Heh. Does tehchickenshit know that Waukesha County leans right wing?
As for Kathy Nickolaus:
Nickolaus has had a long career in Republican politics.
For 13 years, she worked as a staffer for the Assembly Republican caucus, one of four GOP and Democratic legislative groups that were shut down following a criminal investigation into state staffers doing campaign work on state time.
The investigation eventually led to the resignations and criminal convictions of leaders in the Senate and Assembly for directing caucus and staff employees to engage in illegal political activity during their state employment.
Nickolaus, who earned $54,000 a year as a data analyst and computer specialist for Assembly Republicans, was granted immunity in 2001 by authorities conducting the investigation.
I won’t ask tehchickenshit how shit tastes because this one isn’t over but it’s only matter of time. If not this issue then certainly another. That’s the way it goes with all dumbasses.
8 – Heh. No nobody’s gonna soil their pants like you and your pals did when Dino Lossi’d for the third time and Dems swept the table in 2008.
We’re gonna keep the faith and keep fighting for what we believe in.
Count on it.
@8 YLB: It’s 2011 now.
@6 YLB: I’m watching the press conference video online. Right behind Nickolaus is the Dem rep for the county canvassing group. She came up to the microphone and said straight out that the error was an entire city with vote totals missing and that the error correction is accurate. She has no problems with it. Why do you?
The schadenfreude is so delightfully tasty.
If I were more cynical, I would say she held off adding in the vote totals until after the Dems had “found” all the votes they thought they needed.
Emperor Max IVspews:
This is my favorite post of the week:
20. Roger Rabbit spews:
Kloppenburg, in her victory speech, graciously thanked Prosser for his service. Look to see him filling out forms at the state pension office on about April 25 or thereabouts.
04/06/2011 AT 6:28 PM
roger makes an ass out of himself daily, but this one is especially hilarious..
Proud to be an Assspews:
An amazing development to be sure, but Bob @ 9 appears correct. See TPM for more.
“I’m the dumbest motherfucker on the planet and damned proud of it…Get A Brain, MORANS!”
Emperor Max IVspews:
and once again:
poor rujaxoff…so dumbfounded that he doesnt know whether to sit or spin.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@5 It didn’t take any recounts for the Republicans to “find” 7,000 votes in a county where elections are run by a very partisan Republican who has been linked to past Republican corruption. They’re more efficient at this sort of thing …
Rossi picked the venue and he lost. Spew your BS about that election all you want.
Roger Rabbitspews:
A couple days ago, Prosser was criticizing Kloppenburg as a partisan candidate who would make a partisan decision in the union-stripping bill case. Now that Republicans have pulled off their own “Dean Logan,” we’ll see if Prosser lives up to the impartial judge he says should be sitting on the Wisconsin supreme court. I wouldn’t bet a plugged nickel on it …
Roger Rabbitspews:
Even if Republicans get away with this fraud, Wisconsin public workers and their supporters still have options. First, one of the four Republican judges still might decide to vote for rule of law instead of dictatorship by partisan ambush. If not, voters may decide to reverse the 2010 election and (a) recall Walker, and (b) elect a Democratic legislature in 2012, then repeal Walker’s union-stripping bill. If none of that works, Wisconsin’s public employees (current and future) have the option to work in another state or go into another line of work. I have a feeling that when Wisconsin voters find they can’t get anyone to take teaching and other public jobs in their state anymore, they’ll take this law off the books.
Bob – Wow. Where did I say I have a problem with something? Did I say the results in Waukesha County were fraudulent? Over at (un)SP, the cries of “fraud!” go up within minutes after the polls close here. Whacko theories of “distributed vote fraud” are the norm at (un)SP – they only cost about “one million dollars” to prove.
You won’t see that here.
Last time you were here Goldy made a fool of you. I stand by my remarks about dumbasses.
Republicans have pulled off their own “Dean Logan,”
Roger – that’s almost implying that Dean Logan did something underhanded. That’s right wing bullshit. The right wingers couldn’t prove crap.
If the shoe was on the other foot, we’d do what we could with the recount process and if we didn’t come out on top, we’d let it go. Any candidate worth their salt should get out the vote and win by a comfortable margin.
