Hey, the coward is actually willing to stand up and face his constituents??
Wow, what a guy.
Do you think anyone will ask about his affair & divorce…did that help his family’s health??
Maybe the same people that was yelling at the nancy pelosi towhhall will show up.
Ah. So you do admit they’re being bussed in.
Hey, the coward is actually willing to stand up and face his constituents??
You mean the ones bussed in by the insurance industry and the wingnut welfare crowd.
Lemmee guess I bet the Pooper makes a showing…
It’s just happy times right now for the bought and paid for tools. The wingnut cash is flowing, bussing them to scream at politicians, with a bit of a food/drink voucher.. You gotta love it.
Roger Rabbitspews:
The only thing the angry shouting proves is how infantile the shouters are.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@2 Why don’t you show up and answer questions about your goats?
A 51-year-old man at a town hall meeting held by Sen. Benjamin Cardin (D-MD) held up a sign reading “Death to Obama” and “Death to Michelle and her two stupid kids.”
The man was detained by the local sheriff’s office before being turned over to the Secret Service.
Nothing to see here, folks. Just your standard ratcheting up the death threats by ignorant right-wing freaks egged on by corporate interests, our media, and Republican politicians.
But Obama’s sending death panels to kill poor baby Trig, so it’s OK.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Talk about a petty, chippy, mean-spirited editorial! That Columbian editorial could only have been written by an embittered Republican.
WESTWOOD — A man accused of making threats against the White House led officers on a wild freeway chase that ended in a standoff outside the Federal Building.
Initially, there were two suspects inside the vehicle, both of whom were apparently wanted on various local warrants.
They’re also wanted for questioning by the Secret Service as part of a federal inquiry into threats against the White House says police Sgt. Kevin Lowe.
U.S. Secret Service spokesman Ed Donovan says the suspect made a threat but would not give details.
He called the situation a “protective intelligence matter.”
There was intelligence everywhere but inside the suspect’s car.
proud leftistspews:
We see what pitiful remnants of the rightwing remain in this country–hateful, uninformed, mouthbreathers. Hopefully, these performances by these Cro Magnons will provide thoughtful Americans the necessary impetus to so grind the GOP into the dirt that it fails to field a presidential candidate in 2012. Are you wingies out there proud of these town hall performances we’re seeing?
Blue Johnspews:
I think the current health care system is broken and getting worse. I have great health care right now, for as long as I stay employed with my employer. If I leave, my family is screwed.
In my opinion, the single payer option seems to be the best choice democratic societies have come up with so far. That is what I am putting my time and money into supporting.
If someone can show me a better system, that helps more people, that will contain costs, that will give choice, that is affordable, I’ll change to support that.
The conservatives I have talked and listened to do not seem to be offering choices besides “stay the course” and tort reform . From what I have read tort reform would have only a small impact. Staying with this broken system, that is only going to get worse, should not our only option.
Why won’t the conservatives let the American people have the discussion?
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Wow, the same peeps who cheered Code Pinkos and other crazies when GWB was president now got their lace panties all twisted on the scrote or other anatomical parts when the other side engages in similar tactics.
Marvin Stamnspews:
11. Daddy Love spews:
There was intelligence everywhere but inside the suspect’s car.
I hate to give you props but that was a good one.
I hear the death panels have their own fleet of black helicopters.
proud leftistspews:
Tort reform would not make a dime’s worth of difference. The only reason that the wingies scream about tort reform is that they hate trial lawyers (until they need one, of course).
proud leftistspews:
Puddy @ 14
These people are different. Moreover, the group you reference is attached peripherally, if at all to the Democratic Party, whereas these anti-healthcare screamers are the heart and soul of the Republican Party. They are the folks that make policy for your party. That is sad.
Marvin Stamnspews:
2. Mr. Cynical spews:
Do you think anyone will ask about his affair & divorce…did that help his family’s health??
It’s not about having affairs, it’s about hypocrisy.
Did he ever say he was happily married or loved his wife?
If he did, the democrats would be outraged over the hypocrisy.
Remember, it’s not the act, it’s the hypocrisy.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
In Bozeman…
1,500 tickets were printed for the Town Hall at Kinko’s
600 were distributed in Bozeman
150 were distributed in Belgrade
Where did the other 750 go???????????
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Baird lived a lie during his campaign.
His wife kept quite.
He campaigned on Family Values and a fine family.
Then shortly after the election…kerblammo!
Mr. Cynicalspews:
17. proud leftist spews:
Tort reform would not make a dime’s worth of difference. The only reason that the wingies scream about tort reform is that they hate trial lawyers (until they need one, of course).
See the PWC Study and the impact of tort on Defensive Medicine.
Between actual cost of lawsuits & impact on Malpractice==2%
Impact on defensive medicine==7%
9% is not “nothing” pinhead!
And all the foreign countries you ogle over???
None of them have an ambulance-chaser tort system…especially Japan.
Bad Try pl==No Sale!!!!!!!!!!!
7/11 It’s more or less SOP for the Secret Service, whenever they can, to make individuals who do stuff like this quietly “go away”, so as not to encourge other nutty folks to crawl out of the woodwork and do similar things.
Mind you, arresting anyone wearing something identifying them as members of the opposition party, or herding masses of peaceful protesters into porta-fenced “free-speech zones” and keeping the media away is quite another matter. In this case, the Democrats’ sense of fair play makes them look like patsies.
None of them have an ambulance-chaser tort system…especially Japan.
Hey the screamers ought to protest the free health care being given out by Remote Area Medical. I mean haven’t those “freeloaders” ever heard of the free market?
And where is this “free health care” be doled out? Mexico City? San Salvador? Tegucigalpa?
At the Inglewood Forum, where I saw many a Lakers and Kings game and quite a few concerts too. Health care being delivered by charity – like a third world country.
And they’re not just treating uninsured people – they’re treating UNDER-INSURED as well.
But it’s all their fault say the screamer idiot trolls. Nothing to see here.
Blue Johnspews:
It’s worth repeating for the slow ones in the crowd. The Democrats were protesting killing people, and the Republicans are protesting healing people.
How many people are in Code Pink?
Several hundred maybe?
Limbaugh and Hannity’s zombie army who are motivated enough to rise out of their Barcaloungers and scream at a townhall number in the 10s of thousands at least.
@21 Goatfuckers talking morality.
@29 We know, John. For the Republicans, that makes perfectly good sense. Death and destruction, to them, constitute the American Way.
I was driving listening to KUOW and I heard that ugly liar Grover Norquist debate someone familiar with the British NHS.
He let loose a blizzard of specious stats and logical fallacies.
Hell I was impressed. That is one guy who has trained himself to lie in measured soundbites his entire life in service of his degenerate cause.
I’ll have to dig up a link. It was a BBC broadcast.
@30 Code Pink doesn’t have such nice plush buses, either.
Wonder who paid for ’em????
Brooks Brothers Brown Shirt Thug Life Lynch Mob Astroturfspews:
Monson, as usual, tells it like it is. Too bad he doesn’t have a proofreader.
Brooks Brothers Brown Shirt Thug Life Lynch Mob Astroturfspews:
… lie in measured soundbites his entire life in service of his degenerate cause.
Check out the @35 sound bite, YLB, then submit your report about degenerates telling degenerate lies about degenerate causes.
Sheila Jackson Lee was apparently part of the degenerate cherade, so tell us why — as Dori asks — your liberal pimp media aren’t giving her and her front-row stooge the same invasive proctological scrutiny they gave to Plumber Joe.
Brooks Brothers Brown Shirt Thug Life Lynch Mob Astroturfspews:
In Bozeman…
1,500 tickets were printed for the Town Hall at Kinko’s
600 were distributed in Bozeman
150 were distributed in Belgrade
Where did the other 750 go???????????
Heard somebody hid ’em by the brass pole at that cool strip club in Three Forks.
Or maybe they went up in a puff of smoke when Main Street Bozeman blew up.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Montanto, hmmmm…?
When General Petraeus (remember Be-tray-us) was giving his congressional testimony on the Iraq status of Code Pink punks protested, interrupting General Petraeus’ testimony. There wasn’t no ridicule from the HA Libtardo faithful.
Jodie Evans, the Code Pink founder, was listed on Obama’s Web site as a “bundler” who raised from “$50,000 to $100,000.” There wasn’t no ridicule from the HA Libtardo faithful.
Remember when Desiree Ali-Fairooz had a red substance on her hands and approached Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice? Remember when she yelled …”The blood of millions of Iraqis is on your hands!” There wasn’t no ridicule from the HA Libtardo faithful.
It was all over the Libtardo MSM montanto. Were you asleep?
Big Bad Jonspews:
… those who think they will be able to show up and just scream might find that is not exactly the case.
Translation: This townhall, like Obama’s in Portsmouth and several others, will be stuffed and stacked with union goons and ACORN thugs. Your Democrat democracy at work for you.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Brooks Brothers Brown Shirt Thug Life Lynch Mob Astroturf,
Yep Puddy met Congresswoman Lee once and even emailed her office later about her stances. She had her fake doctor “plant” like “the messiah” had his young girl plant Julia Hall daughter of Kathleen Manning Hall, the coordinator of the Massachusetts Women for Obama, in his “town hall” full of messiah jockstraps in the audience after he took the question from a congressman first. Just like how Robert Gibbs hemmed and hawed the next day after a July messiah presser.
Nope, not ringing any bells. So it must not have been ALL of the libertardo mainstream media…
either that or I might have missed it because I get most of my information from the liberteneus media.
Or it could have been from having a life and not being able to spend 24 hours a day on these things.
Brooks Brothers Brown Shirt Thug Life Lynch Mob Astroturfspews:
Right you are, sir @ 40, and welcome back.
The only surprise at Portsmouth is that no vestal virgins fainted in anticipation of a messianic ministration of holy water (i.e. Evian from a plastic bottle.)
Brooks Brothers Brown Shirt Thug Life Lynch Mob Astroturfspews:
Maybe the only other surprise from Portsmouth is that there are any virgins.
jsa on beacon hillspews:
Cyn @ 22 (and en passant proud leftist @ 17 and Blue John @ 13 )
California passed tort reform with MICRA back in 1975. The only problem is that not only is health care in California is no cheaper than anywhere else, malpractice insurance premiums in California didn’t go down until insurance reform and rate caps were passed by Prop 103 in 1988, 13 years later.
Your numbers on suits + insurance + “defensive medicine” are in line with what I have seen from other people on the costs of malpractice. Unfortunately, unless you can explain how Magic Unicorn Federal Tort Reform will differ from MICRA (hint: it doesn’t. MICRA is the model for GOP Federal tort reform legislation), you have some ‘splainin to do as to where the cost savings will come from.
