Um, here’s the thing Piper… you may think you’ve somehow stuck it to Rep. Geoff Simpson by reprinting his allegedly “profanity-laden” response to your email thread with Sound Transit’s Geoff Patrick, but the truth is, you are “a paid shill of the right-wing,” you are a “prostitute,” and judging from the “sick voyeurism” of your inquiries, you most certainly are a “piece of shit” and an “asshole.”
And in fact, that’s one of the traits that so endears Rep. Simpson to many of his supporters: his willingness to discard politics as usual, and speak the plain truth to right-wing, paid-shill, piece-of-shit assholes like you.
Oh. And by the way. If you’re going to reprint Geoff’s email, for the sake of full disclosure, shouldn’t you also reprint the entire email thread that ultimately prompted his response, so that your handful of readers on the EFF blog can judge for themselves what kind of right-wing, paid-shill, piece-of-shit asshole you really are? I mean you wouldn’t want to look like a hypocrite, would you?
So as a public service I’ve reprinted it for you after the break. I mean, the EFF is all about full disclosure, right?
Subject: Re: Follow-up to your question
Date: October 25, 2010 6:28:02 PM PDT
Cc:,,,,, simpson.geoff@leg.wa.govScott –
Calling yourself a member of the media is laughable at best. You are a paid shill of the right-wing. How about disclosing who funds your position and who funds the EFF in the interest of the transparency you so hypocritically claim you are after? I guess even fewer people than the couple dozen who read the drivel you write would be interested in it after you told them your position is funded by the Wall Street investment firms, Big Tobacco, Pharma, Oil and Insurance interests who rip off the American people every chance they get and use assholes like you as tools to fool the ignorant into thinking the EFF cares about regular people. You and the corporate masters you prostitute yourself for are only interested in boosting profits by attacking consumer or worker protections. Anyone or anything that threatens that by speaking out or organizing to help ordinary people are your targets. If I’m wrong then please disclose who is funding your work. If you fail to disclose who funds your work, you must have something to hide. Please prove me wrong. If you are unwilling to disclose your funders, then please shut your pie hole about transparency.
My campaign is supported by thousands of working people who care about our future. By regular people who want decent wages with benefits so they can support their families. Others who care about transit, the environment, children and education, social justice, equality, reproductive freedom, quality of life issues, senior citizens, public safety, business, tribal affairs, housing, and perhaps most importantly in the context of responding to your consumer hating organization – consumer protection.
I have been on the House Transportation Committee for ten years. Aside from the departing Alex Wood (D-3rd Legislative District), I am the longest serving member of that committee. I count among my supporters many people and organizations who care about transportation issues. I have championed transit issues since my days on the Covington city council in the late 1990s, long before you began your career as a professional troll on progressive blogs and certainly before you cozied-up in bed with Phillip Morris, Exxon Mobile, Pfizer, AIG and others in your capacity as a paid “journalist” at the EFF. In 1998, I was the lone member of the Covington City council who voted to adjust the boundaries of the newly formed RTA to include the entire City of Covington rather than exclude it, since the formation of Covington and the RTA were on the ballot at the same time and we had to choose one or the other. I believe transit is the most cost effective and efficient way we can solve congestion while protecting the environment, giving mobility to the elderly, the poor and disabled who otherwise have none, opening up our roads for commerce, reducing the emissions that you and other whackos deny as the cause of global climate change, facilitating the density that will be needed to accommodate the growth we are going to incur over time and reducing our reliance on foreign oil, just to name a few.
A large group of transit supporters including employees of Sound Transit, KC Metro, Futurewise, PSRC, Transportation Choices Coalition, Pierce Transit, the Amalgamated Transit Union and others held a fundraiser for me this year on their own time. They also held one for Senator Ed Murray as they have for other legislators who have stood up for transit issues.
Your focus on Sound Transit is no doubt related to your sick, voyeuristic fixation on my personal life which is none of your business. My personal life including who I choose to spend my time with is not your concern or the concern of the corrupt rip-off artist who pay your salary. Having said that, you would have to live under a rock to not know that I have been engaged in a long-term relationship with an employee of Sound Transit for the past 3.5 years. It’s no secret. Neither of us has tried to hide it and any insinuation that there is something wrong with it is pure crap. So please, stop with your sick voyeurism. Stop harassing employees of Sound Transit simply because they personally contributed, along with dozens of other people who care about transit, to help re-elect someone who has fought for transit for more than a decade. I have somewhere in the neighborhood of 250 individual contributors. They are all listed. There’s nothing secretive about it. I know this won’t stop you and the right wing scum you work for from trying to connect the dots in a way that smears innocent people who choose to support me or be involved in my life. After all, that’s your job. But please don’t pretend its journalism, or about transparency or has anything to do with freedom. You’re a piece a shit who is paid to destroy progress for the middle class and anyone who stands up for it so your corporate funders can have cheaper labor and fewer regulations which translate into higher profits. You make me sick.