HAHA! Karma is biting you libs in the ass!
@16 just because he picked the location doesnt mean the judge himself wasnt democratic. I cant believe any of you are saying anything about votes being “found.” it seems you love “found” votes. And @3, Gregoiure’s approval is in the toilet (29-68 as of late january)and the initiaives passed last year makes her goals un attainable. So we have a unpopular governor with no real power, so suck on that!
Maxie is unhinged tonight. Chris, as usual, just a partisan shill. Wingnuts are boring shits, to say the least.
Emperor Max IVspews:
Proud Communist is busy licking his wounds, and trying to restore some self pride.
not to worry Commie, you can still join the Politburo! After all, whats mine is everyone elses! Aint that right?
THis just highlights the problems with partisan election administrators, and all sides of the political debate wanting to know how judges are going to rule before hand.
Emperor Max IVspews:
@21 YLB:
Missed ya. Goldy did school me. And no, you said nothing about fraud, although why a quickly-recognized data entry error by an elections staffer warranted her party affiliation being brought up by you might be a good question, were I to ask it. I merely pointed out that a local Dem official quickly backed her explanation. All that national effort at affecting a state race and trying to make it a referendum on Walker, and what did it get the unions? It got them a 50.5% Prosser general election win, vs. his 55% primary tally. Nice work, unions. Make it a one-issue election and you still find yourselves on the short end of public opinion. Oh, and in about the most visible way imaginable. It could not have been better scripted than this, especially the tasteless victory announcement and silly interview given by the now-apparent loser. Priceless, really. A true own-goal by the left.
Also, another thing, and it goes for both parties, declaring victory on election night before the last votes are counted. Up in Canada, say what you want about everything that comes out of Ottawa(by the way, the health care idea came from a populist politician from Saskatchewan), they at least have one part of their Federal Elections done right. They use paper ballots, hand counted, and by the way, the results from Newfoundland, Quebec, the Maritimes, and Ontario are usually not released until voting is done in British Columbia. They have one coming up next month, 4th Federal General Election in 7 years, the trigger for this one, was the Conservative PM was in contempt of parliament.
@23 im not a partisan shill. im actually quite moderate. I dont like Gregoire, thats all. I admit I lean right, but I vote democratic occasionally, call out conservatives when they are hyporitical, and am very liberal on pretty much every social issue.
27 – Why point out the party affiliation? A certain right wing asshole in this thread started knee-jerking about Dean Logan. I thought it’d be illustrative to point out the bona fides of the “election staffer” in Waukesha County..
We hear nothing but whining and screaming from the right about King County every election cycle – “the worst things” said about KCREALS, merely trying to administer the vote of the most populous county in the State in both low and record turnout situations with the resources they’re given. So all’s fair Bob – we here give back only more or less what we get.
@30 YLB
Illustrative, perhaps. Irrelevant, without question. But thank you for the answer.
I wonder if a candidate who quickly claims victory when up 200 will demand a recount when down 7,000.
Oh really Bob? As irrelevant as King County is to say, the three time losing streak of Dino Rossi?
Without question?
@32 I have no idea what Judge Bridges party affiliation is. If he infact is a Republican and he followed the law, then great. I don’t want a judge that legislates from the bench.
@33 YLB:
And now you have strayed well off-point. A staffer missing a number late at night and a politician in another state are related…… How, exactly?
They aren’t. You are trying to pervert a caught and corrected clerical error into something sinister. Check out the next post, in which a lot of the other clerical adjustments are noted. The numbers aren’t certified until the canvassing is done. It is not a conspiracy. It is checking the math. Kloppenburg would have done well to await this task before taking her victory lap.
If he infact is a Republican and he followed the law, then great. I don’t want a judge that legislates from the bench.
Oh? Did Bridges do that in your opinion? Maybe just a little because of your unhinged hatred for Christine Gregoire.
Christine Gregoire committed the ultimate sin to the typical right wing voter – she refused to defer to Dino Rossi. She kept faith to her supporters and pursued every legal avenue to prevail in a too close election.
Has Christine Gregoire been a good governor? Hmmm. About the same as Gary Locke which is not great I’d say. Better than the alternative?
You are trying to pervert a caught and corrected clerical error into something sinister.
