I was walking home the other day along the waterfront. The Mariners were playing, so there was a nice partisan crowd* walking to the stadium. It’s more touristy than I generally like on my commute, but still I’m glad it’s there, and I’m glad to live in a city where that walk is possible. We can (and have and likely will) discuss the merits of what we’d like to see there in the future. But one thing I think we can all agree on is the people on Pedicabs need to turn their damn music down.
Now, don’t get me wrong! I like that there are people on bikes taxiing people around: It seems like a great sort of thing. I’ve never taken one, but it seems like a fun way to get to see a city. Perhaps someday when I’m lost in some other city, I’ll take one. If I’m offered a choice between normal volume or no music, I’ll probably take the no music, but if there’s just normal volume, that’s fine.
The problem only comes when I’m walking and it drowns out my headphones. Especially if I’m caught behind them. The tinniest speakers belting out music so loud I can’t think kind of ruins that segment of the walk.
Weirdly, I don’t even mind when people play music loud at the park. I can just keep going and find somewhere else. I think the combination of it being in a throughfare and of being stuck behind it was the problem. And to be clear, this post isn’t advocating for a law against it. It seems like the enforcement would be worse than the problem. I just want to register my complaint.
PS, I am NOT a crank.
* I’m not a fan of the wild card, and am even less a fan of expanding it, but it has made this season quite fun.
“Perhaps someday when I’m lost in some other city, I’ll take one.”
And he’ll take you for a “long ride.” He probably votes Republican, too. Most dishonest people do.
I know it’s not the Seattle way, but did you (politely) ask them to just turn it down? Asking for what you want seems to work in most parts of the world, but oddly Seattleites seem incapable of doing it. Complaining about it after the fact? Oh we’re really good at that.
@2 Carl doesn’t want to get shot by some nut who thinks he has a God-given right to “stand his ground” against anyone who complains about his loud music.