Despite the fact that he is “extremely proud of all that we have achieved in the last eight months,” Mike McGavick’s campaign manager, Ian Goodhew announced his resignation yesterday. In a prepared statement, Goodhew said that “our early success has taken more of a personal toll on me than I had anticipated.”
Um, yeah… success always does that, I guess.
For his part, McGavick sent Goodhew off with a glowing letter of recommendation:
“Ian has shown great leadership throughout this campaign. Because of his dedication and hard work, we are in a great position. Our grassroots effort is strong, we have had early fundraising success and a great team has been assembled.”
Which of course explains why Goodhew was booted resigned on his own volition.
No doubt the campaign has taken a personal toll on the relatively inexperienced Goodhew, but clearly, the handwriting was on the wall. As Daniel points out, even Republican pollster Strategic Vision shows McGavick mired in a double-digit deficit, even after months of television ads. Other polls confirm McGavick’s total lack of traction.
Unless McGavick wants to dump his personal fortune into this race he’s going to have to rely on the national GOP to raise the kind of money he needs to stay competitive. But that money comes with a loss of local control, and his campaign’s poor showing thus far made a campaign shakeup inevitable. Apparently Goodhew and McGavick chose sooner rather than later.
McGavick, a former campaign manager himself (Slade Gorton, 1988) is now moving on to his third campaign manager in less than a year. Hmm. I guess he’s hoping third time will be the charm.
Get Karl Rove on the horn!
Alaska US Senate Candidate Mike McGavick probably has something to hide. After all, three campaign managers. This is a job for POPE A DOPE. FInd out Richie what is at the bottom of this. Because if a House candidate getting straight As in law school is a somehow dubious, this one must be a complete scandal!
It seems like McGavick will go the path as Harris in Florida. Can’t keep anyone around too long….internal problems…maybe he should promise to put all of his fortune in his own campaign. I am sure ex SAFECO employees would love to see that. 6 months with out any noticeable improvement. Maria Cantwell looks safer each and every day.
Where is Cantwell on Immigration Reform and Border Security? Where is Cantwell on the Iraq War? Where is Cantwell on Marriage?
Compared with the tightlipped Cantwell–McGavick has been quite open about his positions on the issues.
Voters are also likely to recognize him as a problem solver, and an alliance-builder. Contrast that with the partisan vote-pandering Cantwell, who would rather alienate potential allies than work together to solve the problems facing our state and nation.
So you don’t like the fact that McGavick was an insurance CEO? Why is his experience a bad thing?!? Most of the failing social welfare programs are undergirded on an insurance model–wouldn’t that make McGavick an ideal Senator?
You call him a fat-cat insurance lobbyist, but do you realize how many lawyers and lobbyists are in Cantwell’s fold: $1,589,360 worth!!!
Goodhew stepping down may simply mean that McGavick’s campaign has outgrown him. Afterall, it’s not like we’re in the middle of the ballgame here. If this happend in October–then maybe your commentary would make sense–at present you sound exactly like the wanna-be-pundits described in this post. (Wait a minute, aren’t those guys your idols?)
Anti-Goldy babels more like the ‘Anti-Christ’. Same shit each and every post. ‘Please, listen to me, please, don’t talk bad about my daddy, please, wingnuts have all the answers…….its posts should have a barf bag enclosed.
McGavick has already made many mistakes so far. Seattle is an embarrassment? He always votes no on initiatives? He’s fundraising in Alaska from big oil?
I expect McGavick to put some of his own money in the race, but only what Safeco has given him recently. He’s too greedy and doesn’t want to waste his money if he may lose.
Drivel @5,
Oh, ignore the so-called Anti-Goldy… all he’s trying to do here is promote his own blog. He can call himself “Anti-Goldy” but that doesn’t make him anything more than just another righty troll.
Goldy- Sounds like someone’s a little upset that I ‘crashed the gate’ on your McGavick-hate-party.
And why would I want to promote my blog here? If you mean trying to add some commone sense to an otherwise juvenile and playground-like name-calling forum–then I guess that’s what I’m doing here.
Anti-Goldy over at the new young wingnut shack is bragging about all the MONEY that’s going to be rolling into Washington State in this Senate race.
Some of which will undoubtedly go to young gun wingnut bloggers who slavishly do as they’re told.
Hey Anti-Goldy – we want to elect a WASHINGTON State Senator not another ALASKA senator. They’ve already got two of those.
Hey Yellow Elephant!!!!!!!!!!!
When you gonna ENLIST you hypocritical little fuck.
Goldy what say you on this subject matter?
The chancellor of the Jewish Theological Seminary of America has accused liberal rabbis of undermining the Conservative Jewish movement by calling for reform on such issues as same-sex marriage.
In his final address to his fellow Conservative rabbis at a convention in Mexico City, Ismar Schorsch – who is set to retire in June – said: “What ails the Conservative movement is that it has lost faith in itself. Internally, we have already become Reform, and it will only be a matter of time before we [externally] appear like Reform.”
In an interview with the Jewish publication Forward, Schorsch complained about what he called the Conservative movement’s “deconstructionists” – particularly rabbis and activists pushing to overturn the movement’s opposition to same-sex marriage and the ordination of gay clergy.
Schorsch’s remarks failed to persuade some younger rabbis, Forward reports.
“I was really disappointed with his talk,” said Miami Rabbi Micah Caplan, 29.
“We are not touching people of my generation. In my opinion we are 20 years behind the Reform movement on a number of issues.”
But Schorsch warned that if the Conservative movement does shift to the left, “then it’s going to pay the price down the road.”
He said that if reform is passed, some clergy and lay people with leave the movement.
Actually many young conservatives have already enlisted, and many others are training in ROTC. So don’t try and say young conservatives aren’t doing their part in the war effort. Regardless of prior service, supporting the troops and their mission is PRIORTIY NUMBER ONE. What are your priorities? Help America lose the war? Sound’s about right.
PS – For a good war blog (you know front lines style) visit this young conservatives blog “American Citizen Soldier“
“And why would I want to promote my blog here? If you mean trying to add some commone sense to an otherwise juvenile and playground-like name-calling forum–then I guess that’s what I’m doing here.”