Heh. Deja vu all over again. Right Bob?
Zotz sez: Teahadists are Koch suckers!spews:
An R hack missed counting the votes of the second largest city in Waukesha County.
A number, conveniently, just outside the total requiring an automatic recount…
Seems like a manual recount of Waukesha County (at least) ballots is in order.
@ 38 Zotz:
Let it go. Huffington’s AOL news reported Brookfield’s results on election night. The fact that it didn’t make it onto a county-wide tally and that the error wasn’t discovered until the next day doesn’t change the fact that the numbers were reported. They just weren’t included in a larger tally. The county Dem rep overseeing the canvassing is OK with the explanation.
You might consider reviewing the Brookfield charter documents. Maybe it isn’t really a city and therefore its citizens aren’t eligible to vote. Maybe the county next door mistakenly counted Brookfield’s results and they’re being double-counted in Waukesha. Or maybe each and every citizen in the city of Brookfield truly decided not to vote and the citywide vote tally of zero actually was correct and the originally reported number was accurate.
If you’re going to play the conspiracy angle, maybe you should look at that county Dem rep. She looked a little shifty to me when she straightforwardly answered that question posed to her by the reporter at the press conference. It was almost like………like………… like an innocent mistake occurred, was caught, and then was corrected. Check out the Koch brothers’ family tree and see how many degrees of separation there are between them and her. My guess is no more than 74.
Finally, since you brought it up, that numerical proximity to the automatic recount cut-off? Why, that’s just schadenfreude making the Left its bitch.
It’s so precious to see how smug and self-righteous assholes like “bob” and maxie are when they know this shit is bought and paid for and they’re getting their money’s worth.
But no reason to be cynical, eh?
Go back and read the HA posts related to WI on Wednesday of this week if you want to see self-righteous.
If the events of the last 24 hours are somewhat painful it is only because you and your ilk overdid it in the immediate aftermath, before the numbers were certified.
Somehow this referendum on Walker, as Roger Rabbit put it when Kloppenburg held a lead, might not be seen as such now that it’s becoming clear that Prosser will pull it out.
I’m not sure why that’s self-righteous. If I am dishing snark about the inability of some on the left to refuse to acknowledge that the votes were there and counted, but not added to a county-wide spreadsheet, consider it payback for what was written on this site on Wednesday.
So “bob”…you being a bigfoot captain of industry-crony capitalist-killer of the middle class and the American Way of Life…being so busy and all, you probably missed that the REAL referendum on Scott Walker in Wisconsin was the race for Walker’s vacated seat as County Executive. The result was that Walker’s hand-picked lackey got trounced 60-40. That Prosser got re-elected (under a cloud of impropriety) is about what one would expect in this era of government for sale to the wealthy by and for the wealthy. And I’m not talking about mokes like you (and the dumbfucks maxee and npr) who might make $100-150K if you’re lucky…I’m talkin’ ’bout the 1%-ers…the over $1,000,000 folks. THAT’S who’s got the juice. The Koch’s and the Prescott’s and the Bushes an loads of others we don’t know about. Dumb-ya’s base…”the haves and the have-mores.”
Anyway…maybe we’ll get a populist revolution, maybe we won’t. As it is we’re getting to be a third-world style banana republic. Such a shame.
BTW-keep voting republican pally, they’ll fuck you over too.
Er, no. That seat had traditionally been held by a Democrat. Walker was elected after the previous seat-holding Dem was enmeshed in a scandal. Now it’s reverted to norm.
Keep working on that meme, though. Eventually you’ll find a line that isn’t debunked and you can hang your hopes and dreams on it. Maybe elect a president who will close Gitmo, try those prisoners domestically, and not invade foreign countries without Congressional approval while enlisting a DOJ flunkie to gin up some sort of memo giving him political cover.
Or you can do the Hopenchangey thing one more time.
Walker had the seat for eight years, which is a lifetime in politics. Corruption in politics is such a new thing isn’t it (see Cunningham, Duke/DeLay, Tom/Issa, Darrell)?
Obama sold out his base when Rahm Emmanuel was appointed WH Chief-of-Staff. Obama is the second moderate Republican President in the last 20 years.