And yes, tort reform is VERY political. Trial lawyers are Democrats almost to a one. They are as reliable as teachers, and have more disposable income to boot. When you hear “tort reform” tossed about, I think 20% is a sincere interest on the part of conservatives for good government, and 80% is a desire to shut off one of the Democratic Party’s sources of funds.
Jeff Gannon/Guckert apologists ragging on about plants.
proud leftistspews:
Why is it that wingies like Cynical scream to high heaven about the Market being violated if there is talk of executive compensation legislation but they think limiting attorney’s fees is essential to a functioning democracy?
Daddy Lovespews:
So today I got a little curious, and played a hunch. I looked up which major polling firms use cell phone data in their poll sampling. The data is hard to get,m but not impossible. As of january of this year, the list is:
– Pew Research Center
– Gallup (both the Gallup Daily and USA Today/Gallup surveys)
– CBS/New York Times
– Time/SRBI
– NBC/Wall Street Journal
– ABC/Washington Post
– AP/GfK poll
NOT the robocall-pollers Rasmussen and SurveyUSA, and NOT Fox, notably. And the last Gallup poll shows Obama’s job Approve/Disapprove numbers at 55%/40% , while Rasmussen has it at 47%/52%.
Hmmm, you think this makes a difference? WHo uses cell phones only instead of land lines?
I have some demographic information comparing cell to land line owners here. Cell phone-only users seem to be younger (averaging 32-35), slightly poorer, much less likely to own their own home, much less likely to be married, and are slightly more likely to be male.
These are people who just might worry about having health insurance (they’re not so young that they would just cheerfully go without), or losing it when they change jobs, which younger people do more often.
Do you think these folks might skew Democratic? Who do you think they voted for for president in 2008? For Congress?
And a last consideration:
Do you think that Rasmussen or Fox polls can be accurate indicators of public opinion when they don’t even sample a significant population segment?
I don’t even think you need a hint.
jsa on beacon hillspews:
proud leftist @ 46:
Ummmm, let’s see. How do 4 out of 5 CEOs surveyed vote? Take a wild guess.
GOP legislators vote the way they do because they are performing constituent services, which is a valid, if somewhat tawdry function of government.
I would explain the motivations for our righty posters, but I went to finishing school for a few days, and they said that wasn’t proper.
@47 I wouldn’t expect anything with the name “Fox” on it to be a reliable indicator of anything except maybe Rupert Murdoch’s level of greed.
36 – Kid stuff compared to the Grover – master surfer on the wave of lies that is the right wing in this country.
My Daddy's Bigger than Your Daddyspews:
OK. Love Daddy seems, unlike the nation, to be on the right track. Despite what Rush says, only Rasmussen shows Obama <50% or shows a plurality of respondents favoring the GOP.
Rush tries to spin the Rasmussen anomaly (sp?) this way: Rasmussen, unlike those who poll registered voters, polls only likely voters. That’s why Rasmussen has polled well in recent elections.
Dad tries to spin Rasmussen as a polling-method accident, something about cell phones. Rasmussen, in other words, is riffing on the screwed and skewed methodology that pushed Literary Digest to predict a Landon landslide in 1936.
As for Gallup, am sure Rush said this morning that Gallup gives Obama 47% approval. In other words, a typical Limbaugh FUBAR SNAFU.
The Rupert Journalspews:
ArtBlart: You may be right about greedy Murdoch. Maybe that explains why he was throwing a fundraiser for Hillary in late ’07 or early ’08.
The Rupert Journalspews:
ragging on about plants
Allergic to ’em. Ragweed plants make me sneeze.
Blethen Bugle JOAspews:
j(oint)s(haggin’)a(greement): Big Dave Ross goes at torts from another angle. Big donkey Democrat that he is, he can’t argue that Obama refused to put tort reform on the table because the tort lobby is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Democrat Party.
So Ross does his dirty work this way: Demonstrates (asserts) that states which have adopted tort refrom have health/health insurance costs that are even worse than states without reform.
Is our lovable little leftist, like, right?
jsa on beacon hillspews:
@ 54:
So? Be a man, and bring facts to bear showing that tort reform has brought costs down in states that have it! Problem is, the numbers don’t reflect it, so you insult the speaker instead.
Was asking you for the facts, man. Assumed, en passant, that you have them.
(Ross has brought no numbers to the table, but has said at least twice that anti-tort Texas has high health costs despite liability limits. Is he right?)
54 – I note an unhealthy obsession with lib-leaning talkers and a bizarre man-crush on the pipsqueak Monson – a third-rate, warped, Wal-Mart saucepan of ugly, angry, white, middle-aged male resentment.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Gallup tracking numbers not lloking too good for “the messiah”.
@58 53% approval. Grasping for straws, are you? I can see why, reduced to spewing hate as you are.
Politically Incorrectspews:
OK, let’s enact Obama’s deal and see how it works. If we don’t like it, we get rid of it. Fair enough?
proud leftistspews:
What, you’re trying to offer up some common sense? Who needs that shit?
Whole Foods Nationspews:
We’ll turn away in embarassment from YLB’s public defacation, and MoveOn to this: Used to make fun of Whole Foods and the arugula snobs who shop there. That was before John Mackey’s article in the Rupert Journal. Mackey says we need reform, but then he breaks it down and shows that Obamareform will break big parts of a system that work well for more than 80% of Americans who want to keep the care and the insurance they have.
As for the alleged 47 MILLION AMERICANS who are kicked to the curb by cruel capitalism before being thrown on ice floes to die, a closer look at the data looks like this:
* ~10,000,000 of the uninsured are illegal aliens who still get care at ERs.
* Another ~5 million are legal immigrants who get care at ERs.
* Almost 15 million of the uninsured qualify for care through existing programs. They just need to sign up.
* Maybe 10,000,000 more earn more than $75,000/year, and could buy insurance now if they wanted it. Or if Democrat Deborah Senn in WA hadn’t chased out insurers or made it almost impossible to buy insurance from other states.
So, Obama and his lying liars in Congress want us to upend a system that more than 80% of us want to keep. Because ~10,000,000 (give or take 10,000,000) are shut out from insurance but are not cut off from care.
Let’s help the small minority who need something better than ER care, and let’s leave the rest of us alone.
Whole Foods Nationspews:
No that’s not good enough, incorrect; it’s incorrect. And it’s not common sense.
Government doesn’t go away … aside from AFDC. Once the govt ghoul is enacted, it’s here to stay. If/when it doesn’t work, its lobbyists and their captives in Congress say that it WILL work, goddammit, if we greedheads just give it up and give the failed program more money. Lots more money.
Being Democrat and being a govt program means never having to admit you’re wrong, never having to say you’re sorry, and almost never going away.
As for the alledged 47 MILLION AMERICANS who are kicked to the curb by cruel capitalism before being thrown on ice floes to die, a closer look at the data looks like this:
Yes, let them pray that these turn up a little more frequently and in more and more places:
80% happy as a clam? Got a cite? How does this fiend lie…
Old man Specter says the President’s plan will pass the Congress. He’s got much better information at his command than whatever swill you’re taking in.
Interesting that “Whole Foods Sockpuppet” is parroting verbatim the exact same baffle-’em-with-bullshit rap used in the last few days by Glenn Beck and several of the other turds-on-a-stick on Fox.
jsa on beacon hillspews:
I had no idea you were referring to me. I guess you thought calling me Joint Shagging Agreement was supposed to let me know, but it just added to a stream of incoherency on your part. No worries. My standards for you guys are pretty low.
Sure. Let’s do this:
1) Malpractice insurance. This is actually from an ANTI prop-103 piece.
Turn to page 3. Post-MICRA, rate increases, while they varied from year to year, trended high. Post prop-103, they went down and stayed down. The graph does a lot of explaining as to why MICRA didn’t work for exactly 13 years, but it’s not very compelling.
2) I’m going to try to get some insurance rates for you, but I’ll admit I’m having some trouble finding apples:apples comparisons. Stand by.
@64 Specter’s an old-schooler, he’s looked death in the face, and he has an extremely low tolerance for stupidity.
The only remarkable thing about him bailing out of the GOP is that he waited so long.
Whole Foods Nationspews:
After you wipe, YLB, check this. Note the source: WaPo. One of yours.
Note what it says, about half-way down, about the WaPo/ABC poll from last month: ~83% of Americans are somewhat-very satisfied with what they have now. Anything else I can help with (from a safe distance and while holding my nose)?
If not, bis spater, alligator.
Whole Foods Nationspews:
Thanks, jsa. Back tomorrow, so no hurry.
Incoherently yours,
(And no need to tell us your standards are low. We know that’s why you’re here.)
Marvin Stamnspews:
30. YLB spews:
How many people are in Code Pink?
Several hundred maybe?
But their democrat connections got them tickets to protest against republicans.
Now that code pink is after pelosi, you don’t hear much about them any more. It’s almost like they don’t exist anymore.
Say, what happened to the cindy sheehan lady? Once she turned on pelosi she couldn’t get a teev interview or anything. It’s almost like she became a leper to the liberal media.
The lesson they learned?
It’s all good to protest republicans. Protest a democrat and you will no longer be given a platform to express your views.
jsa on beacon hillspews:
btw, Mr. Whole Foods (and several other aliases)
You’ve changed your name several times. Is that Astroturf I smell? Naaaaw. Couldn’t be! Whole Foods is, like, organic and hippie and shit.
The fact that the CEO of Whole Foods says so doesn’t make it the New Liberal Gospel. He’s a businessman, who has found a way to make a lot of money selling high-margin goods in urban areas to people who happen to vote more Democratic than their rural counterparts. If you actually read the article, it’s pretty much the GOP line.
His essay has a number of market-based controls, which is fine. It does not do anything about the swelling ranks of both completely uninsured people and people who are on state aid of some sort (which is breaking the banks of the states) other than “More altruism!”
This group of people is one of the biggest drivers in the rise of health care costs. A deal was made when we avoided public health insurance in the place of a private system. Health care would stay private, and insurance purchasers (mostly employers) would take on a little extra cost to cover the uninsured.
The problem is, in 2009, somewhere around 20% of the work medical professionals do goes completely unreimbursed. I don’t know what percentage goes under-reimbursed (Medicaid payments usually don’t even cover doctors basic overhead expenses let alone, you know, paying the doctors for their time).
I don’t doubt Mr. Whole Food’s sincerity, but altruism is not going to cover a hole that big. It won’t happen. Not in a liberal world, not in a conservative world, not in any world.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Steve Steve Steve, From Gallup it started at 68%. “the messiah peaked at 69%. Now he’s down 15% since the end of January.
