fun of them.
#8 Union Fireman, when I fought fires, I was a volunteer. I didn’t get paid, and I didn’t have a union.
I am also proud to call myself a liberal. You use the word liberal as if it stood for something bad, when in fact the opposite is true. Name one thing that “us liberals” support that is not good. Anything. Be careful, if you respond I may make you look like a fool…..
I know Rush Limpdik the lying sack of human feces likes to tell the wingnuts liberals are bad, but you should know better. Pretty much every thing that rolls off his lips is a lie. Even O Riley said he should not be used as a source of information. He is nothing but a lying pig. A typical Republicon. SCUM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Why don’t you turn off Rush, O’Lyley, Hannjob, and the rest of the terminal liars, and turn on Air America and find out what is really going on in your country before it is too late. I know listening to reality radio is bad for you right wingedness but you gotta wake up sometime don’t you? Even Hitler’s supporters had to eventually admit they were wrong.
The less power the GOP, and their Republicon crooks have the better our country, and the world is.
Remember when that Clinton guy was president? When America was respected around the world? When we had allies? When the national debt was 5 TRILLION DOLLARS less? When we had a surplus? When the CIA was actually looking for Bin Laden? When every single terror warning was “not” ignored……
It is easy to call myself a liberal when the word conservative means absolutely nothing. The closest word to describing today’s conservative would be hypocrite.
Mark the Redneck @ 11
“Saw a poll today that Harry Reid’s approval rating is just 19%. Holy shit, that’s lower than Bush.”
Naaa…you are just too stupid to know how to properly read a poll.
In the most recent Rasmussen poll, Bush’s approval is 35% versus his disapproval of 63%. Notice 98% of people responded to disapproval/approval.
For Reid, his approval is 19% and disapproval is 45%. Notice that only 64% responded…the rest likely have no idea who Reid is.
Using your flawed comparison one might claim that Bush has much higher disapproval than Reid.
Pollsters tend to use the Approval – Disapproval spread to “correct” for such artifacts. By that measure, Bush is at -28% and Reid is at -26%. So Reid is still doing better than Bush.
“#8 Union Fireman, when I fought fires, I was a volunteer. I didn’t get paid, and I didn’t have a union.”
That makes you a Cheap Labor Liberal. Thanks for taking away Union Jobs and driving down the wages of middle class union members. Great job. I thought you were in favor of Unions and the middle Class. I guess only when you feel like it.
Union doesn’t buy us anything for the stations, we do. As far as the espresso machine paying for operations, that is a weak argument, and you know it. I could come up with a million ideas, that would eventually help “PAY” for operations, but they won’t go through. Every station gets an Espresso Machine, Each station will pay 0.01 per day, until paid off, and then the money will go into the Operations budget, from that point on. However, the City will be required to pay for maintenance and upkeep.
@7 John and Carl
on Lieberman
Isn’t the real problem that Bush has left us without a credible source of security information to feed a puboic debate? Bush has greatly weakened democracy by taking away the credibility of our long standing institutions.
What WOULD you do if you knew that the Iranians were close to crerating a true force du frappe? Nukes are inherently different from most other weapons, even weapons of mass destruction. Misused, nukes are able to not only to kill lots faolks, they can commit genocide in one step and even have the potential to wipe out our entire species (there is akind of bomb made with a strontium shell).
Suppose there is good reason that nuclera armamaent is very much the goal of Iran. What woul YOU want your leaders to do?
#16 I was a volunteer. The small town in Eastern Washington could not afford paid firemen….
I notice you didn’t mention anything that liberals stood for that was bad…..
Yer pretty sharp. You knew it was a trap!
SeattleJew asked:
Honestly, I do not know. Our options are so limited now that we may have to accept the possibility of a nuclear-armed Iran.
Considering that I have already had the “pleasure” of having Iranian “Hawk” missiles targeted on me (thanks to the first President Bush), the thought of the fate of nations depending on the Iranians being amenable to reason is not a happy one.
I have very little hope that Iran will willingly stand down its nuclear program, and equally little hope that we could get the rest of the world to accept our leadership in stopping them.
