Now that the TV ads supporting universal gun background checks are starting to air in WA, I can’t wait to see the the ads comparing gun background checks to Hitler. Go for it NRA—I double-dare you!
The right wing hysteria campaign for “gun rights” doesn’t have to actually make sense, all they have to do is appeal to the hysterical, emotional right wing fear machine that “they” are going to take away “our” guns and then…UN, black helicopters, Ruby ridge, Waco, Obama, feds, immigration.
Report: 8-Year-Old Texas Boy Shot By 7-Year-Old Relative
An 8-year-old boy was shot by his 7-year-old relative on Thursday while they were left alone with a gun in an apartment in Texas City, Texas, the Galveston County Daily News reported.
Another sacrifice to the god of the Gun Fetish Death Cult.
headless lucyspews:
The lack of concern on the right about organizations such as Blackwater and its subsequent mutations leads me to conclude that our home-grown gun nuts are more accurately described as neo-Brownshirts than freedom-loving patriots.
If your best response to a challenge is a gun, you don’t have an argument.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@1 Implicit in that meme is “shoot the police.” (We recently witnessed another demonstration of this undercurrent of extremist rightwing ideology in the Bundy standoff.) I’m surprised the NRA still gets any sympathy or support whatsoever from America’s cops.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@3 If these morons ever make good their threats to launch a civil war in America, then I hope their worst paranoid fears are realized — i.e, that F-16 jets, Abrams tanks, smart bombs, and the 101st Airborne Division make short work of them.
When I see photos of those nutballs at the Bundy Ranch crouching behind concrete jersey barriers and aiming their sniper rifles at BLM officers, I picture a pair of National Guard F-16s coming in at 300 feet and 600 mph, parallel to the highway, and unloading cluster bombs and napalm on that bunch. War over.
@5 Of course, the gun fetishists cling to the notion that once they’ve launched their little “revolution” that most of the members of the police and military will reveal themselves as similar closet seditionists and either lay down their weapons and walk away, or say goodbye to flag, country, commander-in-chief and constitution and throw in with the lunatics.
@5, @6 Of course, if we had a POTUS who wasn’t trying so hard to “govern by consensus” instead of calling out the traitors for what they are, that would have already happened in the Bundy case…or more likely Bundy and his rabble would have been quietly dealt with before the confrontation got to the point it did.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@7 I’m still hoping for sealed indictments and guys with dark glasses in black SUVs picking them off one by one whenever they go into town for a resupply of beer, followed by trials in federal courts and lengthy prison terms. A fallback position is to have the uniformed badges riddle them with holes every time they draw on a cop.
The right wing hysteria campaign for “gun rights” doesn’t have to actually make sense, all they have to do is appeal to the hysterical, emotional right wing fear machine that “they” are going to take away “our” guns and then…UN, black helicopters, Ruby ridge, Waco, Obama, feds, immigration.
Another sacrifice to the god of the Gun Fetish Death Cult.
The lack of concern on the right about organizations such as Blackwater and its subsequent mutations leads me to conclude that our home-grown gun nuts are more accurately described as neo-Brownshirts than freedom-loving patriots.
If your best response to a challenge is a gun, you don’t have an argument.
@1 Implicit in that meme is “shoot the police.” (We recently witnessed another demonstration of this undercurrent of extremist rightwing ideology in the Bundy standoff.) I’m surprised the NRA still gets any sympathy or support whatsoever from America’s cops.
@3 If these morons ever make good their threats to launch a civil war in America, then I hope their worst paranoid fears are realized — i.e, that F-16 jets, Abrams tanks, smart bombs, and the 101st Airborne Division make short work of them.
When I see photos of those nutballs at the Bundy Ranch crouching behind concrete jersey barriers and aiming their sniper rifles at BLM officers, I picture a pair of National Guard F-16s coming in at 300 feet and 600 mph, parallel to the highway, and unloading cluster bombs and napalm on that bunch. War over.
@5 Of course, the gun fetishists cling to the notion that once they’ve launched their little “revolution” that most of the members of the police and military will reveal themselves as similar closet seditionists and either lay down their weapons and walk away, or say goodbye to flag, country, commander-in-chief and constitution and throw in with the lunatics.
@5, @6 Of course, if we had a POTUS who wasn’t trying so hard to “govern by consensus” instead of calling out the traitors for what they are, that would have already happened in the Bundy case…or more likely Bundy and his rabble would have been quietly dealt with before the confrontation got to the point it did.
@7 I’m still hoping for sealed indictments and guys with dark glasses in black SUVs picking them off one by one whenever they go into town for a resupply of beer, followed by trials in federal courts and lengthy prison terms. A fallback position is to have the uniformed badges riddle them with holes every time they draw on a cop.