Hey kid…why doncha ENLIST instead of wasting bandwidth with yer Yella Elephant bullshit?
Just askin’.
So you’re shippin’ out soon!
Good News.
Good luck…their running out of shavetails. they need ya!
The latest from the Enron-Snohomish PUD litigation is just what McGavick didn’t need. Bush’s FERC is rolling over for Enron and urging a sweetheart settlement that could help Enron’s claim for a cancellation penalty from the PUD. Cantwell has been out in front on this in helping the PUD in its fight against Enron. Now she will get some more good press while the Bush administration looks like its trying to roll Washington in favor of Enron.
That money the Anti-Goldy thinks is coming to support McGavick will quickly be re-directed to other races if McGavick doesn’t pick up some momentum. It’ll probably get sent to Pa. to help that waste of oxygen Santorum try and hold his seat.
Young Repukes like you are LOOOONG on rhetoric and SHORT on action.
Unless you can FLEECE some old folks.
Like yer party elders.
The New York Post reports: [Young Black Democrats At Play!!! Horsesass.Org posters, Enjoy!!!!!]
The NYPD hate-crimes unit is probing a report that a white NYU student killed by a car in Harlem was fleeing a gang of black teenagers screaming “Get whitey!” sources said yesterday. If the report proves true, the violence could turn out to be an eerie replay in reverse of the infamous 1986 Howard Beach murder, where a black man was chased into traffic and killed by a group of white bigots. The 20-year-old student, John Broderick Hehman, died yesterday, six days after the attack. The sources said Hehman might have been targeted as a soft mark for robbers after the teenage gang spotted the caring urban-studies major handing pocket change to a wheelchair- bound man near the corner of 125th Street and Park Avenue Saturday night. The gang of youths, some of them as young as 11, had been smoking pot inside a nearby Popeye’s fast-food eatery at 8:30 p.m. when they spotted Hehman walking by and then stopping to help the handicapped man. An anonymous caller later tipped the CrimeStoppers hot line that a group of youths screamed, “Get Whitey!” and ran toward him. Witnesses said Hehman fled into traffic against the light and was hit by a Mercedes-Benz traveling east on 125th Street.
The NY Daily News added this week:
The Harlem hooligans who killed an NYU student by chasing him into the path of a car were videotaped trashing a nearby McDonald’s, law enforcement sources revealed yesterday.
The footage could prove crucial in the hunt for the teens who screamed “Get the white boy!” as they chased John Broderick Hehman, 20, into traffic Saturday, the sources said.
At least two dozen punks were caught on video terrorizing workers at the E. 125th St. McDonald’s on March 24 – a week before Hehman was fatally injured a block away, sources said.
The suspects – including black teens who sources say attacked Hehman – kicked over trash cans, hurled trays through the air and knocked around registers, a witness said.
“I was terrified. I literally thought they were all going to jump over the counter and come after us,” said McDonald’s manager Maria Prandy, 33, who was hit in the face with a tray. “I’ve never been as scared as I was that night.”
PLUCRs @ Everywhere…
I don’t know if you are aware, but Markos of Dailykos is a veteran himself.
If you are so supportive of your Dear Leader, please sign up and fight for His cause.
Roger and Gang should Seattle take the lead and show these folks the right way to complete this task?
April 9, 2006 — As just one face in a crowded Democratic race to succeed retiring Rep. Major Owens, City Councilman David Yassky has to do something to stand out from the rest of the field. Lo and behold – he’s had a brilliant idea.
Or so he thinks.
Yassky introduced a resolution to place the City Council on record as supporting Sen. Russ Feingold’s effort to censure President Bush for his warrantless surveillance of terrorist-related international phone calls.
In a way, that’s appropriate. Feingold is getting ready to run for president, and his censure resolution was designed to bring some national attention. So Yassky is appropriating someone else’s political ploy for his own electoral advantage.
Not everyone’s buying it, of course. Not even all of the Council’s Democrats. (Just like most Democrats on Capitol Hill, who ran in the opposite direction when Feingold introduced his resolution.)
Then again, the council three years ago passed a similar measure condemning the use of force in Iraq.
In fact, one of Yassky’s opponents in the congressional primary thinks his resolution is too soft – arguing it should demand the president’s impeachment. We suspect that some on the council probably agree.
Which is why Minority Leader James Oddo (R-Staten Island) says he’s all for the resolution going to a vote. Indeed, he’s going to insist on it.
Righties who are afraid to fight but willing to send your kids to die in Iraq.
Dickless Cheney
Baby Bush
Lush Flimbaugh
Handjob Hannity
Rugrat fucker Rove
Freaky First
Yes everytime I have to travel to the east side and meet up with right wingers who say it’s worth fighting and dieing in Iraq I ask them why they haven’t signed up. Shuts em up everytime!
Update from the mystery writer who did not link his source.
April 9, 2006 — Four Harlem teens have been arrested in connection with the death of an NYU student who was hit by a car on 125th Street after being chased by a gang that was allegedly screaming anti-white racial epithets, cops said.
Hassan Mayfield and Andre Johnson, both 15, were charged with murder in the second degree and attempted robbery in the second degree, cops said.
Yes every time I have to travel to the east side and meet up with right wingers who say it’s worth fighting and dieing in Iraq I ask them why they haven’t signed up. Shuts em up every time!
Commentby KlakeSucksDick— 4/9/06@ 1:43 pm
Funny little rabbit; I offered you a chance to join me in Iraq, and offered to get you a new uniform. However, you did not show up, Roger did you want to get first hand info and show us our mistakes? Hell, I even offer to play a game of checkers, but no I was too hard for you to play.
re 22: NYC has a Republican mayor and NY has a Republican governor. Aren’t they doing anything to control these thugs?
Lucy, Republicans doing anything????? THey have no time, enriching themselves and keeping the prosecutors at bay is a full time job. Immigration bill fails because without their banty rooster, they all run around like chickenhawks with their heads cut off. No direction, no conversations and no future for them.
Klake @ 22 “Four Harlem teens have been arrested in connection with the death of an NYU student who was hit by a car on 125th Street after being chased by a gang that was allegedly screaming anti-white racial epithets, cops said.
Hassan Mayfield and Andre Johnson, both 15, were charged with murder in the second degree and attempted robbery in the second degree, cops said.”