On Mon, Oct 25, 2010 at 5:44 PM, Scott St Clair wrote:
As for a smear, try this snide comment: “As someone who works for an organization that includes the word “freedom” in its title, perhaps you can appreciate that it would infringe on employees’ freedom if government agencies monitored their personal lives in the way your questions seem to contemplate.”
My question remains: Why, during a compressed period of time between July 22 and July 27 did 18 individuals who list Sound Transit as their employer make campaign contributions to the re-election coffers of Rep. Simpson?
And the personal relationship of a Sound Transit employee with a member of the Legislature who is, or who might be, in an oversight capacity over Sound Transit is a matter of public interest.
Now, I would appreciate a candid response to this inquiry or I will begin to report that you are stonewalling legitimate inquiry.
The campaign contributions of public employees are a matter of public interest and the subject for legitimate scrutiny, especially when they’re bunched together in time and for a specific candidate.
Just to let you know, I’m a pretty determined guy, especially when I begin to sense that something is being hidden from me. Sound Transit belongs to the public – you work for the public – the public has a right to know answers to these questions – I will continue to ask them until I get satisfactory answers.
Scott St. Clair
From: Patrick, Geoff []
Sent: Monday, October 25, 2010 5:30 PM
To: Scott St ClairCc: Mike Reitz; Earl, Joni; Brown, Desmond;;;
Subject: RE: Follow-up to your questionTrying to smear you? I am not sure how I would have done that in simply responding to your phone call and e-mails. Whether or not they are the answers you want, I’ve answered your questions. To reiterate one more time: the agency does not get involved in political races, and people’s personal political activities and relationships are their own business.
Geoff Patrick
Media Relations and
Public Information Manager
Sound Transit
401 S. Jackson St.
Seattle, WA 98104
From: Scott St Clair []
Sent: Monday, October 25, 2010 12:23 PM
To: Patrick, Geoff
Cc: Mike Reitz; Earl, Joni; Brown, Desmond;;;
Subject: RE: Follow-up to your questionGeoff:
While you claim that Sound Transit does not support political candidates or get involved in political races, it is nevertheless unusual that 18 individuals who list Sound Transit as their employer all made contributions to the re-election campaign of Rep. Geoff Simpson, D-47, between July 22 and July 27 of this year. This data is from the Public Disclosure Commission website.
You still have not answered the question why so many contributions from Sound Transit employees and within such a compressed time period? Saying it’s a coincidence or that it’s none of my business or trying to smear me won’t shake me from uncovering what looks to be a story. And the more you stonewall, the more I’m left to wonder – methinks you doth protest too much.
The public has a right to an explanation for this activity – was there an event, an appeal for funds, a Sound Transit-sponsored program that prompted the contributions?
The public also has a right to know whether Mr. Simpson has any unusual or personal relationship with any employee of Sound Transit, especially an employee with whom he might interact in his capacity as a member of the Washington State House of Representatives, that could go to the heart of this matter or otherwise affect his performance as a legislator. These are questions of governmental transparency and accountability.
By copy, I’m inviting Rep. Simpson to respond as well.
Your job title says you are in media relations and public information, so how about giving this member of both the media and the public information that I can use to inform my readers and other members of the public?
Scott St. Clair
Evergreen Freedom Foundation
(360) 956-3482
(206) 919-6047 – cellular
From: Patrick, Geoff []
Sent: Thursday, October 21, 2010 3:55 PM
To: Scott St Clair
Subject: RE: Follow-up to your questionTo reiterate the response I provided several times during our rather circular phone conversation: Sound Transit does not support political candidates or get involved with political races. Sound Transit employees, like all citizens, are at liberty in their non-work hours to get involved in political races and make whatever political contributions they see fit. The agency does not require employees to report or explain their reasons for making political contributions, and my role at Sound Transit doesn’t include acting as a spokesman regarding employees’ personal political activities or relationships. As someone who works for an organization that includes the word “freedom” in its title, perhaps you can appreciate that it would infringe on employees’ freedom if government agencies monitored their personal lives in the way your questions seem to contemplate.
Geoff Patrick
Media Relations and
Public Information Manager
Sound Transit
401 S. Jackson St.
Seattle, WA 98104
From: Scott St Clair []
Sent: Wednesday, October 20, 2010 3:22 PM
To: Patrick, Geoff
Subject: RE: Follow-up to your question
Importance: HighThank you for your response.