68 – Wipe? I don’t particularly relish cleaning up after other’s messes especially yours. But such is the life of a lefty-leaner – always cleaning up after the right’s failures.
Somewhat satisfied now? Hmmmm.. Do they know the increases that are coming down the pike? Why should that magically stop? Insurance execs and boards have just the same amount of lust for mansions, yachts and private planes that Banking CEO’s do.
Apparently some of the hoi polloi are aware of the inflation of costs and premiums that are part and parcel of the status quo because well over 50 percent feel something should be done about it.
Continue to be smug. Reality won’t be kind to you by year’s end just as it wasn’t last November.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Hey did the HA Libtardos get any of the David Axelrod health emails yet? If the GWB administration did that, you libtardos would be going nutzo!
70 – Dumbassery yet again.
They can hold up signs and scream all they want – outside in front of the TV Cameras.
Inside they should politely ask their Congress Critter coherent questions that demonstrate some thinking on the issues.
They should also be considerate of others who don’t share their views.
That’s called civility. It really helps when trying to find a consensus on a crucial issue like health care.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Now that the cite was provided clueless wondermoron changes his sad sad tune again. What a moron.
76 – Addressed in 73 blind fool.
Down 15%? 15%? Wasn’t that your guy’s, like, total approval numbers at the end of his failed presidency?
Marvin Stamnspews:
75. YLB spews:
70 – Dumbassery yet again.
So you had no problem with the code pinkerrunning up and putting her painted hands in the face of condi rice?
If it was okay when code pink did it, why is it no longer acceptable now?
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Marvin, poor saps like clueless wondermoron were basking in the November 2008 “win” are now shocked the peeps are turning against “the messiah”.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Steve Steve Steve, this is 2009. Wake up Steve.
Well, I can see why you’re afraid to look back, Puddy. You might be reminded that America handed your ass to you on November 4th. You and yours were utterly rejected, as I recall.
Yup, those who don’t learn from their mistakes are doomed to repeat them. You keep looking ahead to Palin/Sanford 2012, Puddy. I’m sure it’ll all work out for you.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Steve Steve Steve, it’s your ilk who are calling poor peeps, old peeps, and other peeps wild and crazy names. It’s your ilk who slavishly voted for “the messiah” who are now screaming at the independents who are regretting their votes by complaining about this “plan”.
Looks like the train wreck is getting bigger.
Marvin Stamnspews:
78. Steve spews:
Down 15%? 15%? Wasn’t that your guy’s, like, total approval numbers at the end of his failed presidency?
You are thinking of the approval ratings of the democrat controlled congress.
@75 “Inside they should politely ask their Congress Critter coherent questions that demonstrate some thinking on the issues.”
They won’t do that….because, well, it’s just not as much fun.
Marvin Stamnspews:
80. Puddybud is shocked SHOCKED spews:
Marvin, poor saps like clueless wondermoron were basking in the November 2008 “win” are now shocked the peeps are turning against “the messiah”.
The democrats are trying to figure out how to spin “dissent is patriotic” back to speaking up against the obama is un-american.
Have you ever noticed that most planks of the democrat party include hate for somebody?
Hate the oil companies
Hate the banks
Hate rich successful people
Hate insurance companies
Hate those speaking up against the obama
The list of democrat hate goes on and on.
“Palin/Sanford in 2012”????
Which one gets to be on top?
Marvin Stamnspews:
87. Puddybud is shocked SHOCKED spews:
Holy Cow Batman lookie here. This not just in…
There was never any end of life provisions in the bill.
That was lies from the right wingnut wackos.
Of course, taking the end of life provisions out of the bill does give the impression it was in the bill.
Did Marvin notice how congressional approval went up after America tossed out a bunch of Republicans? Same with right track-wrong track. That said, cleaning up after years of Republican failures is still a largely thankless job.
Marvin Stamnspews:
88. Puddybud is shocked SHOCKED spews:
This just not in on John Edwards…
So john lied about having the affair.
Once it was proven, he admitted he did.
He denied he fathered the child.
Once proven, he’s now going to admit he did.
Damn good thing he never talked about his love for his cancer stricken wife. If he did, the left would be going ape-shit over his hypocrisy.
I was kidding about the left going ape-shit, the well trained serfs are not allowed to speak up against a democrat. flag@whitehouse.gov
Marvin Stamnspews:
93. Steve spews:
Did Marvin notice how congressional approval went up after America tossed out a bunch of Republicans?
In 2008, the democrats were already in control of congress for well over a year..
Sorry you missed it.
@84 “Looks like the train wreck is getting bigger.”
After you and yours grace America with an attack on our soil with 3,000 dead, two failed wars, a near-miss on an economic great depression and Republican pedophiles chasing kids while wearing panda costumes, you call Obama a “train wreck”?? Fuck, no wonder you refuse to look back. It’d make your fucking head explode.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Someone recently placed Eugene Robinson on this blog holding him up high.
Eugene Robinson recently said: “If the government says it has to control health-care costs and then offers to pay doctors to give advice about hospice care, citizens are not delusional to conclude that the goal is to reduce end-of-life spending.” PuddyEmphasis.
When Sarah Palin brings up a similar point she’s attacked. When Eugene Robinson says that above he gets a pass.
The more Republicans we get rid of, the higher approval gets, and the more Americans sense that we’re on the right track. I can see why you missed that.
I thought it more appropriate to turn you in to these folks, Marvin.
I didn’t expect him to show his face for a few days in the hope I would forget about his discovery that I’m Puddy.
95. GBS spews:
Marvn Stamn is really just Puddybud everybody.
No need to think otherwise any more. Must admit I had my suspcisons all along, but needed the proof.
Now I have it.
08/12/2009 AT 2:34 PM
gbs is the gift that keeps on giving.
Strange steve is still remaining silent on gbs and his deduction skills.
Blue Johnspews:
#90, Links and facts please, other wise you are making stuff up, like usual.
@100 I already know who you are. I’m still sorting out the identities of the rest of the wing-nut trolls and sockpuppets. For all I know, GBS is Puddy’s sockpuppet. No need to speculate. Like I said, it’ll sort out soon enough.
Another TJspews:
For some reason, our sockpuppet-loving friend left off the rest of Robinson’s paragraph:
It’s irresponsible for politicians, such as Sarah Palin, to claim — outlandishly and falsely — that there’s going to be some kind of “death panel” to decide when to pull the plug on Aunt Sylvia. But it’s understandable why people might associate the phrase “health-care reform” with limiting their choices during Aunt Sylvia’s final days.
I guess it got cut because he/she wanted to claim “When Sarah Palin brings up a similar point she’s attacked. When Eugene Robinson says that above he gets a pass.” As you can see, Robinson specifically pointed out that it was not a “similar point” Palin raised but a fear-mongering and cowardly “point” she tried to make.
Perhaps Lambchop should read what’s in his/her links before posting them? He/She might learn something.
Okay, probably not, but maybe, just maybe…
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
This just not in…”individuals who are irreversibly prevented from being or becoming participating citizens.” — Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel, bro of Rhambo Emanuel.
This just not in… “The complete lives system discriminates against older people…. Unlike allocation by sex or race, allocation by age is not invidious discrimination; every person lives through different life stages rather than being a single age. Even if 25-year-olds receive priority over 65-year-olds, everyone who is 65 years now was previously 25 years.” — Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel, bro of Rhambo Emanuel.
Looks like clueless wondermoron, Steve, ekim, rujax!, anotehr total jerk, NutsTooTight, and many others have a “bright” future with these peeps at the helm.
Marvin Stamnspews:
102. Steve spews:
@100 I already know who you are. I’m still sorting out the identities of the rest of the wing-nut trolls and sockpuppets
See, even someone like you can make funny every once in a while.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
oh poor another total jerk… Puddy supplied all the links. And since Puddy provided the other links to Dr Ezekiel Emanuel and the above link in #87, maybe another total jerk can add 2+2 and see how some people could get there to that opinion. Butt that may strain the femtometer brain of another total jerk.
Marvin Stamnspews:
101. Blue John spews:
#90, Links and facts please, other wise you are making stuff up, like usual.
Are you honestly saying that the democrats aren’t placing the blame of the economic at the feet of bankers?
Are you honestly saying the democrats aren’t placing the healthcare “crisis” at the feet of the insurance companies?
Another TJspews:
Above, I mixed hope with pessimism:
Perhaps Lambchop should read what’s in his/her links before posting them? He/She might learn something.
Okay, probably not, but maybe, just maybe…
Pessimism wins.
@105 You think it’s funny now. Later? Not so much.
Marvin Stamnspews:
109. Steve spews:
@105 You think it’s funny now. Later? Not so much.
How long do I have to wait until I think it’s even funnier?
When you hear the words, “Hey, goatfucker”, you’ll know. LMFAO!! You’re just too fucking stupid for words, asswipe.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Of course another total jerk can’t fathom these words from “the messiah”.
“You just get into some very difficult moral issues to give my grandmother, or everybody else’s aging grandparents or parents, a hip replacement when they’re terminally ill”. – the messiah April 2009
“That’s where I think you just get into some very difficult moral issues. The chronically ill and those toward the end of their lives are accounting for potentially 80 percent of the total health-care bill out here.” – the messiah April 2009
Yep, then elderly moral issues as identified by “the messiah” just fly over the femtometer brain of another total jerk.
Daddy Lovespews:
First, and I know this will shock a lot of people, Puddybud is an idiot.
Second, OF COURSE over the months following his inauguration, Obama’s job approval numbers have gone down, some. Duh.
In the meantime, we are going to use our control of the presidency and the Congress to pass health insurance reform under budget reconciliation rules, so fuck you all, and then passing the EFCA. Because that’s what happens. It’s what you guys did, altough lamely and with MUCH less successs, when you controlled the Congress and the presidency.
In case you don’t remember, pundits at the time were commenting about how the Republicans really didn’t know HOW to use the majority.
Don’t worry, we do.
Bite me.
Daddy Lovespews:
What are you saying, Pud? I mean, I know I ask that a lot because you never make a whole lot of sense, but are you saying that Obama wants to kill Grandma? Say it if you believe it. Why be all mealy-mouthed, you big chicken? TELL US.
Another TJspews:
Rarely is the question asked: Is our sockpuppets learning?
Daddy Lovespews:
And if you want us to think you are quoting someone, you must, not should, but MUST link to it or else you’re just pulling it out of your ass.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Thanks Daddy Love. I’ll wear that on my chest as another badge of honor.