– New York Post (owned by Rupert Murdoch)
So, Klake you use Rupert Murdoch as a source to enrage racial hatred. Why? Couldn’t you find another Nazi propaganda source? Like the one you used to outrageosly to proclaim that “More Blacks and Indinas owned slaves than white people did!”
Klake you are a neoNazi scum, and you have no credibility here. Except for the other wingnut racist scum (PuddyBud, marks, MTR, JCH to name a few.)
All republicans are cowards. Nuff said.
Looks like McGavick’s numbers are pretty respectable. It is seven months before the general election, and Cantwell has only a 49% to 39% lead. The same kind of “double digit” poll lead that Christine Gregoire had a week before the November 2004 election.
Should be a very close election. McGavick certainly wasn’t my first choice for a GOP candidate in this race. And I also thought he might be especially vulnerable in certain areas. But eight months of internet sniping against McGavick have produced absolutely nothing tangible — unlike what happened to Aaron Dixon in just two weeks.
I will be bold and say that McGavick will be extremely competitive against Cantwell, and so will be one or more GOP challengers against Democrat House incumbents (especially the one running against Rick Larsen). At the same time, I will predict that all Democrat challengers against the three GOP House incumbents will lose by double digit margins or more.
R Pope “I will be bold and say that McGavick will be extremely competitive against Cantwell,”
Define “competitive” and we may have a bet… Oh, I forgot. Wingnuts don’t honor the bets they make.
re 22: NYC has a Republican mayor and NY has a Republican governor. Aren’t they doing anything to control these thugs?
Commentby headless lucy— 4/9/06@ 2:33 pm [Yes, In a city of 90% Democrat looters and Democrat criminals, it’s Republican’s fault!!!]
Actually Cantwell has a 14 point lead but who’s counting.
And Dems win it all. . . house and senate.
As Alaska’s candidate for US senate, Mikey should go back to screwing old ladies out of their insurance.
Wow, what a productive comment thread you have going here Mr. Goldstein…
A bunch of hypocritical jackasses telling a young conservative kid to join the military because he supports Mike McGavick?!? That doesn’t make shit for sense–but then again, neither does half of the muck you sling on this blog.
Listen–some of these kids are serving in Iraq, and the one’s that aren’t are most likely being productive members of society, which is more than I can say for some of the commenters here. They are doing their duty this country by being good citizens. You’re “Yellow Republican” taunts are as silly as the “There’s Going To Be A Draft Kids!!! Vote for Kerry, or else you’re going overseas!”
It was bullshit then, and still is now.
Your anti-war spiel in response to a pro-McGavick comment is, however, edifying: as Richard Pope adroitly notes above, you’ve had how many months to find faults with McGavick? And all you can come up with is: he’s a no good lobbyist insurance executive! Oh, and he cut jobs at Safeco to keep the company from going under, what a corporate goon, capitalism sucks!!! yuck, yuck, yuck!!!
Easily refutable, and just as laughable.
32 – There’s a war on terra in Iraq goin’ on and for some reason Bin Laden is still makin’ tapes. Your Dear Leader calls!
Heed the call, young wingnuts!
Roger and Gang you might cancel your trip to Europe they are playing big brother over there with their Egyptian friends. Hell, I bet they could teach us a few things about wire taping since they have lots of experience.
EU wiretaps increasing with less opposition
Governments are taking greater measures to eavesdrop on populace
Updated: 4:16 p.m. ET April 8, 2006
ROME – In Europe, Big Brother is listening — and being allowed to hear more and more.
Since the Sept. 11 attacks and the terrorist bombings that followed in Madrid and London, authorities across the continent are getting more powers to electronically eavesdrop, and meeting less apparent opposition than President Bush did over his post-9/11 wiretapping program.
As part of a package of European Union anti-terrorism measures, the European Parliament in December approved legislation requiring telecommunications companies to retain phone date and Internet logs for a minimum of six months in case they are needed for criminal investigations
Roger and Gang; the Russians believe we will attack Iran this year. You had better get your anti War Haters working overtime if you want to save your Persian friends.
Why the United States will attack Iran in 2006
There’s been a lot of speculation about whether or not the United States will attack Iran. Roughly equal numbers of people believe the U.S. will and will not attack. Disregarding the public blustering from both governments, I believe the U.S. will attack Iran in 2006. Here’s why.
The master plan of the United States is to control the oil in the Middle East. Only two countries stood in the way of that plan: Iraq and Iran. Iraq has been neutralized and will remain impotent for the next decade because of civil war. Iran alone now stands in the way of the U.S. master plan. But before proceeding with this line of argument, let’s take a side trip.
Iraq is clearly a disaster from a humanitarian perspective, as well as on the military front. Iraq is also becoming a political disaster for Republicans in the U.S. Not only do Republicans face losing control of Congress, but with President Bush’s approval ratings in the toilet, Republicans may well lose the White House too. The lesson of the staged 9/11 and the ensuing war in Iraq is clear: Americans will rally around the president and his party during distressing times. What could be more opportune for this president and his party than another staged 9/11-like event, followed by another war of retaliation, this time against Iran ?
Nighmare is Mike McGavick @ 32
“all you can come up with is: he’s a no good lobbyist insurance executive! Oh, and he cut jobs at Safeco to keep the company from going under, what a corporate goon, capitalism sucks!!! yuck, yuck, yuck!!!”
That is more than enough, don’t you think?
And Nightmare is McGavick “he cut jobs at Safeco to keep the company from going under”
Ah, and so the workers at SafeCo had to be cut! SafeCo was in danger of going under!
What a bunch of Bullshit.
What was the margin between Murray and the last great GOP hope, Nethercutt, at this point? I bet it was no greater than the 14 points between Cantwell and McGavick. So far McGavick has made very little headway and the recent Enron-PUD story is only going to help Cantwell. McGavick’s got a steep hill to climb. I don’t think he’ll get closer than 7 or 8 %.
Yeah we couldn’t come up with ANYTHING near as damaging about Mikey as the fact that Darcy got straight As in Law School!