For abuses of war powers see Bush, GW and Cheney, Richard.
It’s amazing to see the reaction of looters when faced with the possibility that they might actually have to get jobs and be responsible for themselves. Fear not looters, there is hope. I hear John Kerry is going to start giving lessons on how to marry rich widows so that you can live off other men’s money. Right up your alley.
Maybe you can get Algore to stop counting the millions he has defrauded from people over his “glowball warming” scam to run to Wisconsin and try to steal the election for Kloppenbag.
NPR keeps getting PWN3Dspews:
god damn, the crying in here is frackin EPIC!
oh, BTW RUJAX, you got the six figures right, but you are still way, way off…..the fruits of a husband and wife who are smart and work their asses off.
go ahead, be jealous – its ok…maybe you and YLB can hold a pitty party together and rue the fact that your shit life isnt doing anything or going anywhere..
…who the fuck cares if you are a greedy motherfucker besides you? What’s wrong with you? One trick pony? No self esteem? Pencil-dick? You’ll have nothing when you croak…we’ll all be even.
NPR keeps getting PWN3Dspews:
and speaking of one trick ponies…rujax jumps when commanded. I love playing with your puppet strings.
dance monkey dance!
oh, you are right, I wont have anything when Im dead, but my kids and grandkids sure as hell will. :)
thats the whole thinking ahead thing that you just cant grasp.
…you’re looking like a real stand-up guy right now. Congrats.
NPR keeps getting PWN3Dspews:
dance monkey, dance!
need an hanky to wipe up them tears of sorrow and lifelong frustration?
@36 if he is a Republican and ruled in favor of Gregoire I think its obvious he did not legislate from the bench. I still absolutely believe Gregoire stole the election in ’04. But Im not a nut case. I concede she won fair and square in ’08 and in ’04 I actually considered voting for her, but thought that 20 years of one party (which it was at the time) was too risky for corruption and favoritism.
There is still time for the Wisconsin Democrats and their union handlers to steal another election!
hows it feel now?
calling Dean Logan! calling Dean Logan!
poor Darwhyle, crow gonna taste yummy tonight?
I’ll be the judge of that….
Hey Max, what about that judge picked by the R’s, what did he find again. That’s right, Governon Gregiore. Suck on it.
Hey K, the only thing “sucking on it” is our states budget.
you guys picked a great one there! well done!
do you think if they do 3 or 4 recounts, that the democratic candidate will mysteriously come from behind and gain 7000 votes?
Dial 1-800-DeanLogan…….
Heh. Does tehchickenshit know that Waukesha County leans right wing?
As for Kathy Nickolaus:
I won’t ask tehchickenshit how shit tastes because this one isn’t over but it’s only matter of time. If not this issue then certainly another. That’s the way it goes with all dumbasses.
do you need a tissue also tenderhands?
are going to console your butt buddy rujaxoff?
the crying will be epic tonight.
8 – Heh. No nobody’s gonna soil their pants like you and your pals did when Dino Lossi’d for the third time and Dems swept the table in 2008.
We’re gonna keep the faith and keep fighting for what we believe in.
Count on it.
@8 YLB: It’s 2011 now.
@6 YLB: I’m watching the press conference video online. Right behind Nickolaus is the Dem rep for the county canvassing group. She came up to the microphone and said straight out that the error was an entire city with vote totals missing and that the error correction is accurate. She has no problems with it. Why do you?
The schadenfreude is so delightfully tasty.
If I were more cynical, I would say she held off adding in the vote totals until after the Dems had “found” all the votes they thought they needed.
This is my favorite post of the week:
20. Roger Rabbit spews:
Kloppenburg, in her victory speech, graciously thanked Prosser for his service. Look to see him filling out forms at the state pension office on about April 25 or thereabouts.
04/06/2011 AT 6:28 PM
roger makes an ass out of himself daily, but this one is especially hilarious..
An amazing development to be sure, but Bob @ 9 appears correct. See TPM for more.
Shorter maxee..
“I’m the dumbest motherfucker on the planet and damned proud of it…Get A Brain, MORANS!”
and once again:
poor rujaxoff…so dumbfounded that he doesnt know whether to sit or spin.