Another question, if I might…
I am still pursuing the relationship between Rep. Geoff Simpson, D-47, and Sound Transit, and I have yet to receive an answer to my question as to why there were 18 contributions to his campaign made between July 22 and July 27 by individuals who list Sound Transit as their employer. Was their an event or a particular solicitation or what? And do any employees or agents of Sound Transit have any type of personal or business relationship with Mr. Simpson (spouse, sibling, other family relationship, dating, etc.).
I have received inquiries on this point, and I would like to report accurate facts.
Scott St. Clair
Evergreen Freedom Foundation
(360) 956-3482
(206) 919-6047 – cellular
From: Patrick, Geoff []
Sent: Wednesday, October 20, 2010 3:02 PM
To: Scott St Clair
Subject: Follow-up to your questionMr. St. Clair:
This responds to the inquiry you made to our Legal Department.
The filing you cite reflected our payment for the quarter to Martin Flynn for his lobbying services. Melanie Smith, the Sound Transit employee you referenced, did not do any lobbying during that quarter.
Geoff Patrick
Media Relations and
Public Information Manager
Sound Transit
401 S. Jackson St.
Seattle, WA 98104
What do you expect from someone who is afraid to ride a city bus?
Piper Scott is as weird as they come, based years of HA trolling as “the piper”. St. Clair is the consummate airhead – so full of himself, he actually thinks people won’t see through that pseudo-intellectual schtick.
It is so appropriate that he joined Bob “garden gnome” Williams at EFF, the National Enquirer of right wing think tanks…
Oh my that’s one for the ages!
I’m going to savor this one and laugh my head off for hours!
Thank you Goldy!
2 – Right wing STINK tanks…
Oh FUCK…that’s rich.
The crack-piper is about as much of a journalist as well…I am.
That’s quite a legacy to savor: if you’re remembered at all, it’s as a dishonest hack. Well done, CrackPiper.
Now that’s the kind of take down I like to see.
Journalist my ass. That’d be like Klynical calling himself a man. Saying it doesn’t make it so.
Piper, old buddy,
With all due respect, Rep. Simpson’s post was fair, balanced, and appropriate. I am pleased to see a Democratic politician show some balls and call a spade a spade. His post was hardly “profanity-laden.” I mean, really, do you think your little cautionary statement about the potential to offend was warranted? And, sorry, Piper, but you are a rightwing shill and the outfit for which you work hasn’t the slightest credibility outside wingnuttia. Outside of that, how’ve you been?
Thank you Rep. Simpson for telling it like it is to the shameless, unhinged right wing shill St. Clair.
How about running for Governor?
Thanks. Let’s have more post the full unredacted email correspondence. To echo on email, much to Scott St. Clair’s shagrin, this would give us the “FREEDOM” to decide for ourselves.
Here’s the block the I’m loving. A nice honest response to a true piece of shit asshole:
Didn’t St. Clair play Sargent Schultz on Hogan’s Heros?
Just left St Clair the following message. I encourage you to leave the same:;Itemid=16
For a member of the “media” I would have expected that Mr. Piper could have actually figured this out on his own. There was a Transit Fundraiser for Rep Simpson during the time period he was questioning Sound Transit employees’ donations.
I donated to Rep. Simpson at the same event they mention. It was the transit community fundraiser! A lot of the people who work at Sound Transit work there because they want to see great transit in Puget Sound, just like the reasons people take many other jobs.
f’reals: Scott St. Clair doesn’t “report” actual news. His job at EFF is to grind personal axes, make stuff up, and hope some actual news outlet regurgitates his pablum.
I think St. Clair’s fascination with other people’s marriages (remember his obsession with Goldy’s divorce) may stems from his own history of marital problems. (this seems to be a trend with many right wing evangelicals) From what I can tell via public records search, Scott Andrew St. Clair has got two divorces under his belt…and he’s working on #3 now.
The guy talks endlessly about all his kids and grandkids all over the internet, yet their mother(s) are never mentioned. So, it’s no wonder The Piper has a fixation with Simpson’s private life. And no wonder his attacks are so pointless, petty and vicious.
Speaking of petty half-retarded right wing blow-hards, Piper’s transit-hating buddy Dori Monson just entered the fray
OMG!!! It just keeps getting more and more and more entertaining!
Another reason Scott St. Clair hates Simpson and ST so freaking much. In his own words (on HA), just before the Sound Transit 2 vote in 2008:
In this state, the people are sovereign…at least for now.