Second the CBO disagrees with Daddy Love. So now who’s the idiot here again?
Third it needs to be found before anyone can “bite you”.
Daddy Lovespews:
Yes, older people need lots of heath care. It’s one reason we need to reform health insurance NOW, so that these worthy seniors are not denied the coverage they need. AND so that they do not die because they cannot afford the “doughnut hole” medications.
Daddy Lovespews:
117 Pud
First, you are not supporting your assertions.
Second, you are not supporting your assertions.
Third, bite me.
Daddy Lovespews:
Your ass must surely be voluminous for so much crap to be pulled out of it.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Daddy Love, Puddy placed his words on this blog. R U too stupid to understand when “the messiah” says them every news org has them archived? Puddy has to link the words to “the messiah” again?
Ask clueless wondermoron for the link fool! He keeps all PuddyMissives.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Again Daddy Love has no reference to the CBO real numbers for the health care costs.
Ask clueless wondermoron for the link fool! He keeps all PuddyMissives.
Daddy Lovespews:
How many HA wingnuts will be carrying “Death to Obama” signs?
Tell the truth now. We’ll know if you don’t.
Daddy Lovespews:
Give us a link to those supposed CBO numbers.
Then I’ll post mine and prove you an idiot.
And of course, there IS NO BILL.
But let’s play anyway. Or you can just hurl brickbats without ever risking being shown to be a fool.
Gosh, what will you choose?
Daddy Lovespews:
122 Pud
Um, I’m asking you, chickenshit.
Daddy Lovespews:
To the rest of you all:
I am guessing that Pud is relying on the partial CBO numbers from early July. Of course he refuses to recongize the later scoring on more complete versions of the bill that is even now not complete in the House (let alone the Senate, who still do not have even one proposed bill).
But I have the numbers that prove that the House bill is deficit- and budget-neutral.
And Pud can bite me.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Steve, over the weekend Puddy whipped out a Curtis Mayfield CD. Still remember the words. Ring a bell?
anyone remember what hillary clinton said about disagreeing with the administration?
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
How many left-wing whacko union nutjobs carried Obama Hitler Mustache posters? And how much did the left-wing libtardo MSM carry the pictures? Puddy placed those links here too.
Ask clueless wondermoron for the link fool! He keeps all PuddyMissives.
“And Pud can bite me.”
Be careful there, DL. Hmm, have you ever had a tetanus shot? Rabies?
@127 Oh yeah, Puddy. Superfly! I’ve got a story about Sly’s “Sex Machine” I’ll tell you someday. Was that their only instrumental? Oh, I’ve got an even better one about getting these east side white kids high on acid and teaching them to play “Message from a Black Man”, then making them play it all night long while wearing African robes. Remember that song? Not many do. The next day the guitar player, now with more soul than he could possibly control, went looking for a place to rent in the CD!
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Of course he refuses to recongize the later scoring on more complete versions of the bill that is even now not complete in the House (let alone the Senate, who still do not have even one proposed bill).
How can Puddy refuse to recognize something incomplete? Puddy placed the CBO numbers for what was known at the time.
And the CNN report “The Congressional Budget Office previously predicted the House bill would cost more than $1 trillion over 10 years, and end up increasing the federal deficit by $239 billion in that period. Supporters of the bill contend the office’s analysis failed to factor in all spending cuts, such as reduced costs due to planned preventive care programs.” proves nuthin Daddy Love. Spending cuts.
Name three government run programs that came under budget Daddy Love?
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Steve, Puddy don’t cross the tracks. Even if Puddy did, Puddy doesn’t have access to the Hubble Telescope to find the part Daddy Love wants bitten.
I really don’t think that’s the body part he wants you to bite, Puddy.
This really has been fun, Puddy, but I have to head out. Let’s do this again. Later.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Well Steve, if it’s his fat ASS, not going there either.
What a bunch of moronic horseshit coming from Stupes. Obama emits somes factoids about end of life realities and all of sudden it means he wants to pull the plug on Grandpa.
More worthless paranoia. Idiot.
david axelrod, rahm emanuel, tim giethner, zeke emanuel, steve rattner. yup. jeremiah wright was right
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Ummm clueless wondermoron, first Daddy Love wanted Puddy to “prove” “the messiah” said them words. You call them “factoids”, Puddy says those “the messiah’s” deep thoughts.
When did Puddy claim he was gonna pull da plug? Thems “the messiah’s” own words fools. Since he says what’s politically expedient as needed…
139 – More idiot drivel. Good night loon ..
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
clueless wondermoron standard answer to “factoids”.
No wonder he’s one of the cellar dwellers.
headless: Rat City Reprobatespews:
re 139: Rush Limbaugh, Newt Gingrich, and Sarah Palin have all endorsed living wills in the past couple months.
Now, it seems, living wills are just a way to kill grandma.
Talk about saying whatever for political expedience? That’s Republicans.
And you are just their Mynah Bird gettin’ your political freak on.
“organizingforamerica.org” rails against the healthbaggers being “organized”…if it wasnt so orwellian it would be hilarious
standard answer
Yeah once in a while people get tired of putting up with an idiot. Go figure.
a president who worked as a “community organizer” rails against the healthbaggers being “organized”. how stupid they must think the american people are.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
wondermoron@144: That’s cuz you got nuthin upstairs to bring to the fight.
Puddy still sees the neon Vacancy sign in that left eye fool. Instead of it flashing Vacancy every second it’s on solid. Go figga!
146 – LOL! I’m up and refreshed…
When are we going to see proof of that “ustogether multiple times on the air”?
Shall I post links to the transcripts? Again?
Or are you going to run away like a whipped cur?
(heh. like doofus.. remember him?)
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Golly wondermoron, Puddy ain’t running. You are just an idiot. In another thread you claimed Puddy said it in that thread.
When Puddy showed the world for the 150th time that you are a clueless chronological monomaniacal fool you cum back for more.
So posting the transcripts of the above commentary in thread 18861 will continue to demonstrate the moronic nature of clueless wondermoron.
See ya idiot.
Marvin Stamnspews:
147. YLB spews:
When are we going to see proof of that “ustogether multiple times on the air”?
As soon as gbs provides his proof, which we both know will be never.
95. GBS spews:
Marvn Stamn is really just Puddybud everybody.
No need to think otherwise any more. Must admit I had my suspcisons all along, but needed the proof.
Now I have it.
ArtBlart Mall Copspews:
And to think that John Edwards was one haircut away from the presidency. Edwards, who was Goldstein’s little legally blond boytoy, is so bad he makes “Governor” Palin look good. Palin-(Elizabeth) Edwards in 2012.
Can’t put one over on YLB, no sir. He (and I, after posting it) noticed that the WaPo poll (83% somewhat-very satisfied with their health insurance and care) is not necessarily a ringing endorsement. The problem is the somewhat. I and the right-wing misfits on AM radio who retail the 83% stat without the somewhat qualifier are being misleading or are being misled.
Good comments (for a change) from jsa @71. He/she/it makes useful contributions to necessary debate.
Please recall that our president tried to preempt debate. He wanted to ram through some Congressional variant (Pelosi’s, not Baucus’s) of reform without full and frank discussion, unless it was frank Barney-Frank single-payer discussion. Bush’s rush to war was interminable compared to what Obama wanted to do with almost 1/5 of our economy.
The president was imperious. He was too often dishonest, most recently about reimbursements … $50,000 for amputating feet, because that’s where the money is? Almost every action and reaction of Obama on the health issue reminds us, as GWB and JFK reminded us, that it’s dangerous to put in power a person who isn’t ready for the job. President Obama is giving liberal fascism a bad name.
About Texas and torts: I distrust everything Dave Ross says, even when he agrees with me. That’s why we await jsa’s numbers about tort reform and health care costs. But good luck finding apples and apples. Ross doesn’t care about honest comparisons, but I do. If anti-tort Texas costs are high, compared to tort-crazy WA, then maybe other variables are at play. Such as a long open border with Mexico.
148 – Wow! I can’t even give that pitiful response a “nice try”.
Most I can say is how did you get all those obfuscatory, irrelevant bullshit links through the filter?
Scared whipped cur who talks out his ass proved…
ArtBlart Mall Copspews:
The Dogfather: Michael Vick rides again. Or flies like an Eagle. Or barks at the moon. Or chases cars. Or something. Next week, look for the return of Velvet Elvis, Nixon’s Narc Czar.
ArtBlart Mall Copspews:
American Standard: jsa told us yesterday about his low standards, as if we needed to be told. jsa’s low standards were immediately and utterly obvious.
ArtBlart Mall Copspews:
Good night, David: NPR’s Morning Sedition reports that Montanabama is following up his stacked Portsmouth “townhall” with a stacked townhall at Chet Huntley’s Big Sky. Then NPR reports that Obama’s townhall will be in Belgrade, Montana. You can’t get to Belgrade from here. You have to go to Bozeman’s Wal-Mart and turn left. (Bozeman Wal-Mart potty pic via Bozeman Daily Comical.)
ArtBlart Mall Copspews:
No cukes, give peas a chance: NPR reports that an Australian cuke crook has crooked at least $10,000 in cukes, but that positive identification of stolen cucumbers will be difficult.
ArtBlart Mall Copspews:
Happy as a hog or hippie in slop: Moon Walk + 40? A big deal. Woodstock + 40? A very big deal. Chappaquiddick +40? Not even a gurgle.
ArtBlart Mall Copspews:
You can lead a horticulture: One of the ELF/ALF mad bombers of UW’s horticulture center has been busted in Red China. (Still wondering what whimsical Merry Prankster decided to call conservative states Red. Better red than dead indeed.
Daddy Lovespews:
How can Puddy refuse to recognize something incomplete? Puddy placed the CBO numbers for what was known at the time.
What a liar. The last time we crossed swords on this one you were using the REALLY incomplete figures from April the the entire right wing ran with because they looked bad, and I showed you the ones from July 17 for the America’s Affordable Health Choice Act of 2009. It’s August. Yours were not “what was known at the time.” Yours were “deliberate misinformation.”
ANd your opinion about “spending cuts” is irrelevant. The press release on the CBO score says
“The bill’s long-term reform of Medicare’s physician fee schedule to eliminate the potential 21 percent cut in fees, and put payments on a sustainable basis for the future, will cost about $245 billion. Those costs, however, are not included in the net calculations above, as they will be absorbed under the upcoming statutory ‘pay go’ legislation that is pending in the House.”
I know you have a hard time with the big words and all but it means that the Congress is passing legislation that REQUIRES them to pay for new spending with either tax increases of spending cuts elsewhere, and that this amount would fall under that law. Again, I realize your shortcomings, so this means that the entire bill will be paid for.