@5 It didn’t take any recounts for the Republicans to “find” 7,000 votes in a county where elections are run by a very partisan Republican who has been linked to past Republican corruption. They’re more efficient at this sort of thing …
Rossi picked the venue and he lost. Spew your BS about that election all you want.
A couple days ago, Prosser was criticizing Kloppenburg as a partisan candidate who would make a partisan decision in the union-stripping bill case. Now that Republicans have pulled off their own “Dean Logan,” we’ll see if Prosser lives up to the impartial judge he says should be sitting on the Wisconsin supreme court. I wouldn’t bet a plugged nickel on it …
Even if Republicans get away with this fraud, Wisconsin public workers and their supporters still have options. First, one of the four Republican judges still might decide to vote for rule of law instead of dictatorship by partisan ambush. If not, voters may decide to reverse the 2010 election and (a) recall Walker, and (b) elect a Democratic legislature in 2012, then repeal Walker’s union-stripping bill. If none of that works, Wisconsin’s public employees (current and future) have the option to work in another state or go into another line of work. I have a feeling that when Wisconsin voters find they can’t get anyone to take teaching and other public jobs in their state anymore, they’ll take this law off the books.
Bob – Wow. Where did I say I have a problem with something? Did I say the results in Waukesha County were fraudulent? Over at (un)SP, the cries of “fraud!” go up within minutes after the polls close here. Whacko theories of “distributed vote fraud” are the norm at (un)SP – they only cost about “one million dollars” to prove.
You won’t see that here.
Last time you were here Goldy made a fool of you. I stand by my remarks about dumbasses.
Roger – that’s almost implying that Dean Logan did something underhanded. That’s right wing bullshit. The right wingers couldn’t prove crap.
If the shoe was on the other foot, we’d do what we could with the recount process and if we didn’t come out on top, we’d let it go. Any candidate worth their salt should get out the vote and win by a comfortable margin.
HAHA! Karma is biting you libs in the ass!
@16 just because he picked the location doesnt mean the judge himself wasnt democratic. I cant believe any of you are saying anything about votes being “found.” it seems you love “found” votes. And @3, Gregoiure’s approval is in the toilet (29-68 as of late january)and the initiaives passed last year makes her goals un attainable. So we have a unpopular governor with no real power, so suck on that!
Gregoire approval: http://www.surveyusa.com/clien.....ab20ec017f
Maxie is unhinged tonight. Chris, as usual, just a partisan shill. Wingnuts are boring shits, to say the least.
Proud Communist is busy licking his wounds, and trying to restore some self pride.
not to worry Commie, you can still join the Politburo! After all, whats mine is everyone elses! Aint that right?
THis just highlights the problems with partisan election administrators, and all sides of the political debate wanting to know how judges are going to rule before hand.
@21 YLB:
Missed ya. Goldy did school me. And no, you said nothing about fraud, although why a quickly-recognized data entry error by an elections staffer warranted her party affiliation being brought up by you might be a good question, were I to ask it. I merely pointed out that a local Dem official quickly backed her explanation. All that national effort at affecting a state race and trying to make it a referendum on Walker, and what did it get the unions? It got them a 50.5% Prosser general election win, vs. his 55% primary tally. Nice work, unions. Make it a one-issue election and you still find yourselves on the short end of public opinion. Oh, and in about the most visible way imaginable. It could not have been better scripted than this, especially the tasteless victory announcement and silly interview given by the now-apparent loser. Priceless, really. A true own-goal by the left.
Also, another thing, and it goes for both parties, declaring victory on election night before the last votes are counted. Up in Canada, say what you want about everything that comes out of Ottawa(by the way, the health care idea came from a populist politician from Saskatchewan), they at least have one part of their Federal Elections done right. They use paper ballots, hand counted, and by the way, the results from Newfoundland, Quebec, the Maritimes, and Ontario are usually not released until voting is done in British Columbia. They have one coming up next month, 4th Federal General Election in 7 years, the trigger for this one, was the Conservative PM was in contempt of parliament.
@23 im not a partisan shill. im actually quite moderate. I dont like Gregoire, thats all. I admit I lean right, but I vote democratic occasionally, call out conservatives when they are hyporitical, and am very liberal on pretty much every social issue.