Here’s the fact. Mikey is getting his ass kicked in the polls for a reason. If for no other reason that he’s running for the party of corruption, he loooooses. But the fact that Cantwell has done a good job of keeping Mikey’s only real backers, the Big Oil companies and their pals from ruining our Sound will be all we need to keep the seat Dem!
In Michelle Malkin’s book Invasion, she recounts the tale of two fellows who in August 2001 pulled into a 7-Eleven parking lot in Falls Church, Va., in search of fake ID from the illegal-alien assistance network that hangs around there. Luis Martinez-Flores, who’d been living here illegally since 1994, took them along to the local DMV, supplied them with a fake address and falsely certified they lived there. The very next day, the two guys returned with two pals of their own, and used their own brand-new state ID on which the ink was not yet dry to obtain in turn brand-new state ID for their buddies. A couple of weeks later, all four of them used their Virginia ID to board American Airlines Flight 77 at Dulles Airport and plowed it into the Pentagon. [This is OK as long as Democrats get more illegal votes!!!!!!!!! Right libs???? Democrats will turn the US into a third world shit hole, but as long as illegals vote Democrat it will be OK!!!!!!!!!!!]
People who participate in the march for immigrant rights today will see as many as 100 voter registration volunteers working the crowd downtown, along with voter registration tables at the start and end points. “What we are saying is ‘march today, vote tomorrow,’ ” said Jessica Nolan, a spokeswoman for the march’s organizers, which include community, labor and religious groups. [Democrats skamming for illegal votes. Kill them!!!!]
re 30: Yes. When the mayor and the governor are both Republicans, they are responsible for what goes on under their watch. Just like Bush is responsible for 9/11 happening.
We give him credit for the good things: Like the $220 million dollar plywood grade school that Halliburton built in Iraq…
I bet it was no greater than the 14 points between Cantwell and McGavick. So far McGavick has made very little headway and the recent Enron-PUD story is only going to help Cantwell. McGavick’s got a steep hill to climb. I don’t think he’ll get closer than 7 or 8 %.
Commentby Wayne— 4/9/06@ 5:49 pm
You may be right. If McGavick makes it close then he still has to overcome the voter fraud that will come out of KC in favor of Cantwell. He has a steep hill indeed.
I bet Cantwell will self-destruct before election day, just wait till this thing really heats up…
Here’s another example of the type of national attention Mike McGavick’s candidacy is drawing.
The RNC can help McGavick’s by puting pressure on KCRE to mail the military ballots out on time. You can never trust the lefties in King County.
I hope Alaska is proud of their candidate for Washington’s Senate seat.
Perhaps McGavick’s problem is stemming from spending a bunch of money on a campaign add that promotes the idea that when you break something, in this case a neighbor’s window, running away until your mom makes you take responsibility for it IS SOMETHING TO BE PROUD OF! What an idiot, I would have fired my campaign manager too. If that’s the best he’s got to offer, I say, we’ve got plenty of that kind of leadership in DC already.
JCH @ 40. Very bad situation indeed. Who’s watch was this? Oh, GWB! And Virginia in 2001 was a red state or a blue state? Oh Oh, another solid red state! So who’s fault was this ‘horror’? I am sure you will figure out a way to make it a Democratic problem, when in reality, it is a solid RED fiasco!!!!!!
I believe Republican politicians and Republican voters need to take some lessons in PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY.
The RNC can help McGavick’s by puting pressure on KCRE to mail the military ballots out on time. You can never trust the lefties in King County.
Commentby RUFUS— 4/9/06@ 6:23 pm
RUFUS that is not the problem, but getting Dean Logan to count all the votes will be the other story.
Even as the evolution wars rage, on school boards and in courtrooms, biologists continue to accumulate empirical data supporting Darwinian theory. Two extraordinary discoveries announced this week should go a long way to providing even more of the evidence that critics of evolution say is lacking.
I don’t see any signs of Cantwell self-destructing. And Dixon is already an asterisk, thanks to Goldy and … Richard Pope(?).
I’m sure Barone and Hewitt, if they had been commenting on it, predicted Nethercutt would give Murray a tough race. Those guys are part of the right-wing echo chamber and have no credibility. They figure if they repeat something often enough, people will think its true, even if it isn’t. Keep wasting your time trying to push McGavick as a threat.
Mike McGavick — Cantwell’s worst nightmare? GMAFB.
Six weeks before the election, McGavick’s polls will be sucking so bad that he’ll try a desperate bid for centrist voters. When that happens, he’ll be Cantwell’s biggest imitator.
Roger and Gang; new subject that the Rabbit is an expert about, with all those strange lights over Green Lake. Hell; Roger might know whose UFOs were following Neil Armstrong.
US astronauts spotted UFOs on the Moon?
The Apollo 11 mission took off Launch Pad 39A of the Kennedy Space Center in the small hours of July 16, 1969. The crew of the spaceship comprised the astronauts N. Armstrong,
M. Collins, and E. Oldrin. Having flown to the Moon for several hours, the crew reported that some “shining balls” were on the heels of the spaceship. The balls were reportedly trailing Apollo 11 flying the same maneuver patterns.
The report worried personnel at the mission control center in Houston a great deal. Some people believed the Soviets could be playing some dirty tricks. A lot of theories were put forward. According to one of them, the Russkies launched torpedoes and time was ticking. Three days dragged on, no detonation yet many feared the worst was yet to come. Nobody could get a relief out of a “simple explanation” blaming it all on UFOs. An assistant to Armstrong would recall years later: “Three unknown objects approached the spaceship at a distance of three foot. Three UFOs measuring from 15 m to 30 m in diameter landed on the edge of a crater as the module began to descend for landing.”
The whole world but USSR and China was listening to live broadcasts from Apollo on the Moon. One of the broadcasts from the crew seemed weird: “I can see many small craters … Those craters measure from 6 m to 15 m in diameter. There are some tracks approximately half a mile away from our ship, they look as though they have been left by a tank.” Suddenly millions of TV viewers around the globe heard some strange sounds resembling the breath of a locomotive combined with the buzz of an electric saw.