One of the ELF/ALF mad bombers of UW’s horticulture center has been busted in Red China.
Maybe she’s been “renditioned”.. Not to Gitmo should he/she go – that embarrassment of the Chimp and Duck! years is shutting down.
But not to any institution on American soil – too dangerous for the nervous politicians all too allergic to right wing screaming.
My Daddy's Is Bigger Than Yoursspews:
Apologies to Dad. Yesterday I misused ‘reconciliation.’ Was thinking of conference committee negotiation between Senate/HR versions of legislation, but Dad meant Obama’s nuclear option: cutting off Senate debate with a filibuster killing up-or-down.
Squeaky Rabbit's Manson Family Valuesspews:
Right-wing screaming? !!!HOW DARE YOU!!!
(Any clue, little brother, about how Goldy always knows when I’m coming with a Daily Klake? He whacks me every time, in nanoseconds. Lad’s smarter than he looks.)
Randi Rhodes doesn’t often impress me (she’s entertaining enough) but lately she’s been on a tear about health care.
Last night she had on the former U.S. Senate Parliamentarian on her show talking about reconciliation. What is a Parliamentarian? It’s a lawyer who rules on what’s in or out of line when politicians try to game the system. I think you can see the current Parliamentarian seated near the dais on CSPAN.
Reconciliation is fraught with dangers of important things being taken out of any health care package due to certain obscure Senate rules.
That’s really why so much effort is being expended on a something of a “bipartisan” consensus.
Marvin Stamnspews:
That sarah palin is such a character…
She talks about government “death panels” and it gets some air time.
“Guess the language in the bill supported her claim.”
You guessed wrong, Buster.
Why would a Republican introduce a provision to kill Sarah Palin’s kid????
“He whacks me every time”
I don’t see why, klake, this being the cesspool and all that. Besides, you’re funny. If you’re a nazi with a sense of humor then, fuck, we need more folks like you. I mean, when was the last time Klynical or Marvin made anybody laugh? Well, purposefully, anyway. If your not a nazi, then why the fuck do people here call you one? Sigh! Now there’s a thread I wish I hadn’t missed. Must have been before my time.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Daddy Loved, you seem to forget the CBO head was brought to the whitey house and the numbas changed for the better for Waxman. Ain’t that curious. Now why did that happen. And Puddy is disingenuous? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
And aren’t you the one who said these:
Daddy Loved: “The president has no authority whatsoever over the OMB.”
Butt later Daddy Loved wrote: “You’re quoting the OMB director, who works for the president”
Maybe the same people that was yelling at the nancy pelosi towhhall will show up.
She didn’t seem to be bothered with the audience drowning out people when she agreed with the loudmouths.
The fun starts around 3:45
Hey, the coward is actually willing to stand up and face his constituents??
Wow, what a guy.
Do you think anyone will ask about his affair & divorce…did that help his family’s health??
Ah. So you do admit they’re being bussed in.
You mean the ones bussed in by the insurance industry and the wingnut welfare crowd.
Lemmee guess I bet the Pooper makes a showing…
It’s just happy times right now for the bought and paid for tools. The wingnut cash is flowing, bussing them to scream at politicians, with a bit of a food/drink voucher.. You gotta love it.
The only thing the angry shouting proves is how infantile the shouters are.
@2 Why don’t you show up and answer questions about your goats?
This IS just in from the AP…
Nothing to see here, folks. Just your standard ratcheting up the death threats by ignorant right-wing freaks egged on by corporate interests, our media, and Republican politicians.
But Obama’s sending death panels to kill poor baby Trig, so it’s OK.
Talk about a petty, chippy, mean-spirited editorial! That Columbian editorial could only have been written by an embittered Republican.
Here’s the bus they come in on…
Once again it’s time to remind everyone that …
Democrats Protest Killing
Republicans Protest Curing
They’re getting crazier…
There was intelligence everywhere but inside the suspect’s car.
We see what pitiful remnants of the rightwing remain in this country–hateful, uninformed, mouthbreathers. Hopefully, these performances by these Cro Magnons will provide thoughtful Americans the necessary impetus to so grind the GOP into the dirt that it fails to field a presidential candidate in 2012. Are you wingies out there proud of these town hall performances we’re seeing?
I think the current health care system is broken and getting worse. I have great health care right now, for as long as I stay employed with my employer. If I leave, my family is screwed.
In my opinion, the single payer option seems to be the best choice democratic societies have come up with so far. That is what I am putting my time and money into supporting.
If someone can show me a better system, that helps more people, that will contain costs, that will give choice, that is affordable, I’ll change to support that.
The conservatives I have talked and listened to do not seem to be offering choices besides “stay the course” and tort reform . From what I have read tort reform would have only a small impact. Staying with this broken system, that is only going to get worse, should not our only option.
Why won’t the conservatives let the American people have the discussion?
Wow, the same peeps who cheered Code Pinkos and other crazies when GWB was president now got their lace panties all twisted on the scrote or other anatomical parts when the other side engages in similar tactics.
I hate to give you props but that was a good one.
I hear the death panels have their own fleet of black helicopters.
Tort reform would not make a dime’s worth of difference. The only reason that the wingies scream about tort reform is that they hate trial lawyers (until they need one, of course).
Puddy @ 14
These people are different. Moreover, the group you reference is attached peripherally, if at all to the Democratic Party, whereas these anti-healthcare screamers are the heart and soul of the Republican Party. They are the folks that make policy for your party. That is sad.
It’s not about having affairs, it’s about hypocrisy.
Did he ever say he was happily married or loved his wife?
If he did, the democrats would be outraged over the hypocrisy.
Remember, it’s not the act, it’s the hypocrisy.
In Bozeman…
1,500 tickets were printed for the Town Hall at Kinko’s
600 were distributed in Bozeman
150 were distributed in Belgrade
Where did the other 750 go???????????
Baird lived a lie during his campaign.
His wife kept quite.
He campaigned on Family Values and a fine family.
Then shortly after the election…kerblammo!
17. proud leftist spews:
Tort reform would not make a dime’s worth of difference. The only reason that the wingies scream about tort reform is that they hate trial lawyers (until they need one, of course).
See the PWC Study and the impact of tort on Defensive Medicine.
Between actual cost of lawsuits & impact on Malpractice==2%
Impact on defensive medicine==7%
9% is not “nothing” pinhead!
And all the foreign countries you ogle over???
None of them have an ambulance-chaser tort system…especially Japan.
Bad Try pl==No Sale!!!!!!!!!!!
7/11 It’s more or less SOP for the Secret Service, whenever they can, to make individuals who do stuff like this quietly “go away”, so as not to encourge other nutty folks to crawl out of the woodwork and do similar things.
Mind you, arresting anyone wearing something identifying them as members of the opposition party, or herding masses of peaceful protesters into porta-fenced “free-speech zones” and keeping the media away is quite another matter. In this case, the Democrats’ sense of fair play makes them look like patsies.
Japan has national health insurance.
Who cheers Code Pink, Puddy? I don’t know anybody who does not openly mock them.
The coward has had over 300 town hall meetings.
Hey the screamers ought to protest the free health care being given out by Remote Area Medical. I mean haven’t those “freeloaders” ever heard of the free market?
And where is this “free health care” be doled out? Mexico City? San Salvador? Tegucigalpa?
At the Inglewood Forum, where I saw many a Lakers and Kings game and quite a few concerts too. Health care being delivered by charity – like a third world country.
And they’re not just treating uninsured people – they’re treating UNDER-INSURED as well.
But it’s all their fault say the screamer idiot trolls. Nothing to see here.
It’s worth repeating for the slow ones in the crowd. The Democrats were protesting killing people, and the Republicans are protesting healing people.
How many people are in Code Pink?
Several hundred maybe?
Limbaugh and Hannity’s zombie army who are motivated enough to rise out of their Barcaloungers and scream at a townhall number in the 10s of thousands at least.
@21 Goatfuckers talking morality.
@29 We know, John. For the Republicans, that makes perfectly good sense. Death and destruction, to them, constitute the American Way.
I was driving listening to KUOW and I heard that ugly liar Grover Norquist debate someone familiar with the British NHS.
He let loose a blizzard of specious stats and logical fallacies.
Hell I was impressed. That is one guy who has trained himself to lie in measured soundbites his entire life in service of his degenerate cause.
I’ll have to dig up a link. It was a BBC broadcast.
@30 Code Pink doesn’t have such nice plush buses, either.
Wonder who paid for ’em????
Monson, as usual, tells it like it is. Too bad he doesn’t have a proofreader.
Check out the @35 sound bite, YLB, then submit your report about degenerates telling degenerate lies about degenerate causes.
Sheila Jackson Lee was apparently part of the degenerate cherade, so tell us why — as Dori asks — your liberal pimp media aren’t giving her and her front-row stooge the same invasive proctological scrutiny they gave to Plumber Joe.
Heard somebody hid ’em by the brass pole at that cool strip club in Three Forks.
Or maybe they went up in a puff of smoke when Main Street Bozeman blew up.
Montanto, hmmmm…?
When General Petraeus (remember Be-tray-us) was giving his congressional testimony on the Iraq status of Code Pink punks protested, interrupting General Petraeus’ testimony. There wasn’t no ridicule from the HA Libtardo faithful.
Jodie Evans, the Code Pink founder, was listed on Obama’s Web site as a “bundler” who raised from “$50,000 to $100,000.” There wasn’t no ridicule from the HA Libtardo faithful.
Remember when Desiree Ali-Fairooz had a red substance on her hands and approached Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice? Remember when she yelled …”The blood of millions of Iraqis is on your hands!” There wasn’t no ridicule from the HA Libtardo faithful.
It was all over the Libtardo MSM montanto. Were you asleep?
Translation: This townhall, like Obama’s in Portsmouth and several others, will be stuffed and stacked with union goons and ACORN thugs. Your Democrat democracy at work for you.
Brooks Brothers Brown Shirt Thug Life Lynch Mob Astroturf,
Yep Puddy met Congresswoman Lee once and even emailed her office later about her stances. She had her fake doctor “plant” like “the messiah” had his young girl plant Julia Hall daughter of Kathleen Manning Hall, the coordinator of the Massachusetts Women for Obama, in his “town hall” full of messiah jockstraps in the audience after he took the question from a congressman first. Just like how Robert Gibbs hemmed and hawed the next day after a July messiah presser.
Nope, not ringing any bells. So it must not have been ALL of the libertardo mainstream media…
either that or I might have missed it because I get most of my information from the liberteneus media.