They showed good sense in dumping the Prop 1 monstrosity – bloated, lacking in focus, and profligate in the extreme it was.
And they should be the ultimate arbiters of transportation policy.
Your POV suggests that they should defer to their betters, the so-called “experts” to make such complex decisions. Bunk!
The people have more collective good sense over the long haul than any bunch of academic eggheads.
It’s our money on the line with this stuff, and we have the unfettered and absolute right to have the final say.
The “final say of the people” was 57% yes and 43% no. You can see why St. Clair is such a bitter and frustrated codger. He sets himself up for failure almost every time – then he tries to blame others for the stupid things that come out of his brain.
The Piper?? With all the turds he leaves around here, I’ve always thought of him as The Pooper.
Oh Lord, but that is something to behold.
Fuckin’ – A.
Great take down.
We all know you’re onto this thread. So, pipe up. Respond, man. Show some balls. And, remember, when you do respond, you’re actually responding to humans who think. Not just the usual congregation of “what are we supposed to believe today?” drones who constitute your audience at EFF.
Your pal,
No way the chickenshit shows his mug around here.
St. Clair likes to pretend he doesn’t know what creepy, privacy-busting corporate interests pay his salary…which is a crock unto itself. But notice how EFF does its best to push for “transparency” when it comes to public entities. Sounds very TeeParty-esque, no? They promote the myth of the so-called ‘little guy’ fighting for poor, down-trodden billionaires and corporate interests.
Yet these clowns gladly accept their non-profit status from the IRS, while doing what they can to “protect” themselves from the same sunshine policies they demand from others. Here is some background on their lobbying arm:
UBI Number 602560978
Profit/Nonprofit Nonprofit
Active/Inactive Active
WA Filing Date 11/30/2005
Expiration Date 11/30/2010
Registration Status Not Registered
Vice President SPADY, JIM
4426 2ND AVE NE
Treasurer Dunmire, Michael
15610 NE 173rd St
Lol! Ditto that for other airhead reich-wingers who browse here, but avoid any kind of debate outside the FOX fishbowl (talking about you, Mike Ennis!)
Scotty St. Claire got all up in that ST guy’s face, ‘cuz he knew the public servant wasn’t going to entertain his idiotic inquiry. But we will!!!
The Piper was famous for his toss the grenade / run like hell tactic, always ducking out when the going gets tough. You know, that rock-ribbed Republican bark-bigger-than-bite schtick.
Dori Monson calling somebody mentally ill is like a toad calling somebody ugly.
After a teabagger stomps on a woman’s head, he will expect her to apologize.
“I don’t think it’s that big of a deal,” Profitt said. “I would like for her to apologize to me to be honest with you.”
You people are too fucked up for words.
Great…my favorite fucking drive-in and the EFF. I guess should have known, what with Spadys’and all the Charter Schools bullshit.
Any word when the “Crack-Piper”‘s gonna show???
30 – There’s no higher priority right now for the Pooper and his crowd than to throw the election for the right wing.
They’re firing on all cylinders right now. This won’t be the only crap they’ll try to stir up until next Tuesday.
If they win a few, the pooper will show up to gloat.
You can be sure of that.
Geoff Simpson has a history of BEATING his wife and shows poor judgment in all aspects of his life. To include $100,000 dollars of unsecured Credit card debt! Geoff is an abusive chauvinistic, egotistical prick who doesn’t even have the respect of the First Responder community (union leaders may vote to endorse him, but most of them want him gone because he is such a monumental embarrassment)!
Piper Scott’s real name is Scott Allan St. Clair, not Scott Andrew St. Clair. There is only once divorce attributable to him, filed in December 2007 in King County. Both Scott and his wife filed basically at the same time (two days apart), so there are two case numbers, but only one marriage and one divorce. The other case was filed in 1999 in Pierce County by a different person with middle name of Andrew.
Also, Scott Andrew St. Clair may have been charged with various crimes in district and municipal courts in Pierce County. However, I don’t see any evidence of Piper Scott — Scott Allan St. Clair of ever being charged with any crimes.
I think this blog is a horses’ asshole.
Wow! Scott Piper sure has come down in the world after failing to make it as an attorney who couldn’t afford to pay his bar dues (and therefore is now an ex-attorney) and then failing again as a self-employed human resources consultant. He proves that no matter how low your station in life is, it’s always possible to go even lower.
Scott Piper is a good man. He’s helping Sheralyn Andrews stop the Dept. of Corrections from &!*#@$^ up their data entry and letting potential kop killers walk free…
goldy and his HA limpwrists apparently like politicians who smack their wives around…
strange how goldfarb doesnt to a little expose’ on that…
little goebbels goldy……
Funny that Scott St Clair got on Dori Monson today, and whined about how HA was beating up on him.