27 – Why point out the party affiliation? A certain right wing asshole in this thread started knee-jerking about Dean Logan. I thought it’d be illustrative to point out the bona fides of the “election staffer” in Waukesha County..
We hear nothing but whining and screaming from the right about King County every election cycle – “the worst things” said about KCREALS, merely trying to administer the vote of the most populous county in the State in both low and record turnout situations with the resources they’re given. So all’s fair Bob – we here give back only more or less what we get.
@30 YLB
Illustrative, perhaps. Irrelevant, without question. But thank you for the answer.
I wonder if a candidate who quickly claims victory when up 200 will demand a recount when down 7,000.
If you’re talking about Judge Bridges, my best recollection is that he’s a Republican.
Does that mean that as a judge, it’s his duty to do whatever other Republicans tell him to do?
That he didn’t do that tells me that Bridges has something that seems to be in short supply among Republicans these days.
Oh really Bob? As irrelevant as King County is to say, the three time losing streak of Dino Rossi?
Without question?
@32 I have no idea what Judge Bridges party affiliation is. If he infact is a Republican and he followed the law, then great. I don’t want a judge that legislates from the bench.
@33 YLB:
And now you have strayed well off-point. A staffer missing a number late at night and a politician in another state are related…… How, exactly?
They aren’t. You are trying to pervert a caught and corrected clerical error into something sinister. Check out the next post, in which a lot of the other clerical adjustments are noted. The numbers aren’t certified until the canvassing is done. It is not a conspiracy. It is checking the math. Kloppenburg would have done well to await this task before taking her victory lap.
Enjoy your day.
Oh? Did Bridges do that in your opinion? Maybe just a little because of your unhinged hatred for Christine Gregoire.
Christine Gregoire committed the ultimate sin to the typical right wing voter – she refused to defer to Dino Rossi. She kept faith to her supporters and pursued every legal avenue to prevail in a too close election.
Has Christine Gregoire been a good governor? Hmmm. About the same as Gary Locke which is not great I’d say. Better than the alternative?
Heh. Deja vu all over again. Right Bob?
An R hack missed counting the votes of the second largest city in Waukesha County.
A number, conveniently, just outside the total requiring an automatic recount…
Seems like a manual recount of Waukesha County (at least) ballots is in order.
@ 38 Zotz:
Let it go. Huffington’s AOL news reported Brookfield’s results on election night. The fact that it didn’t make it onto a county-wide tally and that the error wasn’t discovered until the next day doesn’t change the fact that the numbers were reported. They just weren’t included in a larger tally. The county Dem rep overseeing the canvassing is OK with the explanation.
You might consider reviewing the Brookfield charter documents. Maybe it isn’t really a city and therefore its citizens aren’t eligible to vote. Maybe the county next door mistakenly counted Brookfield’s results and they’re being double-counted in Waukesha. Or maybe each and every citizen in the city of Brookfield truly decided not to vote and the citywide vote tally of zero actually was correct and the originally reported number was accurate.
If you’re going to play the conspiracy angle, maybe you should look at that county Dem rep. She looked a little shifty to me when she straightforwardly answered that question posed to her by the reporter at the press conference. It was almost like………like………… like an innocent mistake occurred, was caught, and then was corrected. Check out the Koch brothers’ family tree and see how many degrees of separation there are between them and her. My guess is no more than 74.
Finally, since you brought it up, that numerical proximity to the automatic recount cut-off? Why, that’s just schadenfreude making the Left its bitch.
Heh. Hey Zotz notice that Bob is telling us what to do.
What is it with these right wingers and their authoritarian compulsion?
…go Bob. Awesome baby. Don’t ever change.
Add @39…
It’s so precious to see how smug and self-righteous assholes like “bob” and maxie are when they know this shit is bought and paid for and they’re getting their money’s worth.
But no reason to be cynical, eh?
Go back and read the HA posts related to WI on Wednesday of this week if you want to see self-righteous.
If the events of the last 24 hours are somewhat painful it is only because you and your ilk overdid it in the immediate aftermath, before the numbers were certified.
Somehow this referendum on Walker, as Roger Rabbit put it when Kloppenburg held a lead, might not be seen as such now that it’s becoming clear that Prosser will pull it out.