Or it could have been from having a life and not being able to spend 24 hours a day on these things.
Right you are, sir @ 40, and welcome back.
The only surprise at Portsmouth is that no vestal virgins fainted in anticipation of a messianic ministration of holy water (i.e. Evian from a plastic bottle.)
Maybe the only other surprise from Portsmouth is that there are any virgins.
Cyn @ 22 (and en passant proud leftist @ 17 and Blue John @ 13 )
California passed tort reform with MICRA back in 1975. The only problem is that not only is health care in California is no cheaper than anywhere else, malpractice insurance premiums in California didn’t go down until insurance reform and rate caps were passed by Prop 103 in 1988, 13 years later.
Your numbers on suits + insurance + “defensive medicine” are in line with what I have seen from other people on the costs of malpractice. Unfortunately, unless you can explain how Magic Unicorn Federal Tort Reform will differ from MICRA (hint: it doesn’t. MICRA is the model for GOP Federal tort reform legislation), you have some ‘splainin to do as to where the cost savings will come from.
And yes, tort reform is VERY political. Trial lawyers are Democrats almost to a one. They are as reliable as teachers, and have more disposable income to boot. When you hear “tort reform” tossed about, I think 20% is a sincere interest on the part of conservatives for good government, and 80% is a desire to shut off one of the Democratic Party’s sources of funds.
Jeff Gannon/Guckert apologists ragging on about plants.
Why is it that wingies like Cynical scream to high heaven about the Market being violated if there is talk of executive compensation legislation but they think limiting attorney’s fees is essential to a functioning democracy?
So today I got a little curious, and played a hunch. I looked up which major polling firms use cell phone data in their poll sampling. The data is hard to get,m but not impossible. As of january of this year, the list is:
– Pew Research Center
– Gallup (both the Gallup Daily and USA Today/Gallup surveys)
– CBS/New York Times
– Time/SRBI
– NBC/Wall Street Journal
– ABC/Washington Post
– AP/GfK poll
NOT the robocall-pollers Rasmussen and SurveyUSA, and NOT Fox, notably. And the last Gallup poll shows Obama’s job Approve/Disapprove numbers at 55%/40% , while Rasmussen has it at 47%/52%.
Hmmm, you think this makes a difference? WHo uses cell phones only instead of land lines?
I have some demographic information comparing cell to land line owners here. Cell phone-only users seem to be younger (averaging 32-35), slightly poorer, much less likely to own their own home, much less likely to be married, and are slightly more likely to be male.
These are people who just might worry about having health insurance (they’re not so young that they would just cheerfully go without), or losing it when they change jobs, which younger people do more often.
Do you think these folks might skew Democratic? Who do you think they voted for for president in 2008? For Congress?
And a last consideration:
Do you think that Rasmussen or Fox polls can be accurate indicators of public opinion when they don’t even sample a significant population segment?
I don’t even think you need a hint.
proud leftist @ 46:
Ummmm, let’s see. How do 4 out of 5 CEOs surveyed vote? Take a wild guess.
GOP legislators vote the way they do because they are performing constituent services, which is a valid, if somewhat tawdry function of government.
I would explain the motivations for our righty posters, but I went to finishing school for a few days, and they said that wasn’t proper.
@47 I wouldn’t expect anything with the name “Fox” on it to be a reliable indicator of anything except maybe Rupert Murdoch’s level of greed.
36 – Kid stuff compared to the Grover – master surfer on the wave of lies that is the right wing in this country.
OK. Love Daddy seems, unlike the nation, to be on the right track. Despite what Rush says, only Rasmussen shows Obama <50% or shows a plurality of respondents favoring the GOP.
Rush tries to spin the Rasmussen anomaly (sp?) this way: Rasmussen, unlike those who poll registered voters, polls only likely voters. That’s why Rasmussen has polled well in recent elections.
Dad tries to spin Rasmussen as a polling-method accident, something about cell phones. Rasmussen, in other words, is riffing on the screwed and skewed methodology that pushed Literary Digest to predict a Landon landslide in 1936.
As for Gallup, am sure Rush said this morning that Gallup gives Obama 47% approval. In other words, a typical Limbaugh FUBAR SNAFU.
ArtBlart: You may be right about greedy Murdoch. Maybe that explains why he was throwing a fundraiser for Hillary in late ’07 or early ’08.
Allergic to ’em. Ragweed plants make me sneeze.
j(oint)s(haggin’)a(greement): Big Dave Ross goes at torts from another angle. Big donkey Democrat that he is, he can’t argue that Obama refused to put tort reform on the table because the tort lobby is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Democrat Party.
So Ross does his dirty work this way: Demonstrates (asserts) that states which have adopted tort refrom have health/health insurance costs that are even worse than states without reform.
Is our lovable little leftist, like, right?
@ 54:
So? Be a man, and bring facts to bear showing that tort reform has brought costs down in states that have it! Problem is, the numbers don’t reflect it, so you insult the speaker instead.
Was asking you for the facts, man. Assumed, en passant, that you have them.
(Ross has brought no numbers to the table, but has said at least twice that anti-tort Texas has high health costs despite liability limits. Is he right?)
54 – I note an unhealthy obsession with lib-leaning talkers and a bizarre man-crush on the pipsqueak Monson – a third-rate, warped, Wal-Mart saucepan of ugly, angry, white, middle-aged male resentment.
Gallup tracking numbers not lloking too good for “the messiah”.
@58 53% approval. Grasping for straws, are you? I can see why, reduced to spewing hate as you are.
OK, let’s enact Obama’s deal and see how it works. If we don’t like it, we get rid of it. Fair enough?
What, you’re trying to offer up some common sense? Who needs that shit?
We’ll turn away in embarassment from YLB’s public defacation, and MoveOn to this: Used to make fun of Whole Foods and the arugula snobs who shop there. That was before John Mackey’s article in the Rupert Journal. Mackey says we need reform, but then he breaks it down and shows that Obamareform will break big parts of a system that work well for more than 80% of Americans who want to keep the care and the insurance they have.
As for the alleged 47 MILLION AMERICANS who are kicked to the curb by cruel capitalism before being thrown on ice floes to die, a closer look at the data looks like this:
* ~10,000,000 of the uninsured are illegal aliens who still get care at ERs.
* Another ~5 million are legal immigrants who get care at ERs.
* Almost 15 million of the uninsured qualify for care through existing programs. They just need to sign up.
* Maybe 10,000,000 more earn more than $75,000/year, and could buy insurance now if they wanted it. Or if Democrat Deborah Senn in WA hadn’t chased out insurers or made it almost impossible to buy insurance from other states.
So, Obama and his lying liars in Congress want us to upend a system that more than 80% of us want to keep. Because ~10,000,000 (give or take 10,000,000) are shut out from insurance but are not cut off from care.
Let’s help the small minority who need something better than ER care, and let’s leave the rest of us alone.
No that’s not good enough, incorrect; it’s incorrect. And it’s not common sense.
Government doesn’t go away … aside from AFDC. Once the govt ghoul is enacted, it’s here to stay. If/when it doesn’t work, its lobbyists and their captives in Congress say that it WILL work, goddammit, if we greedheads just give it up and give the failed program more money. Lots more money.
Being Democrat and being a govt program means never having to admit you’re wrong, never having to say you’re sorry, and almost never going away.
Yes, let them pray that these turn up a little more frequently and in more and more places:
80% happy as a clam? Got a cite? How does this fiend lie…
Old man Specter says the President’s plan will pass the Congress. He’s got much better information at his command than whatever swill you’re taking in.
Interesting that “Whole Foods Sockpuppet” is parroting verbatim the exact same baffle-’em-with-bullshit rap used in the last few days by Glenn Beck and several of the other turds-on-a-stick on Fox.
I had no idea you were referring to me. I guess you thought calling me Joint Shagging Agreement was supposed to let me know, but it just added to a stream of incoherency on your part. No worries. My standards for you guys are pretty low.
Sure. Let’s do this:
1) Malpractice insurance. This is actually from an ANTI prop-103 piece.
Turn to page 3. Post-MICRA, rate increases, while they varied from year to year, trended high. Post prop-103, they went down and stayed down. The graph does a lot of explaining as to why MICRA didn’t work for exactly 13 years, but it’s not very compelling.
2) I’m going to try to get some insurance rates for you, but I’ll admit I’m having some trouble finding apples:apples comparisons. Stand by.
@64 Specter’s an old-schooler, he’s looked death in the face, and he has an extremely low tolerance for stupidity.
The only remarkable thing about him bailing out of the GOP is that he waited so long.
After you wipe, YLB, check this. Note the source: WaPo. One of yours.
Note what it says, about half-way down, about the WaPo/ABC poll from last month: ~83% of Americans are somewhat-very satisfied with what they have now. Anything else I can help with (from a safe distance and while holding my nose)?
If not, bis spater, alligator.
Thanks, jsa. Back tomorrow, so no hurry.
Incoherently yours,
(And no need to tell us your standards are low. We know that’s why you’re here.)
But their democrat connections got them tickets to protest against republicans.
Now that code pink is after pelosi, you don’t hear much about them any more. It’s almost like they don’t exist anymore.
Say, what happened to the cindy sheehan lady? Once she turned on pelosi she couldn’t get a teev interview or anything. It’s almost like she became a leper to the liberal media.
The lesson they learned?
It’s all good to protest republicans. Protest a democrat and you will no longer be given a platform to express your views.
btw, Mr. Whole Foods (and several other aliases)
You’ve changed your name several times. Is that Astroturf I smell? Naaaaw. Couldn’t be! Whole Foods is, like, organic and hippie and shit.
The fact that the CEO of Whole Foods says so doesn’t make it the New Liberal Gospel. He’s a businessman, who has found a way to make a lot of money selling high-margin goods in urban areas to people who happen to vote more Democratic than their rural counterparts. If you actually read the article, it’s pretty much the GOP line.
His essay has a number of market-based controls, which is fine. It does not do anything about the swelling ranks of both completely uninsured people and people who are on state aid of some sort (which is breaking the banks of the states) other than “More altruism!”
This group of people is one of the biggest drivers in the rise of health care costs. A deal was made when we avoided public health insurance in the place of a private system. Health care would stay private, and insurance purchasers (mostly employers) would take on a little extra cost to cover the uninsured.
The problem is, in 2009, somewhere around 20% of the work medical professionals do goes completely unreimbursed. I don’t know what percentage goes under-reimbursed (Medicaid payments usually don’t even cover doctors basic overhead expenses let alone, you know, paying the doctors for their time).