And, unfortunately, I’m not sure that we have the remaining military might to defeat them without going to a full wartime mobilization, and even then, it would be difficult. Iran has a modern military, and might well be able to garner the support of other nations against us.
Additionally, we would likely have to launch a preemptive strike, which would further damage our credibility throughout the world, while gaining allies for the Iranians. Imagine if Russia, China or even Pakistan were to ally with the Iranians.
But there is one old saying that seems so very appropriate at the moment. “When you find yourself in a hole, the very first thing to do is stop digging.”
Having Senator Lieberman going to the media with saber-rattling is not likely to help matters.
Headlines from around the region:
ya Libnan (Lebanon) “US senator backs bombing Iran for role in Iraq & Lebanon”
PressTV (Iran) “UN ‘silent’ as US Senator threatens Iran”
PressTV (Iran) “Pentagon plans to strike Iran”
Kommersant (Russia) “Military Plan against Iran in”
PanARMENIAN, (Armenia) “Pentagon prepared a strike plan on Iran”
What I would like my leaders to do is start actually thinking and acting like responsible adults. I have very little hope of that.
And I really wish that I could say that the Iranians were being irresponsible in developing nuclear weapons. Unfortunately, recent history seems to indicate that actually developing nuclear weapons is not nearly as dangerous as having the United States say you’re developing nuclear weapons.
North Korea is doing just fine right now, while Iraq is having a few difficulties.
One thesis has been advanced that we have managed to get deeply stuck in the quicksand. The Neoconvict regressive meme was that essentially we had to destroy Iraq to free Iraq. . .that doesn’t seem to have worked out too terribly well.
The regressive-feudal-fascist axis, primarily represented by James Baker III and Big Oil felt we had to invade Iraq and topple Saddam. . .to stabilize the price of oil and KEEP IT SUITABLY HIGH. The problem with this has been that while we have effectively neutralized any capacity Iraq may have had to flood the market with cheap oil, we have created a rather active little civil war between Sunni’s and Shia. . .
The Saudi’s really like the fact that we are helping to keep the price of oil high. . .but thoroughly deplore the fact that many,many Sunni’s in Iraq are being butchered.
One would think our most natural allies would be the Shia majority. . .but one would have to think again. Despite the fact that the Shia in Iraq hate the Wahabist (read Sunni) Al-Quaeda who attacked us, and have almost never shown any interest in expansionist delusions. . .certainly not since the Umayids, we are chained to the dying corpse of Saudi Arabia and the House of Saud’s Sunni Concerns. This courtesy of James Baker and American Big Oil.
The Saudi’s, who fund al-Quaeda and other Kutist fanatics who hate the West. The Saudi’s who fear and hate the Iranian Mullahs want us to arm and support the Sunni in Iraq, and basically re-establish a Sunni dominated ruling class in Iraq. We have fools in our Defense department who go along with this idea because they feel this is the only way we will be able to draw down our troops and lower our exposure to casualties.
Iran will not idly stand by while this idiotic policy is implemented. Nor will the Iraqi Shia.
We back the Iraqi Sunni because Prince Abdullah has told Dick Cheney we must. It would also suit Prince Abdullah if we destroy the Iranians, and curiously, it would also suit the Israelis. This stupidity, the idea that somehow, in some twisted fashion this insane course matches America’s best interests, finds it perfect expression in the nonsense being spewed by Joe Lieberman.
Speaking of bullshit – if only the right wing turds were as concerned about tax money going to kill babies in Iraq as they are the coffee machines. . . we’d all be in better shape.
And more bullshit – Harry Reid isn’t running for President so comparing him to a President (a pretend one not withstanding) is bullshit.
And more bullshit – union fireman isn’t either – a union member or a fireman.
And more bullshit…
Mission accomplished – George Bush
And more bullshit…
We know where the WMDs are – they’re around Tikrit – Dick Cheney
And more bullshit…
We’ll be welcomed as liberators – Dick Cheney
And more bullshit…
Iraq has missles that could reach US territory – George Bush
And more bullshit…
I am a real estate broker – Dino Rossi who is actually just a real estate agent
Moonbat!s, who said this in 1986: “This amnesty will give citizenship to only 1.1 to 1.3 million illegal aliens. We will secure the borders henceforth. We will never again bring forward another amnesty bill like this.”