I’m not sure why that’s self-righteous. If I am dishing snark about the inability of some on the left to refuse to acknowledge that the votes were there and counted, but not added to a county-wide spreadsheet, consider it payback for what was written on this site on Wednesday.
Live by the pen……..
So “bob”…you being a bigfoot captain of industry-crony capitalist-killer of the middle class and the American Way of Life…being so busy and all, you probably missed that the REAL referendum on Scott Walker in Wisconsin was the race for Walker’s vacated seat as County Executive. The result was that Walker’s hand-picked lackey got trounced 60-40. That Prosser got re-elected (under a cloud of impropriety) is about what one would expect in this era of government for sale to the wealthy by and for the wealthy. And I’m not talking about mokes like you (and the dumbfucks maxee and npr) who might make $100-150K if you’re lucky…I’m talkin’ ’bout the 1%-ers…the over $1,000,000 folks. THAT’S who’s got the juice. The Koch’s and the Prescott’s and the Bushes an loads of others we don’t know about. Dumb-ya’s base…”the haves and the have-mores.”
Anyway…maybe we’ll get a populist revolution, maybe we won’t. As it is we’re getting to be a third-world style banana republic. Such a shame.
BTW-keep voting republican pally, they’ll fuck you over too.
Er, no. That seat had traditionally been held by a Democrat. Walker was elected after the previous seat-holding Dem was enmeshed in a scandal. Now it’s reverted to norm.
Keep working on that meme, though. Eventually you’ll find a line that isn’t debunked and you can hang your hopes and dreams on it. Maybe elect a president who will close Gitmo, try those prisoners domestically, and not invade foreign countries without Congressional approval while enlisting a DOJ flunkie to gin up some sort of memo giving him political cover.
Or you can do the Hopenchangey thing one more time.
Walker had the seat for eight years, which is a lifetime in politics. Corruption in politics is such a new thing isn’t it (see Cunningham, Duke/DeLay, Tom/Issa, Darrell)?
Obama sold out his base when Rahm Emmanuel was appointed WH Chief-of-Staff. Obama is the second moderate Republican President in the last 20 years.
For abuses of war powers see Bush, GW and Cheney, Richard.
You’ve got a better idea? Bachmann? Pawlenty? Barbour? Gingrich? TRUMP? Yeah, right.
It’s amazing to see the reaction of looters when faced with the possibility that they might actually have to get jobs and be responsible for themselves. Fear not looters, there is hope. I hear John Kerry is going to start giving lessons on how to marry rich widows so that you can live off other men’s money. Right up your alley.
Maybe you can get Algore to stop counting the millions he has defrauded from people over his “glowball warming” scam to run to Wisconsin and try to steal the election for Kloppenbag.
god damn, the crying in here is frackin EPIC!
oh, BTW RUJAX, you got the six figures right, but you are still way, way off…..the fruits of a husband and wife who are smart and work their asses off.
go ahead, be jealous – its ok…maybe you and YLB can hold a pitty party together and rue the fact that your shit life isnt doing anything or going anywhere..
having some gumption helps – you should try it.
…who the fuck cares if you are a greedy motherfucker besides you? What’s wrong with you? One trick pony? No self esteem? Pencil-dick? You’ll have nothing when you croak…we’ll all be even.
and speaking of one trick ponies…rujax jumps when commanded. I love playing with your puppet strings.
dance monkey dance!
oh, you are right, I wont have anything when Im dead, but my kids and grandkids sure as hell will. :)
thats the whole thinking ahead thing that you just cant grasp.
when is the pity party?
…you’re looking like a real stand-up guy right now. Congrats.
dance monkey, dance!
need an hanky to wipe up them tears of sorrow and lifelong frustration?
@36 if he is a Republican and ruled in favor of Gregoire I think its obvious he did not legislate from the bench. I still absolutely believe Gregoire stole the election in ’04. But Im not a nut case. I concede she won fair and square in ’08 and in ’04 I actually considered voting for her, but thought that 20 years of one party (which it was at the time) was too risky for corruption and favoritism.
There is still time for the Wisconsin Democrats and their union handlers to steal another election!
BTW The Mediterranean is very beautiful