NASA’s operator sounded pretty worried on the air: “Are you sure that you did not communicate with THEM?” The crew checked a transmitter. It was obvious that the strange sounds were coming out of somewhere else. Armstrong changed a frequency and asked the operator: “I want to know what it is going on here,” The operator could not understand a thing either: “What’s happening? Is anything out of order?” The crew replied: “Sir, there’re big objects over here! Goodness! They’re really huge! Are they sitting on the other side of the crater? They are here on the Moon watching us!” Ironically, the astronauts were located at the Sea of Tranquility at the time.
Just thought I’d post something on MTR’s level. The Democrats have a big tent — but feces smearing Republicans need to stay near the door.
“I bet Cantwell will self-destruct before election day, just wait till this thing really heats up…”
posted by: The Anti-Goldy @ 6:17 pm
How much? Oh, I forgot, goppers only make ex-post bets with the benefit of perfect 20-20 hindsight, and they still insist on getting odds.
President Bush has hit new lows in public opinion for his handling of Iraq and the war on terror and for his overall job performance. Polling also shows the Republican Party surrendering its advantage on national security.
The AP-Ipsos survey is loaded with grim election-year news for a party struggling to stay in power. Nearly 70 percent of Americans believe the nation is headed in the wrong direction _ the largest percentage during the Bush presidency and up 13 points from a year ago.
“These numbers are scary. We’ve lost every advantage we’ve ever had,” GOP pollster Tony Fabrizio said.
Cantwell’s imminent self-destruction. Wow! That’s a really really cool bit of wishful thinking. I encourage all McGavick fans to expect Cantwell to self-destruct. Count on it. Bet the farm on it!
All those nightmares Mike McGavick gives her will surely cause her to withdraw from the race.
Oh man, Mike McGavick’s got it sewed up, yes sir, bet the farm on it.
Headless. The KCRE would never let the republicans count the ballots because the republicans actually know how to count.
The real questin in this race is: “What is Mike McGavick really running for?”
The statewide loss — with national GOP media money pouring in because they don’t have that many places to spend it — gives him name recognition, plus “stature” in his own camp (assuming he doesn’t get beat too severely). What does he do with that?
Catch an ambassadorial or subcabinet appointment for two years as the Bush Administration limps to the finish line? Maybe.
Run for Governor in 2008? Maybe … but Gregoire’s getting stronger all the time, and there will be other Republicans who think it’s their turn.
What else is there on the menu of statewide options? Superintendent of Public Lands? Taken. SoS? Boring. AG? Not his cup of tea. Insurance Commissioner? Aha!
McGavick for Insurance Commissioner, 2008. That’s what this race is about.
Yeah, right Rufus like: “one for you and two for me, …..” ad infinitum. Don’t bother, I already know what you are going to say.
The McGavick campaign doesn’t need a new manager. It needs a new candidate. It needs a new message. But above all, it needs a new party. Not even Jesus could run on the GOP’s record.
Hey Goldy, where’s the Daily Open Thread? I want to pick on the Welsher, Puttybrains, Flake, Kervin Carns, and the other usual suspects.
klake is a nazi
“Drivel @5, Oh, ignore the so-called Anti-Goldy… all he’s trying to do here is promote his own blog. He can call himself “Anti-Goldy” but that doesn’t make him anything more than just another righty troll. Commentby Goldy— 4/9/06@ 12:31 pm”
My question is how did “anti-Goldy” get into PLU? They must have lowered their standards. Or is he an off-campus, non-student, BIAW-paid operative sent out into the community to brainwash our children?
“What is Mike McGavick really running for?”
Ego, and a cut of the corruption.
Commentby headless lucy— 4/9/06@ 6:53 pm [This is great!!! Only Maxine Waters and Cindi McKinney should count ALL the votes!!!!!!!!!
Result: Democrats: 300 million votes Republicans: 7 ]
Roger, Klake isn’t nearly as mean-spirited as the other trolls. His major problem seems to be that he’s really stupid.
JCH and MTR are genuine neo-Nazis. Mr. Cynical is a neanderthal pro-biz hack. Richard Pope can’t decide whether he wants to be a gadfly or a Republican operative. And Rufus? Probably some RNC mole who sits in a cubicle all day crashing liberal blogs. He probably got his job through connections rather than smarts. Janet S. may be slimmy as heck, but at least she can displays brain power.
And then there’s Anti-Goldy. For someone who takes himself so seriously, he’s sure a featherweight when it comes to propaganda campaigns. Perhaps another short-course might be in order.
Green Thumb, I have to differ with you. Klake is a Nazi propagandist, and a clear racist.
Short order history lesson, if you need more info let me know. Thanks klake
By Robert M. Grooms
� 1997
In an 1856 letter to his wife Mary Custis Lee, Robert E. Lee called slavery “a moral and political evil.†Yet he concluded that black slaves were immeasurably better off here than in Africa, morally, socially and physically…
Comment by klake — 3/16/06 @ 8:58 pm
Klake use the Barnes Review, a Nazi Publication to prove his contention that “More Blacks and Indians owned slaves than white people did.”
This is an EXTREMELY false and racist claimed buttresses by Nazi propaganda.
Klake is a racistr Nazi pig.
Don, could be. I must admit that I tend to pass over Klake’s missives because they are so, how you say, stupid. I mean, really, if this is the best the Nazis can throw at us then I’m not so worried. It’s not just the absence of gravitas in his arguments — they often lack the logic and grammar of an eight-grader. He inspires pity rather than fear.
Stevens is coming to Seattle to campaign for McGavick! Add 5% for Cantwell.
“Result: Democrats: 300 million votes Republicans: 7”
Sounds about right if we could get an honest count.
When you’re kicking a football, who cares how smart the pig was? A trollfuck is a trollfuck.
“I mean, really, if this is the best the Nazis can throw at us then I’m not so worried. It’s not just the absence of gravitas in his arguments – they often lack the logic and grammar of an eight-grader. He inspires pity rather than fear. Commentby Green Thumb— 4/9/06@ 8:38 pm”
The thing to remember is that it’s the stupid people who fall for propaganda, and provide willing trigger-pullers for a madman’s genocide campaign.
What I’m saying is, Hitler’s brownshirts weren’t top-heavy with Ph.D.s, but their lack of analytical reasoning skills didn’t stop them from killing millions, in fact it probably facilitated it.
Please let me know which square you are in, I’m this close to winning!
It not who votes that counts, it is who counts the votes-Joseph Stalin.