Need Help?
You Give up?
Really Too hard?
You all too stupid?
You lost your memory?
History class was boring?
Slept through civics class?
Clueless just like Cluelessman?
Scratching your balls not helping?
Hanging around too many idiot friends?
The answer is:
Massachusetts Senator Theodore Ted Chappaquiddick Kennedy
Seems like when you are Moonbat!tic history does repeat itself!
John Barelli: I think it’s very curious the Europeans are allowing Iran to build this nuke in their back yard. I think it’s curious Nik Sarkosy called the rabble rousers what they are and the French people woke up and elected him. I think it’s curious the French are DEPORTING their Muslim rabble rousers.
Your blogged: “I have very little hope that Iran will willingly stand down its nuclear program, and equally little hope that we could get the rest of the world to accept our leadership in stopping them.”
I also think it’s curious you don’t read too much. North Korea: http://tinyurl.com/dlas
The UN IAEA knew about Iran too. http://tinyurl.com/yo2t2o
Enjoy your reading!
The same dilemma occurs for those who want a rapid withdrawal form Iraq .. led by the BUSHTER????
As for near term Iran, Lieberman’s threats are reasonable since he is NOT the President nor is he the majority leader. Keeping the nuclear sword at the ready is iley the only way to contain Iran.
That said, onhce Bush is gone, hopefully we will have pros back in the WH and State and can begin some real diplomacy. Faced with a real possibility of a US nuking Iran, what would be smart for the Chinese to do? If they are smart they would respond by helping keep the peace.
The same dilemma occurs for those who want a rapid withdrawal form Iraq .. led by the BUSHTER????
As for near term Iran, Lieberman’s threats are reasonable since he is NOT the President nor is he the majority leader. Keeping the nuclear sword at the ready is iley the only way to contain Iran.
That said, once Bush is gone, hopefully we will have pros back in the WH and State and can begin some real diplomacy. Faced with a real possibility of a US nuking Iran, what would be smart for the Chinese to do? If they are smart they would respond by helping keep the peace.
No doubt that Iraq is a quagmire. Whether our continued presence under President Bush would be better than our departure is a topic for much debate, as it is one of those “tiger by the tail” questions.
Which is better? Another year and a half of setting the Iraqi people against us? Do what we still can and leave quickly, hoping that our military leaders won’t allow the President to simply screw things up so that he can blame the resultant mess on Democrats?
Senator Lieberman’s threats are not “reasonable”. Reasonable men do not add gasoline to a raging fire. We’re having enough trouble working at diplomacy around the world without having some headline grabbing maverick giving more credibility to Iran and Syria when they claim that our real goal is just to steal their oil and make war on Islam.
“A real possibility of a US nuking Iran“? Did you read that before typing it?
First, you and I are both old enough to remember nuclear bomb drills in school and people digging shelters in the back yard. We both have at least some idea of what nuclear weapons do.
Would we really use nuclear weapons against Iran? Kill tens (hundreds?) of thousands of Iranian citizens? Level their cities? Invite retaliation from China and Russia, bring the justified condemnation of the entire world down on our heads, and become pariahs among the civilized people of the world?
No President I’d vote for would even consider that except possibly as retaliation to a massive nuclear strike against US targets.
I read your post at 7:16, and the references, but nothing in those references seems to refute my positions that the Iranians are unlikely to willingly give up developing nuclear weapons, nor isthe rest of the world likely to accept our leadership in stopping them.
The references also do not refute my observation that actually developing nuclear weapons is less dangerous to a country than simply having the US government say you’re developing them.
We said Iraq was developing nuclear weapons, even though the intelligence said otherwise. We knew that North Korea was developing nuclear weapons, and that they have a long history of irrational behaviour.
So please remind me, which of those two did we attack?