I don’t doubt Mr. Whole Food’s sincerity, but altruism is not going to cover a hole that big. It won’t happen. Not in a liberal world, not in a conservative world, not in any world.
Steve Steve Steve, From Gallup it started at 68%. “the messiah peaked at 69%. Now he’s down 15% since the end of January.
68 – Wipe? I don’t particularly relish cleaning up after other’s messes especially yours. But such is the life of a lefty-leaner – always cleaning up after the right’s failures.
Somewhat satisfied now? Hmmmm.. Do they know the increases that are coming down the pike? Why should that magically stop? Insurance execs and boards have just the same amount of lust for mansions, yachts and private planes that Banking CEO’s do.
Apparently some of the hoi polloi are aware of the inflation of costs and premiums that are part and parcel of the status quo because well over 50 percent feel something should be done about it.
Continue to be smug. Reality won’t be kind to you by year’s end just as it wasn’t last November.
Hey did the HA Libtardos get any of the David Axelrod health emails yet? If the GWB administration did that, you libtardos would be going nutzo!
70 – Dumbassery yet again.
They can hold up signs and scream all they want – outside in front of the TV Cameras.
Inside they should politely ask their Congress Critter coherent questions that demonstrate some thinking on the issues.
They should also be considerate of others who don’t share their views.
That’s called civility. It really helps when trying to find a consensus on a crucial issue like health care.
Now that the cite was provided clueless wondermoron changes his sad sad tune again. What a moron.
76 – Addressed in 73 blind fool.
Down 15%? 15%? Wasn’t that your guy’s, like, total approval numbers at the end of his failed presidency?
So you had no problem with the code pinkerrunning up and putting her painted hands in the face of condi rice?
If it was okay when code pink did it, why is it no longer acceptable now?
Marvin, poor saps like clueless wondermoron were basking in the November 2008 “win” are now shocked the peeps are turning against “the messiah”.
Steve Steve Steve, this is 2009. Wake up Steve.
Well, I can see why you’re afraid to look back, Puddy. You might be reminded that America handed your ass to you on November 4th. You and yours were utterly rejected, as I recall.
Yup, those who don’t learn from their mistakes are doomed to repeat them. You keep looking ahead to Palin/Sanford 2012, Puddy. I’m sure it’ll all work out for you.
Steve Steve Steve, it’s your ilk who are calling poor peeps, old peeps, and other peeps wild and crazy names. It’s your ilk who slavishly voted for “the messiah” who are now screaming at the independents who are regretting their votes by complaining about this “plan”.
Looks like the train wreck is getting bigger.
You are thinking of the approval ratings of the democrat controlled congress.
Congress approval rating just 10%
Just 31 percent of Americans approve of how President Bush is handling his job
No need to thank me for clearing up that up for you.
Note the source: WaPo. One of yours.
The Washington Post is conservative. Deal with it.
Holy Cow Batman lookie here. This not just in…
This just not in on John Edwards…
@75 “Inside they should politely ask their Congress Critter coherent questions that demonstrate some thinking on the issues.”
They won’t do that….because, well, it’s just not as much fun.
The democrats are trying to figure out how to spin “dissent is patriotic” back to speaking up against the obama is un-american.
Have you ever noticed that most planks of the democrat party include hate for somebody?
Hate the oil companies
Hate the banks
Hate rich successful people
Hate insurance companies
Hate those speaking up against the obama
The list of democrat hate goes on and on.
“Palin/Sanford in 2012”????
Which one gets to be on top?
There was never any end of life provisions in the bill.
That was lies from the right wingnut wackos.
Of course, taking the end of life provisions out of the bill does give the impression it was in the bill.
Did Marvin notice how congressional approval went up after America tossed out a bunch of Republicans? Same with right track-wrong track. That said, cleaning up after years of Republican failures is still a largely thankless job.
So john lied about having the affair.
Once it was proven, he admitted he did.
He denied he fathered the child.
Once proven, he’s now going to admit he did.
Damn good thing he never talked about his love for his cancer stricken wife. If he did, the left would be going ape-shit over his hypocrisy.
I was kidding about the left going ape-shit, the well trained serfs are not allowed to speak up against a democrat. flag@whitehouse.gov
In 2008, the democrats were already in control of congress for well over a year..
Sorry you missed it.
@84 “Looks like the train wreck is getting bigger.”
After you and yours grace America with an attack on our soil with 3,000 dead, two failed wars, a near-miss on an economic great depression and Republican pedophiles chasing kids while wearing panda costumes, you call Obama a “train wreck”?? Fuck, no wonder you refuse to look back. It’d make your fucking head explode.
Someone recently placed Eugene Robinson on this blog holding him up high.
Eugene Robinson recently said: “If the government says it has to control health-care costs and then offers to pay doctors to give advice about hospice care, citizens are not delusional to conclude that the goal is to reduce end-of-life spending.” PuddyEmphasis.
When Sarah Palin brings up a similar point she’s attacked. When Eugene Robinson says that above he gets a pass.
The more Republicans we get rid of, the higher approval gets, and the more Americans sense that we’re on the right track. I can see why you missed that.
I thought it more appropriate to turn you in to these folks, Marvin.
Where did gbs go?
I didn’t expect him to show his face for a few days in the hope I would forget about his discovery that I’m Puddy.
gbs is the gift that keeps on giving.
Strange steve is still remaining silent on gbs and his deduction skills.
#90, Links and facts please, other wise you are making stuff up, like usual.
@100 I already know who you are. I’m still sorting out the identities of the rest of the wing-nut trolls and sockpuppets. For all I know, GBS is Puddy’s sockpuppet. No need to speculate. Like I said, it’ll sort out soon enough.
For some reason, our sockpuppet-loving friend left off the rest of Robinson’s paragraph:
It’s irresponsible for politicians, such as Sarah Palin, to claim — outlandishly and falsely — that there’s going to be some kind of “death panel” to decide when to pull the plug on Aunt Sylvia. But it’s understandable why people might associate the phrase “health-care reform” with limiting their choices during Aunt Sylvia’s final days.
I guess it got cut because he/she wanted to claim “When Sarah Palin brings up a similar point she’s attacked. When Eugene Robinson says that above he gets a pass.” As you can see, Robinson specifically pointed out that it was not a “similar point” Palin raised but a fear-mongering and cowardly “point” she tried to make.
Perhaps Lambchop should read what’s in his/her links before posting them? He/She might learn something.
Okay, probably not, but maybe, just maybe…
This just not in…”individuals who are irreversibly prevented from being or becoming participating citizens.” — Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel, bro of Rhambo Emanuel.
This just not in… “The complete lives system discriminates against older people…. Unlike allocation by sex or race, allocation by age is not invidious discrimination; every person lives through different life stages rather than being a single age. Even if 25-year-olds receive priority over 65-year-olds, everyone who is 65 years now was previously 25 years.” — Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel, bro of Rhambo Emanuel.
Looks like clueless wondermoron, Steve, ekim, rujax!, anotehr total jerk, NutsTooTight, and many others have a “bright” future with these peeps at the helm.
See, even someone like you can make funny every once in a while.
oh poor another total jerk… Puddy supplied all the links. And since Puddy provided the other links to Dr Ezekiel Emanuel and the above link in #87, maybe another total jerk can add 2+2 and see how some people could get there to that opinion. Butt that may strain the femtometer brain of another total jerk.
Are you honestly saying that the democrats aren’t placing the blame of the economic at the feet of bankers?
Are you honestly saying the democrats aren’t placing the healthcare “crisis” at the feet of the insurance companies?
Above, I mixed hope with pessimism:
Perhaps Lambchop should read what’s in his/her links before posting them? He/She might learn something.
Okay, probably not, but maybe, just maybe…
Pessimism wins.
@105 You think it’s funny now. Later? Not so much.
How long do I have to wait until I think it’s even funnier?
When you hear the words, “Hey, goatfucker”, you’ll know. LMFAO!! You’re just too fucking stupid for words, asswipe.
Of course another total jerk can’t fathom these words from “the messiah”.
“You just get into some very difficult moral issues to give my grandmother, or everybody else’s aging grandparents or parents, a hip replacement when they’re terminally ill”. – the messiah April 2009
“That’s where I think you just get into some very difficult moral issues. The chronically ill and those toward the end of their lives are accounting for potentially 80 percent of the total health-care bill out here.” – the messiah April 2009
Yep, then elderly moral issues as identified by “the messiah” just fly over the femtometer brain of another total jerk.
First, and I know this will shock a lot of people, Puddybud is an idiot.
Second, OF COURSE over the months following his inauguration, Obama’s job approval numbers have gone down, some. Duh.
In the meantime, we are going to use our control of the presidency and the Congress to pass health insurance reform under budget reconciliation rules, so fuck you all, and then passing the EFCA. Because that’s what happens. It’s what you guys did, altough lamely and with MUCH less successs, when you controlled the Congress and the presidency.
In case you don’t remember, pundits at the time were commenting about how the Republicans really didn’t know HOW to use the majority.
Don’t worry, we do.
Bite me.
What are you saying, Pud? I mean, I know I ask that a lot because you never make a whole lot of sense, but are you saying that Obama wants to kill Grandma? Say it if you believe it. Why be all mealy-mouthed, you big chicken? TELL US.
Rarely is the question asked: Is our sockpuppets learning?
And if you want us to think you are quoting someone, you must, not should, but MUST link to it or else you’re just pulling it out of your ass.
Thanks Daddy Love. I’ll wear that on my chest as another badge of honor.
Second the CBO disagrees with Daddy Love. So now who’s the idiot here again?
Third it needs to be found before anyone can “bite you”.
Yes, older people need lots of heath care. It’s one reason we need to reform health insurance NOW, so that these worthy seniors are not denied the coverage they need. AND so that they do not die because they cannot afford the “doughnut hole” medications.
117 Pud
First, you are not supporting your assertions.
Second, you are not supporting your assertions.
Third, bite me.
Your ass must surely be voluminous for so much crap to be pulled out of it.
Daddy Love, Puddy placed his words on this blog. R U too stupid to understand when “the messiah” says them every news org has them archived? Puddy has to link the words to “the messiah” again?
Ask clueless wondermoron for the link fool! He keeps all PuddyMissives.
Again Daddy Love has no reference to the CBO real numbers for the health care costs.
Ask clueless wondermoron for the link fool! He keeps all PuddyMissives.
How many HA wingnuts will be carrying “Death to Obama” signs?
Tell the truth now. We’ll know if you don’t.
Give us a link to those supposed CBO numbers.
Then I’ll post mine and prove you an idiot.
And of course, there IS NO BILL.