Result: Democrats: 300 million votes Republicans: 7″
Sounds about right if we could get an honest count.
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 4/9/06@ 9:46 pm
And donks cry foul when they are compared to commies. Geeeeesh.
RUFUS, you seemed to have misquoted both JCH and RR.
Not unexpected, given you are a wingnut.
LOL, silly liberals–politics are for grown-ups! Question: what goes tick-tick-tick, panders for votes, never takes a firm position on the issues (esp. Iraq War) and meets with her frumpy COS most weekends on Capitol Hill? You guessed it: Maria Cantwell. As for the ticking…when the real mud starts flying, Cantwell won’t be able to hack it. Especially when she flips on her pro-war vote, and make no mistake about aforementioned flip-flop–it’s not a question of if, but when…
Who pays Ted Stevens airfare and accomodations? The McGavick campaign? Or the Cantwell campaign?
The Anti-America said @ 81 “As for the ticking…when the real mud starts flying, Cantwell won’t be able to hack it.”
Ooooh! Promises of mudslinging and dirty tricks from the Republican Party!!!!
Don’t worry Patrick, we expected the same. When so the Republicans not use dirty tricks and mud slinging?
What else have they got?
Mike who?
Notice how the wingnuts either change the subject or simply ignore the huge damage Stevens and Enron are doing to McGavick’s chances? If McGavick doen’t pick up ground in the next couple of months, all the out of state GOP money goes elsewhere, just like Tom Stewart. These stories will only keep him mired in a double digit deficit and play to Cantwell’s strengths. Her biggest victories have been spearheading release of the Enron e-mails and beating Ted Stevens.
This is why McGavick is never going to do better than 43%:
[Alaska Senator] Stevens will be in Seattle, Tacoma and Everett, carrying out a threat made on the Senate floor in December and described by The Washington Post as “the senatorial version of a hissy fit.”
“I am going to go to every one of your states, and I am going to tell them what you have done,” he said of colleagues who wouldn’t let the oil industry have its way with America’s greatest wilderness.
“And I am sure that the senator from Washington will enjoy my visits to Washington because I am going to visit there often.”
Republican Senate candidate Mike McGavick is becoming Stevens’ stooge in his bid to deny Cantwell a second term.
That’s a great post, JDB, thanks!
Now all McGavick needs to do is divorce himself from the GOP and Sen. Stevens.
After that he just needs to work on his concession speech.
Can you guys hear that?
It’s the whistle from Mike! McGavick’s Rudderless Ship.
The Bush family has a long history with the Nazis. They’ll do anything for money. Just ask the Bush twins!
Leak Plot Thickens as New Documents Emerge
Days after it was revealed that President George W. Bush authorized Vice President Dick Cheney to authorize a leak of prewar intelligence, new documents surfaced today indicating that the President only authorized Mr. Cheney after Mr. Cheney authorized him to do so.
While confusing at first blush, the documents serve to clear up a question that has nagged many Beltway observers for the past few days: did President Bush actually tell Vice President Cheney to do something, in a complete reversal of the White House’s customary chain of command?
JCH @ 68. That scenario would mean that in November there will still be 7 people in this nation that do not understand the voting machines. If everyone was taught correctly, the RepubliCONS would get 0
Wasn’t good old Joe Kennedy removed from his position as Ambassador to England because he was a Nazi?
Wasn’t good old Joe Kennedy removed from his position as Ambassador to England because he was a Nazi?
Commentby Michael— 4/10/06@ 7:04 am
Michael the info I found did not mention his removal from Ambassador, but he did get some help from his friends to sell Hitler dreams.
Anti-Semitism, Hitler, and Joe McCarthy
As ambassador to England, Joe would later make clear that he thought the Jews had “brought on themselves” whatever Hitler did to them. During a 1938 meeting at the German embassy in London, Kennedy assured the German ambassador that America only wanted friendly relations with Hitler. Joe said that Hitler’s government had done “great things” for the country, and that the Germans were “satisfied” and enjoyed “good living conditions.” Joe told the ambassador that a recent report which said the limited food in Germany was being reserved for the army could not be true. After all, Joe said, the professor who had made the report “was a Jew.”
– Kennedy urged his friend William Randolph Hearst to help Hitler improve his image in the United states. Hearst agreed, and under his own byline he told his readers that Hitler had “restored character and courage. Hitler gave hope and confidence. He established order and unity of purpose.”
It’s beginning to look a lot like Fitzmas:
[NYT] A senior administration official confirmed for the first time on Sunday that President Bush had ordered the declassification of parts of a prewar intelligence report on Iraq in an effort to rebut critics who said the administration had exaggerated the nuclear threat posed by Saddam Hussein. … Confirmation that Mr. Bush ordered the declassification was published late Saturday by The Associated Press, which quoted “an attorney knowledgeable about the case.” Once it appeared, the administration official was willing to confirm its details.
But fear not Mr. President. They’re laying this one off on Dead-eye Dick Cheney. Hark! Is that the dainty, tapping sound of those daring young men and women and their lying machines coming to your rescue? The 101st Fighting Keyboardists are on the case and coming soon to a blog near you.
Get ready for the usual ‘whirling trolls’ to jump on this one in a hurry. Attack the messenger, protect the Liar and Thief…oops, President and Chief
This one’s for you Goldy:
As for Seattle & Oly, big shout outs go to David over at HA’s, and Andrew over at NW Portal, for taking on the Seattle organizing, and Drinking Liberally for the Labor Hall event. Meeting up with Dave of Ornicus was a treat, and seeing Natasha from Pacific Views was great as well as a lot of other terrific NW bloggers like Lynn of Evergreen Politics. And yes, I got to meet Gen JC, the Patriot Boy himself, and he let me know that I was his blogfather (hell of an offspring).
For Klake and the gang. All of you right wingnuts had better take advantage of Dell’s special sales! You will probably burn out your currend keyboard with frantic typing and drooling during the next 7 months. It will take all of your accumulated ‘wisdom’ to try and spin GWB’s fiascos into something positive for the US.
It will take all of your accumulated ‘wisdom’ to try and spin GWB’s fiascos into something positive for the US.