As for near term Iran, Lieberman’s threats are reasonable since he is NOT the President nor is he the majority leader. Keeping the nuclear sword at the ready is iley the only way to contain Iran.
What? That’s the worst possible way to contain Iran. Right now, the Iranian regime is battling internally over how aggressively it needs to buck the international community and move forward on its nuclear weapons program. The biggest factors towards the hardliners winning that battle is for the Iranian public to be swayed to the argument that nuclear weapons are necessary to keep them safe. Nothing helps the hardliners in this fashion as much as when American hardliners threaten to drop nukes.
Must really fry inbred baby rapers like Puffybutt to see his pretend president aligning with the Democratic Senator from MA. You should turn in your Publican voter card Puffy and go indy. You don’t want to be aligned with a politician who supports Ted do you?
What do right wing traitors like Puffybutt do when the Publican talking points show Bush in a bad light? Must cause a complete mental breakdown for the mental midgets on the right.
Stupidman is on ignore. Since he knows all about raping babies… Abbreviations such as the IAEA give him a headache.
John Barelli: What I am saying is the UN is a useless outfit. It knew about the NK nukes for 8 years and covered it up.
It knew about Iran’s plans for years and what did it do?
Who will stand up against the Iranians except us?
I think it’s curious the Russians and the Chinese support Iran and we all know why. They both want Superpower designation. When in Gulf WAR 1 we took out all of the Iraqi T-62 and T-72 tanks without losing one M1A1 Abrams, people noticed. When Chinese rockets exploded on the launch pad people noticed. When Clinton sold to the Chinese Loral telemetry technology people noticed. When the Russians improved their anti-M1A1 and M1A2 tank armaments people noticed.
We all know China wants South China Seas control (Taiwan) and Russia wants the Arab proxy and Eastern bloc back. How else to stymie the US except by forcing us to deal with thugs on many fronts.
John, I thought you were smarter than this.
Notice how the coward Puffybutt runs from a discussion of the GOP fight over immigration? How does it feel you cum-drunk bitch to see your leader working with Senator Ted? HE HE!
First, Puddybud, my comment was “I have very little hope that Iran will willingly stand down its nuclear program, and equally little hope that we could get the rest of the world to accept our leadership in stopping them.”
No mention of the UN anywhere in that comment. I’m not entirely sure how you got from that comment to your comment that stated: “
In fact, I lament the fact that we have squandered the trust and admiration that much of the world had for us. Had we chosen a path that did not include lies, and unilateral decisions to go to war, we would be far better able to deal with Iran.
There was a time when leaders of the world didn’t even ask for verification when our leaders asked them to support us. The now famous comment from Charles de Gaulle “The word of the president of the United States is good enough for me”.
Today, we might be able to bully some nations into supporting us, but we can no longer wield that admiration and trust that the world once had for us.
And you may even be correct that the UN is unlikely to be a major player in stopping Iran from developing nuclear weapons.
So, perhaps the final legacy of the Bush administration will be to re-start the cold war, and bring new players to the table. We end up with a nuclear-armed Iran allied with Russia and China, and nothing we can do about it short of starting World War III.
What a legacy.
You also managed to miss the both-sides-of-the-mouth argument in Puddy’s retort. The UN might be able to do something if they actually had the ability to command a sufficiently effective military force. To continously restrict military support for the UN and then piss and moan because the UN isn’t all that effective at enforcing sanctions is both typically Republican and typically circular.
Don Joe:
Hmmm…? UN do something. What’s their military mandate? Who watered it down? Look it up Don Joe!
Let’s see – Blue Helmets who won’t shoot, but can rape and pillage and deal in slave trade and human trafficking! Yes Don Joe, right up your alley. Golly these just popped into my mind so easily!
Rwanda – 1994
Srebrenica – 2001
West Africa 2004
Congo – 2004
Lebanon 2006 – 2007
I’ll wait for your “retort”!
Imposter @ 41,
I think you just made my point: give the UN just enough military force to be a farce, and then complain about it.
Or did you just not grasp the meaning of the word “sufficiently effective” in my previous comment?