But let’s play anyway. Or you can just hurl brickbats without ever risking being shown to be a fool.
Gosh, what will you choose?
122 Pud
Um, I’m asking you, chickenshit.
To the rest of you all:
I am guessing that Pud is relying on the partial CBO numbers from early July. Of course he refuses to recongize the later scoring on more complete versions of the bill that is even now not complete in the House (let alone the Senate, who still do not have even one proposed bill).
But I have the numbers that prove that the House bill is deficit- and budget-neutral.
And Pud can bite me.
Steve, over the weekend Puddy whipped out a Curtis Mayfield CD. Still remember the words. Ring a bell?
anyone remember what hillary clinton said about disagreeing with the administration?
How many left-wing whacko union nutjobs carried Obama Hitler Mustache posters? And how much did the left-wing libtardo MSM carry the pictures? Puddy placed those links here too.
Ask clueless wondermoron for the link fool! He keeps all PuddyMissives.
“And Pud can bite me.”
Be careful there, DL. Hmm, have you ever had a tetanus shot? Rabies?
@127 Oh yeah, Puddy. Superfly! I’ve got a story about Sly’s “Sex Machine” I’ll tell you someday. Was that their only instrumental? Oh, I’ve got an even better one about getting these east side white kids high on acid and teaching them to play “Message from a Black Man”, then making them play it all night long while wearing African robes. Remember that song? Not many do. The next day the guitar player, now with more soul than he could possibly control, went looking for a place to rent in the CD!
How can Puddy refuse to recognize something incomplete? Puddy placed the CBO numbers for what was known at the time.
And the CNN report “The Congressional Budget Office previously predicted the House bill would cost more than $1 trillion over 10 years, and end up increasing the federal deficit by $239 billion in that period. Supporters of the bill contend the office’s analysis failed to factor in all spending cuts, such as reduced costs due to planned preventive care programs.” proves nuthin Daddy Love. Spending cuts.
Name three government run programs that came under budget Daddy Love?
Steve, Puddy don’t cross the tracks. Even if Puddy did, Puddy doesn’t have access to the Hubble Telescope to find the part Daddy Love wants bitten.
I really don’t think that’s the body part he wants you to bite, Puddy.
This really has been fun, Puddy, but I have to head out. Let’s do this again. Later.
Well Steve, if it’s his fat ASS, not going there either.
What a bunch of moronic horseshit coming from Stupes. Obama emits somes factoids about end of life realities and all of sudden it means he wants to pull the plug on Grandpa.
More worthless paranoia. Idiot.
david axelrod, rahm emanuel, tim giethner, zeke emanuel, steve rattner. yup. jeremiah wright was right
Ummm clueless wondermoron, first Daddy Love wanted Puddy to “prove” “the messiah” said them words. You call them “factoids”, Puddy says those “the messiah’s” deep thoughts.
When did Puddy claim he was gonna pull da plug? Thems “the messiah’s” own words fools. Since he says what’s politically expedient as needed…
139 – More idiot drivel. Good night loon ..
clueless wondermoron standard answer to “factoids”.
No wonder he’s one of the cellar dwellers.
re 139: Rush Limbaugh, Newt Gingrich, and Sarah Palin have all endorsed living wills in the past couple months.
Now, it seems, living wills are just a way to kill grandma.
Talk about saying whatever for political expedience? That’s Republicans.
And you are just their Mynah Bird gettin’ your political freak on.
“organizingforamerica.org” rails against the healthbaggers being “organized”…if it wasnt so orwellian it would be hilarious
Yeah once in a while people get tired of putting up with an idiot. Go figure.
a president who worked as a “community organizer” rails against the healthbaggers being “organized”. how stupid they must think the american people are.
wondermoron@144: That’s cuz you got nuthin upstairs to bring to the fight.
Puddy still sees the neon Vacancy sign in that left eye fool. Instead of it flashing Vacancy every second it’s on solid. Go figga!
146 – LOL! I’m up and refreshed…
When are we going to see proof of that “ustogether multiple times on the air”?
Shall I post links to the transcripts? Again?
Or are you going to run away like a whipped cur?
(heh. like doofus.. remember him?)
Golly wondermoron, Puddy ain’t running. You are just an idiot. In another thread you claimed Puddy said it in that thread.
When Puddy showed the world for the 150th time that you are a clueless chronological monomaniacal fool you cum back for more.
So posting the transcripts of the above commentary in thread 18861 will continue to demonstrate the moronic nature of clueless wondermoron.
See ya idiot.
As soon as gbs provides his proof, which we both know will be never.
And to think that John Edwards was one haircut away from the presidency. Edwards, who was Goldstein’s little legally blond boytoy, is so bad he makes “Governor” Palin look good. Palin-(Elizabeth) Edwards in 2012.
Can’t put one over on YLB, no sir. He (and I, after posting it) noticed that the WaPo poll (83% somewhat-very satisfied with their health insurance and care) is not necessarily a ringing endorsement. The problem is the somewhat. I and the right-wing misfits on AM radio who retail the 83% stat without the somewhat qualifier are being misleading or are being misled.
Good comments (for a change) from jsa @71. He/she/it makes useful contributions to necessary debate.
Please recall that our president tried to preempt debate. He wanted to ram through some Congressional variant (Pelosi’s, not Baucus’s) of reform without full and frank discussion, unless it was frank Barney-Frank single-payer discussion. Bush’s rush to war was interminable compared to what Obama wanted to do with almost 1/5 of our economy.
The president was imperious. He was too often dishonest, most recently about reimbursements … $50,000 for amputating feet, because that’s where the money is? Almost every action and reaction of Obama on the health issue reminds us, as GWB and JFK reminded us, that it’s dangerous to put in power a person who isn’t ready for the job. President Obama is giving liberal fascism a bad name.
About Texas and torts: I distrust everything Dave Ross says, even when he agrees with me. That’s why we await jsa’s numbers about tort reform and health care costs. But good luck finding apples and apples. Ross doesn’t care about honest comparisons, but I do. If anti-tort Texas costs are high, compared to tort-crazy WA, then maybe other variables are at play. Such as a long open border with Mexico.
148 – Wow! I can’t even give that pitiful response a “nice try”.
Most I can say is how did you get all those obfuscatory, irrelevant bullshit links through the filter?
Scared whipped cur who talks out his ass proved…
The Dogfather: Michael Vick rides again. Or flies like an Eagle. Or barks at the moon. Or chases cars. Or something. Next week, look for the return of Velvet Elvis, Nixon’s Narc Czar.
American Standard: jsa told us yesterday about his low standards, as if we needed to be told. jsa’s low standards were immediately and utterly obvious.
Good night, David: NPR’s Morning Sedition reports that Montanabama is following up his stacked Portsmouth “townhall” with a stacked townhall at Chet Huntley’s Big Sky. Then NPR reports that Obama’s townhall will be in Belgrade, Montana. You can’t get to Belgrade from here. You have to go to Bozeman’s Wal-Mart and turn left. (Bozeman Wal-Mart potty pic via Bozeman Daily Comical.)
No cukes, give peas a chance: NPR reports that an Australian cuke crook has crooked at least $10,000 in cukes, but that positive identification of stolen cucumbers will be difficult.
Happy as a hog or hippie in slop: Moon Walk + 40? A big deal. Woodstock + 40? A very big deal. Chappaquiddick +40? Not even a gurgle.
You can lead a horticulture: One of the ELF/ALF mad bombers of UW’s horticulture center has been busted in Red China. (Still wondering what whimsical Merry Prankster decided to call conservative states Red. Better red than dead indeed.
What a liar. The last time we crossed swords on this one you were using the REALLY incomplete figures from April the the entire right wing ran with because they looked bad, and I showed you the ones from July 17 for the America’s Affordable Health Choice Act of 2009. It’s August. Yours were not “what was known at the time.” Yours were “deliberate misinformation.”
ANd your opinion about “spending cuts” is irrelevant. The press release on the CBO score says
I know you have a hard time with the big words and all but it means that the Congress is passing legislation that REQUIRES them to pay for new spending with either tax increases of spending cuts elsewhere, and that this amount would fall under that law. Again, I realize your shortcomings, so this means that the entire bill will be paid for.
Maybe she’s been “renditioned”.. Not to Gitmo should he/she go – that embarrassment of the Chimp and Duck! years is shutting down.
But not to any institution on American soil – too dangerous for the nervous politicians all too allergic to right wing screaming.
Apologies to Dad. Yesterday I misused ‘reconciliation.’ Was thinking of conference committee negotiation between Senate/HR versions of legislation, but Dad meant Obama’s nuclear option: cutting off Senate debate with a filibuster killing up-or-down.
Right-wing screaming? !!!HOW DARE YOU!!!
(Any clue, little brother, about how Goldy always knows when I’m coming with a Daily Klake? He whacks me every time, in nanoseconds. Lad’s smarter than he looks.)
Daddy Love:
Randi Rhodes doesn’t often impress me (she’s entertaining enough) but lately she’s been on a tear about health care.
Last night she had on the former U.S. Senate Parliamentarian on her show talking about reconciliation. What is a Parliamentarian? It’s a lawyer who rules on what’s in or out of line when politicians try to game the system. I think you can see the current Parliamentarian seated near the dais on CSPAN.
Reconciliation is fraught with dangers of important things being taken out of any health care package due to certain obscure Senate rules.
That’s really why so much effort is being expended on a something of a “bipartisan” consensus.
That sarah palin is such a character…
She talks about government “death panels” and it gets some air time.
Key senators are excluding a provision on end-of-life care from health overhaul legislation after language in a House bill caused a furor.
Guess the language in the bill supported her claim.
Marvin Stamn @ 163,
“Guess the language in the bill supported her claim.”
You guessed wrong, Buster.
Why would a Republican introduce a provision to kill Sarah Palin’s kid????
“He whacks me every time”
I don’t see why, klake, this being the cesspool and all that. Besides, you’re funny. If you’re a nazi with a sense of humor then, fuck, we need more folks like you. I mean, when was the last time Klynical or Marvin made anybody laugh? Well, purposefully, anyway. If your not a nazi, then why the fuck do people here call you one? Sigh! Now there’s a thread I wish I hadn’t missed. Must have been before my time.
Daddy Loved, you seem to forget the CBO head was brought to the whitey house and the numbas changed for the better for Waxman. Ain’t that curious. Now why did that happen. And Puddy is disingenuous? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
And aren’t you the one who said these:
Daddy Loved: “The president has no authority whatsoever over the OMB.”
Butt later Daddy Loved wrote: “You’re quoting the OMB director, who works for the president”