Commentby Cougar— 4/10/06@ 8:02 am
Cougar keyboards are cheap and spin is not my style. I do like your credit that we all have some wisdom.
He was KIDDING, dumbshit.
My BOX TURTLE is smarter than you are “klake”.
Get ready for the usual ‘whirling trolls’ to jump on this one in a hurry. Attack the messenger, protect the Liar and Thief…oops, President and Chief
Commentby Cougar— 4/10/06@ 7:53 am
Cougar thanks for share your links, but Viacom probability will not air their ads.
Click here to send a message to Viacom. Tell them you’re upset that they’ve rejected our message of inclusion, while accepting ads laced with sexual innuendo, greed, violence, and the politics of personal destruction
Get ready for the usual ‘whirling trolls’ to jump on this one in a hurry. Attack the messenger, protect the Liar and Thief…oops, President and Chief
Commentby Cougar— 4/10/06@ 7:53 am
Cougar this point is well worth taking, and could bring down your utility bills.
Senate Hearing Explores Funding for the Universal Service Fund
On Tuesday, February 28, 2006 the U. S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation heard testimony regarding contributions to the Universal Services Fund. Please contact your member of Congress with a reminder that America must meet its commitment to provide access to basic telecommunication services to all. Congress must do its part to make sure that we have policies that encourage investment and head-to-head competition throughout the country and speed new services, choices and value to our people while upholding vital social objectives that remain important to the nation.
Get ready for the usual ‘whirling trolls’ to jump on this one in a hurry. Attack the messenger, protect the Liar and Thief…oops, President and Chief
Commentby Cougar— 4/10/06@ 7:53 am
Cougar check out the link below and stretch your horizons.
My BOX TURTLE is smarter than you are “klake”.
Commentby rujax206— 4/10/06@ 8:25 am
The competition must be great in your house with all those turtles barking orders all day long. Rujax206 that also helps sharpen you dull knifes in your drawers. Thanks for the positive support hopefully I can return the favor.
You’re denseness knows no bounds, klooless.
You’re denseness knows no bounds, klooless.
Commentby rujax206— 4/10/06@ 8:47 am
Your denseness knows no bounds, klooless.
Klake, why in the hell would I want to go to republicanpeoplemeet? I meet to damn many Cons each and every day, why should I damage my net time with more of their lying crap?
On a brighter note, Roger, is this one of your cousins still living in England?
Just think of how he can help you ‘relieve’ Snark’s garden of its goodies!!!!!
The infinite monkey theorem states that, due to the nature of infinity, a monkey hitting keys at random on a typewriter keyboard will almost surely eventually type every book in France’s Bibliothèque nationale de France (National Library). Note that almost surely is being used in a precise mathematical sense here. In the restatement of the theorem most popular among English speakers, the monkeys eventually type out the collected works of William Shakespeare.
The original image was presented in Émile Borel’s 1913 book “Mécanique Statistique et Irréversibilité,” J. Phys. 5e série, vol. 3, 1913, pp.189-196. These “monkeys” are not actual monkeys; rather, they were a vivid metaphor for an imaginary way to produce a large, random sequence of letters.
So, now that Cy Hersh has revealed the kook-in-chief’s messianic “consideration” of using bunker-busting nukes on Iran (remember how they “considered” attacking Iraq?), will Maria oppose the idea?
Or is she currying favor with the Nuclear Holocaust Boosters of America?
If she comes out against nukes in Iran, I’ll vote for her.
If she comes out against nukes in Iran, I’ll vote for her.
Commentby Voter Advocate— 4/10/06@ 9:56 am
Dean Logan have you ever seen a tactical nukes and understand it total function on the battlefield? That weapon is not what you think it is, and the French love to keep it in their arsenals for when they were having a bad day. The French people are like you, they could not fight their way out of a wet paper bag. Their gene pool dried up after Napoleon died and the Socialist took over the country. Now Dean you see Seattle future with the Socialist Democrat Party running the local show. NO VISION! Pretty sad for the poor, and unwanted citizens of this state. Which equals to no hope for the schools and the old folks will be dump on the city street like the mentally ill. So please vote for the two ladies who more than represents you poor judgments. Dean do not forget to count only Seattle areas votes, and you can disregard all the others in the out lining areas.
Green thumb you should join this network. It fits your librul politics!!!!
klake reminds me of the “Bizarro World” in the old Superman Comix where everything is mixed up, backward, tilted, askew, catty-wompus, off kilter…just…bizarre.
I suppose what he says might make sense in some parallel universe somewhere.
Oh Fuck…here comes puddnutz.
Michael and Flake:
You apparently posted the wrong material. Since you want to be relevant to today’s politics, not that of the 60s, I assume you meant to post this:
George Bush’s grandfather, the late US senator Prescott Bush, was a director and shareholder of companies that profited from their involvement with the financial backers of Nazi Germany.
The Guardian has obtained confirmation from newly discovered files in the US National Archives that a firm of which Prescott Bush was a director was involved with the financial architects of Nazism.,00.html
“And donks cry foul when they are compared to commies. Geeeeesh. Commentby RUFUS— 4/9/06@ 10:03 pm”
You misunderstood my post. What I’m saying is that only 7 people are stupid enough to vote for you guys, and the only reason you get the rest of your votes is because Republicans own the voting machine companies.
“LOL, silly liberals–politics are for grown-ups! Commentby The Anti-Goldy— 4/9/06@ 10:19 pm”
Well that leaves you out.
The GOP’s spin is that whatever the president does is legal because he is the president. This is, of course, a royalist view of presidential authority; and Republicans are, of course, closet royalists. They think of Bush as a king, not an elected politician who must operate within the confines of a Constitution and laws. Nothing could be clearer evidence of this than Alberto Gonzales’ testimony to Congress last week that Bush is considering expanding warrantless wiretapping to domestic conversations between American citizens.
Of course, we knew that was coming, didn’t we? And what that means, needless to say, is THEY’RE ALREADY DOING IT, AND HAVE BEEN DOING IT FOR YEARS. I, Roger Rabbit, have been predicting for weeks that where this is all going is that Bush is using illegal wiretaps to spy on Americans who are not terrorists and have broken no laws because they have criticized his policies or are his party’s political opponents.