Yet, the guy is so toothless, he couldn’t even show his face here. After treating us to years of his pointless diatribes. At least that Josef kid showed up to defend him.
I am still confused as to whether The Piper is totally clueless – or totally lying. Geoff Simpson (and two other commentators here) pointed out that PipeDream was simply feigning outrage over this childish conspiracy: the Sound TRANSIT employees went to a TRANSIT fundraiser because they support TRANSIT. Now, really Scott St Clair, the EFF bar is set super low. Do you have to take it down 10 more notches?
Best part of the St Clair – Monson conspiracy fest this afternoon, hands down: Monson trying to insinuate those Sound Transit employees were trying to curry favor with a member of the House Transpo Committee. This coming from a Republicker talk radio host who routinely defends the corporate take-over of our democracy. You know, massive trans-national industries which actually HAVE purchased the GOP…without a peep coming from Monson.
Close second: Scott St Clair refusing to reveal the insidious corporate interests who pay his salary – followed immediately by Scott playing the victim card (that meanie Geoff Simpson is hurttting me with his question!) Oh yeah, then The Piper lies thru his teeth, and tries to tell us he has NO IDEA whIch Megacorp, Inc Big Oil companies fund EFF. Right.
Serious question: what happened to all the smart conservatives? Did they move away? Die off? Change their ways? Or, is Piper Scott just pretending to be dumb in order to better connect with his Fox Tabloid News readership?
Looks like St Clair wifey #2 is a GOP trained real estate agent. I bet she NEVER tried to sell any houses to people who could not afford them. That whole scam was devised by socialist Obama, afterall.
The good news for St. Clair: he could always move to Alabama, Ole Miss, etc where backwoods inbreds would never think to second-guess his dime store variety of “journalism”. Bob Williams would fit in with the Old South quite nicely, as well.
Piper is a smart guy. A savvy guy. Not like our trolls (Right Stuff is not a troll–his posts count because the guy has integrity). Piper knows damned well who funds EFF. He knew who funded EFF before he “went to work” there. If he says otherwise, he is dissembling big time.
Whoa! Did that creepy racist troll Mark The Redneck just make a cameo???
I always like it when wingnuts try to pitch the notion that liberal Jewish Nazis can and do exist. It just makes so much sense! Especially when it comes from right-wing psychos who harbor ACTUAL fascist ideology.
JamesX @ 39: Also heard Monson today too, and had to laugh at the idiocy. Dori was on a roll trotting out his conspiracy from 1996 saying government initiated bad traffic the week before the Sound Transit vote, then went on to air listeners’ theories that the recent drinking incident in Roslyn was somehow tied to the vote on 1100/1105 on Tuesday.
Back on track, if the EFF and Monson are so concerned about legislators’ anger management issues, then why haven’t we heard anything from them about Senator Pam Roach? Talk about issues!
All that said, I don’t know why we all keep electing folks with these serious personal issues – whether their name is Irons, Simpson, or Roach. Conduct that these folks have displayed has no business being rewarded by being elected.
maybe jamesx likes to smack his wife around too…
perhaps that is why goldy is divorced?
how else can such a celebrated member of the media(LMFAO) just ignore simpson’s little physical tirades and abuses against women? just ignore it and hope it goes away?
goebbels 101…
if simpson were a republican, goldy would be creaming in his panties and writing thread after thread about it.
at least j. whorfin has the guts to call a spade a spade when it comes to simpson.
hypocrisy….its whats for dinner.
goldy said it himself: he loves geoff simpson.
women beware.
The mealy-mouthed weasel will go on slimeball monson’s show and whine about the meanies here…
…jesus…MAN-UP, asshole.
Dori Monson’s 9/11 style conspiracy theory about WSDOT manufacturing bad traffic on the day (not the week) of the RTA election in 1996 is a recurring theme whenever he talks about those evil choo choo trains. Too funny he now makes a connection between poisoned kids and I-1100. It really is amazing nobody calls idiots like Monson out for passing along urban myths.
When Monson veers away from the subject of football, he proves what a loose grasp he has on any given serious issue. There is a reason right wing trolls like Mark the Redneck come across as ultra-stunted: the people they listen to can barely think their way out of a paper bag.
and how many people riding those little choo choo trains?
answer: not very many.
light rail = epic fail
and notice how all the liberals just pretend to ignore geoff simpson now.
hahahhhaha,…….owned bitches.
THIS is why I love Goldy.