Wait and see, there’s going to be a huge scandal. I know in my bones these bastards are doing it, and have been doing it all along. How could they NOT be doing it? How could a president and party who are so paranoid and hateful toward anyone who opposes them, and who have so little respect for our constitutional rights, NOT have been doing it all along? They’ve been spying on us since Day 1, since the first day they took office, and they were plotting it long before the 2000 election. Hell, they’ve been plotting it for 30 years.
The Guardian has obtained confirmation from newly discovered files in the US National Archives that a firm of which Prescott Bush was a director was involved with the financial architects of Nazism.,00.html
Commentby JDB— 4/10/06@ 10:52 am
Nice link JDB and it lead yet to a better bit of information. This web site would require you to read French; now that could be challenge for you and your friends. The guardian is like many London newspapers they are so dirty you would not even wrap fish or line the birdcage with them. What I like about folks like you is the large amounts of trash you drag from the past, and disregard the lessons learned. Your French friends are in a real predicament today after painting themselves into a corner with no way out.
Place Libre c’est une association pour la promotion et la diffusion de la culture alternative et militante. Nos combats ? La liberté, l’autogestion, la culture pour tous, les luttes anti-autoritaires et anti-fascistes, l’anti-capitalisme. C’est dès maintenant, au niveau local, qu’il faut changer le monde !
N’hésitez pas a poster ni à vous inscrire!
• 17 juin 20h à Divion aura lieu la première fiesta Place Libre ! Au programme peinture, assos et Punk rocking !
• C’est parti pour la rédaction du Zine papier n°2 ! N’hésitez pas à participer.
klake’s a moron in (at least) TWO
“We are in danger of imperceptible becoming an explosive and suddenly chauvanistic nation, and we may even be drifting on our way to the last nuclear ruin.”
— Robert Lowell, Letter the Lyndon Johnson, Jun. 2, 1965
Chauvanistic is so approrite when addressing your missive. Nicolas Chauvin, was a character noted for his excessive patriotism and devotion to Napoleon.
Your foolish, comptemptible, knee-jerk support of the nuclear buildup your beloved Bush has foisted upon the world speaks more of your profound ignorance than anything I could say.
The 1981 strike by Israel of the Iraqi Osirac reactor stoked the Arab belief that a nuclear defense was needed to effectively deter Israeli attacks on their countries. Arab governments reacted bitterly at Israel’s claim to a monopoly. They see the Arab-Israeli situation as analog to the Cold War, if they too obtain a nuclear capability. Supplying them an “effective” defense, like we had with the USSR.
They already believe that we maintain a double standard by ignoring Israel’s acquisition while opposing the transfer of even peaceful nuclear technologies to others.
The only lesson a nuclear strike on the nations that Israel fears in the region, will be to re-emphsize their beliefs that they need nukes, too.
Do I know what a tactical nuclear weapon does? I think I understand a hell of a lot better that you do.
“The Pentagon claims that the use of the B61-11 minimizes the risks of “collateral damage”. According to US. military planners, “potential adversaries” are hiding their WMDs in “fortified bunkers” below more than 100 feet of concrete. Yet test results indicate that the low yield B61-11 has never penetrated more than 20 feet below the ground.”
“The earth-penetrating capability of the B61-11 is fairly limited. … Tests show it penetrates only 20 feet or so into dry earth when dropped from an altitude of 40,000 feet. … Any attempt to use it in an urban environment would result in massive civilian casualties. Even at the low end of its 0.3-300 kiloton yield range, the nuclear blast will simply blow out a huge crater of radioactive material, creating a lethal gamma-radiation field over a large area ” (Low-Yield Earth-Penetrating Nuclear Weapons by Robert W. Nelson,Federation of American Scientists, 2001 ).”
Pourquoi m’avez-vous envoyé à cet emplacement droit de Français de flakey d’aile ? Juste avez-vous voulu montrer qu’il y a des idiots comme vous partout dans le monde ?
It must be a solace to Klakker that there are crazy people like him everywhere.
“The earth-penetrating capability of the B61-11 is fairly limited. … Tests show it penetrates only 20 feet or so into dry earth when dropped from an altitude of 40,000 feet. … Any attempt to use it in an urban environment would result in massive civilian casualties. Even at the low end of its 0.3-300 kiloton yield range, the nuclear blast will simply blow out a huge crater of radioactive material, creating a lethal gamma-radiation field over a large area ” (Low-Yield Earth-Penetrating Nuclear Weapons by Robert W. Nelson,Federation of American Scientists, 2001 ).”
Commentby Voter Advocate— 4/10/06@ 11:34 am
Dean the crap that this chap talks about is about half right from the subjects that I work on, or with in the last thirty years. The part that he is half-wrong about is where you miss the boat. The point being made; if you die from a poor man nuke or a real nuke you are still dead. You forget people still live Hiroshima and Nagasaki today. The target area is still unknown and how deep the penetration will be can determine the area of radiation. They could modify the warhead and get different results. Nuclear weapons in the past is considered a Peace Maker, and use should not be ruled out today because folks like you can deal with your fears
You are truly an idiot, klakker.
Of course, since you are undoubtedly a fan of the anti-ballistic missile shield that hasn’t been proven to work, why wouldn’t you leave to chance the effectiveness of an earth penetrating weapon.
You probably stick your dick through holes in walls, too.
Go back to your comic books.
“You are truly an idiot, klakker. ”
And he’s a bonafide Nazi to boot!
Why did you send me to this right French site of flakey of wing? Just did you want to show that there are idiots like you everywhere in the world?
Pourquoi m’avez-vous envoyé à cet emplacement droit de Français de flakey d’aile ? Juste avez-vous voulu montrer qu’il y a des idiots comme vous partout dans le monde ?
Commentby JDB— 4/10/06@ 11:35 am
Translated for JDB so the others would be left out on the joke.
Yep – looks like McGavick is one of those “new, independent minded Republicans” untouched by corruption:
Republican Senate candidate Mike McGavick is becoming Stevens’ stooge in his bid to deny Cantwell a second term.
Stevens’ oil industry buddies will write checks — of up to $4,200 — for McGavick at an Anchorage fund-raiser this week. The host is a former Alaska governor who was once investigated by a grand jury and nearly impeached by the state Legislature.